Model 7225
Model 7225
Model 7225
0.001 Hz to 120 kHz The SIGNAL RECOVERY model 7225 offers a cost-effective solution to the researcher
operation needing the performance provided by DSP demodulation but not requiring the additional
features or higher operating frequencies of the models 7280 and 7265.
Voltage and current mode
inputs The instrument performs all of the normal measurements of a dual phase lock-in
amplifier, measuring the in-phase and quadrature components, vector magnitude, phase
Direct digital demodulation angle and noise of the input signal.
without down-conversion
Two auxiliary ADC inputs, four DAC outputs and eight output logic lines are provided.
10 µs to 100 ks output time These can be used to record the magnitude of external signals associated with the
constants experiment, such as temperature or pressure, or to generate voltages to control or
switch other equipment. Information from the ADCs together with the lock-in amplifier's
Quartz crystal stabilized output data can be stored in the 32k point buffer memory prior to transfer back to a
internal oscillator controlling computer.
Synchronous oscillator
The model 7225 is extremely easy to use. All instrument controls are adjusted via the
output for input offset left-hand display panel and its associated keys, while the right hand panel shows the
reduction two selected instrument outputs. Auto functions need only two keypresses to activate
and in many cases eliminate the need for manual control adjustment.
Harmonic measurements to
32f External control of the unit is via either the RS232 or GPIB interfaces, using simple
mnemonic-type ASCII commands. A second RS232 port allows up to sixteen 7225 or
compatible instruments to be operated from a single RS232 computer port by
APPLICATIONS connecting them in a “daisy-chain” configuration.
Chopped light
measurements Compatible software is available in the form of a LabVIEW driver supporting all
instrument functions, the Acquire lock-in amplifier applications software and the
AC bridge measurements SRInstComms ActiveX control and software toolkit. The driver and a demonstration
version of the applications software, DemoAcquire, are available for download from our
Audio studies website at
AC impedance studies
Vibration studies General Displays
Dual-phase DSP lock-in amplifier operating Two 2-line 16 character backlit LCD panels
Thermal wave detection over a reference frequency range of 0.001 Hz giving digital indication of measured
to 120 kHz. Wide range of auxiliary inputs and signals
outputs and user-upgradeable firmware.
Signal Channel
Measurement Modes Voltage Input
The instrument can simultaneously show any Modes A only, -B only or
two of these outputs on the front panel display: Differential (A-B)
X In-phase Full-scale Sensitivity 2 nV to 1 V in a
Y Quadrature 1-2-5 sequence
R Magnitude Max. Dynamic Reserve > 100 dB
θ Phase Angle Impedance
Noise FET Input 10 MΩ // 30 pF
Harmonic nF, n ≤ 32F Bipolar Input 10 kΩ // 30 pF
Noise Maximum Safe Input 20 V pk-pk
Measures noise in a given bandwidth Voltage Noise
centered at the reference frequency F FET Input 5 nV/√Hz @ 1 kHz
Bipolar Input 2 nV/√Hz @ 1 kHz CatIss7Web:0411UK
Lock-in Amplifiers
Lock-in Amplifiers
SRInstComms Software
(see page 59)
Control up to ten SIGNAL RECOVERY instruments directly from Visual Basic, Visual
C++, LabVIEW, Visual Basic for Applications (included in Word, Excel, Outlook,
Access and other Microsoft products) and VBScript (supported by Internet Explorer 3
and later) without having to worry about low-level communications routines. The
SRInstComms control handles all the communications between your software and the
instrument(s) via the RS232 and/or GPIB interfaces, leaving you free to develop the
code to run your experiment.
Ordering Information
Each model 7225 is supplied complete with a comprehensive instruction manual. Users may download the instrument's LabVIEW
driver software and a free demonstration copy, DemoAcquire, of the SIGNAL RECOVERY lock-in amplifier applications software
package, from the website.
Optional Accessories CatIss7Web:0411UK