4USNCEE Kappos1990
4USNCEE Kappos1990
4USNCEE Kappos1990
A. J. Kapposl
Although the seismic design of engineering structures has long been ba-
sed on the concept that a certain degree of inelastic behavior will take place
during the design earthquake, the analysis of these structures is still being
carried out using the traditional elastic approach. This was mainly due to the
difficulties involved in attempting to use inelastic analysis within the design
office environment. HOvlever, it is nO\'1 being recognized(2) that, \''iith presently
available computer codes, it is possible to perform inelastic analysis of rea-
sonably symmetric structures, to estimate the sequence of plastification in cri-
tical zones of structural elements and obtain an idea of the amount of ducti-
lity required in these zones. Modern design codes such as ATC 3-06[3), ANSI
A58.1[Z] and, under a number of restrictions, ACI 318-83[lJ consider inelastic
tlme-hlstory analysis of structures sUbjected to a suite of input base accele-
rograms (actually recorded and/or artificially generated) as a possible alter-
native to conventional design, particularly in the case of important structures.
Nevertheless, even in the case of common structures, such as bui ldings, there is no
one method of inelastic analysis that can be applied to all types of structures.
Furthermore, the calculated response has been found[8],[10) to be sensitive to
the characteristics of the ground motions considered, as well as to the mode-
ling assumptions made regarding the hysteretic behavior of the structural ele-
ments(6), [7].
The present study addresses the problem of sensitivity of the calculated
inelastic response of typical reinforced concrete(R/C) buildings to the chara-
cteristics of the time-histories of ground acceleration. The most commonly used
Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Thessaloniki ,Thessa-
loniki, Greece.
method of normalizing a set of input motions to the same intensity is evalu:ltr>rj
and a modified technique is introduced.
Structures considered and nodeling Assumptions u5ed
h/o RIC structures, a frame and a dual system, shown in Fig.l, 1"Il"!1r:' con-
sidered in the present study. Both structures are assumed to form part of a
symmetric nine-storey building, constructed in an area of medium seismic risk.
where the seismic loading in the one direction is carried by either type of
structure, located at 3.0m centers. The structures were designed to the plovi-
sions of the greek codes applicable in 1984, which did not include specific re-
quirements to ensure ductile behavior. Therefore the two structures represent
the type of construction typical, at least in Southern Europ9, jn the post-war
period up to the early seventies.
The inelastic seismic response of the structures was analysed with the
aid of DRAIN-2D/85 [6], which is an extension of the well-known DRAIN-2D pro-
gram. Standard point hinge modeling was used for RIC members, for which the bi-
linear version of the Takeda hysteresis model[9] was adopted. For the exterior
columns a bilinear hysteresis was assumed, but also taken into account was thl'
effect of fluctuations of axial load on member yield strength. Input data con-
cerning strength and stiffness of RIC elements were calculated using appropri-
ate stress-strain models for confined and unconfined concrete and for reinfor-
cing steel[6].
Motions considered and Normalization Technique used
A suite of five american and two greek records, listed in Table I, I'las se-
lected, based on the criterion of peaking velocity response spectra in the area
of fundamental periods of the structures studied (Tn=0.96 for the frame and
Tn=0.82 for the dual system, if a moderate amount of cracking is assumed).
Oi s~~~~~~QLB~~~Ll~
ShOl·/tl in Fig.2a are the envelopes of horizontal story displacements of the
frame structure studied, for five of the input motions of Table l(the remaining
tvlO curves are ommitted fOI' clarity of the figure). It is obvious that, although
the motions have been scaled to the same intensity, considerable differences
were found in the calculated displacements. For example the displacement at the
top, calculated for the Pacoima record, was found to be 63% larger than that
for the El Centro motion, while differences up to 74% were recorded in the other
stories. Although the distribution of displacements along the height of the
frame is similar for most of the motions, some discrepancies \"ere also detected;
note for eXdmple ttlat displacements calculated for the Taft N21E motion are
larger than those calculated for the Cal Tect1 Athenaeum motion in the lo\"er five
stories, while the opposite holds for the upper four stories.
It has to be emphasized that a motion mayor may not be the critical one
for the structure under consideration, depending on the criterion used. For in-
stance, the El Centro motion is producing smaller displacements and rotational
ductility factors compared I·lith those for the Pacoima motion, but if cllml1lulative
ductility requirements (based on the sum of inelastic rotations in critical re-
gions) are considered, it is found that they are higher in the case of the E1
Centro motion (23/0 for the beams and 136"{, for the columns). As shol'm in Fig.3,
the response to Pacoima 516E is char'acter'ized by a large inelastic cycle follol'Jed
by small cycles, while multiple yielding in both directions is found to occur
in the case of El Centro SGGE, I'esulting in higher cummulative ductility requirements.
upper stories are concerned, is Thessa10niki N30E.
In t.he case of struct.ures where the previous assumptions hold, the limits
for ttl e cal cu1a t ion 0f the s pec t I' U min t. ens i t Y (E q. 1) may he appro PI' i a t (' 1yeo n-
densed, In the limiting case of a single-degree-of-freedom structure.subjected
to t\'IO earthquakes, EQl and EQ2, having the response spectra ShOl1ll in Fig.5, it
the accelerations of EQ2 are multiplied by the ratio of spectral velocities
(SvllSv21 corresponding to the fundamental period of the system, the elast.ic
response to t.his scaled accelerogram l'Iil1 be ident.ical t.o that resulting frolll
motion EQI. However, the inelastic response of the system to the accelerogralll
EQ2 x(Svl/Sv21 \'Iill not, in general, be the same as that to EQI, since Tn l'Ii11
be affected by changes in the stiffness of the system and the. ratios of spec-
tral values for the new period will be different from Sv1/Sv2. Therefore, in
the case of inelastic analysis a region of the velocity spectrum,starting from
Tn, has to be taken into account in the normalization procedure. Furthermore.
in the case of mu1ti-degree-of-freedom structures, in which, for reasons men-
tioned earl ier, the fundamental period of the structure is not accurately kno\lI\
a reg i on of the spectrum corresponding to peri ods lovler than Tn shou 1d a 1so he
considered. In the analytical model of the structure the assumptions concerning
element stiffnesses are crucial[7] and it is advisable to use uppet' and 10vlet'
bound values for inelastic analysis.
The suggested modified spectrum intensity (Slm) to be used in the norm,,-
lization technique, is defined by the relation
Sl m =
f Tn - t l
Sv(T,~)dT (2 )
where tl and t2 are appropriate limits (in sec) defining the width of the re-
gion of the velocity spectrum taken into account. For tl=Tn-O.l and tZ=Z.5-Tn,
Eq. Z co inc ide s I~ it h the s tan da I' d de fin i t ion 0 f H0 usn e I' . ssp ect I' U min ten sit y.
The new normalization factors for the seven accelerograms of Table 1, I~ere
calculated according to Eq, Z in the range of 0.96 sec ±2(),;;,(O.96 is the flln-
damental period of the frame structure). \·Jhen rounded to the first decimal point
(no further "accuracy" is l'larranted by the nature of the problem) these factors
differed from those of Table 2 in the following cases
for Taft 569E: 2.4 (difference of +20%)
- for Ca 1 Tee hAt hen aeum S9 mJ: 3. 2 (- 11 %)
- for Thessaloniki N30E: 2.2 (-15%)
- for Thessaloniki N60\4: 3.0 (+ 7%)
The frame structure of Fig.la was analysed for the above-mentioned mo-
tions and the new set of results vias statistically evaluated. The coefficients of
variation resulting when the suggested normalization technique is used, are
summarized in Table 3. As far as displacements are concerned, the maximum co-
efficient of variation was reduced by 12.5% and the average coefficient (for
all stories) was reduced by 12.3%. The maximum coefficients were reduced by
18.6% in the case of interstory drifts and by 10.3% and 3.9% in the case of
column and beam ductility factors, respectivily. Although the variability in
all response quantities was reduced, compared with the case of standard norma-
lization procedure, the reduction is clearly not drastic and the main conclu-
sions presented in the previous sections are still valid.
The suggested modification in the norm<1lization technique VirtS l()11llrJ In
reduce the variability of the response, comprtred I'lith that deri,/prj 1.lsillq 111111'
ner's spectrum intensity, The redtlctioll. hOI/ever l'I<1S Ilot drastic ,11ld fl/llllC'l
research is deemed necessary in this field,
3. App lied Techno logy Counc iI, "Tenta t i ve Prov is ions for thp [)ev p 101'111"11 t ,,'
Seismic Regulations for Buildings", Rep. ATC 3-06, rJSF Publ,78-~\. \'}a","i"'1
ton, D.C., 1978.
9. S. Otani and ~1. A. Sozen, "Behavior of ~lultistory Reinforced Concrete Fra-
mes during Earthquakes", Civil Engineering Studies, Structural Research
Series No 392, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, Ill., Nov.1972.
TABLE 1. Basic data for input motions used in the present study
TABLE 2. SI vallies (in mll1) calculated for the first 10 sec of the input
motions and cOl'lesponding normal ization factors I
TABLE 3. Coefficients of variation for maximum response of frame structure
Technique ~uontity 2 3 4 o
nccording to hx 0.186 O. 19·1 0.211 (l ~32 O. ~37 O. 19;' [).13" 0. 101 r, nn-'
51 \JOe 0.230 0.239 0.210 0 .27;' O. 184 0.162 O. 150 0. 11.' 0.090
U.h O.21~ 0.174 0 21~ 0 ~5SJ L' . 251 O. 166 (I 168 O. 2:!6 0.100
o.ccordlTl'J to !Ix 0.190 0.170 0.17·1 t, la' 0 IBo 0.17:' 0.13.' {) lJ" tJ 1.']
51_ 0.240 0 208 0.176 0.24'1 0.!96 0.141 0.L?3 0.1:.. 10.1;"
\JO~ 0.230 0.152 0.177 0.219 0.204 0.1" 0.122 0.240 O.Oo~
q q
I , I
/ / i
// /.; /
I .. j
/ ..../
) 1(,,)
5 / / / ..;>') 5 //
4 /1
,( .J
j' _ H Cmtro ~[-IO 4 .r (
f ./ --- Taft H21Ea21 I )
I' // Pawlmo 51b[ -04 / /
1/.:.';' ThBsoteml\<; H~OE.2 b / (
Co! Trch At~""narurn 570.... 30
2 1///
,II /
II (oj I (b)
o L-_-'- '--_..-.-_-'_
os 10 \%)
q Q
8 6
/) /)
4 4
o . ~ L _.~_---.l_. _ _ J.._.. _ .i
746 10 12
FIGURE 2. Maximum response quantities for the frallle stl'uctlHP subjpct,r>d tIl
various input motions: (a)Storey displacements. (b)Relative interstory drift\.
(c)Required column ductility factors and (d)Required beam ductility factors
q 78 , ~o
(a) - (b)
25 ~6 11
20/70 7!J110
35/35 2'5/40
12 23 24
19 20 21
-, -.0/40 ::<1/55
W 0
'"o 16 II N
'" ..,
'" !J I. 2'5/11'5
I' 25/110
11 12
J B ~
,.')/ .. 5 ~0/IO
4 '5 6
- 1
lOO too
." ~~~ L-~~_~~---J -,,, ~~ ~_-L-_~~ J
lea -1 ~ ., C -2 , =, ,c '::c • '0 0 , ~ ., C ·l ~ 1 ~ s c: , )
~(~_FlQ lef])
FIFURE 3. Bending moment-plastic hinge rotation diagrams for the left beam
of the sixth story for: (a)EI Centro motion and (b)Pacoima motion
q q
o 0 r. P;l
6 ~ £e C~'1tro saOE B B
o---a Pacotma St6E
Tne"3!0'1'ld N30E
I>----'> - cnP\l""l~ " \,
r)j - - - watt ,'.. \
6 I> "I
I> '~"\~,,"
~ "
'\ }\ 1
5 " 5
4 "I ' ' "
"I I .I
'",. ,
IV )}
(a) Ie)
6./h lJa p"
OL---'-----'---'----' 0 0
05 10(%) 3 5 I> 2 ~
FIGURE 4. Maximum response for the dual structure subjected to various input
" 5 I>
tions: (a) Inters tory drifts, (b),(c)Ouctility factors for vertical members
Q q
I ~ (
1 (
8 x-C5 --I /
L-- ;(+(5 8
I /
I /
7 /
I /
I / I>
I> /
I /
I /
5 I / 5
1 I
1 /
I / 4
1 /
I /
/ 3
1 /
1 I
I I 2
2 1/
II (a) (b)
x A1./tl
0 0
:xl 100 150 lmml 05 10(%)
" --
'" .....~ ::::::
-- ?
~'_::::c::c=::=_=~ __ ,
/ /
/ / I I
/ I> ~~~'.J ~./~~
-:: ..- r-~~ \~-~
/' ./
~ ....... ~
4 \ \ 4 ) ,)
3 (
- ~
/ ( \ I
2 ,
\ \
\ )
\ , (e) (et)
\ \
1-19 Ilg
0 0
4 5 I> 3 4 5 6 8 Q ,0
FIGURE 5. Average response Quantities felt' the frarllE' structure c"lr"Iatprf Inl
the seven accelerograms of Table 1: (a)Story displacements, (b)Intelstory
drifts, (c)Column ductility factors and (d)Beam ductility factors