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4 5895594241626736485
Tesfahun Ayele
ID No 3593/09
June, 2019
Haramaya Ethiopia
First of all, thanks very much to my research advisor Mr. Endris Seid for your constructive
comments and encouragement throughout the process to work this paper from the beginning to
the end. And also I greatly thank for my respondent to give sufficient information to preparing
and well organized for this paper. Additionally, I thanks for my best friends H/Mariam
Endashaw he motivated and guided me by supporting your personal computer. And also my
father gave unflagging financial and emotional support and encouragement while I completed
this senior essay paper. Finally I wish to thanks those whose inspiration and support enabled me
to complete this paper
Objective: The primary purpose of study was to investigate the influence of stress on students’
academic performance.
Methods: To achieve the research objectives both qualitative and quantitative data was
collected and analyzed. And focus group discussion data were also collected and analyzed in
line with the objective of the research. The study was conducted by using purposive sampling
techniques; from 224 total population in collages of education and behavioral science first
year student 34 participants are taken as the sample.
Findings: The finding shows that 64.07 present of student reveled that short age of time are the
cause of stress and also the 52.94 percent of student stressed by the class overload; for most
73.52 percent students are stressed by lack of readiness. And 44.11 percent are the campus
environment are the cause or source of stress. And 58.82 percent are the service accessibility
of a campus are the cause of stress that decreased the student academic performance.
Recommendation: Based on findings of research as recommended that the campus
administration should be make the campus environment conducive and suitable the student
also should strength the guidance and counseling office. And students are to use a time
properly by planned to minimize the influence of stress on student’s academic performance.
Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE.............................................................................................................................................. 1
1. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER TWO............................................................................................................................................. 5
2 LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................................................................. 5
CHAPTER THREE....................................................................................................................................... 12
3.3 STUDY AREA...................................................................................................................................................12
3.4 SAMPLE SIZE DETERMINATION........................................................................................................................12
3.5 SAMPLE SELECTION PROCEDURE....................................................................................................................13
3.6 METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION....................................................................................................................13
3.7. VARIABLE OF THE STUDY..............................................................................................................................13
3.8. DATA ANALYSIS TECHNIQUE.........................................................................................................................14
CHAPTER FOUR.......................................................................................................................................... 15
4.1 RESULT...........................................................................................................................................................15
4.2 DISCUSSION...................................................................................................................................................21
4.2.1 The cause of stress..................................................................................................................................21
4.2.2 Influence of stress...................................................................................................................................21
4.2.3 Gender deference on stress....................................................................................................................21
CHAPTER FIVE........................................................................................................................................... 22
5.1 RECOMMENDATION........................................................................................................................................22
REFERENCE................................................................................................................................................ 23
APPENDEX................................................................................................................................................... 25
Chapter one
1. Introduction
1. 1 Background of the study
The term stress represents different things for different people. For a lay person, it might be
defined in terms of external pressure, tension, unpleasant forces or an emotional response
(Feldman 2002,). Psychologists define stress in variety of ways. Contemporary definitions of
stress focus on the external environment as a potential stressor, the response to the stressor as
eustress or distress and the concept of stress as something that involves biochemical,
physiological and behavioral change (Lazarus, 1984).The students make various decisions
regarding all aspects of their lives such as academics, social life, and leisure activities.
However, amidst the new found freedom students have to struggle to meet the expectation of
their parent’s which include expectations’ relating to their academic performance (Smith and
Renk, 2007). In addition society believes that graduating from a high university is a ‘passports’’
that graduating from a high social status (Ang and Huan, 2006).As a result, the students are
indirectly subjects to a variety of stressors mainly link to academic success (Sreeamareddy,
Shankar, Bind, Mukhopadhaya, and Menezes, 2007).The academic stress is influenced by most
students are attribute to lack of self-confident, health problem, mix-up, low grade (Macan,
Shahani, Dipboye, and Philips, 1990), studying for exams (Robotham, Wilinson and Barkley,
2008). Which many eventually lead to poor academic performance. In order to overcome the
pressure from academic stress the students have to employ suitable coping strategies like in any
other stressful situation (Smith and Renk, 2007). There are coping strategies using by students
when experiencing academic stress. Result to avoidant coping, alcohol or drug abuse, denial and
behavioral disengagement; while others cop actively through acceptance, planning and positive
reframing and taking the necessary steps to overcome the academic stress (Sreeramareddyetal.
2007).stress frequently refers to anything that disrupts the normal person physical or mental
wellbeing that can result from the interaction between persons and other environment
( quyen,2007) .stress is the process involving perception ,interpretation, response to adaptation
to a harmful threatening or challenge event (Lazarus and folk man).
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Stress is one of the series issues that affect a university student life its effect could be reflected
in student social, academic, and mental health problems. Linn and Zeppa (1984) found that
stress can lead to academic decline, poor relationship with peers and family members and
overall dissatisfaction with life. The study habits that influence the academic performance of
student include; time management, setting realistic academic targets, setting rewards on
completion of a task, revision organization of materials, and notes-taking during lecture
(Fontana,1995); Good and Brophy,1986). Hence, study habits are coping strategies uses to
student that overcome academic environment. Baker (2003) noted that the undergraduates are
faces with many new interpersonal, social, and academic demands during the transition from
secondary school life to university, which is stressful for many of them. Also In the academic
performance, stress influence students by academically such as course over load that leads to
lower grade, language difficulty, frustration due to misunderstanding, and to affect socially
physically and emotionally that create tension, fear, and anxiety in students (Sinha, Sharma, &
Nepal, 2001). Besides the course load and exam preparation, there are course demands that
may induce academic stress depending on the nature of the course that the student is
undertaking (Bernold, Spurlin, & Anson, (2007). In their study on impact of stress among
college students, Ross, Niebling, and Hackett (1999) found that interpersonal relations are the
most often report the impacts of academic stress among the college students. The study of New
York university publication continued its affirmation that, 55%of students claimed their bigger
stressor to be academic in nature. In their study, Talib and Zai-ur-Rehman (2012) found out that
majority of the students (53%) claim that course load is the source of their stress which in turn
affect their GPA.
. So the investigator of this study interested to know out the cause of stress, influence, and the
gender difference that affect the student academic performance. Stress is the most recurring
health related problem that is observed on freshman students in main campus. The
environmental area, the teaching methods used, the university life in general might create stress.
Thus, the researcher thought that the reason for the problem among the first year students might
be stressed and this need serious research attention. Therefore, examining the influence of stress
on students’ academic performance in collages of education and behavioral science among first
year students seems to be very crucial and worth investigating.
On the basis of above mention, this study design to answer the following research question
3. To assess the sex difference between male and female students of stress in academic
.Influence: - is a power that stress prejudice on student academic performance.
Chapter two
2 Literature Review
Stress is a term that refers to the sum of physical, mental, and emotional strains or tension on a
person. Feeling of stress in humans result from interaction between persons and there
environment that are perceived as straining or exceeding their adaptive capacities and treating
their wellbeing. The element of perception indicated that human stress responses reflect
differences in personality as well as differences in physical strength or health. A stressor is
defending as a stimulus or event that provokes stress response in an organism. The diagnostic
and statistical manual of mental disorders defines a psychosocial stressor as any life event or
life change that may be associated temporally with the onset, occurrence, or exacerbation of a
mental disorder. (Rebecca, 2003)
Stress is the process by which an individual or a person reacts when opened to external or
internal problems and challenges. The organism processes numerous systems to coordinate such
adaptive response both at systematic and cellular levels by the stress has direct effect on the
brain malfunction , psychological problem and also many areas of psychological challenges in
the form of depression, anxiety, pain and burnout.
According to (Wheeler 2007,2), stress is physics word which refers to the amount of force used
on an object and it relates in real life as to haw certain issues that carry force used on an object
and it relates in real life. Example financial difficulties, heat challenge issues, conflict with
friend, all carry force or pressure or force or pressure on person’s body mind and spirit. Some of
the pressure or forces originate from the environment but most often comes from within a
person’s head in the form of worry, anxiousness, regret, discouragement and low confidence.
Richard Lazarus published in 1974 a model dividing stress in to eustress and distress. Where
stress enhances functions (physical or mental, such as through strength training or challenging
work) it may be considered eustress. Persistence stress that is not resolved through coping or
adaptation, deemed distress, May led to escape (anxiety) or withdrawal (depression) behavior.
The difference between experiences which result in eustress or distress is determined by the
disparity between an experience (real or imagined), personal expectation, and resources to cope
with the stress. Alarming experiences, either real or imagined, can trigger a stress response
(Lazarus, 1993)
The meaning of anxiety (2015), anxiety is explained as the manner in which a person reacts or
response to stress, accept and interpret. In this view, stress is seen as a journey to anxiety thus
anxiety is an outcome of stress and it how an individual handles stress. A good handler of stress
is likely to experience or no form of anxiety. Whereas those without effective management
skills is prune to a high level of anxiety.
Burnout also refer to as soulless situation is where a person loses the eagerness and motivation
in continuing kind of studies or activity as a result of both external and internal factors. The
skills and expertise is still active but the desire and the wellness to perform is dead in the person
as such activity or studies become huge responsibility without any joy.
It normally affect people whose studies are interaction with people like team leaders, managers,
etc. also people whose studies are time band that is adhering to strict time schedules also
experienced burnout is likely to result in the people who are taking such activities.
Distress is a moment of great pain sorrow, acute physical and mental suffering; affliction, ruble
(Dictionary. Coms 2016). It is result of an inability to handle or deal with a challenge or
problem encountered in the performance of specific activity or studies. Distress result in both
emotional and physical pain.
Fear “is a chain reaction in the brain the start with a stressful stimulus and ends with the release
of chemicals that cause a racing heart, fast breathing and energies mussels, among other thing
also known as the fight of light response” (Layton 2010).
It products and alert us to an impending danger and that’s help to prepare for this danger. It
natural aspect of humans and in some causes it very good because it can be extremely
dangerous to the life of a person. Fear can be mild or intense and it can be short term or last
There some positive situation that causes a person’s to be stressed up. Some example of these
circumstances are, promotion at work, starting anew job, getting married, and having a child
which are few of the many. Positive stressors are usually not noticed because it has some
Similarly, piney and has (2003) stressed out sources of stress more specifically as a unique set
of stressful encounters among students which includes: difficult financial challenges, domestic
responsibilities, responsibilities related to holding a job while in school, and a heavy academic
The reality that stress occurs when an event or stimulus requires us to change in some way
makes a change in some way makes a change in living environment a stressful experience.
Apart from moving from home to school, our bumping in to new faces on campus, disorders
from roommates, etc. is tensed experience.
The somewhat burdensome nature of students-life causes a drastic change in sleep pattern. More
to the point, this newly adopted pattern is unstable, as it is often tied to academic workloads
and/or takes at hand.
Financial difficulties
It is definitely not conductive experience when a student has to handle dual challenges of
academics and financial constraints. Life becomes very challenging when a student is behind on
bills payment; for when deadlines are not met and bills stares at you, it is enough to get a
student tensed and depressed
2.4. Adverse effects of stress in students
Students today experience high levels of stress in many areas of life. This is an important
domain for further research and an effective channel of intervention for university mental health
professionals. Study schedule, especially in universities, are very challenging. The act of
combining a busy life along with education causes stress and depression. Limited stress is
beneficial and can lead to excellent performance. In fact university students are prone to
episodic stress. This happens when exam are around the corner. Stress and depression also
occur when getting ready for a presentation or an interview. Several students contemplate or
commit suicide.
Firstly, their hormones are in overdrive, which causes stress. Furthermore, the weight to do well
adds to their anxiety levels. Homework, issues at home, connections at school and associate
weight all add to stress and depression. The stress students experience may test their ability to
cope and adapt to the environment they find themselves in. the impact of stress on student can
be looked at from various angles, according to (Centre 2010, 10-12) stress affect students
academically, socially, physically and emotionally.
2.4.2 Impacts of stress in lower grade
It is the desire of every student to excel in their field studies as such high grades mean a lot to
students in situations where students believe they expect a higher grade but at the end get a
lower grade than they expected it weights them down and kills the motivation they have. Ones
this happens students start to think a lot about what they did not, where they want and most
times are not able to find answers to these questions. At the long run, they became stressed up
To start isolations is one causes students to have resentment in whatever they do. When students
are tensed up, they easily have anger issues that are easily get irritated with the little thing
people do. This pushes away people and at times even their closest friends leaving them to be
lonely and loneliness can cause them to do unpleasant things to themselves and even innocent
Secondly, stress also causes students to have resentments in whatever they do. When students
are tensed up, they easily get irritated with the little thing people do. This pushes away people
and at times even their closest friends leaving them to be lonely and loneliness can cause them
to do unpleasant thing to themselves and even innocent people.
Furthermore, stress also causes restlessness in a student. Students who happen to be in situation
that stress them up are unable to sit at one place but rather will just be walking to and fro to find
solution to their worries. This makes them always busy and tired causing them not to be able to
have proper sleep and rest during the night which is not good for the body system.
Also, stress because the increase of alcohol, drugs and tobacco use among students. Some
students have the habit of taking alcohol, drugs and smoking tobacco when they feel under
pressure to calm them down. Stress worsen this because in increase the intake for them. Some
might even contact severe diseases which may be incurable.
Chapter three
N=total population
n=sample size
E=sample size
Behind choosing this sample criteria that it is represent the total study population and it gives
for respondent equal chance to represent population.
IV DV Variable Measurement
Age 18-21
Academic 1.50-2.00
3.8. Data analysis technique
The data that comes from participants is analyzes by using frequency distribution table in terms
of percentage. The reason to choose these analyzing techniques which help to get more reliable
and accurate study result; and the conclusion and recommendation was find of this study
Chapter four
Table1. This table was tried to show the Demographic characteristics of the study
1 Sex
Male 16 47%
Female 18 53%
Total 34 100%
2 Age
18-21 12 35.29%
22-25 15 44.11%
Total 34 100%
3 Residence
Urban 11 32.35%
Rural 23 67.64%
Total 34 100%
2.10-2.5.0 6 17.64%
2.51-3.00 11 32.35%
3.10-3.50 6 17.64%
3.51-4.00 3 8.82%
Total 34 100%
The above data presented on table number one shows that the number of female is greater than
the number of male Respondent among 34 total respondents 53 % were female while the
remaining 47 % were male.
Second, as indicated in the above table most of the respondent’s age was fails in 18 year up to
21 ages it takes 35.29 % percent of the population. And from the age of 22-25 age it takes place
41.11% and the remaining one is 26 and above is 20.58%
The third, table shows that the background information about respondents’ places of birth it
reveals that most of 67.64% them came from rural areas while 32.35% of respondents were
from urban areas.
Forth, table shows that the years of academic performance in the last semester so from this
participants to get the score 1.50-2.00 were17.64% and from 2.10-2.5 were23.52 and the
majority one to recorded 2.51-3.00 were 32.35% and from 3.51-3.50 were 17.64% and the
remaining one to recorded the highest score from 3.51-4.00 were 8.81%
No Table 2 the following table shows respondents selection related to the cause of stress.
1 Does the class over load are the cause of stress? Yes 18 52.94
no 16 47.05
total 34 100%
2 Does short age of time are the cause of stress? Yes 22 64.7%
no 12 35.3
total 34 100%
No 9 26.5%
total 34 100%
4 Does the campus environment are the cause of stress? Yes 15 44.11
No 20 55.88
total 34 100%
5 Does the service accessibility of a campus are the cause of Yes 20 58.82
stress? %
No 14 41.17
total 34 100%
Table, 2 was indicates that for the highest number of student (52.94%) argued that main cause
of stress in their academic performance was the course over load. Furthermore one of focus
group discussion participant further justifies this by saying:
‘’ most instructors use their time independently. And they talk for
long period of time without gape. And also many lectures doesn’t
give opportunity for the students in the class room’’
Table 2, as reveled by most of respondents (64.7%) the main cause of stress is short age of time
main campus by itself stains, or cause stress in them and the rest (35.29%) are not stressed.
Furthermore, most of focus group discussion participants agreed up on the significant cause of
stress was the campus service access; the possible cause of stress by pointing out of some
instances which they actually experienced in their locality.
Table 2, as indicated for the most of students (55.88) are the campus environment by itself
causes stress is not stressed and the rest respondents (44.11%) was it’s the cause of stress. Most
of focus group discussion participants agreed up on the campus environment was makes them to
do not achieve the expected grade. As a result, the campus environment becomes Very
impossible to achieve the expected by them.
Table 2, reviles that for the most participant (58.82%) the service accessibility of a campus does
the cause stress for them and the remaining (41.17%) was not stressed by the service
accessibility of a campus. Further more
Table 3 the following table show respondent selection related to the influence of stress
toward academic performance.
No Item variable Freq Per (%)
No 19 55.88%
Total 34 100%
No 13 38.23%
Total 34 100%
N0 13 38.23%
Total 34 100%
No 16 47.05%
Total 34 100%
No 20 58.85
Total 34 100%
The above table was tried to show the influence of stress toward academic performance. Now
hear each questions are interpreted.
In the above table stated for the majority of respondents (55.88%) stress makes them to dose not
influence its being anger and the remaining (44.11%) respondents does affected their being
anger by stress. Similarly, as explained by one of the participant:
it may takes an hour or day. Consequently, my behavior is very
noisy and not suitable for others.’’
As stated on the above table for the majority of respondent (61.76%) stress makes them to the
effects of lack of self-confidence and the remaining (38.23%) do not the effects of lack of self-
confidence. As revealed during the focus group discussion, most of them argued stress was
makes them ineffective in their day to day learning activity. One of focus group discussion
participant further justifies this by saying:
As stated by the majority of participants (61.76%) stress does the effects of low grade
performance make them to aggressive the behavior because he or she may be to think inferior to
others, but the remaining one 38.25% are not stress the effects of low grade performance.
The above table was the majority of participants (52.94%) was stress is the problems of
despondence, but the remaining one (47.05) were not stress are the consequence of
One participants says that, when I expected different problems I am not resist for that
difficulties because of I am not manage and control own mind as well as behavior.
The above table was show that the majority of participants (58.82%) are not stress are the
effects of mental illness but the remaining (41.17%) are stress the cause of mental illness
5 57 6 43
An independent sample conducted to compare stress for male and females. There is no
significant deference in (male m=5 STD v = 57) and female (m=6 STD 43 v df, 0.05,)
t=0.74<p.0.89s.There is no mean difference.
4.2 Discussion
This study was designed to assess the influence of stress on students’ academic performance in
Haramaya university main campus first year student. Here the findings were discussed detail.
et al.,1998) being a first year students, female and male faced to similar change in the transition
stage of life.
Chapter five
The objective of the study was to investigate the influence of stress on students’ academic
performance in collages of education and behavioral science first year students.
1. For the majority of first year student stress caused by the class over load and the short
age of time both are play a great role to cause stress on the student academic
2. The majority students have said that stress are not the effects of mental illness and being
3. Most of Students are stressed by their lack of readiness are the major cause of stress in
academic performance.
4. The majority of Participates are stress is the major effects of lower grade performance in
academically and lack of self-confidence.
5. This research I gather information a research analysis term of students about stress there
is a positive stress in a university student because based on the finding the respondent
mean gather the standard deviation of the respondent there is no gender difference
between male and female students on stress level.
5.1 Recommendation
The following recommendation was made based on this research finding to the campus
administration, and the student.
The campus administration should be making the campus environment conducive and
suitable for the student day to day activity.
The campus administration should make the teaching learning methods suitable for the
The administration should create the campus service access better to the student.
The campus guidance and counseling office needs to strength its service and spread its
access to the student.
The campus administration should be give special attention to first year student.
The campus administration should be strengthening the student centered teaching
learning methods.
The campus administration should be facilitating recreational place for the student.
Also the administration should be providing role models for the student.
The students are recreated with your friends and to use the time properly by planned.
The students should be strength their problem solving skills.
Baker, S. R. (2003). A prospective longitudinal investigation of social problem-solving
appraisals on adjustment to university, stress, health, and academic motivation and
performance. Personality and Individual Differences, 35, 569–591.Bang E. (2009) .The effects
of gender, academic concerns, and social support on stress for international students. Retrieved
April, 06, 2015 from https://mospace.umsystem.edu/
Fisher, S. (1994). Stress in academic life: The mental assembly line. Buckingham: Society for
Research into Higher Education and Open University Press.
Good, T. L., &Brophy, J. E. (1986). Educational Psychology (3rd Ed.) New York: Longman
Krause, K., Hartley, R., James, R. &McInnes, C. (2005).The first year experience in Australian
universities: Findings from a decade of national studies. Department of Education, Science, and
(Lay son 2010) focuses on effects is could be reflected in student social, academic and mental
health.(Wheeler 2007.2) stress is a physics word which refers to the amount of force that used
on the object.
(Feldman 2002,) defined in term of external pressure, tension, unpleasant forces or an emotional
response.(Hyde& Plants, 1995; Mlikle & Thoits,1993) focuses on female students more often
report letting out their feelings, whereas man more often report controlling.
(Lay Son 2010) focuses on effects is could be reflected in students social, academic and mental
(Lazarus, 1984,) define contemporary definition of stress focus on the external environment as potential
(Lazarus, 1984) define the concept of stress as something that involves biochemical, physiological and
behavioral change.
(Loonier 1914) it can behaving as Use full stimulus for performing specific goals however excessive
stress can lead to mental silliness.
(Misral et al., 2000) identify gender difference also influence student perception and reaction to
academic stressors.
Dear respondent
The main objectives of this study are to assess the influence of stress on students’ academic
performance in Haramaya University all collages of education and behavioral science first year
students. The respondents are kindly request to fill this questionnaire and the answer will
remain confidential. A senior essay submitted to partial fulfillment of the requirements for
bachelor art degree in psychology.
Part one
Part two
The following table shows the respondents are related to the cause of stress.
Table 2 the following table shows respondents selection related to the cause of stress.
NO I t e m Yes N o
1 Does increase the class over load are the cause of stress ?
Table 3 the following table show the respondents related to the influence of stress
No Yes N o
1 S t r e s s i s t h e e f f e c t s o f b e i n g a n g e r ?
2 Stress is the effects of lack of self-confidence?
4 S t r e s s i s t h e e f f e c t s o f d e s p o n d e n c e ?