Sol Controller Manual
Sol Controller Manual
Sol Controller Manual
for AI Controller
Rev. 1 - 12.8.2010
AquaIllumination LED System Controller allows you to automate the operation of
your new lighting module to perform everything from basic on/off timer functions is a
variety of coral reef light simulations. The controller provides the following features:
The 2nd line of the display will show appear. Turn the knob left or right to set
WH for White, BL for Blue, and RY for the intensity from 0% to 100%. This is
Royal (Note that the RY option will only the brightness level you want for the
be shown on Sol Super Blue models). LEDs. After choosing the desired per-
For the White setting, turning the knob centage, press down on the knob. The
toggles between “WH” and “- -. If set to display will then allow you to set levels
“WH“ you are enabling the white LEDs for the Blue LEDs, and then the Royal
to be changed with this timer. If set to “- LEDs in exactly the same way. When
-“, the white LEDs will not be changed you are done, press down on the knob.
by this timer and will remain at their cur-
rent intensity. For this setup, select the The Ramp Period display will now ap-
“WH” “BL” and “RY” conditions, then pear. This lets you choose how many
press down on the knob. minutes it will take for the lights to arrive
at your desired intensities. The default is
The display shown at the right will now set for 5 minutes. This means that if the
lights were OFF, it would take 5 min- At this point, timer #1 is all setup. You
utes to slowly brighten them up to your can repeat this procedure for Timer
desired levels. Press down on the knob #2. Additional timers may be set up
to lock in the ramp period. to change the lights levels at different
times of the day.
The next screen will prompt you to turn
on or off Lunar Cycle for this timer.
This feature will slightly dim or brighten RAMP PERIOD: 5m
the LEDs to simulate a full moon,
half-moon, etc. based on the day of
month. You would probably never use
this feature for timers set up during the
daylight hours. It is more appropriate for
use with a night timer when LED intensi-
ties are set very low or completely off.
Turn the knob to select ON or OFF, then
press down. The display will show Sav-
ing… as the all the timer settings you
have chosen are written to memory.
Manual Mode
The controller can operate in either AUTO or MANUAL. AUTO Mode is the normal
mode of operation. In this mode, you can set and use timers to automatically turn the
lights on and off at certain times of the day or night. In MANUAL mode, all of the tim-
ers are disabled and you will need to turn the lights on and off manually by pushing
down on the knob.
You can turn the knob to view other timers. Push down on the knob. You have the
option of modifying the selected timer. If you choose no, you are returned to the main
menu and the timer is not changed. If you choose Yes, you modify the timer exactly
the same way as setting up a timer.
Timers & the Ramp Period
It is important to understand the effects of the Ramp Period on timers. The number
of minutes set for Ramp Period actually adds to the time setting for a timer. For ex-
ample, suppose you have a timer set for 9:00 AM with a ramp period of 30 minutes.
At 9:00AM the lights begin to brighten and will take 30 minutes to ramp up to your
full setting. So even though the timer is set for 9:00 AM, the lights won’t reach your
intensity settings until 9:30 AM, because the 30 minute ramp period is added to the
9AM 10AM 11AM 12PM 1PM
The same thing happens when the lights dim down. If a timer is set for 1:00PM at
0% brightness and the lights are at 100%, it will be 1:30PM before the lights are off.
If you are using many or all of the 14 timers, it is a good idea to make sure that a
timer has a chance to ramp down to its final setting before another timer kicks in. If
ramp periods overlap, the new timer will take over and use its ramp settings instead.
Doing this won’t hurt anything and in fact, some creative effects can result. Just be
aware that if you accidentally set up timers with overlapping times, the effects may
look strange or result in something you did not expect.
Changing Models
To change models, select the Other
NOTE: Make sure and select the proper
menu and press down the knob. Press
model. Selecting the wrong model will
again to bypass the LCD Brightness
result in erratic behavior and/or certain
screen. Turn the knob to select either
functions will not work properly.
Sol White or Sol Super Blue.
1. Select the Other menu and press down the knob. Press again to bypass the
LCD Brightness screen, then press again to bypass the Select Model screen.
When Factory Reset appears, push down the knob. A second screen will verify
your actions. Select Yes to factory Reset, select No to cancel. The controller will
then prompt you to remove the jack for 5 seconds and plug it back in again.
2. Factory Reset can also be performed during initial power up. We recommend
you use this method only if the controller is non-functional or the display is not
working. To perform a power-up factory reset, unplug the jack and plug it in
again. During the initial version display screen or within 3 seconds, immediately
push down on the knob. Continue to hold the knob down for at least 15 sec-
onds. Now release the knob and unplug the jack for 5 seconds. Plug it back in
again and the controller will start at its factory reset condition.
Firmware Update
The firmware in your controller is updated
from time to time to add new features and fix AQUAILLUMINATION
problems. We recommend you visit the Aqua FIRMWARE UPDATE
Illumination website to see if a new version of
the firmware is available. Note that your current
firmware version is displayed on the 2nd line during each power up. There is no need to down-
load and install the same version.
Firmware updates can only be performed on computers running either the Windows or Linux
operating systems. To perform a firmware update, follow these steps:
1. Download the latest firmware version from the AquaIllumination website (http://xxxxxx/
2. Unplug the jack.
3. While pressing and holding the knob down, plug in a USB mini cable that is connected to
your computer. The controller should display the message AquaIllumination Firmware
Update. If your computer indicates that the USB device is unrecognized, unplug the USB
cable and try again. Make sure you are holding down the knob before plugging in the USB
4. The controller will show up as a new flash disk drive in your computer.
5. Open the flash drive. There will be a single file on it called firmware.bin. Delete this file.
6. Drag or copy the new firmware update file to the drive. There is no need to rename the file.
7. Wait for the copy operation to finish.
8. Unplug the controller from the USB cable, and plug your lights back in.
When major version change occurs, some firmware updates may erase your existing options
and timer settings. Check the firmware page on the website for further information. In any case,
it is always a good idea to write down your settings in case you need to restore them for future
updates or repairs.