Ilp Michaelchoi 502h Spring24
Ilp Michaelchoi 502h Spring24
Ilp Michaelchoi 502h Spring24
Rating Description
CSTP Element Initial
1.5 Integratin
through T - Supports students to initiate critical thinking through independently developing questions,
inquiry, posing problems and reflecting on multiple perspectives
E S–
solving, and S - Students respond to questions and problems posed by the teacher and begin to pose and
reflection solve problems of their own related to the content
T– T – Integrates connections from subject matter to meaningful, real-life contexts, including
Applying those specific to students’ family and community
matter to
1.3 S–
Integratin S – Students actively engage in making and using real-life connections to subject matter to
g extend their understanding
Creating and T – Integrates rigor throughout the learning environment that values accuracy, analysis, and
maintaining T– critical thinking. Integrates strategic scaffolds and technologies throughout instruction that
effective Applying support the full range of learners in meeting high expectations for achievement.
environments S–
for student Applying S – Students engage in a variety of differentiated supports and challenges in ways that
learning promote their accuracy, analysis, and problem solving in learning.
3.2 Apply T– T – Adapts instruction in response to knowledge of student development and proficiencies to
knowledge of Integratin meet students' diverse learning needs. Ensures understanding of subject matter including
student g related academic language.
development S–
and Applying
S – Provides explicit teaching of essential vocabulary, idioms, key words with multiple
meanings, and academic language in ways that engage students in accessing subject matter
to ensure
text or learning activities.
g of subject
Section 3: Teacher Leader Inquiry Focus and Planning
Project Title Inquiry Question Project Objective(s)
Have teachers share strategies,
How can teachers support
Teacher Pow Wow experience, and resources with
each other in the classroom?
other teachers.
How Project Fits into
Audience for Project Professional Goals and/or How Audience Satisfaction will be
(Who Participates/Who Benefits) Department/School/District Assessed
Participant – Teachers As a starter school, we are in
Assess teacher implementation and
constant need of support for
Benefits – Teachers & Students all teachers
Special Emphasis: Teacher Leader Model Standards and NBPTS Core Propositions
Identify at least one standard (NBPTS, ISTE C, Teacher Leader Model Standards) that is the special emphasis focus of your project.
Explain how these standards will be incorporated. You may add more than 1 if you wish.
Special Emphasis Focus How Special Emphasis will be Incorporated
- One of the major focuses in this article is about being - This blog discusses the importance of collaboration in schools
intentional with the time spent on collaborating with and how it can lead to school improvements, better
other teachers. It should not be aimless or with no relationships and emotional support, the use of technology,
guidance. and encourages teachers to play to their strengths and learn
from each other.
Colleagues (Summarize how two colleagues have addressed similar leadership roles OR the status of the issue at
department/school/district level.)
2. A fifth-grade teacher has mentioned that he has taken up the
1. The third-grade teacher has shared how the admin look
lead teacher role to help facilitate collaborative work
to help support teachers yet but most of the professional
amongst the teachers. He feels like it is going well but agrees
development days are consumed by curriculum. Though
that it could lean more towards teachers supporting each
we do have lead teachers for different departments, it
other in certain areas. There are two needs assessments
seems to be more about relaying information than
throughout the year but having it more consistent
sharing ideas with each other.
throughout the year would be more helpful.
Section 5: Results and Reflection
Describe the impact you feel you Suggestions for Continued
Initial Rating
CSTP Element made on your own growth as an Growth as an educator and
educator and leader. leader
Promoting I will look into more research
critical I feel that by presenting at a in this area and try to apply
thinking conference I was able to…. it. At the conference, I
through T – Integrating attended a session that gave
inquiry, S – Applying As I spoke about my strategies, I me good ideas to….
problem realized that there were things I can I want to conduct a PD for my
solving, and do differently such as… grade level team based on
reflection this project