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Nonlinear Engineering 2023; 12: 20220300

Research Article

Ruixia Liu*

Analysis of multimedia technology and mobile

learning in English teaching in colleges and
https://doi.org/10.1515/nleng-2022-0300 collects data about several plenty applications using cell
received April 30, 2023; accepted June 10, 2023 phones in linguistic research. Two hundred and ninety-four
Abstract: Multimedia and mobile learning are effective college children from one top Turkish institution participated
teaching tools because of their many useful characteristics. in this research. This project uses some hybrid reporting
Transmission of educational material to students is models and relies on description analysis over its metho-
facilitated by technology in both multimedia and mobile dology. Their results show that users place one high value
learning environments. A more interesting and engaging on obtaining ready accessibility to materials while studying
learning experience may be achieved by combining text, some foreign language. Respondents not only remarked about
graphics, music, video, and animation. Media-rich class- their cellphone’s portability but also proposed new applications
rooms are often referred to as “multimedia learning.” In for enhancing their learning in other countries.
contrast, students who use mobile learning may access Keywords: cellphone, multimedia, mobile gaining knowl-
their courses from any place with an internet connection edge, smartphone education
and a mobile device such as a smartphone or a tablet.
Whenever this involves commonplace technological needs,
its cellular gadget and notably its clever telephone take the
cake. Smartphone gadgets have a very wide range of poten- 1 Introduction
tial applications and uses. Some ethical considerations are
preventing media from reinforcing stereotypes or preju- According to Abbas et al. [1], both multimedia and mobile
dice in the communities where they are utilized. Student learning can be personalized to the individual learner’s
information are gathered and used in a way that protects needs and preferences. Multimedia learning can be adapted
their privacy, with materials required for students to to suit different learning styles, such as visual or auditory
engage in mobile learning, and respecting intellectual learners, while mobile learning can provide learners with
property and copyright regulations while using multi- access to learning materials at their own pace and conve-
media language-learning tools. This importance of learning nience. Cellphones and other portable electronics are by far
cannot be overstated but when such results come, mobile perhaps the greatest and most prevalent form of technology
devices have increasingly been used in schools. This question utilized throughout everyday life. It has been almost three
of whether mobile devices have an impact on education decades since things first entered common use. When smart-
remains open. Because of such “mobile gaining knowledge,” phones initially appeared during the early nineties, they
along with an overall phrase describing researching where could only make or receive telephone calls or text messages.
different devices could be utilized in combination to enhance Since innovation advances at almost rapid rates, devices
schooling, mobile devices had become more popular. Because decreased their dimensions and also acquired sophistica-
today’s kids utilize their mobile devices frequently, studies on tion. Smartphones, along with the freedom of mobility
their effect on word learning are immediately required. This they offered, replaced desktops and portable PCs. Another
pilot research seeks to understand why school learners think reason they have been successful is that cellphones have
via smartphone-based L2 exercises. In particular, this study “handheld communications tools that integrate compact
components resembling something, particularly computers
plus a wireless handset, featuring reasonably sizable display
* Corresponding author: Ruixia Liu, School of General Education, City
University of Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou, Henan, 452370, China, Cellphones were the first form of wireless communica-
e-mail: ruixialiu9@gmail.com tion. Because innovation advances at an increasingly

Open Access. © 2023 the author(s), published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
2  Ruixia Liu

accelerated rate, devices also reduced their dimensions allowed teachers to better address the individual learning
and acquired functionality. As a result of that shift, edu- styles of their students.
cational institutions from all stripes were reconsidering Even as both skills increase, their usefulness and ease of
whether to best effectively use the existing online profiles use remain unchanged. Instead of worrying about how to get
Abdykhalykova et al. [2]. The phrase “mobile teaching” accessibility for assets, consumers should focus on deter-
was created due to the very fast growth of smartphone tech- mining whether such assets are valued using individuals.
nology and its subsequent application for classrooms. Yet, Relations along with professional interaction alike find them
research shows that several of those businesses fail regarding more useful. Smart gadgets facilitate mobility and deliver a
achieving their goals since they do not have one interpersonal wide variety of other benefits well. Just one couple of instance
medium method within a place that is built alongside con- has an instantaneous nature about data retrieval along with
sumers aimed beyond the brain. It is very important to keep its mobility afforded by ubiquitous figuring out (or “always-
in mind that the term “mobile teaching” refers to more than on”) within some course about some research project.
just schooling that takes place mainly using smartphones. Smartphones and tablets have allowed individuals to browse
According to this concept, “mobile teaching” places an online internet from anywhere, while waiting during public
emphasis on the mobility of students within the curriculum transportation and inside dining, because personal computers
rather than on the mobility of computers. The utilization of limit how as well as what knowledge can be accessed, which is
multimedia resources has the potential to dramatically the viable option conducted by Amin et al. [4].
improve students’ proficiency in English. Keeping pupils Given each of these fantastic smartphone advantages
motivated and engaged is crucial to their success in learning seems possible to speculate concerning how extensively
a new language. Multimedia tools including films, interac- smartphones might have been used for educational reasons
tive software, and audio recordings may help students within their afterward, smartphone gadgets and tablets
enhance their communication skills. Students may be better have become largely used primarily for recreation, knowl-
equipped to meet their unique needs in language learning if edge data, and linking into virtual networking services
they have access to personalized instruction and feedback throughout free hours; nevertheless, there were many pos-
made possible by multimedia technology. sible academic perks and rewards. A study claims that
This tendency has hastened the increasing spread of because those get value as well as perks associated with
smartphones including increasing popularity with smart mobile schooling along with smartphone technology, a lot
innovation. Voice-guided guidance for both walkers among of informative structures along with entities started exam-
bicycles was only one of its many features that was pro- ining portable methods to be a fresh developing substance
vided. Other options include accessibility through net- about the possible present period over either pupil or along
working platforms such as 3G/4G calls, internet surfing, with teachers. Barus et al. [5] stated that the trend now is
digital finances, group shot/video obtain/sharing applica- toward digital learning. The youngsters now, note, seem
tions, and even gaming. Ahmad et al. [3] state that mobile very adept at using digital technology. Thus, encouraging
devices, however, have streamlined basic user displays learners to implement their smartphone gadgets for educa-
even as they add new features. As well as in the school, tional reasons is essential. Regardless of smartphone sys-
universities, and colleges for completing assignments, the tems’ affordability, simple use, better comprehension of
online class system was profoundly affected by a new instructional content, greater enthusiasm for learners, as
major societal shift that occurred at the turn of the century. well as adaptability to several developing methods, they
Higher expectations put on candidates as a consequence of have not been widely adopted in schools.
universities’ expanding internationalization and the plen- Therefore, one’s elementary purpose of this informa-
tiful career prospects generated by their widespread use tive study serves to inquire into the outlook that univer-
of contemporary technologies have intensified competition sity-level English language learners have from their use of
amongst institutions. The area of teaching English to stu- mobile computing gadgets. Their goal is to inspire original
dents who speak a language other than English has been thinking amongst the general public, which may then be
profoundly impacted by multimedia technologies. As a used to guide the creation of cutting-edge apps for smart-
result, educators now have access to a multitude of online phones, notably in the field of English voice recognition.
tools designed to pique their students’ interests and allow This is achieved by applying extensive and thorough lan-
for a more participatory classroom experience. Modern stu- guage learning methodologies, as well as collecting impor-
dents have access to a wide variety of media – from movies tant background data from users’ encounters with mobile
and audiobooks to games and interactive software – to sup- devices. This investigation sets out to address all main
plement their language studies. Multimedia tools have investigation topics towards fulfilling that target.
Analysis of multimedia technology and mobile learning in English teaching  3

These opinions are for individuals who are currently as effectiveness as argued by Gao [9] in accordance with
enrolled in higher education or university from digital another research, and students’ attitudes regarding smart-
education: phone education are significantly predicted by what advan-
• Was there any significant difference between the way tages they believe will be obtained. It was discovered that
males and females think when reacting to digital learning? the students’ views regarding mobile education were less
• What do teachers worry about regarding learners uti- favorable when they saw the technology designed by Liu
lizing their mobile devices like cell phones along with et al. [10] as beneficial.
laptops while they are learning?
• Was there some benefit for children in elementary edu-
cation to use mobile devices like handsets?
• In what way was this technique of instructing younger chil- 2.2 Apparent comfort with utilization
dren with any secondary languages with cell phones benefit?
• How might pupil throughout fundamental education According to Luo [11], this level of known trainees con-
access webpages when apps are geared toward English siders smartphone education as being a simple known
education? operation and referred to as overall apparent comfort
• What do pupils from elementary education believe about with utilization. According to research, pupils who consid-
the use of digital devices for English education? ered smartphone education to be simple and employed pos-
sessed additional favorable opinions regarding it. Students
who thought smartphone education was hard to utilize,
2 Literature review however, expressed greater unfavorable opinions of it.

According to Olowoyeye et al. [6], smartphone education has

emerged as a promising tool within english as a second lan-
guage (ESL) classrooms in the past few decades, giving parti- 2.3 Reported pleasure
cipants exposure regarding lessons and exercises in any place.
Students’ attitudes strongly affect the overall drive, interest, The measure of students’ perception of smartphone educa-
and success with portable courses. According to Falola and tion as intriguing, exciting, or enjoyable is commonly
Jolayemi [7], this has become essential for understanding how referred to as reported pleasure. According to the variety
learners feel about using smartphones in ESL classes. During and research, students’ perceptions of pleasure possess a
such a study, researchers should analyze the overall existing very substantial role in predicting how they would feel
research regarding that topic, paying special attention to about smartphone education. For instance, the research
whether actual attitudes of ESLs toward smartphone educa- discovered that students who considered smartphone edu-
tion have evolved as years passed, as designed by Fan [8]. cation fun showed higher favorable sentiments regarding
Multimedia resources may be utilized to offer English lan- innovation designed by Onishchuk et al. [12].
guage students a wide range of visual, aural, and kinesthetic
instructional resources and exercises. Those who learn best
via hearing may benefit from listening to lectures and record-
ings, while those who learn best through seeing might benefit 2.4 Specific variations
from watching videos and playing games. Participatory games
and simulations designed for language acquisition may be The views of students regarding smart education may vary
useful for kinesthetic learners. Teachers may be able to better depending on personal characteristics including age, race,
accommodate their students’ wide range of demands if they and past exposure to smartphone technologies in the
provide a variety of multimedia learning alternatives. research by Motiwalla [13]. For example, the researchers
We next discuss aspects affecting the perception of discovered that junior students exhibited less favorable
smartphone education. views about smartphone education than adults. Further,
students were more probable to view smartphone educa-
tion favorably if they had previously been utilizing smart-
2.1 Recognized effectiveness phones or tablets.
According to Warschauer [14], there are several bene-
How students feel about such smartphone education could fits to using smartphone devices when studying another
assist individuals meet education objectives is referred to second language. Pupils may access all given types of
4  Ruixia Liu

materials upon speech study anywhere as well as in a There are still many gaps in our knowledge of how to
single moment owing to having constant online connec- effectively use multimedia technologies in the classroom:
tivity. Xin [15] claim that improving voice recognition Investigating the effectiveness of diverse multimedia resources
and adaption, which leads to more natural, efficient, and and methods for teaching a second language to a wide range of
globally important language learning, is attainable when pupils, exploring the effect of learning on mobile tools on
we take into account the vast potential of smartphone students’ motivation and success in learning a foreign lan-
technology in language acquisition. [15]. As a result, it is guage. Researchers are looking at how mobile learning might
critical that the trainees are given access to real-world, help underprivileged students acquire a second language and
modern educational situations via the use of smartphone the role of teacher support and training in facilitating the
technology benefits. In addition, contend that smartphone efficient use of multimedia tools for ESL instruction is under
devices are advantageous for effective speech acquisition investigation.
because authors think that speech acquisition is exceed-
ingly closely tied to the environment and particular sce-
narios during how communication takes place as designed 3 Methodology
by Yu et al. [16].
Zawacki-Richter [17] mentioned in his research that by This research aims to describe what English learners with
incorporating multimedia into ESL lessons, teachers may high university degrees think about digital learning. The
help students better communicate and understand ideas purpose of such an experiment was to determine the best
from other cultures. possible collection of elements over individual subjects by
• Facilitating the acquisition of genuine examples of art using some multi-pronged, hybrid inquiry approaches. The
produced in English-speaking countries. hybrid design makes it possible to gather together statis-
• The utilization of video conferences and online colla- tical and emotional information, acquired using the same
boration technologies has the potential to open up new way as this serial versus consecutive hybrid layout, but
avenues for language study and cultural immersion. with some generous information (qualitative along with
• Students will be prompted to examine and reconsider statistical) playing another supportive function for each
their own cultural biases via discussions and collabora- other. The greatest important component of the called inte-
tive projects. grated designing method includes combining subjective
• Encouraging introspective consideration of the role that mixed statistical knowledge about similar topics with those
linguistic, cultural, and communicative elements play in equal periods (or even within a very given sequence) for
cultural similarities and differences. the conclusion.
Using mobile learning technology in EFL classrooms
Learners frequently require immediate access to lan- allows students to learn a language online at their own
guage data, such as looking upward at your significance in convenience using a variety of resources, students may
phrases and bind/collocations, knowledge appears that collaborate and gain new knowledge from one another
developers about smartphone informative uses have via discussion boards, language exchanges, and group
become more and more intriguing within external speech projects, providing students with the opportunity to get
studying. To save energy and money, basic qualitative assistance and teaching in language acquisition that is spe-
attitude research is required when creating smartphone cifically customized to their requirements and empow-
education apps on a chosen topic. Çelik [18] considered ering students to take responsibility for their own learning
effectiveness, usability, satisfaction, along with interper- by providing them with the means to establish and monitor
sonal variances some of the aspects that affect students’ their own language acquisition objectives.
attitudes regarding using smartphones for English speech “Including empirical material within formal designs”
training. In order to better improve students’ perspectives describes this least typical approach from combining
towards and involvement without devices, instructors must primary information both empirical and statistical. The
take those variables into account while creating or execut- research was performed to enhance while augmenting
ing smartphone education programs. Further studies might given conclusions drawn from our source facts, which
examine how social and socioeconomic variables affect seems reasonable when that initial kind of knowledge
participants’ views regarding mobile teaching throughout may be emotional along with statistical. For rounding
a setting for English language instruction argued by Pasternak out that main analytical information location, that inves-
et al. [19]. tigation also made use of another independent emotional
Analysis of multimedia technology and mobile learning in English teaching  5

knowledge supply. This smartphone learner’s mindset Convenient selections were used to compile this infor-
increase ministry of labour and social affairs (MLAS) mation. To guarantee that the material is still appropriate
inquiry has been used to collect relevant statistical data. for beginning English students, it was selected using just
Through basic statistical detail performance, pupils’ pro- those criteria. The following were carried out to ensure
duced answers are collected through given subjective results. that there might be little linguistic diversity through courses:
The following are some suggestions for enhancing giving opportunities to practice oral and auditory commu-
English language classes via the use of mobile learning nication via mediums including podcasts, films, online dis-
technologies: ensuring that educators and students have cussion boards, online articles, eBooks, and digital newspa-
enough tools at their disposal to master new technologies, pers, together with interactive reading tests and activities;
using mobile learning resources and activities to boost stu- helping students improve their writing abilities via the use
dent engagement and achieve course goals, providing sev- of online resources such as digital feedback, collaborative
eral chances for evaluation and criticism to track student writing exercises, revision tools, and more and access to
progress and make appropriate pedagogical changes, and multimedia resources that integrate several language abil-
increasing synergy between reading, writing, and other ities into a single setting, such as viewing a film; and then
foundational skills and mobile learning technologies. discussing it in a virtual classroom, may help enhance lan-
guage integration. That quantitative investigation relied on
using Smartphone Learners Orientation Scales (MLAS)
while the descriptive study made use of basic personal
3.1 Samples and technique detail forms including mixed tight while flexible inquiries.
Think about the context of mobile education as you eval-
Near Eastern Technological University (METU) is consid- uate the quality, pros, negatives, and usability from a stu-
ered among the greatest universities in Turkish territory, dent’s point of view. Using a 5-point scale from “completely
and 294 undergraduates from this institution participated agree” to “strongly disagree,” this evaluation covers a wide
in their research. Individuals who attend some “prep variety of issues. Following much thoughts including con-
schools” receive intense foreign instruction in languages sultation with several subject matter professionals, they
through preparation over their initial semester from uni- settled upon every label for their variables which would
versity. These include 156 females along with 138 males, represent each aggregate element that makes up each ele-
spanning these years from 18 to 30 (refer to Figure 1 shown ment. The reliability of this MLAS was established by
in this article regarding more description of those genera- demonstrating its ability to distinguish between those
tion groups). Common multimedia resources used in mobile who have optimistic from pessimistic worldviews. This
learning include the following: MLAS seems possible since its dependability has been
• There are various language-learning programs such as shown to be extremely good (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.88).
Babbel, Duolingo, and Memrise. To collect this information, their investigators devised a
• A few examples of video conferencing apps include quiz that inquiries about individuals’ sex, age, employ-
Skype, Zoom, and Google Meet. ment, presence of smart devices when Web usage. Several
• Content that can be played on an audio player, such as open-ended comments seemed to be comprised with round
radio broadcasts and podcasts. out their data. Concerns were designed to generate data
• Blackboard, Moodle, Canvas, interactive whiteboards, from why word learners might want to apply portable
and more are just a few of the online classroom technol- gadgets, what kinds of smartphone services are currently
ogies available today. applied over vocabulary education, what kinds of advance-
ments could be made regarding their layout along with such
software, along with what kinds of portable developing con-
ditions are most effective. The results of a retrospective
study (14/x = 0.88) were also included in the assessment by
peers. To collect this information, individual investigators
devised another poll that inquiries about the individuals’
sex, age, employment, presence of smart devices when
Website usage. To complement their numerical information,
they have several free-form inquiries. There were questions
about other benefits of portable studying settings, various
Figure 1: Participant’s age allocation. types of smart software employed among phrase learners,
6  Ruixia Liu

including various reasons behind studying another target lan-

guage through smartphones.
The effectiveness of mobile learning technology in the
context of English language instruction is assessed by: the
comparison of exam scores before and after language study,
examining the Effects of Mobile Learning on Student
Motivation, collect user and expert perspectives on the
efficacy of mobile learning aids in achieving language
learning objectives and mobile learning’s long-term effi-
Figure 2: Faculty distribution of students.
cacy can only be gauged by monitoring pupils’ growth
and development over time.
20 and 29. Learners may be broken down into three groups
by analyzing their distribution across departments. As
shown in Figure 2, the Technology Department had 99 stu-
3.2 Analyzing and measuring dents (34%) whereas the Economics and Administration
Department had 38 (13%), the Learning Department had
So that addresses the software investigation’s inquiry objec- 69 (24%), and the Construction College had 15 students (5%).
tives, using one-sided analysis of variance (ANOVA), which
along with individual sample t-tests seemed conducted
using their analytical package Pc. Qualitative statistical
approaches are used during gathering demographic data 4.2 Outcomes of analyzing qualitative data
(which are referred to as aging sex, instructors, and the
field). Every single Statistics release was used. Document So, in an attempt to get one good quantitative representa-
analytics were used from sifting through these open-ended tion of how many hours people spend web regularly,
replies from their statistics survey. Content analytics was researchers requested individuals to answer this inquiry
used to obtain individuals’ comments about their topics regarding individual network application patterns. They
which motivated our investigation. As such an outcome, did these to seek more about how they use your Internet
non-unique decoding techniques were used. Rather, sup- hence may be you might create more effective wireless
porting qualitative data was based upon carefully chosen study language software. It is an open question as to
comments by individuals that encompassed when suitable whether or not the shift to digital educational settings
throughout their conclusions. The use of multimedia in the has significantly altered the status quo. People are divided
English classroom may provide a number of difficulties for into numerous categories based on how much time they
educators, inadequate experience or education using tech- spend online daily: less than half a minute, between one
nical tools, finding multimedia resources that are appro- and two hours, approximately three to four hours, between
priate for their teaching goals and the requirements of their four and five hours, or more than five hours. The details are
students may be difficult, worries that students and teachers given in Figure 3. Sixty-two users check in about several
will have fewer chances to interact on a deeper level due to with 50 occasions in all (50%), while another 78 spent
greater usage of technology in the classroom and the value greater than 50 moments online in a single week (23%).
of dividing one’s time evenly between computer use and
more conventional approaches to language study, such as
reading and writing.

4 Results

4.1 Statistics about the population

A total of 295 high school seniors (157 females and 138

males) were involved in this research. They were 21 years
old (Figure 1); however, individuals varied widely between Figure 3: Daily internet use of students.
Analysis of multimedia technology and mobile learning in English teaching  7

utilizing their own mobile devices to connect to the web.

Results showed that 72 percent of respondents relied on
their mobile devices for more than 90 percent of their time
spent online. In addition, 6 people depended on their
mobile devices for more than 75% of their online activities,
while 60 people used their mobile devices for more than
80% of their online activities. The results are shown in
Figure 4 below. Unmistakable evidence shows that the
vast majority of learners would rather do world wide
web-related assignments using smart equipment. Students
Figure 4: Student’s percentage of internet use by smartphones.
at 4-year institutions may get more out of their English
lessons if they take use of mobile learning gadgets. Students
In addition, questions were posed to individuals have access to a wide selection of technical innovations
regarding their proportion during our overall hours spent and multimedia materials meant to facilitate language study.
online that occurred using wireless phones. These are If teachers can deliver more personalized feedback and
being conducted because you might determine the online instruction to their students using mobile learning technolo-
frequency with which consumers connected with mobile gies, then everyone wins. Now more than ever, kids can get
devices online. Subsequently, it was discovered that 16 their hands on language-study materials whenever and
individuals depended just upon their portable gadgets wherever they want.
overall during their online requirements, 23 individuals Furthermore, the utilization of smartphone and tablet
utilized their cell equipment across 9% alongside 40% computers for interaction, and internet-based learning,
during the online requirements, and 43 individuals depended along with other purposes was elicited from pupils.
upon their smartphone gadgets across 40%, respectively, Smartphones were utilized by a total of 2 for interac-
while half during the online requirements, 58 humans tions, 251 individuals for networking sites, and 187 indivi-
depended upon their smartphone gadgets over across duals for learning purposes. This indicates that pupils
one half alongside 75% during those online requirements, choose to use their handheld gadgets mainly for communi-
while 61 individuals depended with their smartphone gad- cation and interacting with others. Figure 5 shows why
gets with among 70% along with 90% during their online nearly all respondents say cell phones facilitate rapid access
requirements. This suggests that most students like (44%) as well as simple access (26%) and are learning

Figure 5: Student’s aims of using smartphones in learning language.

8  Ruixia Liu

support (10%). Even though both groups are identical, they substantial differences in how male and female students
are separate. Those have “helpful for studying” as well as felt about mobile learning. To find whether learners had
“supportive when studying English.” Mobile devices can be statistically various points of view on smartphone educa-
used to learn anything, regardless of whether it pertains to a tion based on their educational departments is discussed in
program or not, which is why those groups were divided. Table 2. The evaluation of variation was performed only in
Consequently, “beneficial for English studying” just means each direction. F (4,285) = 2.49, p = 0.05, and 2 = 0.03 in the
about beneficial benefits of using smartphones during Eng- ANOVA show that students’ perceptions of smartphone
lish study, while “supportive for teaching” is related to edu- education vary significantly among academic departments
cational experiences in broad. Teachers use the following mention as shown in Table 3.
strategies to create engaging mobile lessons for teaching
English. It is crucial to identify their learning goals and
then match them with suitable mobile learning resources
and applications, include a wide range of interactive activ- 5 Concluding remarks and
ities and multimedia resources to keep students interested
and engaged as they learn the language, through the utiliza-
tion of group projects, peer review, and online discussion
In an attempt to better comprehend the overall viewpoint
boards, students may learn and collaborate in an environ-
of college and university students, our research aims to
ment tailored to them and evaluate your students’ progress
examine their views regarding smartphone education while
toward their objectives and make any necessary changes to
creating any constructing smartphone apps promoting speech
the language program based on the findings.
development. The subjects were given a demographics ques-
tionnaire and an electronic training satisfaction assessment.
Analyzing this numerical as well as anecdotal information
collected with these tools led to the development of five study
4.3 Conclusions from numerical evaluation
hypotheses which act as the investigation’s backbone. Along
processing data with a discussion of the study’s results, we also answer these
additional inquiries:
The proposed unilateral t-test revealed any substantial var- • Was there any significant difference between the way
iance in men and female pupil opinions on smartphone males and females think when they react to digital
instruction (M = 2.83, SD = 0.63) and (M = 2.72, SD = 0.56) learning?
(t (292) = 1.52, p = 0.13) mentioned in Table 1. The goal of the Results show both male and female students’ percep-
search analysis was to improve and see if there were any tions of smartphone education were not significantly
different. There are no discernible variations regarding
the way male and female students view smartphone edu-
Table 1: Gender differences in perspectives on mobile learning as cation, according to earlier research. There were signifi-
shown by a t-test cantly meaningful variations among male and female
participants’ judgments of educational education sys-
Gender n Mean SD t-cal t-crit df p tems, as investigated by their study of this topic. There
Female 157 2.72 0.56 −1.52 1.96 292 0.13 were also no discernible variations in cell phone use
Male 137 2.83 0.63 between the sexes.
Still, some studies contradict this, showing that male
and female students approach mobile learning differ-
ently. Female students were more enthusiastic about
Table 2: Assignment of teachers to courses

Courses Mean SD n
Table 3: ANOVA results
Faculty of Architecture 2.77 0.46 15
Faculty of Arts and Science 2.60 0.61 69
Source SS df MS F η2
Faculty of Economics and Administrative 2.71 0.63 38
Sciences Faculty Group 3.44 4 0.86 2.49* 0.03
Faculty of Education 2.89 0.52 69 Error 98.34 285 0.35
Faculty of Engineering 2.82 0.61 99 Total 101.78 289
Analysis of multimedia technology and mobile learning in English teaching  9

mobile phone use than male students, according to the Different motivations for using mobile devices for
studies reported. Women are more likely to send text language study and practice were demonstrated. There
messages than males, but men are more likely to make are many applications for the study and practice of lan-
voice calls, according to research. The researchers found guages. The following categories classify various facets
this out. Perhaps this is why most men would rather have a of these functions: Use of a dictionary, listening to audio
conversation than put their thoughts down on paper. It was files designed for language study, repetition of previously
discovered that men and women valued distinct features in taught material, etc. The best ways to learn a new lan-
their mobile phones, with men giving more weight to tech- guage are by exposure to the language in all its forms,
nology and women to social features. Also, it showed that including music, films, writing exercises, collocation drills,
cellular phone preferences differ by country. research, reading exercises, translation, pronunciation,
• Why do teachers worry about learners utilizing their apps, and conversations with native speakers. In addition,
mobile devices like cell phones along with laptops while having the opportunity to talk to and compete against
they are during category? one’s friends while learning a foreign language led to a
The findings revealed a large variation in students’ better sense of camaraderie and fun among the students.
perspectives about mobile learning based on their tea- Mobile devices were seen as effective learning tools by
chers. In particular, it was shown that students majoring students because of the convenience with which material
in the faculty of education have a more positive outlook could be shared and retrieved. This conclusion is consis-
than students majoring in any other faculty of arts and tent with the work.
science. The usage of mobile applications with a focus on • How might pupils throughout fundamental education
language acquisition appears to be more common among access webpages when apps are geared toward English
students in the faculty of education than among those in education?
the faculty of arts and sciences; however, this cannot be Students prefer using Google Translate, Tureng, Quizlet,
determined with any certainty. However, no statistically TED, and the Turkish-made online dictionary website Sesli
significant differences were found in students’ attitudes Sozluk. The British Council’s materials, as well as those of
toward mobile learning based on their chosen fields of the Cambridge Dictionary, Oxford Dictionary, Memorize,
study. It showed that, when broken down by year, stu- and others, were also heavily used by preschoolers. It
dents in their first and second years of college were more appears that the vast majority of the time when students
likely to use mobile devices than students in their third are exposed to English language teaching, they use smart-
and fourth years. Students in their first year of college phones to search for the definitions of English words.
are the focus of this study; therefore, the findings are Students do not just rely on textbooks and internet
consistent with those of the previous study. resources for language practice, as the results of the
• Was some benefit for children in elementary education study demonstrate. The language quizzes on Duolingo
to use mobile devices like handsets? and Onscreen allow users to test their knowledge with
The most frequently utilized apps were those linked to both multiple choice questions with fill-in-the-blank
communication and social networking. Participants’ use of questions. Niche engaging mediums for communication
mobile devices for educational purposes is also undeniable. study besides popular with pre-university students. This
The study’s findings that mobile technology is becoming demonstrates how students would rather have open-
increasingly important bolster in playing games, making ended discussions and Q&A sessions with native speakers
purchases, reading PDFs, watching videos, listening to than complete textbook-based activities.
music, provide amusement, and taking pictures, just to • What do pupils from elementary education believe about
name a few uses. Participants not only emphasized the the use of digital devices for English education?
aforementioned benefits of mobile technology but also the Even though conventional means of education may be
ease and speed with which any kind of information can be more efficient and beneficial in the long run, research sug-
accessed at any time and from any place. Consistent with gests that students are particularly interested in and in
these findings, it concludes that “mobile technologies are need of vocabulary-learning apps. In addition, they worked
more flexible and enable students greater freedom of on improving their listening comprehension and famil-
learning any place, at any time.” These findings are sup- iarity with collocations. Students also showed a strong pre-
ported by the research conducted. ference for interactive applications and circumstances,
• In what way widespread was this technique of instructing such as gaming, dialogue, and competition, when it came
younger children with any secondary languages with cell to learning and practicing English. It is important to con-
phones? sider the usage of gaming or competitions as a sort of
10  Ruixia Liu

interactive entertainment for participants who are inter- Data availability statement: Upon request, the corresponding
ested in these language-learning environments. author can provide access to the data.
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