Paper 34
Paper 34
Paper 34
1 Introduction
Due to the rapid development of scientific and technical progress, nowadays the
amount of knowledge and skills necessary for specialists is constantly increasing, thus
increasing demands for the quality of their preparation are set. Computer-aided learn-
ing issues are of interest to many scholars: pedagogues and IT specialists. The com-
petitiveness of specialists in an economy market largely depends on the quality of
their knowledge. The introduction of information technology in almost all areas of
human activity set new requirements for the acquisition of modern knowledge and
skills for professionals of various profiles. At the moment, computers have become a
necessary tool not only for science and professional activities, but are increasingly
being used for education and/ or improvement of professional skills. In higher educa-
tion institutions, various computerized systems and programs for the organization of
students' training and knowledge testing are used in the study process: computerized
learning systems (e.g. Atutor, Claroline, Moodle); computerized knowledge testing
systems (e.g. Automated Task Control System, WebTest); modelling systems [1];
educational games [2].
Mobile learning (m-learning) plays an important role in the education and profes-
sional training of specialists. The rapid development of mobile technologies ensures
their further integration in the learning process in order to improve the quality of edu-
cation. Several educational institutions in the world and in Latvia are already using
mobile technologies to play multimedia learning web resources (audio and video files,
maps, images) and provide quick access to learning sites, resources and dictionaries.
M-learning gives the ability to reliably access information, which was previously
impossible. This advantage of access is not limited by time and place. The devices
necessary for mobile connection are relatively inexpensive compared to desktop com-
puters or laptops [3], which leads to lower education costs, and makes it available to
people who otherwise could not afford it. The European Commission finances large
multinational m-learning projects [4]. Companies that specialize in three main areas
of mobile learning were formed: Development and publication; Delivery and track-
ing; Content development. Many conferences and exhibitions about mobile learning
were held, including a series of international conferences: mLearn [5], WMUTE [6]
and IADIS Mobile [7], ICML in Jordan, mobile training in Malaysia, learning with
portable devices in London, Mobile in the USA. Also many projects are devoted to
the practice and theory of teaching using mobile devices: mobile learning system The
Mobile Learning Network Project (MoLeNET) (Great Britain), Mobile Learning En-
vironment Project (The MoLE) (USA), Mobile Technologies in Lifelong Learning:
best practices (MOTILL) (EU), MLearning Consortium (Canada) [8].
Mobile training comes with its own set of problems. Technical problems: connec-
tion access; short battery life of mobile devices; the size of the screen and keyboard;
information throughput; the number of file formats supported by a particular device;
content protection; several standards and operating systems; conversion of existing
education training materials for mobile platforms. Social and educational problems:
availability and cost of mobile devices for end users; content security or piracy issues;
frequent changes in device models, technologies and functionality; development of an
appropriate learning theory for mobile age; conceptual differences between e-learning
and m-learning; designing technology to support lifelong learning.
In this section, the benefits and practical application of mobile education will be dis-
Nowadays, mobile technologies are universally used even where there are not enough
schools, books and computers. The prices for mobile phones are constantly decreas-
ing, so an increasing number of people, even in the poorest regions, have the oppor-
tunity to purchase such devices and know how to use them. A growing number of
projects indicate that mobile technology is an excellent learning tool for students who
are deprived of the opportunity to receive quality education. Thus, the BridgeIT pro-
ject for Latin America and Asia, which is based on the research approach to learning,
provides modern teaching materials. The project is aimed at geographically isolated
educational institutions and is implemented through mobile communication. With its
help, even educational institutions that are not connected to a fixed telephone network
receive Internet access [9].
Mobile devices usually are a property of their owners, are at their disposal throughout
the day and have many customization features. That is why mobile technologies pro-
vide more opportunities for personalization comparing with stationary and infor-
mation exchange technologies. Depending on the skills and knowledge of the user,
applications for mobile phones and tablets allow to choose texts that are more difficult
or easier to read. This approach allows to eliminate the constraints faced by students
with a higher or, conversely, lower level of knowledge compared to the rest of the
class. Although these capabilities were implemented on personal computers several
years ago, their use had serious limitations. Students did not have the opportunity to
freely bring a personal computer to the classroom or take it home, many could not
even afford to buy such a device, so this technology, even if available in computer
centers and specialized laboratories, did not become truly personalized. Due to its
exceptional portability and relative cheapness, mobile technologies have greatly ex-
panded the potential and opportunities for personalized learning [10]. With the help of
mobile devices education becomes informal, personalized and situated [9].
Mobile technology accelerates the process of evaluating learning results and gives
students and teachers the opportunity to track progress quickly. Previously, students
had to wait days or even weeks for recommendations based on their knowledge. Now,
thanks to interactive functions of mobile devices, the answer can be obtained almost
instantly. This allows students to quickly identify problems in learning process and
repeat the key concepts. The use of mobile technologies increases the efficiency of
teachers work - through automation of the processes of distribution, collection, analy-
sis and documentation of the evaluation data. So, there are mobile applications, which
allow teachers to quickly assess the knowledge of students, checking their fulfilled
tasks for reading texts. Usually, these applications work with different operating sys-
tems, so that the student can answer control questions from his mobile device, rather
than from the device provided by the educational institution. Evaluation of control
works is done instantly and, if necessary, reflected in a journal, diary or record-book.
So paper diaries or painstaking data input by hand gradually fade into the past [9].
3.4 Learning at anytime and anywhere
Since most of the time the mobile device is close to its owner, it allows to conduct the
learning process at any time and in any place. Mobile learning applications give the
user a choice: user can perform an exercise that requires several minutes, or complete-
ly concentrate on the task for several hours. As an example, there is the UNESCO
project, which was implemented to increase literacy using mobile technologies. The
usual full-time learning course, which was attended by 250 teenage girls from remote
areas of Pakistan, was supplemented by the capabilities of mobile technologies. The
problem of literacy is quite acute in Pakistan, especially among women and girls. The
level of literacy of men is 69%, while literate women in the country - only 40%.
UNESCO specialists decided to provide the girls with remote support after the com-
pletion of the course. The only way to communicate with students from villages
where there were no computers or reliable fixed communications were mobile
phones. Teachers sent text messages to students, reminding them that they need to
perform a written assignment or to read the text from the textbook again. Until mobile
phones were used in the UNESCO project, only 28% of the girls who received litera-
cy received an excellent mark on the exam. The use of mobile communication in-
creased the number of students who received the highest mark, more than 60% [9].
M-learning can deliver information from anywhere in the world for the student. It can
be supplied anywhere in the world ensuring that students are satisfied in their learn-
ing, and that any problems arising from their study can be dealt effectively [10].
Among Riga Technical University first year students in the Faculty of Computer Sci-
ence and Information Technology which includes four study programs Computer
Systems, Automation and Computer Engineering, Information Technology and Intel-
ligent robotic systems a survey was conducted, which purpose was to determine
whether it is appropriate to use mobile technology in the learning process. The survey
was conducted in 2018 and 161 students took part in it.
Fig. 1. Most used mobile device features
Quantitative results revealed that 96% of student participants reported using their
mobile devices for academic purposes. 97% of students reported using mobile devices
more than 90 minutes per day. Mobile device features used by students are represent-
ed in Fig. 1.
Survey results revealed that majority of students evaluate higher mobile learning
benefits such as “Free access to educational materials”, “Ability to interact with other
students” and “Portability”.
64% student participants agreed with the statement that having course materials
(e.g. slides, lecture notes, tests) available on the mobile device would be beneficial to
study process (see Fig. 2).
40% of student participants agreed with the statement that the use of mobile learn-
ing technologies would improve overall accomplishments in study courses and anoth-
er 41% stated that it will “probably” improve (see Fig. 3).
Fig. 3. Mobile learning technologies improve overall accomplishments in study course
5 Conclusions
In the future, teachers and students will no longer need to be limited to the ability to
teach and to learn at a particular place and time. Mobile devices and wireless technol-
ogies will become an everyday part of learning, both inside and outside the classroom.
Most students are technically and psychologically ready for the use of mobile tech-
nologies in education, and new opportunities should be considered for more effective
use of the potential of mobile learning. The solution of this task requires organiza-
tional efforts on the part of the heads of education, research and methodological work
of scientists and teachers on the introduction of strategies, forms and methods of mo-
bile learning in the educational process of higher education institutions.
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