Engine Troublshooting
Engine Troublshooting
Engine Troublshooting
Slow Deceleration
1. External Leaks
2. Engine Overheating ~ Loose Belts/Overloading etc.
3. Radiator Cap Malfunction
4. Coolant Level High
5. Internal Leaks
6. Combustion Leaks
7. DCA/Antifreeze Concentration Incorrect [High-Low]
8. Air Compressor Defective
Lubricating Oil Sludge
1. Radiator Cap
2. Cylinder head Gasket Blown
3. Cracked/Porous Cylinder Head
4. Injector Sleeve Damaged
5. Liner Protrusion ~ Low/High
6. Porous/Cracked Cylinder Liner
7. Radiator Tubes Blocked
8. Water Pump Impeller
9. Air Compressor
10. Thermostat Sticking Closed
Low Power with Exhaust Smoke
1. High Air Intake Restriction [Black]
2. Turbocharger Inefficient [Black]
3. Air Leaks
(a) Trunking/Hoses
(b) Turbocharger/Cylinder Head [Black]
4. Fuel Drain Line [Black]
5. Over Fueling [Black]
6. Injector Settings [Black]
7. Cracked Injector Cup [Black]
8. Partially Blocked Injector Cup [Black]
9. Injector Protrusion [Black]
10. Valve Clearances [Black]
Low Power with Exhaust Smoke