Learning Episode 11

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Field Study 1


Activity 11.1 Visiting the Learning Resource Center

Resource Teacher: __________ Teacher’s Signature: _______ School: ______________

Grade/Year Level: ___________ Subject Area: _______________ Date: _____________

To realize the Intended Learning Outcome, work my way through these


1. Visit a school’s Learning Resource Center Look around and see what
resources and facilities are available inside.
2. Ask the Learning Resource Center in-charge about how some
equipment or facilities are used.
3. Make an inventory of its available resources and classify them
according to their characteristics and functions.


As you visit and observe the Learning Resource Center; use the
observation guide provided. Ask the assistance of the Center staff

An Observation Guide for a


Read the following statements carefully before you observe.

1. Go around the Learning Resource Center.

2. Find out what learning resources are present.
3. Examine and describe how the materials are arranged and how they
are classified. Are they free from dust and moisture? Are they
arranged for easy access?
4. Read the guidelines/procedures for borrowing of materials. Are these
guidelines/procedures posted are available for the users to refer to?
5. Familiarize yourself with the guidelines and procedures. Take photos
of the center (if allowed).

After you are through with your observation, classify the resources
available that you believe are most useful. Use the activity form provided
for you.

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 1

Name of Center Observed: Resource Center

Date of Observation: March 25, 2024
Name of Observer: Melvin G. Sumalinog
Course/Year/School: BTVTED 4A HCCCI

List of Available Learning Resources

Available Learning Characteristics and Teaching

Resources Unique Capabilities Approaches where
(Enumerate in bullet the Resource is
form) Most Useful

1. Print Resources Enhance students' These resources are

 Books-School reading abilities and useful when it comes
Paper vocabulary to inquiry-based
 Dictionaries development. A useful learning approach,
 Journal resource for teachers project base learning,
seeking additional and research-based
information. learning.
2. Audio Resources Improve students' Helpful to add volume
 Speaker listening skills and when music is being
 Microphone make learning more used.

3. Non-electronic Used to visually This material can

Visual Resources present the teacher's assist the teacher
 Pictures lessons during classroom
 Blackboard discussions.
 Chalk

4. ICT Resources Keep up with the most Technology can help

 Desktop recent trends and teachers facilitate an
Computer information. easier, more
 Laptop productive learning
 Printer experience.
 Smart TV
 Projector
Impression about the LRC: Will Ventilated
Name and Signature of Observer: Melvin G. Sumalinog
Name and Signature of the Learning Resource Center In-charge: Mr.
Gregorio T. Posada

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 1


Are the learning resources/materials arranged properly according

their function sand characteristics?

The learning materials are not placed in the same facility. However,
these were placed accordingly to their functions and usage. For instance,
all the desktop computers are placed in one room with no other learning
material with it. Each learning materials were properly arranged according
to its exact facility.

Do the guidelines and procedures facilitate easy to access to the

materials by the teachers? Why? Why not?

The guidelines and procedures facilitate easy access to the

materials by the teacher in a way that all these materials are convenient to
use and in some way, the students are taught about the different usage of
the different materials. In addition, the guidelines and procedures allow for
easy access to materials while ensuring that everyone has equal utilization
of the supplies or resources.

What are the strengths of this Learning Resource Center?

The learning resource center's strengths are that it is very

conducive to learning because it is brightly lit, well-ventilated, and very
clean. The resources and materials are in line with the most
recent technological trends. Also, each facility are maintained clean for its
long lasting purpose for the school and for the next generation of students.

What are its weaknesses?

Probably, one of its weaknesses is that all the equipment’s are not
placed in the same room and that there is no specific learning resource
center that can be called so. Another weakness of the learning resource
center is that each facility doesn't have a solid wall that results to noise
disturbances caused by the students

What suggestions can you make?

One thing I can suggest is that they should make one room that has all the
learning materials/resources placed altogether so that students won't have
a hard time finding each facility.

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 1


1. Which of the materials in the Learning Resource Center caught

your interest the most? Why?

Their computer piqued my interest because most of their computers

work very well and are in good condition, and the teacher in charge is very
accommodating to the students.

2. Which gadgets/materials are you already confident to


The computer is the gadget/material that I was already confident to


3. Which ones do you feel you need to learn more about?

The one that i fell to learn more about is operate in a smart tv in our

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 1


Activity 11.2 Observing Technology Integration in the Classroom

Resource Teacher: __________ Teacher’s Signature: _______ School: ______________

Grade/Year Level: ___________ Subject Area: _______________ Date: _____________

To realize my Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work my way

through these steps: Observe a class for three meetings. Video-tape, if
allowed. Step 2. Describe how technology was integrated in the lessons
and how the students were involved. Step 3 Use the Technology
Integration Matrix to analyze the technology integration done by the
teacher. Step 4. Reflect on what you have learned.


As you observe the class, use the observation sheets

provided or you to document your observations.

Class Observation Guide

Read the following questions and instructions and instructions carefully

before you observe.
1. What is the lesson about?
2. What visual aids/materials/learning resources is the teacher using?
3. Observe and take notes on how the teacher presents/uses the learning
4. Closely observe the learners’ response to the teacher’s use of learning
resources. Listen to their verbal responses. What do their responses
indicate? Do their responses show attentiveness, eagerness, and
5. Focus on their non-verbal responses. Are they learning and are they
showing their interest in the lesson and in the materials? Are they looking
towards the direction of the teacher and the materials? Do their actions
show attentiveness, eagerness, and understanding?



Date of Observation: March 25, 2024

School: Colongulo National High School
Subject: TLE Topic: Organic Crop Production
Grade/Year Level: Grade 12 Einstein

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 1



Grade or Year Level of Class Observed: grade 12 Einstein

Date of Observation: March 25, 2024

Subject Matter: Raise Organic Small Ruminant

Brief Description of Teaching Approach Used by the Teacher: Student
Teaching Aids Strengths Weaknesses Appropriateness
Used of the Teaching
(Enumerate in bullet Aids used

PowerPoint The Power Point The font size The ppt’s theme
Presentation presentation is too small is aligned to the
catches topic discussed.
attention for its
Television gives It may affect The television
Television a clear view of the students’ was informative.
the content of sight
the Power Point
It is an It has a limited The blackboard
efficient tool space and written supports the
Blackboard where, if the materials cannot information in the
teacher forget be stored and ppt which
something to reused means what’s
addon her ppt, written on the
the board is board is also
there to the aligned to the
rescue. topic discussed.
Chalk A writing tool that It may cause It writes the
provides light allergic reaction. information that
to what the are needed.
teacher is going
to write

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 1

Use the Technology Integration Form to analyze the class you

observed. Refer to the Technology Integration Matrix on p. 123. In
which level of technology integration do you think the teacher you
observed operated? Why?

Using the Technology Integration Matrix, I determined that the

class’s level of technology integration is at level 5, or the "Transformation"
stage. The teacher also used a slide presentation where it enables the
students to actively participate for the reason that the slide presentation is

Based on the Technology Integration Matrix, what is the

characteristic of the learning environment in the class that you
observed? Point your observations that justify your answer.

According to the Technology Integration Matrix, the learning

environment in the class that I observed was "Goal Directed," which
means that students use technology tools to set goals, plan activities,
monitor progress, and evaluate results rather than simply completing
assessments without reflections. As I observed, following individual
activity, the teacher provided direct feedback, to which the students
responded with their defense and opinion on how they arrived at their
answers. The teacher is responsive to students' original ideas, even if
they are not based on classroom discussions. The teacher
encourages her students to think creatively and to explore their learnings
as well as their insights.

Over-all, were the learning resources used effectively? Why? Why

not? Give your suggestions.

The learning environment in the class I observed was

"Goal Directed" in accordance with the Technology Integration Matrix,
which denotes that students use technology tools to set goals, plan
activities, monitor progress, and evaluate results rather than simply
passing assessments without reflections. Upon completion of an
individual assignment, the teacher gave direct feedback, to which the
students reacted by defending their choices and offering their
opinions on how they came to their conclusions. Even if they are
not based on class discussions, the teacher is receptive to the students'
own ideas.

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 1


1. Put yourself in the place of the teacher What would you do

similarly and what would you do differently if you would teach the
same lesson to the same group of students? Why?

If I were the teacher, I would imitate his zeal and mastery of

manipulating the laptop and smart TV in class to ensure the
smoothness of his lesson. I admire and respect his approach. His
method is quick, sweep, accurate, and modern, allowing students to
learn at their best. His approach to his class is based on the
philosophy that students, like me, are at the center of the curriculum.
One thing I would do differently in the same class is that I will enlarge
the font size of the texts for students to clearly see what was the
content of the presentation

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 1


Activity 11.3 Exploring Education 4.0

Resource Teacher: __________ Teacher’s Signature: _______ School: ______________

Grade/Year Level: ___________ Subject Area: _______________ Date: _____________

Explore Education 4.0 through these steps:

1. Observe a class and take note of the topic being presented.

2. Surf the net to find sites that provide support materials and/or interactive
programs (web quests/games) on the topic. Try to ask Siri, Alexa;
3. List and describe at least 5 open-source sites/interactive programs; from
4. Evaluate the materials or programs:
5. Reflect on your FS experience.


Class Observation Guide

Read the following statements carefully before you observe.

1. What is the lesson about? What are the teacher’s objectives?

The lesson is all about oriental herbal nutrients preparation.

The teacher’s learning objectives are; a.) identify the materials use in
processing OHN; b.) process OHN based on the Philippines standard of
organic agriculture production and c.) observe safety measure when
handling materials and tools in processing OHN.

2. Note the important concepts that the teacher is emphasizing.

The teacher emphasizes the important of OHN in beneficial

microorganism like bacteria and fungi that can help enrich the soil . The
teacher also show a video presentation on how to make OHN in step by
step process because they are going to perform OHN.

3. Note the skills that the teacher is developing in the learners.

The teacher developed the learner’s ability to perform on how

to make OHN through themselves.

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 1


Analyzing the information you got from observing the class, surf the
internet t select electronic resources, including OERs, social networking
sites and apps with virtual or augmented reality that will be useful in
teaching the same lesson. Evaluate the resources you found using the set
of criteria discussed in the Revisit the Learning Essentials part of this
Episode. Use the form below to note your analysis and evaluation.

Electronic Resources Evaluation Form

Grade/Year Level Grade 12

Subject Matter/Topic (Based on The lesson is all about Oriental Herbal Nutrients
the class you observed) Preparation.

Lesson Objectives/Learning The teacher’s learning objectives are;

Outcomes a.) Identify the materials use in processing OHN;
b.) Process OHN based on the Philippines standard of
organic agriculture production and
c.) Observe safety measure when handling materials and
tools in processing OHN.

Name Describe the Put a check if the resource Describe how you
and Type electronic resource satisfies the criterion. can use it if you were
of (include to teaching the class
Electroni author/publisher/sourc you observed.
c e).

Accu Approp Clear Comp Motivati Organiz

rate riate lete ng ed

Slide Slide Share is a website SlideShare has a lot of

Share which allows you to post topics and information
content- PDF’s, that will be a great help
PowerPoint Slides, for me. I will no longer
Videos, and others- as a browse or create any
presentations can then
✔ ✔ ✔ slide because it is a
be searched, viewed one stop site. You can
and shared by anyone get all the needed
information for the

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 1

chosen topic.
Google Google classroom This will serve as my
Classroo create and manage folder in a file format to
m classes, assignments, organize my students’
and grades online outputs and keep track
without paper. Add on their tasks.
materials to your ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
assignments, such as
YouTube videos, a
Google Forms survey,
and other items from
Google Drive
Google This is one of the free Since all of the
Form online software that students’ activities and
allows you to create assignments are done
surveys, quizzes and online, I will use
more. It is part of Google form as my
Google’s web-based ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ option in giving
apps suite, including assessment. Through
Google Docs, Google this will be able to
Sheets, Slides and create quizzes,
more. activities and exams
Quizizz Quizizz is self-paced,
Quizizz is an online so each student has
assessment tool that an equal opportunity
allows teachers and ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ to respond without
students to create and feeling rushed.
use one another’s


1. Describe your experience in surfing the internet for appropriate

electronic resources for the class? What made it easy? Difficult?

When searching the

internet for relevant
electronic resources for the
class, I

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 1

first study the outline of

the materials that appear.
And then, I figure it out if
relevant to my topic. The
searching of electronic
resources is not difficult at
because every resources
has a description that
allows me to know if it
my objective.
When searching the internet for relevant electronic resources for
the class, I first study the outline of the materials that appear. And then, I
figure it out if it's relevant to my topic. The searching of electronic
resources is not difficult at all because every resources has a description
that allows me to know if it suits my objective.

When searching the

internet for relevant
Learning Episode 11
Field Study 1

electronic resources for the

class, I
first study the outline of
the materials that appear.
And then, I figure it out if
relevant to my topic. The
searching of electronic
resources is not difficult at
because every resources
has a description that
allows me to know if it
my objective.
2. How did you choose which electronic resources to include here?
What did you consider? Explain. Which of the new trends in

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 1

Education 4.0 would you like to explore more for your work as a
teacher? Why?

When selecting an electronic resource, there are multiple

considerations to make. The first thing to think about is credibility. It
encompasses selecting resources that have previously been
demonstrated and tested. On the other hand, the new trend in education
4.0 that I would like to explore more is the use of open educational
resources (OER). I would like to give emphasis about the flexibility of this
one because of the things that encompasses this.

3. Reflect on your technology skills. What skills do you already have,

and what skills would you continue to work on to be better at utilizing
education 4.0 resources?

As an individual born in a world of technology, I could say that I

have an advantage about using technology. I have been exposed
to surfing the internet every now and then. Also, in terms of using
applications that are related to educational field, I also have a
better understanding of how it works. Given all the advantage of
today, I would love to continue to be better on exploring things that could
aid teaching and learning to have a quality education for all.

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 1


Activity 11.4 Professional Development Through MOOCS

Resource Teacher: __________ Teacher’s Signature: _______ School: ______________

Grade/Year Level: ___________ Subject Area: _______________ Date: _____________


To realize my Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work my way through

these steps.

Step 1: Review the seven domains of PPST and identify

competencies I like to develop more.
Step 2: Visit sites of MOOC providers and explore the courses
offered that are relevant PPST domains I want to work on.
Step 3: Reflection how I can continue developing my skills through


1. Get a copy of the PPST and go over the competencies.

2. On the second column, write the competencies you like to work on.
3. Search for MOOCs in the internet which are relevant to the
competencies you identified. You may try these sites:

 http://www.teachthought.com/technology/list-75-moocs-teachers-
 http://www.educationworld.com/a_curr/moocs-best-teachers-free-
 http://www.forbes.com/sites/skollworldforum/2013/06/10/moocs-
 https:www.mooc-list.com/categories/teacher-professional-
 http://ww2.kqed.org/mindshift/2013/04/30/new-online-teacher-

4. Indicate the MOOC provider. You might need to create an account in

the different MOOC providers to explore their MOOCs.

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 1

PPST Domain Competencies I MOOCs related to the MOOC

want to work on competency/ies Provider
(include a short
1. Content positive use of Information and
Knowledge and ICT Communication
Pedagogy Technology (ICT) edX
Accessibility- it teaches
students ICT
Accessibility and the
principles of ICT design
2. The Learning Organizing the Happiness and
Environment learning Resilience at work- this
environment online program gives edX
introduction to
happiness in
companies and
3. Diversity of How to help Understanding Diversity
Learners students and Inclusion- this
understand course explores
diversity diversity and aims to Future
support learners to learn
create more inclusive
and open
4. Curriculum Understanding Teaching- The course
and Planning curriculum is design for -Coursera
academic teachers and Coursera
learners who are
planning to get involved
in university teaching
5. Assessing and Understand the Self-assessment
Reporting proper use of Developing your
assessment in strengths – this career
determining the development course will
knowledge of the help students to assess edX
student their strengths and
interests so they can
strategize their career
6. Community Teacher-parent The teacher and social

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 1

Linkages and relationship and emotional learning

Professional (SEL) Specialization –
Engagement this series of online Coursera
courses teaches how to
connect emotionally
with students and the
school community
7. Personal Master the Philosophy and Critical
Growth and Philosophy of thinking- this course
Professional Teaching teaches how to think
Development with clarity and rigor;
how to identify, analyze edX
and construct cogent
arguments and how to
think of solutions to the
central problems of


From among the MOOCs you explored, pick at least three

which you believe are the most appropriate for you. Describe the
MOOCs below.

1. MOOC Title Foundation of Teaching for Learning 4: Curriculum

Provider: Coursera

Objectives of the MOOC: Curriculum is a framework for guiding

teaching and learning. This course provides an opportunity for
you to consider the relationship between the teacher, the learner and
the curriculum

Content Outline: Getting to know the curriculum, Curriculum

development, Curriculum development, Putting students first, Putting
Curriculum to Work, Theories and Theorists, and Optimizing Curriculum

Why did you pick this MOOC? As a future teacher, I picked this
MOOC for it provides a demonstrable strategy and framework for providing
an excellent education to teachers, students, school leaders, and
community stakeholders. The curriculum specifies the learning
outcomes, standards, and core competencies that students must
achieve before progressing to the next level.

2. MOOC Title: Learner's and Learning

Provider: Coursera

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 1

Objectives of the MOOC: The teacher's work becomes meaningful

when it is informed by research and theories of learning, and their
relationship to actual practice. This course provides an opportunity for you
to identify and understand students' expectations and prior learning.

Content Outline: The lives of children, How children learn, Engaging

with students, The power of the peer group, Learning that travels, and
Four key thinkers

Why did you pick this MOOC?

I picked this MOOC because as a teacher, I always believed that
students' learning is way more important and that the teacher's task
becomes significant as soon as it is made aware by studies and
educational hypotheses, as well as their practical application. I believe that
this course makes it possible to recognize and comprehend students'
preconceptions and previous knowledge

3. MOOC Title: Creativity, Innovation, and Change

Provider: Coursera

Objectives of the MOOC: To discover creative uniqueness

through Creative Diversity, use Intelligent Fast Failure to build
innovative skills, apply CENTER principles to drive personal
change, implement value creation skills to initiate lasting change.

Content Outline: CIC Mindset & Innovation Toolbox, Understanding

Creative Diversity, CENTER Model, Value Creation and Change

Why did you pick this MOOC?

As future teacher, I believe that each student is unique and I believe
that their creativity leads to innovation, and their innovation generates
value. I picked this MOOC because I always stand that students has their
own way of thinking and whatever that way is, I am certain that its way
more valuable than nothing.


1. How can MOOCs help you in your future career as a professional

teacher and as a lifelong learner?

As a future teacher, MOOCs help me to realize that technology has

a big part on our lives at the same time in our learning. Through MOOCs
we can explore more new things that can help us in our teaching-learning

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 1

process. It is more convenient for me to get information and at the same

time it helps in enhancing my computer skill on exploring online learning. It
is an educational course content that may help a lot of students if will be
used. As a lifelong learner, MOOCs help me to give the opportunity to
have quality education. The information that I will get will help
me to become knowledgeable person that I will also be sharing to my
future students. It assists me in preparing for my profession.

2. What did you learn from the way the providers use technology to
teach in the MOOCs?

I learned that technology provide a lot of opportunities

for many people to have good education. Nowadays, distance is
not a barrier for learning, and it’s all because of the help of
technology and at the same time MOOCs. It is more convenient to learn
for those people who have a busy life and are working since this online
courses are open to all groups of people. This can accessed by anyone
anywhere providing the participants online discussion on topics just like in
a classroom. They also provide feedback for the performance of
participants through the use of technology

3. How will you prepare yourself for MOOCs, as a learner, and as a

teacher who may someday teach a MOOC?

As a learner I will try to use this course and explore more about
their providers. I would effort to improve my skills of being an effective
facilitator so that someday if ever I will teach a MOOC, I could facilitate my
students well.

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 1

LINK Theory to Practice

Directions: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.

1. Mrs. Intonis evaluating a website for her Literature class. She is making sure
that factual pieces of information found on the site are well-documented, and
pictures and diagrams are properly labeled. She is also checking that there are
no misspelled words nor grammar errors. Which criterion is she focusing on?

A. Appropriateness c. Motivation
B. Clarity d. Accuracy

2. Miss Castro is evaluating an early literacy app for her kindergartners. She is
making sure the app is uncluttered in appearance, is arranged in some order of
difficulty, and that icons represent what they were intended to represent. Which
criterion is she focusing on?

A. Organization c. Motivation
B. Accuracy d. Appropriateness

3. Miss Tanada is evaluating an app for her Grade 8 Science class. She is finding
out whether the app taps the skills found in the Grade 8 standards to ensure that
this app will help meet her objectives. She wants to make sure it is not too easy
nor too difficult for her students. Which criterion is she focusing on?

A. Organization c. Currency
B. Accuracy d. Appropriateness

4. A Science teacher uses a PowerPoint presentation to show the classification in

kingdom Animalia. The teacher then teaches them how to use a software in
making graphic organizers. Students then use this to create their own graphic
organizers to classify animals. This shows technology integration which is

A. Entry-constructive c. Infusion-constructive
B. Adoption-constructive d. Transformation-constructive

5. Teacher A demonstrates how to work with a math app that provides practice in
adding mixed fractions. The students then work independently with the app to
provide them sufficient practice in adding mixed fractions. This shows technology
integration which is _____________.

A. Entry-active c.Infusion-active
B. Adoption-active d. Transformation-active

6. A Grade 7 Social Studies teacher gave a project where her class in Manila will
work together with other Grade 7 classes in their school campuses in Visayas

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 1

and Mindanao.They will use social media to spread their piece campaign. This
project involves technology integration which is __________.

A. Entry-active c. Transformation-constructive
B. Adoption-constructive d. Adaption-collaborative

7. All are responsibilities of the Learning Resource/Audio Visual/ Educational

Technology Center of a school EXCEPT __________.

A. Make available technology equipment for the use of teachers and students
B. Conduct training for teachers on how to use technology tools
C. Work with teachers in producing instructional materials
D. Accomplish the students’ technology project for them

8. The Learning Resource/Audio-visual/Educational Technology Center regularly

provides the teachers a list of websites, apps and instructional materials available
in the city which are relevant to the different subjects the teach. This fulfills which

A. Recreational reading center

B. A link to other community resources
C. Laboratory of learning
D. Center of resources

9. The Learning Resource/Audio-visual/Educational Technology Center sponsors

a seminar-workshop for teachers and administrators on the use of the latest
presenter applications. This fulfills which function?

A. Center of resources C. Coordinating agency

B. Agent of teaching D. Recreational reading center

10. MOOCs are considered massive because_______________.

A. They need a big amount of computer storage to be able to avail of a course

B. They can accommodate a big number of learners
C. They can only be provided by big universities
D. They were designed and created by a big group of experts

11. MOOCs are open because ______________.

A. All courses are offered for free

B. Courses can be accessed by anyone anywhere as long as they are
connected to the internet
C. Openness to ideas is a strict requirement
D. One can avail of them only during the opening of a semester
12. MOOCs are considered as a course because _________.

A. They have a guide or a syllabus that indicates content, objectives, activities,

and assessment
B. They are always given by a fully-recognized university in the world
C. They are a requirement for a Bachelor’s degree
D. They are graded

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 1

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

1. Include here pictures/illustration of the materials used by the teacher.

Put the comments/annotations about what you observed.

2. Visit www.teachology.com or other teacher resource websites. Print

useful instructional materials (worksheets, visual aids, flashcards, rubrics,
etc.) and include them here.Indicate how they might be useful considering
your major or area of specialization.

3. Visit www.edudemic.com/50-educationtechnology-tools-every-teacher-

Explore and enjoy the fantastic education tools. Try them out.
Describe what you discovered and share how these tools can be helpful to
you as a teacher

4. Visit edtechteacher.org. This a treasure box for you. Explore and share
what you learned.

5. Paste an article about an example of technology gadget/material that

you want to learn more about. How can this gadget/material be useful in

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 1

EVALUATE Performance Task

Evaluate Your Work Task Field Study 1, Episode 1 - The School as a

Learning Environment
Learning Outcome: Determine the characteristics of a school environment
that provides social psychological, and physical
environment supportive of learning.

Resource Teacher: __________ Teacher’s Signature: _______ School: ______________

Grade/Year Level: ___________ Subject Area: _______________ Date: _____________

Learning Episode Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs

4 3 2 Improvement






Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below

Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.0 3.50 5.00

99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-below

Learning Episode 11
Field Study 1

____________________________________ ____________
Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

Learning Episode 11

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