Cell Structure
Cell Structure
Cell Structure
#note :
Thin sections are cut and mounted on glass slides.Sections are stained with The cytoplasm
Hematoxylin (H) and Eosin (E). becomes
- Nucleus is always Blue (basophilic) basophilic only
- Cytoplasm can be Red ( acidophilic) , or Blue (basophilic) . when it’s full of
The Cell : Shape of nuclei :
● It Is the structural & functional unit of all living tissues.
● Cells have different shapes & sizes.
# note :
Nucleus has many shapes as well
few cells are dinucleotide
Appearance of nuclei :
Formed of :
1. Nuclear envelope
2. Chromatin
3. Nucleolus
4. Nucleoplasm
A double membrane with many pores surroundings the
Nucleus .
Formed of :
1- Outer membrane
2- Inner membrane #note :
3- Nuclear pores ( provide communication between nucleus * the only double
and cytoplasm) membrane surrounded
structures in the cell are
Nucleus and
Mitochondria .
Chromatin :
Formed of DNA and protein
Functions of chromatin
● Carries genetic information .
● Directs protein synthesis .
3- Nucleolus:
● E/M : appear mostly as dark mass (electron-dense) (the largest one).
● L/M : appear as spherical dark basophilic mass.
● Usually one .
● Not surrounded by a membrane .
4- Nucleoplasm:
It is a clear fluid medium in which all the contents of the nucleus are
FUNCTION of (Glycocalyx)
• Protection of the cell
• Cell recognition and adhesion
Specializations of cell membrane:
Long motile hair-like structures surrounded by cell membrane.
Their core is formed of microtubules.
1) Generation of ATP “ they are called the power house “
2) They can form their own proteins and undergo self replication.because the have their own DNA
Type of Endoplasmic Reticulum
Endoplasmic Reticulum:
It is a system of communicating
membranous rubles , vesicles , and ROUGH ENDOPLASMIC SMOOTH ENDOPLASMIC
flattened vesicles ( cisternae ) RETICULUM RETICULUM
Extra information: 1) Synthesis of proteins by 1) Synthesis of lipids & cholesterol.
ribosomes on its outer surface. 2) Synthesis of steroid hormones,
Smooth ER is more 2) Transfer vesicles transfer the e.g. cortisone. 3) Helps muscle
abundant in the liver formed protein to Golgi. contraction, by acting as a
because of his ability calcium pump.
in detoxification 4) Detoxification of drugs & toxins.
Golgi Apparatus:
1. Sorting, modification & packaging of proteins.
2. Secretory vesicles formation.
3. Formation of lysosomes
intracellular digestion of ingested material “the material which came out
of the cell” or old organelles.
Protein synthesis
rRNA synthesized in nucleolus
assembles with a protein to form a subunit in nucleus
combines with another subunit to form ribosome in cytoplasm
Intercellular junctions
- 2 cylinders, perpendicular to each - Hair-like striations on the free Longer and larger than cilia.
other. surface of some cells. - Form the tails of sperms.
- Wall is made of 9 triplets of - Basal body is similar to centriole.
microtubules, i.e. 27 microtubules - Shaft is formed of 9 doublets and 2
central singlets of microtubules, i.e.
20 microtubules.
intermdiate filament
Clinical application: *infertility: ﻋﻘم
immobility: not moving
This syndrome infects flagella as well, although the name doesn’t contain flagella
Q1: it’s the structural and functional unit of all living Q2: provides a medium for movement of 3 types of RNA?
1. The nucleus
2. The cell 1. Nucleoplasm
3. Mitochondria 2. Barr body
4. Nuclear envelope 3. Flagella
4. Cilia
Q3: Composed of 2 membranes ?
Q4: which part of the cell compartment is more abundant in
1. Mitochondria the liver ?
2. Nucleus
3. Cell membrane 1. Rough ER
4. Both 1&2 2. Smooth ER ● Answers :
3. Golgi apparatus ● Q1 : 2
4. Centrioles ● Q2 : 1
● Q3 : 4
● Q4 : 2
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Albara Aldawoud
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