Unit 12
Unit 12
Unit 12
12.0 Objectives
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Pre-Colonial Social Discrimination and the Colonial Impact
12.3 Regional Variations: South India
12.4 Western India
12.5 Northern and Eastern India
12.6 Continuity and Change in Colonial India
12.7 A New Consciousness: Some Regional Examples
12.8 Let Us Sum Up
12.9 Key Words
12.10 Answers to Check Your Progress Exercises
After studying this Unit you will be able to:
learn about various forms of social discriminations in different parts of
understand the impact of Colonial rule on the existing social system and
how the changes camein it, and
explain the growth of a new consciousness among the disprivileged
groups and how did they try to change to existing social order.
Indian society being based on caste gave birth to different kind of social
discrimination and created two broad social orders-privileged and disprivileged.
In this Unit we have tried to introduce you to various forms of social
discrimination and disprivileged groups in different parts of India. Social
discrimination existed in India long before the beginning of the colonial rule. But
the establishment of colonial rule brought changes in economic and
administrative system which to a great extent influenced the existing social
system in India. How and to what extent the change came in India social system
have been discussed in this Unit. Here we have also touched upon the process of
social mobility among the lower and intermediary castes and also the challenge
by some disprivileged groups to the age long Brahmanical domination in the
There is no doubt that social backwardness and disprivilege emanating from
social discrimination predates colonialism. The hierarchical division of society
with assigned ranks, functions and distinctions under the varna system
constituted the structural framework which regulated economic and ritual
relationship. Viewed from the economic angle, the jatis were hereditary, closed
occupation groups and was probably related to efforts to eliminate competition
and ensure security of employment and income. Moving up within this
hierarchical structure was not completely ruled out but it was rare. Two fixed
points marked the extreme ends of the hierarchical orders Brahmans on the one
end and untouchables at the other. Most of the marginal groups belonged to the
lower orders and were forced to live a precarious existence. By the time colonial
rule made its presence felt in the second half of the eighteenth century, the
situation had become somewhat fluid, though not to the extent of eliminating
social discrimination. But as India became a colonial appendage to a capitalist
world economy, new economic relationships began to take shape. The policy of
de-industrialisation deprived the rural artisans of their hereditary occupations
and, in course of time, undermined the basis of a non-competitive and hereditary
system of economic organisation at the rural level. The service castes found if
difficult to get their payments in the way they got under the jajmani system. In its
efforts to maximise the revenue collection, the company resumed various forms
of rent-free tenures resulting in the impoverishment of those service groups who
were dependent on them. The insistence on contract, enforced by law and law-
courts, meant that those who had access to the new system could thereby
manipulate its levers and consolidates their position in society. Viewed in this
light, the colonial rule denied many of the subordinate social groups their means
of subsistence and, in course of time relegating some of them to the degraded
level of ‘criminal tribes’. But at the same time, by undermining the old economic
basis of social organisation colonial rule fuelled an already developing tendency
towards mobility. It also indirectly rendered possible the growth of lower caste
protests in future. While pliable elements among the rural elites were
successfully accommodated within the framework of the British revenue system,
the intransigents were rendered powerless by the destruction of forts and
disbandment of local militias under British rule. In course of time the dominant
groups in different parts of India consolidated their position by manipulating the
institutional framework of the colonial rule.
2) How did different disprivileged groups try to move up in the caste
hierarchy? Answer in 100 words.