Unit 4 Material
Unit 4 Material
Unit 4 Material
❖ Functional Requirements
Make Reservation
Input: Member Code, Total Persons, Check-in date, Check-out Date, status, number of nights.
Work Flow: Validate the given details and record the information in to the database.
Search Rooms
Workflow: Validate the given details and check for the available rooms in the given time period.
Add Payment
Workflow: Validate the given details and record the information in to the database.
Issue Bills
Workflow: Validate the given details and total cost is calculated according to the services gained
by the customer.
Workflow: Validate the given details and record the information in to the database.
Manage Room Detail (Add, Update, Delete)
Workflow: Validate the given details and record the information in to the database.
Input: Employee Code, Employee Name, Employee Address, NIC, Salary, Age, Occupation,
Workflow: Validate the given details and record the information in to the database.
Set Rates
-Input: Check-in, Check-out, Day, No. of Guests, First night price, Extension price.
Workflow: Validate the given details and record the information in to the database.
Input: Employee code, Employee Name, Salary. Sum of all Salary, Total Income.
Workflow: validate the given details and view the information for the database.
❖ Non-Functional Requirements
Safety Requirements
Access to the various subsystems will be protected by a user login screen that requires a username
and password. This gives view and accessible functions of user level through the system.
Security Requirements
-Customer Service representatives, managers and owner will be able to log in to the
• Correct: SRS is correct when all user requirements are stated in the requirements
• Unambiguous: SRS is unambiguous when every stated requirement has only one
• Complete: SRS is complete when the requirements clearly define what the software is
required to do
• Ranked for Importance/Stability: All requirements are not equally important; hence each
requirement is identified to make differences among other requirements.
• Modifiable: The requirements of the user can change; hence requirements document
should be created in such a manner that those changes can be modified easily.
• Traceable: SRS is traceable when the source of each requirement is clear and facilitates
the reference of each requirement in future.
• Verifiable: SRS is verifiable when the specified requirements can be verified with a cost-
effective process to check whether the final software meets those requirements.
• Consistent: SRS is consistent when the subsets of individual requirements defined do not
conflict with each other.
SRS for Hospital management system.
• This hospital has required a system that maintains its hospital management system as well
as keep the record of the hospital in database.
• This software manages all information about patient name, patient address, doctor
information, staff information etc.
• it also stores daily information of patient which is done by doctor. Also store information
about billing, finally it calculates total bill of patient.
• The current system in use is a paper-based system. It is too slow and cannot provide
updated lists of patients within a reasonable time from.
1. Purpose: -
The main purpose of our system is to make hospital task easy and is to develop
software that replaces the manual hospital system into automated hospital management
2. Scope: -
The document only the requirement Specification for the hospital management
3. Feasibility: -
The overall scop of the feasibility study was to provide sufficient information to
allow a decision to be made as to whether the hospital management system.
4. Definition, acronyms, abbreviations: -
CFD: - context flow diagram
DFD: -data flow diagram
IDE: - integrated development environment
SQL: -structured query language
SRS: - software requirement specification
5. Reference: -
Java – Balagurusamy
6. Overview: -
Hospital management system is a process of implementing all the activity of the
hospital in a computerized automated way to faster the performance.
Add Article
→ New entries must be entered in database
Update Article
→ Any changes in articles should be updated in case of update3.
Delete Article
→ Wrong entry must be removed from system
Inquiry Members
→ Inquiry all current enrolled members to view their details
Inquiry Issuance
Check In article
Member: -
→ User must be authenticated before accessing system.
Search Article
Asst. Librarian: -
Guest: -
Register user
➢ Inception: -
̶ Establish a basic understanding of the problem and the nature of the solution.
̶ In project inception, you establish a basic understanding of the problem, the people who
want a solution,
- the nature of the solution that is desired, and the effectiveness of preliminary
communication and collaboration and collaboration between the other stakeholders and the
software team.
❖ Elicitation: -
̶ Number of problems that are encountered as elicitation occurs are problems of scope,
problems of understanding, problems of volatility
-Elaboration is driven by the creation and refinement of user scenarios that describe
how the end user (and other actors) will interact with the system.
❖ Negotiation: -
❖ Specification: -
- Describe the requirements formally or informally.
❖ Validation: -
❖ Requirements management: -
- Requirements management is a set of activities that help the project team identify,
control, and track requirements and changes to requirements at any time as the
project process.
2.Non-Functional requirements
1.Functional requirements: -
-Business Rules
-Authorization levels
Non-Functional requirements: -
• Inception:
o Roughly define scope. A basic understanding of a problem, people who want a
solution, the nature of solution desired.
• Elaboration:
• Specification:
-Create analysis model. It may be written document, set of graphical models, formal
mathematical model, collection of user scenarios, prototype or collection of these
• Requirements Management:
6) What is activity diagram and Swim - lane? Draw activity diagram for
billing Counter of a shopping mall. (w 17, 18)
• Activity diagram
-A UML activity diagram depicts the dynamic behavior of a system or part of a system
through the flow of control between actions that the system performs.
-It is similar to a flowchart except that an activity diagram can show concurrent flows.
Swim-lane diagram
-In addition to that, an SRS provides a high-level idea of the system and its behavior, the main
supported business processes, the assumptions and the key performance parameters for the system.
The key elements of an SRS are:
• Scope of Work
• Functional Requirements
• Non-Functional Requirements
• Dependencies
• Assumptions
• Constraints
➢ the qualities of a good SRS:-d