Cyprus Requirements - 1
Cyprus Requirements - 1
Cyprus Requirements - 1
1- Required Documents:
Evidence of If Self-employed:
Employment Status
a) A copy of the business License/Certificate of Registration in
the Chamber of Commerce, Lebanon
b) Company’s / Businesses Original Stamped Bank Account
Statement for the last three (3) months with the present balance
If University Student:
Proof of enrollment
Evidence that shows where the applicant will be staying
throughout his/her time in Cyprus. It could be:
a) Hotel Reservation for the entire stay in Cyprus
b) Assumption of Responsibility for Hosting (found below), in
case the applicant will not reside at a hotel, but will be
Proof of accommodated by friends, family etc. The Assumption of
Accommodation Responsibility for Hosting Letter should be signed and stamped
by a Certifying Officer in Cyprus.
For Domestic Staff a) Valid residency permit of at least three (3) months (90 days)
(Housekeepers, from the date of visa issuance
Nannies, Drivers, b) Valid work permit from the Lebanese Ministry of Labour
etc.) c) Travel Insurance
NOT Accompanying their Employer
a) Valid residency permit of at least three (3) months (90 days)
from the date of visa issuance
b) Valid work permit from the Lebanese Ministry of Labour
c) Travel Insurance
d) Authorization letter from the employer signed before an
authorized Attorney Office
Applicants should be residents of Lebanon and have a valid
For Non - Lebanese
residency permit of at least three (3) months from the date of
visa issuance
For Business Travel
An invitation letter by the host Company in Cyprus is required
a) Acceptance letter from the University
For University Study
b) Copy of the Blue Slip from the Migration Department of the
Republic of Cyprus, if available
Letter from the Municipality in Cyprus
(Please note that interested parties should contact directly the
Municipality of their choice, in order to be informed of the
For Civil Marriage
necessary requirements and the details of the procedure or can
visit the website of the Union of Cyprus Municipalities at