Solar Energy
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Article history: Two texturing methods using porous silicon (PS) and pyramids were performed to investigate the effect
Received 28 August 2016 of them on the performance of crystalline silicon (c-Si) solar cell. Surface morphology and structural
Accepted 6 December 2016 properties of samples have been studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic forces
microscopy (AFM). Optical reflectance was obtained using optical reflectometer. I-V characterization of
fabricated solar cells was investigated. The results showed the highest conversion efficiency of 13.23%
Keywords: for PS layer compared with 11.36% and 3.70% efficiencies for the solar cells devices with pyramids tex-
Texturing processes
turing and as-grown Si, respectively. PS texturing exhibited an excellent reduction in the reflection of
Porous silicon
incident light compared with pyramids texturing process, with a good light-trapping of wide wavelength
Performance spectrum, which could produce high efficiency solar cells.
Efficiency Ó 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Solar cell
0038-092X/Ó 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
K.A. Salman / Solar Energy 147 (2017) 228–231 229
2. Experimental
bounces back and forth within the surface of the solar cell many
times and then enhancing the photo conversion efficiency. Fig. 6. The reflectance spectra of (a) as-grown Si, (b) PS layer and (c) pyramids
The increasing in the roughness expected to increase the light texturing.
scattering in PS layer, then reduce the reflectivity in the PS layer,
which will lead to increase the efficiency of the solar cell.
Isc Voc FF
Fig. 6 shows the various reflections spectra for the PS layer and g¼ ð4Þ
pyramids texturing compared to the as-grown Si (1 0 0). It is very
clear to show the reduction of reflection spectra curve of PS layer Fig. 7 shows the increase in the efficiency of the solar cell with
in the wavelength range of 350–1050 nm, compared with that of PS layer compared with the efficiency with pyramids texturing and
the as-grown Si sample and pyramids texturing. The reduction of as-grown Si solar cells. The behavior of the I-V characteristic of the
light reflection lead to increase the light-trapping and then solar cell with PS layer was compared with the behavior of I-V
enhancing the photo conversion efficiency. characteristics of solar cells devices with as-grown Si and pyramids
The open-circuit voltage (Voc), short-circuit current (Isc), maxi- texturing. 100 mW/cm2 illumination were used for all characteri-
mum voltage (Vm) and the maximum current (Im) are the promi- zation for the solar cells devices. Isc was increased to 28.81 mA in
nent parameters, which used to determined I-V characteristics the solar cell device with PS layer compared with 27.70 mA and
and investigate the efficiency of the solar cell. The conversion effi- 14.55 mA for pyramids texturing and as-grown Si solar cells,
ciency (g) of the solar cell is the ratio of the maximum power (Pm) respectively.
to the incident solar power Pin (Axelevitch and Golan, 2013; Liu Voc was increased to 0.57 mV in the solar cell device with PS
et al., 2014; Salman, 2012). layer compared with 0.53 mV and 0.37 mV for pyramids texturing
and as-grown Si solar cells, respectively.
Pm Im Vm
g¼ ¼ ð1Þ The increasing in the Voc without significant loss in the Isc for PS
Pin Pin
solar cell device led to an increase in conversion efficiency to
The degree of which Vm matches with Voc, as well as the degree 13.23% compared with the conversion efficiency for the pyramids
to which Im matches with Isc can be described by the fill factor (FF) texturing and as-grown Si solar cells, as shown in Table 1. This
(Eq. (2)) (Liu et al., 2014; Salman, 2012), as shown in Fig. 7. increasing can be attributed to the properties of PS layer, which
enhance and increase the conversion efficiency of solar cell.
Im Vm
FF ¼ ð2Þ The performance of solar cells devices were enhanced and con-
Isc Voc
sequently increasing the light conversion efficiency by trapping
When Pm ¼ Im Vm incident radiation, which led to increases in the (Isc) and (Voc).
Pm These increasing were used with other (Im) and (Vm) values to cal-
Then : FF ¼ ð3Þ culate the FF using Eq. (2). The conversion efficiency of the solar
Isc Voc
cells were calculated by Eqs. (1) or (4). Furthermore, the solar cell
Thus, Eq. (1) can be rewritten as: device with the PS layer performed better than the solar cells
devices fabricated by pyramids texturing and as-grown Si samples.
Fig. 5. AFM images of (a) as-grown Si, (b) PS layer and (c) pyramids texturing.
K.A. Salman / Solar Energy 147 (2017) 228–231 231
Fig. 7. I-V characteristics measurements of solar cells with of (a) as-grown Si, (b) PS layer and (c) pyramids texturing.
Table 1
I-V measurements for calculation the g and FF of the solar cells devices of the as-grown Si, PS layer and pyramids texturing sample.
Solar cells Vm (V) Im (mA) Voc (V) Isc (mA) FF (%) g (%)
As-grown Si 0.29 12.77 0.37 14.55 68.87 3.70
With the p-PS layer 0.51 25.95 0.57 28.81 80.59 13.23
With the pyramids texturing 0.49 23.20 0.53 27.70 77.43 11.36
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