ditive in the form of 2,3,4,5,6-pentafluoro-
he deployment of photovoltaics (PV) can Metal halide perovskites combine several benzylphosphonic acid (FBPAc) (20). Together
be accelerated by maximizing the elec- key properties for effective multijunction PV, with a micrometric texture standard in the c-Si
trical power produced per unit area be- including a high absorption coefficient with a PV industry and an optimization of the layers
cause the cost distribution of a PV system sharp absorption edge (5), ambipolar charge located at the front of the tandem for further
is now dominated by the balance of transport with long diffusion lengths (6, 7), optical gains, these passivation strategies
system components (such as the mounting and a compositionally tunable bandgap en- mitigate voltage losses and result in tandem
system, wiring, manpower, and inverters) ergy (Eg) (8). A thin-film perovskite solar cell device efficiencies >30%, with an accredited
rather than by the cost of the PV panels. can be deposited directly on the front side of value of 31.25%.
This balance of system costs scales roughly a c-Si cell to lower thermalization losses and
with the installed area and favors PV tech- extend the range of achievable PCE to >30% Identification and mitigation of voltage losses
nologies with a high power-to–panel area (3). The performance potential of monolithic in perovskite top cells
ratio. However, the record power conversion two-terminal tandem architectures is illus- To assess loss pathways triggered by non-
efficiency (PCE) of crystalline silicon (c-Si) trated by reported PCEs as high as 33.7% for radiative recombination, we measured the
solar cells of 26.8% (1) is approaching the 1-cm2 illuminated areas (1). Most of the high- photoluminescence quantum yield of different
theoretical limit of 29.5% (2). The only ex- efficiency tandem cells reported to date use a layer stacks representative of our p-i-n perov-
perimentally validated approach to overcome Si wafer in which the front surface is mech- skite solar cells used in tandem cells. We
this PCE limitation under 1-sun illumination anically or chemically polished (9) or features quantified the internal voltage potential (in
conditions consists of combining several com- an adapted submicrometric texture smaller relative terms), or quasi–Fermi-level splitting
plementary photoactive materials (meaning than the perovskite layer thickness (typically (QFLS), created within the cesium formamidi-
multiple junctions) in a single device (3). Among from 500 nm to 1 mm) (10–13). This planar or nium lead iodide bromide [Cs0.18FA0.82Pb(I,
the different types of multijunction designs nanotextured front-side topography—wafers Br)3] absorber under light excitation (Fig. 1A).
reported to date, the combination of c-Si with used in the PV industry are usually etched to Flat glass/indium tin oxide (ITO) substrates
a metal halide perovskite in a tandem solar form pyramids of a few micrometers in height— were first coated with a HTL, either 2,2′,7,7′-
cell has been the focus of intense research enables the deposition of pinhole-free perov- tetra(N,N-di-tolyl)amino-9,9-spiro-bifluorene
efforts given the potential for both high PCE skite films by standard solution-based pro- (spiro-TTB), N4,N4,N4’’,N4’’-tetra([1,1’-biphenyl]-
and low manufacturing costs (4). cesses. However, this modification comes at 4-yl)-[1,1’:4’,1’’-terphenyl]-4,400-diamine (TaTM),
the expense of optical performance because or Me-4PACz (fig. S1). These three materials
the front side of the tandem is flat, and also were selected on the basis of their compati-
Photovoltaics and Thin-Film Electronics Laboratory (PV- when using a submicrometric Si texture, be- bility with textured surfaces. The first two
Lab), Institute of Microengineering (IMT), Ecole cause the latter is planarized by the non- can be thermally evaporated, and the latter can
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Neuchâtel, conformal solution-processed perovskite film. self-assemble on ITO to yield a conformal coat-
Switzerland. 2Centre Suisse d'Électronique et de
Microtechnique (CSEM), Neuchâtel, Switzerland. 3cMACS,
Consequently, these cell designs exhibit more ing on textured surfaces (21). We then de-
Department of Microbial and Molecular Systems, KU Leuven, reflection losses at the front of the tandem posited a perovskite thin film using a hybrid
3001 Leuven, Belgium. 4Australian Institute for because of an absence of double-bounce effects two-step deposition method (16). Specifically,
Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, The University of
Queensland, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia. 5School of
(14). Overall, a pyramidal texture at the front of a CsBr/PbI2 template was coevaporated on either
Mathematics and Physics, The University of Queensland, the tandem device limits reflection losses flat glass substrates or glass/ITO/HTL stacks
Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia. 6Advanced Instrumentation because it enables the absorption of reflected before spin coating an organo-halide solution
for Nano-Analytics (AINA), Luxembourg Institute of Science
light in neighboring pyramids, whereas the consisting of FABr and FAI and, in some cases,
and Technology (LIST), Materials Research and Technology
Department, 41, Rue du Brill, L-4422 Belvaux, Luxembourg. presence of texture on both sides of the Si wafer with FBPAc. A thermal annealing step in an
University of Luxembourg, 2 Avenue de l’Université, improves the trapping of infrared light (15). ambient atmosphere at 150°C converted the
L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg. 8Institute of Chemical We previously reported a hybrid two-step films into a perovskite phase (see the experi-
Sciences and Engineering (ISIC), École Polytechnique
Fédérale de Lausanne, Sion, Switzerland. deposition method combining thermal evapo- mental section for details). In view of making
*Corresponding author. Email: ration and spin coating to conformally coat tandems, a perovskite composition with an
Fig. 3. 31.25%-efficient perovskite/c-Si thanks to the combined action of Me-4PACz and FBPAc AC KNOWLED GME NTS
and a pyramidal texture on the front side of the tandem. (A) Schematic view of the perovskite/c-Si The authors thank P. Wyss and C. Allebé for SHJ wet-chemical
processing and V. Paratte, B. Kamino, T. Wirtz, J. Hofkens, and
tandem stack and corresponding picture of the perovskite top cell on textured Si. The acronyms a-Si:H
M. B. J. Roeffaers for their valuable scientific and technical
and nc-Si:H stand for amorphous and nanocrystalline hydrogenated Si, respectively, and (i/n/p) indicates discussion. The authors also thank the staff of the BL11 NCD-
the doping of the layers. (B) Secondary-electron SEM images of the front side of the tandem. (C to E) SWEET beamline at ALBA Synchrotron for their assistance in
Independently certified EQE (C), asymptotic maximum power (Pmax) scan (D), and current density and power recording the GIWAXS data. Funding: This study was supported by
Swiss National Science Foundation grant 200021_197006 (PAPET);
density tracking around Pmax (E). Swiss Federal Office of Energy grant SI/501804 (INTENT); Swiss
Federal Office of Energy grant SI/502209 (PRESTO); Luxembourg
National Research Fund (FNR) grant PRIDE17/12246511 (PACE);
spectrum; Fig. 3, D and E, and figs. S23 to S26) metric texture to improve optical properties, and Research Foundation - Flanders FWO, grant no. 12Y7221N,
(35). In agreement with data measured in- a high-quality 1-mm-thick perovskite absorber V400622N. C.M.W. thanks the European Commission for funding
house, the cell reaches a Voc of 1.91 V, a Jsc of deposited conformally on this texture using a through a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship (no. 101033077).
Author contributions: Conceptualization: X.Y.C. and Q.J.
20.47 mA/cm2, and a FF of 79.8%, which re- hybrid two-step method, and phosphonic Experiments: X.Y.C., D.T., J.A.S., S.T., S.E., M.M., P.F., C.M.W., A.P.,
sults in a certified PCE of 31.25% (with an groups at both sides of the absorber for im- K.A., D.J., Q.G., F.S., G.A., M.B., and Q.J. Project administration:
aperture area of 1.1677 cm2). proved interface passivation resulted in a X.Y.C., C.M.W., G.A., M.B., Q.J., and C.B. Supervision: X.Y.C., C.M.
W., Q.J., and C.B. Writing – original draft: X.Y.C. and Q.J. Writing –
tandem with an independently certified PCE
review & editing: X.Y.C., D.T., C.M.W., J.A.S., S.T., S.E., M.M., P.F.,
Conclusions of 31.25%. These results demonstrate how c-Si A.P., K.A., D.J., Q.G., F.S., G.A., M.B., Q.J., and C.B. Competing
We identified and mitigated nonradiative solar cells with a standard industrial micro- interests: X.Y.C. and Q.J. are inventors on a provisional patent
related to the subject matter of this manuscript (EP22210577.7).
recombination losses occurring at the inter- metric texture can be upgraded to increase
The authors declare no other competing interests. Data and
faces of perovskite/c-Si tandems featuring Si their PCE to >30%. materials availability: All data are available in the main text or the
wafers with a micrometric texture—the stan- supplementary materials. License information: Copyright © 2023
dard used in the c-Si PV industry. The use the authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American
Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original
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