SFBT Cheat Sheet
SFBT Cheat Sheet
SFBT Cheat Sheet
Do you have any siblings? after day when there seems to be When has the problem been less
Talk about your upbringing? no hope? of a problem for you? MORE THAN
How often do you spend time How is it (“What do you do so) How did you make it happen?
with your friends? that things are not worse? Who was there?
Do you have any pets? How come you have not killed Did you do it all by yourself?
yourself yet? What has held you 1. If it isn't broken, don't fix it.
Where did it happen?
2. If it works, do more of it.
GOALS/DESIRED back?” (if thinking of suicide) What was the result of that
3. If it's not working, do
How did you learn to cope with
OUTCOMES such an awful situation, when
something different.
Tell me about times you felt the
What needs to happen as a result you were still so young? Did you 4. Small steps can lead to big
from this session? have to do it all by yourself?” changes.
When was the last time that you
What are your best hopes for (talking about childhood 5. The solutions is not
feel you had a better day?
today's meeting? abuse/trauma) necessarily directly related to the
What was it about that day that
How will you know things are What would it take for you to problem.
made it a better day?
'good enough' for our session to keep doing what you’ve been 6. The language for solution-
Tell me about the days when you
end? doing? development is different from
wake up feeling more full of
What are you hoping to achieve Where did you learn to do that? that needed to describe a
from our session? Or did you figure it out by problem.
Did something happen the day or
What needs to happen to ensure yourself?” (follow up question: 7. No problem happens all the
night before?
that this is not a waste of your “How did you figure out this was time; there are always exceptions
Did you have a better sleep?
time? a good way to do it?) that can be utilized. 8. The future
Were you looking forward to
What difference would you like What is in your control right is both created and negotiable.
something that day?
to see after our session? now?