BMW Fast Facts 2003-04

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Fast Facts


Fast Facts
Table of contents

Background Page Z4 Series

BMW for 2003-04: Series overview 216
How to use the Fast Facts Handbook 2 What’s new for 2003 217
The BMW heritage & brand values 4 Series key features 219
F.I.R.S.T.: Specific features by model 238
Fully Integrated Road Safety Technology 7 Standard & optional features summary 240
The BMW M brand 8 Specifications 246
BMW in America 10 M Cars
BMW Manufacturing Corporation 11 Series overview 250
BMW, the award-winner 12 What’s new for 2003 253
BMW features M3 Coupe & Convertible –
Features found in more than one BMW Series key features 254
Series 14 Specific features by model 270
7 Series Standard & optional features summary 272
Series overview 48 Specifications 278
What’s new for 2003 50 M5 –
Series key features 51 Key features 282
Specific features by model 80 Standard & optional features summary 290
Standard & optional features summary 82 Specifications 294
Specifications 92 BMW ALPINA ROADSTER V8
5 Series Overview 298
Series overview 98 What’s new 300
What’s new for 2003 100 Key features 301
Series key features 101 Standard & optional features summary 315
Specific features by model 116 Specifications 318
Standard & optional features summary – Exterior/interior colors 322
525i & 530i models 122 Other BMW products
540i models 130 BMW Certified Pre-Owned (CPO)
Specifications – Vehicles 331
525i & 530i models 138 BMW Accessories 333
540i models 144 BMW Motorcycles 334
3 Series Warranty/Miscellaneous
Series overview 150 The BMW Warranty 336
What’s new for 2003-04 151 BMW of North America, LLC
Series key features 154 telephone numbers 337
Specific features by model 177 Summary of BMW Limited Warranties 338
Standard & optional features summary – BMW Maintenance Programs 339
325 models 184 BMW Roadside Assistance 341
330 models 194 BMW Assist 342
Specifications – Warranty & Roadside Assistance,
325 models 204 BMW vs. the competition 343
330 models 210 European Delivery 344
2003 Price Comparison 345
Back Pocket
2003-04 BMW Suggested Retail Prices,
U.S. models Inside back cover

©2003, BMW of North America, LLC. The BMW mark and logo are registered. No reproduction of these
materials is permitted without the prior written consent of BMW of North America, LLC. Use of these materials
is restricted to BMW NA employees, authorized BMW Centers and their employees.
Published by BMW of North America, LLC, Professional Development Dept. solely as an information sales aid
for BMW Center Client Advisors. By publication of this information, BMW of North America does not create any
warranty either expressed or implied as to BMW products. BMW employees, representatives or agents shall not
be held liable for any omission of data or inclusion of any erroneous data.
All vehicle specifications and features subject to change without notice.
Printed on recycled paper

BMW for 2003-04:
How to use the Fast Facts Handbook
Another year, another record accounted for almost 50% of
broken. In calendar 2002, U.S. total U.S. BMW sales. This

BMW sales reached 232,032 units, Series also gets the updated
up an impressive 8.9% from the Navigation System, and the
previous year. in-dash CD player is now
Of course, BMW is not resting on available in combination with it.
its laurels: As this midyear edition 325i/xi models have added
of Fast Facts is published, the standard equipment (front center
3 Series Coupes and Convert- armrest and, in the Sedans, a
ibles are appearing in ’04 form; rear center head restraint), and
the 745i/Li models are available the Premium Package for these
with a new Sport Package; and models adds rain-sensing wind-
the Z4 is now available with its shield wipers as well as automatic
optional Sequential Manual headlight control.
Gearbox as well as new colors. The Sedans and Sport Wagons
This edition covers the entire continue as ’03 models, while all
2003-04 line as of spring ’03: 3 Series Coupes and Convert-
7 Series. After its successful debut ibles become ’04 models as of
for 2002 the 745i and 745Li got 3/03 production. All models,
new standard equipment and whether ’03 or ’04, get a new
options for ’03. As of January climate-control panel, and all 330
’03 production, the 12-cylinder models get a new 6-speed
760Li joined the Series to extend manual transmission as standard
its market reach upward, and a equipment; a new Performance
STEPTRONIC 6-speed automatic Package becomes available for
transmission became standard the 330i Sedan as of the same
on all models. The newest update production date.
is that, as of March ’03 produc- Z4 Series. The virtually all-new
tion, a Sport Package became successor to the Z3 Series
available for both 745 models. makes its debut with two models: Z4
5 Series. Evolutionary but signifi- Roadster 2.5i and 3.0i. With a
cant refinements for the “middle” bold new look, advanced power-
BMW Sedans and Sport Wag- train and chassis engineering, and
ons. All models offer the newly a broad array of new amenities,
re-engineered Onboard Naviga- the Z4 offers Roadster customers
tion System, and the popular advances on every front. Z4
moonroof becomes standard in sales are already running well
the 525i and 530i models. All ahead of the Z3, and it would be
Sedans now have the rear Head reasonable to expect strong Z4
Protection System as standard sales for its first full year.
equipment, and the 540i Sedan M Cars. The M Roadster and
and Sport Wagon offer exciting Coupe are no longer with us, but
new Sport Packages. This Series the M3 Coupe and Convertible
continued to enjoy great success and the M5 continue as com-
during ’02, with an 2.1% sales pelling offerings from BMW M.
increase (including M5) in calendar They share in the refinements of
’02 over ’01. their “parent” Series; the M3s
3 Series. Still the core BMW also add some new standard and
product, the 3 Series (including optional equipment of their own.
M3) enjoyed an 11.8% sales Z8. As of December production,
increase during calendar ‘02 and a new Z8 version, developed in

collaboration with the ALPINA • BMW Manufacturing
performance specialists, replaced Corporation

the existing Z8 model. It’s called • BMW awards
the ALPINA ROADSTER V-8, BMW features
and gives enthusiasts the • Features found in more than
opportunity to acquire a Z8 with one BMW Series
automatic transmission.
Other BMW products
BMW Fast Facts 2003-04 • BMW Certified Pre-Owned
continues in the evolved form Vehicles
introduced in ’02. Because of • BMW Accessories
the ever-expanding BMW model • BMW Motorcycles
line and ever more extensive
features, we modified the BMW
• The BMW Warranty
features section to hold the line
• Summary of BMW Limited
on the handbook’s size; it now
describes all key features shared
• BMW Maintenance Programs
by two or more Series or models.
• BMW Roadside Assistance
This enabled us to reduce
• BMW Assist (a new section)
repetition – for example, detailed
• Warranty & Roadside Assistance,
descriptions of 6-cylinder engines
BMW vs. the competition
found in three Series occur only
• European tourist delivery
once. Many other features –
among them automatic and The final section of Fast Facts is
manual transmissions, auto- the 2003-04 price comparison.
dimming mirrors, Xenon headlights Arranged in “ladder” style, this
and the front Head Protection listing positions each BMW
System – are also treated this model against the competition in
way. Where such features are order of ascending price.
mentioned in the various Series In the back cover is a pocket for
sections, the reader is referred to the 2003-04 Suggested Retail
the detailed material in BMW Prices sheet. There is room here
features with a page number; for business cards as well.
otherwise the Series sections This handbook was produced
focus on those elements and by BMW Professional Develop-
features that are exclusive to the ment with your specific needs in
particular Series. mind. We know from your com-
As always with Fast Facts, this ments how much you use Fast
new edition has been designed Facts, and endeavor to make it
and produced to put a wealth of as concise and easy-to-use as
information literally at your finger- possible. If you have suggestions
tips – information on these six as to how we might improve it
Series of BMW automobiles (the further, let us know at:
X5 is not included) and on many BMW of North America
other areas of the BMW presence: Professional Development Dept.
Background Technical Communications
• The BMW heritage and brand Manager
values 300 Chestnut Ridge Road
• Fully Integrated Road Safety Westwood, NJ 07677-7731
Technology (F.I.R.S.T.) Thank you!
• The BMW M brand
• BMW in America BMW of North America, LLC.
May 2003

The BMW heritage & brand values

BMW’s history as a company No wonder, then, that the tradi-

goes back 86 years, as a car- tional BMW slogan is Freude am

maker 74 years. After introducing Fahren – “Joy in Driving.” The

its first motorcycle in 1923 and creators of BMW express this joy
its first car in 1929, BMW quickly in quality of construction, perfor-
established the tradition that lives mance, handling, quietness –
on today in the 7, 5, 3 and Z4 plus a less tangible, but easily
Series as well as the Z8 and the discernible, quality BMW calls
M Cars: Sport Sedans, Coupes, “driving character.” Essential ele-
Sport Wagons, Convertibles and ments of this character include:
Roadsters that deliver a unique • Sound. BMW engines have a
combination of driving pleasure, distinctive, almost musical sound.
practicality and quality. With each • Feel. A BMW responds with
new generation of BMW since precision and agility to its driver’s
then, each of these essential BMW commands and supports his
qualities has been elevated to or her skills at the wheel.
new heights. • Driver involvement. Of the 24
“BMW” stands for Bayerische automobile models currently
Motoren Werke or, in English, offered by BMW in the U.S.,
Bavarian Motor Works. Munich, fully 19 are available with
the home of BMW, is the capital manual transmission. No other
of the German state of Bavaria, luxury marque matches this.
and “Bavarian” is an important • Look. You can’t mistake a
element of the BMW heritage. BMW for anything else.
Just being European implies As the vehicle, so its buyer: The
elements of tradition, of a special world over, BMW owners are
human-machine relationship. themselves dynamic people. BMW
Being German means BMWs has always attracted people from
are developed in an environment life’s fast lane, and that is the
where workmanship is virtually synergy upon which the BMW
an obsession; designed for the philosophy is built: exceptional
rigors of Autobahn driving at people, creating outstanding
unlimited speed, for traversing motor vehicles for special people
the nearby Alpine passes with to enjoy.
surefooted confidence. These It is possible, at least for the casual
factors alone set BMW apart from observer, to look at a BMW
many of its competitors – including and ask, “But why does that
those who continue their attempts car cost so much? Aren’t there
at grafting a European image into comparable cars for less?”
products whose heritage is not
Superficially, it may seem that
way. But a BMW’s appeal runs
But BMWs aren’t just European much deeper. Much of what one
or just German. They are Bavarian. pays for in a BMW is under the
In Bavaria there’s a certain joy of skin, or of a subtle nature. An
living that must be experienced engine with lots of power, or
to be fully understood. Bavaria is supposedly racing-inspired
the south of Germany; those who suspension, may be a powerful
know it best say it combines selling feature. There’s no
German perfectionism with the guarantee, however, that such
more outgoing and exuberant features produce results.
spirit of Italy.

In a BMW, every feature is backed New Driver School. Two programs
by a heritage of engineering, – a 1-day course and a 2-day

design, quality, experience, testing, camp – teach young people
development and, yes, those car-control techniques that they
unlimited-speed Autobahnen all may not have learned elsewhere,
over Germany and the Alpine providing reassurance for their
passes just to the south of Munich. parents while letting them fulfill a
It’s a heritage unique to BMW, dream of driving a new BMW
unmatched by other carmakers. themselves. These courses are
And the BMW heritage, product designed especially for inexperi-
attributes and quality are offered enced licensed drivers, ages
today at thoroughly competitive, 16-18; they learn with their peers.
even compelling, prices. Car Control Skills Clinic. A step
A thorough test drive will demon- up from the New Drivers School,
strate the exceptional value built this 1-day program offers practice
into every BMW. in accident avoidance on several
The BMW Performance Center areas of the driving circuit, includ-
Driving School ing water wall, skidpad, slalom,
This unique operation, located in autocross and a “lifestyle” course.
Spartanburg, South Carolina Participants are taught a wide
near the BMW Manufacturing variety of subjects, from vehicle
Corp., adds a special dimension dynamics and the significance of
to BMW’s traditional focus on the vehicle weight distribution and
benefits of skilled driving. seating position to effective
cornering in controlled and panic
The BMW Performance Center
braking situations.
Driving School was created to
develop skills for everyday driving, Women-only Car Control Clinic.
including active safety instruction This newest program offers women
and exercises. Its state-of-the-art a chance to learn real-world driving
facilities include – skills among their peers. The
• a unique “water wall” for instructors are championship-
teaching accident avoidance in winning competitors; subjects
rainy driving conditions covered are essentially the same
• a polished wet-surface skidpad as for the Car Control Skills Clinic.
to simulate slippery surfaces Advanced Car Control Skills
such as ice and snow Clinic. A 2-day session picking
• track sections for autocross up where the Car Control Skills
and slalom exercises. Clinic leaves off. Participants get
Altogether, there are 35 different more time on the skidpad, and
course variations on the 0.9-mile gain hands-on experience with
circuit; this can be expanded to active-safety technology to
1.7 miles using connecting roads become safer, more responsible
that simulate everyday driving drivers.
conditions. Z4 Drive. Participants experience
At the school, drivers learn from the dynamics of these new, super-
professional driving instructors to responsive Roadsters; emphasis
train and test their reflexes in every- is on car-control techniques.
day and emergency driving situa- Open to all licensed drivers, not
tions. Available programs include: just Z4 owners, the Z4 Drive
begins with a half-day driving

The BMW heritage & brand values

program, including an exercise in M School. A 2-day course in M3

which water walls appear without Coupes and the M5. Participants

warning for drivers to maneuver push M3 Coupes and M5s safely

around. Participants then take on to their limits while learning funda-
the winding curves of Southern mental car-control techniques.
back roads that afternoon en M5 Driving Experience. 1-day
route to a historic bed and course, included in the purchase
breakfast. In the evening, dinner price of a new M5. Participants
is hosted by a BMW driving hone their driving skills at the
instructor. wheel of this awesome perfor-
After dinner, participants mance Sedan.
compete in a timed event that BMW ALPINA ROADSTER V8
requires drivers to maneuver Driving Experience. Also a 1-day
their Z4 into a very tight area, course, included with every new
developing skills on how to BMW ALPINA ROADSTER V8.
change direction quickly in a
In classes other than those for the
short space while competing
Z4, M3, M5 and BMW ALPINA
with others for the quickest times.
ROADSTER V8, participants
The next day, participants drive
drive 3 Series models provided
back on winding roads to the
by BMW. More information is
BMW Performance Center for
available through the Perfor-
lunch and an afternoon of more
mance Center’s toll-free number,
challenging driving exercises.
888-345-4BMW (4269).

BMW’s Fully Integrated Road Safety Technology
This is another theme that the Control function of Dynamic
BMW Client Advisor can use Stability Control, now extended

effectively, because it addresses to the new Z4 Series after earlier
a top customer priority: Safety. introduction in the 7 and 3 Series;
With F.I.R.S.T., we are saying Active Roll Stabilization in the
two things: 7 Series; expanded availability of
• That safety – active safety and run-flat tires and tire-pressure
passive safety – is integrated monitoring; the Intelligent Safety
into the design and engineering and Information System (ISIS)
of each new BMW. and Advanced Safety Electronics
• That safety is a primary con- (ASE) that now manage safety
cern at BMW; that it is part of systems in the 7 and Z4 Series;
the conception of any BMW and newly standard rear Head
model, and applies at every Protection Systems (HPS) in the
stage of its development right 7 and 5 Series Sedans. For
up to final assembly and details on these developments,
quality control. see the appropriate Series
section or BMW features.
Every BMW is designed to be
agile and controllable, to This handbook’s descriptions of
support its driver's ability to BMW safety features begin on
avoid danger; and then crash- page 37, and thanks to such new
worthy so that its occupants developments the features are
are appropriately protected more fascinating and customer-
when an accident does occur. relevant than ever. As you review
these concepts and features and
The scope and sophistication of
present them to your clients,
features affecting both of these
please keep in mind that BMW
safety categories grows and
safety features aren’t mere
evolves constantly. Examples of
features. Instead, they are all
BMW’s ceaseless activity found in
part of BMW’s Fully Integrated
this edition of Fast Facts include
Road Safety Technology.
the advanced Dynamic Traction

The BMW M brand

The letter “M” has traditional M School

significance to BMW, going all Also mentioned on page 6, the

the way back to the “M” of the 2-day driving program is held at
Bayerische Motoren Werke the BMW Performance Center
(Bavarian Motor Works) and the and the Michelin Proving Grounds.
company’s long-fabled expertise Here, participants push M3
in engines. Since 1994, BMW M Coupes (6-speed and Sequential
GmbH 1 had been the name of Manual Gearbox) and M5s safely
BMW’s subsidiary for racing and to their limits while learning
high-performance cars, with the fundamental techniques such as
BMW Motorsport name applied skid control, optimum seating
to the racing activities within the positions, car balance, and “heel-
subsidiary. Now, BMW M is a and-toe” shifting of the manual
separate entity, a “company transmission. There will be nine
within a company” that designs M Schools this year, plus two
and produces custom and high- sessions of the new Advanced M
performance cars as well as School.
related products. As such it is a M Driver posting
“brand within a brand” and an Enthusiastic personnel at our
industry icon as purveyor of the BMW Centers will be happy to
finest line of versatile, value- learn that M Driver is now being
packed machines. posted on Owners Circle every
High-performance automobiles: other month.
the M Cars BMW Systems Technology
These are BMW M’s best-known Through BMW Systemtechnik –
products. Over the years, M, M3, in English, BMW Systems
M5 and M6 models have offered Technology – BMW M develops
performance enthusiasts very technology for clients, whether
special, uniquely BMW interpre- the client be BMW AG itself or an
tations of what a sports automo- outside firm.
bile should be. BMW M is
BMW Motorsport Ltd.
responsible for the development,
Now separate from BMW M but
production 2 and marketing of
based in Munich, the BMW
these spectacular high-
Motorsport group develops cars
performance cars.
and strategies for BMW’s racing
The 2003 M Cars line includes programs. Among these activi-
the M3 Coupe and Convertible, ties in the recent past have been
continuing one of the great 320i racing in the European
legends of performance automo- Touring Car Championship, and
biles, and the M5, a luxury sport BMW’s return to Formula 1
sedan. All M Cars are powered racing. After 13 years away from
by a thoroughbred M engine with Formula 1, BMW re-entered the
an individual throttle for each arena of what many consider
cylinder and equipped with international racing’s premier
Dynamic Stability Control – series, and had a highly success-
features that enhance the already ful first season. At this writing,
stellar BMW M reputation for the ’03 season is beginning.
ultimate performance

Also recently, BMW Team PTG owner loyalty. Personally appear-
has worked tirelessly restoring ing often at Motorsport venues,

some of BMW NA’s most treasured BMW M representatives work
race cars: the 1975 Sebring- intensely to get the M message
winning CSL, 2002 tii and M1. out to those for whom it matters
And BMW participated in several most: that we compete at high
vintage-racing events at Watkins levels, even against brands that
Glen, Monterey and Lime Rock. truly stake their reputation on
For the 2002 racing season, the racing. For BMW enthusiasts, and
sanctioning organization changed especially M Car owners, racing
the rules radically, rendering the the M3 is a natural extension of
M3 GTR (which had been the the car’s purpose. It was born to
2001 GT class champion) race – and to win.
uncompetitive. BMW then “sat Racing is the background behind
out” the year while deliberating last year’s introduction of a new,
what new activity to launch. In specifically race-bred technology
late ’02, the decision was made for contemporary sport driving:
to re-enter U.S. sports-car racing the Sequential Manual Gearbox
in a series that is more closely (SMG) with Drivelogic, currently
production-based, the SPEED available on both M3 models.
World Challenge. This “new way to drive” is
The current M3 SPEED World winning new converts to the
Challenge M3 is 75% stock. Its BMW M family, and garnering the
engine, based on the production admiration of those who value
S54 cylinder block and head, progress in the art and science
employs special pistons, valve- of automotive performance. “On
gear and other componentry to the freeway,” wrote Sam Mitani in
achieve approximately 420 hp. In the September ‘02 Road & Track,
this form, the M3 is an important “SMG provides a luxury that you
facet in continuing BMW NA’s just can’t get with a conventional
long history in U.S. road racing stick shift, and at the track, well,
and supporting BMW’s perfor- it makes you feel like a race
mance image. driver.” Another winner for BMW
M, then.
It also gives BMW M people the
opportunity to meet hundreds of All M Cars are born to win – to
BMW owners at the race track, win the hearts of dedicated
putting to use BMW’s racing performance enthusiasts, the
resources to further strengthen world over.

1 – “GmbH” is the German abbreviation

for a limited-liability company (LLC),
normally associated with companies
smaller than the AG (stock-corporation)
type such as BMW AG. In fact, BMW
of North America is now an LLC.
2 – Although BMW M once produced M5s
in its small plant north of Munich,
Germany, today’s M Cars are produced
at regular BMW factories under the
aegis of BMW M.

BMW in America

BMW of North America (BMW NA) South Carolina; at the Vehicle

has been present in the United Processing Center at Oxnard,

States since 1975. Since then, California; and at BMW facilities

the BMW Group in the United in Montvale, New Jersey. Shorter
States has grown to include courses in collision repair are also
marketing, sales and financial offered to employees of BMW
service organizations for the body shops at the California and
BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce New Jersey locations. To underpin
brands; a South Carolina factory; all this service training, BMW NA
DESIGNWORKS/USA, an indus- has established six fully equipped
trial design firm in California; a Service Technician Education
technology office in Silicon Valley Program (STEP) facilities: one
and various other operations. each in Arizona, California, Florida,
The BMW Group is represented New Jersey, Ohio and Texas.
in the U.S. through networks of These entities function as “grad-
340 BMW car, 327 BMW Sports uate schools” within the United
Activity Vehicle and 148 BMW Technical Institute, a leading
Motorcycle retailers, 70 MINI car teacher of automotive technology.
dealers and 27 Rolls-Royce Each of these offers (to service
motorcar dealers. BMW US technicians already graduated
Holding Corp., the Group’s from the institute) 720 hours of
headquarters for North, Central intensive classroom and lab
and South America, is located in instruction in BMW technology.
Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey. For efficient access to parts, each
BMW NA has a comprehensive U.S. BMW Center’s computer
system of support for BMW system is linked to BMW NA
owners and Centers in the U.S., national headquarters. In turn,
covering activities as varied as BMW NA is linked by computer to
specific engineering for American the International Parts Depot in
needs and tastes, the BMW Germany. BMW’s stock of parts
Warranty, Consumer Services, covers the more than 1.3 million
and the Roadside Assistance and BMWs on the American road.
Maintenance Programs. There are In case of a customer complaint,
three regional Vehicle Preparation the BMW Center will make a good-
Centers; each new BMW arriving faith effort to resolve it. For those
from Germany receives a thorough times when this process does not
Pre-Delivery Inspection there. achieve satisfactory results, a
To help the Centers provide BMW Customer Assistance Center
optimum service after the sale, Representative can be reached
BMW NA maintains five regional by calling a convenient toll-free
Service Training centers, staffed number. This and many other
by full-time technical instructors. services, such as BMW Roadside
Service technicians who continue Assistance, BMW Assist, the
their training and improve their BMW Maintenance Program and
proficiency are certified by ACT, the extensive 4-year/50,000-mile
the BMW Association of Certified limited warranty, are typical of the
Technicians. BMW NA even offers many efforts BMW NA makes to
training in body repairs to BMW ensure that BMW ownership is a
quality standards with a nine- satisfying experience.
month program offered at the For BMW NA telephone
BMW Performance Center in numbers, please see page 337.

BMW Manufacturing Corporation

Ten years ago the BMW Group BMW Manufacturing Corporation’s

decided to establish a plant in plant configuration results in

Spartanburg, South Carolina. markedly higher production capac-
Since then, more than 500,000 ity and one of the most flexible
vehicles have been manufactured manufacturing bases in operation
at the Spartanburg plant, and the today. Increased production and
facility has continued to make employment and new models,
history – for BMW and for the however, are only part of the
motor-vehicle industry generally. expansion story: A 60,000-sq. ft.
Operated by the subsidiary BMW analysis center adds engineering
Manufacturing Corp., the plant is capabilities as well.
located on a 1039-acre site in Also located in Spartanburg are
Spartanburg County, South the BMW Zentrum and the BMW
Carolina, and is an integral part of Performance Center Driving
BMW’s international production School described on pages 5-6.
and logistics network. Currently The Zentrum, a 28,000-sq ft.
the Spartanburg plant produces visitor’s center, serves as the
all Z4 and X5 models for not only gateway for visitors to BMW
the North American market, but Manufacturing Corp.; and
all export markets. customers can take delivery of
Originally, the Spartanburg factory any new BMW (including those
encompassed 1.2 million square produced abroad) at the Perfor-
feet under one roof and represent- mance Center. For a nominal
ed an investment of more than admission fee, at the Zentrum
$600 million. Initial expansion to (German for “center”) one can –
accommodate X5 production • See legendary BMW cars,
brought the facility to more than motorcycles and aircraft
2.1 million sq ft. and total employ- engines from the past.
ment of approximately 3,000 • Get a glimpse of BMW technol-
associates, and attracted several ogy for the present and future.
more new automotive suppliers. • View some of the famous BMW
Since X5 production began in Art Cars – BMW automobiles
1999, strong demand has led to a transformed by noted artists
further expansion at Spartanburg; such as David Hockney, Andy
total vehicle production at the Warhol and Alexander Calder.
facility has grown from 51,878 units • Experience the creation of a
in 1999 to 121,680 in calendar new vehicle by “riding the line”
2001. Production is projected at on a Virtual Factory Tour.
more than 150,000 units for 2003. The Zentrum includes a 238-seat
To accommodate this ongoing auditorium and conference rooms
uptrend, BMW is once again (available for rental), a gift shop and
investing in BMW Manufacturing the Boxer Cafe. It also serves as
Corp. On the same day when the a staging point for actual factory
Z4 Roadster was introduced, BMW tours, which are offered by
announced that it will invest an reservation. For information:
additional $400 million in the • Call 888-Tour BMW
factory, creating another 400 jobs. • Fax 864-989-5298
With more than 4,400 employed • Write to –
there now, this newest expansion BMW Plant Tour
will bring total employment at P.O. Box 11000
Spartanburg close to 5,000. Spartanburg, SC 29304-4100.

BMW, the award-winner –
again and again
BMW and its products are a phe- Not just BMW vehicles, but also
nomenon without parallel. The BMW engines, garner their share

frequency and number of awards of awards. For example:

bestowed upon BMW are a signifi- • In the International Engine of
cant indicator of how those “in the the Year Awards, an interna-
know” are recognizing the special tional panel of engine experts
position of BMW in the world of from 17 countries chose the
automobiles. Here is a mere 4.4-liter Valvetronic V-8 engine
sampling of the recognition BMW that powers 745i and 745Li
has received in recent times: models as Best New Engine. It
In its latest staff-selected All-Stars, was the second successive
announced in February ’03, year that BMW landed this
Automobile Magazine once again major award, after its win with
proves that BMW is unbeatable: the 3.2-liter M3 engine in
• Best Luxury Car under 2001. BMW’s 3.0- and 3.2-liter
$40,000 – 3 Series 6-cylinder engines again won
• Best GT – M3 their respective categories.
• Best Luxury Car Over $40,000 Robb Report regularly recognizes
– 7 Series winners. Recent picks include:
• Best Everyday Car 1997 – 540i
And in naming the 3 Series to its
• Special Merit Award Winner
Reader’s’ Choice All-Stars, this
1998 – Z3 Roadster 2.8
magazine’s May ’02 issue quoted
• Car of the Year 2000 – Z8
a reader: “If the 3 Series is not
• Best of the Best Sedans, June
the best car in its category, why
2002 – 7 Series.
do all these manufacturers try so
hard to build one themselves?” The J.D. Power APEAL study,
which ranks vehicles on the
Car and Driver names its 10Best
basis of emotional and esthetic
choices every January. BMW has
appeal, honors BMW repeatedly:
been among them since 1992:
• Most Appealing Entry Luxury
• 1992 – 325i Sedan
Car 1999 – 3 Series
• 1993 – 325i Sedan
• Most Appealing Premium
• 1994 – 325i Sedan and 325is
Luxury Car 1999 – 7 Series
• Most Appealing Entry Luxury
• 1995 – 325i models and M3
Car 2000 – 3 Series.
• 1996 – 328i models and M3
• 1997 – 328i models, M3 and J.D. Power and Associates is well
5 Series known for its extensive surveys
• 1998 – 328i models, M3 and and ratings of various facets of
5 Series automotive achievement. In
• 1999 – 328i/M3, 5 Series and Power’s Customer Service Index
M Roadster/Coupe Study for 2000, for example, BMW
• 2000 – 3 Series, 5 Series was up by another 8 points over
• 2001 – again 3 Series, 5 Series. the previous year, scoring 783 out
• 2002 – yet again, 3 Series of a possible 1000 points; this
(including M3), 5 Series put U.S. BMW Centers’ service
(including M5). departments well above the
industry average of 692.
And to bring us right up to date,
Car and Driver has once again In 1999, the J.D. Power organiza-
named the 3 Series to its 10Best tion had extended its recognition
list, in its January ’03 issue. of BMW excellence by ranking
BMW Financial Services above

all other financial institutions, both Facts was being completed.
independent and captive, for Strategic Vision’s Total Delight

initial customer satisfaction with Awards – the first automotive
automotive leases. This was on awards measuring the emotional
the basis of consumer experiences bond between owners and their
in the setup and billing processes cars – put an official stamp on
as well as perceived value. what we’ve known for a long time:
In November 1999, the Industrial people who love to drive love to
Designers Society of America drive BMWs. The awards are:
named the best Designs of the • Near Luxury Car, 1st place –
Decade – not just automotive 3 Series
designs, but from a variety of fields. • Luxury Car, 2nd place – 5 Series
Choosing from 189 entries, the jury • Luxury Car, 1st place – 7 Series
honored 12 designs with IDSA’s • Luxury SUV, 1st place –
top honor, the Gold Award; the X5 Series.
3 Series received the Gold Award Other recent awards include:
in the transportation category. • Automobile Magazine, January
"Classic and elegantly sporty," said ’03, Design of the Year, BMW
IDSA jurist Dr. Lorraine Justice of Z4.
the Georgia Institute of Technology. • Car and Driver, October ’02,
Another professionally oriented comparison-test victory over
authority bestowed a dramatic five key competitors, BMW
honor on BMW in its most recent 330i Sedan.
round of awards: Automotive • AutoWeek, July 1, 2002,
Engineering International named America’s Best Sports Sedan,
the new 7 Series the Best BMW M5: “The M5 remains
Engineered Vehicle for 2002 in its the benchmark for sports
March ’02 issue. sedans, adding a sharp high-
performance edge to the
And as if all this weren’t enough:
already splendid 540i.” Also
In June 1999 the International
America’s Best Sedan, BMW
Brain Injury Association presented
3 Series.
BMW with its Safe Car of the
• Fortune Small Business,
Millennium award for the Head
February 2003,Sports Road-
Protection System (HPS) that is
ster, from “My eight favorite
now standard in all 7, 5 and
autos for 2003” by Alex Taylor
closed-body 3 Series models.
III: “It might be hard to justify
“As motor-vehicle crashes are
spending this kind of money
the leading cause of brain injury
on a sports car these days,
worldwide,” explained the
but the Z4 will be the one to
Association’s President, “BMW is
own in 2003.”
to be applauded for their achieve-
ment in making automobiles One could go on and on, but Fast
safer.” BMW now offers Head Facts must be kept compact
Protection for rear-seat passen- enough to fit in one of your
gers as well: it is newly standard pockets. For further Series-
in the 7 Series and in 5 Series specific awards and for quotes
Sedans (including the M5). from road tests of the various
BMW models, please see the
Strategic Vision, a San Diego-
individual Series sections of this
based consumer-research firm,
accorded BMW a quadruple
honor just as this issue of Fast

BMW features
The following key features appear in more than one BMW Series:

Performance & efficiency Chain camshaft drive

(all models)
Aluminum cylinder block and
The camshafts of some com-
petitors’ engines (notably most
(Aluminum head/heads all
Acura, Audi, Lexus and Volvo
models; aluminum block all
models) are driven by a toothed
except M3 models)
belt, which requires periodic
The engines of all BMW models
replacement. All current BMW
except those named above have
engines have chain drive, auto-
an aluminum cylinder block and
matically maintained at the
cylinder head or heads. (6-cylinder
correct tension and engineered
engines have one cylinder head,
BMW features

to last the life of the car.

V-type engines two.)
VANOS variable valve timing
Compared to traditional cast
(all models)
iron, aluminum saves weight,
All current BMW engines employ
enhancing vehicle performance
VANOS, a system of variable
and handling. Block construction
valve timing. VANOS derives
is as follows:
from VAriable NOckenwellen
• 6-cylinder engines of 3, Z4 and
Steuerung, German for “variable
5 Series – aluminum block
camshaft control” or variable
with cast-iron cylinder liners.
valve timing.
• V-8 engines of M5, 5 and
7 Series – aluminum block with By varying valve timing according
integral silicon-impregnated to operating conditions, VANOS
aluminum cylinders (not liners). enhances low- to medium-speed
In the M5 and 5 Series block, torque and emission control, and
just enough aluminum is chem- may have a positive effect on fuel
ically etched away to leave economy. Valve timing is varied
silicon crystals as the cylin- “steplessly” between the system’s
ders’ working surfaces; in the “earliest” and “latest” settings
7 Series engine, a “soft honing” rather than having simply low- and
machine removes aluminum high-speed settings. Hydraulically
for the same purpose. actuated, the VANOS system is
electronically controlled in
Both construction types achieve
response to engine speed, load
excellent engine life; the type with
and temperature.
silicon-impregnated cylinders is
somewhat more costly and VANOS is applied to the various
saves more weight, making it engines as follows:
especially appropriate for the • Intake camshafts – 4.4-liter
high-end V-8 engines. V-8 of 5 Series models.
• Intake and exhaust
Dual overhead camshafts
camshaft(s) – All other current
(DOHC) and four valves per
(all models) Systems operating on the intake
All current BMW engines have camshafts only are termed Single
DOHC and four valves per cylinder, VANOS; those operating on the
one of the most efficient valve intake and exhaust camshafts
mechanisms in use today. This are called Double VANOS. On
means two camshafts in the the M engines, VANOS has its
6-cylinder engines, four in the own high-pressure oil pump rather
V-8s. than operating on pressure from

the engine oil pump; these M stability enhancement and Hill
systems are referred to as Descent Control, are integrated
High-Pressure Double VANOS. into the engine-management
The 7 Series’ N62 V-8 engine system and applied directly to
adds Valvetronic, which varies the electronic throttle system,
the intake valves’ lift to regulate reducing complication. M engines
engine output, replacing the have electronically controlled
conventional throttle. For details individual throttles, one for each
on this revolutionary system, see cylinder; see the description of
the 7 Series section of this the M3 engine on page 254 for
handbook. details.

BMW features
Hydraulic valve adjustment Direct ignition system
(all except M3 models) (all models)
This maintains zero clearance Instead of a single coil, each
between the valves and their cylinder has its own ignition coil.
actuating mechanism, virtually This reduces the number of
eliminating valve noise and making moving parts, and allows more
periodic adjustment unnecessary. precise control of ignition timing
for the individual cylinders. The
Two systems of hydraulic valve
BMW M 6-cylinder engine uses
adjustment are used in current
ultra-thin “pencil” coils of a type
BMW engines. The regular-
originally developed for BMW
production 6-cylinder and all V-8
racing engines. (See also knock
engines except that of the 7 Series
have bucket-type hydraulic valve
lifters between the camshaft DME engine management
lobes and valves, with no rocker (Digital Motor Electronics)
arms. In the 7 Series V-8, there (all models)
are rocker arms, and the hydraulic This digital microprocessor
elements are not “lifters,” but system continuously monitors a
rather stationary adjusters that wide variety of operational data,
position the rocker arms’ pivots calculates the ideal fuel metering
to maintain zero valve clearance. and ignition timing, and adjusts
them several hundred times per
In the M3s’ S54 6-cylinder
engine, low-mass finger-type
rocker arms and mechanical Signals from the Lambda oxygen
valve adjustment are employed sensors (in the exhaust system)
and do require periodic inspec- are processed by the DME
tion; see BMW M S54 3.2-liter computer with adaptive logic.
DOHC 24-valve 6-cylinder The engine’s idle speed is also
engine, page 254, for details. controlled adaptively to compen-
sate for engine break-in and
Electronic throttle system
wear. You could call this the
ability to “learn.”
(all models)
Having superseded mechanical Electronically controlled
throttle linkage, this system engine cooling
allows precise tuning of throttle (all except M models)
action to driving conditions. Also referred to as “map cooling.”
Influences on the throttle other Controls the engine thermostat
than the driver’s foot, such as in response to a complex matrix
cruise control, traction control, of operating data – coolant and
outside temperature, engine load

BMW features
The following key features appear in more than one BMW Series:

and driving speed – rather than M54 2.5-liter DOHC 24-valve

just coolant temperature. This inline 6-cylinder engine
allows operating the engine at (all 325 models, Z4 Roadster
higher temperatures under light- 2.5i & 525i models)
load conditions, which can As the smaller of the two M54
increase fuel economy and inline 6-cylinder engines, this
benefit heater effectiveness. 2.5-liter unit provides these more
Knock control affordably positioned models
(all models) with smooth, willing and estheti-
Knock sensors in the engine cally pleasing performance.
block detect any incipient knocking Highlights of this engine family
BMW features

in the cylinders, then signal the include:

DME system to retard ignition • Dual resonance intake system,
timing at the affected cylinder(s) with additional turbulence
only until the knocking ceases. passages for very low throttle
Thus timing can always be opti- openings. The two basic intake-
mum unless knocking actually path lengths (one for lower
begins to occur. Knock control speeds and loads, the other
allows a higher compression ratio for higher speeds and loads)
to be used (all current BMW are optimized for excellent
engines have a ratio of 10.0:1 or performance in all speed
higher), further improving ranges.
performance and efficiency. • Double VANOS variable valve
timing. Intake timing is varied
Hydraulic engine mounts
by 40˚, exhaust by 25˚ in terms
(all models)
of crankshaft rotation to enhance
These employ oil as well as
the engine’s torque, fuel effi-
rubber to reduce engine vibration
ciency and emission control.
felt inside the car – an especially
• Aluminum block and cylinder
important point in highly refined
head, for an excellent power-
to-weight ratio.
Low-restriction exhaust system
The 2.5-liter engine delivers184
(all models)
hp @ 6000 rpm. Torque output
All BMW exhaust systems are
is 175 lb-ft. @ 3500. As BMW’s
designed for relatively free,
“entry” engine, the M54 2.5
efficient flow of exhaust gases to
makes it clear that every current
enhance performance. All current
BMW is powered by a high-
engines have a partial or full dual
caliber engine of at least six
system. To facilitate their engines’
cylinders. For performance data
very high power outputs, M
specific to the various models it
models’ exhaust systems are
powers, see the appropriate
especially voluminous and
Series section of this handbook.
M54 3.0-liter DOHC 24-valve
Underhood beauty
inline 6-cylinder engine
(all models)
(all 330 models, Z4 3.0i & 530i)
All BMW engines and engine
Though sharing the 2.5-liter
compartments are designed to
engine’s basic engineering fea-
be not only logical and straight-
tures, this engine, by virtue of its
forward to service, but to look
larger displacement, delivers
attractive. Be sure to show every
22.3% more power and torque,
prospect BMW’s distinctive engine
lending the top 6-cylinder models
and engine-compartment design.

a thrilling edge in performance. It driving style and operating
produces 225 hp @ 5900 rpm conditions (during normal
and 214 lb-ft. of torque at 3500 automatic operation only)
rpm in all models where it is used, • A choice of driver-selected shift
except for the 330i Sedan with modes, as described below.
Performance Package. In that Specific features are as follows:
unique form, it develops 235 hp • 3 Series, Z4 Series, 525i and
and 222 lb-ft. of torque, both at 530i models, 540i Sedan with
the same peaking speeds as for Sport Package, 540i Sport
the standard engine. (See page Wagon. 5-speed STEPTRONIC.
171 for details on how this The primary shift quadrant or

BMW features
increased output is achieved.) “gate” offers Park, Reverse,
Whatever the model it powers, it Neutral and Drive positions. A
always delivers outstanding and second gate, to its left, is
enjoyable performance. labeled M/S for Manual/Sport
All models powered by this and joins the primary gate at
engine are certified as a ULEV the Drive position. Moving the
(Ultra-Low Emissions Vehicle). lever from Drive into this gate
BMW manual transmissions activates the Sport mode,
(19 of 24 models) which causes shifts to occur
Of 24 automobile models currently at higher speeds for a livelier
offered by BMW in the U.S., fully performance feel. From this
19 are offered with a manual position, the driver can make
transmission. Of these, 10 come upshifts and downshifts by
with a 5-speed, nine with a “flicking” the lever rearward or
6-speed. Each BMW manual forward; this is reversed from
transmission is engineered to previous years, and consistent
provide what buyers want when with the Sequential Manual
they choose a manual transmis- Gearbox of M3s and Z4s.
sion: precise control and a high • 540i Sedan without Sport
level of driving pleasure. With the Package. A single shift gate
6-cylinder engines of 3, Z4 and includes Park, Reverse, Drive,
5 Series models, two 5-speed 4, 3 and 2 positions. 4, 3 and
transmission models are used: 2 give automatic shifting from
Getrag B for rear-drive 2.5-liter 1st through 4th, 3rd and 2nd
models, heavier-duty ZF Type C gears respectively. Selecting 4
for all-wheel-drive 2.5 models and or 3 engages the Sport mode.
the 530i. Two types of 6-speed • 7 Series. STEPTRONIC 6-speed
manual are also used: Type D in transmission with electric
the M models, Type H in the selectors and other advanced
330s and Z4s. features. See the 7 Series
section for details.
BMW automatic transmissions
(21 of 24 models) For further details, see the
All current BMW automatic performance & efficiency
transmissions include at least section for each Series.
the following features: Sequential Manual Gearbox
• Five forward speeds (SMG)
• Full electronic control (Z4 & M3 Series)
• Adaptive Transmission Control, This new type of transmission,
which automatically selects which applies electrohydraulic
shift modes according to shifting and electronic controls to

BMW features
The following key features appear in more than one BMW Series:

a 6-speed manual transmission, • Motor Trend, September ’01:

offers sport-oriented drivers a “The BMW [540i] just begs to
choice of manual control or be driven, athletically responds
automated shifting. As the two to the driver’s every command,
Series offer distinctly different and clearly communicates
SMG versions, these are what it’s doing and what the
described in the M3 and Z4 road is all about…We figured
sections. this much cornering prowess
would return a punishing ride,
Handling, ride & braking but not so. In fact, the 540i’s
Ultra-rigid chassis-body overall ride quality is our
BMW features

structure favorite of the bunch: firm and

(all models) controlled, yet somehow
Solidity and minimum squeaks comfortably supple without
and rattles are obvious benefits; ever being mushy.” (From a
this also provides a “stable comparison test with key
platform” for the suspension and competitors.)
brake systems, helping them • Automobile Magazine, January
work precisely as they were ’01: “The chassis wizards in
designed to do. Munich have not only imbued
Dynamic rigidity. To achieve the 3 Series with an athlete’s
excellent structural dynamics – a reflexes but also managed to
critical factor for riding comfort – provide a supple ride.”
BMW body engineers carefully The body structure also enhances
tune the structure’s natural passive safety; for information on
frequencies 1 to be different in its safety qualities, see safety &
torsion and bending, and to be security, page 37.
relatively high. These high Rear-wheel drive
frequencies are an important (all except all-wheel-drive
factor in achieving BMW bodies’ models)
typically great resistance to BMW has not followed the wide-
vibration; the different frequencies spread trend to front-wheel
for torsion and bending help drive. Although front-wheel drive
ensure that the structure never can yield more space for passen-
takes on “a life of its own” when gers and luggage, we believe our
subjected to vibration influences, customers prefer the handling
such as sharp bumps or “wash- benefits of rear-wheel drive in
board” road surfaces. BMW passenger-car applications.
Static rigidity, critical to a feeling Among upscale automobiles, a
of solidity and precise operation rear-wheel-drive revival is setting
of the suspension system, is in. Two years ago, Lincoln
always high in a BMW. Taken introduced its LS series, which
together, dynamic and static attempted to bring European
rigidity plus the difference in qualities to an American luxury
torsion and bending frequencies sedan; Cadillac, whose automo-
are essential elements of the biles have all had front-wheel
truly remarkable level of riding drive for a long time, is offering
comfort and handling precision rear-wheel-drive cars again and
every BMW offers. Two quotes plans to add more in the future.
from published road tests Infiniti’s new G35 and M45 and
support this point: Lexus’ IS 300 have rear-wheel

drive as these makes attempt to pension subframe is mounted to
compete with the 3 Series. Dare the main structure with rubber
we say, “We told you so”? mounts; the differential is then
BMW now offers all-wheel drive mounted to this subframe with
on three 3 Series models, and all further rubber mounts. (In the 3
X5 models have essentially the and Z4 Series, a hydraulic mount
same system. BMW’s AWD is used here.) By thus acoustically
system provides additional trac- decoupling the differential from
tion that is of significant benefit the main structure, transfer of
under slippery road conditions, gear noise from the differential
and is engineered to preserve into the car’s structure (and

BMW features
the same basic handling charac- hence its interior) is effectively
teristics as rear-wheel drive. For minimized.
details, see pages 158-159. Unique 4-wheel independent
Optimum weight distribution suspension system
(all models) (all models)
All current BMW models have Every BMW model has fully
their front wheels relatively far independent suspension at all
forward and their engine as far four wheels. Each wheel reacts
rearward as practical. BMW independently to bumps; if the
even positions the battery – a left rear wheel hits a bump or
heavy component – at the rear hole while cornering, the right one
of the vehicle (and low, to help stays in contact with the road
keep the center of gravity low). and stability is retained. With a
This gives excellent weight distri- “live” or “beam” rear axle – as
bution – closer to the ideal 50% still found in many trucks – when
front/50% rear than most cars. one side hits a bump, the other
In fact, on no current model side is directly affected.
does the weight bias at one end Each BMW suspension system
of the car depart more than is unique, tailored specifically by
3.3% from this ideal. For actual BMW’s talented engineers to the
weight distribution of each model in which it’s installed. No
model, see the Specifications for other manufacturer offers Inte-
the various Series. gral Link rear suspension (5 and
Subframe construction 7 Series, M5, Z8) or Central Link
(all models) rear suspension (3 and Z4
All current BMW front and rear Series, M3). See the Series
suspension systems are carried sections for descriptions of
primarily on subframes, which these systems.
help isolate vibration and road Twin-tube gas-pressure shock
noise from the body structure by absorbers
virtue of precisely tuned rubber (all models)
mounts or bushings. See also Instead of air, an inert gas under
acoustic decoupling, below. pressure fills space inside the
Acoustic decoupling shock absorber not occupied by
(all models) the working fluid. This prevents
Reduces unwanted vibration and foaming, which can occur with
noise. In the multi-link rear sus-
1 – A natural frequency is that frequency
pension systems of the 3, 5, 7
at which any object tends to vibrate of
and Z4 Series (and M derivatives its own accord once set into motion by
of the 3 and 5 Series), the sus- some disturbance or input.

BMW features
The following key features appear in more than one BMW Series:

conventional shock absorbers in • 3, 5 and M3 Series, BMW

fast driving on rough roads. ALPINA ROADSTER V8 –
The twin-tube feature means two Assist is increased at very low
separate sets of valves, which engine speeds (below 1500
provide relatively soft control of rpm); this means greater assist
gentle undulations but firmer con- for parking and low-speed
trol when the car encounters more maneuvering without any
serious bumps. You can feel this modification of assist at most
in the remarkable compliance of driving speeds.
BMW suspension over small, • Z4 and 7 Series, M5 – Via
sharp bumps, yet its equally electronic control, assist varies
BMW features

remarkable firmness when you’re according to vehicle speed:

driving hard. It’s almost like two greatest at low speeds, least
suspension systems in one. at high speeds. This vehicle-
speed-sensitive system allows
M sport suspension
a greater increase in power
At least one model of all BMW
assist for parking and low-
Series 2 is available with M sport
speed maneuvers than the
suspension, which in every
engine-speed-sensitive system.
application enhances handling at
In the Z4, steering assist is
some minimal loss in riding
provided electrically instead of
comfort. The “M” stands for
hydraulically; see page 222 for
BMW M, the competition and
details on this new system.
high-performance division of
BMW, whose philosophy of Whichever system is used, BMW
chassis tuning is applied to steering is virtually universally
every sport suspension system. praised for its outstanding
Essential elements of every precision and road feel.
optional M sport suspension Dynamic Driving Control
system (except that for Z4 Previously offered only on M
models) include: Cars, this sport-oriented feature
• Lowered ride height is now available on the Z4 Series
• Firmer springs and shock as well. Via electronic controls
absorbers and a Sport button, it offers
• Differently sized anti-roll (stabi- drivers a choice in driving
lizer) bars (usually larger and dynamics as follows:
firmer than the standard ones). M5 and Z4 – 2 levels of throttle
The Z4’s sport suspension includes action (Normal and quicker Sport)
only the lowered ride height. and 2 levels of power-steering
For details on the M sport assist. The latter is possible in
suspension systems of individual these models because of their
models, see the handling, ride & electronically controlled, vehicle-
braking or options & accessories speed-sensitive power steering.
section of the appropriate Series. With the Z4’s available Sequential
Manual Gearbox or automatic
Variable-assist power steering
transmission, the button also
Every BMW power-steering
activates a Sport transmission
system gives the driver natural
road feel. However, there are
differences in the way this assist M3 – 2 levels of throttle action
varies to reduce steering effort (Normal and quicker Sport).
further at low speeds:

4-wheel disc brakes BMW’s traction control is an
BMW brakes are generously all-speed system. Engine inter-
dimensioned compared to those vention is possible at any speed.
of most competitors. To enhance Below 25 mph, the brakes are
fade resistance, the front discs also applied selectively and
(rotors) of all models are ventilated. separately as necessary to
All 3, 5 and 7 Series models, M optimize traction very quickly.
Cars, the Z4 3.0i and the Z8 Above 50 mph, traction control
have ventilated rear discs as well. operates entirely through engine
As part of the Dynamic Stability intervention.
Control system, all current BMW Dynamic Traction Control (DTC)

BMW features
models have antilock braking (3 Series rear-wheel-drive models,
(ABS) and Dynamic Brake 7 and Z4 Series). It has always
Control (DBC); for explanations been possible to de-activate
of these functions, see Dynamic Dynamic Stability Control func-
Stability Control, next. tions (except antilock braking)
Dynamic Stability Control via a console switch. In the
(all models) current 3, 7 and Z4 Series, a
Since the 2001 model year, all capability called Dynamic Trac-
BMW models have been tion Control is also incorporated.
standard-equipped with Dynamic DTC improves utilization of
Stability Control. DSC encom- available road traction under
passes the functions of traction specific conditions –
control, braking enhancements • on sand, gravel, deep snow or
and cornering stabilization, as packed snow
follows: • climbing hills with deep or
All-speed traction control (all packed snow
models). Controls engine power • when there is deep snow on
and the brakes to limit wheelspin only one side of the road
and thereby improve the driver’s • when driving with tire chains.
control of the vehicle under In the 7 Series, via the iDrive
conditions where a wheel or configuration menu the driver
wheels might spin, primarily on may either fully de-activate DSC
slippery roads. The DSC system (except ABS) or activate the DTC
continually processes data from mode. With DTC selected, engine
the wheel-speed sensors. Any- intervention is de-activated at
time a drive wheel begins to lose low speeds, leaving only the
traction (rear wheels on most individual wheel brakes to control
models, any wheel on all-wheel- wheelspin. When the vehicle
drive models), the system senses reaches a speed of approximately
this and acts on the engine’s 43 mph, normal DSC operation
electronic throttle(s) and ignition is re-instated until speed once
timing to reduce engine torque. again drops below this threshold,
It also acts on each brake indi- at which point DTC operation
vidually as necessary to help resumes. In the 3 and Z4 Series,
bring wheelspin under control, DTC is selected via a brief push
enhancing driving stability on
slippery surfaces (or even on dry 2 – M Cars and the BMW ALPINA
roads under extreme acceleration ROADSTER V8 come standard with
or cornering). such a calibration. The 3 Series “xi”
models (AWD) do not offer sport

BMW features
The following key features appear in more than one BMW Series:

on the DSC console switch; full Cornering stabilization (all

de-activation of DSC requires a models). For this most sophisti-
longer (2 sec.) push on the cated DSC function, the following
switch; even then, however, ABS inputs are employed:
remains functional. • The wheel-speed sensors
Electronic brake proportioning • A steering-angle sensor
(3, 5, 7 and Z4 Series, M3 and (measures turning of the
M5). Anytime the brakes are steering)
applied, a vehicle’s front end • A lateral-acceleration sensor
becomes more heavily loaded; (measures how “hard” the
the rear “gets lighter.” To deal vehicle is cornering)
BMW features

with this, vehicles generally have • A yaw sensor (measures the

devices that adjust the front-to- vehicle’s rotation around its
rear proportioning of braking vertical axis)
force according to braking • A brake-pressure sensor
severity. Via the wheel-speed (informs the system of any
sensors, EBP actually measures application of the brakes by
the amount of slip at each wheel the driver).
when the brakes are applied 3, Together, these sensors precisely
and regulates pressure accord- measure the vehicle’s cornering
ingly to the front and rear brakes. motion. With their inputs feeding
Braking force is thus apportioned into the powerful DSC micro-
optimally at all times, making processor, the system detects
best use of the available braking any deviation from the normal
traction at the tires and helping cornering path (abnormal under-
distribute brake and tire wear steer or oversteer) and gently
more evenly. applies individual wheel brakes to
Antilock braking (ABS) (all help the driver keep the vehicle on
models). During braking, anytime the intended path. (DSC is able
a wheel begins to lock up (slide), to act selectively on the front
DSC releases and re-applies and rear brakes at either side of
(cycles) the individual wheel the car to accomplish this.) Thus
brakes to prevent this from in these critical situations, when
occurring. As only a rotating tire the driver may be attempting a
can deliver effective braking maneuver beyond the normal
power to the road, the antilock control range of the vehicle, he
function helps the driver achieve or she is more likely to retain
quick, controllable deceleration control and avoid an accident.
or stopping when necessary, Although it obviously affects the
helping avoid skidding. vehicle’s handling, this function
Dynamic Brake Control (all should be considered primarily a
models). Reinforces the driver’s safety feature; in other words, it
brake-pedal effort in emergency should not be interpreted as a
braking. The system recognizes feature that allows faster cornering
when the driver has made a or more abrupt maneuvers.
“panic” brake application, and Hill Descent Control (all-wheel-
increases the level of assistance. drive models only). Helps the
By forcing the ABS to function driver maintain speed and stability
optimally, this helps ensure that on steep downhill runs. The driver
the most effective braking is needs only to press a dedicated

button on the console; HDC then system triggers a pressure-loss
takes over, gently applying the indication in the instrument
brakes as necessary to keep the cluster, plus an audible warning.
speed to a brisk walking pace. Tire Pressure Monitor
Alloy wheels (optional 3 Series 330 models)
(all models) The Tire Pressure Monitor
BMW alloy wheels are strong, improves on the function of the
weight-efficient and tastefully Flat Tire Monitor by actually
styled for each model. In every measuring each tire’s pressure.
case, the wheels are sized A tiny sensor/radio-frequency
generously: Diameters (at least transmitter at the inboard end of

BMW features
16-in. on every model, 17-in. and each tire’s valve stem continually
18-in. on some models; 19-in. monitors tire pressure; should
standard on 760Li, optional on there be significant loss of
745i/Li and M3) are large enough pressure in any tire, TPM triggers
to provide plenty of space around a pressure-loss signal via an
the brakes for air cooling, and indication in the instrument
widths provide a solid “footprint” cluster. Also recognizes and
for excellent cornering and indicates normal loss of pressure
braking. in all tires over longer periods of
Speed-rated wide radial tires time, which the Flat Tire Monitor
(all models) does not do.
Every BMW model is equipped The Tire Pressure Monitor is
with premium steel-belted road included with the optional run-
tires. Speed ratings vary according flat wheel-tire system (below) on
to model, ranging from standard all 3 Series 330 models.
H-rated equipment on some 3 Run-flat wheel-tire system
and 5 Series models to the W- (standard Z4 Series, optional
and Z-rated tires of BMW’s 3 Series 330 models & 7 Series)
sportiest models and Packages. BMW’s run-flat wheel-tire system
The rated speed is the highest is an important step forward in
sustained speed the tire is designed safety, convenience and space
for, and is designated by a letter: utilization. The system consists
T=118 mph, H=130 mph, V=149 of self-supporting tires, special
mph, W = 167 mph, Z = over wheel rims, and –
149 mph (open-ended; depen- • on the Z4, 7 Series and BMW
dent upon vehicle application). ALPINA ROADSTER V8, the
Flat Tire Monitor Flat Tire Monitor (at left)
(standard Z4 Series, BMW • on the 3 Series 330 models,
ALPINA ROADSTER V8 & the Tire Pressure Monitor
M Cars; optional 7 Series) (above).
Whenever tire pressure drops by The self-supporting tires are
30% or more, the tire’s rolling distinguished primarily by their
radius changes significantly and special sidewalls, which include
the wheel rotates at a different specific inserts and highly heat-
speed from the other tires. Via resistant rubber compounds.
DSC’s wheel-speed sensors, the
Flat Tire Monitor recognizes any
3 – Tires always slip as they transmit
such major deviation. Within a
acceleration, braking or cornering
short time of 1-3 minutes, this force; this is not skidding, which is an
extreme form of slip.

BMW features
The following key features appear in more than one BMW Series:

These features allow a deflated taste and an avoidance of fads

tire to maintain its essential shape or fashions that could outdate it
and guidance characteristics for quickly.
a considerable distance, so that At the same time, a BMW’s
when confronted with a flat the basic shape is largely deter-
driver can continue on at reduced mined by its engineering. For
speed until reaching a place to example, when BMW decided
have the tire repaired or replaced. over a decade ago to have front-
While maintaining essentially the to-rear weight distribution as
handling and safety standards close as possible to 50%
expected of performance tires, front/50% rear (for ideal han-
BMW features

the run-flat system offers the dling), this dictated a distinctive

following advantages: look, with a long hood and the
No roadside tire changes. The front wheels set well forward.
driver does not have to stop and In fact, this look is also closely
change a damaged tire. Even related to BMW’s choice of
with no air in the tire – a condition rear-wheel drive. (Compare, for
revealed to the driver by the Flat instance, the short front over-
Tire Monitor or Tire Pressure hang of BMWs vs. the long front
Monitor – one can continue overhang of most front-wheel-
driving at 50 mph for up to drive vehicles.)
about 90 miles. Specific elements of the BMW
Tire stays on rim, thanks to look include:
specially developed Extended • Traditional “kidneys” grille,
Hump wheel rims. consisting of dual grille open-
ings with vertical slats. Over
Stability systems remain
the years these have evolved
functional. All Dynamic Stability
from tall ovals into low, wide,
Control functions remain fully
essentially rectangular shapes;
functional, even with a deflated
yet the lineage to BMWs all
the way back to the Thirties is
Increased trunk space. A spare clear. Only one current model
wheel and tire take up consider- departs from this element: the
able space. With the run-flat BMW ALPINA ROADSTER V8,
system, no spare is needed, so with horizontal-format dual
this space is available for a larger grilles that relate to the classic
trunk. In the Z4, where the system Fifties BMW 507.
is standard, the trunk is config- • BMW logo, with blue-and-white
ured to take advantage of this. color scheme (from the Bavarian
Weight savings. The weight of a flag) and rotating-propeller motif
spare tire is eliminated. (from BMW’s early history as a
maker of aircraft engines).
Exterior & aerodynamics • Four headlights. Became a
The BMW look BMW tradition in the Seven-
Every BMW is designed to ties. Today, the headlights are
communicate an identifiable, behind glass covers on all
consistent “BMW look” – have models except the BMW
you ever met anyone who cares ALPINA ROADSTER V8,
about cars who couldn’t recog- where the high beams are
nize a BMW? And each BMW is mounted in the grille.
designed with restraint, good

• Large glass areas, as both a Even BMW’s open-bodied cars
functional (for good outward show excellent progress in
vision) and design element 4. aerodynamics: The 3 Series
• “Reverse kink” in the rear Convertibles and Z4 Roadsters
side-window shape of closed- both have a CD of just 0.35.
body models 4. Low aerodynamic lift
• A dynamic feeling to the over- (all models)
all design that visually commu- BMW devotes just as much
nicates BMW’s dynamic attention to this less widely
performance. recognized aspect of aerody-
• Restrained use of trim, namics. BMW bodies manage

BMW features
always within bounds of good airflow to minimize its lifting
taste. This is especially evident effect on the body, so a BMW
in the 7 and Z4 Series. “hugs the road” at higher speeds
• Timelessness. Fads and for excellent stability.
fashions are avoided, so that a
Xenon headlights with
BMW looks good for many
years to come. Indeed, if BMW
(Bi-xenon optional 3 & Z4 Series
has any connection to fads and
& M3, standard 7 Series; Xenon
fashions at all, it is that BMW
low-beam lights optional 525i &
sets trends, not follows them.
530i models, standard 540i
Integrated front spoiler models; standard M5 & BMW
(all models) ALPINA ROADSTER V8)
Reduces the amount of air Compared to conventional halogen
flowing underneath the car, and headlights, Xenon lamps produce
hence reduces front-end lift at even brighter, more daylight-like
speed. BMW designs openings illumination. For its Xenon lights,
in the spoiler to direct air effi- BMW employs ellipsoid or “pro-
ciently to the radiator, engine jector-type” lamps that are small
compartment and front brakes. in diameter, and thus compact;
Foglights (standard on most other BMW headlights are of the
models) are integrated into the Free Form type, with computer-
spoiler for clean appearance. generated reflector surfaces.
Sportier models and Center-
A different bulb concept is what
installed BMW aerodynamic kits
creates the especially bright,
feature deeper, more aggressive-
white Xenon illumination. The
looking front spoilers, usually
bulb contains a mixture of Xenon
with large air intakes.
gas and various metal halides
Low aerodynamic drag (mercury, sodium and others)
(all closed-body models) that vaporize under the heat of
Each closed-body BMW model operation. Instead of the conven-
has been engineered for a low tional glowing filament, an arc of
coefficient of aerodynamic drag light between two electrodes
(CD). Air thus flows smoothly and produces the light. Some
efficiently over the body, so the manufacturers call this type of
engine has relatively little aerody- headlight “High Intensity
namic drag to overcome. Less Discharge” or HID.
turbulence in the airflow also
means less wind noise heard 4 – Roadster models necessarily depart
inside the car. from the tradition of large glass areas; all
open-bodied models (also necessarily)
depart from the “reverse kink” theme.

BMW features
The following key features appear in more than one BMW Series:

Because of their more intense • 3 Series, M3 – rear only

illumination, it is crucial that • 5 and 7 Series, M5 – front and
Xenon lamps be aimed correctly rear.
to avoid undue glare to oncoming The system employs four ultra-
motorists. For this purpose, sonic sensors in the front (5 and
BMW employs two types of 7 Series, M5) and four in the rear
auto-leveling: bumper to warn the driver when
• 3 Series, Z4, M3 – static the vehicle is approaching
auto-leveling. After the engine objects or obstructions that may
is started and with the head- not be visible to the driver. All
lights on, the headlights are forward sensors and the rear
BMW features

leveled automatically every 25 corner sensors trigger a warning

seconds. Thus passengers, beep at approximately 2 ft. dis-
trunk loading and constantly tance to the object. The beeping
changing fuel quantity are becomes faster as the bumper
always compensated for in the approaches the object, turning
headlight aiming. into a constant tone when the
• 5 and 7 Series, M5, BMW distance closes to less than 1 ft.
ALPINA ROADSTER V8 – The center sensors in the rear
dynamic auto-leveling. Within bumper first trigger beeping at
milliseconds, the headlights about 5 ft.; when the distance is
are leveled in response to any less than 1 ft. the beep becomes
change in vehicle attitude, a constant tone. The front sensors
whether static or dynamic; thus cause a higher-pitched tone;
even transitory acceleration and those at the rear trigger a lower-
braking are compensated for. pitched tone. (The tones emanate
Automatic headlight control from the appropriate end of the
(optional 2003 3 Series, Z4 interior.) PDC activates anytime
Series, 525i & 530i models; the ignition is on and reverse
standard 540i models, M3, M5, gear is engaged, or it can be
7 Series & 2004 3 Series) activated manually by pressing
This feature is included in all the console switch.
vehicles with rain-sensing wind- The system automatically de-
shield wipers; thus it is included activates when the car is driven
with the Premium Package of approximately 50 m (164 ft.) or
3 Series (2003) and 525i models reaches a speed of about 18
and the Convenience Package mph, or can be de-activated
of Z4 models; it is standard on with the switch.
540i models, M3, M5, 7 Series
Automatic tilt-down of right
and 2004 3 Series. Automatically
exterior mirror
switches on the headlights and
(3, M3 & Z4 Series with power
all related lighting when ambient
seats; all 5 & 7 Series, M5)
light drops below a certain level.
This small but much-appreciated
Park Distance Control feature is standard on the 325Ci
(optional 3,5 & 7 Series, M3 & M5) Convertible and all 330 models,
Park Distance Control helps all 5 and 7 Series models and the
drivers avoid colliding with M5; and included with optional
unseen obstructions. On current power seats in closed-body 325
BMW automobile models, it models, the Z4 Series and the
comes in two forms: M3 Coupe. When reverse gear is

engaged the right-side mirror Identical function for all remotes
tilts down for a view of the curb (Vehicle Memory):
or other obstacles not normally • Audible confirmation (siren chirp)
visible to the driver. Placing the when the alarm is armed; can
power-mirror selector switch in its be activated or de-activated*.
right-mirror position de-activates Visual confirmation (via signal
this feature. lights) is always active.
• Daytime running lamps. On or
Ergonomics & luxury off*.
Heated outside mirrors and • Pathway Lighting. Allows use
windshield-washer jets of headlight flasher switch to

BMW features
(optional Z4 2.5i, otherwise turn on headlights and interior
standard) lights for 40 seconds, or not*.
When the outside temperature • Automatic locking of central
drops below a specific level, the locking system once vehicle is
mirrors and windshield-washer in motion (locks at 10 mph, or
jets are automatically heated if does not lock*).
the ignition switch is on (position • Selective unlocking. Unlocks
2). On the Z4 2.5i, these features only driver’s door on first
are available with the stand- actuation* of “unlock” button
alone foglights option and includ- on remote, then other doors,
ed in the Sport Package; on all trunk or tailgate and fuel door
other models they are standard. upon second actuation; or
Vehicle & Key Memory unlocks all doors and trunk or
(3, 5, 7 & Z4 Series, M3 & M5) tailgate at once.
The capabilities of microprocessor Controls functions according to
control enable BMW to offer which remote (i.e. which user)
users some appealing choices. is involved (Key Memory):
Although these choices stem • Automatic climate control 5.
from the same electronic system, Sets temperatures to key
BMW has divided them into two user’s last setting when vehicle
categories: functions that react is unlocked by that user’s
the same to all remote controls; remote. Always active.
and those that are influenced by • Radio-station presets (3 and
individual remote controls. (Two Z4 Series only); presets return
remote controls are provided with to those last set by key user*.
the vehicle; Key Memory can • Seat/mirror/steering-wheel
accommodate up to four remotes.) memory. Sets driver’s seat (Z4
The system actually provides Series) plus outside mirrors
many more possibilities than (3 Series and M3 with power
outlined here; BMW believes seats) plus steering wheel (5
these are the important ones for and 7 Series, M5) to last setting
most customers. Those who of particular user when the
desire more detailed information vehicle is unlocked by that user’s
may obtain it from their BMW remote, or does not* set them.
Center. An asterisk (*) indicates A Customer Selection Form is
the choice selected by BMW at available for customers to indi-
the factory. cate their specific and detailed
preferences, including further
choices not described here.
5 – Optional Z4 Series, otherwise standard.

BMW features
The following key features appear in more than one BMW Series:

Programming of the system will periodically. (If a particular remote

then be performed by the BMW is not used for a long period of
Center’s service department. time, the battery may discharge,
Keyless entry with multi- however.)
function remote control The remote is standard on all
(all models) models; the alarm is standard on
Locking, unlocking and alarm all 5 and 7 Series models and
functions are controlled by a the M5. The alarm system is
multi-function remote integrated available for Center installation
with the keyhead. Functions of on 3 Series, Z4 and M3 models.
the 3-button remote include: Automatic-dimming mirrors
BMW features

• Unlock vehicle/disarm alarm – (interior, 3 & 5 Series, Z8, M3;

Press unlock button once to interior & exterior, 7 & Z4
unlock driver’s door and disarm Series, M5)
alarm; press a second time to Auto-dimming mirrors employ
unlock the other door(s), trunk/ electrochromic action to reduce
tailgate and fuel-filler door. glare from the headlights of
• Lock vehicle/arm alarm – following vehicles. The reduction
press lock button. occurs progressively and almost
• Release trunklid or tailgate – imperceptibly; rearward vision is
press release button. If alarm preserved, but potentially glaring
system is armed, it will be lights appear in a soft, non-
disarmed while trunk is open, disturbing green tint. The system
then re-armed as it is closed. can adjust from its minimum
• Panic function – Press 15% reduction of glare to its
trunk/tailgate release button maximum 70% reduction in just
and hold until alarm sounds. 5 seconds. Auto-dimming mirrors
To de-activate panic function, are available as follows:
press unlock button. • 3 Series – interior, included in
• “Car finder” – With vehicle optional Premium Package of
locked, press lock button. This all models
switches on the interior lights • Z4 Series – interior and exterior,
and (7 Series only) exterior included in Convenience
door illumination, which can Package of both models
help locate the car at night. • 5 Series – interior; included in
• De-activate tilt sensor and optional Premium Package of
motion detector – With vehicle 530i, standard in 540i models
unlocked, press lock button • M3, BMW ALPINA ROADSTER
twice. This arms the alarm, V8 – interior, standard
but with the tilt sensor and • M5, 7 Series – interior and
motion detector de-activated. exterior, standard.
Useful on ferries, for example.
BMW Universal Transceiver
• Open windows and moonroof
(3, 5, 7 & Z4 Series, M3, M5)
– press and hold unlock button.
According to Series, the BMW
The remote’s battery is charged Universal Transceiver is posi-
by the vehicle electrical system tioned either in the roof above
anytime the key is in the ignition the windshield or in the interior
switch (7 Series: anytime the rearview mirror’s housing. As
remote is in the switch), and thus part of the Homelink ® system,
does not have to be replaced the Transceiver can control up to

three functions external to the • 5 Series, M5 – power tilt/
vehicle, such as a garage-door telescopic with automatic tilt-up
opener or a home lighting system. for entry/exit, memory
Many refer to this feature as a • 7 Series – power tilt/telescopic
“garage-door opener,” but it is with automatic tilt-away,
much more than that. memory. (Tilt-up means the
Leather-covered tilt/telescopic steering wheel moves to its
multi-function steering wheel uppermost position when the
(3, 5 & 7 Series, M3, M5) key is removed, then returns
This concept puts numerous to the preset position when it
frequently used controls within is re-inserted. Tilt-away means

BMW features
the driver’s fingertip reach. On that it moves to its uppermost
the 3 and 5 Series version, up to and full-forward position.)
11 controls on the steering wheel The BMW ALPINA ROADSTER
provide fingertip operation of V8 has a power telescopic wheel
many functions: without multi-function controls or
Left side: memory.
• Search up/down (2 buttons): Ergonomic control center
• Radio stations (all models; 7 Series and BMW
• Cassette titles concepts differ)
• Memory phone numbers 6 A masterpiece of design and
• Audio or hands-free phone 6 ergonomics. Immediately in front
volume (rocker switch, of the driver (except in the BMW
up/down) ALPINA ROADSTER V8) is the
• Radio/phone 6 selector main cluster, with the principal
• Phone 6 (to begin or end a instruments (speedometer,
hands-free call) tachometer, fuel and temperature)
Right side: and the most urgent warning
• Cruise control: lights (ABS, brake fluid, check
• Set or accelerate engine and others).
• Set or decelerate BMW’s “secondary” control and
• Resume display zone is always above the
• Cancel or on/off center console. This zone includes
• Air recirculation (not in 3 Series; less urgent displays and warnings
not on any sport steering (such as the Onboard Computer),
wheels) climate-control system and audio
• Heated steering wheel if present system. Infrequently used controls,
(replaces air-recirculation such as for hazard flashers, DSC
switch); not on sport wheels de-activate, and automatic-
The 7 Series steering wheel adds transmission mode selector, are
further functions; see page 65 on the center console.
for details. With its iDrive system, the 7 Series
Steering-wheel adjustments are control center follows the same
as follows: basic philosophy but differs
• 3 Series, M3 – manual tilt/ significantly from the traditional
telescopic (Z4 Series also has BMW approach; please see the
manual tilt/telescopic adjust- 7 Series section for details.
ment, but not multi-function
controls) 6 – If vehicle is equipped with BMW Cellular
Phone System.

BMW features
The following key features appear in more than one BMW Series:

Electronic analog instruments • Timer (stopwatch function)

Every BMW main instrument • Speed limit – alert signal can
cluster has large round analog be set to sound at a chosen
dials for speedometer and speed
tachometer. The fuel and coolant- • Distance to destination,
temperature gauges are also estimated time of arrival
here, and relatively large. This • Expected range on remaining
arrangement provides not only fuel
easy reading but a distinctive, • Average fuel consumption
BMW-only look. The instruments for two distances
are electronically driven, with no • Average speed since last reset
BMW features

mechanical cables or connections • Security code.

to wear out. In models equipped with auto-
Check Control matic ventilation (5 and 7 Series),
(all models) the timer function is used to
Placement and the extent of program this feature.
monitored functions vary from BMW Ambiance Lighting
model to model, but the purpose (3, 5, 7 & Z4 Series, M3, M5)
of this system is always to help In the 3 and 5 Series as well as
the driver be aware of the opera- the M3 and M5, BMW Ambiance
tional readiness of important Lighting, or “waterfall” lighting,
functions, such as the lighting consists of two small LED lamps
system and fluid levels. See the in the ceiling over the center
appropriate Series section for console area. These lamps,
details under either Check Control themselves barely noticeable,
or Multi Information Display. bathe the console area in soft
On-board Computer orange light, helping occupants
(optional 325i/xi & Z4 2.5i; find controls at night and adding
standard 325Ci & 330 models, a warm, subtle touch to the cabin.
5 & 7 Series, Z4 3.0i, M5) Ambiance Lighting is more
Two versions are offered: extensive in the 7 Series; see
• “Basic” with 4 functions (3 & that Series’ ergonomics &
Z4 Series, 525i/530 standard). luxury section for details.
The functions are –
Automatic climate control
• Outside-temperature display
(standard 3, 5 & 7 Series, M3,
with acoustic freeze warning
M5; optional Z4 Series)
• Average fuel economy since
BMW’s automatic climate control
last reset
provides both automatic control
• Average speed since last reset
and a high degree of manual
• Expected range on remaining
“override” control should users
desire it. In the 5 Series system,
• “Premium” with at least 8
the driver and passenger can
functions; optional 525i/530i;
choose separate left/right tem-
standard 540i, M5; included in
perature settings; the 7 Series
optional Onboard Navigation
system provides full left/right
System of 3 & Z4 Series, 525i/
control of most functions, plus
530i; included in iDrive system
additional functions that are pro-
of 7 Series. Functions include –
grammable in the iDrive system.
• Memo – reminder signal can
be set to sound at a particular Key features of BMW automatic
time climate control include –

• Activated-charcoal microfilter • LED temperature and fan-
ventilation – adds a layer of speed displays – showing the
active-charcoal particles to an temperature settings and
electrostatically charged current fan speed.
microfilter. Active charcoal has • Automatic recirculation
a gigantic surface area relative control – recognizes a high
to its mass (over 16,100 sq ft. level of air pollution and auto-
per gram!), which enables it to matically switches to recircu-
absorb and hold substances lating air. Manual selection of
such as carbon monoxide, recirculation is also possible,
sulfuric acid, nitrogen dioxide from the climate-control panel

BMW features
and ozone. Many odors are or steering wheel. (In 3 and
also reduced. The electrostatic 5 Series models with sport
action of BMW microfilters wheel and the M3 and M5,
captures atmospheric particles this steering-wheel control is
down to a size of 5 microns, not present.)
removing pollen, plant dust • Max. A/C (Z4, 5 and 7 Series,
and spores; cement, coal and M5) – this button provides
asphalt dust; and others. One 1-touch selection of maximum
or two filters depending upon air-conditioning output.
Series; they are to be changed • Heat at rest (5 and 7 Series,
periodically according to the M5) – uses engine heat to
BMW maintenance schedule. warm the interior for up to 16
• Independent left/right-side minutes after the engine is
temperature control (5 and turned off. In the 5 Series and
7 Series). The 3 and Z4 Series M5, it is activated at low
systems have a single temper- ambient temperatures via the
ature setting. Max. A/C button; in the 7 Series,
• Versatile override controls. separate Max A/C and REST
When users have specific controls are provided and
preferences other than their heat-at-rest is activated via the
temperature settings, they can REST button.
override automatic functions. • Compressor-off default. The
Air distribution to windshield, “compressor on” switch
dash and footwells can be (snowflake symbol) is an item
combined as desired; users of BMW philosophy: Its default
can adjust fan speed manually. setting is with the compressor
In the 7 Series, independent off, encouraging driving with the
left/right controls are provided a/c off and therefore reduced
for air distribution and fan fuel consumption. When the
speed; in the 3, Z4 and 5 user wants to use the a/c, he
Series, these overrides have or she simply presses this
single controls. switch and the compressor
• Temperature- and volume- then cycles on and off as
controlled air for rear needed to cool the interior.
compartment (5 and 7 Series, The many air outlets can also be
M5), via controls at the outlets adjusted individually – all of them
in the rear of the center console. for airflow, the ones at dash
• Fuzzy logic (5 and 7 Series, center (in the 5 and 7 Series and
M5) – improves temperature M5) for both temperature and
control by better incorporating airflow. A thoughtful design for
human comfort perceptions.

BMW features
The following key features appear in more than one BMW Series:

the outlets’ grille slats allows receive FM signals; these signals

them to be fully closed too. differ from each other because
Standard in the Z4 Series and of the lines’ separate routing. A
BMW ALPINA ROADSTER V8 is system computer continuously
a highly effective manual climate- monitors the signals and selects
control system with ergonomically the best one.
pleasing rotary controls. A diversity antenna system
AM/FM/CD audio system improves FM reception signifi-
(all models) cantly over a single-circuit
Every BMW model’s audio antenna. See audio-system
system includes at least the information in the Series’
BMW features

following features: ergonomics & luxury sections

• An attractive and legible display for locations of the various
• Programmable memory for at models’ diversity antenna circuits.
least 12 FM and 6 AM stations Sirius Satellite Radio
• Autostore of 6 FM and 6 AM (Center-installed, selected
stations models)
• Search, seek and manual As of the 4th quarter of calendar
tuning 2002, Sirius Satellite Radio
• Radio Data System (RDS), hardware will be offered as a
including Program Type (PTY) Center-installed accessory on
• In-dash single-disc CD player select models. Together with
• Audio muting for telephone Sirius, BMW will thus be offering
use (with BMW Cellular Phone our customers the latest in radio
Systems) technology.
A cassette player remains a no- The Sirius system beams pro-
cost option; the two exceptions gramming to satellites orbiting the
to this are the M5 and BMW earth; in turn, Sirius-equipped
ALPINA ROADSTER V8, which vehicles receive the programming.
have a 6-disc CD changer and Except for locations where
the cassette player as standard reception is physically blocked,
equipment. users can enjoy the same
Some models’ standard or optional programs anywhere in the U.S.
audio systems have significant Sirius provides 60 original
additional features, such as oper- channels of commercial-free
ation of certain functions from music of virtually every genre,
steering-wheel controls; Digital and 40 sports, news and
Sound Processing (DSP); sub- entertainment channels.
woofers; Spatial Enhancement; Sirius hardware for the vehicle
and the numerous special features consists of -
of the 7 Series’ Logic 7 system. • an activated Sirius Satellite
For details on the standard and Receiver
optional systems of each model, • a Satellite Antenna
see the appropriate Series’ • a Sirius-compatible audio system.
ergonomics & luxury section. Once the equipment is installed
Diversity antenna system and activated, the customer
(all models) simply selects the satellite radio
Multiple antenna lines (in various mode (example: AM/FM/CD/
locations according to model Satellite). As with FM and AM,
and body type) independently users will be able to scan and

set their favorite presets. The V60c handset, became available
audio display can show the for BMW Center installation (see
channel name, channel number appropriate Accessories brochure
and (in the case of music for applicability to BMW models).
channels) artists and music title. This advanced system includes
Installation will be possible on the following features –
model-year 2003 BMWs, except • Light and compact silver
for the BMW ALPINA ROADSTER handset, just 3.9 ounces
V8. The initial launch will introduce • LCD Full Matrix display, 96 x 64
equipment for only the following pixel, backlit
models with in-dash CD player • Improved navigation keys

BMW features
and without the Onboard • Customizable main menu
Navigation System: • Voice-activated dialing
• 3 Series Sedans and Coupes • Auto redial
• 5 Series Sedans. • 40 alphanumeric phonebook
Equipment for further models
• Credit-card dialing
(again with in-dash CD player
• Standard headset jack.
and without the Navigation
System) is planned for the 2nd Antenna configurations and the
quarter of 2003: extent of vehicle pre-wiring for
• 3 Series Sport Wagons and phone installation vary by Series.
Convertibles Telematics
• 5 Series Sport Wagons. For information on BMW’s telem-
Equipment for X5 models with atics hardware and programs for
Navigation System is also planned ’03, see BMW Assist, page 342.
for the 2nd quarter of 2003. BMW On-board Navigation
Availability for further models will Systems
be phased in as calendar 2003 (optional 3, 5 & Z4 Series, M3;
progresses; retrofitting earlier standard M5; standard 7 Series
models will eventually be possible within iDrive system)
on most vehicles with in-dash The BMW On-board Navigation
CD player from 9/01 production System is a multi-faceted system
and later. offering a wide range of informa-
tion, customer-assistance and
CD changer
entertainment functions, all
A 6-disc CD changer is either
operated from a cleanly designed,
standard or available in all models.
ergonomically efficient control
BMW Cellular Phone Systems center in the instrument panel. If
(standard 7 Series & BMW the vehicle is equipped with a
ALPINA ROADSTER V8, other- CD changer or integrated BMW
wise Center-installed) Cellular Phone System, some of
BMW of North America is their functions are also controlled
constantly active in developing from the Navigation System
new BMW Cellular Phone monitor. Most functions served
Systems that meet customers’ by the monitor are controlled by
needs and expectations in terms simple, intuitive turn-and-push
of technology, convenience, motions of a single knob,
integration into the vehicle, and fundamentally similar to the
price. For the 2003 model year, a point-and-click operation of a
new system, utilizing the Motorola computer mouse.

BMW features
The following key features appear in more than one BMW Series:

The user can control the following • “Last destination” capacity is

systems and features: increased to 20 entries.
• Satellite-based GPS (Global • Monitor brightness control (in
Positioning System) Navigation Settings menu).
• Emergency and Roadside • Larger map scales available.
Assistance calls (telematics) 7, • Optimized mixing of audio
with latitude, longitude, volume and navigation voice
cell-phone number and VIN guidance.
automatically transmitted to In the 5 Series, the Navigation
BMW Roadside Assistance System continues to require the
• Phone memory and dialing cassette player, optional at no
BMW features

functions extra cost; in the 3 and Z4 Series

• The audio system – the Navigation System can now
– Radio be combined with the standard
– In-dash CD or cassette CD player.
Standard in the BMW ALPINA
– CD changer (if present)
ROADSTER V8 is a simplified
– Digital Sound Processing
non-monitor version of the
(DSP) if present
Navigation System, as part of
• 8-function On-board Computer 8
that model’s Multi Information
• Language and units of display
Radio; see the BMW ALPINA
(miles/kilometers, ˚F/˚C, etc.)
ROADSTER V8 section, pages
• A supplemental security code
(5, 7 and Z4 Series)
Glovebox flashlight
In the ’02 model year, the
(3, 5 & 7 Series, BMW ALPINA
Navigation System for the 3 and
5 Series and their derivatives
This handy flashlight charges
received significant improvements
when the ignition is on so that it
to its user interface:
will be ready for use when needed.
• A new, easier-to-read 16:9
color monitor Multi-zone seat construction
• Newly arranged and optimized (all models)
controls All BMW seats are built around a
• Swing-out panel to reveal complex inner structure based on
cassette player; this allows the latest orthopedic knowledge;
more space for the controls. in fact, BMW always aims at
having some of the best seats in
For ’03, the system offers
the industry. Over a base of steel
numerous “behind-the-scenes”
springs (tuned to the suspension
enhancements –
characteristics of each BMW
• DVD database. A single DVD
Series), multi-zone polyurethane
covers the entire United States;
foam cores provide various
users don’t have to change
degrees of support and vibration
CDs for use in various regions.
damping at different points in
• Faster processor (by 2-3 times
accordance with human anatomy.
in terms of customer perception).
• Dynamic calculation of Power front seats
Estimated Time of Arrival (optional 325 models & Z4 Series,
(more accurate). standard all other models)
• Address-book capacity is Ergonomically designed controls
increased to 100 entries. on the seats’ outboard sides or

(in the 7 Series) inboard of the seats provide quick, welcome
seats enable occupants to find warmth in cold weather. Heated
the optimum seat position quickly rear seats are available in the
and easily. Optional or standard 7 Series. The 7 Series’ heated
in all models; please see the front seats include special features;
appropriate Series section for see the 7 Series section for details.
details on the power seats of Leather upholstery
each model. (standard or optional all models)
Sport seats Leather is available in all BMW
(3 Series Sport Package; models, either standard or
5 Series Sport Package or 540i optionally. Extended Leather

BMW features
Sedan 6-Speed; standard Z4 interior trim, with leather appear-
Series, M Cars & BMW ALPINA ing on areas such as instrument
ROADSTER V8) panel, console, doors and the
All BMW sport seats incorporate back sides of front-seat backrests,
at least the following two features: is standard in the M3 Convertible
• Differentiated backrest and M5, available optionally in
contours. The backrests have the Z4 3.0i and M3 Coupe.
prominent side bolsters near Although the 7 Series leather
the bottom, then a narrower interiors are not officially
upper backrest section. The described as Extended Leather,
idea is to provide the desired they do have extensive and
lateral support, but without ultra-luxurious leather upholstery,
possible constriction around and the 760Li includes additional
the shoulders. leather coverage even beyond
• Flared cushion side bolsters, that of the 745 models.
for additional lateral support. Genuine wood interior trim
Most models’ sport seats also (standard or optional all except
include adjustable thigh support, M3 models)
via a movable front cushion Whether standard or optional,
segment. In 3 Series and M3 factory- or Center-installed,
models, this is manually BMW’s wood interior trim is
adjustable; in the 5 Series it is always genuine wood – not
powered. Z4 sport seats do not simulated, not imitation, not
have this adjustment. “wood-grain” as is offered by
3 and Z4 Series and M3 sport some competitors.
seats are available in manual or
power form; 5 Series, M5 and
7 – When vehicle is equipped with BMW
Z8 sport seats are power. The Cellular Phone System, the BMW
M3 Coupe offers two additional Response Center can be reached
features: optional 4-way power simply via the system monitor; in the
lumbar support and adjustable- 7 Series, it can also be reached via the
iDrive monitor or a dedicated SOS
width backrest bolsters, the latter button over the windshield. Telematics
adjustment also being powered. functions that do not require the
Navigation System or a phone system
Heated seats
will be available for all models at some
(optional or standard in all point in the future.
models) 8 – This is an upgrade over the 4-function
Offering 2- or 3-stage heating On-board Computer of 3 and Z4
Series and 525i/530i models, and
depending on Series, heated front
identical in functions to the On-board
Computer that is optional in 525i/530i
models and standard in 540i models.

BMW features
The following key features appear in more than one BMW Series:

Power windows with 1-touch equipment as follows:

and key-off operation, closing • 3 Series – moonroof optional,
from driver’s door lock, except standard on 325i/xi
opening from remote Sport Wagon
Every BMW includes at least • 5 Series – moonroof currently
1-touch open operation of both standard on all models
front windows and key-off • 7 Series – moonroof standard
operation of all power windows. on all models.
All except 3 Series/M3 Convert- All moonroofs have 2-way action,
ibles, Z4 Series and BMW ALPINA offering a choice between tilting
ROADSTER V8 have 1-touch the panel up for extra ventilation
BMW features

open/close operation of both or opening it for extra ventilation

front windows. All Sedans and and light. They also include a
Sport Wagons have 1-touch manual sliding interior shade,
open/close operation of all door which moves forward approxi-
windows. 3 Series/M3 Convert- mately 3 in. as the glass panel
ibles have 1-touch open for their closes to make it easier to reach
right door window and rear side back and pull it closed. It is also
windows; the Convertibles add possible to close the windows
all-window 1-touch open opera- from the driver’s door lock by
tion from a single switch. The Z4 holding the key in its “lock”
Series and BMW ALPINA position for a few seconds; the
ROADSTER V8 have 1-touch windows can be opened from
down for their right door windows. the remote control. (Closing from
With 1-touch opening, the driver the remote is omitted for safety
can reach for money or an reasons.)
electronic garage card while the The moonroof has 1-touch
window glides down; BMW’s opening and closing – still not
1-touch closing allows the driver found in all competitive models.
to leave a toll booth with both It is also possible to close the
hands on the wheel. moonroof from the driver’s door
Power door-window sealing lock by holding the key in its
system “lock” position for a few seconds;
(3 Series Coupes & Convert- the panel can be opened from
ibles, Z4 Series, BMW ALPINA the remote control. (Closing from
ROADSTER V8) the remote is omitted for safety
When a door is opened, the reasons.)
window (if closed) drops slightly; M Mobility System
when the door is closed, it rises (all M Cars)
to seat firmly into the weatherseal. In M Cars, the exhaust system’s
Compared to arrangements that volume precludes space for a
rely on the window merely press- spare tire, and these models do
ing against the weatherseal, this not have run-flat tires 9. If a tire is
system improves sealing when punctured – a rare event these
the windows are up. days – the M Mobility System
2-way power glass moonroof provides a way to get home.
or steel sunroof with 1-touch M Mobility consists of a container
opening, closing from exterior of rapid sealant, an integrated
door lock microcompressor, and a hose to
(all closed-body models) connect the compressor to the
Either optional or standard damaged tire. All this is carried

in a container in the trunk. (The Dynamic Stability Control
compressor, plugged into the (all models)
console power socket, can also This all-encompassing traction,
be used for leisure purposes, antilock and stability system is
such as pumping up an inflatable an important safety feature. It is
boat or tent.) The system can described in detail on pages
seal punctures up to approximately 21-23.
1/4 inch across. Dual brake circuits
Should a tire ever be completely (all models)
destroyed, BMW Roadside Even if one hydraulic circuit is
Assistance will be available for ruptured and brake fluid is lost,

BMW features
the life of the vehicle. the other circuit provides partial
Onboard toolkit brake operation.
Every BMW model comes Halogen foglights
standard-equipped with at least (all models)
a basic onboard toolkit. In the Mounted close to the road,
3 Series Sport Wagon, a kit is BMW foglights “reach under” fog
provided in the spare-tire com- to provide extra illumination.
partment; in the Z4 Series a tool Speed-controlled windshield
bag is stored near the battery wipers
tray at the rear of the car. In the (all models except with rain-
BMW ALPINA ROADSTER V8, it sensing wipers)
is under the trunk or cargo floor. This BMW feature adapts the
In all other models, the toolkit is wiping speed or interval to driving
in a convenient drop-down tray speed, ensuring effective wind-
on the underside of the trunklid shield wiping at changing speeds
(Sedans, Coupes and Convert- and reducing unnecessary blade
ibles) or in the tailgate (Sport wear. All BMW wiper/washer
Wagons). Contents vary systems include at least the
according to model. following features:
• Intermittent setting plus two
Safety & security
constant speeds (normal and
Active safety fast)
It is a long BMW tradition to endow • Single-wipe or “flick” opera-
our automobiles with exceptional tion, activated by pressing
qualities and capabilities in this wiper control stalk downward
area. BMW strengths include: against spring pressure
• Suspension, steering and • Automatic windshield washer.
brakes that communicate road Activated by pulling the control
conditions accurately to the stalk toward the steering
driver, and respond precisely wheel. Brief activation sprays
to the driver’s commands washer fluid onto the wind-
• Powerful, fade-resistant 4-wheel shield; holding the stalk longer
disc brakes activates the wipers for a few
• Ergonomically correct and strokes.
efficient controls, with excellent BMW ALPINA ROADSTER V8
tactile feel only: In the intermittent setting,
• Excellent outward vision for the interval is varied automatically
driver through large glass areas,
slender roof pillars. 9 – They have Z-rated performance tires,
which are not yet available in run-flat

BMW features
The following key features appear in more than one BMW Series:

according to vehicle speed. When The 7 Series wiper/washer system

the vehicle comes to a stop, the has special features; please see
wipers stop. If set to normal page 60.
speed, the wipers switch to Rear-window wiper/washer
intermittent mode when the (3 & 5 Series Sport Wagons).
vehicle stops. If set to fast speed, Briefly pressing the control stalk
the wipers go to normal speed forward (away from the steering
when the vehicle stops. wheel) activates intermittent
3 Series (2003) and Z4 Series, wiping of the rear window; holding
525i/530i standard. The stalk it longer activates the washer as
includes a rotary control for well. After the stalk is released,
BMW features

varying the intermittent interval; the wiper continues to wipe for a

in addition, the interval is varied few strokes.
automatically according to The Sport Wagons add two fur-
vehicle speed. If set to normal ther rear-wipe/wash functions:
speed, the wipers go into • When reverse gear is engaged,
intermittent mode when the the intermittent wiping switches
vehicle stops; if set to fast to continuous operation.
speed, they go to normal speed • The interval can be programmed,
when the vehicle stops. by a procedure described in
Rain-sensing windshield the Owner’s Manual.
wipers Shift/starter interlock
(Premium Package 525i models & (all models with automatic
530i, 2003 3 Series; Convenience transmission)
Package Z4 Series; standard In vehicles equipped with an
540i models, 7 Series, M5 & automatic transmission, the
2004 3 Series) interlock prevents shifting out of
A sensor mounted on the inside Park unless the engine is
of the windshield measures the running and the brake pedal is
amount of rain hitting the wind- applied. The shift lever must be
shield. Moving the control stalk in Park before the ignition key
to its first “on” position puts the can be removed. In vehicles
wipers in their rain-sensing mode; equipped with a manual trans-
the sensitivity to moisture can be mission, the clutch must be
adjusted by turning the rotary depressed before the starter will
control on the stalk. In this mode, operate.
the wipers adjust their wiping
Body structure with energy-
action automatically according to
absorbing front and rear ends
the amount of rain the vehicle is
(all models)
The front and rear ends of each
The user can leave the wiper current BMW model are carefully
control permanently in its rain- engineered to manage impact
sensing position. With the ignition energy in a controlled way.
switch in position 1, the wipers
In a frontal or rear-end collision,
can then be activated by turning
this means that the energy is
the rotary control briefly, or by
absorbed smoothly, and the
activating the windshield washer.
forces on occupants’ bodies
Users should take care to ensure
(with safety belts fastened) are
that the system is not activated
kept relatively moderate. Naturally,
when in an automatic car wash.
all this occurs within a split-

second – but the difference • The auto motor und sport
between a well engineered auto- test, named after a prominent
mobile body and one that’s not German auto magazine that
so well engineered is critical. actually conducts its own
To help achieve optimum front- crash tests; 64 km/h (almost
end energy absorption in a variety 40 mph), with just 50% of the
of real-world front impacts, BMW front end contacting the crash
employs extensive crash testing barrier (an “offset” crash).
in its development of each new • Offset crash, 35 mph into
model (see below and right). barrier with 40% of front end
(driver’s side) contacting rigid
Interlocking door anchoring

BMW features
• Offset crash, 64 km/h with
(3, 5 & 7 Series, M3, M5)
40% of front end contacting
In each door is a diagonal alu-
deformable barrier
minum reinforcing bar. The rear
• Frontal impact into pole at 35
end of this bar is anchored to a
hook-like member that, in the
• NCAP (New Car Assessment
event of a serious side impact,
Program) test, frontal at 35
“grabs” the body pillar. Thus in
mph. This is the test whose
4-door models the front door is
results are reported to the
hooked into the B-pillar, the rear
U.S. public in terms of “stars”:
door into the body’s rear quarter;
5 stars, 4 stars, etc. for driver
in 2-door models the door is
and passenger.
hooked into the rear quarter.
• Vehicle-into-vehicle side-impact
This helps hold the body side
together as a unit for increased
• Pole into side of vehicle at 25
resistance to a side impact. The
mph –
system is designed so that after
• At front seating area
most impacts, elastic “snap-back”
• At fuel tank
releases the hook and the
door(s) can be opened. …and more.
BMW safety testing Rear impacts:
The list of safety tests to which a • Offset at 50 km/h (31 mph),
new BMW model or Series 40% coverage, battery or
under development is subjected fuel-filler side, with rigid barrier
is staggering; each upcoming • Straight impact at 30 mph
BMW vehicle must survive an • Offset at 50 km/h (31mph),
exhaustive matrix of tests that 40% coverage on fuel-filler
simulate virtually any conceivable side with deformable barrier.
type of crash impact. As the most Rollovers:
recent example of this intense • Straight rollover
effort, the new 7 Series underwent • Angled rollover (one side of
the following crash tests during vehicle goes up ramp, vehicle
its 5-year development program: rolls).
Frontal impacts – As any entirely new BMW Series
• Straight into barrier at 30 mph, or model is being developed, the
belted and unbelted occupants latest knowledge is incorporated
• Into barrier at 30˚, 30 mph, into the vehicle structure and
belted and unbelted occupants safety features to achieve
optimum occupant protection.

BMW features
The following key features appear in more than one BMW Series:

Compressible bumper always positions the belt consis-

mountings (“crush tubes”) tently relative to the occupant for
(all models) ideal restraint performance. It
The bumpers of all BMW models, also means that the front belts
clad in high-quality deformable do not impede persons entering
plastic, provide protection with the rear seats. The belt and
essentially no damage at a head-restraint height are power-
barrier impact speed of at least adjustable in these models.
2.5 mph. BMW’s ongoing safety research
In addition to hydraulic energy has resulted in a new upper front
absorbers that absorb the initial belt mounting that is fixed, yet
BMW features

impact energy, the front bumpers provides optimum belt geometry

are backed by BMW’s unique for virtually all occupant statures.
compressible tubes. These This concept appeared first in the
tubes deform in a controlled new 7 Series and will be seen in
manner at impact speeds other models in the future.
greater than that for which the Automatic front safety-belt
bumper and hydraulic absorbers tensioners and force limiters
are designed, helping avoid (all models)
expensive damage to the body- Automatic tensioners tighten the
chassis unit at impact speeds up front 10 belts in a collision impact,
to 9 mph. further optimizing the restraint of
Ergonomic safety-belt system occupants. They are integrated
(all models) into the belt latches, mounted to
In 5 Series models and the M5, the inboard side of each front
as each power front seat is seat. Upon impact the mechanism
moved rearward, the belt’s moves the latch downward to
upper anchor point rises to tighten the shoulder and lap belt
adjust to a taller driver, and vice portions directly. (Generally, other
versa. In closed-body 3 Series makers’ systems act on the upper
models, this adjustment is belt anchor point, so the tighten-
accomplished manually. The ing effect must pass through a
inboard latches of all front safety loop to reach the lap belt.)
belts are attached to the seat, All current BMW front safety belts
so they adjust with the seat are also equipped with force
position and thus also help limiters, which once the belts are
achieve an optimum belt fit on tensioned place an upper limit
the occupant. In the Z4 Series, on the amount of force they can
BMW ALPINA ROADSTER V8 exert on the occupant’s body.
and all Sedan models, the out- For maximum safety relative to
board lap-belt anchor is also the deployment of airbags, all
attached to the seat for the adult occupants should fasten
same reason. their safety belts at all times.
In the 3 Series/M3 Convertibles, In long-wheelbase 7 Series
the front safety belts are fully models with the rear Comfort
integrated with the seat structure Seats (optional 745Li, standard
itself. This concept virtually elimi- 760Li), the outboard rear safety
nates belt stretch between the belts have automatic tensioners.
belt mounting and seat, and

Automatic-locking retractors Upon severe side impact, an
on all passenger safety belts inflator unit fills the tube with inert
(all models) gas. The expanding tube pops
Each safety belt, except that for out to form a straight tube of
the driver, is equipped (in addition approximately 5-in. diameter,
to all the other features which stretched in a straight line from
help make BMW safety belts the lower windshield pillar to above
effective in accident impacts) with the rear door or side window. Thus
an automatic-locking retractor, the inflated tube is in just the area
which facilitates the attachment where a front occupant’s head
of a child restraint seat. could contact the side of the car –

BMW features
However, do not install a child- windshield (A-) pillar, window,
restraint device on the front center (B-) pillar. Because of the
passenger’s seat 11. Children tube’s sloping position, it protects
under 12 years of age should persons of small or large stature.
only sit in the back. Please see The inflated tube is also firm
the airbag warning label on the enough that it can retain much
sun visors. of its effectiveness even if the
window is broken by the impact.
Child-seat tether anchors
Manufacturers of child restraint Rear Head Protection System
systems provide restraint tether (standard 5 Series Sedans,
straps for some of their products. 7 Series & M5)
All BMW models are now These models incorporate inflat-
equipped with anchors for the able rear-seat head protection as
tethers. This arrangement helps standard equipment. In 5 Series
achieve secure attachment of Sedans and M5, rear head pro-
the child seats. tection is provided by separate
airbags that deploy downward
2-stage front-impact airbags
over the C-pillars; in the 7 Series,
(Smart Airbags)
the tubular front HPS is extended
(all models)
rearward to provide rear-seat
This feature is in addition to the
occupants with head protection.
dual-threshold feature described
at right. To ensure that the force Differentiated deployment of
of airbag inflation is appropriate front-impact restraint systems
to the severity of the impact, (dual-threshold deployment)
both front-impact airbags are (all models)
designed to provide “softer” This sophisticated electronic
deployment in lower-speed control strategy is truly advanced
impacts, “harder” deployment technology. BMW’s differentiated
only in higher-speed impacts. deployment of passive restraint
systems manages deployment
Front Head Protection System
as follows:
(standard, all closed-body
• There are two thresholds of
frontal impact severity.
A hollow, flexible tube about 5
• At the lower threshold, if the
feet long is anchored inside the
occupant is belted, only the
windshield pillar and roof rail,
and concealed by interior trim. 10 – In Roadster models, “front” seats are
the only seats.
11 – Z4 Roadsters have a passenger-airbag
de-activation switch that provides for
carrying a child in an approved child
seat attached to the passenger’s seat.

BMW features
The following key features appear in more than one BMW Series:

belt tensioner is deployed. If off. Thus even after an accident,

the occupant is not belted, the BMW’s safety strategy is still at
front-impact airbag deploys. work.
• At the higher threshold, the The Z4 and 7 Series incorporate
front-impact airbag and belt a further developed form of
tensioner are deployed. If the integrated deployment logic,
occupant is not belted, only called ISIS, or Intelligent Safety &
the airbag is deployed. Information System; for informa-
• If the passenger seat is not tion on that system, see pages
occupied, neither the belt 72 and 73.
tensioner, front-impact airbag,
Side-impact airbags
BMW features

Head Protection System nor

(front – standard all models;
side-impact airbag for that
rear – optional 3, 5 & 7 Series,
seat will be deployed.
M3; standard M5)
In cases where the car can be All current models are equipped
repaired after an accident, this with BMW’s system of front-door-
differentiated deployment strategy mounted side-impact airbags 12.
can save repair costs (and there- Rear side-impact airbags are
fore be favorably reflected in optional in all 2- and 4-door
insurance rates). models except the M5, where
The deployment strategy for they are standard.
unbelted occupants must not be The rear side-impact airbags are
seen as a rationale for not fasten- built into the doors of 4-door
ing one’s safety belt. Maximum models, the rear side panels of
protection of occupants can only 2-door models. Vehicles equipped
be achieved if the occupants are with them come from the factory
wearing their safety belts. with the rear airbags de-activated.
Integrated deployment logic, The BMW Center should discuss
including post-impact safety the issue of rear-seat side-impact
measures airbags with the customer, point-
(all models) ing out that they are of clear
All sensing and triggering functions benefit to adults riding in the rear
for the front-impact airbags and compartment, but pose potential
safety-belt tensioners are com- risks for infants or small children
bined in a single highly sophisti- riding there. To have the airbags
cated electromechanical unit activated, the customer must
that facilitates differentiated sign a release.
deployment and 2-stage airbags.
Whenever the customer wishes,
Side-impact airbags and the
the rear airbags of vehicles so
Head Protection System are
equipped will be activated or
controlled by additional “satellite”
de-activated, free of charge and
sensors, one for each side of the
independently of the age or
mileage of the vehicle. With this
Another function of this technology strategy, BMW is doing everything
is that in case of accident, the possible to offer the protection of
doors are automatically unlocked, these side airbags to customers,
the interior lights and 4-way yet minimize the potential risks.
hazard flashers are switched on
and the fuel pump is switched

Energy-absorbing padding of A central interior switch locks or
pillar and roof areas unlocks all doors and the trunk
(all closed-body models) (or hatch or tailgate) at a single
As a further element of head touch. With the system locked in
protection, every closed-body this manner (that is, from the
model incorporates specific inside with the central switch),
padding in the A-, B- and (in the fuel door remains unlocked
models with rear seats) C-pillars and the doors can be unlocked
as well as along the roof above from the inside. This offers two
the doors. benefits:
Battery Safety Terminal • Freedom to exit. Though the

BMW features
(all models) double-locking feature applies
Another BMW safety innovation when the vehicle is locked from
is the Battery Safety Terminal, the outside, those wishing to
which in case of a severe remain inside a locked vehicle
accident impact fires a tiny can then unlock and exit the
pyrotechnic charge to break the vehicle if necessary or desired.
connection between the battery • Security while fueling. Occu-
and starter cable. This helps pants can remain inside with
prevent a possible short circuit the car locked while having an
at a high-current point in the attendant fill the tank.
electrical system. (Because of the There is a way to get out in case
high power carried by the starter one is locked inside the vehicle
cable, unlike most electrical from the outside: Push the central
circuits in the vehicle this connec- lock switch, then pull any door
tion is not protected by a fuse or handle twice. That door will be
circuit breaker.) The device triggers unlocked; the trunk and other
whenever an airbag deploys. doors remain locked and the
Once the connection is severed, alarm (if present) is triggered.
the engine cannot be cranked; Coded Driveaway Protection
but separate wiring provides (all models)
power for all operating and safety All current BMW models have a
systems (such as power windows, sophisticated key-and-lock sys-
central locking system and tem. The key is equipped with a
emergency flashers). tiny transponder which stores an
Central locking system with electronic code transmitted by a
double-lock feature ring antenna around the ignition
(all models) switch. Each time the key is
BMW’s electric central locking removed, this code is changed;
system includes a double-lock the next time, the car can be
anti-theft feature, which prevents started only if the key matches
the individual door-lock buttons the new code. This feature is
from being pulled up; thus even called Coded Driveaway Protec-
if a thief has broken into the car, tion, and it has been shown to
it isn’t possible to open the be highly effective in reducing
doors if the car has been locked the frequency of theft of BMW
from the outside. vehicles.

12 – All 2-door models: “front” doors are

the only doors.

BMW features
The following key features appear in more than one BMW Series:

Alarm system Onboard diagnosis

(all models) Onboard diagnosis continuously
All models from 525i upward are monitors various sensors for
standard-equipped with the operational faults. Faults can be
BMW alarm system, controlled recognized and stored in the
from the multi-function remote system memory, then read out
described on page 28; on 3 and by the service technician on a
Z4 Series models, the remote is sophisticated diagnostic
standard but the alarm system is machine.
BMW Center-installed.
Anti-theft audio system
BMW features

(all models) BMW quality processes

All current BMW audio systems In BMW production, computer-
are designed to discourage theft. controlled techniques are com-
The in-dash unit is functional bined with traditional handwork
only if connected to the electrical to achieve top assembly and
system of the vehicle in which it finish quality. Although BMW
was originally installed. production is planned to ensure
Fuel-tank features for safety that the car is built right the first
(all models) time, there is also a rigorous
In each model, the fuel-tank inspection system. At BMW’s
location has been chosen to largest plant (Dingolfing, Germany),
provide protection from impacts. some 1000 quality-control
employees work to ensure that
Durability & reliability every BMW meets the company’s
exacting standards. Each day,
Outstanding corrosion
four complete body shells are
pulled from the production line
BMW’s thorough treatment for
and their dimensions are checked
corrosion resistance is impressive.
completely by sophisticated
Dependent upon Series and
measuring machines.
model, up to 85% of the body
panels are galvanized on both Modular assembly
sides. A substantial additional In this advanced assembly
portion is galvanized on one side. technique, individual elements of
Galvanizing is used only where it the car are to a large extent pre-
is worthwhile, however, because assembled before being combined
it does consume a natural or installed on the vehicle; all
resource (zinc) and makes recy- their functions can thus be tested
cling somewhat more difficult. before installation. Depending
upon model, elements built this
Reliable electrical connectors
way may include the instrument
Many electrical connectors in
panel, doors and sunroof/
current BMWs incorporate a
moonroof assembly.
lever locking mechanism that
precludes incorrect assembly, Production techniques for the
holds tightly, and yet can be dis- BMW ALPINA ROADSTER V8’s
connected without a tool. Such aluminum space frame and body
connectors are widely used in are unique; for details see pages
aircraft, and hence are referred 303-304.
to as aircraft-type connectors.

Ultrasonic test for leaks its long journey through numerous
Each BMW body is subjected to chemical baths and washing
an exhaustive ultrasonic test for operations, spraying booths and
leaks, both wind and water, before drying/baking ovens. In all, more
being released for shipment. than 20 pounds of primer, color
Fit and finish and clear coats go onto each
“Fit and finish” are partially BMW.
covered by the items above, in
Low maintenance
the sense that production
precision and the control of body Service Interval Indicator (SII)
surfaces are the foundation of (3, 5 & Z4 Series, BMW ALPINA

BMW features
BMW’s body quality. But a great ROADSTER V8, all M Cars)
deal more goes into ensuring Traditionally, routine maintenance
that every aspect of a new BMW has been performed according
is fitted and finished with great to a rigid schedule – 7500 miles,
precision and care. With each 15,000 miles, etc. This ignores
introduction of a new Series, the fact that freeway driving is
BMW body engineers strive to easier on a car than stop-and-go
improve the fit and finish further. traffic; that hard driving and cold
The Client Adviser can point out starts increase wear.
BMW’s quality fit and finish to Recognizing that each owner
prospective customers by uses a car differently, BMW
accompanying them around the developed SII to recommend
vehicle, calling attention to the – routine maintenance specifically
• smooth and consistent luster for that use. The SII micro-
of painted surfaces processor tracks the vehicle’s
• narrowness and consistency fuel consumption, which BMW
of gaps between adjacent engineers have found is an
panels (hood, bumpers, doors, accurate predictor of service
trunklid and main body panels) needs (higher fuel consumption =
• fit of attached components harder use); on this basis SII
such as logos, lights, mirrors calculates when maintenance
and handles. will be needed. As time for
This quality of fit and finish service approaches, fewer and
naturally extends to the interior fewer green LEDs illuminate in the
of each BMW. SII; when it is time for service,
the single yellow LED illuminates,
BMW paint quality along with either the OIL SERVICE
A look down the side of any new (minor service) or INSPECTION
BMW will reveal the precise metal (major service) indicator. If service
stamping and expert surface becomes overdue, a red LED to
preparation that preceded paint- the right of the yellow one illumi-
ing, and the care with which the nates as a reminder.
paint was applied. Before a
BMW body is painted, its surface In the 3 and Z4 Series and BMW
quality is measured electronically. ALPINA ROADSTER V8, instead
Panels such as hoods, doors of the green LEDs the SII is pre-
and trunk are hand-fitted and all sented as a digital display of the
surfaces are again checked – number of miles remaining to
this time by hand. Then, and required service. If service
only then, does the body begin becomes overdue, the miles are

BMW features
The following key features appear in more than one BMW Series:

displayed with a minus sign. The Extended service intervals

service required (OIL SERVICE, All current BMW models are
etc.) is also displayed. engineered to require less
In the 7 Series, SII takes on a new frequent routine maintenance:
form and new, more specific • The basic Oil Service (change
service recommendations engine oil and filter and air
(Condition-Based Service) are filters, plus a short list of other
communicated via the iDrive maintenance items) can be
system. See pages 63-64 for performed at extended intervals.
details. As always with BMWs, this is
not a fixed interval; instead,
Owners should follow the
BMW features

the Service Interval Indicator

recommendations of the SII or
(described nearby) determines
Condition-Based Service and
the interval on the basis of
ignore anyone who recommends
actual vehicle usage.
servicing at fixed intervals.
• Longer-life sparkplugs are
Full Maintenance Program designed for a service life of
included in base price, now 100,000 miles.
4 years/50,000 miles
Low-maintenance engines
All models come standard with
Every current BMW engine
the BMW Full Maintenance
except that of the M3 has
Protection Program. As of the
hydraulic valve adjustment or
’03 model year, coverage is
lifters, so that valve adjustments
increased to 4 years/50,000
are never needed. And BMW
miles, whichever comes first.
engines’ camshafts are driven by
The Full Maintenance Program self-adjusting chain, so there is
includes all factory-recommended no timing belt to be replaced
maintenance as listed in the periodically.
BMW Service and Warranty
Self-adjusting clutch
Information booklet, plus
The clutch of manual-transmission
replacement of wear-and-tear
models has been engineered to
items like brake linings, brake
keep pedal effort essentially
rotors, engine drive belts and
constant over the unit’s life and
wiper blades. Adjustments
enhance clutch life significantly.
required by normal operating
conditions are also covered. Stainless-steel exhaust system
Typically exhaust systems have
been subject to corrosion, espe-
cially if the engine was started
frequently from cold without
being fully warmed up before
being shut off again. In all BMWs,
most exhaust-system compo-
nents are of stainless steel,
which though more costly is
more resistant to corrosion than
normal steel and thus results in
a longer-lasting exhaust system.

The environment To avoid any misunderstanding:
Yes, you can wash a car with
Emission status of current
water-based paint. Water is
production models: at least LEV
merely the dispersant, just as a
All regular-production BMW
conventional solvent would be;
models now satisfy at least the
either dispersant evaporates in
U.S. requirements for Low
the drying process. The replace-
Emissions Vehicle (LEV). All
ment of solvent-based with
models equipped with the 3.0-liter
water-based color coats sharply
6-cylinder engine meet the more
reduces chemical emissions at
stringent Ultra Low Emissions
the factory, helping protect the
Vehicle (ULEV) standards; 325i

BMW features
local environment.
Sedans and Sport Wagons and
325Ci Coupes with automatic An advanced type of clear coat,
transmission sold in California, called powder-coat, reduces
Massachusetts, New York and waste and emissions while
Vermont now meet the even further enhancing resistance to
more demanding SULEV (Super acid rain; it is already used on
Ultra-Low Emissions Vehicle) some vehicles produced in the
standards. BMW’s super- Dingolfing, Germany plant and is
performance V-8 engines (M5 being phased in at the other
and BMW ALPINA ROADSTER BMW factories. Modern clear
V8) meet Transitional Low coats in general, with their ultra-
Emissions (TLEV) standards. violet protection, have been a
significant factor in the excellent
No CFCs used in manufacture
durability of today’s paints.
Typically, CFCs are used in the
manufacture of plastic compo- BMW Recycling Centers
nents, such as seat foam and BMW was the first automobile
instrument-panel moldings. manufacturer to establish
BMW has discontinued their use recycling centers in the U.S.; at
in all manufacturing operations. these facilities, BMW of North
America offers a $500 certificate,
Water-based paints
applicable toward the purchase
BMW has replaced solvent-based
of any new BMW or BMW
color coats with water-based
Approved Used Car, to owners
paints. This change was phased
who deliver their scrapped
in on a plant-by-plant basis;
BMWs to one of the centers.
BMW’s U.S. plant, in South
Carolina, has used water-based
paints from the beginning of its

2003 BMW 7 Series, phase 2:
The new 760Li, plus STEPTRONIC for all models
and a new Sport Package for the 745s
A very successful launch of The mentalism lie pathways known
New 7 is now behind us. The only to its owner. It repatches
Series’ advanced technology emotional links between man
and design were so convincing – and machine that have all but
and so well presented via evaporated with the commodi-
innovative communications and fication of the luxury car. If this
effective advertising – that it magazine’s All-Stars exist to
truly hit the market running. To award the risk-taking spirit of
quantify: In its first full calendar the auto business at its best,
year, 2002, fully 22,006 New 7s then the 7 is this year’s defini-
were delivered to customers: tive All-Star. It’s not perfect,
that’s 64.4% up from calendar but perfection in cars, as in
2001, when the predecessor people, is boring. In fact, the
7 Series was still going strong 7 Series is the opposite of
most of the year. boring: it’s challenging,
A certain level of controversy has demanding, even addictive.
surrounded The New 7. Indeed, This is the automotive equiva-
anything as new and different as lent of first class: Once you go
this automobile is bound to gen- up, you can’t go back.”
erate differing opinions. And yet • In the International engine of
its overall reception by the media the Year awards, an interna-
– and, as proven by the robust tional panel of 38 engine
sales numbers, by our customers experts from 17 countries
7 Series

– has been very positive. Here chose the 745i/Li Valvetronic

are some samples from the V-8 engine as the Best New
multitude of positive reviews: Engine.
• Automobile Magazine, February • Car and Driver, March ’03, on
’03: named to the magazine’s the 760Li: “This new V-12 is
annual All-Stars, Luxury Car pure magic, with a seamless
over $40,000. “It drives with power curve and an extremely
more verve than its rivals. The satisfying muted roar. Like the
dynamic similarities between V-8–powered 745i/Li, the
the 7 and 3 Series are stupe- 760Li uses a six-speed auto-
fying. Both are strong, agile, matic that almost completely
and composed, and both masks shifts. The power is so
drive small. But only the 7 has smooth that in some ways the
iDrive, which takes the car out nearly 5000-pound 760Li
of the mainstream and into the doesn’t feel as fast as it is.”
realm of the personal. The • Road & Track, March ’03, on
iDrive system is not easy, but the 760Li: “More of a good
beneath its intimidating experi- thing.”

• European Car, February 2002: have set our clocks forward for
“So how does it drive? On daylight savings. I’m pleased
Mini-sized Italian roads, often with the extra 60 minutes of
with broken pavement, the big sunshine, but disappointed
7 was perfectly controlled and that I have one less hour to
capable at all times. Several of master the car’s technology and
BMW’s engineers present enjoy the 745i’s performance.”
expressed both surprise and • Automotive Engineering
pleasure that journalists were International, March 2002:
driving the new 7 Series as if it “With help from its suppliers,
were a 3 Series. That, in the BMW has produced a vehicle
end, is the genius of BMW: To that blazes the engineering
make cars that drive exactly trail with innovations that will
the way cars should, combin- influence passenger vehicles
ing comfort and performance for years to come. The new
with little compromise BMW 7 Series was selected by
between the two.” the readers and editors of AEI
• Car and Driver, June 2002: as Best Engineered Vehicle
“Hey, nobody is forcing you to for 2002 because it points the
unload $69,350 on a luxury way for not only luxury/
sedan, much less $14,111 for performance sedans but also
all of the 745i’s available options other vehicle segments.
(a 745Li starts at $73,470 with Company product developers
5.5 more inches of wheelbase integrated many new technolo-

7 Series
and a few extra comfort frills). gies into the fourth-generation
Serviceable ground transport BMW flagship in an effort to
is a commodity available at a set new standards in perfor-
third of the price and with far mance and efficiency, as well
fewer liquid-crystal distractions. as luxury, design, and safety.”
But if you are willing to dash • Automobile Magazine,
off a check this heavy, the 745i December 2001: “The 745i is
may be the best driving tool in a refined car that covers
its opulent class, even with the ground with deceptive speed
flaws.” and with a minimum of fuss,
• Robb Report, June 2002: “Uh, drama, and effort.”
850 AM,” I say softly and with • AutoWeek, October 22, 2001:
uncertainty. ‘Pardon me?’ the “BMW’s new flagship has
car’s voice asks. ‘Sorry. 850 everything, and more.”
AM,’ I repeat, this time with That was from The New 7’s first
more confidence. “The radio model year, 2002. Now, for 2003,
clicks on to WEEI, the local BMW – typically never resting on
sports radio station, and I its laurels – has added further
catch the final out of the Red appeal to this ultimate luxury
Sox game. Final score: Boston automobile in several ways, not
4, Baltimore 1. Life is good – the least of which is the addition
in most ways. I’m driving the of a third, top-of-line model, the
BMW on the day after we 760Li.

What’s new for 2003 745Li
During 2002 model year:
All models
• Chrome roof moldings added
As of 9/02 production:
• Run-flat tires offered as a new As of 9/02 production:
option at no extra cost; same • Active Ventilation added to
size as standard 18-in. tires, optional rear Comfort seats
with unique Multi-Spoke wheel • Optional Luxury Seating Pack-
design (#94); include Flat Tire age and rear Comfort seats
Monitor (running change), Tire now available in combination
Pressure Monitor no longer with each other (formerly
available. The tires have the mutually exclusive options)
same V speed rating as the 760Li
standard ones. As of 1/03 production:
• Rear Head Protection System • New top-of-line model,
(AHPS II), formerly optional, powered by all-new 6.0-liter
becomes standard V-12 engine
• Active Cruise Control offered • STEPTRONIC 6-speed automatic
as a new option transmission
As of 3/03 production: • 19-in. wheels and performance
• New GPS Navigation within tires standard, two types of
iDrive system, with DVD data 18-in. equipment available
base and improved functionality • Unique wheel designs (except
with run-flat option)
745i & 745Li
• “V12” emblems on front fenders
7 Series

As of 1/03 production:
• High-gloss black on exterior
• STEPTRONIC version of auto-
mirrors’ edging and B-pillars
matic transmission adopted
• Grille surrounds wider at top
As of 3/03 production: • Chrome roof moldings as on
• Sport Package becomes 745Li
available • Unique color for light band
across trunklid
• Higher level of standard equip-
ment than 745Li (see pages
82-91 for details)
• Rear climate control with cool-
box offered as option

7 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 7 Series models offer the following features:

Performance & efficiency Acura) also uses this mechanism

to change valve lift – the distance
4.4-liter DOHC (4-cam) 32-valve
the valve is opened from its seat
V-8 engine with Valvetronic
in the top of the combustion
and Double VANOS
(745i & 745Li)
Under the aluminum hood of the Varying valve lift is a step beyond
745i and 745Li is a technologically varying timing. Valvetronic varies
advanced and unique V-8 engine. lift – but to a far greater, and
Compared to conventional more fundamental, degree than
engines, this amazing powerplant any other system. Indeed, Val-
– designated N62, N for “new” – vetronic varies lift so extensively
makes dramatic strides in torque, that it replaces the traditional
power and efficiency. There are engine throttle. Engine breathing
state-of-the-art engineering is controlled entirely by the valves,
details throughout, but two major and the traditional throttle simply
new technologies are the main goes away. Thus we can no
driving force behind the engine’s longer call that right-hand pedal
remarkable capabilities. on the floor a “throttle pedal.”
We might as well go back to the
The N62 engine produces
old term “accelerator pedal.”
approximately the same power
as the previous 7 Series’ 750iL The Valvetronic mechanism sits
V-12 engine, or 325 horsepower atop the intake valves on each
(at 6100 rpm); this is a good 15% of the V-8’s two cylinder banks.
more than the previous V-8 too. Each of the engine’s 32 valves

7 Series
Torque went up as well, from (4 valves per cylinder; 16 intake,
324 to 330 lb-ft. – all this with no 16 exhaust) is actuated as the
increase in displacement. Equally camshaft lobe deflects a finger-
remarkably, fuel economy is type rocker arm. On the intake
significantly improved – EPA side, there is an additional
city/highway ratings of 18/26, vs. element between the cam lobe
the previous models’ 17/23. And and rocker arm, an intermediate
response to the accelerator follower.
pedal – we can no longer say Upon contact by the camshaft
“throttle” – is markedly livelier, lobe, this intermediate follower
more spontaneous. How BMW actuates the rocker arm and, in
achieved all this follows. turn, the valve. The follower is
Valvetronic: revolutionary new held in place by an eccentric shaft
“breathing” concept. Many that can be rotated by a small
automotive engines now have servo motor. This shaft, which
variable valve timing, including all rotates in response to the driver’s
of BMW’s. A number of manu- accelerator-pedal movements,
facturers, including BMW, achieve determines the intermediate
variable valve timing – the valves follower’s pivot point and thus
do not always open and close at varies the valve lift.
the same point in the combustion Like many ingenious develop-
cycle – by rotating the camshaft ments, Valvetronic is straightfor-
relative to its driving sprocket 1. ward in principle, though
Others, notably Honda, vary someone had to think it up in
valve timing via a mechanism
involving more than one cam 1 – Or, in engines with a timing belt instead
lobe per valve; Honda (including of chain drive, camshaft pulley.

7 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 7 Series models offer the following features:

the first place. BMW engine • Excellent cold starting. The

engineers thought it up; BMW small valve opening promotes
has patented Valvetronic. The highly effective vaporization of
system’s highlights: fuel, even when the engine is
• Intake valves assume function being started from cold. The
of throttle. Engine breathing – auxiliary throttle 2 further
air intake – is controlled by enhances cold starting.
varying this lift. The driver’s • No mechanical throttle linkage.
foot gives the commands; valve All current BMW engines have
lift varies accordingly. At mini- electronically controlled throttles,
mum lift, the engine is idling or so-called “drive-by-wire.” With
decelerating; at maximum lift, Valvetronic, this feature is even
it produces full power. more natural: Via the pedal, the
• Greater efficiency. As a throttle driver’s call for power is trans-
closes, it imposes a restriction mitted electronically to the eccen-
that incoming air must snake tric shaft’s electric servo motor.
around. This causes so-called • Stepless variation of valve lift.
“pumping losses,” which take Valve lift is varied continuously
an increasing portion of engine and smoothly all the way from
power in lower-speed driving. minimum to maximum lift.
By eliminating the throttle(s) 2 • Lightning-fast system
and letting the valves control response. The system can
the breathing, Valvetronic vary lift all the way from mini-
essentially does away with mum to maximum in just 300
7 Series

pumping losses. This is milliseconds, or 0.3 sec. To

reflected in the higher EPA achieve this, BMW developed
mileage ratings. a dedicated Valvetronic micro-
• More spontaneous engine processor, which networks
response. Drivers are impressed with the 40-megahertz/32-bit
by how spontaneously and primary engine computer.
quickly the engine responds to • Low friction, precision compo-
the accelerator pedal. nents. Every “rubbing point” in
• More power. High valve lift the Valvetronic mechanism is
contributes to high power not a rubbing (friction) point at
output; yet in a traditional all. Instead, a low-friction roller
engine, one cannot simply transmits the motion: from cam
increase valve lift, as too-high lobe to intermediate follower,
lift would degrade operation at from intermediate follower to
low speeds and loads. With rocker arm, from eccentric shaft
Valvetronic, valve lift is tailored to intermediate follower. The
precisely to operating conditions follower itself is a precision cast-
– and is extra-high at the top ing in the first place, machined
end. This helps the N62 engine to virtual perfection. Its
achieve its amazing power. “boomerang” contour – the
• Refined engine operation. In working surface that actuates
light-load driving, operation is the rocker arm – is machined
especially smooth because of to a tolerance of 8/1000ths of
the relatively small valve lift of a millimeter. To ensure quiet
0.5 to 2 millimeters. Customers operation, zero valve clearance
may notice the engine’s ultra- is maintained by a hydraulically
smooth idling. adjusted pedestal on which
the rocker arm pivots.

Double VANOS. Double VANOS performance, as media critics
steplessly variable valve timing is have found in their test drives:
now in all BMW engines except • Road & Track, June 2002:
the 5/X5 Series V-8. Responding “With all this neat technology
to operating conditions and the you’d expect this N62 engine
driver’s demands for power, to be excellent, and it is. The
Double VANOS rotates the intake new 7’s V-8 responds instan-
and exhaust camshafts steplessly taneously to the driver’s right
between “earliest” and “latest” foot as it delivers dose after
valve timing. dose of pure unadulterated
As in other engines with Double acceleration.”
VANOS, this feature enhances the • AutoWeek, February 25, ’02:
engine’s torque, fuel efficiency “It’s one of the most robust pow-
and emission control. Here it erplants on the road today and
operates in combination with a joy to operate, especially since
Valvetronic to help achieve it meshes so effortlessly with
heretofore unknown levels of the 745i’s smooth-shifting six-
performance, efficiency and speed automatic transmission.”
general operational excellence. • Car and Driver, January 2002:
“This 325-hp Valvetronic V-8 is
Fully variable intake manifold:
nothing short of magnificent.
another major new technology.
Smooth and silent at idle and
Some current engines, including
cruising speeds, it sings a
BMW’s 2.5- and 3.0-liter inline
lovely muted tenor note on the
6-cylinder units (3, Z4, 5 and X5

7 Series
boil. And it flat gets up and
Series), employ 2-stage intake
flies, the transmission handing
manifolds. Generally, these have
off from one cog to the next
a flap mechanism that switches
as seamlessly as an Olympic
between two paths for air entering
relay runner.”
the engine: one tuned for low- to
• auto motor und sport, Germany,
medium-speed operation
November 14, 2001: “The new
(improving torque and response),
4.4-liter V-8 with Valvetronic is
the other for high-speed operation
a superior powerplant. In terms
(improving top-end power).
of acoustics and vibration, it
For the N62 engine, BMW engi- moves on silky-quiet paws,
neers evolved this concept into a reacts quickly to the accelerator
fully, steplessly variable intake pedal, and puts out strong
manifold. The engine team con- power.”
ceived an internal mechanism • AutoWeek, October 22, 2001:
consisting of two intertwined “The powertrain felt seamless,
helical elements which, rotated too, laying down its 325 hp and
by an electric servo motor, vary 330 lb-ft. of torque across a
the effective intake length step- wider band than anything short
lessly between 215 and 607 mm of a supercharged engine.”
(8.5–23.9 in.). Like Valvetronic and
stepless Double VANOS, this
manifold concept dispenses with 2 – Actually there is an auxiliary throttle, for
certain specific functions only: as a
traditional compromises to achieve fail-safe measure for the unlikely event of
truly optimum performance. Valvetronic malfunction; for diagnostic
purposes; to control fuel-tank ventilation;
The proof is in the driving: media
and to improve cold starting. Under
praise. All this ground-breaking virtually all normal operating conditions,
technology pays off in real-world this throttle is open.

7 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 7 Series models offer the following features:

Other advanced features: liquid- injection delivers the fuel directly

cooled alternator, aluminum into the cylinder. This brings
block. Continuing an advanced advantages in fuel efficiency,
7 Series underhood feature, the power, torque and emission
electrical/electronics system is control; together with Valvetronic,
powered by a liquid-cooled alter- Double VANOS, an extra-high
nator. Compared to conventional compression ratio (11.5:1) and
air-cooled types, the liquid-cooled many other detail innovations,
alternator is more compact, the direct injection helps the new
produces more electrical power, V-12 engine attain 438 hp and
and is fully encapsulated for 444 lb-ft. of torque. Like the
exceptional quietness. 745i/Li models’ V-8, the V-12
As before, the engine’s cylinder also delivers impressive fuel
block is of Alusil – silicon- efficiency considering its perfor-
impregnated cast aluminum – for mance: EPA ratings of 15 mpg
light weight and long-wearing city/23 mpg highway.
durability. New is that instead of Major evolutionary step:
the aluminum being chemically the first 6-speed automatic
etched away (as in the previous transmission
7 and current 5/X5 Series V-8), a The New 7 leapt forward with
so-called “soft honing” machine an all-new 6-speed automatic
removes just enough of the transmission that was the first of
aluminum to leave silicon crystals its type when introduced 3. Com-
as the ultra-hard cylinder surfaces. pared to the 5-speed automatics
7 Series

6.0-liter DOHC (4-cam) 48-valve of other BMWs, the ZF transmis-

V-12 engine with direct fuel sion’s six ratios provide –
injection, Valvetronic and • Numerically higher 1st and
Double VANOS 2nd gears, enhancing off-the-
(760Li) line response
The 760Li’s model designation • Essentially equal gearing in 3rd
comes from its 6.0-liter V-12 • Numerically higher 4th and 5th
engine, which shares the V-8 gears, enhancing response at
engine’s basic architecture; this medium speeds
is a dramatic step up from the • A numerically lower 6th gear,
previous 750iL’s already potent for even more relaxed high-
5.4-liter V-12, which delivered speed cruising.
326 hp. Remarkably, the new unit is
The V-12 engine’s Valvetronic lighter and more compact than
and Double VANOS systems are the 5-speed it replaces, thanks
essentially like those of the N62 mainly to a new type of planetary
V-8, and in turn a major depar- gearset called Lepelletier. A new
ture from the previous V-12’s type of control system, called
single-overhead-cam valvetrain Mechatronic, combines the
with 2 valves per cylinder. Unlike hydraulic and electronic controls
the V-8, it does not have the fully inside the transmission case and
variable intake manifold; on the thus reduces external wiring.
other hand, it adds an innovation In addition to sheer improved
of its own: Direct Fuel Injection. performance, there are innovative
In contrast to conventional fuel aspects to the transmission’s
injection in gasoline engines, direct

operation. Most obvious to the STEPTRONIC is now tested exactly
driver is a new transmission as one with a conventional
selector, just ahead of the steering- automatic.
wheel rim. The connection The original version had an L/D
between this selector and the (Limit/Drive) button on the
transmission is electric, not steering wheel and provided
mechanical as in most other driver-controlled downshifting
automatic transmissions. The (but not upshifting) via shift
driver moves the selector in the buttons near the wheel’s rim. In
desired direction; whenever the the new version, downshifts are
selector is released, it returns to effected by the same buttons on
its middle position: the steering wheel’s face near
• Park – push inward (to the left) the rim; upshifts are triggered by
on the Park button corresponding buttons on the
• Neutral – transmission will be forward side (away from the
in neutral anytime the engine is driver). The L/D button is replaced
first started. To reach Neutral by an S/M/D (Sport/Manual/Drive)
from Reverse or Drive, push button, and operation is essen-
downward or upward to the tially the same as with other
pressure point. STEPTRONIC transmissions
• Reverse – press upward past except that this one is a 6-speed:
the pressure point.
• Starting from operation in
• Drive – press downward past
Drive, the first press of this
the pressure point.
button switches the transmis-

7 Series
To move the selector up or down, sion to its Sport mode, in
the driver first pulls it toward the which shifts occur automati-
steering wheel. The current posi- cally but at higher engine
tion is shown in the instrument speeds than in Drive. (6th gear
cluster. Park is automatically does not engage in this mode.)
engaged anytime the remote is • When pressed a second time,
removed from the ignition switch. the button selects the Manual
As of January ’03 production, mode, after which upshifts
all ’03 7 Series models adopted and downshifts are controlled
a new STEPTRONIC version of this by the driver.
automatic transmission. Though
Handling, ride & braking
available in Europe, this version
had been kept unavailable in U.S. Body engineering
models because of a peculiarity The unitized body/chassis
in EPA test procedures that structure is a decisive influence
caused such a “manumatic” on the ride, handling and crash
transmission to achieve a lower safety of any motor vehicle.
EPA mileage rating than a con- BMW has been at the forefront
ventional automatic. In the case of body construction for a long
of the 745i and 745Li, this mileage time, yet there are evolutionary
“penalty” – essentially irrelevant
to real-world driving – would have
also incurred a Gas Guzzler tax. 3 – Audi is offering a Continuously Variable
Transmission (CVT) in the A4 and A6,
Fortunately, the Environmental in which 6 “artificial” ratios are available
Protection Agency has changed to the driver. The MINI’s available CVT
its testing rules; a vehicle with offers the same capability. And ’03
Jaguar S-Type models have a 6-speed
automatic similar to BMW’s.

7 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 7 Series models offer the following features:

improvements over the outstand- predecessor, makes the evolution

ing predecessor Series: to aluminum in –
• More extensive use of high- • Its subframe
strength steels, fully 85% of • All links.
the total steel in the “body in Furthermore, The New 7 employs
white.” This means greater aluminum brake calipers all
strength without a correspond- around, replacing steel in sus-
ing weight increase. pension and brake components
• Increased use of ultra-strong that move up and down with the
adhesives. Called “spot-weld wheels. As with the aluminum
adhesives” by the body engi- suspension, this reduced unsprung
neers, these epoxy materials weight improves the suspension’s
are applied at various points to response to bumps and other
bond steel to steel. In combina- road irregularities; it can markedly
tion with conventional welding, improve riding comfort and, on
they optimize structural strength any irregular road surface, handling
to a degree that would have as well. Here’s what some media
been impossible a decade ago. reports have had to say about
• The result: an even stronger The New 7’s road capabilities:
shell. Torsional rigidity is up 10% • Automobile Magazine, April
over the predecessor and, so ’02, in a comparison test of
say BMW body engineers, 30% the 745i, Lexus LS 430 and
greater than that of the Mercedes-Benz S500: “Now
Mercedes S-Class. BMW has built a large car that
7 Series

• Dynamic rigidity: still outstand- drives as adeptly as an M5.

ing. The “natural frequencies” The steering wheel talks to you.
of the body (i.e. the frequency You can place the car within an
at which the structure would inch of every cornering apex.”
vibrate naturally if set in motion)
• Car and Driver, January 2002:
are essentially unchanged at a
“All U.S.-bound 7s will be
high 26 Hertz in bending, 29
equipped with BMW’s new
Hertz in torsion. That these
active anti-roll-bar system that
two frequencies differ is an
virtually eliminates all body roll
important factor in maintaining
in moderate driving regardless
resistance to vibration.
of EDC mode. Even in quick
Aluminum suspension system transient maneuvers, we
While continuing BMW’s proven couldn’t outdrive the system;
system of struts and double-pivot that is, it wouldn’t zig while we
lower arms, the front suspension were zagging. The ability to
is essentially all-new, employing effectively disconnect the
more weight-saving aluminum anti-roll bars when driving in a
than that of the previous 7 Series. straight line smoothes the ride
Aluminum components include: immensely, especially on narrow
• Subframe lanes with uneven shoulders
• Lower arms (links) as on our test loop.”
• Strut housings
And not to be neglected here is
• Steering knuckles.
that the hood and front fenders
The rear suspension, also are of aluminum, contributing to
evolutionary in that it retains the the excellent front/rear weight
4-link Integral system of its distribution for which BMWs have
long been known. All 7 Series

models come very close to the pressure applied to the active
optimum 50/50 front/rear weight anti-roll bars to control body roll.
distribution. The key word here is “active.”
Active Roll Stabilization Active Roll Stabilization –
A distinctly high-tech suspension 1. Generates resistance to body
innovation, ARS (the “active anti- roll by twisting the front and
roll-bar system” Car and Driver rear anti-roll bars.
commented on) reduces body 2. Does so in a stronger and
roll, also known as body “lean,” more highly “tailored” way
in cornering. This improves than can conventional anti-roll
handling by virtue of improved bars.
suspension geometry (wheel 3. Does not offer resistance to
angles relative to vertical), but bumps in straight-ahead
there is a psychological compo- driving, as conventional
nent as well: Drivers and pas- anti-roll bars inevitably do 4.
sengers alike will marvel at The 4. Increases the vehicle’s
New 7’s “flat cornering.” ARS maximum cornering capability.
consists of – 5. Improves steering response,
• Active anti-roll bars, replacing particularly in the range of
conventional purely mechanical cornering where body roll is
(“passive”) front and rear bars. most tightly controlled.
Each bar consists of left and Though it delivers similar benefits,
right portions, twisted in oppo- ARS differs from the Active Body
site directions by a hydraulic Control (ABC) system Mercedes-

7 Series
motor between them. Benz offers on its CL coupes
• A valve/sensor block containing (standard) and S-Class sedans
various system valves and (optional at $3,020).
Mercedes’ system is more
• A lateral-acceleration sensor
complex; it employs a hydraulic
to detect how hard the vehicle
actuator at each wheel, eliminating
is cornering.
anti-roll bars altogether. The
• An electronic control unit (ECU)
actuators are “rams” or plungers
regulating the entire system.
atop each spring strut; in a corner,
• A tandem oil pump which, via
these rams push downward on
its two sections, provides
the outside wheels’ struts and
hydraulic pressure for ARS
pull upward on those at the inside
and the power steering.
wheels. ABC offers the driver a
• An oil cooler, reservoir, filter,
choice between two levels of roll
oil-level sensor and the various
control, Sport and Comfort – the
hoses, mounting brackets and
latter allowing more body roll. ABC
other minor components.
also influences riding qualities in
Whenever the vehicle enters a a certain range. Over a road
corner or curve, or begins an surface that might set the body
avoidance maneuver, “lateral into gentle pitching or heaving
acceleration” is generated. This motions – called “float”– ABC
is read by the sensor, which plays a role in controlling the
transmits a signal to the ECU. The
ECU processes this signal and 4 – BMW has achieved great sophistication
transmits it to the valve/sensor in the way conventional anti-roll bars
block. In turn, the valve/sensor work – as evidenced by the superb
block determines the hydraulic handling and riding comfort of all
contemporary BMWs.

7 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 7 Series models offer the following features:

body; over road surfaces that the 5 Series and Z8, a variable
would generate more nervous, steering ratio. The rack-and-
“jiggly” body movements, ABC pinion gear teeth are profiled to
does not act. make the steering ratio 5 “quicker”
With its application directly to as the wheel is turned away from
the components most affecting the center position. This fine-tunes
cornering – the anti-roll bars – steering response according to
BMW feels that ARS is an conditions, be it on an Interstate
appropriate solution for BMW’s at today’s high cruising speeds
dynamic handling. And in contrast or maneuvering into a parking
to ABC’s option status in the space.
S 430 and 500 models, ARS is The 7 Series continues with
standard in every New 7. Servotronic vehicle-speed-
An Adaptive Ride Package, sensitive variable power assist,
consisting of new-generation which significantly reduces
Electronic Damping Control and steering effort in parking and at
self-leveling rear air suspension, low road speeds. Variable steer-
is available on both 745 models ing ratio and variable power
and standard on the 760Li; see assist are not the same thing;
options & accessories for details. they are two separate features,
here optimally complementing
Rack-and-pinion steering
each other.
Japanese makers adopted rack-
and-pinion steering systems for BMW’s biggest, most powerful
their luxury cars early on, but brakes ever
7 Series

BMW worked longer to achieve All 7 Series models have ventil-

the advantages of the rack-and- ated discs all around, with hefty
pinion mechanism while over- 13.7-in./348-mm front discs and
coming its one drawback: greater 12.9-in./345-mm rear discs.
road shock felt at the steering Additionally, aluminum calipers
wheel. Rack-and-pinion’s reduce unsprung weight; these
advantages are: can be seen as part of the
• Precision of road feel overall “aluminum suspension
• Lack of “free play” at the system.” Further notable brake
steering’s center position features include:
• Lower weight, because there Electromechanical parking
is no center arm. brake. A first in a production
BMW’s 3 and Z Series, 5 Series automobile; applied electrically
6-cylinder models and X5s have rather than by human effort. To
long used rack-and-pinion engage it, the driver presses a
steering. Now, development has button at the lower left side of
produced a rack-and-pinion the instrument panel. This brake
system that brings the above also functions as an emergency
advantages to the 7 Series, brake in the unlikely event of a
while isolating road shock from failure of both circuits of the wheel
the steering wheel to the degree brakes: In this instance the driver
expected in a large luxury car. presses the brake button, and
To enhance the weight advantage, the parking brake then retards
the rack-and-pinion housing is the vehicle at a moderate rate of
made of aluminum. It also deceleration.
includes a feature first seen on

Automatic Hold. As part of the • 745i/Li optional 19-in. – Star
iDrive system (see pages 61-64), Spoke, design #95
this function holds the brakes • 745i/Li Sport Package 19-in. –
anytime the vehicle comes to a V Spoke, design #126M
stop, then releases them when the • 760Li optional 18-in. with
driver steps on the accelerator all-season tires – forged 760Li
pedal. Exclusive, design #91.
Brake-wear display. Instead of Dynamic Stability Control with
a simple warning indicating that Dynamic Traction Control
it’s time to renew the brake pads, function
the iDrive monitor offers within its It has always been possible to
OB Data menu a display of the de-activate All Season Traction
estimated mileage at which replace- (earlier models) or Dynamic
ment of the pads will be due. Stability Control (all current BMW
Generously dimensioned models) via a console switch.
wheels and tires on all models The 7 Series DSC system adds
Every 7 Series model is standard- a newer capability called
equipped with very generously Dynamic Traction Control or
dimensioned wheels and tires: DTC. (This function was also
18-in. on the 745i and 745Li, added to 3 Series in 2002 and is
19-in. on the 760Li. included in the Z4 Series.)
On the two 745 models, 18 x 8.0 DTC improves utilization of
wheels carry 245/50R-18 V-rated available road traction under
all-season tires. Optional on the specific conditions, including –

7 Series
745i/Li (now as a stand-alone • on sand, gravel, deep snow or
option or part of the Sport packed snow
Package) and standard on the • climbing hills with deep or
760Li are 19 x 9.0 front/19 x 10 packed snow
wheels with 245/45R-19 front / • when there is deep snow on
275/40R-19 rear W-rated perfor- only one side of the road
mance tires. This equipment • when driving with tire chains.
further enhances handling and Via the iDrive Configuration
sporty appearance. menu, the driver may either fully
All models are available optionally de-activate DSC (except that
with run-flat tires in the 18-in. antilock braking remains active),
size; see 7 Series options & or activate the DTC mode. With
accessories and BMW features DTC selected, engine intervention
for details. For customers who is de-activated at low speeds,
prefer a less sporty wheel-and- leaving only the individual wheel
tire combination, the 760Li is brakes to control wheelspin.
also available with 18-in. wheels When the vehicle reaches a
and all-season tires. speed of approximately 43 mph,
normal DSC operation is re-instated
Wheel designs are as follows:
until speed once again drops
• 745i/Li standard 18-in. –
below this threshold, at which
Double Spoke, design #93
point DTC operation resumes.
• 760Li standard 19-in. – Star
Spoke, design #89
• Run-flat 18-in., optional all
5 – The steering ratio is the number of
models – Multi-Spoke, design degrees the steering wheel must be
#94, with special run-flat rim turned to steer the front wheels by 1
design degree.

7 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 7 Series models offer the following features:

When DTC is selected (as also washer nozzles are recessed

when DSC is de-activated), the into the front bumper, emerging
DSC indicator in the instrument only when actuated.
cluster flashes to remind the Elaborate windshield
driver. When the engine is shut wiper/washer system
off and re-started, the system Wipers and washers are critical
defaults to full DSC operation. to safety and driving ease; BMW
engineers have devoted a lot of
Exterior & aerodynamics
attention to them. The reversing
The look: of direction that occurs each
a keyword is “presence” wiping cycle is accomplished by
Christopher Bangle, Director of an electronically controlled
Design at BMW AG, and his reversing motor rather than con-
design team set a progressive ventional wiper linkage; this
direction for the E65 look. “The allows the system to bring the
dynamic is all BMW. But the wiper right up to the driver’s-side
presence is new. The ‘green- A-pillar at all vehicle and wiping
house’ – the passenger cabin, speeds, and with less noise and
that is – is set back, making it impact. The actual wiped area is
clear that there is Power up front. up 10% from that of the prede-
The wheels are big,” continues cessor models, improving the
Bangle, referring to wheels and driver’s field of vision in the rain.
tires that, together with increased When parked, the wipers period-
vehicle height, reinforce the new ically (every three days or so)
7 Series

models’ presence. Bangle also move, so that the rubber wiper

points out that the “rocker blades do not get “set” into a
panels” or side sills underscore distorted position from long
the big-wheel look by in essence stationary periods.
“pointing” toward the wheels at
the front and rear. The washer nozzles are on the
wiper arms themselves, saving
See and be seen washer fluid by applying it right
Bangle describes the typical where needed. There are yet
BMW “kidney” grilles and head- more innovations here, but these
lights flanking them as a “capti- are the most significant from the
vating face, with low, eagle-like customer’s viewpoint.
eyes.” These eyes, also in the
BMW tradition with four round The windshield itself is of the
lamps, are set relatively low with infrared-reflecting Climate
the turn indicators (eyebrows) Comfort type to reduce solar
above them. The outboard heat in the cabin.
beams are Bi-xenon, with high- At the rear
intensity-discharge low and high The main taillight units are out-
beams; inboard are conventional board, and incorporate high-tech
Free Form lights that serve the 3-dimensional LEDs for their
flash-to-pass and Daytime tail- and brakelights. The 3rd
Running Lamps functions. All brakelight is also in LED, as are
four beams have light rings, which the rear reflectors. Additional
function as parking lights and taillamps and the backup light
illuminate anytime the parking- are in a light band across the
or headlights are switched on. trunklid, extending from the sides
High-intensity liquid headlight- of the license-plate recess. A
“world first” feature here is adap-

tive brakelights, which signal the Ergonomics & luxury
intensity of the 7 Series driver’s
iDrive: the new way to
braking to following drivers:
command a BMW
• Under normal braking, the
Contemporary luxury automobiles
outboard and 3rd brakelights
pose an ever-growing challenge
illuminate as usual.
to their designers: how to accom-
• Under hard braking or when
modate the extensive functions
the ABS is activated, the taillights
that modern technology offers
join the brakelights (at the
without an array of controls that
same lighting intensity as the
overwhelms the driver. iDrive is
brakelights) for a significant
BMW’s solution to this challenge.
increase in visibility of the
brakelights. By dividing the vehicle’s control
environment into two areas –
Adaptive brakelights also appear
Driving and Comfort – iDrive
on the Z4 and the 2004 3 Series
separates those functions that
Coupes and Convertibles.
pertain directly to vehicle
Functional “redundancy” operation from those that relate
Another lighting innovation is more to occupants’ comfort and
that in case of burnout of certain well-being.
exterior bulbs, a nearby bulb
The Driving Zone
(one normally used for a different
Basic driving functions have not
function) is “commandeered”
changed in any fundamental way.
automatically until the defective
As always in BMWs, all primary
bulb is replaced. The Check

7 Series
driving controls are clustered
Control monitor system alerts the
around the steering wheel – now
driver to the burned-out bulb.
including the automatic-trans-
A dramatically clean design mission selector, which has been
Another striking element is a moved to a position that allows
relative lack of exterior trim. With fingertip operation from the steer-
no body-side moldings at all, ing wheel. Similarly, functions that
The New 7 is notable for utter drivers and front passengers use
purity of line. Overhangs – often – basic climate and audio
distances from wheel centers to controls – are in their customary
the ends of the vehicle – are places, and operate in familiar
compact, contributing to the ways. Prospects should be
substantial, yet sporty look. encouraged to get in, buckle up
Among functional elements, BMW and drive, just as one has always
has adopted the convenient, done naturally in a BMW.
clean “push-push” fuel-filler door: The “primary area” of iDrive, that
Press inward on its rear edge area most directly associated
and the door pops out so that it with driving and general vehicle
can be opened. To close it, sim- use, is composed of the follow-
ply press inward again. No lip is ing elements:
required. The door’s movement
New multi-function remote
is even damped for smoothness:
control. The remote control omits
attention to detail.
a conventional key for insertion
The New 7 is one of the boldest into the ignition switch. Instead,
design steps BMW has taken in the driver inserts the remote itself
decades. It is dramatic…exciting into a slot. The remote includes
…a new exercise in functional all familiar BMW functions (see
esthetics and esthetic functionality. BMW features).

7 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 7 Series models offer the following features:

Reserve key. A small “reserve Main instruments with LCD dis-

key” is carried inside each remote. plays. In a perfect combination
Its main function is to lock the of BMW tradition and iDrive
center-console compartment future, virtually the entire
separately; it may also be used instrument cluster – including
in a conventional lock in the speedometer and tachometer
driver’s door, but it is not faces – is available for the many
designed for constant use. warnings, indicators and displays
Start/Stop button. After inserting that help keep the driver aware
the remote into the slot, the of what’s going on with the
driver actuates the adjacent vehicle and environment.
Start/Stop button to start the Odometers, fuel level, Service
engine and turn on the instrument Interval Indicator, Onboard
lighting. 1-touch starting, which Computer, Check Control and
allows the driver to start the engine GPS Navigation indications can
with just a quick touch of the all appear in the instrument faces;
button, continues as a 7 Series those for GPS Navigation give
feature. The Start/Stop button is visual instructions and location
also used to switch off the engine. information closer to the driver’s
The brake pedal must be direct line of sight than the more
depressed for the Start/Stop extensive GPS display in the
button to start the engine. If it is monitor. Many other indicators,
not, the button can be pressed including those for the transmis-
alternately to switch on the sion range and gear, turn signals,
7 Series

accessory or ignition current high beams, outside tempera-

(these correspond to BMW’s ture, and clock, are displayed as
traditional “1” and “2” positions) appropriate in the cluster.
and to switch everything off again. Illumination of the cluster auto-
Electric transmission selector. matically adjusts to ambient light
Includes the transmission selector levels: transmissive at night,
on the steering column and shift reflective in daylight. As in the
buttons on the steering wheel. M5 and M3, the tachometer’s
Note: electric, not electronic. warning segment varies according
to engine temperature, indicating
Other steering-column stalks.
a low rpm limit when the engine
Like the transmission selector,
is cold and increasing this limit
the other control stalks operate
as the engine warms up.
electrically rather than mechani-
cally, always returning to their Electromechanical parking brake
central position after being actuat- and Automatic Hold. Also part of
ed in one direction or the other. the iDrive system’s Driving area.
On the left side are the – Programmable cruise control.
• Turn-signal/lighting/Onboard With the vehicle stationary, the
Computer stalk. driver can pre-program up to six
• Cruise-control stalk. The desired speeds, corresponding
Resume function is via an to various speed limits or driving
additional button on the stalk, preferences, and then retrieve
which one tips inward. them at any time by pushing the
stalk forward or pulling it rear-
On the right side, in addition to
ward past a detent. The current
the transmission selector, is the
speed can be captured as one
wiper/washer stalk.
of the programmed speeds.

The Comfort Zone tions and freshened graphics
For this extensive set of functions, were phased into the 7 Series as
a “secondary zone” is positioned of 3/03 production.
centrally in the front occupant Entertainment. In addition to the
compartment. For simplicity, we basic audio controls on the
call it the Comfort Zone; actually instrument panel, extensive audio-
it encompasses a wide range of system functions (FM/AM/CD
comfort, convenience and selection, radio tuning and
informational features and also station presets, tone, DSP of
presents users with useful and optional Logic 7 system, etc.)
interesting choices in how are available on this screen.
certain features and functions
Climate. Frequently used climate
controls are permanently located
Here, BMW has applied the at dash center; less frequently
Navigation System’s proven used settings are here. One may
concept: a color monitor with override the automatic airflow
control menus, and a controller. settings by setting preferred flow
More functions than ever are levels and relative temperature
controlled in this manner, and levels to defroster, dash vents
the controller has migrated from and footwells – separately for the
the monitor panel to a central driver’s and passenger’s side.
position between the front seats. Airflow and temperature scales
Also, the controller includes are depicted graphically. Via
force feedback: According to the “individual” and “store” menu

7 Series
functions it is controlling, it gives choices, one can even store a
the user an appropriate tactile user’s preferred set of airflow
feedback. The controller is adjustments and recall them later.
equally accessible to the driver A unique feature here is the ability
and front passenger, and is to vary the relative heating levels
finished in satin aluminum. of the available 6 heated front
The menus: seats’ cushions and backrests
eight “compass points” by as much as 5˚F; the heating
Each time the remote control is levels are depicted in a graphic
inserted into the ignition lock of the seat as this is done.
(there is no conventional key for The secondary menus are at
the ignition lock ), the monitor diagonal compass positions.
displays its Orientation Menu, Beginning with “northwest” (top
indicating the eight directions left), these are:
the controller can be moved to
OB Data. This section consists
select the eight control menus.
of –
Beginning at “north” (top), the • Onboard Computer – with
four primary menus and their familiar functions including
basic functions are: arrival time, distance, range,
Communication. Memory dialing, two consumption (fuel
display of missed calls, and other economy) averages and two
functions. speed averages; speed limit;
GPS Navigation. Unique to the and stopwatch.
7 Series is a simplified version of • Service/Check – exclusive to
the route instructions that appears 7 Series. 6 rows of service
in the tachometer face. A new items, 5 items each; click on
DVD database, improved func- 6 – Optional 745i/Li, standard 760Li.

7 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 7 Series models offer the following features:

each one to get mileage • Operate a number of other

remaining to required service. features and functions. There’s
(The familiar Service Interval even a button by which the
Indicator shows the distance to user can program a desired
the next overall service opera- function for a “blank” switch
tion in the display at the bottom on the steering wheel.
of the speedometer each time These functions automatically
the ignition is switched on.) become associated with which
Help. Explains monitor functions remote is currently inserted in the
with short texts. The help screen ignition switch (Key Memory).
appears in a split screen with BMW Assist. Basically familiar from
other screens; the user puts the the current Navigation System
cursor on a function on the screen screen, this screen is the simplest
in question, and sees its explana- of all, offering three choices:
tion on the adjacent help screen. • Roadside Assistance. When
Settings. The user can choose selected, the vehicle’s actual
the units in which information is location is shown on the
displayed – choices like mpg, monitor and an Activate button
liters/100 km or km/liter; miles or appears. Clicking on the
km; ˚F or˚C; lb./sq in. or bar; 12- Activate button connects the
or 24-hour clock, etc. – and the user with the BMW Roadside
language in which all displays Assistance Center and trans-
read (English, French and mits the location to the Center.
Spanish are available in U.S. Requires cellular service.
7 Series

models). • Your BMW Center and

This is also the screen where Customer Relations. Users
one can – can place a voice call to their
• Activate or de-activate DSC preferred BMW Center or to
and DTC BMW Customer Relations by
• Select the (optional) EDC selecting the appropriate
Sport or Comfort settings button. The selling BMW
• Initialize the available Flat Tire Center programs these numbers
Monitor into the system as part of the
• Select or de-select Automatic pre-delivery preparation.
Hold (called “Auto P” on the Require cellular service.
monitor) Emergency calls are placed via
• Select a Park Distance Control the SOS button above the
graphic, which depicts in color windshield.
on a vehicle plan view the fields Stepless door checks
that PDC (optional on 745 Even with the excellent 2-position
models, standard on 760Li) door checks of current BMWs,
monitors around the front and how many times have we wished
rear of the vehicle and shows there were another place to hold
where actual obstacles are the door open? The 7 Series’
encountered by the system. door checks are hydraulic and
• Vehicle & Key Memory settings stepless, holding the door at any
chosen by the driver (i.e. not position to which the occupant
BMW Center), such as – opens it; they are effective with
• Selective unlocking the vehicle pointing uphill up to
• Automatic locking when 10˚, or leaning to one side or the
vehicle reaches 5 mph other up to 6˚.

Soft-close doors are available as memory system, and equipped
part of the Convenience Package with auto tilt-away for entrance
for 745 models and standard on and exit.
the 760Li; see options & Auto-dimming inside and
accessories. outside mirrors
A roomy cabin An auto-dimming electrochromic
Model for model, The New 7 is inside rearview mirror was long
slightly longer (1.8 in.), wider (1.6 standard in the 7 Series; now
in.) and taller (2.2-2.6 in.) than its auto-dimming outside mirrors
predecessor; its wheelbase are also standard.
(117.7 in. for745i, 123.2 in. for Seating: many choices,
745/760Li) is a substantial 2.3 in. unique controls
longer. These gains in vehicle The 745i’s standard front seats
size translate to 0.9 in. greater include the following power
shoulder room and fully 1.8 in. adjustments:
more head room in the front
Both seats:
compartment; 1.5 in. more rear
• Fore-aft
leg room; and 0.6 in. more rear
• Head-restraint height
head room. “There is so much
• Seat height
leg room in the rear seat that
• Backrest angle
one hardly feels a need for the
• Lumbar-support firmness
long-wheelbase version,”
• Lumbar-support height
commented Germany’s auto
motor und sport magazine in its Driver’s seat only:

7 Series
November 14, 2001 issue. • Cushion angle
Multi-function steering wheel The head restraints are coupled
with expanded functions with fore-aft seat adjustment:
The multi-function steering wheel, farther forward (shorter driver),
described in BMW features, lower head restraint and vice
appears in evolved form. versa. (Fine adjustment of the
Controls that distinguish it from head restraints is manual.)
versions in other models are: Counting the coupled head-
• Voice Activation on/off. restraint movement as a power
• Transmission mode (S/M/D, adjustment, the front seats can
Sport/Manual/Drive) thus be termed 14-way driver/
• An individually programmable 12-way passenger, including 4-way
button, which can be set by power lumbar. The standard
the user to control various memory system captures two
functions quickly and easily: preferred positions for the driver’s
• Automatic Hold (Auto P) seat, steering wheel, outside
• Recirculating air mirrors and safety-belt height.
• Display navigation information 20-way front Comfort seats
in tachometer face (standard 745Li & 760Li,
• STEPTRONIC upshift buttons near optional 745i)
the steering-wheel rim, facing Comfort front seats are standard
the driver; downshift buttons in both long-wheelbase models
on the forward side of the and optional in the regular-
wheel (away from the driver). wheelbase 745i model. While
The steering wheel is power- retaining the distinctive adjustable
adjustable by 2.0 in. in tilt, 3.1 in. upper backrest section from
telescopically, included in the

7 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 7 Series models offer the following features:

previous models, they add Active Support feature. Employs

significant new features: two stretchable hollow cavities,
Adjustable thigh support. filled and emptied alternately
Familiar from BMW sport seats, with a freeze-proof liquid. This
this fore-aft adjustment of the slow, gentle process (repeating
seat cushion’s forward section about once a minute) creates a
tailors the seat to occupants’ cyclical raising and lowering of
various desires for support the seat cushion’s left and right
under the thighs. halves by about half an inch; the
driver and passenger can switch it
Adjustable backrest width. The
on or off as desired. The move-
backrests’ side bolsters spread
ment is virtually imperceptible,
or narrow to accommodate the
yet it helps relieve fatigue and
occupant’s back and shoulders.
discomfort during extended trips.
Power adjustments are thus as
Active Ventilation. A fan inside
follows (asterisks denote upgrades
each front seat gently blows air
over the standard 745i seats):
upward through an internal web
• Fore-aft
and the microperforated leather
• Cushion angle on both seats*
to provide ventilation that helps
• Seat height
keep occupants’ clothes free of
• Backrest angle
• Angle of upper backrest*
• Fine adjustment of head- 3-stage heating, controlled by
restraint height * switches on the console sides.
• Firmness of lumbar support Beyond the 3-stage heating, the
7 Series

• Height of lumbar support. front seat heating incorporates

two functional and sophisticated
Head-restraint height is coupled
with the fore-aft position as on
the standard 745i seats, but fine • Rapid heating. Each seat
adjustment by the occupant is incorporates four heating
powered (standard 745i seats: zones: center of cushion and
manual). Head-restraint angle is backrest, edges of cushion and
manually adjustable. backrest. When the heating is
first switched on, the center
Memory for both front seats
zones heat at full power almost
rather than only the driver.
to their regulated heat level;
Active head restraints, then the outer zones join and
described on page 72. These all are brought up to the
head restraints also include regulated level.
adjustable side extensions that • Balance control. The relative
help support the head of an heating level of cushions and
occupant using them as head- backrests can be varied by as
rests, as for example when much as 5˚F from each other
sleeping. via the iDrive Climate screen; the
Active Support front heated heating levels are depicted in a
and ventilated seats graphic of the seat as this is
(standard 760Li, optional 745i & done. Included in Key Memory.
745Li) Front-seat heating is available in
The 760Li comes standard with 745 models as either a stand-alone
three additional features that are option or part of the Luxury
available optionally in the 745 Seating Package or the Cold
models: Weather Package. The front

Active Support and Active • Climate control, via air from
Ventilation features are available the climate system
in 745 models in the Luxury • Illumination
Seating Package, and standard • Coinbox
in the 760Li. • Phone handset mounting
Heated rear seats • Trunk-release lockout.
(standard 760Li, optional 745i & The dual lids are locked with the
745Li) reserve key, which the vehicle
The rear-seat heating has 3-stage user can then take while leaving
heating and switches as at the front, the remote with a parking
but without the balance control. attendant or service personnel.
It is included in the Cold Weather This secures the phone and
Package and Luxury Seating belongings, plus (if the trunk
Package of both 745 models. release is locked out) the trunk.
Comfort rear seats The dual lids also enable the
(standard 760Li, optional 745Li) driver or passenger to continue
This ultimate rear seating, newly using his or her half as an
including Active Ventilation for armrest while the other opens
2003, is described in options & the compartment – useful when
accessories. one is using the controller. Air
volume into the compartment is
Seat controls
varied by adjusting the air grille
Power seat controls, both front
there; when the climate control
and rear, are located on the out-
is heating the interior, users may
board sides of the front center

7 Series
want to close off the air.
console and rear center armrest.
Each group consists of a “menu” Unique power-window features
and a “motion switch.” The New 7 has BMW’s lift-to-
close, push-to-open switch style,
The “menu” pushbuttons represent
and adds a unique refinement:
the various portions of the seat;
As each window approaches
the portion to be adjusted is
fully closed or open, it slows
selected by pressing its button.
down gradually. This reduces
(That button then illuminates.)
any noise at these points, and
The motion switch can be
helps the mechanism last longer.
pressed upward or downward,
or rotated as appropriate to the Automatic climate control
desired motion. In its range of functions, the
climate-control system is BMW’s
Preferred seat settings for individual
most comprehensive. It includes –
users can be programmed by the
• Left/right temperature controls
BMW Center in the Key Memory
• Left/right automatic airflow
system. The memory buttons
volume and distribution
are also on the console sides, as
• User override of airflow
are controls for seat heating and
volume and distribution
• Activated-charcoal microfilter
Multifaceted console ventilation
compartment • Automatic recirculation control
Between the front seats is a very (2 gas sensors)
spacious compartment with • Solar sensor for front
dual, opposite-opening, lockable compartment
lids. The compartment includes • Temperature-controlled rear air
the following features: outlets, left/right controllable

7 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 7 Series models offer the following features:

• Heat at Rest function disc CD player; a cassette player

• Automatic ventilation system can be specified in place of the
• Preferred override settings for CD player at no extra cost.
individual users via Key Consistent with the climate
Memory. system, the most frequently
• Climate-controlled front console used audio controls are “out in
compartment the open” on the dash: on/off,
• Air outlets in the B-pillars (for volume, CD eject; other, less
rear passengers, airflow frequently used, controls are
adjustable) selected in the monitor via the
• Stronger-than-ever air- ENTERTAINMENT screen.
conditioning performance.
The standard system’s 10
Basic climate controls, as used speakers are as follows:
for normal (predominantly auto- • 100-mm midrange in each
matic) operation, are positioned front door
conventionally at the instrument • 44-mm tweeter in mirror
panel’s center: triangle of each front door
• AUTO selector (for normal • 100-mm midrange at each
automatic airflow distribution), side of rear shelf
left and right • 44-mm tweeter at each side of
• Selector for automatic or user- rear shelf
selected recirculation • 210-mm central bass (sub-
• Defrost button, for maximum woofer) under driver’s and
clearing of windshield and side front passenger’s seats.
7 Series

Premium Sound Package
• Temperature knobs, left and
(standard 760Li, optional 745
• Air volume (blower speed), left
This state-of-the-art audio system
and right; overrides AUTO
upgrades sound quality to a true
audiophile level, and includes a
• REST button (Heat at Rest)
6-disc CD changer:
• Max A/C button
• A/C compressor on/off Logic 7 audio system. Upgrades
• OFF button. the entire audio system with –
• Increased audio power
The switch for rear-window
• Even higher-caliber speakers
heating is also in this panel.
throughout, plus additional
For overriding the automatic speakers (total 13 speakers,
airflow distribution, adjusting vs. standard 10)
relative temperature and flow of • Digital Sound Processing (DSP)
air from the dash vents, adjusting • Surround Sound simulation.
the distribution of seat heating
DSP is adjusted on the color
(where present), and setting the
monitor. Speakers are as follows;
automatic ventilation function,
an asterisk (*) denotes additional
users select the CLIMATE screen
speakers over the standard
on the color monitor and adjust
system –
intuitively using the controller.
• 100-mm midrange fill speaker,
Audio systems center of dash*
As in other current models, the • 100-mm midrange in each
base audio system comes front door
standard with an in-dash single- • 44-mm tweeter in mirror
triangle of each front door

• 100-mm midrange in each rear alarm system. 1-touch assis-
door* tance calls via the iDrive
• 100-mm midrange surround monitor or a dedicated button
speaker at each side of rear above the windshield.
shelf • Telecommander. A unique
• 44-mm tweeter at each side of second phone keypad, carried
rear shelf, inboard of surround in a convenient pull-out tray in
speakers the dash near the driver, with
• 210-mm central bass (sub- which one can –
woofer) under driver’s and • Manually dial calls
front passenger’s seats. • Send or end calls
Developed by Lexicon, Logic 7 • Turn the phone system on or
incorporates an exciting Surround off
Sound process, as in current – more easily than with the
Harman Kardon home A/V handset in the center console
receivers. Exclusive to Harman compartment. For safety, the
International brands, this process console handset is inoperable
provides truly unique and realistic when the vehicle is in motion.
reproduction, generating a 360˚ Voice Command System
sound field and accurately Via the phone system’s hands-
re-creating the acoustic intent of free microphone, voice activation
the original studio master. Logic can be used to activate a number
7 offers – of functions, including –
• The world’s first automotive Phone system:

7 Series
application of a multi-channel • Dial phone numbers stored in
format the phone book, using voice
• A new benchmark for the tags (example: “work”)
automotive industry • Dial spoken phone numbers
• Unparalleled acoustic realism (such as 1-201-307-4000)
and clarity • Redial phone number last called
• A significant point of differenti- • Store new names and numbers
ation for our customers. in phone book, up to 50 entries
In-dash 6-disc CD changer, • Delete numbers from phone
mounted above the glove com- book
partment. It retains a magazine, as Navigation system:
opposed to one-disc-at-a-time • Activate destination guidance
insertion/ejection of other in-dash • Adjust volume of navigation
changers offered by BMW. instructions
Standard BMW Cellular Phone • Get information on current
System with Telecommander location or destination
The CPT 8000 Timeport phone (examples: hotel, fuel station)
system is standard in E65 models. • Select map scale (400 ft.,
It features: 800 ft., 1/4 mile, 1/2 mile, etc.)
• Tri-mode, dual-band phone • Save current location
with 1900-MHz CDMA/TDMA, • Select “New Route”
800 MHz CDMA/TDMA, or Notepad:
analog operation. • Record several short notes or
• Telematics. Automatic notifi- one long note, up to 5 minutes
cation of BMW Roadside total time
Assistance upon airbag • Playback of voice notes
deployment or triggering of • Delete voice notes.

7 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 7 Series models offer the following features:

So that conversations can be Ventilation that’s now available

held inside the vehicle without for the front and rear seats. All
accidentally activating the phone models have this leather on their
or other systems, this feature seats and door panels; the 760Li
must be activated before each adds leather to the dash and the
use by its “voice icon” control on backs of the front seats, and
the multi-function steering wheel. includes a leather bag for vehicle
Interior lighting documents. Alcantara headliner
Includes the greatest range of and sun visors are also exclusive
lighting amenities ever offered in to the 760Li.
a BMW. Features include: Elegant wood trim is applied all
• Left/right front reading lamps the way across the instrument
(in headliner) panel; on the center console,
• Front courtesy lamp (in front and rear; and on all four
rearview-mirror housing) doors (shoulder level and arm-
• Footwell lighting front and rear rests). In the 760Li, wood also
• Vanity-mirror lighting above appears on the backs of the
sun visors front seats and on the roof grab
• Glovebox, center-console and handles.
trunk lighting Counting the two colors available
• Exit/entry lighting in door panels for each of two types of wood in
(in addition to ground lighting/ the 745 models, altogether five
handle illumination at exterior wood trim schemes are offered:
door handles) 745 models, standard. Matte-
7 Series

• BMW Ambiance Lighting, now finish Black Cherry wood is

bathing all four door panels as standard. With Beige, Flannel
well as the front center console Gray, Natural Brown and Stone
in soft LED light Green interiors, the wood is light
• Rear roof console with in color; with Black, it is dark.
left/right reading lamps,
745 models, optional at no
illuminated and swiveling visor
extra cost. High-gloss Ash; light
vanity mirror, courtesy light
finish with Beige interior, dark
and Ambiance Lighting
with all other interior colors.
• Ambiance lamps in the C-pillars
(760Li only). 760Li. High-gloss light and dark
Ash, with inlays separating the
A new feature is that via Key
two wood tones.
Memory, the BMW Center can
program the interior lighting to 745i/Li models with Sport Pack-
suit different customer prefer- age are upholstered in a distinctive
ences, in brightness and func- Pearl leather grade, available in
tional details. BMW believes The four colors (no Natural Brown);
7 offers class-leading interior the light high-gloss wood is not
and exit/entry lighting. available with this Package.
Upholstery and trim Metal finishes occur in two
Standard in all models is a high- contrasting forms on many
quality leather grade called interior elements, including door
Nasca with microperforations, handles, dash and door trim,
which promote natural ventilation control panels and escutcheons,
and facilitate the Active Seat buttons, air outlets, cupholders
and the transmission selectors.

Trunk features tion, leaving room for features
The trunk accommodates four customers value.
• Increases the knee protection’s
golfbags transversely: four 45-in.,
or three 46-in. plus one 45-in. It effectiveness.
• For belted occupants, allows
is also configured for five standard
Samsonite pieces: two large, finer “tuning” of the other
two medium and one small. restraint systems (safety belts
Trunk lining is in a new textured and front airbags).
material called Moleskin II. Front and rear Advanced
A new concept in trunk hinging, Head Protection System
the single-link tubular hinge, (AHPS II)
eliminates any intrusion of the Front HPS, described in BMW
hinges into the trunk space and features, continues in all 5 Series
facilitates both the standard fulland closed-body 3 Series models
opening (via a spring pack) and and their derivatives (M3 Coupe
the automatic trunk opening/ and M5). Unique to the 7 Series
closing (optional 745 models, is the extension of this concept
standard 760Li; see options & to the rear-seat passengers with
accessories). the 2nd-generation Advanced
Head Protection System, or
Safety & security AHPS II 7. Whereas the familiar
“World’s safest car” was front HPS is an inflatable tube
BMW’s goal from the A-pillar to a point over
According to Josef Mahalek, the rear door, AHPS II extends

7 Series
Manager of Development of all the way from the A-pillar to the
Safety-Systems Electronics, C-pillar, with a “sail” connecting
BMW’s goal was to develop “the it to the roof structure between
safest automobile in the world.” these two points. The sail is of
The New 7 embodies all the airbag-type material; between it
BMW safety features described and the long inflatable tube itself,
in BMW features, plus its own essentially all body-side and
special equipment and engineer- side-window areas likely to be
ing. Some of these are unique; impacted by an occupant’s head
some appear for the first time in are covered by the sail and
a BMW; others appear for the inflatable tube.
first time in any motor vehicle. According to BMW safety
Active Knee Protection engineers, the new front/rear
To meet U.S. safety regulations, system –
all U.S. BMW models incorporate • Combines the best protective
specific knee protection in the attributes of BMW’s HPS and
lower instrument-panel areas. competitive “curtain”-type
With The New 7 (and now the systems.
Z4 Series), BMW advances this • Offers the same advantage as
feature with Active Knee the front-only HPS in extended
Protection: dedicated airbags crash sequences (such as a
backing up the padded surfaces rollover) in that after deploy-
that meet occupants’ knees in a ment, it remains inflated for
frontal impact. This accomplishes approximately 7 seconds.
several things: 7 – A rear HPS is now standard in 5 Series
Sedans, but it is composed of separate
• Reduces the amount of space airbags at the C-pillars rather than
occupied by the knee protec- being a continuous front/rear system.

7 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 7 Series models offer the following features:

• Because of its relative rigidity belts included tensioners; they

once inflated, provides protec- now appear in connection with
tion against shattered glass and the rear Comfort seats that are
intrusions from the outside. optional in the 745Li and stan-
• Can protect persons of small dard in the 760Li.
or large stature. ISIS, the Intelligent Safety and
• Deploys in the desired Information System
sequence, that is from front A familiar BMW feature is
to rear. Integrated Deployment Logic, a
• Requires only one gas genera- system of sensors and deploy-
tor per side, as compared to ment strategy for the various
two for some competitive restraint systems. ISIS is an
curtain-type systems. evolution that further improves
APHS II is not merely the addition the restraint systems’ response
of a rear HPS to the standard to real-world accidents. Safety
front one; instead it is an inte- engineers at BMW’s Engineering
grated system from front to rear. and Research Center in Munich
Active Head Restraints aimed not merely to meet gov-
(standard 745Li & 760Li, ernmental safety regulations, but
optional 745i) to surpass them and to tailor the
Although Saab and Volvo offer a restraint systems’ response to a
similar feature, BMW’s version more precise reading of each
employs pyrotechnic activation accident sequence 8.
that is faster-reacting than their To achieve this, ISIS employs
7 Series

mechanical deployment. Via two fully 14 sensors. Together, these

additional impact sensors at the sensors achieve the “tailoring”
rear of the vehicle, a rear-end goal; they also help minimize
collision causes the front head unnecessary deployment of
restraints to pivot forward into airbags. The count of 14 includes –
close proximity with the occu- • A number of deceleration
pants’ heads. Thus occupants sensors.
are able, if they prefer, to adjust • A sensor that reads collisions
the restraints away from direct under the front of the vehicle,
contact with their heads, yet that is, running over an
gain optimum protection against obstruction.
whiplash or more serious • Two “delta-V” sensors that
neck/head injuries. analyze the change in velocity
Active Head Restraints are that occurs during the collision.
included with the front Comfort • An intrusion sensor in each
seats, which are part of the front door.
optional Luxury Seating Package Thanks to this elaborate
for the 745i and standard in both constellation of sensors, airbag
long-wheelbase models. deployments can be more finely
Automatic belt tensioners, tuned to actual accident circum-
also in the rear stances. Much of the progress is
(standard 760Li, optional 745Li) due to faster, more powerful
This feature automatically tensions electronics and the use of
safety belts in the event of a fiber-optic cables that are not
frontal collision. Until The New 7 susceptible to extraneous
was introduced, only the front electromagnetic disturbances.

System software can be updated • Specific upholstery/trim
over the life of the vehicle; data scheme with different seat
useful to researchers can be pattern (cross-pleating only), in
retrieved from accident vehicles. Black/Black, Basalt Gray/
Flannel Gray, Dark Beige/Beige
Options & accessories II and Basalt Gray/Stone Green
(4 colors vs. the standard
Factory-installed options choice of 5, omitting the Dark
Sport Package Blue/Natural Brown combina-
(optional 745 models, not avail- tion). Sport Package interiors
able 760Li) are coded “V” (standard: “U”).
Newly available (as of 3/03 The Sport Package is not avail-
production) in the 745i and 745Li, able in combination with –
the Sport Package is sure to be • Adaptive Ride Package
a popular option. It consists of: • Cold Weather Package
• Sport suspension – firmer • Luxury Seating Package
springs and shock absorbers, • Heated steering wheel
lowered by 15 mm/0.6 in. With • High-gloss wood trim in light
the standard Active Roll color
Stabilization already providing • Front Comfort seats
ultra-flat cornering, this cali- • Run-flat tires
bration achieves an even more – and only with the following
amazing level of agility and exterior colors –
cornering prowess. • Alpine White, Jet Black,

7 Series
• 19-in. wheels with performance Titanium Silver, Sterling Gray,
tires – with differentiated front/ Black Sapphire, Toledo Blue
rear sizes. Though sized like and Titanium Gray.
those that continue to be
Adaptive Ride Package
available as a stand-alone
(optional 745 models, standard
option, they are of a new and
even sportier design: V Spoke
In standard 745i/Li form, The New
(#126M, the “M” referring to
7’s combination of ride and han-
BMW M). The wheel sizes are
dling is already nothing short of
19 x 9.0 front/19 x 10.0 rear,
amazing. As the Robb Report put
carrying 245/45R-19 front /
it in February ’02, “Befitting a
275/40R-19 rear W-rated
BMW, the new 745i quickly reveals
performance tires.
itself as perhaps the world’s finest-
• High-gloss Satin Chrome
handling full-size sedan, thanks to
exterior trim around the side
an all-new, light-alloy suspension
windows. On the 745Li, the
system and standard Active Roll
standard chrome roof moldings
Stabilization (ARS).” Yet this
are deleted.
• Sport steering wheel – with 3
spokes instead of the standard 8 – And an accident truly is a “sequence,”
4, but with a large center hub not just the crash-bump heard and felt
that accommodates all the by the human ear and body. All
progress in making motor vehicles
multi-function controls. safer in crash impacts has been facili-
• Sport front seats – with 12-way tated by an increasing understanding
+ 4-way lumbar (16-way) of what happens during the crash, i.e.
power adjustment, including the millisecond-by-millisecond transfer
of the vehicle’s kinetic energy through
thigh support. the vehicle body as it absorbs and
manages that energy.

7 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 7 Series models offer the following features:

Package adds still greater road “The new 7 Series is transformed

capabilities. It consists of two from a polite Autobahn cruiser to
highly sophisticated systems: a hot-blooded curve conqueror.”
Electronic Damping Control. Now A user’s preferred EDC setting
in “stepless” form, EDC controls can be captured in his or her
the shock absorbers to any level Key Memory settings.
of firmness between their softest Self-leveling rear suspension
and firmest settings, more precise- with air springs. The E65’s
ly adapting their firmness to the self-leveling system is completely
conditions at hand than did the new. Air springs replace the
previous 7 Series’ 3-stage system: standard rear coil springs; the
• Ride firmness is always at the self-leveling effect is achieved by
optimum level for the current an electrically powered air com-
road conditions, vehicle speed pressor and ride-height sensors
and the load the vehicle is carry- that recognize changes in vehicle
ing (passengers and luggage). loading. Whenever the sensors
• On smooth roads, the shock detect a longer-term change in
absorbers are kept “soft” for ride height at the rear (as when a
best riding comfort. full passenger load is aboard or
• When the vehicle is rounding a heavy loads are carried in the
sharp corner or curve, the shock trunk), the air pressure is
absorbers are automatically increased to bring the vehicle
and instantly adjusted to a back to its normal attitude.
firmer, just-right level.
Self-leveling rear suspension has
7 Series

• When the vehicle encounters

the following advantages:
any irregular road surface, the
• Maintains full ground clearance
shocks automatically and
and headlight aiming regardless
instantly adjust to the optimum
of vehicle load
level of firmness to control ride
• Preserves the designed
motions, preserve riding
aerodynamic characteristics
comfort and maintain adhesion
regardless of vehicle load
to the road.
• Helps keep rear tire wear
• Additionally, there is (as before)
within normal bounds
a Sport setting via a console
• Preserves ride and handling
switch that increases firmness
qualities even when vehicle is
under all conditions for a
fully loaded.
sportier driving feel.
Luxury Seating Package
According to BMW Engineering,
(optional 745 models, standard
the new EDC is “dramatically
better” at combining firm handling
This Package brings together
with a high level of riding comfort.
the enhanced front Comfort
In particular, the Sport mode is
seats; the familiar (and highly
more sophisticated: EDC now
appealing) Active Seats feature;
varies the shock absorbers
and the new Active Ventilation
according to conditions (like the
feature. As the front Comfort
Normal mode) but always keeps
seats are standard in the 745Li,
them at a higher level of firmness
that model’s Package carries a
than does the Normal mode. Of
lower price than that for the 745i.
the new Sport setting, Germany’s
• Front Comfort seats. 20-way
auto motor und sport wrote,
power adjustment, including
articulated upper backrests,

thigh support and backrest left side of the steering column.
width, cushion angle on the Also available as stand-alone
passenger’s seat, and powered option in the 745 models.
fine adjustment of head-restraint • Heated front seats, as
height. These are described in described on page 66.
more detail on pages 65-66. • Heated rear seats.
• Active Support feature. • Ski bag for carrying skis
Described on page 66. “indoors.”
• Active Ventilation. Described As the Luxury Seating Package
on page 66. includes heated front and rear
• Heated front and rear seats, seats, the Cold Weather
with special front-seat features Package cannot be ordered in
described on pages 66-67. combination with it. Also not
The Luxury Seating Package available in combination with the
also cannot be ordered in com- Sport Package, or with any
bination with the Cold Weather stand-alone options that are part
Package, Sport Package, ski of the Package.
bag or stand-alone optional Premium Sound Package
heated front seats. (optional 745 models, standard
Convenience Package 760Li)
(optional 745 models, standard This Package encompasses the
760Li) audiophile-quality Logic 7 sound
This package consists of two system and an in-dash 6-disc
ultra-luxurious features: CD changer. It is described on

7 Series
• Soft-close doors. The user pages 68-69.
closes the door gently and the Active Cruise Control
electric mechanism then (optional all models)
draws it fully in. Easier, quieter Conventional cruise control remains
door closing is one benefit; standard and has special 7 Series
also, if the user fails to close features; see page 62. In addition
the door completely, the to the speed-maintaining, acceler-
mechanism takes over and ation and deceleration functions of
completes the job. Helps the standard cruise control, ACC
ensure perfect weathersealing. can adjust the BMW driver’s speed
• Automatic trunk opening/ according to traffic conditions.
closing. Trunk opening from
Employing a radar sensor at the
the remote or dash is standard.
front of the vehicle, ACC senses
This option adds power open-
the speed of vehicles traveling
ing and closing of the lid. To
ahead, and adjusts the BMW
close the lid, one presses a
driver’s speed to maintain a safe
button in the light strip across
following distance. Operation is
the trunklid; for safety reasons
as follows:
it cannot be closed remotely
or from inside the vehicle. When the road is clear, operation
is essentially as with standard
Cold Weather Package
7 Series cruise control, though
(optional 745 models, standard
with certain specific nuances
and without the programmable
This Package consists of four
• The current speed is captured
• Heated steering wheel.
by tipping the cruise-control
Controlled by a switch on the

7 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 7 Series models offer the following features:

stalk forward or rearward. to adjust speed quickly enough,

Thereafter, each time the stalk in which case the vehicle icon
is tipped forward or rearward, is surrounded by a blinking
the set speed is increased or triangular warning signal indicat-
decreased by 5 mph. ing that the driver should take
• The driver can also adjust the evasive action. ACC does not
set speed (upward only) in react to stationary vehicles or
increments of 1 mph by other objects ahead.
pressing inward on the slider • When traffic ahead clears, ACC
button at the left end of the automatically resumes the
stalk. When cruise control has previously set cruising speed.
been cancelled (by braking, for ACC can also reduce vehicle
example), this button is used speed when a curve is entered
to resume. at too high a speed. However, the
• The set speed is indicated by system does not “look ahead” to
an arrow at the speedometer curves, so any such adjustment
scale and a digital display in occurs only after the curve is
the instrument’s center field. entered. In sharp curves, ACC
When traffic is encountered may react briefly to oncoming
ahead, ACC’s special capabilities vehicles; the driver can cancel
come into play: this action by stepping on the
• The driver can choose from 4 accelerator.
following distances by adjusting ACC is a technologically advanced
the rotary dial on the control driving enhancement – meaningful,
7 Series

stalk. Via four bars below the welcome and stress-reducing,

vehicle icon in the speedometer particularly in fast-moving yet
dial, the chosen following congested traffic. The buyer of a
distance is displayed briefly 7 Series vehicle so equipped
after selection (more bars = should be given a careful and
greater distance). thorough explanation of ACC’s
• When the radar sensor detects functions and benefits, and
a vehicle ahead, the “vehicle” should be advised to study the
icon in the speedometer dial system’s operation. The capabil-
illuminates. ACC adjusts the ities of ACC in no way relieve
BMW driver’s speed to the driver of the responsibility to
maintain the selected following devote full attention to driving,
distance. to traffic and to all aspects of
• In adjusting vehicle speed, ACC the driving environment!
may apply the brakes. It may
19-in. wheels with W-rated
also apply the brakes when
performance tires
the driver changes the set
(optional 745 models, standard
speed abruptly. If the brake
application causes DSC or
Wherever they appear, the 19-in.
ABS to activate, a specific
wheels and tires are in differenti-
warning indicator in the dial
ated front/rear sizes: 19 x 9.0
face illuminates.
front/19 x 10.0 rear, with
• When a vehicle pulls into the
245/45R-19 front / 275/40R-19
BMW driver’s lane, ACC recog-
rear W-rated performance tires.
nizes that vehicle only when it
As a stand-alone option for the
has fully moved into the lane. If
745 models, the wheels are in
the vehicle cuts suddenly into
Star Spoke design #95.
the lane, ACC may not be able

18-in. run-flat wheels and tires Heated front seats
with Flat Tire Monitor (optional 745 models, standard
(optional at no extra cost, all 760Li)
models) Though included in the Luxury
This new-for’03 option includes Seating and Cold Weather
18-in. Multi-Spoke wheels Packages, heated front seats are
(design #94) with run-flat rim also available as a stand-alone
design and run-flat all-season option. The balance control,
tires. As a running change, the adjusting relative heat between
Flat Tire Monitor (see BMW the cushion and backrest via the
features) is now included in the iDrive monitor, is included in the
option. stand-alone option as well.
Park Distance Control Cassette player
(optional 745 models, standard (no-cost option, all models)
760Li) A cassette player may be
PDC employs four ultrasonic substituted for the standard
sensors each in the front and in-dash single-disc CD player at
rear bumpers to warn the driver no extra cost.
when the vehicle is approaching Rear Comfort seats with
obstacles that may not be visible Active Ventilation
to the driver. The front sensors (optional 745Li, standard 760Li,
cause a higher-pitched tone that not available 745i)
emanates from the front of the This option brings most benefits
cabin; the rear ones trigger a of the front Comfort seats to rear

7 Series
lower-pitched tone at the rear. passengers, and is enhanced for
A significant 7 Series enhance- ’03 by the addition of Active
ment is a plan-view vehicle Ventilation. The outboard rear
diagram in the iDrive monitor, seats are configured as individual
which graphically and colorfully seats with the following
depicts the obstacle’s location adjustments:
relative to the vehicle. • Fore-aft, 100 mm/3.9 in.
Heated steering wheel • Cushion angle, adjustment
(optional 745 models, standard range 6.2˚.
760Li) • Backrest angle, from 2˚ in
Though included in the Cold upright “work” position to 6˚ in
Weather Package, the heated “recline” position; with the seat
steering wheel is also available in its fully forward position, the
as a stand-alone option. It is backrest can be leaned back a
controlled by a button on the left further 9˚.
side of the steering column. In • Angle of upper backrest, 20˚
745 models, this option requires adjustment range.
heated front seats or Luxury • Firmness of lumbar support.
Seating Package. • Height of lumbar support.
• Head-restraint height, 65-mm/
Front Comfort seats
2.6-in. adjustment range; also,
(stand-alone option, 745i only;
the head restraint rises auto-
standard 745Li & 760Li)
matically to its preset position
Described in detail on pages
when an occupant sits in the
65-66, these seats incorporate
seat and retracts when the
20-way power adjustment and
seat is not occupied.
memory for both driver and

7 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 7 Series models offer the following features:

These are thus 14-way power • In each rear door are switches
seats (10-way + 4-way lumbar). for the rear-window and both
As a convenience bonus, the door-window shades, plus a
front passenger’s seat can be left/right switch so that either
adjusted from the right rear passenger can operate either
seat’s power controls by pressing set of door-window shades.
a switch for the purpose, and Also, rear passengers can
there is a switch that returns the raise or lower all shades at
rear Comfort Seat to its “home” once with a quick 1-touch of
or base position. Finally, like the their rear-shade switch.
front seats, the rear Comfort seats • A door shade will rise only if its
include a 2-position memory window is closed. If their switch
system. The center seat is fixed. is pressed while the window is
Included in this option are auto- down, the shades will start up,
matic safety-belt tensioners for then go back down.
the Comfort seats (not the middle • If the child safety switch is set,
seat). The belt receptacles move none of the shades will operate.
with the seat cushions, helping High-gloss Ash wood trim
occupants obtain optimum belt (optional 745 models, no extra
fit and effectiveness. cost)
Power rear/side sunshades As an alternative for the standard
(optional 745 models, standard matte-finish Dark Cherry, high-
760Li) gloss light or dark Ash trim is
This option includes power available. The optional wood
7 Series

shades for the rear window and includes an additional wood trim
rear door windows. Each rear strip just behind the rear seats;
door even gets two sunshades: its color is keyed to the interior
one for the movable window, color scheme. The light color is
one for the fixed rear quarter not available in combination with
glass. Controls for these five the Sport Package; the dark
shades are very sophisticated: color is not available with the
• The driver can raise or lower Dark Beige/Beige interior. (See
the rear-window shade by a exterior/interior color combina-
quick 1-touch of the single tions, page 322.)
switch on the driver’s door; if
the switch is held down, the
side shades join in the motion.

BMW Break-resistant Security snacks or sweets. Although its
Glass source of cold air is shared with
(optional all models) the rear climate control, it operates
The purpose of this special glass independently and is controlled
is to hinder or prevent theft via by an on/off switch below the
breaking windows or the moon- coolbox’s door; an LED indicator
roof. The side windows and illuminates when it is on.
moonroof have a specific glass/ Full 3-passenger rear seating is
polycarbonate layer construction retained. When in use, both units
that not only resists violent continue “on” when the engine is
impacts, but also – switched off for up to 15 minutes,
• Improves insulation from heat but default to “off” if the engine
and cold is switched off for longer periods
• Reduces the tendency to fog up of time.
• Adds protection from ultraviolet
Rear-seat side-impact airbags
(optional all models)
Rear climate control with Like the standard-equipment
coolbox front side-impact airbags, the
(optional 760Li only) rear ones are built into the doors.
This new and exclusive 760Li Now that the front and rear Head
option includes two ultra-luxurious Protection System is standard,
features: this option includes only the rear
Rear climate control. Regulated door airbags.
by separate left/right controls in Ski bag

7 Series
the rear ceiling, this unit delivers (optional 745 models, standard
cooled air via ducts in the 760Li)
C-pillars to left and right outlets. Though included in the Cold
Coolbox. Accessible when the Weather Package, the ski bag is
center rear armrest is folded also available as a stand-alone
down, the coolbox offers space option.
for two sizable bottles and some

7 Series specific features by model
This information helps position and distinguish the models in the Series.

745i Standard Comfort front seats

Compared to the 745i’s standard
4.4-liter DOHC (4-cam) 32-valve
front seats, the 745Li’s standard
V-8 engine with Valvetronic
Comfort seats add –
and Double VANOS)
• Cushion-angle adjustment on
As described on pages 51-54.
the passenger’s seat
“Regular” wheelbase • Articulated upper backrest,
The 745i is built on the “regular” power-adjustable separately
117.7-in. wheelbase. While from overall backrest angle
offering the same front-seat and • Adjustable thigh support
trunk space as in the longer- • Adjustable backrest width
wheelbase 745Li and 760Li, the • Power fine adjustment of head-
745i is more compact and restraint height, vs. manual
maneuverable, and can be • Memory for passenger’s seat
offered at a lower price. • Active head restraints.
Standard power front seats Because these seats are
The 745i’s standard front seats standard, the 745Li’s Luxury
have 14-way power adjustment Seating Package carries a lower
of the driver’s seat, 12-way for price than that for the 745i.
the passenger’s seat; the driver’s
extra adjustment is for cushion 760Li
angle. Both include 4-way power 6.0-liter DOHC (4-cam) 48-valve
lumbar support. The 20-way V-12 engine with direct fuel
Comfort front seats that are injection, Valvetronic and
7 Series

standard in the 745Li are available Double VANOS

two ways in the 745i: as part of This ultimate automobile engine
the Luxury Seating Package or is described on pages 54-55.
as a stand-alone option.
Long wheelbase
745Li The 760Li rides on the same
long wheelbase as the 745Li.
In addition to or in place of the
features listed for the 745i, the Standard self-leveling rear
745Li offers: suspension and Electronic
Damping Control
Long wheelbase
These two premium suspension
At 123.2 in., the 745Li’s wheel-
features, offered as the Adaptive
base is 5.5 in. longer than that of
Ride Package on the 745 models,
the 745i. This is reflected in 6.2
are standard on the 760Li. For
in. of additional rear leg room –
details see pages 73-74.
the slightly smaller increment of
leg room being due to the 745Li’s Unique wheels and tires
standard Comfort front seats. Except for the run-flat option,
which is identical on all models,
The 745Li’s turning circle is larger
all 760Li wheel designs are
than that of the 745i: 41.3 ft., vs.
different from those on the 745
39.7 ft.; at 4464 lb., the 745Li
models, and 19-in. wheels/tires
weighs 88 lb. more than the 745i.
with differentiated front/rear
Distinctive exterior details sizes are standard on the 760Li,
Chrome roof moldings and vs. optional on the 745s:
discreet chrome framing of front • Standard 19-in. wheels – Star
and rear bumper sections help Spoke design (#89). On the
distinguish the 745Li from the 745s, 19-in. Star Spoke #95

wheels are a stand-alone option Standard heated front and
and a new 19-in. V Spoke rear seats
design (#126M) comes with Variously available in the 745
their Sport Package. models as a stand-alone option
• Available 18-in. wheels with (front) or in Packages (front and
all-season tires – This no-cost rear), heated front and rear seats
option is equivalent to the are standard in the 760Li, includ-
745s’ standard equipment, ing the unique iDrive balance
except that the Star Spoke control for the front ones.
design (#91) is exclusive to the Standard Logic 7 audio system
760Li, and is forged (instead This state-of-the-art, audiophile-
of cast) alloy. quality system, optional in both
Distinctive exterior details 745 models, is standard, as is
In addition to its specific wheel the 6-disc in-dash CD changer.
sizes and designs, the 760Li is Unique wood trim
further distinguished by – High-gloss Ash wood trim,
• Grille surrounds wider at top consisting of two colors (both
• Roof trim moldings as on 745Li relatively dark) plus inlays sepa-
• Chrome bumper framing as on rating the two colors, sets the
745Li top 7 Series model apart from
• “V12” logo on front side panels its stablemates. Additional wood
• High-gloss black finish on (over the 745Li) appears as
exterior mirrors’ edging, mirror described below.
triangles, B-pillars and rear-door
Other unique interior details

7 Series
window dividers (745 models:
In addition to those already
matte black).
described, further elegant details
Standard soft-close doors and distinguish the 760Li interior
automatic trunk opening/closing from that of its V-8 counterparts:
These two ultra-luxury features, • Illuminated “V12” door-entry
included in the 745i/Li Conve- trim
nience Package, are standard. • Alcantara headliner and sun
Standard power rear/side visors
sunshades • Leather trim on instrument
These fully powered features are panel
optional in the 745 models and • Leather bag for vehicle
standard in the 760Li. documents
Standard Active Ventilation • Four foldable roof grab
and Active Support front-seat handles with wood trim
features • Rear sides of front-seat back-
Described on page 66 and rests in leather, with folding
included in the 745 models’ pockets and wood trim
Luxury Seating Package, these • BMW Ambiance Lighting on
ultimate comfort features are C-pillars
standard in the 760Li. • Matte-finish metal trim on
trunk’s loading ledge.
Standard ski bag
Available in the 745s as part of Available rear climate control
the Cold Weather Package or a and coolbox
stand-alone option; standard in Offered only in the 760Li, this
the 760Li. option is yet another indicator of
the model’s ultimate luxury status.
It is described on page 79.

Standard & optional features
2003 7 Series
Bold within table indicates new feature for 2003.
Performance & efficiency
4.4-liter DOHC (4-cam) 32-valve V-8 engine
6.0-liter DOHC (4-cam) 48-valve V-12 engine
Engine features:
Direct fuel injection
Valvetronic system
Steplessly variable intake system
Double VANOS 1 steplessly variable
valve timing
Aluminum block & cylinder heads
Electronically controlled engine cooling (map cooling)
Digital Motor Electronics engine-management system with adaptive
knock control
6-speed STEPTRONIC 2 automatic transmission with:
Adaptive Transmission Control (ATC)
Electric selectors
Steering-wheel downshift & upshift controls 2
Selectable Sport & Manual modes 2
Mechatronic internal controls
Liquid-cooled alternator
7 Series

Handling, ride & braking

Aluminum double-pivot strut-type front suspension
Aluminum 4-link integral rear suspension
Aluminum front & rear subframes
Active Roll Stabilization (ARS) front & rear
Twin-tube gas-pressure shock absorbers
Self-leveling rear suspension with air springs
Electronic Damping Control, stepless
Sport suspension calibration
Vehicle-speed-sensitive variable-assist, variable-ratio rack-and-pinion
power steering
4-wheel ventilated disc brakes with electronic brake proportioning
Electromechanical parking brake
Automatic Hold
Dynamic Stability Control (DSC), encompassing all-speed traction
control, Dynamic Traction Control, antilock braking (ABS), Dynamic
Brake Control & cornering/avoidance-stability enhancement
18 x 8.0 alloy wheels:
Double Spoke design #93, cast
Multi-Spoke design #94 for run-flat tires, cast
760Li Exclusive design #91, forged
1 – VANOS = VAriable NOckenwellen 2 – STEPTRONIC transmission standard on
Steuerung = variable camshaft control, all models as of 1/03 production.
or variable valve timing.

745i 745Li 760Li
S S –
– – S





7 Series
745i 745Li 760Li



S S –
S – Standard — – Not applicable
OPT – Optional ZAR – Adaptive Ride Package
NC – No extra cost ZSP – Sport Package (available as of 3/03
NA – Not available production)

Standard & optional features
2003 7 Series
Bold within table indicates new feature for 2003.
Handling, ride & braking (continued)
19 x 9.0 front / 19 x 10.0 forged-alloy wheels:
Star Spoke design #95
Star Spoke design #89
V Spoke design #126M
245/50R-18 V-rated all-season tires
245/50R-18 V-rated run-flat all-season tires & Flat Tire Monitor
245/45R-19 front / 275/40R-19 W-rated rear performance tires
Exterior & aerodynamics
Body-color bumpers with hydraulic energy absorbers & (front only)
compressible elements
Aluminum hood & front fenders
Bi-Xenon low & high beams in outer headlights with dynamic
Halogen ellipsoid front foglights
High-intensity headlight cleaning system
Adaptive brakelight system
Rain-sensing windshield wipers with:
Electronically controlled, reversible wiper motor
Wiping sweep regulated for optimum coverage 3
7 Series

Variable parking position to reduce blade wear

Articulated passenger-side wiper arm
Single-wipe control
Washer jets in wiper arms, heated fluid supply
Heated wiper parking area
Choice of standard or metallic paints
Illuminated exterior door handles & ground illumination
Park Distance Control with graphic display
Smooth underbody
Chrome roof moldings
Chrome bumper framing
V12 logo on front side panels
High-gloss black trim on exterior mirrors’ edging, mirror
triangles, B-pillars & rear-door window dividers
High-gloss Satin Chrome side-window trim
3 – Driver’s side only.
S – Standard
OPT – Optional
NC – No extra cost
NA – Not available
— – Not applicable
ZSP – Sport Package (available as of 3/03

745i 745Li 760Li

745i 745Li 760Li




7 Series


Standard & optional features
2003 7 Series
Bold within table indicates new feature for 2003.
Ergonomics, luxury & convenience
Vehicle & Key Memory
Keyless entry with multi-function remote control:
Selective unlocking
Remote trunk release
Soft-close doors
Illuminated “V12” door-entry trim
Dual power/heated auto-dimming outside mirrors
Automatic tilt-down of right outside mirror for visibility of curb when
backing up
BMW Universal Transceiver (garage-door opener), integrated into
rearview-mirror housing
Comprehensive interior lighting system, including:
Front & rear left/right reading lamps
Footwell lighting front & rear
Exit/entry lighting on interior door panels
BMW Ambiance Lighting – front, rear & door panels
– C-pillars
Illuminated visor vanity mirrors front & rear
Locking glove compartment with rechargeable take-out flashlight
Leather-wrapped power tilt/telescopic steering wheel with fingertip
7 Series

cruise, audio & phone controls, programmable control, auto

tilt-away for entry & exit
3-spoke sport steering wheel with same features as standard wheel
Heated steering wheel
14-way power driver’s/12-way passenger’s front seats (include
automatic head-restraint & safety-belt height adjustment, 4-way
lumbar support)
Memory system for driver’s seat, steering wheel, safety-belt height
& outside mirrors (2 positions)
20-way power front Comfort Seats, including articulated upper
backrests, passenger’s-seat memory, active head restraints with
adjustable side support
16-way power sport front seats
Active Support feature, front seats
Active Ventilation feature, front seats
3-stage heated front seats with fast heating & balance control
14-way power rear Comfort seats, including articulated upper
backrests, 4-way lumbar support, head-restraint height & auto
retraction, Active Ventilation
Heated rear seats
Climate-controlled front console compartment with coinholder,
trunk-release lockout, illumination & phone handset
4 – Selectable via Vehicle & Key Memory. S – Standard
OPT – Optional
NA – Not available
— – Not applicable

745i 745Li 760Li
S4 S4 S4




S S S 7 Series

S S –

S S –



ZCV – Convenience Package ZSP – Sport Package (available as of 3/03
ZCW – Cold Weather Package production)
ZLS – Luxury Seating Package

Standard & optional features
2003 7 Series
Bold within table indicates new feature for 2003.
Ergonomics, luxury & convenience (continued)
Electronic analog speedometer & tachometer
LCD main & trip odometers
Service Interval Indicator with miles-to- service readout 5
Expanded Check Control vehicle monitor system
iDrive system including:
Driving area –
Multi-function remote control
Start/stop button
Electric transmission selectors & shift buttons
Electric control stalks
LCD displays & warning indicators in dial faces
Electromechanical parking brake & Automatic Hold
Programmable cruise control
Active Cruise Control
Comfort, convenience & choices area (monitor & controller) –
BMW Assist/Emergency functions
Communications/phone functions
Vehicle functions (maintenance, monitoring, Onboard Computer)
GPS Navigation
Help screen
7 Series

Entertainment functions (audio system)

Climate-control functions
Nasca leather upholstery with microperforated seating surfaces
Additional leather trim on instrument panel, rear sides of
front-seat backrests
Matte-finish Black Cherry wood trim, light or dark 6
High-gloss Ash wood trim, light or dark 7
High-gloss Ash wood trim with inlays, extended application
Alcantara headliner & sun visors
Power windows with key-off operation, 1-touch open/close
Automatic climate control with full separate left/right controls, solar
sensor, automatic recirculation, heat-at-rest feature, left/right
temperature-controlled rear outlets, automatic ventilation
Rear climate control & coolbox
Activated-charcoal microfilter ventilation
Power 2-way moonroof with key-off & 1-touch operation, conceal
panel & wind deflector
Window & moonroof opening possible from remote control
5 – Additional functions accessible through 7 – Light wood with Beige interior; dark
iDrive system. wood with all other interior colors.
6 – Light wood with Beige, Flannel Gray,
Natural Brown & Stone Green interiors;
dark wood with Black interior.

745i 745Li 760Li



7 Series

S S –


S – Standard NA – Not available
OPT – Optional — – Not applicable
NC – No extra cost

Standard & optional features
2003 7 Series
Bold within table indicates new feature for 2003.
Ergonomics, luxury & convenience (continued)
AM/FM stereo radio/CD audio system with 10 speakers, Radio Data
System (RDS), in-dash single-disc CD player & FM diversity
antenna system; includes 2 subwoofers
Logic 7 audio system with 13 speakers, Digital Sound Processing &
6-disc in-dash CD changer; includes 2 subwoofers, upgraded
componentry throughout & all features of standard system
BMW Cellular Phone System, portable with digital-analog operation,
Telecommander & Voice Activation
Power outlet in passenger’s-side footwell area
Dual cupholders front & rear
Rear center armrest with storage compartment
Power rear-window & rear door sunshades with driver &
rear-passenger controls
Ski bag
Fully finished trunk with space for 4 golfbags, release inside trunk
Automatic trunk opening & closing
Safety & security
Dual front-impact airbag Supplementary Restraint System (SRS)
with dual-threshold deployment, 2-stage Smart Airbags
Front safety belts with automatic height adjustment, automatic
7 Series

tensioners & force limiters

Rear safety belts with automatic tensioners at outboard seating
Automatic-locking retractors (ALR) on all passenger safety belts
(for installation of child restraint seats)
Front- & rear-seat Head Protection System (AHPS II)
Front-seat side-impact airbags
Active Knee Protection
Rear-seat side-impact airbags
Active front head restraints
Intelligent Safety & Information System (ISIS) for deployment of
safety systems
Battery Safety Terminal
Automatic fuel-pump shutoff upon severe accident impact
Central locking system with double-lock anti-theft feature, selective
Coded Driveaway Protection
Pathway Lighting feature
Alarm system with operation from remote, interior motion detector
BMW Break-resistant Security Glass
4 – Selectable via Vehicle & Key Memory. 9 – Vehicle delivered from factory with rear
8 – Included in optional rear Comfort side-impact airbags de-activated.

745i 745Li 760Li

S S –



745i 745Li 760Li


7 Series




S4 S4 S4
S – Standard ZCW – Cold Weather Package
OPT – Optional ZLS – Luxury Seating Package
ZCV – Convenience Package ZPS – Premium Sound Package

2003 7 Series
Bold within table indicates new specification for 2003.
Curb weight, lb.
Weight distribution, front/rear, %
Wheelbase, in.
Track, front/rear, in.
Length, in .
Width, in.
Height, in.
Seating capacity, persons
Shoulder room, front/rear, in.
Head room, front/rear, in.
Leg room, front/rear, in.
EPA interior volume, cu ft.
EPA cargo volume, cu ft.
Aerodynamic drag coefficient (CD)
EPA size classification
7 Series

Engine & electrical

Engine type

Cylinder block & heads

Bore x stroke, mm/in.

Displacement, cc/cu in.

Compression ratio
Power @ rpm, hp
Torque @ rpm, lb-ft.
Engine-management system
Fuel requirement
Fuel capacity, U.S. gal.
Battery capacity, amp-hr.
Alternator output, amp./W
1 – Specification applies to 745Li & 760Li. 4 – Optional rear climate control & coolbox
2 – Specification applies to all models. reduce cargo volume.
3 – Specification applies to 745i & 745Li.

745i 745Li 760Li
4376 4464 4872
50.4/49.6 50.6/49.4 51.6/48.4
117.7 123.2 1
198.0 203.5 1
74.9 2
58.7 2
745i 745Li 760Li
59.3/58.7 59.3/58.9 1
39.2/38.5 2
41.3/37.2 41.3/43.4 1
104.0 111.0 1
18.0 3 18.0 4
745i 745Li 760Li
4-door sedan 2
0.29 2
Large 2
745i 745Li 760Li 7 Series
DOHC 32-valve (4-cam) V-8, Valvetronic DOHC 48-valve
variable valve lift & Double VANOS 5 steplessly (4-cam) V-12,
variable intake- & exhaust-valve timing 3 direct fuel injec-
tion, Valvetronic
variable valve lift &
Double VANOS 5
steplessly variable
intake- & exhaust-
valve timing
Aluminum 2
92.0 x 82.7/3.62 x 3.26 3 89.0 x 80.0 /
3.50 x 3.15
4398/268 3
10.5:1 3 11.3:1
325 @ 6100 438 @ 6000
330 @ 3600 444 @ 3950
Motronic ME9 3 Motronic MED9
Premium unleaded 2
23.3 2
110 2
180/2520 2
5 – VANOS = VAriable NOckenwellen
Steuerung = variable camshaft control,
or variable valve timing.

2003 7 Series
Bold within table indicates new specification for 2003.
Drive system
Automatic transmission
Ratios: 1st
Final drive ratio
Body/frame construction
Front suspension

Rear suspension
7 Series

Steering type
Overall ratio
Turns lock-to-lock
Turning circle, ft.
4-wheel ventilated disc brakes:
Front discs, diameter x thickness, mm/in.
Rear discs, diameter x thickness, mm/in.
Wheels: standard


Tires: standard


Stability-enhancement system

1 – Specification applies to 745Li & 760Li. 3 – Specification applies to 745i & 745Li.
2 – Specification applies to all models. ZAR – Adaptive Ride Package

745i 745Li 760Li
Front engine/rear drive 2
ZF 6HP26, 6-speed 2
4.17:1 2
2.34:1 2
1.52:1 2
1.14:1 2
0.87:1 2
0.69:1 2
3.40:1 2
3.38:1 3 3.15:1
745i 745Li 760LI
Unitized all-steel structure with aluminum hood & front fenders 2
Strut-type in aluminum; double-pivot lower arms, coil springs,
twin-tube gas-pressure shock absorbers, Active Roll Stabilization;
aluminum subframe 2 (745i/Li w/ZAR, 760Li std.: Electronic Damping
Control) (745i/Li w/ZSP: sport suspension calibration)
4-link Integral suspension in aluminum, coil springs, twin-tube
gas-pressure shock absorbers, Active Roll Stabilization; aluminum
subframe 2 (745i/Li w/ZAR, 760Li std.: Electronic Damping Control,
self-leveling air springs) (745i/Li w/ZSP: sport suspension

7 Series
Rack & pinion, vehicle-speed-sensitive power assist 2
Variable; mean ratio is 13.1:1
3.07 2
39.7 1 41.3 1

348 x 30/13.7 x 1.18 2

345 x 24/13.6 x 0.94 2
Vacuum 2
Cast alloy, 18 x 8.0 3 Cast alloy,
19 x 9.0 front/
19 x 10.0 rear
Cast alloy, 18 x 8.0 for run-flat tires 3 Forged or cast
Forged alloy, 19 x 9.0 front/19 x 10.0 rear 3 alloy, 18 x 8.0
245/50R-18 V-rated all-season 3 245/45R-19 F /
275/40R-19 R
W-rated perform.
245/50R-18 V-rated all-season run-flat 2
245/45R-19 front / 275/40R-19 rear 245/50R-18 V-
W-rated performance 3 rated all-season
Dynamic Stability Control (DSC), encompassing all-speed traction
control, Dynamic Traction Control, antilock braking (ABS), Dynamic
Brake Control & cornering/avoidance stability enhancement
ZSP – Sport Package (available as of 3/03

2003 7 Series
Bold within table indicates new specification for 2003.
Performance data
Acceleration, 0-60 mph, sec.
Top speed, mph
Fuel economy, EPA est. MPG, city/highway
2 – Specification applies to all models.
3 – Specification applies to 745i & 745Li.
6 – BMW NA, LLC test results. Actual
acceleration results may vary depending
on specification of vehicle; road and
environmental conditions; testing
procedures and driving style. These
results should be used for comparison
only, and verification should not be
attempted on public roads. BMW
urges you to obey all posted speed
limits and to please wear your safety
belt at all times.
7 Series

745i 745Li 760Li
5.9 6 6.0 6 5.4 6
150 (electronically limited) 2
18/26 3 15/23

7 Series

2003 5 Series:
More standard features for 525i/530i, new
Sport Packages for 540i models
The 5 Series has competitors represents quality and
today, but it is still the undisputed performance in the midsize
leader among midsize sport sedans lux/sport-sedan segment.”
and wagons – as the latest round • Once again, Car and Driver
of comparison tests confirms. has named the 5 Series to its
This is a segment that BMW 10Best list (January ’02). In
created, ‘way back in the 1960s explaining this virtually annual
before anyone else was thinking award to the Series, the mag-
about it. Since its European azine raved: “There’s a section
debut in 1972, the 5 Series has of road on our 10Best loop that
appeared in four generations. is heavily crowned and afflicted
The present generation, the E39, with a long series of severe
made its debut in 1997; in 2001, bumps on the right side of the
it received a subtle design fresh- lane. Even well above 70 mph,
ening and its 6-cylinder models the BMW 540, with its suspen-
were divided into two new engine sion pumping furiously, glided
sizes, 525 and 530. For 2003, over this jangling stretch as
the 6-cylinder models (525i and serenely as if it were on freshly
530i) get expanded standard rolled pavement.
equipment with minimal price “Yet a mile farther down the
increases, and the V-8 models road, when the pavement
(540i) are offered with exciting combines a diabolical series of
new Sport Packages. (See what’s lateral wiggles with a selection
new, page 100, for details.) of severe dips and humpback
Independent experts continue to rises, the 540 hunkered down,
confirm this Series’ leadership in planted its tires, and negotiated
its segment: the corners securely with no
• Declaring the 525i Sedan and extraneous body movements.
Sport Wagon “best luxury car “This combination of comfort,
under $40,000,” Automobile control, and capability is
Magazine (February 2002) unmatched in our experience.
explained, “Although the 525i is The available powertrains mirror
first in the 5 Series lineup, nothing this well-rounded capability.
at all about it feels entry-level. Both the six- and eight-cylinder
The magic of the 5 Series engines are noted for their vigor
5 Series

family – of every BMW product, and also for their velvety smooth-
perhaps – is that each variant ness and refined sounds. All
has a distinct and compelling these overachieving engines
personality. So choosing the are offered with manual or
525i, with its smaller engine, can automatic gearboxes.”
be justified by something greater “When you combine such
than its smaller price tag.” mechanical excellence with a
• “Still the textbook definition of luxury-laden cockpit, a beauti-
‘midsize sport sedan’“ is how fully finished interior, and time-
Motor Trend described the entire lessly beautiful styling, you can
5 Series in its “Pre-Owned” series see why the 5 Series remains our
on used cars in the February luxury sedan or wagon of
’02 issue. “Now in its fourth choice.”
generation…the 5 Series

• Naming the 540i Sedan winner For 2003, the Series continues
of a September 2001 compar- with five models:
ison test with Audi A8, Cadillac • 525i Sedan – “entry” 4-door
DTS, Infiniti Q45, Jaguar Sedan with 2.5-liter 6-cylinder
S-Type 4.0, Lexus GS 430 engine, the object of Automobile
and Mercedes-Benz E 430, Magazine’s” raves. Available
Car and Driver declared the with 5-speed manual or
V-8 540i “a perfect 10,” raving STEPTRONIC automatic trans-
about its “Dream Street mission, the 525i enables
powerplant” and “sensational BMW to compete effectively in
balance between handling and the midsize luxury segment
comfort.” that includes Audi A6, Lexus
• Also in September ’01, Motor GS 300, Saab 9-5 and Volvo
Trend compared the 540i S80 2.9.
Sedan with the Audi A6 4.2, • 525i Sport Wagon – 5-door
Lexus GS 430 and Mercedes wagon with same engine as
E 430 and declared BMW the 525i Sedan. Also available
winner: “If you’re in search of a with manual or automatic, an
satisfying, performance-flavored especially rare choice in luxury
do-it-all sport sedan, any or all wagons.
of these four belong on your • 530i Sedan – Distinguished
shopping list. And so far, the from the 525i by its larger
BMW 540i Sport remains at (3.0-liter) 6-cylinder engine,
the top of ours.” upgraded brakes and distinc-
• Looking at the other end of tive wheel design; its available
the 5 Series, Automobile Sport Package is somewhat
Magazine drove the 525i more extensive of the 525i
Sedan for its August ’01 issue models.
and described it this way: • 540i Sedan – 4-door Sedan
“Coupled with the STEPTRONIC with 4.4-liter V-8 engine. A
transmission, the 525i does brand-new and very extensive
not jump out of the gate, but Sport Package adds optional
power is strong at the engine’s spice for ’03. Equipment
upper reaches, providing ample configurations for the 5-speed
acceleration where it matters: automatic and 6-speed manual
merging into freeways…With versions continue to be suffi-
5 Series

the economy on a downward ciently distinct that they can

slope, the timing is perfect for a be considered two separate
less expensive 5 Series model.” models: 540i Sedan and 540i
• A publication that does not Sedan 6-Speed. The 6-speed
allow itself to be quoted model comes standard with
recently declared the 530i the most features of the new auto-
best car it had ever tested! matic model’s Sport Package.
If all this were claims coming • 540i Sport Wagon – 5-door
from BMW, we might be accused wagon with same engine as
of hyperbole. Fortunately, we 540i Sedan; 5-speed STEP-
don’t really need to make them: TRONIC automatic transmission
The independent experts simply only, with special performance
report the facts, and they sound features. Still one of the highest-
like advertising! performing, sportiest wagons
available in the U.S.

What’s new for 2003 • STEPTRONIC automatic trans-
All models mission with high-stall-speed
As of 9/02 production: torque converter
• Available BMW Onboard • Performance final drive ratio
Navigation System upgraded • M aerodynamic body com-
to DVD-based system; func- ponents (front and rear
tional improvements as well bumper/spoiler ensembles
As of 3/03 production: • Black body-side moldings
• Steel Blue and Toledo Blue • High-gloss Shadowline body
phased out, Orient Blue trim
phased in (all metallics) • Limited exterior color choice*
• Visible exhaust outlet*
525i Sedan
• M sport steering wheel
• New standard alloy wheel,
• Titanium-finish rings around
Radial Spoke design (#50)
• Power moonroof now standard;
• Anthracite-color headliner*
formerly optional
• Sport seats
• Rear Head Protection System
• M footrest for driver’s left foot*
(HPS) newly standard; formerly
optional (rear side-impact airbags 540i Sedan 6-Speed
remain optional) • Rear Head Protection System
• Rain-sensing windshield wipers (HPS) newly standard; formerly
and automatic headlight control optional (rear side-impact
added to Premium Package airbags remain optional)
• All new features of 540i Sedan
525i Sport Wagon
Sport Package standard on
• All 525i Sedan changes, except
this model
rear HPS not available
540i Sport Wagon
530i Sedan
• New Sport Package, as for
• Power moonroof now standard;
Sedan except:
formerly optional
• 17-in. Radial wheels (design
• Rear Head Protection System
#32), unchanged from ’02.
(HPS) newly standard; formerly
Wheel and tire sizes here
optional (rear side-impact
remain the same front and
airbags remain optional)
rear, as the sport wagon’s
540i Sedan bodywork does not allow the
• Rear Head Protection System wider rear sizes of the sedan.
5 Series

(HPS) newly standard; formerly • STEPTRONIC transmission

optional (rear side-impact with high-stall-speed torque
airbags remain optional) converter and performance
• New, more extensive Sport final drive ratio standard on
Package. Features with an this model
asterisk (*) are new for ’03:
• M sport suspension II*
• 18-in. M Parallel Spoke
wheels (design #37M) in
differentiated front/rear sizes
with 235/40 front / 265/35
rear performance tires*
(formerly 17-in. equipment)

5 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 5 Series models offer the following features:

Performance & efficiency enjoyed actively. In its September

’01 comparison test (where the
2.5-liter DOHC 24-valve inline
540i Sedan with Sport Package
6-cylinder engine
won over Audi, Cadillac, Infiniti,
(525i Sedan & Sport Wagon)
Jaguar, Lexus and Mercedes-Benz
As the smaller of two versions of
competitors), Car and Driver had
the new-generation M54 inline
this to say about its power and
6-cylinder engines, this 2.5-liter
sound: “Not only did the 540i
version helps position these
wax the competition at the drag
models at very appealing price
strip, but the visceral offerings
points. With 184 hp @ 6000 rpm
from its DOHC 32-valve V-8
and 175 lb-ft. of torque @ 3500
were positively spellbinding…”
rpm, the 2.5 engine propels the
The magazine measured 0-60
Sedan to 60 mph in 7.8 sec.
mph in 5.7 sec., quite a bit
with manual transmission, 8.3
quicker than BMW’s own official
sec. with automatic. The Sport
6.1-sec. data.
Wagon’s figures are 8.3 and 8.9
sec. EPA city/highway mileage This engine develops a hearty
ratings are – 290 hp @ 5400 rpm and robust
• 525i Sedan – manual 20/29, torque of 324 lb-ft. @ 3600 rpm.
automatic 20/28 As confirmed by Car and Driver
• 525i Sport Wagon – manual and other publications, both
19/26, automatic 19/26. 540i models offer class-leading
performance even if they no
For a detailed description of this
longer have the top on-paper
engine, see BMW features,
power ratings.
page 16.
Key engine features include:
3.0-liter DOHC 24-valve inline
• Aluminum cylinder block and
6-cylinder engine
heads, which reduce weight
(530i Sedan)
• Silicon-impregnated cylinder
Though identical to the 525i
walls, for excellent wear
engine in all its basic engineering
resistance and long life
features, the 530i engine employs
• Sintered connecting rods,
larger displacement to deliver
which do not require locating
22.3% more power and torque.
sleeves; lighter and more
With 225 hp @ 5900 rpm and
consistent in weight than
214 lb-ft. of torque at 3500 rpm,
conventional rods, helping
5 Series

it is one of the strongest engines

make the engine smoother.
in its class. 0-60-mph times are
• Hot-film air-mass measure-
6.8 sec. with manual transmission,
ment. A metal film on a ceramic
7.0 sec. with automatic. The 530i
substrate measures the mass
also achieves remarkable EPA
of air entering the engine so as
mileage ratings of 21/30 with
to regulate the fuel injection.
manual transmission, 19/27 with
Helps ensure precise fuel
delivery, excellent fuel efficiency
4.4-liter DOHC (4-cam) and low emissions.
32-valve V-8 engine • Fully electronic throttle
(540i Sedan & Sport Wagon) system. Similar in principle
All 540i models are powered by and operation to that of the
BMW’s superb 4.4-liter V-8 6-cylinder engines.
engine. It is smooth, powerful,
quiet – but not too quiet to be

5 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 5 Series models offer the following features:

• Thermoplastic intake manifold 5-speed automatic

– helps save weight, and has transmission
smoother air passages than a BMW teams a premium 5-speed
conventional aluminum mani- automatic transmission with every
fold, which improve airflow and 5 Series engine. The September
thus contribute to efficiency. ’01 Car and Driver comparison
• Electronically controlled engine test rated the 540i’s transmission
cooling, or “map cooling.” As a solid 10, vs. just 9 or 8 for the
on the 6-cylinder engines. other models’ automatics; and
• Double-wall exhaust tubing the August ’01 Automobile
from the engine to the catalytic Magazine article quoted earlier
converter. Improves heat praised the 525i’s STEPTRONIC
insulation, helping the two automatic too.
pre-catalyst oxygen sensors Three transmission versions are
(there are also two sensors aft offered in 5 Series models:
of the catalytic converter)
540i Sedan, standard. The
reach operating temperature
Sport mode can be selected
quickly after a cold start for
manually by selecting 4 with the
effective emission control. Also
shift lever; pulling back further to
reduces underhood heat,
3 or 2 limits upshifts to 3rd or
making it easier on wiring and
2nd gear, respectively. In D,
electrical components.
Adaptive programming tracks
• Liquid-cooled alternator.
the driver’s actions and environ-
Compared to conventional
mental factors (slick roads, up-
air-cooled alternators, this
and downhill driving) and tailors
advanced version is more
shift programming accordingly.
compact, produces more
electrical power, and is fully 540i Sedan with Sport Package,
encapsulated so that it operates 540i Sport Wagon. STEPTRONIC
more quietly. Standard on all version, with Sport or Manual
BMW V-8 engines. Its output is mode selected by moving shift
a generous 150 amperes/2100 lever into 2nd (left-hand) gate.
watts; for comparison, the alter- Manual shifts then effected by
nator used in 525i/530i models “flicking” the lever forward for
is rated at 120 A/1680 W. downshifts, rearward for upshifts.
This transmission version also
Manual transmission
5 Series

includes a high-stall-speed torque

Few automobiles in the 5 Series’
converter, and is teamed with a
class offer a manual transmission.
“performance” final drive ratio of
BMW, honoring its rich heritage
3.15:1 (2.81:1 is standard on the
of sports sedans, offers a manual
non-Sport Package Sedan).
transmission in four of the five
5 Series models. In 525i and 525i Sedan and Sport Wagon,
530i models, it’s a 5-speed; in 530i Sedan. STEPTRONIC; func-
the 540i Sedan, it’s an even tionally similar to 540i models’
sportier 6-speed. Either way, the STEPTRONIC transmission, but
driver enjoys optimum gear actually a different unit that’s
ratios and precise shifting. tailored to the 6-cylinder engines.
Basic descriptions of BMW
5-speed automatic transmissions
are found in BMW features,
page 17.

Handling, ride & braking Aluminum front suspension
All 5 Series models have a refined
Ultra-rigid body structure
form of BMW’s unique double-pivot
The 5 Series body structure is
strut-type front suspension. Though
“typically BMW”: immensely solid
the system’s design is a major
and strong. To achieve excellent
factor in the outstanding handling
structural dynamics – a critical
– particularly in vehicle response
factor for riding comfort – BMW
to the steering wheel and stability
body engineers carefully tuned
in smooth-road cornering – the
the structure’s natural frequencies
materials of which it is made are
to 29 Hertz in torsion and 26
revolutionary, and beneficial to
Hertz in bending 1. These relatively
the customer in terms of:
high frequencies are an important
• Riding comfort, particularly on
indicator of the body’s great
rough road surfaces
resistance to unpleasant vibra-
• Handling, also particularly on
tions; the different frequencies
rough road surfaces
for torsion and bending help
• Fuel economy
ensure that the structure never
• Performance.
takes on “a life of its own” when
subjected to vibration influences. The front suspension system is
essentially all-aluminum, with the
Static rigidity, critical to a feeling
following major components made
of solidity and precise operation
of this weight-saving metal:
of the suspension system, is also
• Steering knuckles
impressively high. Taken together,
• Lower suspension arms 2
these factors – dynamic and static
• Strut tube
rigidity, plus the difference in
• Spring pad.
torsion and bending frequencies –
are essential elements of the Additionally, on 6-cylinder models
truly remarkable level of riding the front subframe, which carries
comfort and handling precision the entire suspension system and
the 5 Series achieves. As Road the engine, is made of weight-
& Track reported in a February saving aluminum. However, a
1998 comparison test with the major proportion of the weight
Cadillac STS, Lexus GS 400 and reduction is in components that
Mercedes E 430, “of our quartet, move up and down with the
the 540i [Sedan] handles like a wheels, or unsprung weight: the
unified piece of machinery. Twist ideal place to reduce weight, for
5 Series

the steering wheel, and the front this also improves the suspension’s
and rear suspension react in ability to respond to bumps and
perfect concert. The car moves other road irregularities. This is a
like an animal; it feels like a razor significant contribution to active
blade for fast driving with a handle driving safety, and does not
wrapped in leather and wood compromise passive safety in
trim – not a luxury car that’s any way.
been sent out for sharpening.” 1 – The description here applies to the
The masterful 5 Series body Sedan structure. That for the Sport
structure has everything to do Wagons is fundamentally similar,
except that wagons typically lose
with these qualities. some torsion rigidity relative to their
The body structure also enhances Sedan counterparts.
passive safety; for information on 2 – Each side has two lower control arms,
each with its own pivot points. These
its safety qualities, see safety & form BMW’s exclusive double-pivot
security. system.

5 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 5 Series models offer the following features:

Aluminum 4-link Integral rear modate a rack-and-pinion steering

suspension system, in itself a weight-saving
Essentially the same in concept factor. But this is no “ordinary”
and function as that in the 7 Series, rack-and-pinion system; rather, it
except that it does not have that has a variable ratio (not to be
Series’ Active Roll Stabilization, confused with variable assist,
the 5 Series rear suspension is a which all current BMW power-
multi-link system with 4 links per steering systems have). The
side, designed to control rear- rack’s teeth are profiled in such
wheel angles precisely. This sys- a way that the steering ratio
tem minimizes unwanted effects becomes quicker (that is, more
under load changes (such as steering effect for a given steering-
lifting off the gas while cornering) wheel motion) as the wheel is
and achieves a remarkably turned outward from the center
comfortable ride. position. The result is a fine-tuning
The aluminum construction not of steering response according
only saves weight overall, but (as to the situation one is in, be it on
with the front suspension) reduces a fast straightaway or maneuver-
unsprung weight very significantly ing into a parking space.
to improve ride and handling, par- Aside from this specific variable-
ticularly on rough road surfaces. ratio feature, the fundamental
Aluminum components include: argument for rack-and-pinion
• All links of the 4-link system steering is that it virtually elimi-
• Shock-absorber tubes nates any slack or “free play” at
• Spring pads the steering’s center position,
• Subframe. enhancing steering precision.
The subframe, which carries the Front suspension and
entire rear suspension system recirculating-ball steering
and final drive (differential), is (V-8 models)
mounted to the main structure 540i models have their own
with four large rubber bushings distinct front subframe, suspen-
which help absorb road shocks. sion system and steering. They
The final drive unit is mounted to have a recirculating-ball steering
the subframe through its own mechanism, which uses a gear-
rubber bushings. Thus with two box with ball bearings (instead of
stages of vibration and noise a rack and pinion) to translate
5 Series

absorption between it and the steering-wheel motion to the front

body, the differential is acousti- wheels. This system transmits
cally decoupled from the body, less road shock back to the
reducing any gear noise to a steering wheel, and is thus more
minimum inside the car. “luxurious.” The recirculating-ball
Front suspension and mechanism is also heavier, and
rack-and-pinion steering in some competitive systems it
(6-cylinder models) has allowed a small amount of
There are significant differences free play at the center steering
in the front suspension and steer- position. But the 540i models’
ing system between the 6-cylinder steering mechanism is refined to
and V-8 5 Series models. reduce this free play to a mini-
mum. This system is truly “the
The 525i/530i models’ front
best of both worlds.”
suspension is laid out to accom-

Altogether, an amazing ventilated discs of 12.8-in.
suspension system diameter at the front (iron calipers
The 5 Series is alone among here). Rear brakes are the same
normal production automobiles as on the 525i models.
in having a suspension system Wheels and tires:
so extensively made of aluminum. many choices for handling
In the Audi A8, an aluminum and design
body shell saves weight, and Some of the many choices of
since its model-year 2000 facelift wheel sizes and designs have
the A8 now has more aluminum changed for ’03. Wheel and tire
in its suspension. But road tests equipment is as follows:
reveal that the A8 still lacks the
525i models. A new standard
supple suspension behavior of
Radial Spoke design (#50) now
the 5 Series, mainly because its
graces both 525i models. These
suspension travel is limited by its
relatively open, straight-spoked
front-wheel-drive components.
wheels are sized 16 x 7.0 and
(Current A8s have all-wheel drive,
carry 225/55R-16 H-rated
but their basis is still a front-drive
all-season tires.
530i Sedan. Elegant, open-look
The overall benefit of the 5 Series’
Parallel Spoke wheels (design
complete suspension system is
#82) are standard; wheel and tire
an absolutely amazing combina-
sizes are the same as on the
tion of precise, agile handling
525i models.
and a controlled, comfortable ride.
“Most important,” wrote Car and 525i models with Sport Pack-
Driver in naming the 5 Series to age. A Star Spoke wheel design
its 10Best list in January 2000, (#81), in 17 x 8.0 size, carries
“is the superb chassis that not 235/45R-17 W-rated performance
only delivers what many of us tires .
regard to be the world’s finest 530i Sedan with Sport Package.
ride but also provides grip and Ultra-sporty bolted 2-piece
precision that even sports-car Cross Spoke Composite II
aficionados find satisfying.” wheels (design #42) appear
Weight-saving 4-wheel here, in the same size and with
ventilated disc brakes the same performance tires as in
In the brake system, too, the 525i Sport Package.
5 Series

aluminum reduces both unsprung 540i Sedan and Sport Wagon.

and total vehicle weight. On 525i 16 x 7.0 wheels in a Radial Spoke
models, ventilated front brakes design (#48) carry 225/55R-16
of 11.7-in. diameter are acted H-rated all-season tires.
upon by aluminum calipers that 540i Sedan 6-Speed, 540i
are 25% lighter than comparable Sedan with Sport Package. The
cast-iron ones. At the rear, the wheels for these 540i versions
discs are also of 11.7-in. diameter are significantly upgraded for
and ventilated, though of slightly ’03, to 18-in. equipment. New M
less width, and have aluminum Parallel Spoke wheels (design
calipers. #37M, not the same as last
The 530i and 540i models’ brakes year’s stand-alone option) are
are upgraded appropriately for sized 18 x 8.0 front/
their higher performance, with 18 x 9.0 rear, and carry
235/40R-18 front / 265/35R-18

5 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 5 Series models offer the following features:

W-rated performance tires 3. • 530i and 540i Sport Packages

There is no longer a stand-alone and the 540i Sedan 6-Speed
option of M Parallel Spoke have Shadowline trim (matte-
wheels. black window frames and
540i Sport Wagon with Sport doorsill trim strips on 530i, high-
Package. Because the wagon’s gloss black on 540i models).
body does not accommodate • 525i and 530i models have
the wider rear size, this model’s black vertical grille slats, 540i
Sport Package continues with models chrome slats.
17 x 8.0 wheels all around, • 540i models add discreet
carrying 235/45R-17 W-rated chrome trim to the side
performance tires. The tastefully moldings, except 540i Sedan
aggressive Radial wheel design 6-Speed or when equipped
is unchanged for ’03. with Sport Package.
• Each model level (525i, 530i,
Exterior & aerodynamics 540i) is identified by a badge
The 5 Series look: on the trunklid or tailgate.
as only BMW can create The Sport Wagon
BMW’s mastery of the art of The Sport Wagon is the perfect
changing and progressing in companion to the Sedan design,
design without losing marque conceived in the BMW wagon
identity is one reason for the tradition to preserve the handling,
marque’s enduring image and maneuverability and visual appeal
prestige. When first introduced, of the 5 Series Sedan while
the current 5 Series illustrated adding valuable extra cargo
this mastery perfectly. At the space and versatility. From the
front, its dual grille openings are B-pillars rearward, the roofline,
integrated into the hood for a rear doors and rear quarters are
clean frontal appearance; the completely distinct, concluding in
four headlamps are under covers a gracefully angled rear window
for aerodynamic smoothness. that is part of a lift-up tailgate
Free Form foglights, set into the but can also be opened sepa-
wide lower-front air intake, are rately. For details, see 5 Series
standard. In side view, the specific features by model.
proportions are subtly evolved. Aerodynamics
Everywhere, there is a feel of The front and rear bumpers are
5 Series

leanness, efficiency, no extrane- shaped to optimize aerodynamics;

ous bulk or shapes. so are the outside mirrors, and
From the outside, all 5 Series the underbody is engineered to
Sedan models look essentially be as smooth as possible. The
the same and have the same aerodynamic performance of the
dimensions, except as follows: 5 Series bodies reflects these
• Different wheel designs distin- features. The 6-cylinder Sedans’
guish the various models and coefficient of aerodynamic drag
Packages; see page 105 and (CD) is just 0.30; the 540i Sedan,
above. with its larger engine, cooling
• The 540i Sedan with manual system and wheels/tires, comes
transmission and all models with in at a very respectable 0.31.
Sport Package are lowered. For the 525i and 540i Sport
Wagons, the CD figures are 0.31
and 0.33.

Articulated right-side • “Premium,” standard in 540i
windshield wiper models and included in the
An articulated right-side wiper 525i/530i models’ Premium
increases the wiped area of the Package. Here an 8-function
windshield, contributing to the Onboard Computer is included
driver’s outward vision in in the Multi Information Display
inclement weather. in the center dash area (see
Ergonomics & luxury
Multi Information Display (MID)
Power tilt/telescopic steering In all models, a display in the
wheel with multi-function center dash area serves the
controls, automatic tilt-up audio system. As standard
& memory equipment in 540i models, and
All 5 Series models have a power part of the Premium Package for
tilt/telescopic steering wheel with 525i and 530i models, it becomes
3-position memory and automatic the Multi Information Display for
tilt-up for exiting and entering the the following additional features:
vehicle. For more on BMW’s • The 8-function “premium”
tilt/telescopic steering wheels, Onboard Computer
see BMW features, page 29. • Some BMW Cellular Phone
Two styles of steering wheel are System functions (system
available in the 5 Series: a BMW Center-installed).
4-spoke version, standard in all All 5 Series models with the MID
models except the 540i Sedan and Premium Onboard Computer
6-Speed; and the sport version. also include the “high” instrument
The sport 3-spoke M steering cluster with Check Control of
wheel is included with all Sport wider functional scope & alphanu-
Packages, and is standard in the meric display. When the vehicle
540i Sedan 6-Speed model. is so equipped, the optional BMW
Extensive 1-touch functions Onboard Navigation System
All four door windows have includes these and other functions.
1-touch opening and closing, with Power front seats
anti-trapping feature (if a window 10-way power front seats are
on its way up is obstructed, it standard in all models but the
automatically reverses motion). 540i Sedan 6-Speed, which
The available moonroof has
5 Series

comes standard with 12-way

1-touch opening and closing. power sport seats. The 10-way
Onboard Computer power seats include the following
The Onboard Computer appears adjustments:
in two forms in the 5 Series: • Fore-aft position
• “Basic” in 525i/530i models, • Front-of-cushion height
offering outside temperature, • Rear-of-cushion height
average fuel economy, expected • Backrest angle
range on remaining fuel, and • Head-restraint height.
average speed (readouts in
LCD in instrument cluster)

3 – Snow chains cannot be fitted to these

tires. Some loss in riding comfort
results. With different front/rear sizes,
the spare wheel and tire correspond to
the front wheels and tires.

5 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 5 Series models offer the following features:

Sport front seats are available as applied to dash, console and

follows: doors. On the instrument panel,
• standard in the 540i Sedan the wood panel conceals the
6-Speed tape deck and audio tone controls,
• as part of the Sport Package which are less frequently used
for all 525i and 530i models than the openly positioned main
and the 540i Sedan with auto- audio controls and displays.
matic transmission. In all versions, the steering-
These handsome, highly support- wheel rim, handbrake grip and
ive seats feature more prominent handbrake boot are leather-
side and backrest bolsters and covered. In versions with wood,
power-adjustable thigh support, the shift grip is trimmed in
in addition to the power adjust- leather and wood.
ments given above. They are not Automatic climate control
available in combination with the with separate left/right
4-way power lumbar support temperature settings and
that is available as a stand-alone other special features
option for the 530i, 540i Sedan The 5 Series automatic climate-
and 540i Sport Wagon. control system includes individual
Memory system left/right temperature settings. The
This system captures three set temperatures are displayed
settings for the driver’s seat and in a central LCD; fingertip-touch
safety-belt height, the tilt/tele- controls allow users to select
scopic steering wheel and the automatic control of the system,
outside mirrors. or to select air distribution and
Interior trim levels volume manually.
In base 525i and 530i models, Automatic recirculation control
seats and door trim are in is included. This function recog-
leatherette; there are color-keyed nizes a high level of air pollution
high-gloss trim panels on the outside, and automatically
instrument panel, doors and center switches to recirculating air –
console (in Sand or Black for although it is also possible to
corresponding upholstery colors). select “recirc” manually via the
The 525i/530i Premium Package climate-control panel or a control
includes an interior trimmed in on the steering wheel 4. Another
5 Series

BMW’s rich Montana leather, important refinement is twin

with gathered surfaces on the activated-charcoal microfilters
seats and door inserts, and that significantly reduce air pollu-
Vavona redwood. In 540i models, tants and odors entering the
the standard leather trim is the cabin. Positioned at the cowl air
same, but the wood is high-gloss intakes, these filters are easily
burl walnut. accessible for periodic replace-
ment from under the hood. A
When leather is ordered as a
solar sensor enhances the
stand-alone option for the 525i
system’s response to changing
and 530i models without the
sun conditions.
also available stand-alone wood
trim, the standard color-keyed Power 2-way moonroof
high-gloss trim is retained. When Now standard on all 5 Series
the vehicle is equipped with models, BMW’s moonroof is
wood trim, it is extensively described in detail under BMW
features on page 36.

Standard audio system 3-point safety belts and
Standard in all models is a 10- head restraints at all
speaker audio system; speakers seating positions
include two bass, two midrange, All three rear seating positions
two middle-high-frequency, two are equipped with 3-point belts;
tweeters, and two woofers. For all passenger belts (not the
excellent FM stereo reception, a driver’s) are also equipped with
4-channel diversity antenna automatic-locking retractors,
system is standard. The antenna which accommodate the fitting
circuits are glass-mounted: in the of child restraint seats. As the
rear window of sedans, in the front seats are adjusted fore and
left-rear quarter window of sport aft, the belts’ upper anchor point
wagons. For a description of the moves down or up to accommo-
available super-premium audio date shorter or taller occupants.
system, see options & In addition to automatic tensioners,
accessories. the 5 Series’ front safety belts
Dual cupholders front and rear also include force limiters. The
Dual front and rear cupholders rear seats are equipped with
are standard; the front ones, anchors for child-seat tethers.
which can be pulled out singly, Rear-seat Head Protection
are in the center console; the System (HPS)
rear ones are at the rear of the (standard all Sedans)
center console for convenient New for ’03 is standardization of
access by rear passengers. HPS airbags that deploy down-
Split folding rear seats ward over the C-pillars; these are
(standard Sport Wagons, not available in the Sport Wagons.
optional Sedans with leather Door-mounted rear side-impact
upholstery) airbags remain optional in all
The seats are split 1/3 – 2/3 and models, for reasons explained in
are lockable in the Sedans. A ski BMW features, page 42.
bag is included with the Sedan
Options & accessories
option. When the vehicle is
equipped with the folding seats, Factory-installed options
the front seats’ backrests contain
internal steel reinforcements to Premium Package
guard against objects that might (525i Sedan & Sport Wagon)
5 Series

race forward in a collision. (With Though less extensive than that for
or without the folding rear seats, the 530i, this Package upgrades
a fold-down rear center armrest the 525i models’ appearance and
is standard, and child restraint luxury significantly. It includes:
seats can be fitted.) • Leather upholstery. Rich
Montana leather on the seat-
Safety & security ing surfaces and doors. Also
All 5 Series models come available as a stand-alone
standard-equipped with a full option.
complement of BMW safety and • Vavona Redwood interior
security features. These are trim. This unusual and highly
described under BMW features; distinctive wood is applied
only those safety and security 4 – These controls not available with sport
features specific to the 5 Series steering wheel of 540i Sedan 6-Speed
and models with Sport Package; heated
are described here.
wheel requires Cold Weather Package.

5 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 5 Series models offer the following features:

generously to the instrument • Multi Information Display with

panel, doors, center console premium Onboard Computer.
and shift knob. As in 525i Premium Package.
• Rain-sensing windshield wipers, This Package brings 530i equip-
new for ’03. ment up to approximately the
• Automatic headlight control – same level of design appeal,
switches on headlights and luxury and convenience as the
related lighting according to standard-equipped 540i Sedan
ambient light conditions; also Automatic and 540i Sport
new for ’03. Wagon.
• BMW Universal Transceiver,
Sport Package
conveniently integrated into
(525i Sedan & sport wagon)
the control panel above the
Like these models’ Premium
Package, this Package is of
• Multi Information Display with
lesser extent than that for the
premium Onboard Computer.
530i, which helps keep 525i
8-function computer replaces
pricing competitive in its field.
standard 4-function type and
Yet the true essentials of a BMW
shares a Multi Information Display
Sport Package are there:
with the audio displays and
• BMW M sport suspension.
controls. The instrument cluster
Sharpens handling response
changes from “low” to “high”
and driving pleasure, while
and therefore matches that of
minimizing sacrifices in riding
the 540i models, with Check
comfort. Elements include:
Control of wider functional
• Firmer springs and shock
scope and alphanumeric display.
Premium Package • Specific anti-roll (stabilizer)
(530i Sedan) bars front and rear
This Package upgrades appear- • Lowered by 20 mm front/
ance, luxury and convenience 15 mm rear (overall height
aspects of the 530i, and 0.8 in. lower)
includes the following features: • Self-leveling rear suspension
• Leather upholstery. As described (Sport Wagon only).
for the 525i Premium Package. • 17-in. wheels and tires. 17 x 8.0
• Vavona Redwood interior Star Spoke design (#81) wheels
trim. As described for the 525i with 235/45R-17 W-rated
5 Series

Premium Package. performance tires 3 for top

• Auto-dimming inside rearview handling.
mirror. Electrochromic action • Power front sport seats.
automatically reduces glare 12-way power adjustment
from following vehicles. This is including power-adjustable
a feature that’s not available thigh support. Power lumbar
on the 525i models. support is not available with
• Rain-sensing windshield wipers. these seats.
• Automatic headlight control. • M sport steering wheel.
• BMW Universal Transceiver, Smaller in diameter than the
with its 3-function controls standard 4-spoke wheel (375
conveniently integrated into mm/14.8 in. vs. 385/15.2);
the roof above the windshield. 3-spoke configuration. Includes
most of the same multi-function
controls as the standard wheel.

• BMW M shift knob if vehicle is standard sport equipment, and
equipped with manual trans- adds performance-enhancing
mission. drivetrain features. For the 540i
This Package can be ordered Sport Wagon, the Package has
only in combination with leather less content because these
upholstery (stand-alone option drivetrain features are standard.
or Premium Package). Wheel-and-tire equipment also
differs between the two 540i
Sport Package
models’ Sport Package. Content
(530i Sedan)
is greatly expanded for ’03; new
This Package enhances the inher-
features are indicated by an
ent sportiness of the 530i in a major
asterisk (*):
way with the following features:
• M sport suspension II*. The
• BMW M sport suspension. As
latest refinement of the sport-
described for the 525i Sport
suspension concept described
for the 525i Sport Package.
• 17-in. wheels and tires. One
• 18-in. wheels and tires* (540i
of BMW’s sportiest wheel
Sedan). New in size and design:
designs, the Cross Spoke
M Parallel Spoke wheels (design
Composite II (design #42) with
#37M), 18 x 8.0 front/18 x 9.0
2-piece bolted construction;
rear with 235/40 front / 265/35
as on 525i models, mounting
rear W-rated performance
235/45R-17 W-rated perfor-
tires 3. Replacing the former
mance tires. 3
17-in. equipment, this bold
• Shadowline exterior trim.
new running gear approaches
Matte-black trim replaces
that of the M5.
chrome on side-window
• 17-in. wheels* and tires (540i
frames and doorsill trim strips.
Sport Wagon). Because the
A feature not available on 525i
sport wagon’s body does not
accommodate the larger
• M sport steering wheel, as in
wheel/tire sizes, it continues
525i Package.
with 17 x 8.0 wheels carrying
• Power front sport seats, as in
235/45R-17 W-rated perfor-
525i Package.
mance tires 3 all around. The
• BMW M shift knob if vehicle is
tastefully aggressive Radial
equipped with manual trans-
wheel design (which is not the
5 Series

same as the standard Radial

This Package can be ordered Spoke wheels) is unchanged
only in combination with leather for ’03.
upholstery (stand-alone option • STEPTRONIC automatic trans-
or Premium Package). mission. STEPTRONIC, included
Sport Package in this Package for the Sedan
(540i Sedan & Sport Wagon) and standard on the Sport
This Package, which comes in Wagon, combines the best of
two forms, aggressively enhances both worlds – manual and
the 540i models’ innate sporting automatic transmission.
qualities. In the case of the 540i
Sedan, it essentially brings the
automatic-equipped Sedan into 3 – Snow chains cannot be fitted to these
tires. Some loss in riding comfort
line with the 6-Speed model’s
results. With different front/rear sizes,
the spare wheel and tire correspond to
the front wheels and tires.

5 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 5 Series models offer the following features:

• Torque converter with higher 5-speed automatic

stall speed 5, for enhanced transmission
acceleration response. Included (optional 525i Sedan & Sport
in Package for Sedan, standard Wagon, 530i Sedan; standard
on Sport Wagon. 540i Sedan & 540i Sport Wagon)
• Shorter 6 final drive ratio In 525i and 530i models, where
(3.15:1, vs. standard 2.81:1), the automatic transmission is
also for enhanced acceleration. optional, it includes the STEP-
Included in Package for Sedan, TRONIC system of transmission
standard on Sport Wagon. control, which allows the driver
• M aerodynamic body compo- to control upshifts and down-
nents* – unique, sporty front shifts directly by flicking the lever
and rear bumper/spoiler rearward or forward. For details,
ensembles. please see page 17.
• Black body-side moldings in In the 540i Sedan, a non-
place of the standard body- STEPTRONIC transmission offers
color ones. a Sport mode and manual
• High-gloss Shadowline body selection of gears via selection
trim on side-window frames of the 4, 3 and 2 positions.
and doorsill trim strips. STEPTRONIC is included in the
• Limited exterior color choice*: 540i Sedan’s Sport Package.
Alpine White, Jet Black, Topaz The 540i Sport Wagon comes
Blue, Titanium Silver, Sterling standard with the STEPTRONIC
Gray, Black Sapphire and transmission.
Toledo Blue.
Self-leveling rear suspension
• Visible exhaust outlet*.
(optional 525i Sport Wagon,
• M sport steering wheel, as in
standard 540i Sport Wagon)
525i Sport Package.
The 5 Series Sport Wagons have
• Titanium-finish rings around
the same basic rear suspension
concept as the Sedans, but with
• Anthracite-color headliner*.
a specific configuration to enhance
• Sport seats, as in 525i Sport
their carrying capacity. They also
offer self-leveling air springs: as
• M footrest for driver’s left
part of the Sport Package or as
a stand-alone option on the 525i
Cold Weather Package Sport Wagon, standard on the
5 Series

(all models) 540i Sport Wagon.

The Package includes:
With this system, air springs
• 3-stage heated front seats
replace the rear coil springs; the
• High-intensity liquid headlight
self-leveling effect is achieved via
cleaning system. Activates
an electrically powered air
automatically every fifth time
compressor and ride-height
the windshield washers are
sensors that recognize changes
in vehicle loading. Whenever the
• Ski bag (Sport Wagons only).
sensors detect a longer-term
change in the ride height at the
rear (as when heavy loads are
carried in the cargo area), the
pressure in the rear air springs is
increased to bring the vehicle
back to its normal attitude.

Xenon low-beam headlights Super-premium audio system
(optional 525i & 530i models, (all models)
standard 540i models) This audiophile system features:
Xenon headlights produce an • Increased audio power
even brighter, more daylight-like • Dual-coil subwoofer(s)
illumination than BMW’s already • Digital Sound Processing (DSP).
powerful halogen low beams. The top-quality speaker system
Within the same basic projector includes two subwoofers in
configuration as ellipsoid lamps , Sedans and one band-pass sub-
a revolutionary bulb concept is woofer in Sport Wagons. Each
what makes the difference. subwoofer has dual voice coils, so
The 5 Series Xenon lights include each gets 2 amplification channels;
dynamic auto-leveling. Details thus Sedans have 14 channels,
on all BMW Xenon headlights can Sport Wagons 12. The total
be found under BMW features, number of speakers in Sedans is
pages 25-26. 12, in Sport Wagons 11.
Park Distance Control (PDC) The subwoofers are positioned
(all models) as follows:
Recently expanded on the 5 Series • Sedans – two, under rear
to include sensors at the front parcel shelf
and rear of the vehicle (previously • Sport Wagons – one, band-
rear only), PDC employs four ultra- pass type, behind cargo-area
sonic sensors in the front and four trim panel on right side above
in the rear bumper to warn the wheelwell.
driver when the vehicle is approach- (In the Sedans, the subwoofer
ing objects or obstructions that housing reduces usable trunk
may not be visible to the driver. height.)
For a more detailed explanation
Digital Sound Processing (DSP)
of Park Distance Control, see
gives the user the possibility of
BMW features, page 26.
selecting from three preset
BMW On-board Navigation acoustic environments (concert
System hall, cathedral, jazz club). Or the
The BMW On-board Navigation user can custom-tailor three
System is a multi-faceted in-dash environments on the basis of
system offering a wide range of acoustic parameters such as
5 Series

information, convenience, security, room size, reverberation time

customer-assistance and enter- and equalizer characteristics,
tainment functions, including GPS and capture them in three
Navigation. All are operated from memory settings for future use.
a cleanly designed, ergonomically There’s also a DEMO function to
efficient control center in the demonstrate the system’s capa-
instrument panel that was bilities. The DSP menu appears
updated and refined as of the in the audio or Multi Information
’01 model year. For ’03, the
system adopts a DVD data base
and other functional improvements.
5 – Torque converter allows a higher
Full details on the system can be engine speed when accelerating from
found under BMW features, a standstill.
6 – “Shorter” gearing means higher engine
pages 33-34.
speed for a given road speed, and a
possible increase in both engine sound
and fuel consumption.

5 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 5 Series models offer the following features:

Display or, if the vehicle is so Power front-seat lumbar

equipped, in the Onboard support
Navigation System. (530i & 540i models without
Cassette player Sport Package)
(no-cost option, all models) 4-way power lumbar support is
With the in-dash single-disc CD an option for the standard (not
player now standard in all sport) power front seats; this
models, BMW offers a cassette allows the driver and passenger
player in its place as a no-extra- to adjust both the firmness and
cost option. In vehicles with the vertical position of their back-
Onboard Navigation System, the rests’ lumbar support. In the
cassette player is a mandatory 540i Sedan, it is available only in
option as an in-dash CD player the automatic-transmission
compatible with that system is model; and it is not available in
not yet available in this Series. combination with any equipment
configuration that includes sport
16-way Comfort power front
seats or Comfort seats.
seats with articulated
backrests Heated steering wheel
(530i & 540i models) (all models except 540i Sedan
These unique seats are available 6-Speed; requires Cold Weather
in the 530i 7 and 540i models. Package)
Their backrests are adjustable in This option is omitted from the
two different modes. The basic Cold Weather Package so that
backrest angle is adjusted in the Sport Package-equipped models
same way as the standard seat, and the 540i Sedan 6-Speed (all
via the backrest/head-restraint of which have the M sport steer-
switch. The upper portion of the ing wheel) can be ordered with
backrest can be adjusted the Cold Weather Package.
independently via an additional Split folding rear seats and ski
rocker switch. 4-way power bag
lumbar support is included, so (Sedan models)
these seats offer 16-way power The backrests are split 1/3–2/3
adjustment as follows: and are lockable in the Sedans.
• Fore-aft A ski bag is included with the
• Cushion angle Sedan option.
• Seat height
5 Series

When the vehicle is equipped

• Primary backrest angle with the folding seats, the front
• Upper-backrest angle seats’ backrests contain internal
• Height of head restraint steel reinforcements to guard
• Firmness of lumbar support against objects that might race
• Height of lumbar support. forward in a collision. (With or
without the folding rear seats, a
fold-down center rear armrest is
standard, and child restraint
seats can be fitted.)

In 525i and 530i models, this BMW Center-installed
option is available only in combi- accessories
nation with leather upholstery. In
Aerodynamic kits and
Sport Wagons, similarly config-
ured split folding rear seats are
(available for all models)
standard, but are not lockable; a
Aerodynamic kits and individual
ski bag is included in the wagons’
aerodynamic components are
Cold Weather Package.
available for 5 Series sedans and
Power-operated rear sport wagons. For details and
sunshade and pull-up rear availability, see the latest Original
side-window sunshades BMW Accessories catalog.
(Sedans only)
BMW Cellular Phone System
From a switch on the front center
(available for all models)
console, the rear-window shade
Available BMW Cellular Phone
can be raised electrically. Rear-
Systems are described in BMW
seat passengers can easily raise
features, page 33.
or lower the manual shades for
their side windows. These shades 6-disc CD changer
reduce glare and sun heat and (available for all models)
enhance privacy, yet preserve All 5 Series models are pre-wired
the driver’s rearward view. for straightforward installation of
the trunk- or cargo area-mounted,
Pull-up rear side-window
magazine-type changer.
(Sport Wagons) Wood/leather steering wheel
These shades are essentially the (available for all models)
same as the ones included in the Available with Vavona Redwood
Sedan option, though configured or Burl Walnut wood, this elegant
to the different rear door windows 4-spoke steering wheel enriches
of the Sport Wagons. A power- and harmonizes with the luxurious
operated rear-window sunshade is materials of 5 Series interiors.
not offered for the Sport Wagons. Other items
Rear-seat side-impact airbags A wide range of other accessories
(all models) is available for the 5 Series; for a
Now that the rear Head Protection list of the possibilities, see BMW
System is standard in Sedans accessories, page 333.
5 Series

(and therefore no longer included

in the Sedans’ rear-airbag option),
this option becomes the same
for all models. Like the standard
front side-impact airbags, the
rear ones are built into the doors.
Please see BMW features, page
42, for an explanation of why
rear airbags are optional.

7 – Available in 530i only in combination

with leather upholstery.

5 Series specific features by model
This information helps position and distinguish the models in the Series.

525i Sedan features Basic On-board Computer

with liquid-crystal display
2.5-liter DOHC inline
Offers outside temperature,
6-cylinder engine
average fuel economy, expected
As described on pages 16 and
range on remaining fuel, and
average speed (readouts in
5-speed manual transmission LCD). Controlled from the left-
525i models’ standard manual hand steering-column stalk.
transmission is a 5-speed unit,
Check Control vehicle monitor
with direct-drive 5th gear for
with pictogram display
high efficiency.
Via a pictogram under the
5-speed STEPTRONIC automatic speedometer, alerts driver to
transmission malfunctioning light bulbs, or to
Though operationally similar to doors or trunklid left ajar.
that of the 540i Sedan with Sport
Standard interior with
Package or 540i Sport Wagon,
color-keyed high-gloss trim
the 525i’s 5-speed STEPTRONIC
The 525i Sedan’s standard interior
unit is actually a different unit.
is upholstered in leatherette and
There is only one transmission
has color-keyed high-gloss trim
version, with no differentiation
panels on the dash, doors and
(as in the 540i Sedan) between
other surfaces.
with and without Sport Package.
Basic operation is described on Package availability
page 17. Like other 6-cylinder models, the
525i Sedan offers three option
Variable-ratio rack-and-pinion
Packages: Premium, Sport and
power steering
Cold Weather. Approximately
As described on page 104.
60% of 525i customers take the
Standard Radial Spoke wheels Premium Package.
Truly a premium item of standard
Features not offered
equipment for the most accessible
In the interest of value pricing for
5 Series model, these sporty and
the 525i models, certain features
purposeful alloy wheels (design
are deleted from the optional
#50) are dimensioned 16 x 7.0
Packages and are not available:
and carry robust 225/55R-16
• Shadowline exterior trim
H-rated all-season tires.
• Auto-dimming inside rearview
5 Series

Free Form low-beam mirror.

The following stand-alone
In contrast to the 540i models’
options are not available:
standard Xenon headlights, the
• 16-way Comfort power front
525i and 530i models have Free
Form low beams, which employ
• 4-way power lumbar support
a computer-generated reflector
for front seats.
to determine their lighting pattern.
They are powerful and effective.

525i Sport Wagon features Velour-lined cargo area
The spacious, variable and easily
In addition to or in place of the
accessible cargo area has elastic
features listed for the 525i Sedan,
tie-down straps on its floor to
the 525i Sport Wagon includes:
keep smaller objects from sliding
Completely distinct rear body around when the vehicle is in
From the B-pillar rearward, the motion. It is completely finished
sport wagon’s body is completely in velour: floor, sides and backs
distinct from that of the sedan. of seats. A retractable cargo
Specific features follow. cover is standard; it can be
Roof rails removed for maximum carrying
The sport wagon’s standard- capacity.
equipment roof rails are Retractable/removable
designed to accommodate an luggage net
extensive selection of BMW roof The net is carried in a removable
carrier systems. roller assembly, and can be posi-
Rear roof spoiler tioned three ways to help keep
A body-color spoiler is integrated items of cargo separate from the
into the tailgate, above the rear passenger compartment:
window. • Behind the upright rear seats
Rear-window wiper and • Behind the folded rear seats
washer • From the front edges of the
The wiper and washer are folded rear seats, to partition
activated via additional motions off the extended cargo area.
of the wiper/washer control stalk Concealed storage tray
on the steering column. Under the cargo floor is an
Soft-close tailgate essentially round storage tray,
The lift-up tailgate incorporates a with eight slots in a central post
soft-close feature; that is, it does for radial dividers to help organize
not have to be slammed, but rather and stabilize items stored there; by
set down gently, whereupon the moving these dividers, one can
electric closing mechanism draws create compartments as narrow
it tight. Like the Sedan’s trunklid, or as wide as desired. The full-use
the tailgate may be opened from spare wheel/tire is below this tray.
an interior or exterior release or For convenience in accessing
the tray or spare tire, the cargo
5 Series

the remote control. The tailgate

is finely counterbalanced; when floor can be hooked into the
open, its hinges disappear into tailgate opening’s upper lip.
the headliner. BMW’s traditional Standard split folding rear
toolkit is mounted inside the seats
tailgate, and drops down conve- Optional in the Sedan, folding
niently when the tailgate is open. rear seats are standard in the
A thoughtful safety feature: When Sport Wagon and maximize the
the tailgate is up, a red light on versatility of people- and cargo-
its left side faces rearward. carrying capacity. Unlike the
For easy loading of smaller sedan’s folding seats, those of
objects into the cargo area, the the sport wagon do not include
rear window can also be opened locks, as they would serve no
separately from the tailgate. function here. The split seats
include a folding armrest and
three adjustable head restraints.

5 Series specific features by model
This information helps position and distinguish the models in the Series.

Rear HPS not available Optional self-leveling rear

Unlike that of the Sedan, the Sport suspension
Wagon’s C-pillar and roof config- To maintain satisfactory suspen-
uration do not accommodate a sion geometry when heavier
rear Head Protection System. loads are carried, self-leveling
Optional rear side-window suspension is available as a
sunshades stand-alone option. Air springs
These shades are similar to those replace coil springs; the self-
included in the Sedan option, leveling effect is achieved via an
though of course they are con- electrically powered air compres-
figured to the different rear door sor and ride-height sensors that
windows of the Sport Wagon. recognize changes in vehicle
They reduce glare and sun heat loading. Available as part of the
and enhance privacy. A power- Sport Package or as a stand-
operated rear-window sunshade is alone option.
not offered for the Sport Wagon. Cold Weather Package
Sport wagon rear suspension Compared to the Sedan’s Pack-
The Sport Wagons have the age, that for the 525i Sport
same basic rear suspension Wagon adds a ski bag.
system as the Sedans, but with
530i Sedan features
a different layout to enhance the
wagons’ carrying capacity. In addition to or in place of the
Distinct features include: features listed for the 525i Sedan,
• Angled shock absorbers. Where the 530i Sedan includes:
the Sedans have struts combin- 3.0-liter DOHC inline
ing the shock absorbers and 6-cylinder engine
coil springs, the Sport Wagons This more powerful, higher-
mount their springs and shock torque engine is the principal
absorbers separately; the shock difference between the 530i and
absorbers are angled sharply so 525i. It is described on pages
that they do not require “spring 16-17 and 101.
towers” reaching into the cargo Upgraded brakes
area. The subframe is modified The 530i’s front brakes are
to include top mounts for the upgraded to 540i level, with
shock absorbers. Greater 12.8-in. disc diameter (525i
cargo volume is the result.
5 Series

models: 11.7-in.).
• Different subframe. The
subframe, made of aluminum Distinctive wheel design
on both Sedans and Wagons, The 530i’s standard alloy wheels
is configured differently; a and all-season tires are of the
particularly distinct element of same 16-in. size as those of the
the Wagon subframe is its 525i models, but are in a highly
shock-absorber mount. In the distinctive Parallel Spoke design
Sedans, the shock absorbers (#82).
do not mount to the subframe. More extensive Package
• Different springs and mount- contents
ing. Whether coil or air (see Compared to the 525i Premium
below), the springs are carried Package, the 530i Package
on modified lower mounts in a adds the auto-dimming inside
considerably lower position rearview mirror.
than on the Sedans.

Compared to the 525i Sport • M sport suspension II*. The
Package, the 530i Package latest refinement of the sport-
adds or substitutes – suspension concept.
• Shadowline exterior trim • 18-in. wheels and tires*. New
• A more premium wheel design, in size and design. M Parallel
Cross Spoke Composite II Spoke wheels (design #37M),
(design #42). 18 x 8.0 front/18 x 9.0 rear
All 525i and 530i Sport Packages with 235/40 front / 265/35 rear
employ 17 x 8.0 wheels with W-rated performance tires.
235/45R-17 W-rated perfor- Replacing the former 17-in.
mance tires. equipment, this bold new
running gear approaches that
Additional options
of the M5.
Beyond those available for the
• M aerodynamic body compo-
525i Sedan, the 530i offers the
nents* – unique front and rear
following stand-alone options:
bumper/spoiler ensembles
• 16-way Comfort power front
• Black body-side moldings in
place of the standard body-
• 4-way power lumbar support.
color ones
540i Sedan features • High-gloss Shadowline body
trim on side-window frames
In addition to or in place of the and doorsill trim strips
features listed for the 530i Sedan, • Limited exterior color choice*:
the 540i Sedan includes: Alpine White, Jet Black, Topaz
4.4-liter DOHC (4-cam) Blue, Titanium Silver, Sterling
32-valve V-8 engine Gray, Black Sapphire and
As described on pages 101-102. Toledo Blue
Automatic model • Visible exhaust outlet*
The automatic-transmission • M sport steering wheel
model (540iA) is distinguished by • Titanium-finish rings around
the following features: instruments*
• 5-speed automatic transmission • Anthracite-color headliner*
with Adaptive Transmission • Sport seats
Control (not STEPTRONIC) • M footrest for driver’s left foot*.
• Normal suspension settings Recirculating-ball steering
• 16 x 7.0 Radial Spoke cast- All 540i models have recirculating-
5 Series

alloy wheels, not same as on ball steering, which provides a

6-Speed model or 525i Sedan more “luxurious” steering feel
• 225/55R-16 H-rated all-season than the 525i/530i models’ rack-
tires and-pinion steering and does
• 10-way power front seats not have the variable ratio of the
6-Speed model 6-cylinder models.
The 540i Sedan with manual Xenon headlights with
transmission is more than just a dynamic auto-leveling
transmission variation. In addition Standard on all 540i models, vs.
to the 6-speed gearbox, it optional on 525i/530i models.
includes the following special For details, see pages 25-26.
features that distinguish it from
the model with automatic
transmission. Features with an
asterisk (*) are new for ’03.

5 Series specific features by model
This information helps position and distinguish the models in the Series.

Rain-sensing windshield Montana leather interior

wipers with Burl Walnut trim
Standard on all 540i models, vs. The 540i standard interior is
Premium or Sport-Premium essentially the same as that
Package on 530i, not available which is optional in 525i/530i
on 525i models. For details, see models – Montana leather on
page 38. seating surfaces and doors –
Multi Information Display but the wood trim is high-gloss
with 8-function Onboard Burl Walnut rather than the
Computer Vavona Redwood of the optional
Occupying the same space as 525i/530i leather interior.
the 525/530i models’ audio- Sport Package
system and clock display, the Available for the 540i Sedan with
540i Multi Information Display automatic transmission, this
encompasses controls for a Package essentially brings the
premium (8-function) Onboard automatic model into line with
Computer and automatic ventila- the manual-transmission model’s
tion system. In any 5 Series standard sport equipment, and
model with the available BMW adds performance-oriented
Cellular Phone System installed, drivetrain features as well. In
this display also includes certain addition to the features listed on
phone memory and dialing page 119 for the 6-Speed model,
functions. this Package includes:
Automatic-dimming inside • STEPTRONIC automatic
rearview mirror transmission with high-stall-
A standard 540i feature, vs. speed torque converter
Premium Package in 530i; adjusts • Performance final drive ratio
automatically and progressively (3.15:1 vs. standard 2.81:1).
to reduce glare from the head-
lights of following vehicles.
5 Series

540i Sport Wagon features Self-leveling rear suspension
Standard, vs. stand-alone option
The 540i Sport Wagon includes
or Sport or Sport-Premium
all features of the 540i Sedan,
Package on 525i Wagon.
and all specific features listed for
the 525i Sport Wagon, with the Sport Package
following additions or exceptions: The Sport Wagon’s Sport
Package is similar to that of the
STEPTRONIC automatic
540i Sedan, except –
transmission and performance
• STEPTRONIC, high-stall-speed
final drive ratio
torque converter and perfor-
The 540i Sport Wagon is avail-
mance final drive ratio are not
able only with the STEPTRONIC 5-
included as they are standard
speed automatic transmission. In
on the Sport Wagon.
contrast to the 540i Sedan, the
• The wheels are 17 x 8.0 Radial
Sport Wagon also includes as
(design #32) all around, with
standard the high-stall-speed
235/45R-17 tires.
torque converter and “shorter”
3.15:1 final drive ratio for sportier Cold Weather Package
performance. For this reason, Compared to the Sedan’s
the 540i Sport Wagon’s Sport Package, that for the 540i Sport
Package does not include these Wagon adds a ski bag.

5 Series

Standard & optional features
2003 5 Series 525i & 530i models
Bold within table indicates new feature for 2003.
Performance & efficiency
DOHC 24-valve inline 6-cylinder engine with
Double VANOS 1 steplessly variable valve timing:
Aluminum block & cylinder head
Dual resonance intake system with 3rd (turbulence) intake passages
Electronic throttle system
Electronically controlled engine cooling
Direct ignition system with knock control
5-speed manual transmission
5-speed STEPTRONIC 2 automatic transmission with
Adaptive Transmission Control & selectable Sport mode

Handling, ride & braking

Aluminum double-pivot strut-type front suspension
Aluminum 4-link integral rear suspension
Front & rear anti-roll (stabilizer) bars
Rear subframe on 4 mounts, with acoustically decoupled
mounting of final drive (differential)
Twin-tube gas-pressure shock absorbers
Self-leveling rear suspension with air springs
Sport suspension calibration
Engine-speed-sensitive variable-assist, variable-ratio power steering
4-wheel ventilated disc brakes
Dynamic Stability Control (DSC), including all-speed traction control,
electronic brake proportioning, antilock braking (ABS), Dynamic
Brake Control & cornering/avoidance-stability enhancement
16 x 7.0 Radial Spoke cast-alloy wheels (design #50)
16 x 7.0 Parallel Spoke cast-alloy wheels (design #82)
17 x 8.0 Star Spoke cast-alloy wheels (design #81)
17 x 8.0 Cross Spoke Composite II cast-alloy wheels (design #42)
5 Series

225/55R-16 H-rated all-season tires

235/45R-17 W-rated performance tires

Exterior & aerodynamics

Body-color bumpers
Halogen Free Form low-beam headlights
Xenon low-beam headlights with dynamic auto-leveling
Automatic headlight control
High-intensity liquid headlight cleaning system
S – Standard ZCW – Cold Weather Package
OPT – Optional ZPP – Premium Package
— – Not applicable ZSP – Sport Package
NA – Not available

525i Sedan 525i Sport Wagon 530i Sedan

S S –
– – S


525i Sedan 525i Sport Wagon 530i Sedan



S S –
– – S
5 Series


525i Sedan 525i Sport Wagon 530i Sedan

1 – VANOS = VAriable NOckenwellen 2 – BMW’s system of manual shift control
Steuerung = variable camshaft control, for an automatic transmission.
or variable valve timing.

Standard & optional features
2003 5 Series 525i & 530i models
Bold within table indicates new feature for 2003.
Exterior & aerodynamics (cont.)
Daytime Running Lamps
Halogen Free Form foglights
Park Distance Control, front & rear
2-speed + intermittent windshield wipers with articulated right-side
wiper, adjustable & car-speed-sensitive wiping interval, single-wipe
control, windshield-washer system with heated washer jets
Rain-sensing windshield wipers 4
Body-color side moldings
Rear-window wiper/washer
Roof rails (accommodate various BMW roof carrier systems)
Choice of standard or metallic paint
Shadowline exterior trim

Ergonomics, luxury & convenience

Vehicle and Key Memory
Keyless entry with multi-function remote control
Selective unlocking
Remote trunk or tailgate release
Dual power/heated outside mirrors
Automatic tilt-down of right outside mirror for visibility of curb when
backing up
Automatic-dimming inside rearview mirror
BMW Universal Transceiver (garage-door opener)
Courtesy lights with fade-in/fade-out feature, actuation from remote
control, automatic switch-on when engine is turned off
BMW Ambiance Lighting
Front & rear reading lights, separately controlled left/right
Lockable glove compartment with rechargeable take-out flashlight
Power tilt/telescopic leather steering wheel with
fingertip cruise, audio & phone 5 controls:
385 mm/4 spokes
5 Series

375 mm/M sport, 3 spokes

Heated steering wheel
10-way power front seats with power head restraints
12-way power sports seats with adjustable thigh support
4-way power lumbar support, both front seats
16-way Comfort front seats w/articulated upper backrest adjustment
S – Standard 3 – Selectable via Vehicle Memory System
OPT – Optional (programming by BMW Center).
NC – No extra cost 4 – Include all features of standard wipers.
NA – Not available 5 – BMW Cellular Phone System Center-
ZPP – Premium Package installed.
ZSP – Sport Package (requires leather 6 – Requires Cold Weather Package; not
upholstery) available in combination with Sport

525i Sedan 525i Sport Wagon 530i Sedan
S3 S3 S3


525i Sedan 525i Sport Wagon 530i Sedan

S3 S3 S3



5 Series


7 – Not available in combination with Sport
Package; included in Comfort seats.
8 – Require leather upholstery. If combined
with Sport Package, Comfort seats
replace sport seats.

Standard & optional features
2003 5 Series 525i & 530i models
Bold within table indicates new feature for 2003.
Ergonomics, luxury & convenience (cont.)
Memory system for driver’s seat & safety-belt height,
steering wheel & outside mirrors (3 settings)
3-stage heated front seats
Front center armrest with provision for phone installation
Electronic analog speedometer & tachometer
LCD main & trip odometers
Service Interval Indicator
Check Control vehicle monitor with pictogram display
Analog fuel-economy indicator
4-function On-board Computer with liquid-crystal display
Multi Information Display with 8-function On-board Computer
BMW On-board Navigation System
Leatherette upholstery & color-keyed high-gloss interior trim
Leather shift knob, handbrake grip & handbrake boot
Montana leather upholstery (seating & doors)
High-gloss genuine Vavona Redwood interior trim
Power windows with key-off operation; 1-touch opening & closing
of all windows, anti-trapping feature, opening from remote, closing
& opening from exterior door lock
Automatic climate control with separate left/right temperature
settings, automatic recirculation control, Heat at Rest feature &
solar sensor
Activated-charcoal microfilter ventilation (dual filters)
Automatic ventilation system (can be programmed
to ventilate interior while car is standing)
2-way power moonroof with key-off & 1-touch opening & closing,
anti-trapping feature, opening from remote, opening & closing
from exterior door lock, sliding interior sunshade
Anti-theft AM/FM/CD audio system with 10 speakers, Radio Data
System (RDS), 4-channel FM diversity antenna system
Anti-theft AM/FM/CD audio system with Digital Sound Processing (DSP) 12:
5 Series

12 speakers including 2 subwoofers

11 speakers including 1 band-pass subwoofer
Cassette deck instead of CD player
Pre-wiring for CD changer
6-disc CD changer
Pre-wiring for BMW Cellular Phone System
BMW Cellular Phone System
Dual cupholders front & rear
S – Standard ZCW – Cold Weather Package
OPT – Optional ZPP – Premium Package
NC – No extra cost 9 – Includes “high” instrument cluster with
C – BMW Center-installed Check Control system of wider functional
— – Not applicable scope & alphanumeric display.

525i Sedan 525i Sport Wagon 530i Sedan

OPT 10 OPT 10 OPT 10



ZPP 11 ZPP 11 ZPP 11


5 Series

– OPT –
10 – Includes 8-function Onboard 11 – Included with 8-function Onboard
Computer with automatic ventilation Computer, whether in Multi Information
system (same functions as with Multi Display or Onboard Navigation System.
Information Display); requires cassette 12 – Includes all features of standard
player. audio system.

Standard & optional features
2003 5 Series 525i & 530i models
Bold within table indicates new feature for 2003.
Ergonomics, luxury & convenience (cont.)
Dual front sun visors with illuminated mirrors
Open storage compartments in front & rear doors
Rear center armrest
Seatback storage compartments
Split folding rear seats
Ski bag
Power-operated rear-window sunshade & manual rear
side-window sunshades
Manual rear side-window sunshades
Rear-window defroster
Interior trunk or tailgate release, electrically operated
Fully finished trunk or cargo area with luggage straps &
drop-down toolkit
Retractable cargo cover
Retractable/removable luggage net with variable positioning
Concealed storage under cargo floor & each side of cargo area
Full-use spare wheel & tire

Safety & security

Dual front-impact airbag Supplementary Restraint System (SRS) with
dual-threshold deployment & 2-stage Smart Airbags
Front safety belts with automatic height adjustment,
automatic tensioners & force limiters
Automatic-locking retractors (ALR) on all passenger
safety belts (for installation of child restraint seats)
Interlocking door anchoring system for side impacts
Front-seat Head Protection System (HPS)
Front-seat side-impact airbags
Rear-seat side-impact airbags
Rear-seat Head Protection System
5 Series

Integrated deployment logic for safety-belt tensioners,

airbags & post-impact safety measures
Battery Safety Terminal
Central locking system with double-lock anti-theft feature,
selective unlocking 3
Coded Driveaway Protection
Pathway Lighting
Alarm system with operation from keyhead remote, interior
motion detector
S – Standard 3 – Selectable via Vehicle Memory System
OPT – Optional (programming by BMW Center).
— – Not applicable 13 – Included with optional folding seats.
NA – Not available
ZCW – Cold Weather Package

525i Sedan 525i Sport Wagon 530i Sedan
OPT (lockable) S OPT (lockable)

S S (soft-close) S

– S –
– S –
– S –

525i Sedan 525i Sport Wagon 530i Sedan



5 Series


S3 S3 S3


Standard & optional features
2003 5 Series 540i models
Bold within table indicates new feature for 2003.
Performance & efficiency
4.4-liter DOHC (4-cam) 32-valve V-8 engine with
VANOS 1 steplessly variable valve timing
Aluminum block & cylinder head(s)
Electronically controlled engine cooling
Direct ignition system with knock control
Liquid-cooled alternator
6-speed manual transmission
5-speed electronically controlled automatic transmission with
Adaptive Transmission Control:
Selectable Sport mode
STEPTRONIC 2 & selectable sport mode
High-stall-speed torque converter
Performance final drive ratio

Handling, ride & braking

Aluminum double-pivot strut-type front suspension
Aluminum 4-link integral rear suspension
Front & rear anti-roll (stabilizer) bars
Rear subframe on 4 mounts, with acoustically decoupled
mounting of final drive (differential)
Twin-tube gas-pressure shock absorbers
Self-leveling rear suspension with air springs
Sport suspension calibration
Engine-speed-sensitive variable-assist power steering
4-wheel ventilated disc brakes
Dynamic Stability Control (DSC), including all-speed traction control,
electronic brake proportioning, antilock braking (ABS), Dynamic
Brake Control & cornering/avoidance-stability enhancement
16 x 7.0 Radial Spoke cast-alloy wheels (design #48)
17 x 8.0 Radial cast-alloy wheels (design #32)
18 x 8.0 front/18 x 9.0 rear M Parallel Spoke cast-alloy wheels
5 Series

(design #37M)
225/55R-16 H-rated all-season tires
235/45R-17 W-rated performance tires
235/40R-18 front / 265/35R-18 rear W-rated performance tires

Exterior & aerodynamics

Body-color bumpers
M aerodynamic body components (front & rear bumper/spoiler
ensembles all models; trunklid spoiler sedans only)
Xenon low-beam headlights with dynamic auto-leveling
Automatic headlight control
S – Standard NA – Not available
OPT – Optional ZSP – Sport Package
— – Not applicable

540i Sedan 540i Sedan 6-Spd. 540i Sport Wagon


S – –

540i Sedan 540i Sedan 6-Spd. 540i Sport Wagon



S – S
– – ZSP
5 Series

S – S

540i Sedan 540i Sedan 6-Spd. 540i Sport Wagon


1 – VANOS = VAriable NOckenwellen 2 – BMW’s system of manual shift control
Steuerung = variable camshaft control, for an automatic transmission; includes
or variable valve timing. selectable Sport mode.

Standard & optional features
2003 5 Series 540i models
Bold within table indicates new feature for 2003.
Exterior & aerodynamics
High-intensity liquid headlight cleaning system
Daytime Running Lamps
Halogen Free Form foglights
Park Distance Control (front & rear)
Rain-sensing windshield wipers with articulated right-side wiper,
single-wipe control, windshield-washer system with heated
washer jets
Body-color side moldings with chrome accents
Rear-window wiper/washer
Roof rails (accommodate various BMW roof carrier systems)
Choice of standard or metallic paint
High-gloss Shadowline exterior trim

Ergonomics, luxury & convenience

Vehicle & Key Memory
Keyless entry with multi-function remote control (no battery
replacement required)
Selective unlocking
Remote trunk or tailgate release
Dual power/heated outside mirrors
Automatic tilt-down of right outside mirror for visibility of curb when
backing up
Automatic-dimming inside rearview mirror
BMW Universal Transceiver (garage-door opener)
Courtesy lights with fade-in/fade-out feature, actuation from remote
control, automatic switch-on when engine is turned off
BMW Ambiance Lighting
Front & rear reading lights, separately controlled left/right
Lockable glove compartment with rechargeable take-out flashlight
Power tilt/telescopic leather steering wheel with fingertip cruise,
audio & phone 5 controls:
5 Series

385 mm/4 spokes

375 mm/M sport, 3 spokes
Heated steering wheel
10-way power front seats with power head restraints
12-way power sport seats with adjustable thigh support
4-way power lumbar support, both front seats
16-way Comfort front seats with articulated upper backrest adjustment
Memory system for driver’s seat & safety-belt height,
steering wheel & outside mirrors (3 settings)
3-stage heated front seats
S – Standard NA – Not available
OPT – Optional ZCW – Cold Weather Package
NC – No extra cost ZSP – Sport Package
— – Not applicable 3 – 6-Speed or with Sport Package: black

540i Sedan 540i Sedan 6-Spd. 540i Sport Wagon
S4 S4 S4

S3 NA 3 S3

540i Sedan 540i Sedan 6-Spd. 540i Sport Wagon


S4 S4 S4
S S S (soft-close)


5 Series

S – S

4 – Selectable via Vehicle Memory System 6 – Requires Cold Weather Package; not
(programming by BMW Center). available in combination with Sport
5 – BMW Cellular Phone System Center- Package.
installed. 7 – Not available in combination with Sport

Standard & optional features
2003 5 Series 540i models
Bold within table indicates new feature for 2003.
Ergonomics, luxury & convenience (cont.)
Front center armrest with provision for phone installation
Electronic analog speedometer & tachometer
Titanium-finish rings around instruments
LCD main & trip odometers
Service Interval Indicator
Check Control vehicle monitor with alphanumeric display
Analog fuel-economy indicator
Multi Information Display incorporating audio, phone controls,
premium Onboard Computer
BMW Onboard Navigation System with DVD database
Leather shift knob, handbrake grip & handbrake boot
Montana leather upholstery (seating & doors)
High-gloss genuine Burl Walnut interior trim
Power windows with key-off operation; 1-touch opening & closing of
all windows, anti-trapping feature, opening from remote, closing &
opening from exterior door lock
Automatic climate control with separate left/right temperature
settings, automatic recirculation control, Heat at Rest feature &
solar sensor
Activated-charcoal microfilter ventilation (dual filters)
Automatic ventilation system (can be programmed to ventilate
interior while car is standing)
2-way power moonroof with key-off & 1-touch opening & closing,
anti-trapping feature, opening from remote, opening & closing from
exterior door lock, sliding interior sunshade
Anti-theft AM/FM/CD audio system with 10 speakers, Radio Data
System (RDS), 4-channel FM diversity antenna system
Anti-theft AM/FM/CD audio system with Digital Sound Processing (DSP) 8:
12 speakers including 2 subwoofers
11 speakers including 1 band-pass subwoofer
Cassette deck instead of CD player
5 Series

Pre-wiring for CD changer

6-disc CD changer
Pre-wiring for BMW Cellular Phone System
BMW Cellular Phone System
Dual cupholders front & rear (total of 4-cup capacity)
Dual front sun visors with illuminated mirrors
Anthracite-color headliner
M footrest for driver’s left foot
Open storage compartments in front & rear doors
S – Standard C – BMW Center-installed
OPT – Optional — – Not applicable
NC -No extra cost

540i Sedan 540i Sedan 6-Spd. 540i Sport Wagon







– OPT –
5 Series

8 – Includes all features of standard audio

Standard & optional features
2003 5 Series 540i models
Bold within table indicates new feature for 2003.
Ergonomics, luxury & convenience (cont.)
Rear center armrest
Seatback storage compartments
Split folding rear seats
Ski bag
Power-operated rear-window sunshade & manual rear
side-window sunshades
Manual rear side-window sunshades
Rear-window defroster
Interior trunk or tailgate release, electrically operated
Fully finished trunk or cargo area with luggage straps &
drop-down toolkit
Retractable cargo cover
Retractable/removable luggage net with variable positioning
Concealed storage under cargo floor & each side of cargo area
Full-use spare wheel & tire

Safety & security

Dual front-impact airbag Supplementary Restraint System (SRS)
with dual-threshold deployment & 2-stage Smart Airbags
Front safety belts with automatic height adjustment, automatic
tensioners & force limiters
Automatic-locking retractors (ALR) on all passenger safety belts
(for installation of child restraint seats)
Interlocking door anchoring system for side impacts
Front-seat Head Protection System (HPS)
Front-seat side-impact airbags
Rear-seat side-impact airbags
Rear-seat Head Protection System
Integrated deployment logic for safety-belt tensioners,
airbags & post-impact safety measures
Battery Safety Terminal
5 Series

Central locking system with double-lock anti-theft feature,

selective unlocking 4
Coded Driveaway Protection
Pathway Lighting
Alarm system with operation from keyhead remote, interior motion
S – Standard 4 – Selectable via Vehicle Memory System
OPT – Optional (programming by BMW Center).
— – Not applicable 9 – Included with optional folding seats.
NA – Not available 10 – On 6-Speed model & with Sport
ZCW – Cold Weather Package Package, spare wheel & tire
correspond to front wheels & tires.

540i Sedan 540i Sedan 6-Spd. 540i Sport Wagon
S (lockable) S (lockable) S

– – OPT

– – S
– – S
– – S
S 10 S 10 S

540i Sedan 540i Sedan 6-Spd. 540i Sport Wagon




5 Series

S4 S4 S4


2003 5 Series 525i & 530i models
Bold within table indicates new specification for 2003.
Curb weight, lb.:
Manual transmission
Automatic transmission
Weight distribution, front/rear, %:
manual transmission
automatic transmission
Wheelbase, in.
Track, front/rear, in.
Length, in.
Width, in.
Height, in.

Aerodynamic drag coefficient
EPA size classification

Seating capacity, persons
Shoulder room, front/rear, in.
Head room, front/rear, in.
Leg room, front/rear, in.
EPA interior volume, cu ft.
EPA cargo volume, cu ft.

Engine & electrical

Engine type

Bore x stroke, mm/in.

Displacement, cc/cu in.

5 Series

Compression ratio
Power @ rpm, hp
Torque @ rpm, lb-ft.
Engine-management system

1 – Specification applies to all models. 5 – Rear seats upright/folded.

2 – With standard wheels. Track varies 6 – VANOS = VAriable NOckenwellen
with optional wheels. Steuerung = variable camshaft control,
3 – With standard suspension. With sport or variable valve timing.
suspension (Sport Package), height is 7 – Specification applies to both 525i
0.8 in. lower. Height measurement for models.
Sport Wagon does not include roof rails.
4 – Can be expanded via available folding
rear seats.

525i Sedan 525i Sport Wagon 530i Sedan

3450 3682 3494

3505 3736 3549

50.2/49.8 46.7/53.3 50.5/49.5

50.6/49.4 47.2/52.8 50.9/49.1
111.4 1
59.5/60.1 1, 2
188.0 189.2 188.0
70.9 1
56.5 3 56.7 3 56.5 3

525i Sedan 525i Sport Wagon 530i Sedan

Unitized all-steel structure 1
0.29 0.31 0.30
Compact Small station wagon Compact

525i Sedan 525i Sport Wagon 530i Sedan

56.8/55.9 1
37.4/37.2 37.4/37.4 37.4/37.2
41.7/34.2 1
92.5 92.6 92.5
11.1 4 32.1/63.9 5 11.1 4

525i Sedan 525i Sport Wagon 530i Sedan

DOHC inline 24-valve 6-cylinder, Double VANOS 6 steplessly variable
intake- & exhaust-valve timing 1
84.0 x 75.0/3.31 x 2.95 7 84.0 x 89.6/
3.31 x 3.53
2494/152 7 2979/182
5 Series

10.5:1 7 10.2:1
184 @ 6000 7 225 @ 5900
175 @ 3500 7 214 @ 3500
Siemens MS 43 with knock control (2 sensors); variable valve
timing, electronic throttle system, dual resonance intake system,
engine cooling & other functions included in control strategy 1

2003 5 Series 525i & 530i models
Bold within table indicates new specification for 2003.
Engine & electrical (cont.)
Fuel requirement
Fuel capacity, U.S. gal.
Battery capacity, amp-hr.
Alternator output, amp./W

Drive system
Manual transmission

Final drive ratio
Automatic transmission

Final drive ratio

Body/frame construction
Front suspension
5 Series

Rear suspension

Steering type
Overall ratio
Turns lock-to-lock
Turning circle, ft.
1 – Specification applies to all models.
7 – Specification applies to both 525i
8 – Specification applies to 525i Sport
Wagon & 530i Sedan.

525i Sedan 525i Sport Wagon 530i Sedan
Premium unleaded 1
18.5 1
90 1
120/1680 1

525i Sedan 525i Sport Wagon 530i Sedan

Front engine/rear drive 1
Getrag Type B, ZF Type C,
5-speed 5-speed 8
4.23:1 4.21:1 8
2.52:1 2.49:1 8
1.66:1 1.66:1 8
1.22:1 1.24:1 8
1.00:1 1.00:1 8
4.04:1 3.85:1 8
3.15:1 3.23:1 2.93:1
5-speed STEPTRONIC with Adaptive Transmission Control & selectable
Sport mode 1

3.42:1 3.45:1 3.42:1

2.22:1 2.21:1 2.22:1
1.60:1 1.59:1 1.60:1
1.00:1 1.00:1 1.00:1
0.75:1 0.76:1 0.75:1
3.03:1 3.17:1 3.03:1
3.46:1 1

525i Sedan 525i Sport Wagon 530i Sedan

Unitized steel 1
Struts, double-pivot lower arms, coil springs, twin-tube gas-
pressure shock absorbers, anti-roll bar; aluminum suspension
system & aluminum subframe 1
5 Series

(ZSP: sport suspension calibration)

4-link Integral suspension in aluminum, coil springs, twin-tube
gas-pressure shock absorbers, anti-roll bar; aluminum subframe 1
(ZSP: sport suspension calibration)
(525i Sport Wagon ZSP or optional: self-leveling air springs)
Rack & pinion, engine-speed-sensitive power assist 1
Variable; mean ratio is 14.2:1 1
3.0 1
37.1 1

2003 5 Series 525i & 530i models
Bold within table indicates new specification for 2003.
Chassis (cont.)
4-wheel ventilated disc brakes:
Front discs, diameter x thickness, mm/in.

Rear discs, diameter x thickness, mm/in.

Wheels: standard
Tires: standard
Stability-enhancement system

Performance data
Acceleration, 0-60 mph, sec.,
manual/automatic 9
Top speed, mph
Fuel economy, EPA est. MPG, city/highway:
manual transmission
automatic transmission

ZSP – Sport Package

1 – Specification applies to all models.
7 – Specification applies to both 525i
9 – BMW AG test results. Actual accelera-
tion results may vary depending on
specification of vehicle; road & environ-
mental conditions; test procedures and
driving style. These results should be
used for comparison only, and verifica-
tion should not be attempted on public
roads. BMW urges you to obey all
posted speed limits and to please
5 Series

wear your safety belt at all times.

10 – Electronically limited.

525i Sedan 525i Sport Wagon 530i Sedan

296 x 22/11.7 x 0.87, aluminum calipers 7 324 x 30/

12.8 x 1.18,
298 x 20/11.7 x 0.79, aluminum calipers 1
Vacuum 1
Cast alloy, 16 x 7.0 1
Cast alloy, 17 x 8.0 (ZSP) 1
225/55R-16 H-rated all-season 1
235/45R-17 W-rated performance 1
Dynamic Stability Control (DSC), including all-speed traction control,
electronic brake proportioning, antilock braking (ABS), Dynamic
Brake Control & cornering/avoidance-stability enhancement

525i Sedan 525i Sport Wagon 530i Sedan

7.8/8.3 8.3/8.9 6.8/7.0

128 1, 10

20/29 19/26 21/30

20/28 19/26 19/27

5 Series

2003 5 Series 540i models
Bold within table indicates new specification for 2003.
Curb weight, lb.
Weight distribution, front/rear, %
Wheelbase, in.
Track, front/rear, in.
Length, in.
Width, in.
Height, in.

Aerodynamic drag coefficient
EPA size classification

Seating capacity, persons
Shoulder room, front/rear, in.
Head room, front/rear, in.
Leg room, front/rear, in.
EPA interior volume, cu ft.
EPA cargo volume, cu ft.

Engine & electrical

Engine type

Bore x stroke, mm/in.

Displacement, cc/cu in.
Compression ratio
Power @ rpm, hp
Torque @ rpm, lb-ft.
Engine-management system
5 Series

Fuel requirement
Fuel capacity, U.S. gal.
Battery capacity, amp-hr.
Alternator output, amp./W
1 – Specification applies to all models. 4 – Can be expanded via available folding
2 – With Sport Package, tracks are rear seats.
59.5/59.6 in. 5 – Rear seats upright/folded.
3 – With standard suspension. Height with 6 – VANOS = VAriable NOckenwellen
sport suspension is 0.8 in. lower. Steuerung = variable camshaft control,
Height measurement for Sport Wagon or variable valve timing.
does not include roof rails.

540i Sedan 540i Sedan 6-Spd. 540i Sport Wagon
3803 3748 4056
52.5/47.5 52.1/47.9 50.0/50.0
111.4 1
59.5/60.1 2 59.5/59.6 59.5/60.1
188.0 188.0 189.2
70.9 1
56.5 3 55.7 56.7 3

540i Sedan 540i Sedan 6-Spd. 540i Sport Wagon

Unitized all-steel structure 1
0.31 0.31 0.33
Compact Compact Small station wagon

540i Sedan 540i Sedan 6-Spd. 540i Sport Wagon

56.8/55.9 1
37.4/37.2 37.4/37.2 37.4/37.4
41.7/34.2 1
92.5 92.5 92.6
11.1 4 11.1 4 32.1/63.9 5

540i Sedan 540i Sedan 6-Spd. 540i Sport Wagon

DOHC 32-valve (4-cam) V-8 VANOS 6 steplessly variable intake-
valve timing 1

92.0 x 82.7/3.62 x 3.26 1

4398/268 1
10.0:1 1
290 @ 5400 1
324 @ 3600 1
Bosch Motronic M 7.2 with adaptive knock control 1
5 Series

Premium unleaded
18.5 1
90 1
150/2100 1 (liquid-cooled alternator)

2003 5 Series 540i models
Bold within table indicates new specification for 2003.
Drive system
Manual transmission

Ratios: 1st
Final drive ratio

Automatic transmission

Ratios: 1st
Final drive ratio

Body/frame construction
Front suspension

Rear suspension
5 Series

Steering type
Overall ratio
Turns lock-to-lock
Turning circle, ft.
ZSP – Sport Package
1 – Specification applies to all models.
7 – 540i Sedan has selectable Sport mode.
540i Sedan with Sport Package & 540i
Sport Wagon have STEPTRONIC, which
includes selectable Sport mode &
manual shift capability.
8 – 3.15:1 with Sport Package.

540i Sedan 540i Sedan 6-Spd. 540i Sport Wagon
Front engine/rear drive 1
NA Getrag Type D, NA
– 4.23:1 –
– 2.53:1 –
– 1.67:1 –
– 1.23:1 –
– 1.00:1 –
– 0.83:1 –
– 3.75:1 –
– 2.81:1 –

540i Sedan 540i Sedan 6-Spd. 540i Sport Wagon

ZF 5 HP 24 EH, 5-speed, with Adaptive Transmission Control &
selectable Sport mode or STEPTRONIC 7
3.57:1 – 3.57:1
2.20:1 – 2.20:1
1.51:1 – 1.51:1
1.00:1 – 1.00:1
0.80:1 – 0.80:1
4.10:1 – 4.10:1
2.81:1 8 2.81:1 3:15:1

540i Sedan 540i Sedan 6-Spd. 540i Sport Wagon

Unitized steel 1
Struts, double-pivot lower arms, coil springs, twin-tube gas-
pressure shock absorbers, anti-roll bar; aluminum suspension
system 1 (ZSP, 540i Sedan 6-Speed: sport suspension calibration)
4-link Integral suspension in aluminum; coil springs (Sedans),
self-leveling air springs (Sport Wagon); twin-tube gas-pressure
shock absorbers, anti-roll bar; aluminum subframe 1
(ZSP, 540i 6-Speed: sport suspension calibration)
5 Series

Recirculating ball, engine-speed-sensitive power assist 1

17.9:1 1
3.0 1
37.4 1

2003 5 Series 540i models
Bold within table indicates new specification for 2003.
Chassis (cont.)
4-wheel ventilated disc brakes:
Front discs, diameter x thickness, mm/in.
Rear discs, diameter x thickness, mm/in.
Wheels: standard


Tires: standard


Stability-enhancement system

Performance data
Acceleration, 0-60 mph, sec. 9
Top speed
Fuel economy, EPA est. MPG, city/highway
F – Front tions; test procedures and driving
R – Rear style. These results should be used for
ZSP – Sport Package comparison only, and verification
1 – Specification applies to all models. should not be attempted on public
9 – BMW of North America, LLC test roads. BMW urges you to obey all
results. Actual acceleration results may posted speed limits and to please
vary depending on specification of wear your safety belt at all times.
vehicle; road & environmental condi- 10 – Standard/Sport Package.
5 Series

540i Sedan 540i Sedan 6-Spd. 540i Sport Wagon

324 x 30/12.8 x 1.18, cast-iron calipers 1

298 x 20/11.7 x 0.79, aluminum calipers 1
Vacuum 1
Cast alloy, 16 x 7.0 Cast alloy, Cast alloy, 16 x 7.0
18 x 8.0 front/
18 x 9.0 rear
Cast alloy, NA Cast alloy, 17 x 8.0
18 x 8.0 front/ (ZSP)
18 x 9.0 rear (ZSP)
All-season radials, Performance radials, All-season radials,
225/55R-16 H-rated 235/40R-18 front/ 225/55R-16 H-rated
265/35R-18 rear
Performance radials, NA Performance radials,
235/40R-18 front/ 235/45R-17 W-rated
265/35R-18 rear (ZSP)
W-rated (ZSP)
Dynamic Stability Control (DSC), including all-speed traction control,
electronic brake proportioning, antilock braking (ABS), Dynamic
Brake Control & cornering/avoidance-stability enhancement 1

540i Sedan 540i Sedan 6-Spd. 540i Sport Wagon

6.2/6.1 10 6.0 6.3
128/155 10 155 128
18/24 / 17/21 10 15/23 17/21
5 Series

2003-04 3 Series:
freshened Coupes and Convertibles for ’04,
6-speed manual transmission for all 330s,
and the new 330i Performance Package
The 3 Series described in this “But with its 12th consecutive
edition of Fast Facts consists of award here, we’ve long since
two model years: 2003 Sedans isolated BMW’s critical ingredient:
and Sport Wagons, and 2004 ride quality. Beyond its world-
Coupes and Convertibles. The class athleticism, this distin-
Coupe/Convertible freshening guished family of Sport Sedans
for ’04, described on pages (and Wagons) stands out from
152-153, is extensive; but the the crowd for ride character that
’03 Sedans and Sport Wagons manages to be supple without
get some appealing updates being soft. The cars deliver the
too, and the 330i Performance tight, action-ready feel that goes
Package is an exciting addition with Autobahn breeding, but they
to the 3 Series Sedan offering. stop short of communicating
Such evolution is aimed at keep- every surface imperfection to
ing the 3 Series the leader in its their occupants. After all, where
field, which has been growing as is it written that agility has to
other manufacturers try ever equate with discomfort?”
harder to imitate it. Admittedly, Automobile Magazine, in its
some of them are pretty good; February ’03 All-Stars, concurs
but the 3 Series remains the in naming the 3 Series its choice
leader and benchmark for sport for Luxury Car Under $40,000.
sedans and wagons, coupes “BMW has sweated every detail
and convertibles in this “entry to perfect the driving experience.”
luxury” segment. The experts, the The readers of AutoWeek, in its
critics, recognize this. Thus as July 1, ’02 issue, accorded the
an introduction to the 2003-04 3 Series an even wider-ranging
line of ten 3 Series models, let honor: simply, America’s Best
us once again recap some of the Sedan. “Credit the turbine-
many awards and glowing smooth six-cylinder powerplants,
descriptions recently bestowed the wonderful feel of the shifter,
on the 3 Series by independent the class-leading handling ability
experts: and vault-like construction.”
“What is it that’s made the And now some comments from
3 Series the object of envy and recent published reports, road
imitation among its contempo- tests and crash tests:
raries, as well as a perennial • Automobil Revue, Switzerland,
10Best car?” asked Car and February 20, 2003: “In contrast
Driver rhetorically in the annual to built-in, fixed ‘cornering
10Best awards presented in its lights’ that project light to the
January ‘03 issue. “Torquey side (for example Audi A8 and
straight-six engines smoother Porsche Cayenne), BMW’s
than satin? Snick-snick manual Adaptive Light Control improves
transmissions? Prizefighter vision around corners at
reflexes? Indeed – along with normal to high speeds.”
proportions so pure even BMW
is afraid to tamper with them.
3 Series

• Road & Track, July ’02: • 2003 330i Sedan – same
“Remember that guy in high profile as 325i Sedan but with
school who was a natural more power, new 6-speed
athlete, who excelled at any manual transmission, additional
sport he tried? The BMW standard equipment and design
[330i] is his automotive equiva- distinctions. Available with a
lent, with its sublime inline-6, new Performance Package for
catlike reflexes and superb even more dazzling perfor-
interior.” mance and handling.
• Car and Driver, July ’02, declar- • 2003 330xi Sedan – the 330i
ing the 330Ci Coupe winner of Sedan with all-wheel drive.
a comparison test with the Acura • 2004 325Ci Coupe – 2-door
3.2Cs Type-S: “A beautifully format for added sport and
integrated amalgam of high elegance; yet also quite practi-
performance, comfort, and cal, thanks to standard split
sinful pleasure,” concluded the folding rear seats.
magazine about the 330Ci. • 2004 325Ci Convertible – all
• After conducting its own offset of BMW’s contemporary design
crash test of a 3 Series sedan and engineering for style,
for its March 11, ’99 issue, enjoyment and safety in a
Germany’s auto motor und Convertible.
sport magazine concluded, • 2004 330Ci Coupe – larger
“Occupant protection by the engine, the new 6-speed
new 3 Series is already at transmission and other
such a high level that only upmarket features take it
marginal improvements can be beyond even the sport and
imagined.” elegance of the 325Ci Coupe.
• And in the U.S., the Insurance • 2004 330Ci Convertible –
Institute for Highway Safety, leather-upholstered top of the
after conducting its own crash line.
test of the 3 Series Sedan,
concluded simply: “A Best Pick.” What’s new for 2003-04
For this 2003/early-2004 chapter All models
in the ongoing 3 Series story, As of 9/02 production:
BMW has again carefully built on • Mileage ratings for automatic-
the heritage and qualities that transmission models improved,
make this BMW Series unique. as result of more realistic EPA
The ten models are as follows: testing procedure for STEP-
• 2003 325i Sedan – “entry” TRONIC-equipped vehicles
model, powered by a 2.5-liter, • Available BMW Onboard Navi-
184-hp engine. gation System upgraded to
• 2003 325xi Sedan – all-wheel- DVD-based system; functional
drive version of 325i Sedan. improvements as well
• 2003 325i Sport Wagon – a • In-dash single-disc player now
5-door that adds space and available in combination with
versatility while maintaining the Navigation System
Sedan’s innate sportiness. As of 3/04 production:
• 2003 325xi Sport Wagon – • Newly configured climate-
3 Series

with all-wheel drive to make it control panel

an ideal vehicle for winter

325i/xi Sedan • Rain-sensing windshield wipers
As of 9/02 production: and automatic headlight control
• Front center armrest now now standard
standard; formerly included in • New front-end design, with –
Premium Package • lighting units that sweep
• Center rear head restraint upward as they wrap
added as standard equipment; around to sides
formerly not available • wider grilles and modified
• Rain-sensing windshield wipers hood contours
and automatic headlight control • more prominently flared
added to Premium Package wheel openings
• 325i with automatic transmis- • side character line beginning
sion sold in California, Massa- aft of wheel openings, with
chusetts, New York and side turn-signal “repeater”
Vermont now meets SULEV as its starting point
(Super Ultra-Low Emissions • Optional Xenon low- & high-
Vehicle) standards beam headlights now include
As of 3/03 production: new Adaptive feature, which
• Park Distance Control “steers” the headlights into
becomes available (optional) roadway curves
• New front and rear bumper
325i/xi Sport Wagon
As of 9/02 production:
• Wider trunk lift grip
• Front armrest now standard;
• New taillights, incorporating
formerly included in Premium
BMW’s innovative Adaptive
• Moonroof newly standard;
• New wheel designs, both
formerly available in Premium
standard and optional
Package or as stand-alone
• Park Distance Control
becomes available (optional)
• Rain-sensing windshield wipers
• New exterior colors
and automatic headlight control
added to Premium Package 325Ci Convertible
As of 9/02 production (’03 model):
325Ci Coupe
• Rain-sensing windshield wipers
As of 9/02 production (’03 model):
and automatic headlight control
• Rain-sensing windshield wipers
added to Premium Package
and automatic headlight control
added to Premium Package As of 3/03 production (’04 model):
• Vehicles with automatic trans- • All changes as for 325Ci
mission sold in California, Coupe, except no change in
Massachusetts, New York and trunk lift grip
Vermont now meet SULEV 330i/xi Sedan
(Super Ultra-Low Emissions As of 9/02 production:
Vehicle) standards • Center rear head restraint
As of 3/03 production (’04 models): added as standard equipment;
• Emission control for states other formerly not available
than California, Massachusetts, • Available run-flat tires now
New York and Vermont (manual include Tire Pressure Monitor,
3 Series

and automatic transmissions) a higher-tech approach to

upgraded from LEV to ULEV2 monitoring tire pressure

• Run-flat tires and Tire Pressure 330Ci Convertible
Monitor newly included in 330xi As of 9/02 production (’03 model):
Sport Package (also still avail- • Available run-flat tires now
able as stand-alone option) include Tire Pressure Monitor
As of 3/03 production (’03 As of 3/03 production (’04 model):
model year continues): • Emission control upgraded
• 6-speed manual transmission from ULEV to ULEV2
replaces 5-speed • 6-speed manual transmission
• New Performance Package replaces 5-speed
offered for 330i, including: • Optional Xenon low- & high-
• Modified engine (235 hp, beam headlights now include
224 lb-ft. torque) new Adaptive feature
• 155-mph top-speed limiter • All other changes as for 325Ci
• 6-speed manual transmission Coupe, except no change in
with shortened shift lever trunk lift grip
• BMW M sport suspension
• Unique 18-in. wheels and
• BMW M aerodynamic body
• Specific exterior trim and
color selection
• Unique upholstery and
interior trim
330Ci Coupe
As of 9/02 production (’03 model):
• Available run-flat tires now
include Tire Pressure Monitor
As of 3/03 production (’04 model):
• Emission control upgraded
from ULEV to ULEV2
• 6-speed manual transmission
replaces 5-speed
• Optional Xenon low- & high-
beam headlights now include
new Adaptive feature
• All other changes as for 325Ci
3 Series

3 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 3 Series models offer the following features:

Performance & efficiency punch of the throttle tells you the

larger 3.0L version of BMW’s
2.5-liter DOHC 24-valve inline
stellar DOHC inline-six is a
6-cylinder engine
masterpiece: sultry, sinewy and
(all 325 models)
sonorous,” raved Motor Trend in
As the smaller of two versions of
its six-car “Sport Sedan Road
the M54 inline 6-cylinder engine,
Trip” of May ‘01 . BMW’s official
this 2.5-liter version powers the
0-60-mph times for the 330i
most accessible 3 Series models
Sedan are 6.4 sec. with the new
with silken smoothness, pleasant
6-speed manual transmission,
sound and lively performance.
7.0 sec. with automatic. The
With 184 hp @ 6000 rpm and
330i also achieves remarkable
175 lb-ft. of torque @ 3500 rpm,
EPA mileage ratings of 20/30
the 2.5 engine propels the 325i
with manual transmission, 20/28
Sedan to 60 mph in 7.1 sec. with
with automatic.
manual transmission, 8.1 sec.
with automatic; EPA mileage A new variation of this engine,
ratings are 20 mpg city/29 mpg exclusive to the 330i Sedan,
highway with manual transmis- appears as part of the new
sion, 20/28 with automatic. For Performance Package. Available
acceleration data and EPA only with the new 6-speed
ratings on all 325 models, see transmission and delivering an
specifications, pages 208-209. additional 10 hp and 8 lb-ft. of
torque, it propels the 330i to 60
New for 2003 is an SULEV (Super
mph in just 5.9 sec., and achieves
Ultra Low Emissions Vehicle)
the same EPA ratings of 20 mpg
status of automatic transmission-
city/30 mpg highway. See options
equipped 325i Sedans and 325Ci
& accessories for full information
Coupes for sale in California,
on this engine and other Perfor-
Massachusetts, New York and
mance Package features.
Vermont. Remarkably, this
ultra-clean version of the 2.5-liter For acceleration data and EPA
engine achieves the same ratings on all 330 models, see
performance and EPA mileage specifications, pages 214-215.
as the regular LEV version, and A more detailed description of
entails no price penalty to the this great engine can be found
customer. on pages 16-17.
For a detailed description of the 5-speed manual transmission
2.5-liter engine, see BMW (standard all 325 models)
features, page 16. A manual transmission is often
preferred by enthusiastic drivers.
3.0-liter DOHC 24-valve inline
This “gearbox” complements the
6-cylinder engine
sporty performance of the 2.5-
(all 330 models)
liter engine and provides precise,
Though identical to the 325
enjoyable shifting; in January
engine in all basic engineering
’02, Car and Driver called it “one
features, the 330 unit employs
of the slickest-shifting manual
larger displacement to deliver
gearboxes on the market.”
22.3% more power and torque.
With 225 hp @ 5900 rpm and 6-speed manual transmission
3 Series

214 lb-ft. of torque at 3500 rpm, (standard all 330 models as of

it gives the 330 models class- 3/04 production)
leading performance. “One A new 6-speed manual trans-
mission is now standard in all

330 models, including the 330i drive (xi) models have a GM5
and 330xi (all-wheel-drive) unit. Basic descriptions of BMW
Sedans that continue as 2003 5-speed automatic transmissions
models. Weighing no more than are found in BMW features,
the 5-speed it replaces, this unit – page 17.
the ZF Type H – incorporates
refinements that add driving Handling, ride & braking
pleasure: An immensely strong body
• New, even more effective structure
synchronization of shifting In any automobile, the rigidity of
• Sportier shift action, via 10-mm the body/chassis structure is
(0.4-in.) shorter shift “throws” critical to handling, in that the
from neutral to each gear. more rigid the structure the more
Compared to the 5-speed that precisely the suspension system
continues in the 325 models, the can operate. In the BMW tradi-
6-speed’s ratios for 1st through tion, the 3 Series body/chassis
5th gears are approximately the structure is immensely strong
same; 6th gear provides an and rigid.
0.85:1 overdrive for quieter, The structure’s natural frequencies
more relaxed and potentially in torsion (twisting) and bending
more fuel-efficient cruising. This (end-to-end) must be sufficiently
transmission, with the additional different from each other that the
feature of a shorter shift lever, body has “no life of its own” when
appears in the 330i Performance subjected to road disturbances.
Package. The 3 Series Sedan meets this
5-speed STEPTRONIC automatic criterion with natural frequencies
transmission of 29 Hertz in torsion, 26 Hertz
(optional all models) in bending. These indications of
The available automatic is a dynamic rigidity help explain the
state-of-the-art 5-speed excellence of the 3 Series’
STEPTRONIC unit. Augmenting platform as a foundation for the
either engine’s strong low- and suspension system.
mid-range torque, relatively high To attain high strength without
numerical ratios provide excellent undue weight, high-strength
flexibility and response in 2nd, steels are employed for more
3rd and 4th gears; in 5th, overall than 50% of the sedan’s body
gearing is numerically low for shell by weight. And to help
quiet, potentially fuel-efficient ensure long-lasting structural
cruising. With STEPTRONIC, a strength, galvanized steel (which
Sport mode is selected by moving resists corrosion) is used for
the shift lever into a left-hand 85% of the body on the basis of
gate. Manual shifts then effected surface area.
by “flicking” the lever forward for And how do the other 3 Series
downshifts, rearward for upshifts body types compare? In terms
(the Manual mode). of natural frequencies in torsion
Although all current 3 Series (dynamic), the Coupe measures
models offer essentially the same 28 Hertz, the Sport Wagon 29,
3 Series

automatic-transmission concept, the Convertible 18. In terms of

the actual units vary: All rear- static torsional rigidity, the figures
wheel-drive models employ the are as follows:
ZF 5 HP 19 unit; the all-wheel-

3 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 3 Series models offer the following features:

Sedan –18,000 Newton-meters Rear suspension:

per degree of twist (Nm/ ˚ ) advanced multi-link system
Sedan with folding rear seats – Called Central Link, the 3 Series
13,000 Nm/ ˚ rear suspension is a multi-link
concept that is a key factor in
Coupe (folding rear seats
these vehicles’ amazing road
standard) – 12,500 Nm/ ˚
Sport Wagon (folding rear seats
The Central Link is a large, curved
standard) – 14,000 Nm/ ˚
longitudinal arm, pivoted directly
Convertible – 10,500 Nm/ .̊ ahead of the rear wheel’s vertical
In any context, these are out- and horizontal centerpoint
standing levels of rigidity. An (hence the name) on a rubber
interesting sidelight is that folding bushing of highly sophisticated
rear seats always entail some design. Each wheel also has an
loss of rigidity. Another is that a upper and a lower lateral arm,
convertible is necessarily less for a total of three links per
rigid than its closed-body coun- wheel. The system helps give
terpart; the BMW convertible is remarkable handling and riding
nonetheless relatively rigid for an comfort, yet is simpler than
open-bodied vehicle, and many multi-link concepts.
reports by critics confirm this. Highlights include:
Front suspension: • Aluminum link. The upper
a unique system that has transverse link on each side is
proved itself of cast aluminum, saving more
This Series’ front MacPherson than 1 lb. in unsprung weight
struts and arc-shaped lower per vehicle over steel.
arms are an elegantly simple, • Wide track – as at the front.
effective system whose handling • Vibration-reducing subframe
and ride characteristics speak carrying the suspension and
for themselves. The system’s differential. Composed of sheet-
advanced features include: metal sections and tubes, it is
• Forged-aluminum lower exceptionally rigid. The sub-
arms. Lighter than steel, for frame is attached to the main
reduced unsprung weight. structure through four vibration-
Their arc shape, which allows absorbing rubber mounts.
a single arm on each side to • Acoustically decoupled final
handle longitudinal and lateral drive. The final drive (differential)
forces, is itself an efficient, is attached to the subframe via
weight-saving concept too. vibration-absorbing mountings;
• Hydraulic cushion at rear end with the subframe itself attached
of lower arms, for reduced to the main structure through
road vibration. such mountings, this amounts
• Wide track – for capable to “acoustically decoupled”
cornering. mounting.
• Aluminum brake shield – Total suspension system:
replacing sheet steel for superior handling and ride
reduced unsprung weight. The 3 Series suspension system
3 Series

The aluminum components save is a perfect example of BMW’s

2.5 kg (5.5 lb.) of unsprung constant, intense development
weight in the front suspension process. Aluminum components
system compared to steel. make up 21.3% of total suspen-

sion weight, reducing unsprung between the steering-column
weight – that mass which moves shaft and the rack-and-pinion
up and down with the wheels. steering gear
By reducing the suspension’s • A “quicker” steering ratio,
inertia, this improves its ability to reducing the amount of
keep the tires firmly planted on steering-wheel motion for any
the road, particularly over rough given turning of the vehicle.
surfaces. The aluminum is thus a This quicker ratio reduces steering
major factor in achieving firm turns lock-to-lock from 3.4 to 3.0,
handling along with a very high which along with the other
level of riding comfort. changes results in an even higher
Often, driving reports and road level of precision and driving
tests remark on these very enjoyment for the Series.
capabilities: A typical example is The steering column is specially
found in Automobile Magazine’s designed for safety; for details
February ’03 issue, in connection see safety & security, page 167.
with the magazine’s naming the
4-wheel ventilated disc brakes
3 Series its All-Star Luxury Car
and other premium features
Under $40,000: “The chassis
All models have an outstanding
not only forms a rigid platform
4-wheel disc-brake system. Not
for knife-edged handling but also
only are the discs generously
allows for the damping required
dimensioned compared to
to soak up road irregularities.”
competitive models, they are
A sport suspension calibration is also specifically dimensioned to
standard on the 330i sedan and match each model’s performance
both coupe models. Otherwise, level and weight. Here is a
this relatively firm setup is included summary of braking features:
in the Sport Package of the 325i • Ventilated disc brakes front
sedan and sport wagon and both and rear. All current 3 Series
convertible models. The all-wheel- models have this premium
drive xi models have their own feature, which helps reduce
specific suspension calibration; fading under hard use. Disc
their Sport Packages do not diameters are as follows:
include a sport calibration.
325 330
A new, even sportier M sport models models
suspension setup is part of the
330i Performance Package, Front discs,
mm/in. 300/11.8 325/12.8
described on pages 172-173.
Rear discs,
3 Series steering: always a mm/in. 294/11.6 320/12.6
great system, now even better
The 3 Series’ engine-speed- • Evolved brake design: extra-
sensitive variable-assist power rigid calipers, large pads and
rack-and-pinion steering system advanced pad materials
has generated universal praise. combine to enhance the
individual wheel brakes.
Recently, BMW phased into the
• Fast response time. Refine-
3 Series an exacting detail
ments to the pedal linkage
refinement of the suspension
3 Series

and hydraulic system enable

and steering, consisting of –
the system to respond excep-
• Firmer suspension bushings
tionally quickly to the brake
• A firmer flexible coupling

3 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 3 Series models offer the following features:

• Dynamic Brake Control. rear-wheel-drive BMWs under

Reinforces the driver’s pedal normal traction conditions.
effort in emergency braking. • Minimal steering effects from
• Electronic brake proportioning. the front-wheel drive system
Along with Dynamic Brake (absence of the torque steer
Control, EBP is an element of exhibited by many front-wheel-
the standard Dynamic Stability drive vehicles).
Control system. For details on • Equal-length axle shafts
these and other functions of (outboard of constant-velocity
DSC, please see Dynamic joints) also help minimize
Stability Control, BMW features, torque steer.
pages 21-22. • Excellent directional stability,
In the February’02 Car and because more than half the
Driver comparison test of the driving torque goes to the rear
330i sedan and six competitors, wheels.
only the BMW’s brakes earned a Audi’s quattro AWD system and
full 10 points; those of the six the Mercedes AWD system
competitors ranged from 7 to 9. (currently available on S-, E- and
All-wheel drive C-Class models) have a basic
(325xi & 330xi models) 50/50 front/rear split, also variable
BMW’s all-wheel drive system as the system acts to maximize
offers enhanced traction – traction. Thus with AWD (or, for
particularly under conditions of that matter, with their standard
marginal grip – while preserving drive systems), these brands
typical BMW handling feel. lack the fine edge of handling
that BMW consistently cultivates.
The heart of BMW’s all-wheel drive
(AWD) is a transfer case with plan- How it works. From the center
etary center differential. So-called differential just behind the
because they resemble a sun with transmission, torque proceeds
planets orbiting around it (sun gear, straight back to the rear differen-
planet gears), planetary gearsets tial. Via a gear drive and open
are almost universally used to driveshaft (running along the left
achieve gear ratios in automatic side of the transmission and
transmissions; they can also be engine), torque is transmitted to
employed to apportion torque to the front. The front differential is
two output shafts in a predeter- at the left side of the engine pan;
mined way, as is done here. from there, axle shafts run –
• via a constant-velocity (CV)
This predetermined split is 38%
joint to the left front wheel
to the front wheels, 62% to the
• through the engine pan (but
rear wheels. Because the system
sealed from the engine oil
includes all-speed traction
supply) and another CV joint
control – here operating on all
to the right front wheel.
four wheels – this basic split can
be modified, as required by road Dynamic Stability Control
and weather conditions. The functions with AWD essentially as
advantages of the 38/62 split are: with RWD, with these exceptions:
• Basically neutral handling, • All functions involving engine
3 Series

with mild “transition effect” intervention, such as traction

when the driver lifts the accel- control and cornering stabiliza-
erator while cornering. The xi tion, affect all four wheels
models handle essentially like rather than just the rear ones.

• Because of AWD’s superior all- Wheels and tires:
around traction, the Dynamic generously dimensioned,
Traction Control is not provided. many choices
• Hill Descent Control helps the BMW offers a wide range of
driver maintain speed and wheel and tire equipment for the
stability on steep downhill runs. 3 Series, from the 325i’s standard
The driver needs only to press 16-inchers to the all-out sporti-
a dedicated button on the ness of the 18-in. equipment
console; HDC then takes over, that is optional in combination
gently applying the brakes as with the 330Ci Sport Package
necessary to help keep the and now also part of the 330i
speed to a brisk walking pace. Performance Package. All 330
AutoWeek (April 9, 2001) models have at least V-rated
summed up a 325xi Sport tires. All available combinations
Wagon just as we would: “This are shown in the table below;
wagon drives, then, pretty much several wheel designs for the ’04
like any other driver-pleasing models are new and are denoted
3 Series but offers tailgate cargo with bold type in the table.
utility and all-weather traction.”

Model/version Wheel design/ Wheel size Tire size/speed

design number rating/type
325i/xi Sedan & Star Spoke #45 16 x 7.0 205/55R-16 H-rated
Wagon standard all-season
’04 325Ci Coupe & Double Spoke #88 16 x 7.0 205/55R-16 H-rated
Convertible standard all-season
325i Sedan & Wagon Star Spoke #96 17 x 8.0 225/45R-17 W-rated
Sport Package performance
325xi Sedan & Wagon Radial Spoke #73 17 x 7.0 205/50R-17 V-rated
Sport Package, all-season
330i/xi Sedan std.
’04 325Ci Coupe & Star Spoke #119 17 x 8.0 225/45R-17 W-rated
Convertible performance
Sport Package
’04 330Ci Coupe & Double Spoke #98 17 x 7.0 205/50R-17 V-rated
Convertible standard all-season
Run-flat option with Double Spoke #98 17 x 7.0 1
205/50R-17 V-rated
Tire Pressure Monitor, run-flat 1
all 330 models;
330xi Sport Package
330i Sedan, ’04 M Double Spoke 17 x 7.5 F/ 225/45ZR-17 F/
330Ci Coupe #68M 17 x 8.5 R 245/40ZR-17 R
& Convertible performance
Sport Package
’04 330Ci Coupe Double Spoke 18 x 8.0 F/ 225/40ZR-18 F/
& Convertible Composite #71 18 x 8.5 rear 1 255/35ZR-18 R
option with performance 1
Sport Package
3 Series

330i Sedan M Double Spoke 18 x 8.0 F/ 225/40ZR-18 F/

Performance Pkg. #135M 18 x 8.5 rear 255/35ZR-18 R
performance 1
F = Front; R = Rear. 1 – Space-saver spare.

3 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 3 Series models offer the following features:

Sedans and Coupes come stan- Certain details distinguish the

dard with a full-use spare wheel front ends of the various body
and tire; their spare is identical to types, as well as 330 from 325
the road wheels and tires. Sport models:
Wagons and Convertibles come • Different headlight clusters for
standard with a space-saver; a Sedans/Sport Wagons (’03)
full-use spare is optional on the and Coupes/Convertibles (new
Sport Wagons. 330i/Ci models ’04 design brings the two
with Sport Package have a spare body-type groups closer
that matches their front 17-in. together)
tires and wheels; 330i/Ci models • Front bumpers have one design
equipped with the run-flat and for Sedans/Sport Wagons
18-in. options come with a (’03) and Coupes/Convertibles
space-saver spare. (new ’04 design).
The run-flat option, available on • Grilles differ subtly between
all 330 models, comes with a the Sedans/Sport Wagons
more sophisticated system of and Coupes/Convertibles, the
monitoring tire pressure for latter’s grille shape having a
2003; for details, see options & new shape for ’04.
accessories. • Sedan and Wagon hoods have
character lines running from
Exterior & aerodynamics the outer upper grille corners
The front end to the A-pillars; on Coupes
The grille (formed as BMW’s and Convertibles, these lines
traditional “kidneys”) is set into run almost straight rearward.
the hood, which sweeps right • On the 330i and all Sport
down to the front bumper. At the Wagon, Coupe and Convertible
same time, the grille thrusts models, the grille slats are
forward to symbolize the way chrome; those of the 325i/xi
these cars move ahead. It’s a Sedan are black.
wonderfully clean, strong “face.” • Sport Wagons, Coupes and
the 330i/xi Sedan have chrome
The headlights’ free-form side-window trim; the 325i/xi
reflectors are clearly visible Sedan has all-black trim.
behind smooth, break-resistant • 330 models have Titanium-fin-
aerodynamic covers. The high ish headlight surrounds; on
beams’ outboard periphery sports the 325s these are black.
a discreet, decorative touch of • 330 models and all xi models
three small chrome rings. Finally, have chrome exhaust outlets.
a distinctive cutout beneath
each of the lamps lends visual In profile
interest to the 4-lamp scheme. All models have a low and sloping
hoodline, graceful roofline and
As interesting as the headlights harmonious “conclusion” at the
are to look at, they also provide rear. BMW traditions are there –
outstanding forward illumination. side character line running from
For even more effective lighting, front to rear, “reverse kink” at the
Xenon low- and high-beam base of the Sedan and Coupe
headlights are optional (with the rear side windows. Bold wheel
3 Series

new Adaptive Light Control on arches accent the available 16-,

’04 models, without on ‘03s). 17- and 18-in. wheels. On the
For details on this new Adaptive Sedans and Wagons, the front
feature, see page 162.

wheel flares were made more roof-seam trim strips. On 325i/xi
prominent for ’02 and the side Sedans, all these elements are
character line begins aft of them; black.
similar changes apply to the ’04 At the rear
Coupes and Convertible. L-form taillight units look great,
Notable eye-catchers include a and give the always-important
flare-out at the doors’ bottom function of the turn signals a top
edges; a spear-like ridge in the priority. Following a theme set by
side sill; the almost straight rear the headlights, their lenses are
edge of the Sedan and Wagon highly transparent, revealing much
rear doors; safety-oriented door of their “inner workings.” The
handles (in body color) that can integrated rear spoiler of sedans,
be pried open in a post-crash coupes and convertibles is high
emergency. Large taillight wrap- and prominent, yet subtle.
arounds can improve side visibility As at the front, certain details
of the vehicle at night. Even the distinguish the models. The
fuel door (on the right side, as backup lights are configured
always) includes a thoughtful detail: differently on the different body
Press inward on its rear edge, types, and in the Coupes and
and it pops out so that you can Convertibles the rear reflectors
open it. No “lip” is required. are set into the bumper rather
A consistent BMW element is than the main lighting units. The
that these cars are tightly dimen- 325i/xi Sport Wagon, 330i/xi
sioned, in both appearance and Sedan, and all Coupes and Con-
reality. There is absolutely no vertibles have body-color tailgate
flab. Front-wheels-forward, or trunk grips; on the 325i/xi
short-overhang proportions Sedan this element is black.
visually represent the engineering New Coupe and Convertible
virtues of rear-wheel drive: exterior features for ’04
sporty handling, steering that’s Three new standard features of
free of powertrain influences, the ’04 Coupes and Convert-
and excellent traction under hard ibles contribute to safer, more
acceleration. (Though their front convenient driving. Of these, the
wheels do transmit torque, the most innovative is BMW’s adap-
all-wheel-drive models maintain tive brakelights, which first
this principle by apportioning appeared on the 7 Series in ’02
only 38% of the torque to the and have since been adopted
front wheels.) for the Z4 roadster Series.
On Sport Wagons, Coupes and Each taillight unit’s tail- and
the 330i/xi Sedan, the side brakelight segment consists of
windows are outlined in chrome clusters of LEDs. In normal
trim (325i Sedan: all-black). On braking, the central cluster illumi-
Coupes and Convertibles, side nates more brightly. Under heavy
moldings are in body color; on braking or anytime the ABS
Sedans and Sport Wagon they goes into action, additional LED
are black. The 330i and all Sport clusters, in- and outboard of the
Wagons, Coupes and Convert- main one, illuminate to enlarge
3 Series

ibles have body-color cowl air the total brakelight area. Following
intakes and roof-seam trim strips; drivers are thus alerted automat-
the 330i and all Sport Wagons ically to sharp braking by the
and Coupes have body-color BMW driver, potentially lessening

3 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 3 Series models offer the following features:

the likelihood of a rear-ender. to give subtle yet definite evidence

Even in normal braking, the of the larger-engined, more exten-
LEDs have the advantage that sively equipped 330 models.
they light up more quickly than
conventional bulbs. Ergonomics & luxury
Rain-sensing windshield wiper The control center
remain optional on the ’03 As the focal point of the driver’s
Sedans and Sport Wagons (as control center, the instrument
part of their Premium Packages) panel presents an upscale look,
but become standard on the ’04 with the following elements:
Coupes and Convertibles. The • Typical BMW instrument
same applies for the automatic cluster, contemporary in
headlight control. (See BMW appearance and technology. A
features for information on these 4-function Onboard Computer
features.) is standard in all but 325i/xi
Low- and high-beam Xenon models. Also in the cluster’s
headlights continue as an option lower portion: Check Control in
on all models. On the ’04 models, pictogram form, with indicators
this feature comes with the new for door or trunk ajar and
Adaptive Light Control feature, defective bulbs in parking,
which is literally “aimed” at making head-, fog-, tail-, brake- and
night driving safer. With the license-plate lamps. For
headlight switch in its Automatic reliability, LEDs are used for
position, as soon as the vehicle illumination and pointers are
is moving forward, the outboard driven by tiny servo motors.
Xenon lights steer with the vehicle, The Service Interval Indicator
guided by an electronic control (SII) displays the remaining
system and swiveled up to 15˚ to miles to the next required
the right or 7˚ to the left (to avoid service. Instrument dials are
blinding oncoming drivers) by black with white Roman-style
small servo motors. The system (sans serif) lettering and
responds not simplistically to the numerals in Sedans and
steering angle, but also to vehicle Wagons, gray with white italic
speed and the yaw rate (the rate lettering and numerals in
at which the vehicle’s direction is Coupes and Convertibles.
changing). At speeds below 20 • Easy-to-use audio and
mph, the headlights’ steer angle climate controls. In all models,
is sharply reduced to avoid a revised climate-control panel
blinding pedestrians. The tangible improves on what was already
benefit for customers is enhanced a very satisfactory arrangement:
night vision around corners and The temperature and blower-
curves. Xenon lights are available speed keys are now more
without the Adaptive feature on widely separated; increases
the ’03 models. are effected by pressing the
upper key, decreases by
Why all this differentiation? First, pressing the lower one. Salient
because the two “sets” of models features of the automatic
(Sedans and Wagons, Coupes climate control remain:
3 Series

and Convertibles) are design and • LED display of temperature

character distinctions that deserve setting and current blower
all-around expression; and second, speed

• Automatic recirculation • Intuitive power-window
control switches: pull up to raise
• Large-area, soft-touch keys windows, push down to lower.
for all functions. 1-touch operation varies
Cooling and heating output is according to model (see
ample; a variable-displacement standard & optional features);
air-conditioning compressor the switches are illuminated at
eliminates noticeable on/off night.
cycling. • Dual cupholders in center
• Attractive upper dash section console; open-style, capable
including instrument nacelle, of holding different-sized con-
ventilation outlets and passenger tainers. A roll-over coinholder
airbag in a premium leather-like is also provided here.
grain. This upper section is Front seats:
always black; with interior colors many choices, always
other than black it contrasts to comfortable and convenient
the lower section for a pleasant BMW seats provide firm but not-
“floating” visual effect. too-firm support and comfort.
• Trim panel across dash. Their internal construction is
Titanium finish is standard in all engineered to work together
models; genuine Myrtle wood with the vehicle suspension to
is available in Premium Packages absorb vibration; they offer
or as a stand-alone option. adequate lateral support without
The trim material used here is constricting the occupant.
repeated in an attractive inset The front seats incorporate an
strip on each door of Sedans internal ventilation system: As
and Wagon, and on the side the car’s ride motions cause the
armrests of Coupes and occupant to move slightly up
Convertibles. and down in the seat, cylindrical
• Leather-trimmed tilt/telescopic cavities in the cushions and
steering wheel, with 30 mm backrests generate a “pumping”
(1.2 in.) of vertical and longitu- effect which removes moisture
dinal adjustment. Includes and feeds in fresh air.
function keys for cruise control,
In the 325i/xi and 325Ci Coupe,
audio and (if present) the
the standard front seats offer
Center-installed BMW Cellular
6-way manual adjustment for:
Phone System.
• fore-aft position
• Console compartment, with
• backrest angle
“glide-open” door. In Convert-
• cushion height.
ibles this is configured as a
sunglasses holder. Not present The controls are easy-to-use
in vehicles equipped with the levers on the side of each front
Onboard Navigation System. seat.
• BMW’s familiar temperature- 8-way power front seats are
and volume-controlled center standard in the 330i/xi models
air outlets (face vents). and 330Ci Coupe, are included
• Curve-away right dash section in the 325i/xi and 325Ci Coupe
to give the front passenger a Premium Packages, and are
3 Series

feeling of greater space; also available as a stand-alone option

an interesting visual effect. as well.

3 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 3 Series models offer the following features:

Both Convertible models come cupholders, a storage compart-

standard with 10-way power ment and a center rear head
front seats, adding a vertical restraint. A center head restraint
head-restraint adjustment. All is newly standard in the Sedans
power seats include a memory as well.
system, capturing three pre- Coupes and Convertibles. When
ferred settings for the driver’s a front backrest is folded over,
seat and outside mirrors. In all the entire seat can be moved
models with power seats, when 90 mm/3.54 in. forward to facili-
reverse gear is engaged, the tate access to rear seating; this
righthand outside mirror tilts is called the easy-entry feature.
down for visibility of the curb. In convertibles, easy-entry is
Power lumbar support (4-way, powered; upon actuation of a
adjusting for height and firmness) switch at the backrest’s upper
is available in all 330 models’ outer edge, the seat moves
Premium Package. For details forward at double its normal
on the available sport seats, see power adjustment speed.
options & accessories. In Actuating the switch in the other
closed-body models, the front direction returns the seat to its
head restraints are manually previously adjusted fore-aft
adjustable for height and angle; position.
those for the rear outboard Split folding seats are standard
seating positions are height- in the Coupes. The Convertibles’
adjustable. In Convertibles, the rear seats do not fold. A ski bag
front head-restraint height is is available in the Sport Wagon,
power-adjusted, along with the Coupes and Convertibles as part
safety-belt height. of the Cold Weather Package.
A fold-up center front armrest is Seatback nets are standard in all
now standard in all models; it Coupe and Convertible models.
includes a useful tray that is lined Upholstery:
with soft, slide-resistant surfaces. standard leatherette, optional
Rear seating: leather
space and comfort Continuing a popular, distinctive
Sedans and Sport Wagons. BMW theme (few Japanese
Seatback nets, on the backs of models offer it), standard
the front seats, are convenient leatherette upholstery is available
storage places for rear- and in two colors: Black and Sand.
front-seat occupants alike. For details on the available
Split folding rear seats (including leather interior (standard in 330Ci
a ski bag) are optional in Sedan Convertible, stand-alone option
models (stand-alone or Cold for all other models, 330i/xi/Ci
Weather Package); they are split Coupe Premium Package), see
1/3 right / 2/3 left. In Sedan options & accessories.
models with the available leather Interior lighting amenities
upholstery and/or folding seats, Premium interior lighting is now
a fold-up rear center armrest is standard in all models. This
provided. In the Sport Wagon, a includes front footwell illumination,
3 Series

more elaborate fold-up armrest separately controlled left/right

is standard, and includes two reading lights front and rear, and
illuminated visor vanity mirrors.

(Convertibles have the same • Front midrange (2) – middle of
lighting scheme, except of course front door panels (Sedans,
without the rear reading lights Wagons), in midrange/tweeter
unless equipped with the optional combination, upper front door
hardtop.) panels (Coupes, Convertibles)
A quiet cabin • Rear midrange (2) – rear door
BMW engineers have kept noise panels (Sedans, Wagons),
levels low inside the 3 Series rear-compartment side panels
cabin, although not the ultra-silent, (Coupes, Convertibles)
characterless ambience favored • Front tweeters (2) – mirror
by some of our competitors. triangles (Sedans, Wagons), in
Measures that help quiet the midrange/tweeter combination,
cabin include: upper front door panels
• Engine, suspension and (Coupes, Convertibles)
differential-mounting refine- • Front woofers (2) – lower front
ments, including hydraulic door panels (all models), though
mounts in front suspension location differs between
and at the differential. Sedans/Wagons and
• Ultra-rigid body structure (see Coupes/Convertibles
handling, ride & braking). • Rear woofers (2) – in rear shelf
• Highly effective sound-insulation (Sedans, Coupes), above rear
strategy; reduces noise levels wheelwells (Wagons), rear-
without undue weight. compartment side panels
• Low wind noise outside the (Convertibles).
body (carefully shaped A-pillars Speaker type, quality and place-
and outside mirrors; ribs on ment, specifically engineered for
mirror housings of Coupes each body type, combine with
and Convertibles to reduce refined equalization and adequate
wind noise further). audio power to produce excellent
• Premium door-sealing system, standard sound.
with 3-segment seals in the Harman Kardon system
window areas. (optional 325 models, standard
• Reduced transmission of 330 models). Audio power is
outside noise via flow-through increased by approximately 40%,
cabin ventilation. components are upgraded, and
• Smooth-finished window tracks. vehicle-speed-dependent equal-
• Refined front wind deflector for ization helps keep sound quality
the moonroof of Sedans, consistent with changing noise
Sport Wagon and Coupes levels – a particularly important
(reduces wind noise and feature for the Convertibles.
buffeting with moonroof open).
All speakers are of premium
Audio systems: quality, and include –
attractive and functional design • Front midrange (2) – locations
A spacious, ergonomically as for standard system
designed in-dash audio panel is • Rear midrange (2) – locations
the user interface of an appealing as for standard system
set of audio choices. • Front tweeters (2) – locations
3 Series

325 standard system. All 325 as for standard system

models come standard with a • Front woofers (2) – locations
10-speaker sound system with the as for standard system
following speaker specifications:

3 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 3 Series models offer the following features:

• Rear woofer (2) – locations as • RDS (Radio Data System),

for standard system (Sedans, including PTY (Program Type)
Coupes); dual-coil woofers (4) • 12 FM presets (FM1/FM2) and
in same locations as for 6 AM presets
standard system (Wagons); in • Autostore of strongest stations
deck behind rear seats • Dolby® B and C noise reduc-
(Convertibles) tion for tape deck
• Subwoofers (2) – under rear • Anti-theft design – unit is func-
shelf (Sedans, Coupes), dual- tional only if connected to a
coil subwoofer in ski pass- BMW 3 Series electrical system
through door (Convertibles). • 6-disc CD changer – available
No subwoofers in Wagons. for BMW Center installation.
The number of speakers for all Advanced electronic
body types is thus 12: convenience and choices:
• Sedans and Coupes – standard Vehicle and Key Memory
10 plus 2 subwoofers BMW’s sophisticated Vehicle
• Convertibles – standard 10 and Key Memory System is
plus dual-coil subwoofer standard on all 3 Series models,
(counts as 2) and is described in BMW
• Sport Wagons – standard 10 features, page 27.
plus 2nd coils of dual-coil rear Thoughtful trunk features
woofers. With any BMW, the trunk –
Spatial Enhancement adds though usually out of sight – is
richness to the sound. In Sedans, designed and finished with
Coupes and Sport Wagons quality. So it is that the 3 Series
there is a console switch to turn trunk includes many thoughtful
this feature on or off; in convert- features:
ibles it is always on. The Harman • Remote and interior trunk
Kardon logo appears on front- releases on all models.
door and (in Sedans and • Reversible mat on floor (Sedans
Coupes) rear-shelf speakers. and Coupes): flock on one side,
All 3 Series audio options include slide-resistant rubber finish on
at least the following premium the other to secure smaller
features: objects from sliding around
• Standard in-dash single-disc when the vehicle is in motion.
CD player, with a cassette • Configured for two golfbags
player available to replace this transversely; bags don’t have
CD player at no extra cost. to be positioned diagonally.
• Diversity antenna system. In • Hook to hold up floor panel
Sedans and Coupes, all circuits while getting to spare tire.
are imprinted on the rear • Releases for folding rear seats
window; in the Sport Wagon, (standard in Coupes, optional
they are on the rear window in Sedans), just ahead of trunk
and rear side window; on opening and clearly labeled.
Convertibles, they consist of a For special features of the Con-
mast antenna on the left rear vertible trunk and Sport Wagon
fender and antenna circuits in cargo area, see specific features
3 Series

the softtop cover. by model, pages 177-183.

Safety & security Institute’s Best Pick rating. BMW’s
occupant compartment held its
Dynamic Stability Control
shape, with low likelihood of injury.
As on all other current BMW
In the same test, the Audi A6,
models, Dynamic Stability
Cadillac Catera (now obsolete),
Control, BMW’s comprehensive
Saab 9-5 and Volvo S80 earned
system of traction and stability
“good” or “acceptable” ratings,
enhancement, is standard on
but were not rated Best Picks.
every 3 Series model, with
special features for the all-wheel- Optimized steering-column
drive xi models. DSC is described design
in detail in BMW features, pages A motor vehicle’s steering column
21-22. plays a key role in protecting the
driver from the forces of a severe
Body structure designed for
frontal impact. From its very bot-
energy management
tom (at the steering rack) to the
Like every current BMW, the
steering-wheel hub, the steering
3 Series has a rigid, yet energy-
column has been engineered for
absorbing body structure;
optimum protection. It is designed
BMW’s approach to structural
as a 2-section system (lower
design is described in BMW
and upper); features include:
features, pages 18-27.
• 3-piece aluminum lower spindle
Independent critics and testing capable of absorbing major
agencies have confirmed the frontal deformation
3 Series’ outstanding performance • Upper column housing of
in crash tests. Germany’s highly magnesium, for strength
respected auto motor und sport combined with light weight
magazine, which actually runs its • Steering-wheel mounting
own crash tests, conducted an capable of moving forward in
offset frontal impact at 64 km/h a controlled manner
(almost 40 mph) and a side-impact • Foam padding integrated into
test at 32 km/h (20 mph) against bottom of upper steering
a massive iron pole. Both tests column, as knee protection.
were survived by the BMW
The entire column has been
“occupants” (test dummies)
designed to “decouple” its lower
largely without injury. The vehicle’s
and upper portions and thus
stable passenger compartment,
improve its protective behavior in
effective restraint systems and
a severe frontal impact, while
front- and side-impact airbags
providing the highly desirable
made for such good crash results
tilt/telescopic adjustment.
that the magazine concluded:
“Occupant protection in the new Height-adjustable front safety
3 Series is at such a high standard belts with automatic tensioners
that only marginal improvements and force limiters
are conceivable.” Front safety belts in the 3 Series
are height-adjustable; those in
In the U.S., the Insurance
closed-body models are adjusted
Institute for Highway Safety also
manually, those in Convertibles
confirmed the Series’ crash
power-adjusted along with the
performance. In its actual 40-mph
3 Series

head-restraint height. For details

offset tests of five models in the
on the safety belts of all current
3 Series’ competitive class, the
models, see BMW features,
3 Series sedan earned the
pages 40-41.

3 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 3 Series models offer the following features:

Head Protection System (HPS) as well as transverse deceleration

All 3 Series models except (such as hitting a curb) for
Convertibles come standard with deployment of the rollbars. LED
BMW’s pioneering, highly effective transmitters and phototransistor
inflatable-tubular front Head receivers are positioned to read
Protection System. For details, the floats’ air bubbles as they
see BMW features, page 41. move in their glass tubes.
“HPS” lettering on the windshield Normally, the liquid in the floats
pillars signifies the presence of prevents transmission of the LED
this unique BMW safety feature. signal. If the vehicle starts to roll
Optional rear-seat side-impact over sideways or end-to-end
airbags beyond critical angles, an air
Like the standard-equipment bubble will move enough to allow
front side-impact airbags, the rear transmission of the LED signal.
ones are built into the doors of The control-module electronics
the Sedans and Sport Wagon. In then trigger the rollbar actuators.
Coupe and Convertible models There is also a g-sensor to trigger
they are in the rear side panels. the rollbars should the vehicle
become airborne.
Details on BMW’s various
rear-seat side-impact protection If either sensor system is triggered,
systems, as well as our policies the two electromagnetic rollbar
in offering them to customers, actuators are supplied with
are presented in BMW features, electric power. Normally held in
page 41. their retracted position, the rollbars
are then deployed upward by
Rollover Protection System
powerful springs, and locked
into position to sustain the
(Convertible models)
rollover forces. All this occurs in
Basic occupant protection is
just a fraction of a second.
afforded by the convertibles’
strong body, reinforced windshield The rollbars and deployment
frame, front- and side-impact modules are entirely of aluminum,
airbags, interlocking anchoring of and each bar has a molded pad
the side doors, seat-integrated at its top. When retracted, they
front safety belts and 3-point rear are concealed by the head
belts. This system, which offers restraints. After deploying, the
additional, Convertible-specific rollbars can be reset by a BMW
protection, consists of: technician.
• Two interdependent modules, Security features
one behind each rear seat, each Locking and unlocking of the
with a mechanical actuator vehicle as well as the available
and a deployable rollbar alarm system are controlled by a
• A highly sophisticated rollover multi-function remote in the
sensor/control module. keyhead, as described in BMW
• A g-sensor to detect the vehi- features, page 28.
cle’s becoming airborne, also The Vehicle and Key Memory
included in the control module. system provides 3 Series vehicle
The rollover sensor’s action is users with important choices
3 Series

based on a clinometer, with three regarding security functions. See

level floats to detect body tilting page 27 for a summary of
available functions.

Options & accessories The 325Ci Coupe Premium
Package is like the Sedan’s,
Factory-installed options except that it omits the On-board
Premium Packages Computer, rain-sensing wipers
Each 3 Series model is available and automatic headlight control
with a Premium Package that (all standard in the ’04 Coupe)
upgrades its level of luxury and and is priced accordingly lower.
convenience at an attractive price. Because power seats, memory
The 325i/xi Sedan Premium and mirror tilt-down feature are
Package consists of – standard on Convertibles, the
• Rain-sensing windshield 325Ci Convertible Premium
wipers, new for ’03 (see BMW Package differs from those of the
features, pages 40-41) closed-body models. It includes:
• Automatic headlight control, • Fully automatic power softtop
also new for ’03 (see BMW (a manual softtop is standard)
features, pages 40-41) • Wood interior trim
• Power front seats with • Auto-dimming inside rearview
memory. 8-way power seats mirror
replace the standard 6-way • BMW Universal Transceiver,
manual seats, adding a conveniently integrated into
cushion-angle adjustment. the inside rearview mirror’s
3-position driver’s-seat and housing.
outside-mirror memory The 330 models have more
included. standard equipment than their
• Automatic tilt-down of right 325 counterparts, so the 330i/xi
outside mirror when reverse and 330Ci Coupe Premium
gear is engaged Packages are quite different
• Wood interior trim. Distinctive from those for the 325i/xi and
Myrtle on the instrument panel, 325Ci models. To elevate these
console, doors and shift knob. top models’ level of luxury and
• Onboard Computer with 4 convenience, they include:
functions: • Rain-sensing windshield
– outside temperature, acoustic wipers (Sedans only; standard
freeze warning in ’04 Coupes)
– average speed since reset • Automatic headlight control
– average fuel economy since (Sedans only; standard in ’04
reset Coupes)
– expected range on remaining • Montana leather upholstery,
fuel. including door and (in the
• Auto-dimming inside rearview coupe) rear side-panel trim
mirror • Wood interior trim
• 2-way power moonroof. • 4-way power lumbar support,
The 325i/xi Sport Wagon with adjustable firmness and
Premium Package is like the vertical position of lumbar
Sedan’s, except that it omits the support on both front seats
moonroof (now standard on the • Auto-dimming inside rearview
wagons) and is priced accordingly mirror
• 2-way power moonroof.
3 Series

As leather upholstery is standard
in this model and of course a
moonroof isn’t offered, the 330Ci

3 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 3 Series models offer the following features:

Convertible Premium Package is • 3-spoke leather sport steering

differently composed. It includes: wheel as in 325i Package
• Wood interior trim • 10-way sport seats, also as in
• 4-way power lumbar support 325i Package, and again
• Auto-dimming inside rearview powered if combined with the
mirror Premium Package or stand-
• BMW Universal Transceiver. alone power-seats option.
Sport Packages Because the Coupes come
A Sport Package is also available standard with sport suspension
for all models. Like the Premium and sport steering wheel, the
Packages, these are model- 325Ci Coupe Sport Package
specific and purposeful. The does not include those features.
325i Sedan/Sport Wagon Sport Package contents are:
Package underscores these • 17-in. wheels and perfor-
value-packed models’ inherent mance tires. With a new
sportiness with the following 5-spoke Star Spoke design
features: (#119) for ’04, the 17 x 8.0
• Sport suspension. Following wheels carry the same
the established BMW philoso- 225/45R-17 W-rated tires as
phy, the sport suspension is in the 325i Package.
lowered 15 mm/0.6 in. and • White turn-signal lenses
firmed-up all around. • 10-way sport seats, also as in
• 17-in. wheels and performance 325i Package, and again
tires. 17 x 8.0 wheels in Star powered if combined with the
Spoke design (#96), carrying Premium Package or power-
225/45R-17 W-rated tires. seats option.
• 3-spoke leather sport steer- As Convertible models do not
ing wheel of smaller diameter come standard with sport sus-
(375 mm/14.8 in. vs. 385/15.2) pension, the 325Ci Convertible
than standard 4-spoke wheel. Sport Package adds this element
• 10-way sport seats, manual. to the Coupe’s Package contents.
If the Sport Package is Because 10-way power seats
combined with the Premium are standard in the Convertible,
Package or stand-alone power- the sport seats here have 10-way
seats option, the 8-way manual power/2-way manual adjustment.
adjustments (that is, all except
With sport suspension standard
thigh support) are powered.
on the 330i Sedan, the 330i
The 325xi Sedan/Sport Wagon Sport Package does not include
Sport Package differs from that that feature. Its contents are:
for the “i” models. Sport suspen- • 17-in. wheels and performance
sion is not included, as the AWD tires with differentiated front/
models have their own specific rear sizes. 17 x 7.5 M Double
suspension tuning, and all-season Spoke front wheels (design
tires are specified in the interests #68M) carry 225/45ZR-17
of optimum bad-weather traction: performance tires at the front;
• 17-in. wheels and uprated 17 x 8.5 wheels carry
all-season tires. A different 245/40ZR-17 tires at the rear.
Star Spoke design (#73) for
3 Series

• M aerodynamic body compo-

17 x 7.0 wheels, carrying nents. Distinctive front bumper
205/50R-17 V-rated tires. and foglight design, special
rocker panels and rear apron.

• Sport steering wheel response and more aggressive
• 8-way power/2-way manual sound. The changes include
sport seats. revised camshafts, specially
Parallel to the 325xi models, programmed electronic engine
there is a specific 330xi Sport management and larger-
Package for this AWD-equipped diameter exhaust pipes.
sedan. It is identical to the 330i • 155-mph maximum-speed
Sport Package, except that it limiter instead of other 330
retains the standard 17-in. wheel models’ 128-mph limiter.
and tire sizes and (new for ‘03) • Short shift lever, which
V-rated run-flat tires plus the enhances the newly standard
new Tire Pressure Monitor. The 6-speed transmission’s already
wheels here are also new for ’03: ultra-precise, short-throw shift
the same Double Spoke design mechanism.
(#98) that is also included with • Performance final drive ratio
the stand-alone run-flat option. (3.07:1, vs. the standard 2.93:1)
– optimally translates the new
The ’04 330Ci Coupe Sport
engine and transmission capa-
Package is like that for the 330i
bilities into impressive road
Sedan, but without the aerody-
performance. With this Pack-
namic body components and
age, the 330i accelerates from
(because it is standard) the sport
0 to 60 mph in just 5.9 sec.,
steering wheel:
vs. the standard model’s 6.4.
• M Double Spoke wheels,
• New BMW M sport suspen-
17 x 7.5 front/17 x 8.5 rear,
sion system that bonds the
with 225/45ZR-17 front /
330i even more intimately to
245/40ZR-17 rear performance
the road than its standard
sport suspension. It includes –
• White turn-signal lenses.
• Firmer springs, by approxi-
• 8-way power/2-way manual
mately 6% at the front and
sport seats.
8% at the rear
The 330Ci Convertible Sport • Specially calibrated shock
Package is the same as for the absorbers: front 50% firmer
330Ci Coupe, except that it in jounce, 35% in rebound;
adds sport suspension because rear 20% firmer in jounce,
that feature is not standard on 8% softer in rebound
the convertibles. The sport seats • Larger-diameter anti-roll
here have 10-way power/2-way (stabilizer) bars: front 23.5
manual adjustment. mm/rear 18.5 mm, vs.
Performance Package standard 18.5/18.0
(330i Sedan only) • More rigid forward bushings
This dazzling new Package takes for the lower suspension
the 330i Sedan to its highest level arms
of sportiness ever. Developed by • 15-mm lower ride height
BMW M, it includes very extensive (compared to the standard
enhancements to performance, 330i sport suspension)
roadability, exterior design and • Unique 18-inch wheels in
interior features: differentiated front/rear sizes
3 Series

• Engine modifications that add – M Double Spoke wheels of

10 horsepower, 8 pounds-feet 18 x 8.0 front/18 x 8.5 rear
of torque, 300 rpm at the top dimensions, in Double Spoke
end, even quicker throttle design #135M, carrying

3 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 3 Series models offer the following features:

225/40ZR front / 255/35ZR • Anthracite-color headliner.

rear performance tires. The • Special instruments, with red
sizes are the same as those of needles and (on the tachometer)
the former stand-alone 18-in. a red warning zone correspond-
option, which is no longer ing to the engine’s greater
available on the Sedan; the “revving” capability.
wheel design is new and Cold Weather Package
unique to this Package. Available on all models, this
• Unique BMW M body Package comes in two forms:
components, including front with split folding rear seats for
bumper/spoiler, rocker panels, the models that do not come
rear bumper/apron/air diffuser standard with them, and without
and trunklid spoiler. split folding rear seats for those
• Special exterior trim elements that either have them as standard
– Anthracite (charcoal-gray) or do not offer them. It includes:
headlight and foglight surrounds, • Headlight cleaning system.
high-gloss Shadowline trim High-intensity jets, normally
around the side windows. retracted, pop out to spray the
• An additional exterior color, lights with washer fluid.
the rich and sporty Imola Red, • Heated front seats, also avail-
is available with the Package. able as a stand-alone option
(Imola is an Italian race track, • Split folding rear seats for
best known as a Formula 1 sedans only (standard in Sport
venue.) Two new metallic Wagons and coupes, not
colors, Mystic Blue and Silver available in convertibles)
Gray, become available on the • Ski bag, for carrying skis
330i and other 3 Series models “indoors” without soiling the
as well. (Three colors from the interior.
regular 3 Series palette are not
5-speed STEPTRONIC automatic
available with the Performance
(all models)
• Large-diameter stainless-steel
A state-of-the-art 5-speed unit
dual exhaust outlets, vs. the
with STEPTRONIC manual shifting
standard smaller chrome outlets.
and Sport mode, this is the
• Sport steering wheel with its
perfect companion to the Series’
extra-thick rim wrapped in
state-of-the-art 6-cylinder
Alcantara, a suede-like material
engines, providing satisfying
that is popular in Europe in
response and acceleration in the
high-end vehicles.
“lower” gears (1st through 4th)
• Sport seats of essentially the
and a “tall” 5th gear for quiet,
same configuration as those in
fuel-efficient cruising. See BMW
the Sport Package, though
features, page 17, for details.
differently upholstered.
• Unique upholstery that com- Run-flat wheels and tires with
bines Alcantara and a new, Tire Pressure Monitor
attractive cloth in Anthracite (all 330 models)
color (leather remains available Sized and speed-rated like the
as a stand-alone option) standard 330 tires, thus 17 x 7.0
3 Series

• Special interior trim materials: wheels with 205/50 “V” tires, this
Black Cube standard, Silver option includes –
Cube available at no extra cost.

• Special wheels with rims Metallic paint
designed to hold a deflated (all models)
tire securely (these wheels are An appealing selection of metallic
now standard on the 330Ci colors – some containing mica
Coupe and Convertible) pigment – is offered on all models
• Self-supporting tires at moderate extra cost. For details
• Tire Pressure Monitor, new on selection and availability, see
for ’03. the exterior/interior color com-
The run-flat tires and their binations on pages 324-325.
specially shaped wheel rims Xenon low- and high-beam
form a system that helps protect headlights
BMW owners from the necessity (all models)
of roadside tire repairs. The new The outer lamps provide high-
Tire Pressure Monitor is an intensity-discharge illumination
upgrade in technology and on low and high beams, while
function over the Flat Tire Monitor the inner ones are used for flash-
included with this option in ’02. to-pass and Daytime Running
Both features are described in Lamps. Auto-leveling of the
BMW features, on page 23. Xenon lights continues to be
With this option, the spare included.
wheel/tire is a space-saver. The For an explanation of Xenon
run-flat equipment is not available headlights, see BMW features,
in combination with the Sport or pages 28-29.
Performance Package. Park Distance Control
18-in. sport wheels with (all models)
performance tires Because 3 Series models are
(330Ci models; require Sport more compact, their PDC
Package) operates at the rear of the
This option for the Coupe and vehicle only, vs. front and rear on
Convertible consists of 18 x 8.0 the 7 and 5 Series. Four ultra-
front/18 x 8.5 rear wheels in a sonic sensors in the rear bumper
new 2-piece bolted Double Spoke detect when the vehicle is
Composite design (#71) that is approaching objects or obstruc-
even sportier than the previous tions, sometimes not visible to
V Spoke design. These wheels the driver. They trigger a warning
are connected to the road through beep, repeating more frequently
225/40ZR-18 front / 255/35ZR-18 as the vehicle backs toward the
rear performance tires. obstruction and finally becoming
The wheel and tire sizes and a steady tone when the rear
speed rating are identical to bumper is about a foot from the
those of the 330i Performance obstruction.
Package equipment, but the Removable hardtop
design is different. The option is (Convertibles)
no longer available on the 330i With the hardtop installed, the
Sedan, and was never offered Convertibles take on a distinctive
on the 330xi Sedan. coupe appearance and the
winter snugness of a coupe.
3 Series

3 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 3 Series models offer the following features:

Made of aluminum, the hardtop Sport seats –

weighs only 65 lb., and thus can • Closed-body models – 8-way
be attached or removed fairly power (fore-aft, height, cushion
easily by two persons. It includes angle, backrest angle) plus
separately switched left and right 2-way manual (thigh support)
reading lights front and rear, • Convertibles – 10-way power
retractable coat hooks, and (like (add head-restraint/safety-belt
the softtop) an electrically heated height) plus 2-way manual
rear window. (thigh support).
Full-use spare wheel Heated front seats
(optional 325i/xi Sport Wagon, (Cold Weather Package or
standard Sedans and Coupes) stand-alone option, all models)
Optional on the Sport Wagon so Features include 3-stage heating,
that customers who put extra high heating capacity and thermo-
priority on cargo space can static control, which automatically
make the choice; the standard regulates seat temperature even
space-saver spare frees up though surrounding interior
additional storage space under temperature may be changing.
the cargo floor. A full-use spare is Also available in the Cold Weather
not available on Convertibles, Package for all models.
nor on any 3 Series model Leather upholstery
equipped with differentiated (Premium Package 330i/xi Sedan
front/rear wheel-and-tire sizes. & 330Ci Coupe, standard 330Ci
Power front seats with memory Convertible; also stand-alone
(Premium Package or stand- option, all models except 330Ci
alone option 325i/xi models & Convertible)
325Ci Coupe; standard 330 High-quality Montana leather
models & both Convertibles) covers the seating surfaces plus
The memory system captures a large area of each door and of
three preferred positions of the the coupes’ rear side panels. A
driver’s seat and exterior mirrors, leather manual-shift boot and
and includes automatic tilt-down handbrake grip and boot are
of the right mirror for visibility of also included, as is a folding rear
the curb when backing up. center armrest in the sedans.
When combined with the Sport (Both coupe models and the
Package on models that do not sport wagon have a rear center
have power seats as standard armrest as standard equipment.)
equipment, this option specifies All models come standard with a
power sport seats. Power leather-wrapped steering wheel.
adjustments are as follows: Available in four colors: Sand,
Natural Brown, Black and Gray.
Standard seats –
• Closed-body models – 8-way Wood interior trim
(fore-aft, height, cushion angle, (Premium Package or stand-
backrest angle) alone option all models)
• Convertibles – 10-way (add Rich Myrtle wood adds luxury
head-restraint/safety-belt and warmth to every model. In
height). addition to generous application
3 Series

on the dash, the wood trim also

appears on the upper portions

of all four doors of sedans and • Rearranged controls for easier
sport wagons, and on the shift operation
knob of all models. In coupes • A panel that pivots outward to
and convertibles, wood trim forms reveal the cassette or CD player.
the base of the door armrests The concealed cassette or CD
and the entire door pulls. Not player frees up more space on
available in combination with the the unit’s face panel, allowing
330i Performance Package. the larger monitor and an
2-way power moonroof improved arrangement of
(Premium Package or stand- controls within the same overall
alone option, all closed-body panel size as before. For ’03, the
models, except standard system is further improved with a
325i/xi Sport Wagon) new DVD database and improved
Includes 1-touch opening and functions. For details, see BMW
closing, with anti-trapping features, pages 33-34.
protection for anything that might For 325i/xi models, this option
get in its way during 1-touch requires either the Premium
closing. BMW’s moonroof design Package or the stand-alone
is described fully in BMW Onboard Computer option.
features, page 36.
4-function Onboard Computer
Harman Kardon audio system (optional 325i/xi Sedan & Sport
(optional 325 models, standard Wagon, standard other models)
330 models) Offers the following functions:
Premium system, described on • Outside-temperature display
pages 165-166. with acoustic freeze warning
Cassette player • Average fuel economy since
(no-cost option, all models) last reset
With a single-disc CD player • Average speed since last reset
standard in all models, the • Expected range on remaining
cassette player is offered as a fuel.
no-cost substitute for customers Standard in the 330i/xi and all
who use cassettes. The CD Coupe and Convertible models,
player is now compatible with this feature is available in 325
the On-board Navigation models either as part of the
System, so the cassette deck is Premium Package or as a stand-
no longer required with that alone option.
Split folding rear seats and ski
BMW On-board Navigation bag
System (Cold Weather Package or stand-
(all models) alone option, Sedan models)
BMW’s On-board Navigation The backrests are split 2/3 left /
System, which embodies not 1/3 right, with a fold-down
only GPS navigation but audio, armrest and ski bag in the left
trip-computer and (if the vehicle portion. They are released via
is so equipped) phone functions, convenient levers in the trunk of
got a new user interface for ’02 the Sedans and Coupes, atop
with – the seats themselves in the
3 Series

• An enlarged, easier-to-read Sport Wagon.

color monitor in 16:9 format

3 Series key features
Except as noted, all current 3 Series models offer the following features:

Rear-seat side-impact airbags Sirius Satellite Radio

(all models) (available as described below)
Like the standard-equipment As of the 2nd quarter of calendar
front side-impact airbags, the 2003, Sirius Satellite Radio hard-
rear ones are built into the doors ware and services are available
of the sedans and sport wagons. for all 3 Series models as follows:
In coupes and convertibles, they • Sedans and Coupes produced
are in the rear-compartment side 9/02 or later with the in-dash
panels. CD player and without the
Navigation System
BMW Center-installed • All models produced 3/03 or
accessories later with the Navigation System.
BMW Cellular Phone System For information on the 100-
(available for all models) channel Sirius system, see BMW
The CPT 8000 Cellular Phone features, pages 32-33.
System is available for all 3 Series 6-disc CD changer
models until current inventories (available for all models)
are depleted. All models are pre-wired for
Alarm system straightforward installation of the
(available for all models) changer. Can be combined with
Keyless entry and a multi- the standard in-dash CD player
function, keyhead-integrated for a total of 7-disc capacity.
remote control are standard on Aerodynamic body
all models. Except for convert- components
ibles, the alarm system includes (available for all models)
an interior motion detector. Available components include
Electronic control logic for the special front and rear bumper/
alarm system is included in every spoiler ensembles, side sills with
model, so only the actual alarm downward-sloping fins, and
elements must be added by the handsomely prominent rear
BMW Center in a simplified, spoilers.
minimally intrusive installation. Wind deflector
(for convertibles)
Crafted from mesh material, the
deflector mounts behind the
front seats to cut turbulence for
front occupants.
3 Series

3 Series specific features by model
This information helps position and distinguish the models in the Series.

325i Sedan features 325xi Sedan features

2.5-liter DOHC inline 6-cylinder In addition to or in place of the
engine features listed for the 325i Sedan,
As described on page 154. the 325xi Sedan includes:
16-in. wheels and tires All-wheel drive
This model comes standard with This is the chief distinguishing
16-in. wheels and tires as one of feature between 325xi and 325i
the distinguishing elements models. It is described in detail
between it and the 330i Sedan, on pages 158-159.
which has standard 17-in. The AWD system adds 242 lb.
equipment. to the 325i Sedan with manual
Exterior details transmission, 220 lb. with
Compared to other 3 Series automatic; performance data
models, the following exterior and EPA mileage ratings are
details are specific to the 325i affected, as summarized on
Sedan: pages 208-209.
• Black grille slats, cowl air Sport Package
intakes, roof-seam trim strips The 325xi Sport Package differs
and trunk lift grip from that for 325i models as
• Full-width air-intake opening in follows:
front spoiler, with lateral slats • No sport suspension. BMW
• All-black side-window trim AWD models have a specific
(Coupes and 330i add suspension calibration, the
chrome) same for standard- and
• Rubber doorsill trims (visible Package-equipped vehicles. It
when doors are opened). works: In a July 16, 2001
6-way manually adjustable driving report on the 325xi
front seats Sport Wagon, AutoWeek
Both front seats include commented, “Combine the
convenient manual adjustment awd with BMW’s Dynamic
for fore-aft position, backrest Stability Control and the 325xi
angle and cushion height. feels foolproof.”
Premium Package • All-season tires. Instead of the
The 325i Premium Package is 325i’s 17 x 8.0 wheels with
configured to upgrade various 225/45R-17 W-rated
aspects of 325i equipment to performance tires, the 325xi
330i level and beyond. In Sport Package includes
particular, power front seats and 17 x 7.0 wheels with
a 4-function Onboard Computer 205/50R-17 V-rated all-season
are standard 330i features that tires. The Package wheels
are in the 325i Premium Package. have a distinctive design (Radial
For details, see page 169. Spoke #73), and the V-rating
is a performance upgrade
Sport Package
from the standard H-rating.
Like the Premium Package, the
325i Sport Package includes
features that are standard on the
3 Series

330i, such as sport suspension

and 17-in. wheels and tires. For
details, see page 170.

3 Series specific features by model
This information helps position and distinguish the models in the Series.

325i Sport Wagon features Stand-alone options

Stand-alone options for the 325i
In addition to or in place of the
Sport Wagon are as for the
features listed for the 325i Sedan,
Sedan, with the addition of an
the 325i Sport Wagon includes:
available full-use spare tire.
Sport Wagon body
5-door Sport Wagon body with: 325xi Sport Wagon
• 8 mm/0.3in. greater length features
• 6 mm/0.2 in. lower height
Differences between the 325xi
• Distinctive shape from B-pillar
and 325i Sport Wagons are
parallel to 325i and 325xi
• Upward-opening tailgate with
Sedans, except that here the
separately, also upward-opening
weight differences are 222 lb.
rear window and rear-window
with manual transmission, 177
wiper/washer; includes light;
lb. with automatic. Differences in
body-color lift grip (sedan: black)
performance data and EPA
• Standard roof rails
mileage ratings are found on
• Standard moonroof, new for ’03.
pages 208-209.
Distinctive interior features
• Standard split folding rear seats 325Ci Coupe features
with fold-up center armrest, As of 3/03 production, the 325Ci
vs. optional Coupe becomes an ’04 model.
• Fold-up rear center armrest In addition to or in place of the
has storage compartment and features listed for the 325i Sedan,
dual cupholders the 325Ci Coupe includes:
• Rear center armrest also includes
center rear head restraint, which Standard sport suspension
is out of driver’s view when The Coupe comes standard with
armrest is folded down; center sport suspension; on the 325i
seating position includes 3-point Sedan it is part of the Sport
safety belt. (325i/xi Sedan now Package.
has a center rear head restraint, Different wheel style
but of different design.) The 325Ci’s 16-in. wheels and
• Variable cargo compartment H-rated all-season tires are sized
with retractable cargo cover like those of the Sedan, but the
and net, accessory electrical wheels are in a Double Spoke
outlet, three lights design rather than the sedan’s
• More than 2 cu ft. of concealed Star Spoke design.
storage space under cargo floor Coupe body
• Space-saver (temporary) spare Sportier 2-door Coupe body
wheel and tire standard, vs. with:
Sedan’s standard full-use • 17 mm/0.67 in. greater length
spare; full-use spare optional. • 18 mm/0.71 in. greater width
Package contents • 46 mm/1.8 in. lower height
The Sport Wagon’s Premium (including lower sport
and Sport Packages are identical suspension)
to those of the Sedan, but its • Distinctive grille shape and
Cold Weather Package omits headlight design
3 Series

folding rear seats because they • Distinctive front spoiler

are standard.

• “Flatter” (3˚ more rakish) Additional distinctions for ’04
windshield angle As an ’04 model (while the 325i
• Unique roofline, rear deck and Sedan continues as an ’03), the
overall proportions 325Ci Coupe adds these
• Sashless doors with power distinctions from the Sedan:
door-window sealing system • Standard rain-sensing wind-
(for description, see BMW shield wipers and automatic
features, page 36) headlight control; these
• Power swing-out rear quarter features are part of the
windows Sedan’s Premium Package
• Distinctive rear styling with • Adaptive brakelights
reflectors in bumper Premium Package
• Trim outline around side As the On-board Computer is
windows: chrome, vs. black standard in the coupe, this feature
on 325i Sedan is omitted from its Premium
• Body-color cowl air intakes, Package. So are the Coupe’s
side trim, roof-seam trim strips newly standard rain-sensing wipers
& trunk grip (Sedan: black) and automatic headlight control.
• Doorsill trims: aluminum/rubber,
Sport Package
vs. all-rubber
Because sport suspension is
Coupe interior standard on the Coupe models,
• Main instruments with italic it is not part of this model’s
numerals and lettering, vs. white Sport Package. White turn-signal
Roman-style (sans serif) in indicators are an additional
Sedan; dial faces gray vs. black feature of the Package.
• 3-spoke sport steering wheel
standard, vs. Sport Package 325Ci Convertible
in Sedan and Sport Wagon features
• 4-function Onboard Computer,
In addition to or in place of the
standard vs. optional (Sedan
features listed for the 325Ci
Premium Package or stand-
Coupe, the ’04 325Ci Convert-
ible includes:
• Front seats 10 mm/0.39 in.
lower; more pronounced side Convertible body
bolsters Though it shares its front-end
• Distinctive door-panel design and door sheet metal and body-
• Backrest easy-entry feature color side trim with the Coupe,
(when front seats’ backrests the Convertible body is other-
are folded over for entry into wise completely different. High-
rear seating, entire seat can be lights include:
moved 90 mm/3.54 in. forward) • Fully lined softtop with
• Split folding rear seats, stan- magnesium hard cover (manual
dard vs. optional (Sedan Cold top standard, power top in
Weather Package or stand- Premium Package)
alone option). • Power front seats, with power
easy-entry feature and power
head-restraint/belt-height adjust-
ment (Coupe: all adjustments
3 Series

manual, power seats optional)

3 Series specific features by model
This information helps position and distinguish the models in the Series.

• Memory system for driver’s Transceiver. The Convertible’s

seat and outside mirrors, Sport Package includes sport
standard vs. optional (includes suspension, which is standard on
right-mirror tilt-down feature) the Coupe, and its sport seats
• Power windows: 1-touch include 10-way power adjustment
open/close driver’s window vs. the Coupe’s 10-way manual.
only, vs. both front windows
open/close; rear side windows 330i Sedan features
1-touch open as on Coupe, In addition to or in place of the
but windows lower instead of features listed for the 325i
opening outward Sedan, the 330i includes:
• All-window switch (lowers or 3.0-liter DOHC inline 6-cylinder
raises all windows simultane- engine
ously; 1-touch open) Essentially identical in all engineer-
• Seat-integrated front safety ing features to the 325i engine,
belts, fully attached to front but larger and more powerful.
seats for easier rear-seat entry Described on page 154.
and exit, vs. conventional
body-mounted belts Standard sport suspension
• 2-passenger rear seat, vs. Sport suspension became
Coupe’s 3-passenger standard on this model during
configuration the ’01 model year, and remains
• Split folding rear seats not a distinguishing standard feature
offered over the 325i Sedan.
• Variable softtop compartment Larger brakes
in trunk; allows increased Like those of the 325i, the 330i’s
cargo space when top is up brakes are ventilated all around,
• Rollover Protection System, but their dimensions are larger:
with bars behind seats that Front – 12.8-in. diameter, vs. 11.8
deploy automatically in case of Rear – 12.6-in. diameter, vs. 11.6.
rollover accident (Coupe has Standard 17-in. wheels and
fixed roof) V-rated tires
• Trunk mat not reversible The 330i comes standard with
• Glove compartment included 17 x 7.0 alloy wheels and
in central locking system 205/50R-17 V-rated all-season
• Space-saver spare tire (full-use tires, vs. the 325i’s 16 x 7.0
spare not available). wheels and 205/55R-16 H-rated
Different gearing all-season tires.
To compensate for the Convert- Exterior details
ible’s greater weight, the final drive • Titanium-finish headlight
ratio with manual transmission is surrounds, vs. black
3.46:1, vs. 3.15:1 for the Coupe. • Chrome grille slats, vs. black
Package contents • Lower air intake in front spoiler:
Whereas the Coupe’s Premium Titanium-color screened center
Package includes a moonroof and section, vs. full-width opening
power seats, the Convertible’s with lateral slats in black
Package includes a fully auto- • Trim outline around side
matic power softtop and the windows: chrome, vs. black
3 Series

3-function BMW Universal

• Body cowl air intakes, roof- • Run-flat tires/wheels with Tire
seam trim & trunk lift grip Pressure Monitor.
• Doorsill trims: aluminum/ • Silver Cube interior trim,
rubber, vs. all-rubber (visible available only in combination
when doors are opened) with the Performance
• Chrome-tipped exhaust outlets. Package.
Power front seats with memory With the run-flat option, the
Available in the Premium Package spare wheel/tire is a space-
or as a stand-alone option for the saver.
325i Sedan, 8-way power seats
are standard in the 330i Sedan. 330xi Sedan features
Harman Kardon audio system In addition to or in place of the
standard features listed for the 330i Sedan,
The Harman Kardon audio the 330xi Sedan includes:
system is standard in the 330i All-wheel drive
and other 330 models, optional This is the chief distinguishing
in the 325 models. For details on feature between the 330xi and
this premium system, see pages 330i. It is described in detail on
165-166. pages 158-159.
4-function On-board Computer The AWD system adds 198 lb.
Another 325i option (Premium to the 330i Sedan with manual
Package or stand-alone) that is transmission, 176 lb. with
standard in the 330i. automatic; performance data
Premium Package and EPA mileage ratings are
Because 330i standard equipment affected, as summarized on
is more extensive than that of pages 214-215.
the 325i, the 330i’s Premium Sport Package
Package is composed differently. The 330xi Sport Package differs
It includes leather upholstery as from that for the 330i as follows:
well as front-seat power lumbar • No sport suspension. 3 Series
support, which is not available in AWD models have a specific
the 325i. For full details, see suspension calibration, the
page 169. same for standard- and
Sport Package Package-equipped vehicles.
Even sportier than the 325i Sport • Run-flat tires. The 330i’s
Package, with 17-in. wheels and Sport Package comes with
Z-rated tires of differentiated front/ 17 x 7.5 front/17 x 8.5 rear M
rear sizes and M aerodynamic Double Spoke wheels carrying
body components as upgrades 225/45ZR-17 F / 245/40ZR-17 R
specific to the 330i Package. performance tires. That for the
Performance Package 330xi retains the standard
This new Package, described on 17 x 7.0 wheel size and adopts
pages 171-172, is offered exclu- the special wheels (Double
sively on the 330i Sedan. Spoke, #98) and 205/50R-17
V-rated run-flat tires of the
Additional options available run-flat option.
Two additional stand-alone
3 Series

options are available for the 330i

Sedan that are not offered on
the 325i Sedan:

3 Series specific features by model
This information helps position and distinguish the models in the Series.

330Ci Coupe features Note that these differences are

less extensive than for the 330i
In addition to or in place of the
vs. 325i Sedans; this is because
features listed for the 325Ci
both Coupes include many of the
Coupe, the 330Ci model includes:
exterior upgrades that distinguish
3.0-liter DOHC inline 6-cylinder the 330i Sedan.
Premium Package
Essentially identical in all
Compared to the 325Ci Coupe’s
engineering features to the
Premium Package, that for the
2.5-liter engine, but larger and
330Ci adds leather upholstery
more powerful. Described on
and power lumbar support, and
page 154.
omits power seats (which are
Larger brakes standard here). For full details,
The 330Ci offers the same upgrade see options & accessories,
in brake dimensions over the page 169.
325Ci as the 330i vs. 325i:
Sport Package
Front – 12.8-in. diameter, vs. 11.8
In addition to power front sport
Rear – 12.6-in. diameter, vs. 11.6.
seats (325Ci: manual), the 330Ci
Standard 17-in. wheels and Coupe’s Sport Package includes
tires a sportier set of wheels and
Like the 330i Sedan, the 330Ci tires: 17-in. wheels and Z-rated
Coupe comes standard with performance tires in differentiated
17-in. wheels and 205/50R-17 front/rear sizes. For full details,
V-rated all-season tires. The see page 171.
wheels are in a Double Spoke
Additional wheel-and-tire
design (#98) that is newly
standard for ’04 and is shared
The 330Ci is offered with two
with the 330Ci Convertible. (This
stand-alone options that are not
is also the same wheel that’s
available on 325 models:
used with the optional run-flat
• 17-in. run-flat wheels and tires
tires.) The 325Ci comes with
with Tire Pressure Monitor
16-in. wheels and 205/55R-16
• 18-in. wheels and Z-rated
H-rated all-season tires.
performance tires in differenti-
Exterior details ated front/rear sizes, available
The following exterior details in combination with the Sport
distinguish the 330Ci from its Package. New 2-piece Double
325Ci counterpart: Spoke Composite design for
• Titanium-finish headlight ’04.
With each of these options, the
• Lower air intake in front spoiler:
spare wheel/tire is a space-saver.
Titanium-finish screened center
section, slats and foglight
shells, vs. full-width opening
with lateral slats and foglight
surrounds in black
• Chrome-tipped exhaust outlets.
3 Series

330Ci Convertible • Lower air intake in front spoiler:
features Titanium-finish screened center
section, slats and foglight
In addition to or in place of the
shells, vs. full-width opening
features listed for the 325Ci
with lateral slats and foglight
Convertible, the 330Ci Convert-
surrounds in black
ible includes:
• Chrome-tipped exhaust outlets.
3.0-liter DOHC inline 6-cylinder
Standard power softtop
The fully automatic power
Essentially identical in all engineer-
softtop, available for the 325Ci
ing features to the 325i engine,
Convertible via its Premium
but larger and more powerful.
Package, is standard on the
Described on page 154.
330Ci model.
Larger brakes
Standard leather upholstery
The 330Ci Convertible offers the
This is the only 3 Series model
same upgrade in brake dimen-
that comes standard with leather
sions over the 325Ci Convertible
upholstery. In the 325Ci Con-
as the 330i vs. 325i:
vertible, leather is a stand-alone
Front – 12.8-in. diameter, vs. 11.8
Rear – 12.6-in. diameter, vs. 11.6.
Additional wheel-and-tire
Standard 17-in. wheels and
The 330Ci Convertible is offered
Like the 330Ci Coupe, the
with two stand-alone options
Convertible comes standard with
that are not available on 325
17-in. wheels and 205/50R-17
V-rated all-season tires, vs. the
• 17-in. run-flat wheels and tires
325Ci Convertible’s 16-in.
with Tire Pressure Monitor
wheels and 205/55R-16 H-rated
• 18-in. wheels and Z-rated
all-season tires. The wheels for
performance tires in differenti-
both models are called Double
ated front/rear sizes, available
Spoke, but are different designs:
in combination with the Sport
325Ci #88, 330Ci #98.
Package. New 2-piece Double
Exterior details Spoke Composite design for
The following exterior details ’04.
distinguish the 330Ci Convertible
With each of these options, the
from its 325Ci counterpart:
spare wheel/tire is a space-saver.
• Titanium-finish headlight
3 Series

Standard & optional features
2003-04 3 Series 325 models
Bold within table indicates new feature relative to corresponding previous year’s model.

Performance & efficiency 2003 325i/xi Sedan

2.5-liter DOHC 24-valve inline 6-cylinder engine with –
Double VANOS steplessly variable valve timing 1 S
Aluminum block & cylinder head S
Dual resonance intake system S
Electronic throttle system S
Electronically controlled engine cooling S
Direct ignition system with knock control S
5-speed manual transmission with direct 5th gear S
5-speed STEPTRONIC 2 auto. trans. with Adaptive
Transmission Control & Selectable Sport mode OPT

Handling, ride & braking 2003 325i/xi Sedan

Strut-type front suspension with forged-aluminum
lower arms, hydraulic cushions S
Central Link rear suspension with aluminum upper
transverse links S
Rear subframe on 4 mounts, with acoustically
decoupled mounting of suspension system S
Acoustically decoupled final drive with hydraulic
rear mount S
Front & rear anti-roll (stabilizer) bars S
Twin-tube gas-pressure shock absorbers S
Sport suspension calibration ZSP/NA 3
Engine-speed-sensitive variable-assist power steering S
4-wheel ventilated disc brakes S
Dynamic Stability Control (DSC), including all-speed
traction control, Dynamic Traction Control
(325i/Ci models) or Hill Descent Control (325xi
models), electronic brake proportioning, antilock
braking (ABS), Dynamic Brake Control &
cornering/avoidance stability enhancement S
Fulltime all-wheel drive S3
16 x 7.0 cast-alloy wheels:
Star Spoke design #45 S
Double Spoke design #88 NA
17 x 7.0 cast-alloy wheels, Radial Spoke design #73 ZSP 3
17 x 8.0 cast-alloy wheels:
Star Spoke design #96 ZSP
Star Spoke design #119 NA
205/55R-16 H-rated all-season tires S
205/50R-17 V-rated all-season tires ZSP 3
225/45R-17 W-rated performance tires ZSP
3 Series

S – Standard OPT – Optional NA – Not available ZSP – Sport Package

1 – VANOS = VAriable NOckenwellen Steuerung = variable camshaft control, or
variable valve timing.
2 – BMW’s system of manual shift control for an automatic transmission.
3 – Specific data for 325xi Sedan/Sport Wagon.

2003 325i/xi Sport Wagon 2004 325Ci Coupe 2004 325Ci Convertible



2003 325i/xi Sport Wagon 2004 325Ci Coupe 2004 325Ci Convertible







3 Series

Standard & optional features
2003-04 3 Series 325 models
Bold within table indicates new feature relative to corresponding previous year’s model.

Exterior & aerodynamics 2003 325i/xi Sedan

Front & rear body-color bumpers S
Halogen Free Form low-beam headlights S
Xenon low- and high-beam headlights w/auto-leveling OPT
Xenon low- & high-beam Adaptive headlights
with auto-leveling NA
Automatic headlight control ZPP
Daytime running lamps S4
High-intensity headlight cleaning system ZCW
Halogen Free Form front foglights S
Adaptive brakelights NA
2-speed + intermittent windshield wipers, adjustable
& car-speed-sensitive interval, single-wipe operation S
Heated windshield-washer jets S
Rain-sensing windshield wipers ZPP
Park Distance Control OPT
Metallic paint OPT
Chrome grille slats NA
Body-color cowl air intakes NA
Body-color roof-seam trim strips NA
Body-color trunk or tailgate lift grip NA
Chrome side-window trim NA
Body-color side moldings NA
Chrome-tipped exhaust outlets NA/S 3
Roof rails NA
Tailgate with separately opening window, spoiler,
wiper/washer –
Fully lined softtop with magnesium hard cover &
heated rear window –
Fully lined, fully automatic power softtop with
heated rear window –
Convertible wind deflector –
Removable hardtop –
Ergonomics, luxury & convenience 2003 325i/xi Sedan
Aluminum/rubber door-sill trim plates w/BMW lettering NA
Vehicle & Key Memory S
Keyless entry with multi-function remote control: S
Selective unlocking S4
Remote trunk/tailgate release S
Dual power/heated outside mirrors S
3 Series

S – Standard OPT – Optional NA – Not available — – Not applicable

C – BMW Center-installed ZCW – Cold Weather Package ZPP – Premium Package
3 – Specific data for 325xi Sedan/Sport Wagon.
4 – Selectable via Vehicle Memory System (programming by BMW Center).

2003 325i/xi Sport Wagon 2004 325Ci Coupe 2004 325Ci Convertible
OPT – –

S4 S4 S4

S S –
S S –
S NA –

S – –

– – S

– – ZPP
– – C
– – OPT
2003 325i/xi Sport Wagon 2004 325Ci Coupe 2004 325Ci Convertible
S4 S4 S4
3 Series

Standard & optional features
2003-04 3 Series 325 models
Bold within table indicates new feature relative to corresponding previous year’s model.

Ergonomics, luxury & convenience (cont.) 2003 325i/xi Sedan

Automatic-dimming inside rearview mirror ZPP
BMW Universal Transceiver (garage-door opener) C
Courtesy lights with fade-in/fade-out feature,
actuation from remote control, automatic-switch-on
when engine is turned off, separately controlled
left/right front & rear reading lights, front footwell
lighting & illuminated visor vanity mirrors S
BMW Ambiance Lighting S
Locking glove compartment with rechargeable
take-out flashlight S
Leather-covered tilt/telescopic steering wheel:
With fingertip cruise, audio & phone controls,

385 mm/4 spokes S

With fingertip cruise, audio & phone 5 controls,
375 mm/3 spokes ZSP
6-way adjustable front seats S
8-way power front seats with 3-position driver’s-
seat & outside-mirror memory 6 OPT/ZPP
10-way power front seats with 3-position driver’s-
seat & outside-mirror memory 6
10-way front sport seats ZSP
8-way power + 2-way manual front sport seats with
3-position driver’s- seat & outside-mirror memory 6 OPT/ZPP + ZSP 7
10-way power + 2-way manual front sport seats with
3-position driver’s-seat & outside-mirror memory 6 NA
Easy-entry feature for rear seating –
Fold-up front center armrest with
storage compartment S
3-stage, thermostatically controlled heated front
seats OPT/ZCW
Electronic analog instrumentation with servo-motor
operation S
LCD main & trip odometers S
Service Interval Indicator with miles-to-service
readout S
Check Control monitor system (pictogram display) S
4-function Onboard Computer OPT/ZPP
BMW Onboard Navigation System with DVD
database OPT 8
Montana leather upholstery (seating surfaces, door
trim, handbrake grip & boot, manual shift-lever
boot) OPT
Leather shift knob S
3 Series

S – Standard OPT – Optional NA – Not available — – Not applicable

ZCW – Cold Weather Package ZPP – Premium Package ZSP – Sport Package
5 – When equipped with BMW Cellular Phone System (BMW Center-installed).
6 – Also includes automatic tilt-down of right outside mirror for backing up.

2003 325i/xi Sport Wagon 2004 325Ci Coupe 2004 325Ci Convertible



S – –

S S –




– S S (power)







3 Series

7 – When Premium & Sport Packages are combined, or when stand-alone power-seats
option & Sport Package are combined.
8 – Requires Premium Package or Onboard Computer.

Standard & optional features
2003-04 3 Series 325 models
Bold within table indicates new feature relative to corresponding previous year’s model.

Ergonomics, luxury & convenience (cont.) 2003 325i/xi Sedan

Titanium-finish interior trim S
Genuine Myrtle wood interior trim OPT/ZPP
Power windows with 1-touch operation 9,
anti-trapping feature, opening from remote,
opening & closing from exterior lock S
All-window switch with 1-touch open NA
Automatic climate control with microfilter
ventilation & automatic recirculation control S
2-way power moonroof with sliding interior shade,
wind deflector, 1-touch open/close, opening from
remote, opening & closing from exterior lock OPT/ZPP
Anti-theft AM/FM/CD audio system with Radio Data
System & diversity antenna system S
Harman Kardon audio system with upgraded speakers
including subwoofer(s), vehicle-speed-sensitive
equalization & Spatial Enhancement 10 OPT
Cassette player instead of in-dash CD player NC
Pre-wiring for CD changer S
6-disc CD changer C
Pre-wiring for BMW Cellular Phone System S
BMW Cellular Phone System C
Dual front cupholders S
Console storage compartment S
Seatback storage nets S
Fold-up center rear armrest OPT 12
Split folding rear seats OPT
Ski bag OPT 14/ZCW
Fully finished trunk: S
Reversible floormat to keep smaller cargo from
sliding S
Drop-down toolkit S
Fully finished, carpeted variable cargo compartment
with floor straps, retractable cover, cargo net &
accessory electrical outlet –
Interior trunk or tailgate release S
Variable softtop compartment –
Full-use spare wheel & tire (alloy wheel) S

S – Standard OPT – Optional NA – Not available — – Not applicable

C – BMW Center-installed ZCW – Cold Weather Package
ZPP – Premium Package
9 – Sedan & Sport Wagon – all door windows 1-touch open/close; Coupe – door win-
dows 1-touch open/close, rear side windows 1-touch open; Convertible – driver’s
window 1-touch open/close, all other windows 1-touch open.
3 Series

10 – Includes all features of standard audio system; speaker configuration & number of
speakers vary according to model.

2003 325i/xi Sport Wagon 2004 325Ci Coupe 2004 325Ci Convertible






S S S 11
S 13 S NA
– S S

– S NA
– S S

S – –
– – S

11 – Configured as sunglasses compartment.

12 – Included with leather upholstery and/or folding rear seats.
13 – Includes storage compartment, dual cupholders & center head restraint.
14 – Included with optional folding rear seats.
3 Series

Standard & optional features
2003-04 3 Series 325 models
Bold within table indicates new feature relative to corresponding previous year’s model.

Safety & security 2003 325i/xi Sedan

Dual-airbag Supplementary Restraint System
with 2-stage Smart Airbags S
Height-adjustable front safety belts with automatic
tensioners & force limiters S
Seat-integrated front safety belts NA
Automatic-locking retractors (ALR) on all passenger
safety belts (for installation of child restraint seats) S
Head restraints at all seating positions S
Interlocking door anchoring system for side impacts S
Front-seat Head Protection System (HPS) S
Rollover Protection System (RPS) –
Front-seat side-impact airbags S
Rear-seat side-impact airbags OPT
Integrated deployment logic for safety-belt tensioners,
airbags & post-impact safety measures S
Battery Safety Terminal S
Central locking system with double-lock anti-theft
feature, selective unlocking S
Coded Driveaway Protection S
Pathway Lighting S4
Pre-wiring for alarm system S
Alarm system with operation from keyhead remote,
motion detector C
S – Standard OPT – Optional NA – Not available
— – Not applicable C – BMW Center-installed
4 – Selectable via Vehicle Memory System (programming by BMW Center).
15 – Combined power adjustment of head-restraint & belt height.
16 – Includes glove compartment.
17 – No motion detector in Convertible.
3 Series

2003 325i/xi Sport Wagon 2004 325Ci Coupe 2004 325Ci Convertible


S S S 15

– – S


S S S 16
S4 S4 S4

C C C 17
3 Series

Standard & optional features
2003-04 3 Series 330 models
Bold within table indicates new feature relative to corresponding previous year’s model.

Performance & efficiency

3.0-liter DOHC 24-valve inline 6-cylinder engine with –
Double VANOS steplessly variable valve timing 1
Aluminum block & cylinder head
Dual resonance intake system
Electronic throttle system
Electronically controlled engine cooling
Direct ignition system with knock control
Special camshafts, engine management & exhaust pipes,
155-mph top-speed limiter
6-speed manual transmission
Short shift lever
5-speed STEPTRONIC 3 automatic transmission with Adaptive
Transmission Control & Selectable Sport mode
Handling, ride & braking
Strut-type front suspension with forged-aluminum lower arms,
hydraulic cushions
Central Link rear suspension with cast-aluminum upper transverse links
Rear subframe, w/acoustically decoupled mounting of suspension sys.
Acoustically decoupled final drive with hydraulic rear mount
Front & rear anti-roll (stabilizer) bars
Twin-tube gas-pressure shock absorbers
Sport suspension calibration
BMW M sport suspension calibration with extra-rigid forward
bushings in front suspension
Engine-speed-sensitive variable-assist power steering
4-wheel ventilated disc brakes
Dynamic Stability Control (DSC), including all-speed traction control,
Dynamic Traction Control (330i/Ci) or Hill Descent Control (330xi),
electronic brake proportioning, antilock braking (ABS), Dynamic
Brake Control & cornering/avoidance stability enhancement
Fulltime all-wheel drive
17 x 7.0 cast-alloy wheels:
Radial Spoke design #73
Double Spoke design #98
17 x 7.5 front / 17 x 8.5 rear alloy wheels, M Double Spoke design #68M
18 x 8.0 front / 18 x 8.5 rear alloy wheels:
Double Spoke Composite design #71, 2-piece
M Double Spoke #135M
205/50R-17 V-rated all-season tires
205/50R-17 V-rated run-flat tires & Tire Pressure Monitor
225/45ZR-17 front / 245/40ZR-17 rear performance tires
3 Series

225/40ZR-18 front / 255/35ZR-18 rear performance tires

S – Standard OPT – Optional 1 – VANOS = VAriable NOckenwellen
NA – Not available Steuerung = variable camshaft control,
ZHP – Performance Package or variable valve timing.
ZSP – Sport Package
2003 330i/xi Sedan 2004 330Ci Coupe 2004 330Ci Convertible




2003 330i/xi Sedan 2004 330Ci Coupe 2004 330Ci Convertible





3 Series


2 – 330i Sedan only. 4 – Specific data for 330xi Sedan.
3 – BMW’s system of manual shift control 5 – Require Sport Package.
for an automatic transmission.

Standard & optional features
2003-04 3 Series 330 models
Bold within table indicates new feature relative to corresponding previous year’s model.

Exterior & aerodynamics

Front & rear body-color bumpers
Halogen Free Form low-beam headlights
Xenon low- & high-beam Adaptive headlights with auto-leveling
Automatic headlight control
Daytime running lamps
High-intensity headlight cleaning system
Halogen Free Form front foglights
Adaptive brakelights
2-speed + intermittent windshield wipers, adjustable & car-speed-
sensitive wiping interval, single-wipe operation
Heated windshield-washer jets
Rain-sensing windshield wipers
Park Distance Control
Aerodynamic body components:
Distinctive front bumper and foglight design, special rocker panels
& rear apron
BMW M front bumper/spoiler, rocker panels, rear
bumper/apron/air diffuser & trunklid spoiler 7
Metallic paint
Chrome grille slats
Titanium-finish headlight surrounds
Anthracite-color headlight & foglight surrounds
Titanium-finish screen & slats in lower air intake
Titanium-finish foglight shells
Chrome side-window trim
High-gloss Shadowline side-window trim
Body-color side moldings
Chrome-tipped exhaust outlets
Large-diameter stainless-steel exhaust outlets
Fully lined, fully automatic power softtop with heated rear window
Convertible wind deflector
Removable hardtop

Ergonomics, luxury & convenience

Aluminum/rubber door-sill trim plates with BMW lettering
Vehicle & Key Memory
Keyless entry with multi-function remote control:
Selective unlocking
Remote trunk release
Dual power/heated outside mirrors
3 Series

S – Standard OPT – Optional NA – Not available — – Not applicable

ZCW – Cold Weather Package ZHP – Performance Package (available only on 330i)
ZPP – Premium Package ZSP – Sport Package

2003 330i/xi Sedan 2004 330Ci Coupe 2004 330Ci Convertible
S6 S6 S6



S S –
– – S
– – C
– – OPT

2003 330i/xi Sedan 2004 330Ci Coupe 2004 330Ci Convertible

S6 S6 S6
3 Series

6 – Selectable via Vehicle Memory System (programming by BMW Center).

7 – Spoiler may be deleted at no extra cost.

Standard & optional features
2003-04 3 Series 330 models
Bold within table indicates new feature relative to corresponding previous year’s model.

Ergonomics, luxury & convenience (cont.)

Automatic tilt-down of right outside mirror for visibility of curb when
backing up
Automatic-dimming inside rearview mirror
BMW Universal Transceiver (garage-door opener)
Courtesy lights with fade-in/fade-out feature, actuation from remote
control, automatic-switch-on when engine is turned off, separately
controlled front & rear reading lights, front footwell lighting &
illuminated visor vanity mirrors
BMW Ambiance Lighting
Special instrumentation with red needles
Aluminum-finish instrument trim rings
Locking glove compartment with rechargeable take-out flashlight
Tilt/telescopic steering wheel with fingertip cruise,
audio & phone 8 controls:
385 mm/4 spokes, leather-wrapped
375 mm/3 spokes, leather-wrapped
375 mm/3 spokes, Alcantara-wrapped M Sport
8-way power front seats with 3-position driver’s-seat & outside-
mirror memory
10-way power front seats with 3-position driver’s-seat & outside-
mirror memory
8-way power + 2-way manual front sport seats with 3-position
driver’s-seat & outside-mirror memory
10-way power + 2-way manual front sport seats with 3-position
driver’s-seat & outside-mirror memory
4-way power lumbar support
Easy-entry feature for rear seating
Fold-up front center armrest with storage compartment
3-stage, thermostatically controlled heated front seats
Electronic analog instrumentation with servo-motor operation
LCD main & trip odometers
Service Interval Indicator with miles-to-service readout
Check Control monitor system (pictogram display)
4-function Onboard Computer
BMW Onboard Navigation System with DVD data base
Leatherette upholstery
Cloth/Alcantara upholstery
Anthracite-color headliner
Montana leather upholstery (seating surfaces, door trim, handbrake
grip & boot, manual shift-lever boot)
Leather shift knob
3 Series

S – Standard OPT – Optional NA – Not available

— – Not applicable C – BMW Center-installed
ZCW – Cold Weather Package ZHP – Performance Package (available only on 330i)
ZPP – Premium Package ZSP – Sport Package

2003 330i/xi Sedan 2004 330Ci Coupe 2004 330Ci Convertible




S S –



– S S (power)
S S –

3 Series

8 – When equipped with BMW Cellular Phone System (BMW Center-installed).

9 – Requires Performance Package.

Standard & optional features
2003-04 3 Series 330 models
Bold within table indicates new feature relative to corresponding previous year’s model.

Ergonomics, luxury & convenience (cont.)

Short shift lever with M shift knob
Titanium-finish interior trim
Genuine Myrtle wood interior trim
Black Cube interior trim
Silver Cube interior trim
Power windows with 1-touch operation 10, anti-trapping feature,
opening from remote, opening & closing from exterior lock
All-window switch with 1-touch open
Automatic climate control with microfilter ventilation & automatic
recirculation control
2-way power moonroof with sliding interior shade, wind deflector,
1-touch open/close, anti-trapping feature, opening from remote,
opening & closing from exterior lock
Harman Kardon anti-theft AM/FM stereo radio/cassette audio
system with premium speakers 11, subwoofer(s), vehicle-speed-
sensitive equalization & Spatial Enhancement
Cassette player instead of in-dash CD player
Pre-wiring for CD changer
6-disc CD changer
Pre-wiring for BMW Cellular Phone System
BMW Cellular Phone System
Dual front cupholders
Console storage compartment
Seatback storage nets
Fold-up center rear armrest
Split folding rear seats
Ski bag
Heated rear window
Fully finished trunk:
Reversible floormat to keep smaller cargo from sliding
Drop-down toolkit
Variable softtop compartment
Full-use spare wheel & tire (alloy wheel)
S – Standard OPT – Optional NA – Not available — – Not applicable
C – BMW Center-installed ZCW – Cold Weather Package
9 – Requires Performance Package.
10 – Sedan – all door windows 1-touch open/close; Coupe – door windows 1-touch
open/close, rear side windows 1-touch open; Convertible – driver’s window
1-touch open/close, all other windows 1-touch open.
3 Series

2003 330i/xi Sedan 2004 330Ci Coupe 2004 330Ci Convertible




S S S 12
OPT 13 S S

– – S
S 15 S 15 NA
11 – Sedan & Coupe – 12 speakers incl. 2 subwoofers; Convertible – 11 speakers incl.
1 subwoofer.
12 – Configured as sunglasses compartment.
13 – Included with leather upholstery and/or folding rear seats.
14 – Included with optional folding rear seats.
15 – 330i/Ci models: With 17-in. Sport Package wheels, spare matches front wheels &
tires; with run-flat & 18-in. equipment, spare is a space-saver.
3 Series

Standard & optional features
2003-04 3 Series 330 models
Bold within table indicates new feature relative to corresponding previous year’s model.

Safety & security

Dual-airbag Supplementary Restraint System with 2-stage
Smart Airbags
Height-adjustable front safety belts with automatic tensioners &
force limiters
Seat-integrated front safety belts
Automatic-locking retractors (ALR) on all passenger belts
(for installation of child restraint seats)
Head restraints at all seating positions
Interlocking door anchoring system for side impacts
Front-seat Head Protection System (HPS)
Rollover Protection System (RPS)
Front-seat side-impact airbags
Rear-seat side-impact airbags
Integrated deployment logic for safety-belt tensioners, airbags &
post-impact safety measures
Battery Safety Terminal
Central locking system with double-lock anti-theft feature,
selective unlocking
Coded Driveaway Protection
Pathway Lighting
Pre-wiring for alarm system
Alarm system with operation from keyhead remote, motion detector
S – Standard OPT – Optional NA – Not available — – Not applicable
6 – Selectable via Vehicle Memory System (programming by BMW Center).
16 – Combined power adjustment of head-restraint & belt height.
17 – Includes glove compartment.
18 – No motion detector in Convertible.
3 Series

2003 330i/xi Sedan 2004 330Ci Coupe 2004 330Ci Convertible


S S S 16

– – S


S S S 17
S6 S6 S6
C C C 18 3 Series

2003-04 3 Series 325 models
Bold indicates new specification relative to corresponding previous year’s model.

General 2003 325i Sedan 2003 325xi Sedan

Curb weight, lb.:
Manual transmission 3219 3461
Automatic transmission 3307 3527
Weight distribution, front/rear, %:
Manual transmission 50.3/49.7 52.6/47.4
Automatic transmission 50.9/49.1 53.0/47.0
Wheelbase, in. 107.3 1
Track, front/rear, in. 57.9/58.4 57.9/58.3
Length, in. 176.0 176.0
Width, in. 68.5 68.5
Height, in. 55.7 56.5

Body 2003 325i Sedan 2003 325xi Sedan

Type Unitized all-steel structure 1
Aerodynamic drag coefficient 0.31 0.31
EPA size classification Compact Compact

Accommodations 2003 325i Sedan 2003 325xi Sedan

Seating capacity, persons 5 5
Shoulder room, front/rear, in. 54.4/54.2 54.4/54.2
Head room, front/rear, in.:
without moonroof 38.4/37.5 38.4/37.5
with moonroof 37.0/37.4 37.0/37.4
Leg room, front/rear, in. 41.4/34.6 41.4/34.6
EPA interior volume, cu ft. 90.8 90.8
EPA cargo volume, cu ft. 10.7 3 10.7 3
Engine & electrical 2003 325i Sedan 2003 325xi Sedan
Engine type DOHC inline 24-valve 6-cylinder,
Double VANOS steplessly variable
valve timing 1
Bore x stroke, mm/in. 84.0 x 75.0 / 3.31 x 2.95 1
Displacement, cc/cu in. 2494/152 1
Compression ratio 10.5.1 1
Power @ rpm, hp 184 @ 6000 1
Torque @ rpm, lb-ft. 175 @ 3500 1
Engine-management system Siemens MS 43 with knock control
(2 sensors); variable valve timing,
electronic throttle system, dual
resonance intake system, engine
cooling & other functions included
in control strategy 1
3 Series

1 – Specification applies to all models.

2 – With softtop raised.
3 – Can be expanded via folding rear seats (optional Sedans, standard Coupe, NA

2003 325i Sp Wg 2003 325xi Sp Wg 2004 325Ci Coupe 2004 325Ci Conv.

3362 3594 3197 3560

3450 3627 3285 3627

47.7/52.3 50.1/49.9 50.4/49.6 48.9/51.1

48.4/51.6 50.0/50.0 51.1/48.9 49.2/50.8

57.9/58.4 57.9/58.3 57.9/58.4 57.9/58.4

176.3 176.3 176.7 176.7
68.5 68.5 69.2 69.2
55.5 56.3 53.9 54.0 2

2003 325i Sp Wg 2003 325xi Sp Wg 2004 325Ci Coupe 2004 325Ci Conv.

0.32 0.32 0.32 0.35

Small station Small station Sub- Mini-
wagon wagon compact compact

2003 325i Sp Wg 2003 325xi Sp Wg 2004 325Ci Coupe 2004 325Ci Conv.
5 5 5 4
54.4/54.2 54.4/54.2 54.5/52.7 54.5/45.9

– – 37.5/36.5 38.0/36.4 2
37.0/37.6 37.0/37.6 36.3/36.2 –
41.4/34.4 41.4/34.4 41.7/33.2 41.7/32.0
90.7 90.7 84.4 80.0
25.7 4 25.7 4 9.5 3 7.7 5
2003 325i Sp Wg 2003 325xi Sp Wg 2004 325Ci Coupe 2004 325Ci Conv.
3 Series

4 – Rear seats upright, cargo loaded to ceiling. With standard space-saver spare, an
additional volume of 2 cu ft. is available under the cargo floor. More volume available
with rear seats folded.
5 – With softtop lowered. Volume with softtop raised & variable softtop-compartment
floor adjusted is approximately 15% greater.

2003-04 3 Series 325 models
Bold indicates new specification relative to corresponding previous year’s model.

Engine & electrical (cont.) 2003 325i Sedan 2003 325xi Sedan
Fuel requirement Premium unleaded 1
Fuel capacity, U.S. gal. 16.6 1
Battery capacity, amp-hr. 80 1
Alternator output rating, amp./W 120/1680 1

Drivetrain 2003 325i Sedan 2003 325xi Sedan

Drive system Front engine/ Front engine/
rear-wheel drive all-wheel drive
Manual transmission 5-speed 1
Getrag B ZF C
Ratios:1st 4.23:1 4.21:1
2nd 2.52:1 2.49:1
3rd 1.66:1 1.66:1
4th 1.22:1 1.24:1
5th 1.00:1 1.00:1
Reverse 4.04:1 3.85:1
Final drive ratio 3.15:1 3.23:1
Automatic transmission 5-speed STEPTRONIC with Adaptive
Transmission Control & selectable
Sport mode 1:
ZF 5 HP 19 GM 5
Ratios:1st 3.67:1 3.45:1
2nd 2.00:1 2.21:1
3rd 1.41:1 1.59:1
4th 1.00:1 1.00:1
5th 0.74:1 0.76:1
Reverse 4.10:1 3.17:1
Final drive ratio 3.46:1 1

Chassis 2003 325i Sedan 2003 325xi Sedan

Body/frame construction Unitized steel 1
Front suspension Struts, arc-shaped forged-aluminum
lower arms with hydraulic cushion,
coil springs, twin-tube gas-pressure
shock absorbers, anti-roll bar 1;
325Ci Coupe std., Sport Package
except 325xi models: sport
suspension calibration
Rear suspension Multi-link system with Central Links,
upper & lower lateral links (upper
link of cast aluminum), coil springs,
twin-tube gas-pressure shock
absorbers, anti-roll bar 1; 325Ci
Coupe std., Sport Package except
3 Series

325xi models: sport suspension

1 – Specification applies to all models.

2003 325i Sp Wg 2003 325xi Sp Wg 2004 325Ci Coupe 2004 325Ci Conv.

2003 325i Sp Wg 2003 325xi Sp Wg 2004 325Ci Coupe 2004 325Ci Conv.
Front engine/ Front engine/ Front engine/ Front engine/
rear-wheel drive all-wheel drive rear-wheel drive rear-wheel drive

Getrag B ZF C Getrag B Getrag B

4.23:1 4.21:1 4.23:1 4.23:1
2.52:1 2.49:1 2.52:1 2.52:1
1.66:1 1.66:1 1.66:1 1.66:1
1.22:1 1.24:1 1.22:1 1.22:1
1.00:1 1.00:1 1.00:1 1.00:1
4.04:1 3.85:1 4.04:1 4.04:1
3.46:1 3.23:1 3.15:1 3.46:1

ZF 5 HP 19 GM 5 ZF 5 HP 19 ZF 5 HP 19
3.67:1 3.45:1 3.67:1 3.67:1
2.00:1 2.21:1 2.00:1 2.00:1
1.41:1 1.59:1 1.41:1 1.41:1
1.00:1 1.00:1 1.00:1 1.00:1
0.74:1 0.76:1 0.74:1 0.74:1
4.10:1 3.17:1 4.10:1 4.10:1

2003 325i Sp Wg 2003 325xi Sp Wg 2004 325Ci Coupe 2004 325Ci Conv.
3 Series

2003-04 3 Series 325 models
Bold indicates new specification relative to corresponding previous year’s model.

Chassis (cont.) 2003 325i Sedan 2003 325xi Sedan

Steering type Rack & pinion, engine-speed-
sensitive power assist 1
Overall ratio 13.7:1 1
Turns lock-to-lock 3.0 1
Turning circle, ft. 34.4 35.8
4-wheel ventilated disc brakes:
Diameter, front, mm/in. 300/11.8 1
Diameter, rear, mm/in. 294/11.6 1
Wheels (standard) Cast alloy, 16 x 7.0 1
Wheels (optional) Cast alloy 1:
17 x 8.0 (ZSP) 17 x 7.0 (ZSP)
Tires (standard) All-season, 205/55R-16 H-rated 1
Tires (optional) All-season, 205/50R-17 V-rated 6
Performance, 225/45R-17 W-rated 7
Stability-enhancement system Dynamic Stability Control (DSC),
including all-speed traction control,
Dynamic Traction Control (325i/Ci
models) or Hill Descent Control
(325xi models), electronic brake
proportioning, antilock braking (ABS),
Dynamic Brake Control & cornering/
avoidance stability enhancement 1

Performance data 2003 325i Sedan 2003 325xi Sedan

Acceleration, 0-60 mph, sec.,
man./auto. 8 7.1/8.1 7.6/8.8
Top speed, mph 128 1, 9
Fuel economy, EPA est. MPG,
manual transmission 20/29 19/27
automatic transmission 20/28 19/26
ZSP – Sport Package
1 – Specification applies to all models.
6 – Specification applies to 325xi models.
7 – Specification applies to all rear-drive models.
3 Series

2003 325i Sp Wg 2003 325xi Sp Wg 2004 325Ci Coupe 2004 325Ci Conv.

34.4 35.8 34.4 34.4

17 x 8.0 (ZSP) 17 x 7.0 (ZSP) 17 x 8.0 (ZSP) 17 x 8.0 (ZSP)

2003 325i Sp Wg 2003 325xi Sp Wg 2004 325Ci Coupe 2004 325Ci Conv.

7.4/8.5 7.8/9.0 7.1/8.1 7.7/8.9

20/29 19/26 20/29 19/27

20/28 19/26 20/28 18/26
8 – BMW AG test results. Actual acceleration results may vary depending on specification
of vehicle; road and environmental conditions; testing procedures and driving style.
These results should be used for comparison only, and verification should not be
attempted on public roads. BMW urges you to obey all posted speed limits and to
please wear your safety belt at all times.
9 – Electronically limited.
3 Series

2003-04 3 Series 330 models
Bold indicates new specification relative to corresponding previous year’s model.

General 2003 330i Sedan

Curb weight, lb.:
Manual transmission 3285
Automatic transmission 3362
Weight distribution, front/rear, %:
Manual transmission 50.1/49.9
Automatic transmission 50.6/49.4
Wheelbase, in. 107.3 1
Track, front/rear, in. 57.9/58.4
Length, in. 176.0
Width, in. 68.5
Height, in. 55.1

Body 2003 330i Sedan

Type Unitized all-steel structure 1
Aerodynamic drag coefficient 0.31
EPA size classification Compact

Accommodations 2003 330i Sedan

Seating capacity, persons 5
Shoulder room, front/rear, in. 54.4/54.2
Head room, front/rear, in.:
without moonroof 38.4/37.5
with moonroof 37.0/37.4
Leg room, front/rear, in. 41.4/34.6
EPA interior volume, cu ft. 90.8
EPA cargo volume, cu ft. 10.7 3

Engine & electrical 2003 330i Sedan

Engine type DOHC inline 24-valve 6-cylinder,
Double VANOS steplessly variable
valve timing 1
Bore x stroke, mm/in. 84.0 x 89.6 / 3.31 x 3.53 1
Displacement, cc/cu in. 2979/182 1
Compression ratio 10.2.1 1
Power @ rpm, hp 225 @ 5900 1 (330i ZHP: 225 @ 5900)
Torque @ rpm, lb-ft. 214 @ 3500 1 (330i ZHP: 222 @ 3500)
Engine-management system Siemens MS 43 with knock control
(2 sensors); variable valve timing,
electronic throttle system, dual
resonance intake system, engine
cooling & other functions included
in control strategy 1
3 Series

ZHP – 330i Performance Package (available only on 330i)

1 – Specification applies to all models.
2 – With softtop raised.
3 – Can be expanded via folding rear seats (optional Sedans, standard Coupe, NA

2003 330xi Sedan 2004 330Ci Coupe 2004 330Ci Convertible

3483 3285 3616

3538 3362 3704

52.2/47.8 50.1/49.9 48.7/51.3

52.5/47.5 50.6/49.4 49.4/50.6

57.9/58.3 57.9/58.4 57.9/58.4

176.0 176.7 176.7
68.5 69.2 69.2
56.5 53.9 54.0 2

2003 330xi Sedan 2004 330Ci Coupe 2004 330Ci Convertible

0.31 0.32 0.35

Compact Sub-compact Mini-compact

2003 330xi Sedan 2004 330Ci Coupe 2004 330Ci Convertible

5 5 4
54.4/54.2 54.5/52.7 54.5/45.9

38.4/37.5 37.5/36.5 38.0/36.4 2

37.0/37.4 36.3/36.2 –
41.4/34.6 41.7/33.2 41.7/32.0
90.8 84.4 80.0 2
10.7 3 9.5 3 7.7 4

2003 330xi Sedan 2004 330Ci Coupe 2004 330Ci Convertible

3 Series

4 – With softtop lowered. Volume with softtop raised & variable softtop compartment
adjusted is approximately 15% greater.

2003-04 3 Series 330 models
Bold indicates new specification relative to corresponding previous year’s model.

Engine & electrical (cont.) 2003 330i Sedan

Fuel requirement Premium unleaded 1
Fuel capacity, U.S. gal. 16.6 1
Battery capacity, amp-hr. 80 1
Alternator output rating, amp./W 120/1680 1

Drivetrain 2003 330i Sedan

Drive system Front engine/
rear-wheel drive
Manual transmission ZF Type H, 6-speed 1
Ratios: 1st 4.23:1 1
2nd 2.50:1 1
3rd 1.66:1 1
4th 1.23:1 1
5th 1.00:1 1
6th 0.85:1 1
Reverse 4.04:1 1
Final drive ratio 2.93:1 (330i ZHP: 3.07:1)
Automatic transmission 5-speed STEPTRONIC with Adaptive
Trans. Cntrl. & selectable Sport mode 1:
ZF 5 HP 19
Final drive ratio 2.93:1 1
Ratios: 1st 3.67:1
2nd 2.00:1
3rd 1.41:1
4th 1.00:1
5th 0.74:1
Reverse 4.10:1
Final drive ratio 3.38:1

Chassis 2003 330i Sedan

Body/frame construction Unitized steel 1
Front suspension Struts, arc-shaped forged-aluminum
lower arms with hydraulic cushion,
coil springs, twin-tube gas-pressure
shock absorbers, anti-roll bar 1;
330i Sedan/330Ci Coupe std.,
330Ci conv. ZSP: sport suspension
calibration; 330i ZHP: M sport
suspension calibration)
Rear suspension Multi-link system with Central Links,
upper & lower lateral links (upper
link of cast aluminum), coil springs,
twin-tube gas-pressure shock
absorbers, anti-roll bar 1;
3 Series

330i Sedan/330Ci Coupe std.,

330Ci conv. ZSP: sport suspension
calibration; 330i ZHP: M sport
suspension calibration)
ZHP – 330i Performance Package (available only on 330i) ZSP – Sport Package
2003 330xi Sedan 2004 330Ci Coupe 2004 330Ci Convertible

2003 330xi Sedan 2004 330Ci Coupe 2004 330Ci Convertible

Front engine/ Front engine/ Front engine/
all-wheel drive rear-wheel drive rear-wheel drive

3.07:1 2.93:1 3.07:1

GM 5 ZF 5 HP 19 ZF 5 HP 19

3.42:1 3.67:1 3.67:1

2.22:1 2.00:1 2.00:1
1.60:1 1.41:1 1.41:1
1.00:1 1.00:1 1.00:1
0.75:1 0.74:1 0.74:1
3.03:1 4.10:1 4.10:1
3.46:1 3.38:1 3.38:1

2003 330xi Sedan 2004 330Ci Coupe 2004 330Ci Convertible

3 Series

1 – Specification applies to all models.

2003-04 3 Series 330 models
Bold indicates new specification relative to corresponding previous year’s model.

Chassis (cont.) 2003 330i Sedan

Steering type Rack & pinion, engine-speed-
sensitive power assist 1
Overall ratio 13.7:1 1
Turns lock-to-lock 3.0 1
Turning circle, ft. 34.4
4-wheel ventilated disc brakes:
Diameter, front, mm/in. 325/12.8 1
Diameter, rear, mm/in. 320/12.6 1
Wheels (standard) Cast alloy, 17 x 7.0 1
Wheels (optional) Cast alloy, 17 x 7.5 front/
17 x 8.5 rear (330i/Ci Sport
Cast alloy, 17 x 7.0 (run-flat
option 1 & 330xi Sport Package)
Cast alloy, 18 x 8.0 front/
18 x 8.5 rear (330i/Ci sport option) 5
Tires (standard) All-season, 205/50R-17 V-rated 1
Tires (optional) Performance, 225/45RZR-17 front /
245/40ZR-17 rear (330i/Ci Sport
Run-flat, 205/50R-17 V-rated
(run-flat option 1 & 330xi Sport
Performance, 225/40ZR-18 front/
255/35ZR-18 rear (330i ZHP, 330Ci
sport option 5)
Stability-enhancement system Dynamic Stability Control (DSC),
including all-speed traction control,
Dynamic Traction Control (330i/Ci)
or Hill Descent Control (330xi),
electronic brake proportioning,
antilock braking (ABS), Dynamic
Brake Control & cornering/
avoidance stability enhancement 1

Performance data 2003 330i Sedan

Acceleration, 0-60 mph,
sec., man./auto. 6 6.4/7.0 (330i ZHP, manual only: 5.9)
Top speed, mph 128 1, 7 (330ZHP: 155 7)
Fuel economy, EPA est. MPG,
manual transmission 20/30
automatic transmission 20/28
1 – Specification applies to all models.
5 – Require Sport Package.
3 Series

6 – BMW AG test results. Actual acceleration results may vary depending on specification
of vehicle; road and environmental conditions; testing procedures and driving style.
These results should be used for comparison only, and verification should not be
attempted on public roads. BMW urges you to obey all posted speed limits and to
please wear your safety belt at all times.
7 – Electronically limited.
2003 330xi Sedan 2004 330Ci Coupe 2004 330Ci Convertible

35.8 34.4 34.4

2003 330xi Sedan 2004 330Ci Coupe 2004 330Ci Convertible

6.9/7.5 6.4/7.0 6.9/7.5

20/29 20/30 19/28

18/25 19/27 18/25
3 Series

2003 Z4 Roadster Series:
Not just a successor to the Z3, but a whole
new class of sports car
Z4 Series

Much of the world may expect The Z4’s concept encompasses

the Z4 to be a direct successor not just BMW’s wonderful
to the hugely successful BMW 6-cylinder engines, but new
Z3. Indeed, as the Z3 came to transmission choices, including a
the conclusion of its production 6-speed manual and a 6-speed
life at the end of September 2002, Sequential Manual Gearbox that
the Z4 began its career with a reflects technology first seen in the
production start the next month. M3. Its brand-new chassis is an
But there is much more to the evolution of the current 3 Series
Z4’s debut than just “successor platform, arguably one of the
replaces predecessor,” for the world’s greatest connections
Z4 puts BMW in a significantly between drivers and the road.
more sophisticated position in New electric power steering,
the roadster market. standard run-flat tires in dimen-
Built on a longer wheelbase, the sions up to 18 inches, and
Z4 is also notably wider and some- expanded DSC functions are firmly
what longer than the Z3, while anchored in a remarkably rigid,
employing advanced engineering strong roadster body structure.
to keep its weight increase to a All this is clothed in an exciting
minimum (+33 lb. for the 2.5i, +88 new look, featuring fascinating
lb. for the 3.0i). More importantly, interplays of concave and
the Z4 expresses a popular convex surfaces that lend
traditional concept – that of the new-age character to traditional
sport roadster – in utterly new long-hood proportions. Inside,
terms of unique design, contem- the driver enjoys the Z4’s innate
porary engineering and compre- sportiness to the fullest, while also
hensive features. The Z4 is the savoring many new and welcome
first of the next-generation comfort and convenient features.
premium roadsters – and as such Finally, building on safety-oriented
gets a valuable head start on the progress already introduced in
upcoming next generations of its the 7 Series, the Z4 is compre-
key competitors. hensively engineered and
Where the Z3 had a vintage equipped to provide occupants
simplicity about it that helped a high level of roadster safety.
position it at lower price points Now that customers and critics
than the SLK and Boxster, the have had a few months’ oppor-
Z4 places BMW in the heart of tunity to experience the Z4, proof
the field of sophisticated, of the Z4’s success is rolling in.
full-featured sport roadsters. The In the first three months of cal-
Z3 began life (in 1996) with a endar ’04, fully 4,632 Z4s were
4-cylinder engine; the Z4 comes sold in the U.S.; this compares
exclusively with 6-cylinder power, with1,642 Z3s in the comparable
right from the start. Beyond this ’03 period. And here’s what the
basic sophistication, the Z4 independent experts have been
offers many amenities and writing about the new BMW
options that were not available Roadster:
for the Z3. Yet the Z4 sacrifices • Automobile Magazine, January
none of the performance edge ’03, naming the Z4 its Design
that made the Z3 so elementally of the Year: “We also think that
appealing: quite the contrary! this car and the forthcoming

Z4 Series
1 Series BMWs, of which we “The new six-speed shifter is
got a glimpse from the CS1 gorgeous, with short, precise
show car at Geneva last year, throws and a honed fluency
will be enormously influential. that reminds you that these
“We think that the Z4 will people genuinely know how to
tempt many designers to break tailor cars to enthusiast drivers.
old ‘rules’ about fair surfaces The brakes are fantastic,
and create other cars with stopping the car with alacrity
nonlinear shapes.” and great feedback.
• Car and Driver, January ’03: “The Z4 grips like a mad dog;
“What we know for sure is that it has immediate turn-in and a
the Z4 is a premium sports car virtually neutral handling
in a way the Z3 never was.” balance.”
• Motor Trend, January ’03:
“Overall, this is an even better, What’s new for 2003
if controversial, Z Roadster.”’ Both models
• Road & Track, January ’03: The Z4s are essentially all-new
“Hitting the highway, you are models; what follows here is a
reminded that the BMW listing of their key new features.
straight-6 is simply a classic Except as noted, this information
engine – turbine-smooth, applies to vehicles produced from
free-revving and quite torquey the 10/02 start of production:
once the revs climb above Performance & efficiency
about 2500 rpm. • Evolved versions of BMW’s
“The 6-speed Getrag shifts strong, turbine-smooth inline
with nice, mechanical precision, 6-cylinder engines, both meet-
and the pedals can be heel- ing ULEV (Ultra-Low Emissions
and-toed…with a little practice. Vehicle) standards for exhaust
“The Z4’s ride is firm but not emissions
punishing. And in the corners, • Available 6-speed Sequential
the BMW is absolutely planted. Manual Gearbox (SMG) as of
A combination of high grip, 4/03 production
good balance and flat weight • Available Dynamic Driving
transfer without body roll give Control (Sport button) 1,
the car a sure-footed, reassur- offering two stages of throttle
ing feel in rapid transitions.” response and sporty transmis-
• AutoWeek, December 16, ’02: sion modes (Sequential Manual
“The throttle responds in Gearbox and automatic
lightning-quick BMW fashion, transmission)
steering feels razor-sharp and
the suspension carves the Handling, ride & braking
curves like the Z3 could only • High-rigidity Roadster body/
dream of doing.” chassis unit with aluminum
• Automobile Magazine, Decem- hood
ber ’02: “The Z4 is a wonderful • Strut-type front suspension
driver. The 3.0i is as stable as with aluminum lower arms
the Swiss franc and without • Central Link rear suspension
cowl shake, even on seriously with aluminum upper
pockmarked pavement. transverse links
“The 3.0-liter in-line six is just
about perfect.
1 – Included in Sport Package.

Z4 Series

• Front and rear thrust plates, • Leather-covered tilt/telescopic

front strut braces and rear sport steering wheel
subframe braces for • Standard 6-way adjustable
reinforcement of suspension sport seats
attachments • Optional 8-way power sport
• Vehicle-speed-sensitive electric seats with driver’s-seat
power steering memory
• Available Dynamic Driving • Optional 3-stage heated seats
Control (Sport button) 1, offering • Service Interval Indicator with
two stages of steering assist miles-to-service readout
• Upgraded brake systems • New-look, new-technology
• Latest Dynamic Stability instrument cluster
Control generation, including • Optional BMW On-board
Dynamic Traction Control, Navigation System with DVD
electronic brake proportioning database, faster processor
and Dynamic Brake Control speed and other improvements
• Run-flat wheel-tire system with • Four available interior upholstery
Flat Tire Monitor, standard (no and trim treatments (different
spare tire) for 2.5i and 3.0i models)
• All-new selection of alloy wheels • Power side-window sealing
in 16-, 17- and 18-in. sizes system
• All Sport Package tires W-rated • Standard manual climate
(previously Z-rated) control with microfilter
Exterior & aerodynamics ventilation
• Standard ellipsoid (projector) • Optional automatic climate
low-beam headlights control with activated-charcoal
• Optional Xenon low- and microfilter ventilation, automatic
high-beam headlights with recirculation control 3
auto-leveling • New standard and optional
• Optional automatic headlight audio systems
control 2 • Electric interior trunk release
• Optional rain-sensing windshield • Variable softtop compartment
wipers 2 to enhance available trunk
• Side turn indicators behind space
BMW logos Safety & security
• Adaptive brakelights • Active Knee Protection
• Easier-to-operate manual • Disable switch for passenger’s-
softtop with heated glass rear side airbag, with indicator light
window • Intelligent Safety & Information
• Optional fully automatic power System (ISIS) for deployment
softtop 2 of safety systems
Ergonomics, luxury & Z4 2.5i
convenience • Top speed not electronically
• Vehicle & Key Memory controlled
• Multi-function remote control • Optional Active Sport
with selective door unlocking, cloth/leather interior
remote trunk release Z4 3.0i
• BMW Ambiance Lighting • Specially tuned engine sound
• Optional automatic-dimming • 6-speed manual transmission
inside and outside mirrors 3 standard

Z4 Series key features
Except as noted, both Z4 models offer the following features:

Z4 Series
Performance & efficiency figures for 0-60 mph are 5.9
sec. with the 6-speed manual
2.5-liter DOHC 24-valve inline
transmission or SMG and 6.0
6-cylinder engine
with the 5-speed automatic; top
(Z4 2.5i)
speed is electronically limited to
As the smaller of two versions of
155 mph with manual, 152 with
the M54 inline 6-cylinder engine,
automatic. The 3.0i engine meets
this 2.5-liter version powers the
ULEV (Ultra Low Emissions
more accessible Z4 model with
Vehicle) standards; EPA mileage
silken smoothness, pleasant
ratings are 21/29 with manual
sound and lively performance.
transmission, 20/29 with SMG
Though the official power and
and 20/28 with SMG and 20/28
torque ratings (184 hp @ 6000
with automatic.
rpm, 175 lb-ft. @ 3500) are
unchanged from earlier versions, For a detailed description of the
fine-tuning of the intake system 3.0-liter engine, see BMW
and an all-new exhaust system features, pages 16-17.
enhance the engine’s response 5-speed manual transmission
at low to medium speeds. This (standard Z4 2.5i)
engine propels the Z4 2.5i to 60 A manual transmission is very
mph in 7.1 sec. with the 5-speed frequently preferred by enthusi-
manual transmission and just 7.2 astic sports-car drivers. This
sec. with automatic; top speed is “gearbox” complements the
146 mph with manual, 141 with sporty performance of the
automatic (these are no longer 2.5-liter engine and, with a
electronically limited). EPA mileage shorter shift lever and shorter
ratings are 20 mpg city/28 mpg “throws” from gear to gear, the
highway with manual transmis- 5-speed transmission takes
sion, 20/30 with SMG and 21/28 BMW’s tradition of precise,
with STEPTRONIC automatic. The enjoyable shifting to a new level.
2.5i engine meets LEV (Low New 6-speed manual
Emissions Vehicle) standards with transmission
regard to exhaust emissions. (standard Z4 3.0i)
For a detailed description of this Standard in the Z4 3.0i is a
engine, see BMW features, brand-new 6-speed manual
page 16. transmission, called the “H”
3.0-liter DOHC 24-valve inline type. It weighs no more than
6-cylinder engine BMW’s strongest 5-speed, and
(Z4 3.0i) incorporates refinements that
Here too, the official power and mean greater driving pleasure for
torque ratings (225 hp @ 6000 the top Z4 model:
rpm, 214 lb-ft. @ 3500) are • New, even more effective
unchanged from earlier versions synchronization of shifting
of this engine. But with a newly • Sportier shifting, via a 20-mm
tuned intake system and new (0.8-in.) shorter shift lever and
exhaust system plus special 10-mm (0.4 in.) shorter shift
refinements to enhance its sound, “throws” from neutral to each
this larger member of the M54 gear.
engine family not only responds
even more strongly to the driver’s 1 – Included in Sport Package.
2 – Available in option Package or as
commands, but also sounds special-order option.
especially exciting. Acceleration 3 – Available in option Package.

Z4 Series key features
Except as noted, both Z4 models offer the following features:
Z4 Series

The H-type transmission is the Via its Sport button on the

basis for the Sequential Manual console, DDC affects powertrain
Gearbox that’s now available in feel by offering two stages of
both models. throttle response and by selecting
5-speed STEPTRONIC automatic a Sport mode for either the
transmission SMG or automatic transmission.
(optional both models) For details, see options &
The available automatic is a accessories, page 234.
state-of-the-art 5-speed
Handling, ride & braking
STEPTRONIC unit. Augmenting
either engine’s strong low- and Body/chassis structure:
mid-range torque, relatively high a quantum leap in rigidity
numerical ratios provide excellent With each new vehicle genera-
flexibility and response in 2nd, tion, BMW further improves this
3rd and 4th gears; in 5th, overall “stable platform” of chassis
gearing is numerically low for rigidity as well as the suspension
quiet, potentially fuel-efficient systems attached to it, producing
cruising. With STEPTRONIC, a major steps forward in vehicle
Sport mode is selected by moving dynamics. For the Z4, the struc-
the shift lever into a left-hand tural engineers set out to develop
gate. Manual shifts then effected a body/chassis structure with
by “flicking” the lever forward for exceptional stiffness for a roadster.
downshifts, rearward for upshifts To achieve this level of rigidity,
(the Manual mode). the following features were
A description of BMW 5-speed incorporated:
automatic transmissions is found • Y-form front longitudinal
in BMW features, page 17. members. Each of the two
Sequential Manual Gearbox: chassis rails that carry the
a new way to drive engine (one per side) branches
(optional both models) into a “Y” to form the side sills
First offered in the M3s, SMG is and half of the central tunnel.
available in both models as of In this respect, the Z4 structure
April ’03 production. The Z4’s is similar to that of the Z8.
SMG is not exactly like that in • The side sills (rocker panels)
the M3s; rather, it is tailored to were designed for maximum
the more earthbound (yet still rigidity within acceptable bulk.
strong!) performance of the Z4 • The underbody (floor pan)
engines. For details, see options was designed to spread its
& accessories, page 234. strength evenly over its entire
length and width.
Dynamic Driving Control: • The underbody is further
new dimensions in driving reinforced by two thrust plates,
(Sport Package, both models) similar to those of M3 models.
Another available Z4 feature first The front one is of aluminum,
seen on BMW M models, the rear of steel. Also like M3s,
Dynamic Driving Control is there is a V-shaped brace that
included in either Z4 model with adds rigidity to the rear sub-
the Sport Package. frame’s attachment points.

Z4 Series
• As on current M3s, there are Z4 rear suspension
reinforcing braces running In adopting an evolution of the
from the front suspension’s 3 Series’ Central Link rear sus-
strut towers to the cowl area; pension system, the Z4 gets a
these can be seen under the multi-link system, capable of
hood. keeping the rear wheels at
• High-strength steels were virtually ideal angles relative to
employed extensively to the road and completely distinct
achieve the best strength from the simpler semi-trailing-arm
without excess weight. system of the Z3.
• Also to save weight, the hood Here, Z4 engineers incorporated
is aluminum. more Z4-specific changes than
Despite its increases in size and at the front:
rigidity, the new body weighs no • Track widened by 40 mm/
more than that of its predecessor 4. 1.6 in. over rear-drive 3 Series
The Z4 structure is more rigid models, and 29 mm/1.2 in.
than those of its chief competitors, greater than that of recent Z3s.
the Mercedes SLK and Porsche • Increased negative camber
Boxster. angles, which enhance
Z4 front suspension maximum cornering ability. Z4s
The Z4’s front and rear suspen- have a 2.25˚ negative camber
sion systems are evolutions of angle at rest, which is visible in
the technology that has given a slight inward tilt of the tops
the 3 Series its award-winning of the rear tires.
road capabilities. At the front, • Modified toe-in characteristics,
this means an all-new suspen- for greater agility in cornering.
sion system featuring – • Firmer forward bushings for
• Forged aluminum lower arms, the subframe which carries the
vs. steel, to reduce unsprung suspension.
weight and thus improve ride Unsprung weight at the rear is
and handling on rough road reduced by aluminum upper
surfaces. transverse links.
• Hollow strut rods, vs. solid, Overall suspension calibration
for a 10% weight savings in and capabilities
these components. With the proven, and now
• Evolved geometry – greater evolved, capabilities of these
positive caster to improve front and rear suspension
straight-line stability. systems, the Z4 arrives with the
• Wider track, by fully 60 mm/ very best qualifications for an
2.4 in. awesome-handling sports car.
The front suspension system is To underscore its sports-car
strut-type, with upright struts character, relatively firm springs,
carrying the coil springs and shock absorbers and anti-roll
shock absorbers and curved bars have been adopted. All this
lower arms taking both lateral and means –
longitudinal loads. This system is • Amazingly stable and pre-
simpler than the double-pivot dictable handling, for example
type found in the 5 and 7 Series,
M5 and Z8; it speaks for itself
with amazing handling. 4 – The modest weight increases mentioned
on page 216 are attributable to feature
and equipment enhancements.

Z4 Series key features
Except as noted, both Z4 models offer the following features:
Z4 Series

changing direction very little Electric power steering:

when the driver lets off the innovation with clear benefits
accelerator while cornering. For the first time in a BMW, the
• A firm ride, communicating steering is assisted by an electric
clearly that the Z4 is a serious servo motor instead of a conven-
sports car. tional hydraulic pump. Benefits of
• Remarkably flat cornering, this feature, all important to sport-
achieved via a low center of minded drivers, include these:
gravity and the firm suspension • Facilitates specific tuning of
calibration. steering characteristics,
Because the base suspension is achieved via software.
so firm, the available M sport • Vehicle-speed-sensitive power
suspension (Sport Package) assist (Servotronic). Until now,
does not employ firmer springs, this desirable capability has
shock absorbers and anti-roll been available only in the
bars as is customary with BMW 7 Series and M5 among BMW
sport suspension. Instead, its passenger cars in the U.S.
only difference is a 15-mm (See BMW features, p. 20, for
(0.6-in.) lower ride height. an explanation of benefits.)
• Reduced vehicle fuel consump-
The rigid body structure and
tion, because the electric
advanced chassis combine to
motor operates only when the
achieve a remarkable combination
steering wheel is turned. A
of exciting handling and excellent
conventional hydraulic pump
riding comfort. The structural
runs all the time.
rigidity eliminates most of the
“shake” associated with open- Although some competitive
bodied vehicles, bringing the Z4 vehicles are equipped with elec-
close to sedan standards in this tric power steering – the Acura
respect. Thus even though the NSX and Honda S2000 are two
Z4 is very firmly sprung, its of them 5 – BMW believes the
riding comfort benefits from a Z4’s system is the first to attain
reassuring feeling of solidity. BMW standards for road feel,
Automobile Magazine (December self-centering and freedom from
’02) summed up the Z4’s road road shocks.
capabilities this way: “The only Upgraded brake systems
roadster that comes close to the All Z4 brake systems are upgrad-
Z4 in terms of handling, fluency, ed over their predecessor Z3
and feedback is the Porsche models. In both cases, the rear
Boxster, which has one of the brakes are larger; on the 3.0i they
best chassis out there.” are ventilated vs. the previous
Even the engine’s response solid. Specifications are:
characteristics are a brilliant com- • Z4 2.5i – front 286-mm/
promise between spontaneous 11.3-in. diameter, ventilated;
reactions to the accelerator rear 280-mm/11.0-in. diameter,
pedal and smooth power-on/ solid. The rear brakes are larger
power-off transitions – and the than those of the predecessor
optional Dynamic Driving Control (Z3 2.5i: 272 mm/10.7 in.).
gives sport-oriented drivers the • Z4 3.0i – front 300-mm/11.8-in.
possibility of influencing this com- diameter, rear 294-mm/11.6-in.
promise in the sporty direction. diameter; all ventilated. The
rear discs are even larger than

Z4 Series
those of the Z4 2.5i; both Z3 18 x 8.0 front / 18 x 8.5 rear, and
models had solid discs of the 225/40R-18 front / 255/35R-18
same diameter. rear W-rated run-flat performance
Run-flat tires and Flat Tire tires.
Monitor, standard State-of-the-art Dynamic
Every Z4 comes standard with Stability Control
BMW’s Run-Flat Combination Yet another Z4 advance is the
(RFC) wheel-tire system, an upgrading of DSC to its latest
important step forward in state of the art, with the new
convenience and space utilization. Dynamic Traction Control as
The system consists of self- recently introduced in the 7 and
supporting tires, special wheel 3 Series. For details, see BMW
rims, and a Flat Tire Monitor that features, page 23.
indicates to the driver any Z4 engineers point out that this
significant loss in tire pressure. vehicle’s new chassis engineering
For details on the wheel-tire is so good, so capable, that the
system and Flat Tire Monitor, see Z4 would handle better without
BMW features, pages 23-24. DSC than many sports cars
Wheels and tires: handle with. Everything here –
beefy running gear, from suspension, steering, wheels, tires,
16- to 18-in. the fine-tuning and calibration of
Each Z4 model comes standard all systems – works harmoniously
with generously dimensioned to achieve a new high in sports-
standard wheels and tires, and car handling and driving artistry.
offers an upgrade as part of its
Exterior & aerodynamics
Sport Package. All wheel
designs are new. BMW’s roadster tradition
2.5i standard. Ultra-open Cross As new as it is, the Z4 is also an
Spoke wheels (design #104) are expression of a longstanding
dimensioned 16 x 7.0 and carry BMW tradition.
225/50R-16 V-rated run-flat This tradition began in 1935 with
performance tires. These wheels the 315/1 and 319/1, two
are low in weight, saving about 2 versions of a perky little 2-seater
lb. each and thus contributing to powered by a small 6-cylinder
the low unsprung weight already engine. In 1936, the tradition
promoted by the aluminum became legend with the 328
suspension components. roadster, which began as a
2.5i Sport Package. 17 x 8.0 successful race car, went on to
Turbine wheels (design #106) wear become a beloved sports car,
225/45R-17 W-rated run-flat and is now one of the great
performance tires for this collectibles of its era.
upgraded equipment. Another great BMW classic was
3.0i standard. Wheel and tire the 507, of which only about
sizes and the tires’ speed rating 250 were built in the mid- to late
are equivalent to those of the 1950s. Today, this elegantly
2.5i Sport Package; the wheel designed, V8-powered roadster
design is Twin spoke, #103. 5 – The MINI has electrohydraulic power
3.0i Sport Package. This ultimate steering, with a hydraulic pump driven
by an electric motor. This too operates
Z4 equipment consists of Ellipsoid
only “on-demand,” and is a an excellent
wheels (design #107), sized system.

Z4 Series key features
Except as noted, both Z4 models offer the following features:
Z4 Series

commands high six-figure prices Z4 design: the “second

at collector-car auctions. Elvis direction” of BMW’s new
Presley owned one. design strategy
Unknown in America, yet impor- Within an overall strategy of
tant to BMW roadster evolution, Active Surfacing, BMW design
was the Z1 – conceptually is moving in essentially two
amazing, with its fiberglass body directions as new generations
and electrically retracting doors. are introduced. The new 7 Series
Powered by the 2.5-liter 6-cylinder represents the formal direction;
engine of its time (1988-91), it the new Z4 represents the
offered sweet performance, informal direction, which focuses
excellent handling, sleek and on –
innovative design, and a unique • A pure driving experience
ability to be driven with its doors • Bold and unique surface
open. The Z1 was expensive, dynamics
built in small numbers, and • An image of powerful
offered only overseas – and yet sportiness.
it was an attractive sports car. In either design direction, “Every
In 1996, BMW introduced a BMW must be a rolling sculpture,”
roadster that would be affordable explains BMW Design Commu-
to many more customers, includ- nicator Katharina Mack. And,
ing those in the U.S.: the Z3. It says Mack, “Every BMW design
was an instant, international hit. rests on two indispensable pillars:
Beginning with a single 4-cylinder tradition and the future.” Thus
model, the Z3 evolved with more every BMW of the future will be
power, features and variations. It at once recognizable as a BMW,
will be fondly remembered as a and exciting in its newness. We
relatively simple, elemental, have already seen this in the 7
fun-to-drive machine with BMW Series; now we see it in the Z4.
quality. Proportions: essence of a
With its design inspired by the Roadster
classic 507, the Z8 made its Perhaps more than any other
debut in 2000 as BMW’s highest- factor, it is proportions that
performing, highest-technology define a roadster. Traditionally, a
roadster. It continues to command roadster –
the respect of the world’s elites – • Is an open-bodied, 2-seater
those who test-drive and report car.
on it in the media, and those • Has a very long hood 6.
with the means to own it. • Seats its driver and passenger
low and far rearward, thus
The new Z4 not only takes its
close to the rear wheels.
place in this illustrious historical
line, but brings the design and Historically, a roadster focuses
technology of the popular-priced on pure driving, the interaction
BMW roadster to a new level that, of driver and machine and road.
in many ways, is comparable “Wind in the face” when the
with what the Z8 offers. roadster’s roof is lowered is an
essential element of this highly
active driving experience.

Z4 Series
The Z4 takes roadster propor- This line recalls the prominent
tions to the extreme. In addition front and rear fenders and
to mere length, its front end cut-down doors of classic
visually represents the long, roadsters of the 1930s through
powerful, front-mounted 1950s. The other, higher beltline
6-cylinder engine with design is more in the idiom of modern
details that emphasize the roadsters; it forms the ledge of
essential elements: engine, the cockpit.
wheels and driver. • A “twisting shoulder.” Just
Z4 contours: inboard of the lower beltline,
“revolutionary” is not an this starts above the inboard
exaggeration headlight and changes
What is most remarkable about curvature as it works from
the Z4’s exterior design is a new front to rear.
concept of surface development • Numerous transitions from
from BMW Design, directed by convex to concave and back
the charismatic and future- again: over/under the lower
oriented Chris Bangle. Bangle’s beltline; at the provocative
unique touch first became diagonal line that visually
evident in the current 3 Series, carries the A-pillar angle
introduced in 1998; is fully in downward; at the integral rear
evidence in the Z8; and came to spoiler; in the front and rear
full fruition in the new 7 Series of bumper/apron contours; on
2002. the exterior mirrors; even in
the grille’s vertical slats.
In the Z4’s surface development,
• Fascinating cut lines that
twisting planes create highlights
don’t just separate sections of
that cross the surfaces, leading
the body, but are visual treats
to a certain “out-of-control
in themselves:
energy” reminiscent of the
• Hood’s outer edges, running
dancing of flames. The forms are
from the front lighting units’
highly 3-dimensional. The more
inner edges to the A-pillars.
you look, the more you discover
• Running across the front
new details, new impressions.
end, down to the front
To be fully revealed to the viewer, wheelwell; picking up behind
the Z4 design must be seen in the wheelwell to become the
three dimensions, studied care- door’s curving bottom and
fully, contemplated. As a guide rear edge.
to assessing it, here are some of • From top of rear bumper
its highlights, both literal and straight around to rear
figurative: wheelwell.
• Two beltlines. The lower, • Curving lower outer edge of
stylistically primary line begins trunklid, aiming down to align
above the outer headlight, with license-plate opening.
curves upward and then
downward into the door, then
“hikes” sharply upward and
finally downward again to
conclude at the rear edge.
6 – If the engine is front-mounted. Roadsters
with a midship engine exist; these of
course do not have such a long hood.

Z4 Series key features
Except as noted, both Z4 models offer the following features:
Z4 Series

Other fascinating exterior • Adaptive brakelights. After the

details 7, the Z4 is the second BMW
In addition to mastery of propor- Series with this important new
tion and basic shapes, BMW feature. Under hard braking,
Design is also strongly rooted in the brakelights illuminate more
perfection of detail. Some of the intensely, communicating a
Z4 highlights in this regard are: critical safety signal to following
• Four headlights under aero- drivers.
dynamic covers. This typical • The optional hardtop. To be
BMW element, newly config- available about a year after
ured for the Z4, places ellipsoid production began, the hardtop
(projector) low beams outboard, too has fascinating contours,
compact free-form high beams including an integral rear spoiler.
inboard. Amber turn signals Aerodynamics:
run along the lower edge, outstanding for a roadster
sweeping upward to form the It is more challenging to achieve
side markers. For details on efficient aerodynamics with an
the optional Xenon lights, see open-body car than with a closed
BMW features, pages 25-26. one. With the top down, the
• Additional turn indicator. As interior cavity forms a major inter-
on all recent BMWs, a ruption of the shape; with the
“repeater” turn signal is placed top up, it is of necessity a “cap”
on the body sides aft of the rather than integral to the body.
front wheels for visibility to
Yet BMW’s designers and aero-
drivers in adjacent lanes. On the
dynamicists achieved major
Z4, the amber flasher is placed
progress here. With its softtop in
at the approximate midpoint of
place, the Z4 has an aerody-
the diagonal line and behind a
namic drag coefficient (CD) of
BMW logo, radiating its light
just 0.35 – dramatically better
outward from the logo.
than that of the Z3. And with the
• M-type mirrors. Although the
top down, extensive development
in BMW’s aerodynamic wind
exterior mirror housings are
tunnel has minimized drafts
new, the actual mirror shape is
around the faces and upper
the oval also found on M3s.
bodies of Z4 occupants. Even at
For optimum function with the
relatively high cruising speeds,
Z4 body contours, the mirrors
those in the Z4 with its top down
are positioned a half-inch
will enjoy relative comfort.
farther outward.
• Taillights. At once recalling the A newly designed wind deflector
BMW 2002’s round lamps and is available; see options &
relating to the more recent accessories.
L-theme of BMW taillights, the
Ergonomics & luxury
Z4’s taillights at first seem
graphically simple, but on closer Interior design:
examination are a complex as new as the exterior
construction. They sit offset Everywhere you look in the Z4
inside the rear panels, and cockpit, it’s new: new concepts,
help allow a deep functional new esthetics, new artistry of
rearward projection of the design.
bumper without visual

Z4 Series
Most prominent is the dash, • Door handles
which together with the center • Dash trim panel – subtly
console forms an overall “T” complex; concave from top to
configuration. Overall clarity and bottom, convex from side to
simplicity of layout, lines and side
surfaces relate to the 7 Series, • Shift knob.
although the iDrive concept has Seat design and construction
not been adopted here. Highlights Standard sport seats have
include – prominent cushion and backrest
Sweeping dash panorama, side bolsters to support occu-
spanning from left to right. A pants during sporty driving. They
large trim panel reaches from the offer an expanded scope of
left air vents to the right ones, adjustments:
encompassing lighting controls, Manual. Standard is 6-way
the audio system and BMW’s manual adjustment of fore-aft
traditional center air vents. position, backrest angle and
Totally new instrument cluster, cushion height.
with the two main dials housed in Power. Available in both models’
“visors” that minimize unwanted Premium Package or as a stand-
reflections. alone option are 8-way power
Centrally located climate seats, with the same adjustments
controls – for the first time in a as the manual seats plus cushion
BMW roadster, there’s a choice angle. For the first time in a BMW
of manual or automatic systems. roadster, driver’s-seat memory
(capturing three preferred
Integral cupholders at the outer
positions) is included.
ends of the dash. After a light
push, the sturdy cupholder swings The seat cushions are notably
out. The cupholders are adjustable close to the floor, enhancing
in six steps to accommodate occupants’ feeling of low, sporty
beverage sizes up to 0.75 liter. roadster seating.
Switch panel. Below the dash, Tilt/telescopic steering wheel
at the head of the console, is an For the first time in a BMW
attractively presented array of roadster, the Z4’s steering wheel
controls for up to seven functions is adjustable for tilt and reach,
such as DSC/DTC, initializing the with 30 mm (1.2 in.) of manual
Flat Tire Monitor, available seat adjustment in both modes.
heating and power softtop, and Esthetically pleasing,
others. informative instruments
Design spice: The dial layout, with speedometer
convex and concave, at left and tachometer at right, is
everywhere you look traditional. Everything else about
Aiming at pleasing harmony of the instrument cluster is excitingly
design inside and out, the new:
designers applied the convex/ White scales, gray faces. The
concave interplay to the interior dial faces, including new italic
too. You’ll see it in – numerals, are dark-toned, the
• Metallic-trimmed spokes of the scales surrounding them white.
sport steering wheel
• Door pulls

Z4 Series key features
Except as noted, both Z4 models offer the following features:
Z4 Series

LED displays in speedometer. and console trim are brushed

In the dial’s lower portion, LED aluminum; other trim is in the
displays present main and trip standard metallic finish. Available
odometers, the Service Interval in Pearl Gray with Black, or
Indicator with miles-to-service Maldives Blue with Gray.
readout, and the available High Performance leather – 3.0i
Onboard Computer. In the dial standard, 2.5i Premium Package.
proper, one sees the cruise- Leather seats, upper door-panel
control indicator when it is on. inserts and dash kneepads. Also
Warning and indicator lights includes the leather armpad and
between the dials. Extensive brushed-aluminum trim. Available
warnings and indications appear in Black, Beige and Dream Red.
here as called for by operating Extended High Performance
conditions and driver choices. leather – 3.0i optional. Upgraded
More indicators in tachometer leather on seats (with distinctive
face. Information is presented stitching), upper door-panel
here as in the 7 Series. inserts, kneepad area and center
Fuel and temperature gauges armpad. Leather also on wind-
are set into the tachometer’s shield frame, sun visors, larger
lower portion. door area. Same colors as High
Performance leather. Includes
Upholstery and trim:
premium Anthracite Chrome trim
appealing new materials
on steering-wheel spokes, SMG
The Z4 offers four interior
shift paddles, gearshift-boot
upholstery schemes and various
surround, shift knob, door pulls
choices of trim materials. All
and rollbar cladding.
complement the fresh and
contemporary cockpit design. Wood trim is offered as a stand-
alone option with the Active
Leatherette – 2.5i standard.
Sport or either leather interior;
Black leatherette seat upholstery,
in keeping with BMW’s tradition
molded and leatherette door
of distinctive, uncommon woods,
panels. Leather steering-wheel
it is Sycamore.
rim and handbrake grip. Standard
velour floormats. Graphite-finish Softtop:
dash trim panel, console trim, new design, choice of manual
steering-wheel spokes, shift or power
knob (combined with leather), The Z4 offers manual and power
steering-wheel shift paddles if softtops, the latter available on
SMG-equipped, door handles both models as a stand-alone
and pulls, safety-belt guides on option or in the Premium Package.
seat backrests, rollbar cladding. Standard manual top. A com-
Active Sport interior – 2.5i pletely new design endows the
optional. In this unique and standard top with easier opera-
energetic treatment, seats are in tion and enhanced functionality:
2-tone leather and high-tech • 1-hand release/lock. A
synthetic cloth. Upper door-panel centrally positioned single-
inserts are in the cloth, dash hand grip releases the top
kneepads in the leather. A leather from the windshield header or
armpad is added to the center locks it in place. Similar to that
console. The dash trim panel of the 325Ci Convertible.

Z4 Series
• Top header becomes cover. trically from the header and folds
Thanks to a new “parallel” down. Raising the top is just as
folding sequence, the top’s easy; both occur lightning-fast.
forward header remains If raised, the side windows drop
upright as the top folds, and about halfway down during low-
then serves as the cover for ering or raising; when lowering
the folded top. This eliminates or raising is complete, if the user
the former separate molded continues holding the button they
cover and makes folding or return to their original positions.
raising the top essentially a The power top includes all the
1-step process. The header features of the standard one, plus
completely covers the folded a choice of colors. In addition to
top and is flush with the body the standard top’s Black, the
for a clean appearance. power top is available in Gray and
• Easy operation. Gas-filled Dark Beige; see the color chart
struts reduce the effort required on pages 326-327 for the
to lower and raise the top. available combinations.
• Heated glass rear window.
1-touch power windows with
No more scratches or periodic
power sealing feature
replacement; improved rear-
The driver’s window has 1-touch
ward vision in cold or
open and close, the passenger’s
inclement weather.
window 1-touch open. Power
• Interior lining for weather
side-window sealing is a standard
protection and low wind noise
feature: When a door is opened,
when the top is up.
its window (if closed) drops
• Aluminum and magnesium
slightly; when the door is closed,
frame for low weight and
it rises to seat firmly into its
weatherseal. This improves
• Variable stowage compart-
sealing when the windows and
ment. As in 3 Series convert-
top are up.
ibles, the softtop compartment
is adjustable for additional Upgraded interior lighting
trunk space when the top is (standard Z4 3.0i, Convenience
up. Easily adjusted via two Package Z4 2.5i)
knobs, this feature (first of its An extra touch of luxury and
kind in a roadster) increases functionality is provided by
trunk space by more than half upgraded interior lighting, standard
a cubic foot. Altogether larger in the 3.0i and included in the
than the Z3 trunk because of 2.5i Convenience Package. In
its greater depth and lack of a addition to the standard interior
spare tire, the Z4’s compart- courtesy light with BMW's usual
ment will accommodate two soft-on/soft-off and automatic
golfbags, four soft-drink crates switch-on when the engine is
and many other cargo turned off, this group includes –
combinations. • Lights in the door panels
• Footwell illumination, both
Fully automatic power top. To
lower the top, the user simply
• Separately switched left/right
presses a button on the switch
reading light
panel at the front of the center
• Lighted storage compartments.
console. The top unlatches elec-

Z4 Series key features
Except as noted, both Z4 models offer the following features:
Z4 Series

Special locking and storage conditioning compressor, auto-

features matic and manual recirculation,
The Z4’s central locking system and the heated rear window. A
secures the doors, trunklid, fuel- stepless rotary fan-speed control
filler door and the multi-section is placed here as well for user
storage compartment centered override of this normally
behind the seats. In a standard- automatic function.
equipped Z4, this compartment The left-hand rotary control
encloses more than a quarter provides for user selection of
cubic foot of space; adding the airflow (to override the automatic
Navigation System and/or CD regulation), and a defrost/demist
changer reduces the available button is centered inside it; the
storage space. These systems right one sets the desired temper-
are then also secured by the ature and has a Max A/C button
central locking system. at its center. The ventilation
Other storage spaces include: microfilter is upgraded to the
• The glove compartment, activated-charcoal type, with the
which locks but is not included ability to filter noxious gases and
in the central locking system odors, as well as particles, out
• A long open tray in each door of incoming air.
• An open cavity behind each 2.5i standard audio system
seat. If the premium sound A brand-new, handsomely
system is present, these are integrated audio system with
occupied by its two subwoofers. single-disc CD player is standard.
Additional storage is provided in Its 10-channel amplifier feeds a
the Convenience Package for 3-way front/2-way rear speaker
both models: system, with a total of 10
• An elastic net on the center speakers and 310 watts:
tunnel’s right side • 160-mm bass, in footwell side
• An elastic net on the back of panels and behind seats – 4
each seat. speakers x 40 watts
Climate control, manual or • 100-mm wide-range, in doors
automatic and behind seats – 4 x 25W
Standard in both Z4 models is a • Tweeters, in the doors’ mirror
manual climate system with evo- triangles – 2 x 25W.
lutionary improvements. Its Premium audio system
4-speed fan control resides in a (standard 3.0i, optional 2.5i)
central panel, with the air-condi- The new premium system is a
tioning and recirculation buttons significant step forward.
newly grouped around it. There Compared to the 2.5i standard
is a button here for the new system, the premium system
heated rear window. Also new: a offers the following upgrades:
ventilation microfilter. • Upgraded speakers throughout
Automatic climate control is a (same sizes and locations as
new BMW roadster feature, in 2.5i standard system); the
included in the Convenience 160-mm bass speakers (made
Package for each model. Its by Philips) incorporate Carver
controls occupy the same space long-stroke technology, making
as those of the manual system; its first appearance in a motor
the central panel contains buttons vehicle.
for automatic operation, air- • Two subwoofers, by Carver

Z4 Series
• A powerful Carver amplifier • Outside-temperature display,
with 7-band Digital Sound standard.
Processing • 3-stage heated seats, vs.
The speakers and their shares of 2-stage in the Z3; stand-alone
the 430-watt amplification power option.
are: See options & accessories for
• 160-mm bass, in footwell side details on the optional features.
panels – 2 speakers x 40 watts
• 100-mm wide-range, in doors Safety & security
and behind seats – 4 x 25W Optimized Smart Airbags
• Tweeters, in the doors’ mirror The dual front-impact airbags
triangles – 2 x 25W continue the Smart Airbag tech-
• Carver subwoofers, behind nology now employed in all BMW
seats – 2 x 100W. models. (See BMW features,
The subwoofers occupy what is page 41, for explanation.) Both
otherwise storage space behind airbags have been further
the seats. Digital Sound Process- optimized for inflated shape,
ing functions are identical to those deployment characteristics and
offered in the 5 Series; they are interaction with surrounding
controlled from the audio panel surfaces and components. The
or (if the vehicle is so equipped) driver’s-side airbag is notable for
the Navigation System monitor. its compactness, fitting into the
Both Z4 audio systems include a relatively small center hub of the
reception-enhancing diversity sport steering wheel.
antenna system. Active Knee Protection
Other new Z4 features, To meet U.S. safety regulations,
standard or optional all U.S. BMW models incorporate
In addition to those already specific knee protection in the
described, a number of other lower instrument-panel areas.
features make their first appear- With the Z4 and 7 Series, BMW
ance in a regular-production (i.e. advances this feature with Active
not Z8) BMW roadster: Knee Protection: dedicated
• Auto-dimming mirrors, inside airbags backing up the padded
and outside, are included in surfaces that meet occupants’
the Convenience Packages. knees in a frontal impact. This
• Heated outside mirrors and accomplishes several things:
windshield-washer jets, stan- • Reduces the amount of space
dard on the 3.0i and included occupied by the knee protec-
in the 2.5i Sport Package. tion, leaving room for features
• Xenon low- and high-beam customers value
headlights, a stand-alone • Enhances knee protection
option for both models. • For belted occupants, allows
• Automatic headlight control, finer “tuning” of the other
included in the Convenience restraint systems (safety belts
Packages. and front airbags).
• Navigation system, a new Floor mats as part of safety
system with DVD database and system
faster performance, is a stand- A unique Z4 feature is a
alone option that’s available in passenger’s-side floor mat nearly
combination with the standard 2.5 in. thick at its forward end.
single-disc CD player. This provides a surface against

Z4 Series key features
Except as noted, both Z4 models offer the following features:
Z4 Series

which an unbelted passenger’s contributes to lateral body

feet can brace in a frontal collision strength and provides separation
and is an integral part of the Z4 between passenger compartment
safety concept. and trunk.
New technology for side- ISIS, the Intelligent Safety and
impact sensors Information System
Like all other current BMWs, the A familiar BMW feature is Integrat-
Z4 comes standard with door- ed Deployment Logic, a system
mounted side-impact airbags. of sensors and deployment
The “satellite” sensors for these strategy for the various restraint
are sophisticated and costly: By systems. ISIS is an evolution that
sensing pressure change within further improves the restraint
the door structure, rather than systems’ response to real-world
actual deformation as is conven- accidents. Safety engineers at
tional, they are able to signal for BMW’s Engineering and Research
deployment very early in an Center in Munich aimed not
impact, yet minimize the chance merely to meet governmental
of an unwanted deployment. safety regulations, but to
Passenger-airbag surpass them and to tailor the
de-activation switch restraint systems’ response to a
Because a roadster seats just more precise reading of each
two persons, the Z4 is standard- accident sequence.
equipped with a disable switch To achieve this, ISIS employs a
for the passenger’s-side airbag much larger number of sensors
to facilitate carrying a child in an than a conventional deployment
approved infant seat on the right system. Together, these sensors
side. The switch, which requires achieve the goal of tailoring the
a vehicle key to change over, is performance of safety systems
visible on the outboard side of more precisely than ever to the
the instrument panel when the actual impact than before, while
passenger’s door is open; a minimizing unnecessary deploy-
“passenger airbag off” indicator ment of airbags.
on the center console illuminates Fiber optics for safety
when the passenger’s-side Thanks to this elaborate
airbag is de-activated. constellation of sensors, airbag
Rollover Protection deployments can be more finely
Between the reinforced A-pillars tuned to actual accident circum-
and windshield frame and the stances. Much of the progress is
standard rollbars, the Z4 roadster due to faster, more powerful
has what it takes to maintain a electronics and the use of fiber-
“survival space” above its open optic cables that are not
cockpit. susceptible to extraneous
The A-pillars’ high-strength tubular electromagnetic disturbances.
reinforcement is anchored in a System software can be updated
massive structure that reaches over the life of the vehicle; data
all the way down to the body sills. useful to researchers can be
Positioned behind the occupants’ retrieved from accident vehicles.
heads, the rollbars are anchored
in the very strong bulkhead that

Z4 Series
Options & accessories • Additional storage – elastic
net on the right side of the
Factory-installed options center console and on the
Premium Package back of each seat.
(both models) The 2.5i Convenience Package
Each Premium Package is includes the above content and
composed as a value-priced set adds two features that are stan-
of desirable upgrade features. dard in the 3.0i:
The 3.0i Premium Package • On-board Computer.
includes: This includes the clock and
• Fully automatic power softtop. outside-temperature readout
As described on page 229. (both of which are standard)
• 8-way power seats with plus –
driver’s-seat memory, as • Average fuel economy since
described on page 227. reset
The 2.5i Premium Package • Range on remaining fuel
includes the above content and • Average speed since last
adds the following features, reset.
which are standard in the 3.0i: On-board Computer readouts
• Cruise control, managed by a appear in the odometer
steering-column stalk window at the bottom of the
• High Performance leather speedometer; pressing the
upholstery as described on BC 7 button on the left-hand
page 228. steering-column stalk calls
them up in succession.
Convenience Package • Upgraded interior lighting as
(both models) described on page 230.
These Packages bundle several
features that enhance convenience 2.5i Sport Package
and comfort for Z4 occupants. This Package enhances the Z4
The 3.0i Convenience Package 2.5i’s innate sportiness with the
includes: following features:
• Auto-dimming inside and • Dynamic Driving Control
outside mirrors, electrochromi- (Sport button). Includes quicker
cally reducing glare from the throttle action, reduced power-
lights of following vehicles. steering assist and (if the
• Rain-sensing windshield vehicle is so equipped) the
wipers, replacing the standard Sport program for the
wipers’ intermittent mode with Sequential Manual Gearbox or
one that varies wiping action an additional Sport mode for
according to moisture the STEPTRONIC automatic
impinging the windshield. transmission.
• Automatic headlight control, • M sport suspension. Lowers
which switches on the head- the vehicle by 15 mm/0.6 in.
lights and all related lighting No firming-up of springs or
when ambient light drops shock absorbers as on other
below a certain level. BMW models.
• Automatic climate control as
described on page 224.

7 – BC = Bordcomputer, German for

On-board Computer.

Z4 Series key features
Except as noted, both Z4 models offer the following features:
Z4 Series

• 17-in. wheels and tires. strictly at the driver’s discretion,

17 x 8.0 Turbine wheels with two exceptions:
(design #106) with 225/45R-17 • If the driver takes the engine
W-rated run-flat performance up to its rpm limit, SMG will
tires. automatically shift to the next
• Front foglights. Round free- higher gear.
form lamps, recessed into the • Upon deceleration, as the
front bumper/spoiler. engine comes down to
• Heated outside mirrors and approximately 1100 rpm, SMG
windshield-washer jets. automatically selects the next
3.0i Sport Package lower gear. When the vehicle
In contrast to the 2.5i Package, comes to a stop, SMG selects
this one substitutes 18-in. wheels 1st gear automatically; upon
in differentiated front/rear sizes, moving off, however, the driver
while omitting the foglights and again controls the shifting.
heated mirrors/washer jets In D, the shifts are programmed
because they are standard on for “normal” driving, with the accent
the 3.0i. Its content is thus: on a relaxed, unaggressive style –
• Dynamic Driving Control though of course one can drive
(Sport button) quickly in D and the SMG adapts
• M sport suspension its shift points automatically to
• 18-in. wheels and tires. this use. When the Sport button
18 x 8.0 front / 18 x 8.5 rear is activated in D, shifts are not
Ellipsoid wheels (design #107) only sharper, but also occur at
with 225/40R-18 front / higher road speeds as with the
255/35R-18 rear W-rated Sport mode of BMW’s automatic
run-flat performance tires. transmissions.
6-speed Sequential Manual As with the M3 SMG’s A mode,
Gearbox D is not to be interpreted as a
(both models) substitute for the D of a fully
SMG endows the 2.5i with 6 automatic transmission, but rather
speeds vs. the standard 5; on a convenient operational mode
both models it adds electrohy- for those times when the driver’s
draulic shifting, both manual and purpose is not to extract the
automated. There is no clutch Z4’s maximum performance.
pedal; the driver selects the 5-speed STEPTRONIC automatic
desired operating range (N, R, transmission
D, M) with a console-mounted (both models)
selector lever, and can execute This is the more familiar form of
manual shifts via that lever or two “manumatic” shifting, via a
“paddles” on the steering wheel. conventional automatic transmis-
With M selected, the driver can sion with torque converter and
also select the Sport mode via planetary gearbox. Automatic
the Sport button on the console, shifting occurs in the D or S
in which shifts take place with position; in M, shifting is con-
quicker clutching/declutching trolled by the driver via the shift
and shifting action. In or out of lever. A full description is found
Sport mode, shifting is initiated in BMW features, page 17.

Z4 Series
Cruise control Extended High Performance
(optional 2.5i, standard 3.0i) leather upholstery
In addition to being part of the (optional 3.0i, not available 2.5i)
2.5i Convenience Package, The most luxurious Z4 cockpit
cruise control is available as a treatment is described on page
stand-alone option. 228.
Xenon low- and high-beam On-board Computer
headlights (optional 2.5i, standard 3.0i)
(both models) Also included in the 2.5i
Of the four headlights, the outer Convenience Package; includes
lamps provide high-intensity- the standard clock and outside-
discharge (HID) illumination on temperature readouts plus –
low and high beams, while the • Average fuel economy since
inner ones are used for flash-to- reset
pass and Daytime Running Lamps. • Range on remaining fuel
Auto-leveling of the Xenon lights • Average speed since last
is included. On the 2.5i, this reset.
option requires the foglights BMW On-board Navigation
option or the Sport Package, System with DVD database
which includes foglights. See (both models)
BMW features, pages 25-26, for Making its first appearance in a
a description of BMW’s Xenon BMW Roadster, the On-board
lighting. Navigation System advances
Front foglights over its predecessors in several
(optional 2.5i, standard 3.0i) appealing ways:
Besides being part of the 2.5i • It employs a DVD database. A
Sport Package, foglights are single DVD covers the entire
available as a stand-alone option. United States; thus users do
The option includes heated not change CDs for use in
outside mirrors and windshield- various regions.
washer jets. • Faster processor (by 2-3 times
Fully automatic power top from customer viewpoint).
(both models) • Dynamic calculation of
This brand-new BMW roadster Estimated Time of Arrival
feature is available in the Premium (more accurate).
Packages or as this stand-alone • Address-book capacity is
option. Details on page 229. increased to 100 entries.
• “Last destination” capacity is
Active Sport cloth/leather
increased to 20 entries.
• Monitor brightness control
(optional 2.5i, not available 3.0i)
added (in Settings menu).
This unique and appealing option
• Larger map scales available.
is described on page 228.
• Optimized mixing of audio
High Performance leather volume and navigation voice
upholstery guidance.
(optional 2.5i, standard 3.0i)
A full description of the system
This more traditional, luxurious
appears in BMW features,
interior treatment is described on
pages 33-34.
page 228.

Z4 Series key features
Except as noted, both Z4 models offer the following features:
Z4 Series

Premium audio system BMW Center-installed

(optional 2.5i, standard 3.0i) accessories
This outstanding new audio
Alarm system
system is described on pages
(available for both models)
Z4s come standard with BMW’s
Wood interior trim multi-function remote control;
(both models) the available alarm system is
Beautiful and distinctive Sycamore Center-installed.
trim is available with any Z4
6-disc CD changer
interior except the standard 2.5i
(available for both models)
leatherette. It consists of a large
Both Z4 models are pre-wired for
dash panel and console trim.
straightforward installation of the
Power seats with driver’s-seat changer in the trunk. Combined
memory with the standard in-dash player,
(both models) this results in 7-disc capacity.
In addition to being part of the
BMW Cellular Phone System
Premium Packages, the 8-way
(available for both models)
power seats are available as a
During model year ’03, a new
stand-alone option for both
BMW Cellular Phone System
becomes available. This is the
Heated seats system that will be available for
(both models) installation in Z4 models; it is
These provide 3-stage, thermo- described in BMW features,
statically controlled heating that page 33.
provides a wide range adjustability
Wind deflector
and steady heat under changing
(available for both models)
temperature conditions.
A completely new design in three
Special-order options parts: one between the two
(both models) rollbars and one inside each bar.
Two features may be specified The sections install as follows:
separately on a special-order • Center section – net with
basis. They are: frame; mounts easily from
• High-intensity headlight above by simply pushing
cleaning system downward, removed easily by
• Rain-sensing windshield wipers pressing two releases. Stores
and automatic headlight control in the trunk.
as a stand-alone option. • Rollbar sections – permanently
The center section can also
serve as a sunshade when the
sun is low and behind the vehicle,
even with the top up.

Z4 Series
Aerodynamic components Removable hardtop
(available for both models) (available for both models)
Available components include a Designed to complement the
front spoiler, rear apron and unique Z4 shape, the hardtop
more prominent side sills/rocker transforms BMW’s Roadster into
panels. a snug coupe for the winter.
Clear light lenses Trunklid handle
(available for both models) (available for both models)
Clear lenses for the body-side This discreet brushed-stainless
turn signals and all three brake- handle helps keep the trunklid
lights are available. free of fingerprints.
Front foglights Chrome exhaust outlets
(2.5i only) (2.5i only)
Standard on the 3.0i and avail- Standard on the 3.0i, these
able as a factory option for the handsome dual outlets lend
2.5i, front foglights can also be elegance and finish to the 2.5i.
retrofitted to 2.5i Roadsters by Other accessories
any BMW Center. The extensive selection of Z4
Wood/leather steering wheel items also includes a car cover,
and shift knob mud flaps, nose mask, fitted
(available for both models) windshield sunshade, clear
Both of these items add elegance protective coating for body
to the Z4 interior. surfaces and other items. See
Carrier rack Original BMW Accessories, The
(available for both models) New Z4.
Designed for mounting on the
trunklid, the rack is finished in
Z4-compatible gray anodized
aluminum. After being installed
by the BMW Center, it can
accommodate carriers for skis,
snowboards and luggage.

Z4 Series specific features by model
Z4 Series

Z4 2.5i Leatherette interior

The 2.5i comes standard with
2.5-liter DOHC inline 6-cylinder
black leatherette upholstery and
metallic-finish interior trim. Wood
As described on page 219.
trim is not available in combination
5-speed manual transmission with this interior, but is available
The 2.5i’s standard 5-speed with either of the optional interior
transmission benefits from the treatments.
improved shift linkage developed
Optional Active Sport interior
for all Z4s.
Only the 2.5i is available with this
Sequential Manual Gearbox interesting cloth/leather interior.
This option upgrades the 2.5i to
Premium Package
the 6-speed transmission that is
The 2.5i Package includes two
standard in the 3.0i while also
features (cruise control and
including the SMG operational
leather upholstery) that are
standard in the 3.0i. For details,
Wheel and tire equipment see page 233.
The 2.5i comes standard with
Convenience Package
16-in. wheels and tires; 17-in.
The 2.5i Package includes two
equipment is part of the optional
features – the On-board
Sport Package. Differentiated
Computer and upgraded interior
front/rear wheel and tire sizes are
lighting – that are standard in the
not offered on the 2.5i. For details
3.0i. For details, see page 233.
on all wheel/tire combinations,
see page 223. Sport Package
The 2.5i Package differs
considerably from that for the
3.0i. For details, see pages

Z4 Series
Z4 3.0i • Cruise control
• Center armpad
3.0-liter DOHC inline 6-cylinder
• On-board Computer
• High Performance leather
As described on page 219.
upholstery (including brushed-
6-speed manual transmission aluminum interior trim)
The 3.0i comes standard with this • BMW lettering in chrome on
newly developed, performance- door sills
enhancing transmission. • Premium audio system with
Sequential Manual Gearbox Carver technology.
Applies the SMG operational Optional Extended High
features to the 6-speed trans- Performance leather
mission that is standard in this upholstery
model. This most luxurious of Z4 interior
Wheel and tire equipment treatments is available only in the
The 3.0i comes standard with 3.0i model.
17-in. wheels and tires; 18-in. Premium Package
equipment in differentiated The 3.0i Package is less extensive
front/rear sizes is part of the than that for the 2.5i, in that it
optional Sport Package. For omits two features (cruise control
details on all wheel/tire and leather upholstery) that are
combinations, see page 223. standard in the 3.0i. For details,
Other additional standard see page 233.
equipment Convenience Package
The 3.0i includes the following The 3.0i Package is less extensive
additional standard equipment than that for the 2.5i, in that it
over the 2.5i: omits one feature (On-board
• Front foglights Computer) that is standard in the
• Heated outside mirrors and 3.0i. For details, see page 233.
windshield-washer jets
Sport Package
• Anthracite-finish vertical grille
The 3.0i Package differs consid-
slats and headlight surrounds
erably from that for the 2.5i. For
(2.5i: black)
details, see page 234.
• Chrome exhaust outlets
• Upgraded interior lighting

Standard & optional features
2003 Z4 Roadster Series
Bold within table indicates new feature relative to corresponding 2002 Z3 model
Z4 Series

Performance & efficiency Z4 2.5i Z4 3.0i

DOHC 24-valve inline 6-cylinder engine with –
Double VANOS steplessly variable valve
timing 1:
2.5-liter S –
3.0-liter – S
Aluminum block & cylinder head S S
Chain camshaft drive (requires no
periodic maintenance) S S
Dual resonance intake system S S
Electronic throttle system S S
Dynamic Driving Control (Sport button) ZSP 2 ZSP 2
Electronically controlled engine cooling S S
Direct ignition system with knock control S S
Specially tuned engine sound NA S
5-speed manual transmission with direct
5th gear S –
6-speed manual transmission NA S
5-speed STEPTRONIC 3 automatic transmission OPT OPT
6-speed Sequential Manual Gearbox
(SMG) with Automated, Manual &
Sport programs OPT 4 OPT 4
Handling, ride & braking Z4 2.5i Z4 3.0i
High-rigidity roadster body/chassis unit
with aluminum hood S S
Strut-type front suspension with forged-
aluminum lower arms, hydraulic
cushions S S
Front thrust plate, aluminum S S
Strut braces S S
Central Link rear suspension with cast-
aluminum upper transverse links S S
Rear subframe on 4 mounts, with
acoustically decoupled mounting of
suspension system S S

Z4 Series
Handling, ride & braking (cont.) Z4 2.5i Z4 3.0i
Rear thrust plate, steel S S
Subframe mounting braces S S
Acoustically decoupled final drive with
hydraulic rear mount S S
Front & rear anti-roll (stabilizer) bars S S
Twin-tube gas-pressure shock absorbers S S
Sport suspension with lowered ride
height ZSP ZSP
Vehicle-speed-sensitive electric power
steering S S
Dynamic Driving Control (Sport button) OPT/ZSP 2 OPT/ZSP 2
4-wheel disc brakes, vacuum-assisted:
Ventilated front/solid rear S –
Ventilated front & rear – S
Dynamic Stability Control (DSC III), including
all-speed traction control, Dynamic
Traction Control, electronic brake
proportioning, antilock braking (ABS),
Dynamic Brake Control & cornering/
avoidance-stability enhancement S S
Run-flat wheel-tire system with Flat
Tire Monitor S S
16 x 7.0 Cross Spoke cast-alloy wheels
(design #104) S –
17 x 8.0 Twin Spoke cast-alloy wheels
(design #103) NA S
17 x 8.0 Turbine cast-alloy wheels
(design #106) ZSP NA
18 x 8.0 front/18 x 8.5 rear Ellipsoid
cast-alloy wheels (design #107) NA ZSP
225/50R-16 V-rated performance radial
tires S –
225/45R-17 W-rated performance radial
tires ZSP S
225/40R-18 front/255/35R-18 rear
W-rated performance radial tires NA ZSP
S – Standard 1 – VANOS = VAriable NOckenwellen
OPT – Optional Steuerung = variable camshaft control,
NA – Not available or variable valve timing.
— – Not applicable 2 – Provides Normal & Sport settings for
ZSP – Sport Package throttle, steering and (if vehicle is so
equipped) Sequential Manual Gearbox
or STEPTRONIC automatic transmission.
3 – BMW’s system of manual shift control
for an automatic transmission.
4 – Requires Sport Package.

Standard & optional features
2003 Z4 Roadster Series
Bold within table indicates new feature relative to corresponding 2002 Z3 model
Z4 Series

Exterior & aerodynamics Z4 2.5i Z4 3.0i

Front & rear body-color bumpers S S
4-headlight system within aerodynamic
Halogen ellipsoid low beams/free-form
high beams S S
Xenon low & high beams with
auto-leveling OPT OPT
Automatic headlight control ZCV ZCV
Daytime Running Lamps S5 S5
High-intensity headlight cleaning system SPEC SPEC
Front foglights OPT/ZSP S
2-speed + intermittent windshield wipers,
adjustable & car-speed-sensitive interval,
single-wipe operation S S
Rain-sensing windshield wipers ZCP/ ZCP/
Heated windshield-washer jets OPT/ZSP S
Heated outside mirrors OPT/ZSP S
Side turn indicators behind BMW logos S S
Adaptive brakelights S S
Metallic paint OPT OPT
Vertical grille slats & headlight surrounds Black Anthracite
Easy-to-operate manual softtop with
heated glass rear window, interior lining S S
Fully automatic power softtop with heated
glass rear window, interior lining OPT/ZPP OPT/ZPP
Removable hardtop C C
Wind deflector C C
Ergonomics, luxury & convenience Z4 2.5i Z4 3.0i
Vehicle & Key Memory S S
Keyless entry with multi-function remote
Selective unlocking S S
Remote trunk release S S
Courtesy lights with fade-in/fade-out
feature, actuation from remote control &
automatic switch-on when engine is
turned off S S
Upgraded interior lighting 6 ZCV S

Z4 Series
Ergonomics, luxury & convenience (cont.) Z4 2.5i Z4 3.0i
Cruise control OPT/ZPP S
Locking glove compartment S S
Storage space in doors & behind seats,
coinholder S S
Elastic nets on right side of center tunnel
& on back of each seat ZCV ZCV
Dual power outside mirrors S S
Heated outside mirrors OPT/ZSP S
Automatic-dimming inside & outside
mirrors ZCV ZCV
Leather-covered tilt/telescopic sport
steering wheel, 358 mm/14.1 in. S S
6-way adjustable sport seats S S
8-way power sport seats with driver’s-
seat memory (3 memory positions) OPT/ZPP OPT/ZPP
Center armpad ZPP S
3-stage, thermostatically controlled
heated seats OPT OPT
Electronic analog instrumentation S S
LCD main & trip odometers S S
Service Interval indicator with miles-to-
service readout S S
Extensive warning & indicator lights in
dial faces & between instruments S S
Outside-temperature display S S
4-function Onboard Computer ZCV S
BMW Onboard Navigation System OPT OPT
Leatherette upholstery S –
Cloth & leatherette upholstery
(Active Sport) OPT NA
Leather upholstery (High Performance) ZPP S
Extended Leather upholstery
(Extended High Performance) NA OPT
Leather handbrake grip & shift knob S S
Graphite-finish interior trim S –
Brushed-aluminum interior trim OPT/ZPP 7 S
S – Standard 5 – Selectable via Vehicle Memory System
OPT – Optional (programming by BMW Center).
SPEC – Special-order option 6 – Includes door panels, footwells,
NA – Not available separately switched left/right reading
— – Not applicable lights & storage compartments.
C – BMW Center-installed 7 – Included with optional Active Sport &
ZCV – Convenience Package High Performance leather interiors.
ZPP – Premium Package
ZSP – Sport Package

Standard & optional features
2003 Z4 Roadster Series
Bold within table indicates new feature relative to corresponding 2002 Z3 model
Z4 Series

Ergonomics, luxury & convenience (cont.) Z4 2.5i Z4 3.0i

Sycamore wood interior trim OPT 8 OPT
Velour floor mats S S
Power windows with 1-touch open/close
driver’s window, 1-touch open passenger’s
window, push-to-lower/pull-to-raise
switches, opening & closing from exterior
door lock S S
Power side-window sealing system S S
Manual climate control with microfilter
ventilation S S
Automatic climate control with activated-
charcoal microfilter ventilation &
automatic recirculation control ZCP ZCP
Anti-theft AM/FM/CD audio system with
Radio Data System, 9 speakers including
subwoofer S S
Premium audio system with upgraded
audio power, Carver technology, 10
audiophile-quality speakers including
2 subwoofers OPT OPT
Pre-wiring for CD changer S S
6-disc CD changer C C
Pre-wiring for BMW Cellular Phone System S S
BMW Cellular Phone System C C
Dual cupholders S S
Electric interior trunk release S S
Variable softtop compartment S S

Z4 Series
Safety & security Z4 2.5i Z4 3.0i
Dual-airbag Supplementary Restraint
System with 2-stage Smart Airbags S S
Automatic safety-belt tensioners & force
limiters S S
Active Knee Protection S S
Isofix attachment of child-restraint safety
seat S S
Disable switch for passenger’s-side
airbag with indicator light S S
Side-impact airbags S S
Rollover Protection S S
Battery Safety Terminal S S
Automatic fuel-pump shutoff upon severe
accident impact S S
Daytime Running Lamps S5 S5
Intelligent Safety & Information System
(ISIS) for deployment of safety systems S S
Central locking system with double-lock
anti-theft feature, selective unlocking
& interior locking switch; also locks
interior storage compartment S S
Coded Driveaway Protection S S
Pre-wiring for alarm system S S
Alarm system with operation from keyhead
remote C C
S – Standard 5 – Selectable via Vehicle Memory
OPT – Optional System (programming by BMW
NA – Not available Center).
C – BMW Center-installed 8 – Requires Active Sport or leather
ZCP – Convenience Package interior (stand-alone option or
Premium Package).

2003 Z4 Roadster Series
Except for engines, virtually all specifications are new relative to 2002 Z3 models
Z4 Series

General Z4 2.5i Z4 3.0i

Curb weight, lb.:
Manual transmission 2932 2998
Sequential Manual Gearbox
(SMG) 2976 3020
Automatic transmission 2998 3042
Weight distribution, front/rear, %:
Manual transmission 50.2/49.8 50.4/49.6
Sequential Manual Gearbox
(SMG) 50.2/49.8 50.4/49.6
Automatic transmission 50.5/49.5 50.7/49.3
Wheelbase, in. 98.2 1
Track, front/rear, in. 58.0/60.0 1
Length, in. 161.1 1
Width, in. 70.1 1
Height, in. (with softtop up) 50.1 1
Body Z4 2.5i Z4 3.0i
Type 2-seat roadster 1
Aerodynamic drag coefficient 0.35 1 (with softtop up)
EPA size classification 2-Seater 1
Accommodations Z4 2.5i Z4 3.0i
Seating capacity, persons 21
Shoulder room, in. 52.5 1
Head room, in. 37.3 (with softtop up)
Leg room, in. 42.0 1
EPA interior volume, cu ft. TBA 1
EPA cargo volume, cu ft. TBA 1
Engine & electrical Z4 2.5i Z4 3.0i
Engine type DOHC inline 24-valve 6-cylinder,
Double VANOS 2 steplessly
variable intake- & exhaust-valve
timing 1
Bore x stroke, mm/in. 84.0 x 75.0/ 84.0 x 89.6/
3.31 x 2.95 3.31 x 3.53
Compression ratio 10.5:1 10.2:1
Power @ rpm, hp 184 @ 6000 225 @ 5900
Torque @ rpm, lb-ft. 175 @ 3500 214 @ 3500

Z4 Series
Engine & electrical (cont.) Z4 2.5i Z4 3.0i
Engine-management system Siemens MS 45 with knock control
(2 sensors); variable valve timing,
electronic throttle system, dual
resonance intake system, engine
cooling & other functions included
in control strategy 1
Fuel requirement Premium unleaded 1
Fuel capacity, U.S. gal. 14.5 1
Battery capacity, amp-hr. 55 1
Alternator output, amp./W 120/1680 1
Drivetrain Z4 2.5i Z4 3.0i
Drive system Front engine/rear drive 1
Manual transmission Getrag Type B+, ZF Type H,
5-speed 6-speed
Ratios: 1st 4.23:1 4.35:1
2nd 2.52:1 2.50:1
3rd 1.66:1 1.66:1
4th 1.22:1 1.24:1
5th 1.00:1 1.00:1
6th – 0.85:1
Reverse 4.04:1 4.04:1
Final drive ratio 3.46:1 3.07:1
Sequential Manual Gearbox Electrohydraulic/electronic
(SMG) controls applied to ZF Type H
6-speed transmission; same
ratios as for 3.0i 6-speed
Automatic transmission ZF 5 HP 19, 5-speed STEPTRONIC
with Adaptive Transmission Control
& selectable Sport mode
Ratios: 1st 3.67:1 1
2nd 2.00:1 1
3rd 1.41:1 1
4th 1.00:1 1
5th 0.74:1 1
Final drive ratio 3.64:1 3.46:1
TBA – To be announced
1 – Specification applies to both models.
2 – VANOS = VAriable NOckenwellen
Steuerung = variable camshaft control,
or variable valve timing.

2003 Z4 Roadster Series
Except for engines, virtually all specifications are new relative to 2002 Z3 models
Z4 Series

Chassis Z4 2.5i Z4 3.0i

Body/frame construction Unitized steel structure with
aluminum hood 1
Front suspension Struts, arc-shaped forged-
aluminum lower arms with
hydraulic cushions, coil springs,
twin-tube gas-pressure shock
absorbers, anti-roll bar; aluminum
thrust plate & strut-dome braces1
Rear suspension Multi-link system with Central
Links, upper & lower lateral links
(upper link of cast aluminum), coil
springs, twin-tube gas-pressure
shock absorbers, anti-roll, steel
thrust plate & V-brace 1
Steering type Rack & pinion, vehicle-speed-
sensitive electric power assist 1
Overall ratio 13.7:1 1
Turns, lock-to-lock 3.0 1
Turning circle, ft. 33.1 1
4-wheel disc brakes,
Diameter, front, mm/in. 286/11.3 300/11.8
(ventilated) (ventilated)
Diameter, rear, mm/in. 280/11.0 294/11.6
(solid) (ventilated)
Wheels (standard) Cast alloy 1:
16 x 7.0 17 x 8.0
Wheels (optional) Cast alloy 1:
17 x 8.0 (ZSP) 18 x 8.0 front/
18 x 8.5 rear
Run-flat tires (standard) 225/50R-16 225/45R-17
V-rated W-rated
Run-flat tires (optional) 225/45R-17 225/40R-18 front/
W-rated 255/35R-18 rear
W-rated (ZSP)
Stability-enhancement system Dynamic Stability Control (DSC),
including all-speed traction control,
Dynamic Traction Control,
electronic brake proportioning,
antilock braking (ABS), Dynamic
Brake Control & cornering/
avoidance-stability enhancement 1

Z4 Series
Performance data Z4 2.5i Z4 3.0i
Acceleration, 0-60 mph, sec. 3
manual transmission or SMG 7.1 5.9
automatic transmission 7.2 6.0
Top speed, mph:
manual transmission or SMG 146 155 4
automatic transmission 141 152
Fuel economy, EPA est. MPG,
manual transmission 20/28 21/29
Sequential Manual Gearbox 20/30 20/29
automatic transmission 21/28 20/28
ZSP – Sport Package
1 – Specification applies to both models.
3 – BMW AG test results. Actual accelera-
tion results may vary depending on
specification of vehicle; road and
environmental conditions; testing
procedures and driving style. These
results should be used for comparison
only, and verification should not be
attempted on public roads. BMW
urges you to obey all posted speed
limits and to please wear your safety
belt at all times.
4 – Electronically limited.

2003 BMW M Cars:
M3 and M5 models get evolutionary
BMW M is BMW’s “brand within and at the track, well, it makes
a brand,” devoted to high- you feel like a race driver.”
performance automobiles and Road & Track, September 2002
related products. (Please see “The most sophisticated
pages 8-9 for more details on transmission available in a
BMW M). At BMW M, experiences production car.”
from the race track flow into Motor Trend, August 2002
regular-production BMW vehi-
“You just might give [Formula 1
cles to create uniquely capable,
racing driver Juan] Montoya a run
enjoyable driving machines.
for his money behind the wheel
With introduction of the new Z4 of BMW’s paddle-shift M3. Okay,
M Cars

Roadster, the M Roadster and maybe only in your dreams, but

Coupe drop out of the M Cars the M3 now offers one of the best
line for ’03, leaving the two M3 all-‘round rides on the planet,
models and the M5 as this year’s wrapped in one of the most
representatives of BMW M artistry recognizable – and beautiful –
on wheels. Thus the ’03 line is skins in all of automobiledom…
as follows: Pretending to be an F1 driver is
• M3 Coupe – now the most only a snick-snick away.”
accessible BMW M model; AutoWeek, May 20, 2002
continues with the amazing
“Pure enjoyment: Whether one is
333-hp 6-cylinder M engine
cruising in the automated mode
and available with 6-speed
through the countryside, or
manual transmission or
using the sequential mode on a
Sequential Manual Gearbox.
mountain pass to extract the
• M3 Convertible – M3 perfor-
most out of the potent M3, the
mance and handling plus
shifting [of the SMG] never
open-air driving pleasure.
shows a weakness. And if one is
• M5 – BMW M’s most luxurious
honest with oneself, the shifting
and powerful model; powered
is better – and especially always
by M’s monumental 394-hp
consistent – than one can do it
V-8 engine.
The unique role of BMW M needs Automobil Revue, Switzerland,
no explaining to the experts; May 3, 2001
they drive the M Cars and find
On the M3 in general:
out for themselves. Here’s an
“This is a strongly flavored choice,
updated sampling of recognition
muscular and deliberate, ferociously
given by independent critics to the
powerful, and not at all shy about
M3 since its 2001 introduction.
its performance compromises. It
On the Sequential Manual always acts like the automotive
Gearbox (SMG): jock it is, every mile of every day.”
“So the SMG is not for everyone. Car and Driver, May 2003
But for its $2,400 price [which
“If anyone needs reminding why
includes Park Distance Control,
we have an enduring love affair
a $350 value], I’d take it in a
with the BMW brand, here’s your
heartbeat simply because it
offers the best of both worlds:
Automobile Magazine, April 2003,
On the freeway, SMG provides a
concluding a 12-month/31,653-
luxury that you just can’t get
mile M3 test of the M3 Coupe
with a conventional stick shift,

“The cool, classy look and feel of 4.65 sec. and on through the
the whole car is absolutely top quarter-mile in 13.18 sec./106.92
drawer, and you immediately mph. Pull, sound, finesse – the
sense that this is a serious M3 has it all. That BMW’s
driving tool put together by engineers could coax 333 hp out
enthusiasts in Munich who really of a normally aspirated 3.2L
know what they’re doing.” engine (in a $45,000 car!) should
Automobile Magazine, February make them eligible for some sort
2003, naming the M3 as its GT of Nobel Prize.
All-Star “It’s ironic that the M3 can do all
“A practical, four-adult tool for the that it does so extremely well
committed driving enthusiast.” and still be a four-place machine

M Cars
Car and Driver, March 2003, with a useable back seat and a
concluding a 40,000-mile test of real trunk.
the M3 Coupe “It’s hard to imagine a better-
“The [BMW] 3 combines great designed, more driver-oriented
steering feel, superb handling environment than the M3’s. Seats
characteristics and smooth power are clearly the best of the bunch
delivery with a generous dash of here, and adjustable bolsters and
je ne sais quoi, a mysterious thigh support mean everyone
ingredient that makes a car more gets comfortable. Multitude of
than just the sum of its parts. redundant steering-wheel controls
Then there’s the M3, which also means less reaching for the
takes that fantastic 3 Series dash. Gauges are clear and easy
formula to a higher and even to read.”
more glorious level. Motor Trend, August 2001, from
“That we have M3s to drive a comparison test of M3, Corvette
forever would be too much to Z06 and Porsche Boxster S
ask; yet when BMW decides to “In 15 years, the M Cars have
finally set the parking brake on M3 become larger, heavier, and more
production, it’ll be hard to let go.” luxurious, but this new M3 is also
AutoWeek, March 25, 2002 the fastest ever sold to the
“If you want a car that doubles American market – fast enough
as plaything and workhorse, the to run with Ferraris and Porsches
M3 has got it all.” and Corvettes.”
Automobile Magazine, January Automobile Magazine, August
2002, in declaring the M3 one of 2001
its All-Stars On the M3 Convertible:
On the M3 Coupe: “The M3 convertible in our test
“All in all, the M3 did a great job of carried a price tag of $57,220.
being a comfortable people hauler Not bargain-basement by any
when we needed it, a real hot rod stretch, but, based on the per-
when we felt like winding it up, formance and exclusivity (BMW
and a stylish ride that impressed will sell some 2100 this year), we
wherever it showed up.” think it’s a fair price for a worthy
Automobile Magazine, August player…Knife-edge handling and
2002 a 333-hp engine will surely make
your heart pound.”
“Nail the shifts perfectly (not tough
Motor Trend, April 2002
to do with this sweet six-speed
box), and you’ll rip to 60 mph in

“In the end, however, it’s the a multi-pronged attack from rivals
BMW M3 that defines the notion that have dramatically escalated
of total performance. As we the underhood arms race.”
said, M defined the formula and (Opening quote.)
still executes it better than just “But as a whole, the BMW is a
about anyone else.” masterpiece. Such cars as these
Motor Trend, January 2002, are about more than the numbers;
from “2002 Car of the Year” they’re also about sensations,
“Just don’t let the four seats fool emotions, and confidence. The
you. It’s a sports car, and it M5 scores in all three depart-
encourages you to drive it like ments. It is both smooth and
one.” edgy, subtle and lurid, light-footed
M Cars

Car and Driver, January 2002 and rock-solid. In short, it wins,

“The 330Ci-based M3 convertible uncontested.” (Closing quote.)
is the best open car BMW makes Automobile Magazine, December
and the one that we would 2002, from a comparison test of
choose if we absolutely had to the M5, Audi RS6, Jaguar S-Type
get our heads out in the wind.” R and Mercedes-Benz E55 AMG
Automobile Magazine, August “No matter how many times we
2001 drive the M5, we’re always
“It’s all good. With driving, that is. amazed at just how stinking fast
Especially from behind the wheel it is and how well everything
of a car designed to do little else works together.”
than to drive superbly. Take the AutoWeek, November 11, 2002
BMW M3 [convertible]. Sneak “The M5 remains the benchmark
preview from an upcoming for sports sedans, adding a
AutoFile: 0 to 60 mph in 5.1 sharp high-performance edge to
seconds, the quarter-mile in the the already splendid 540i. Here’s
13s at more than 100 mph. But an executive luxury sedan with
numbers can’t measure the grins both a satellite navigation system
this car elicits. We’re talking ear and nearly 400 hp of thrust that
to ear. Toss it around a turn or our AutoFile testers ran to 60 mph
through some cones and you’re in 4.96 seconds.”
in danger of grinning the whole AutoWeek, naming the M5
top of your head off. Around here, America’s Best Sports Sedan,
we call the M3 simply, ‘The Car.’ July 1, 2002
Says a lot, no?” “It’s the better performer (if only
AutoWeek, July 23, 2001 slightly), its design remains fairly
On the M5: aggressive, and the M-appointed
Since the M5 first appeared as a interior garners more upgrades
2000 model, it has made the than does this AMG variant. As
rounds of enthusiast publica- an enthusiast driver, I relish the
tions. All were lyrical in their M5’s every input and response.
praise. Some recent examples: I love its intake howl, exhaust
“Since its debut in 1998, the BMW burble, communicative steering,
M5 has sat securely atop the rock-solid chassis, and the way
sports-sedan heap, the enthusi- it pulls at my gut on a hard
ast’s clear choice among the launch. It knows what it is, and
world’s four-doors. Now, however, it’s damned good at being it.”
the M5’s reign is jeopardized by Motor Trend, declaring the M5

winner over the Mercedes-Benz What’s new for 2003
E55 AMG in a comparison test,
M3 Coupe and Convertible
April 2002
During model year 2002:
“BMW builds the world’s best sport • Reinforcing braces added to
sedans, so it’s no wonder that the front-suspension strut towers
company’s ultimate sport sedan, As of 9/02 production:
the M5, once again breezed to • Rain-sensing windshield wipers
victory, despite competitors that and automatic headlight control
are more formidable than ever.” now standard (formerly in Pre-
Automobile Magazine, naming mium Package for coupe, stand-
the M5 Best Sport Sedan/Wagon, alone option for convertible)
February 2002 • Available BMW Onboard

M Cars
“Only Enzo’s [Ferrari’s] heirs build Navigation System upgraded to
a sweeter V-8, fluid controls, a DVD-based system; functional
blue-chip choice no one will improvements as well
question.” • In-dash single-disc CD player
Car and Driver, September 2001 now available in combination
“It is so refined and the various with Navigation System
performance upgrades have • New option: aluminum interior
been so harmoniously integrated trim
and blended into the driving As of 3/03 production:
experience that an awful lot of • New taillights, incorporating
passengers could travel a hundred BMW’s innovative Adaptive
miles in the M5 and never divine brakelights
its true performance capability. • Newly configured climate-
And, it must be said, that capa- control panel
bility is astonishing. The M5 is (M3s remain ’03 models, do not
the fastest four-door sedan in get the optional Adaptive Light
the world today, quite capable of Control of 3 Series Coupes and
staying with a long list of the very Convertibles, and continue with
highest-performance cars, all the unchanged styling.)
way from zero to its chip-limited
M3 Coupe only
top speed of 155 miles per hour.”
As of 9/02 production:
Car and Driver, August 2001
• Optional Power Seat Package
“The M5 offers the best of both deleted; its features (power
worlds. Not only do you get a front seats with memory,
BMW sedan with luxury features adjustable backrest bolsters
galore, you also get enough and 4-way power lumbar
power to trounce virtually any- support) now available as two
thing with four doors – or two for stand-alone options
that matter.”
AutoWeek, March 26, 2001
As of 9/02 production:
“To the uninitiated, it looks like a • Rear Head Protection System
regular 5 Series with fancy (HPS) and side-impact airbags
wheels, but you know the M5 is now standard (formerly a
the baddest sport/luxury sedan no-cost option)
on earth. Its 5.0L/394-hp V-8, • Standard BMW Onboard
7000-rpm redline, and six-speed Navigation System upgraded
gearbox provide big thrills.” to DVD-based system; func-
Motor Trend, March 2001 tional improvements as well

M3 Coupe & Convertible key features
Based on the 330Ci Coupe and Convertible respectively, the M3 Coupe
and Convertible differ from those models in the following key features:
Performance & efficiency – but varies it more dramatically
and has its own hydraulic
BMW M S54 3.2-liter DOHC
pressure pump for even quicker
24-valve 6-cylinder engine
response to power demands.
(both models)
BMW M calls this system High-
The M3 models are powered by
Pressure Double VANOS. A
this newest exemplar of the BMW
unique valvetrain, with generously
M art of engine design.
sized valves, high lift and finger-
In addition to the key features that type rocker arms between the
follow, the S54 engine differs from camshafts and valves, reduces
BMW’s other 6-cylinder engines inertia for a further gain in
in having a cast-iron cylinder response. The compression ratio
block instead of their aluminum
M Cars

is an extra-high 11.5:1. Intake

block with cylinder liners. Though ports are fully machined, exhaust
the cast iron entails a certain ports partially machined.
weight penalty, it was chosen for
Electronically controlled
the following reasons:
individual throttles. An individual
• Compactness. Within the
throttle for each cylinder brings
inline 6-cylinder configuration
atmospheric pressure practically
– a nearly sacred concept with
right to the cylinder, reducing the
BMW because of its smooth-
“lag time” inherent in induction
ness and sound – BMW M
airflow. These throttles are
wanted to keep the engine as
electronically controlled and
compact as possible. An
incorporate M Dynamic Driving
aluminum block’s cylinder liners
Control, which gives the driver a
take up space; with liners it
choice of Normal and ultra-
would not have been possible
responsive Sport settings for
to achieve the 3.2-liter displace-
throttle response.
ment without lengthening the
block. Free-flowing dual exhaust
• Strength. Because this engine system. Unique stainless-steel
develops more than 333 hp exhaust headers are formed
from 3.2 liters – over 100 under pressure with water inside
hp/liter – its internal stresses them to ensure consistent wall
are immense. Piston speed at thickness. This process allows
8000 rpm is also high: 24 walls just 1 mm thick (about
meters/sec., very close to the 1/25th of an inch!), not only
25 m/s of typical Formula 1 saving weight but hastening
engines. The extra strength of engine warmup. Instead of being
cast iron helps the M3 unit welded-up as most headers are,
withstand these stresses. each header is a single piece.
The engine’s key features include: Semi-dry-sump lubrication
Unique cylinder head. At the system. Includes a 2-part sump
core of the S54’s performance is with pressure and scavenging
a cylinder head engineered for pumps to help ensure adequate
ultimate breathing ability. As in lubrication even under very high
BMW’s regular-production cornering loads.
6-cylinder engines, a Double Crossflow cooling promotes
VANOS system steplessly varies consistent temperatures from
intake- and exhaust-valve timing the front to the rear of the head;
this helps minimize distortion

and wear under the high heat • Both models – top speed
such a high-performance engine electronically limited to 155
generates at full power. A novel mph; without the limiter, these
water-pump concept, with cast cars would reach far higher
plastic vanes, boosts cooling speeds.
efficiency, as does a ring-type The M3 engine has specific use
thermostat. and maintenance requirements;
Unique electronic control each new M3 comes with an
system. BMW engineered the instruction card.
MS S54 electronic control module 6-speed manual transmission
to “do everything, and do it fast.” (standard both models)
Every 6 degrees of crankshaft M3s come standard with the

M Cars
rotation, it calculates and adjusts robust and fun-to-use Getrag
the ignition and fuel injection at Type D 6-speed manual trans-
each cylinder individually. Ignition mission. As in the M5, this
occurs through small-diameter ultimate manual transmission is
“pencil” coils at each cylinder, controlled by a handsome shift
adapted from BMW’s V-12 racing knob with illuminated 6-speed
engine and making their first pattern and M logo.
appearance in a production car.
The transmission housing incor-
Greater displacement. Compared porates NACA air intakes which,
to the 3.0-liter displacement of together with careful aerodynamic
the top 3/Z4/5 Series engine, the design of the underbody, help
S54 has 3.2 liters of displace- keep internal transmission
ment, achieved with a bore and temperatures down.
stroke of 87.0 x 91.0 mm (3.0
Sequential Manual Gearbox
engine: 84.0 x 89.6 mm). As
(optional both models)
mentioned earlier, the cast-iron
As a new direction in transmis-
block facilitates the larger bore.
sion technology for ultra-high-
High-rpm concept. The performance automobiles, the
performance-oriented engineer- SMG is a fascinating alternative
ing features facilitate very high for sports-minded buyers who
rotational speed, essential to the also happen to be Early Adopters.
high power output. The M3 Full details are found in the M3
engine’s rpm limit (redline) is options & accessories section,
8000 rpm, with maximum power pages 263-267.
occurring at 7900 rpm. To ensure
M5-sized differential unit
durability at such high revs, a
Significant modification in the
forged nitro-carbonized steel
rear-suspension area, including
crankshaft provides great strength
an all-new subframe, has allowed
in this critical component.
equipping the M3 with the same
The bottom line: The M3 version heavy-duty differential dimensions
delivers 333 hp and 262 lb-ft. of as the even more powerful M5.
torque, and delivers truly spec- A special high-strength steel
tacular performance: alloy, called 18CrNiMo7, is used
• M3 Coupe – 0-60 mph in 4.8 to achieve superior quietness
sec. and durability. A relatively “short”
• M3 Convertible – 0-60 in 5.4 final drive ratio (3.64:1, vs. the

M3 Coupe & Convertible key features
Based on the 330Ci Coupe and Convertible respectively, the M3 Coupe
and Convertible differ from those models in the following key features:
330 models’ 2.93:1) fully utilizes Any time a speed difference
the M3 engine’s huge torque develops between the two rear
and rpm range in 1st through (driven) wheels, a shear pump,
5th gears; the 6th gear then driven by this difference, develops
keeps the engine humming qui- pressure in the unit’s silicon
etly at cruising speed. Here too, viscous fluid. This pressure is
targeted airflow under the vehi- directed to a multi-disc clutch
cle, along with a ribbed differen- that transfers driving torque to
tial case, helps keep the oil cool. the wheel with the better road
grip (“select high”). The greater
Handling, ride & braking the speed difference between
M Variable Differential Lock the two wheels, the harder the
M Cars

Together with the German clutch engages. As this difference

division of GKN Viscodrive, BMW in wheel speeds diminishes, the
M engineers developed a new, clutch begins to ease off.
more capable mechanical limited- This mechanism accomplishes
slip differential for the M3. sophisticated action by entirely
The main distinction between a natural means. There is no
traditional limited-slip “diff” and external pump, no external source
the M Variable Differential Lock of lubrication or operating fluid.
is that where the former senses The very motion to be controlled
torque, the new senses wheel – differences in speed between
speed (rpm). Under dry to one wheel and the other –
not-quite-dry road conditions, generates its locking action.
the 25% limited-slip has always Viscous fluid is so-called
enhanced the handling of sporty because it develops internal
rear-wheel-drive BMWs; yet force (via an increase in viscosity)
under slippery conditions, this whenever it is sheared; this is
differential type has limited ability why the relatively small difference
to improve traction. In particular, between one wheel speed and
this limitation applies when one the other can generate the
wheel is on slippery, the other on necessary action.
firmer ground; it cannot transmit Specially calibrated Dynamic
more torque than the slippery Stability Control
side permits. On all current DSC is standard on all BMW
BMW models, electronic traction models; on the M3, this electronic
control (a function of Dynamic traction and stability system is
Stability Control) addresses this complementary to the M Variable
issue, although not in a manner Differential Lock.
conducive to sporty, M Car-style
driving. DSC’s traction control occurs by
electronic means, with the system
The M Variable Differential Lock sensing wheel-speed differences
specifically addresses low- and and reducing engine torque
split-traction situations in a way and/or applying individual rear-
that reinforces sporty handling, wheel brakes to optimize traction.
imparting to the M3 a slippery- The crucial difference to the M3
road ability no high-performance, driver between the M Variable
rear-wheel-drive sports car ever Differential Lock and the DSC
before had. traction function is that the former

in no way impedes power delivery, new thrust plate to handle the
and is hence suitable for perfor- immense lateral thrust generated
mance driving. by the M3’s tires in cornering. It
In cooperation with Continental is made of aluminum 3 mm thick,
Teves, BMW M engineers devel- and includes a longitudinal axis
oped specific logic that, together from which each (left and right)
with the fast-reacting engine, all-new lower arm pivots. The
performance-oriented gearing thrust plate even incorporates an
and M Variable Differential Lock, NACA air intake that takes in air
achieves the desired traction to cool the transmission.
optimization in an M-compatible The bearings, bushings and
way…in other words, without cushions on which these arms

M Cars
undue interference with M3 pivot are also all-new; a rubber
performance and the differential cushion replaces the 3 Series’
lock’s ability to get M power to hydraulic cushion at the rear of
the road. With DSC and the M the lower arm. Thus the M3’s
Variable Differential Lock at work, mounting of the lower arms is
the M3 can master virtually any similar to that of the previous
traction situation. M3, and stiffer than that of the
As usual with DSC, it can be current 3 Series.
de-activated via a console but- In contrast to the 3 Series’ arc-
ton. For detailed descriptions of shaped lower arms, the M3’s
the principles and operation of unique lower arms have a
DSC, see pages 24-25 of this distinctive “bat wing” shape that
Fast Facts edition. achieves even greater strength.
BMW M front suspension As on the 3 Series, these are
While retaining the basic layout made of forged aluminum to
of the 3 Series, BMW M moved keep unsprung weight low and
back toward the previous M3 in strength high.
terms of the system’s arrange- Other front-suspension compo-
ment and its movements over nents either modified or specially
bumps and in curves. At the same developed for the M3 include:
time, the new M3 system takes • Unique steering knuckles
advantage of 3 Series evolution, • Modified wheel bearings
including the wider front track • Subframe – from 3 Series
and aluminum lower arms. Convertible, even on the M3
Specifically: Coupe.
• At 59.4 in., the new M3’s front An additional distinction is that
track is a hefty 3.4 in. greater the M3 struts – like the previous
than that of its forebear. M3 – separate the top mountings
• As on the current 3 Series, of spring and shock absorber.
weight-saving, strong forged- The strut’s top anchor point
aluminum lower arms are moves rearward, increasing caster,
employed (steel on the previous while the coil spring’s mounting
M3). But these arms are unique stays where it was; the separate
to the new M3. mounting improves isolation from
To form an ultra-rigid basis for road harshness, compensating
the suspension system, BMW to some degree for the firmer
M’s engineers created an entirely bushing arrangement.

M3 Coupe & Convertible key features
Based on the 330Ci Coupe and Convertible respectively, the M3 Coupe
and Convertible differ from those models in the following key features:
During the 2002 model year, Driver in a recent road test. “How
reinforcing braces were added else does one explain the way it
to the M3s. These run from the manages to bring inanimate
front suspension’s strut towers metal, rubber, and plastic to life?”
to the cowl area, and can be After the basic design and
seen by opening the hood. geometry are set, M’s chassis
BMW M rear suspension engineers hit the road and race
The 3 Series’ advanced Central track in prototypes, testing,
Link multi-link system is employed changing, fine-tuning the sus-
in the M3, with upper lateral links pension for absolutely optimum
of cast aluminum as on regular- performance. The M3’s coil springs
production 3 Series models. In have been carefully calibrated for
M Cars

contrast to the regular 3 Series, the ideal combination of firmness

both pairs of lateral links (lower and compliance. Its shock
and upper) have steel balljoints absorbers are likewise perfectly
instead of rubber bushings at their calibrated for the response one
outer ends. There are many other expects of a high-caliber sports
points of distinction from the car. Anti-roll (stabilizer) bars – 26
standard rear suspension as well. mm front, 21.5 mm rear 1 – have
For the larger, stronger M3 differ- been carefully sized front-to-rear
ential, M engineers developed an for ideally responsive, yet not
entirely new mounting system. In nervous, handling.
BMW’s usual “acoustically Brakes: even more powerful
decoupled” mounting, the differ- Powerful brakes are always a
ential mounts through rubber BMW strength, and the current
bushings to a subframe, which 330 models already upgraded
then attaches to the main struc- 3 Series braking ability with
ture through four rubber mounts. front discs of 325-mm/12.8-in.
This subframe is specific to the diameter and rear discs of
M3, having been developed to 320-mm/12.6-in. diameter.
accommodate the larger differ- The M3 goes a step further with
ential assembly. 328-mm/12.9-in. rear discs, and
Not only is the subframe itself new; the rotors are thicker all around:
BMW M has added a V-brace to 28 mm at the front, vs. 22; and
stiffen its attachment to the main 20 mm at the rear, vs. 19. A
structure. This is analogous to the tandem booster, sized 10 in./9 in.,
thrust plate at the front and has provides extra vacuum assist
the same purpose: to add rigidity over the 330s’ single 10-in.
in the area where the suspension booster. As always on M Cars
joins the vehicle structure. (and presently the 3 Series too),
The axle halfshafts are upsized all four discs are ventilated for
for extra strength, and the wheel high fade resistance; electroni-
carriers are also special to the M3. cally proportioned for optimum
distribution of braking power;
Springs and shock absorbers:
and backed up by Dynamic
“black magic”
Brake Control, which reinforces
This is an area where BMW’s –
the driver’s pedal effort in
very especially BMW M’s –
emergency braking. BMW M
capabilities are legend. “Black
points out that the M3 can be
magic and witchcraft. Those must
brought to a halt from 100 km/h
be BMW’s secrets,” raved Car and

(62 mph) in half the time it takes event these days in any case –
for it to accelerate to that speed. the M Mobility System provides
Car and Driver put it this way in a way to get home.
its June ’01 comparison between Omitting the spare tire saves fully
the M3 Coupe and Mercedes 15 kg, or about 33 lb. Details on
CLK 55: “And as we discovered the M Mobility System are found
at the track and in the mountains, in BMW features, page 36.
the M3 has incredible brakes.
Flat Tire Monitor
With a stopping distance from
Whenever tire pressure drops by
70 mph of only 155 feet, the
30% or more, the tire’s rolling
binders proved virtually fade-free,
radius changes significantly and
with just about perfect pedal
the wheel rotates at a different

M Cars
action and feel.”
speed from the other tires. Via
Wheels and tires: DSC’s wheel-speed sensors, the
ultimate grip and style Flat Tire Monitor recognizes any
Standard M3 wheel and tire such major deviation. Within a
equipment comes tantalizingly short time of 1-3 minutes, this
close to that of the top-of-line system triggers a pressure-loss
M5. In this interpretation of the indication in the instrument
M Double Spoke design concept, cluster, plus an audible warning.
the wheels are sized 18 x 8.0
front and 18 x 9.0 rear and have Exterior & aerodynamics
the same beautiful Satin Chrome The M3 design philosophy
finish as on the M5. Also as with The M3’s exterior design continues
the M5, the wheels are cast in the established theme of BMW M:
Belgium and finished by crafts- • Distinguish the M Car from its
people in Italy. regular-production counterpart
Connecting these massive, • Visually emphasize its perfor-
deep-dish alloy wheels to the mance and road capabilities
road are suitably wide, low- • Maintain the good taste and
profile, high-speed-rated tires, timeless esthetics that charac-
developed specifically for the terize all BMWs.
M3. Supplied by Michelin (Pilot The M3’s starting point is, of
Sport), Continental (Sport Contact course, the 3 Series Coupe and
M3) or Dunlop (SP 9000), they Convertible. The differences
are sized 225/45ZR-18 front / between the M3 and the regular-
255/40ZR-18 rear. Compared to production 325/330Ci Coupes
the sportiest 3 Series wheel-and- and Convertibles are extensive,
tire combination, the M3 18-in. purposeful and highly expressive.
rear wheels are a half-inch wider
and all tires are one step taller in Front view
profile. (3 Series: 225/40ZR-18 Though the changes for ’04
front / 255/35ZR-18 rear.) bring the 3 Series Coupes and
Convertibles closer to the M3
19-in. wheels and tires are look, the M3 bumper/spoiler
optional; see options & acces- ensemble remains distinctive.
sories, page 267. The M3’s CD is equal to that of
M Mobility System the 330Ci, but its front and rear
The voluminous exhaust system coefficients of lift (CL) are even
precludes space for a spare tire.
If a tire is punctured – a rare 1 – 330Ci with Sport Package: 24 mm
front/19 mm rear.

M3 Coupe & Convertible key features
Based on the 330Ci Coupe and Convertible respectively, the M3 Coupe
and Convertible differ from those models in the following key features:
better than those of the regular though open, provides no
model, enhancing high-speed necessary ventilation. Typical M
stability. Contributing to the aerodynamic outside mirrors add
reduced front lift is special to the distinctive look; they fold
underbody fairing, extending upward, though they are not
rearward from the spoiler to the powered as on the M5. By
suspension/thrust-plate area. pointing toward the rear wheels,
The M3 hood, of aluminum to unique side sills visually empha-
reduce weight, differs sharply size BMW’s rear-wheel drive.
from the 3 Series’ steel hood. It Speaking of rear-wheel drive, the
features a “power dome” and differentially sized 18-in. wheels,
contours that sweep up from the with their M Double Spoke
M Cars

grilles’ flanks to the A-pillars. As design and unique Satin Chrome

on the 3 Series, Xenon low- & finish, are very much a part of
high-beam headlights are optional, the M3’s exciting profile and 3/4
though the new Adaptive Light front/rear views. Now that the
Control feature offered on ’04 330s offer 18-in. wheels and tires,
3 Series Coupes and Convertibles this distinction is perhaps a little
is not available on M3s. “White” less dramatic; but the optional
or clear turn-signal lenses are 19-in. wheels and tires keep the
used here and at the rear – a M3s a step ahead in sportiness.
distinction shared with Sport At the rear
Package-equipped 3 Series The rear bumper/apron is
Coupes and Convertibles but completely distinctive from that
not other 3 Series models. of the 330Ci models. Rear
The sides reflectors have migrated from
Though 3 Series Coupes and there to the taillight clusters, a
Convertibles have more promi- lateral ridge stretches all the way
nently flared front wheel openings across, and openings for the
for ’04, the M3s’ openings four exhaust outlets line up with
remain even more prominent. The the trunklid’s sides. (3 Series
rear wheel openings are flared models have two outlets on the
fully 20 mm (0.8 in.) more than left side only.) A very discreet
those of the 3 Series models, all spoiler tops the Coupe trunklid’s
this accenting the 18- or 19-in. top edge; as with the M5, this
wheels and tires (and keeping can be deleted at no extra cost
them inboard of the sheet metal if customers desire. Also avail-
for practical purposes). Overall, able, at extra cost, is the rear
the M3 Coupe’s body width is Park Distance Control option.
70.1 in., 0.9 in. wider than the Colors
330Ci Coupe. Particularly in the U.S. M3 models are available in
3/4 front or 3/4 rear view, these a choice of ten exterior colors,
fender flares are quite prominent. six of them metallic. A particularly
Other specific side elements eye-catching and contemporary
include “gills,” which recall the choice is Phoenix Yellow Metallic.
2.5 CS – 3.0 CSi coupes of the The Convertible’s fully automatic
Sixties and Seventies. The left power softtop is available in two
one ventilates the underhood colors, coordinated with the
“electrobox” where electronic exterior and interior colors. For
components live; the right one, available color combinations, see
the color chart on pages 328-329.

Ergonomics & luxury Another prominent facet of the
driver’s command center is the
Overview of interior design
M sport steering wheel. The M
With the already exemplary
version has a wide bottom spoke
3 Series driving environment as
(instead of double spokes) with
their starting point, both M3
the M logo. Its leather-covered
models add features and design
rim with M-color stitching is
details that reinforce and enhance
extra-thick, with thumb contours
that character – perfectly
at 10 and 2 o’clock.
expressing the M3s’ formidable
capabilities and providing the An oval rearview mirror is yet
ideal command center for those another distinctive M element in
capabilities. the driver’s view; electrochromic

M Cars
auto-dimming is standard. And
The command center
the gearshift knob is special,
In a high-performance sports
with illuminated 6-speed pattern
car, instruments are of paramount
and M logo.
importance; those in the M3s do
not disappoint. The instrument Front seats: four types, all
cluster closely resembles that of designed for support and
the M5, with bright rings around comfort
each of the four dials, M logo in Standard in the M3 Coupe are
the speedometer, and red pointers 10-way manual sport seats, with
throughout. adjustments for –
• Fore-aft
The tachometer scale reaches to
• Cushion height
9000 rpm. From 4000 to 8000
• Front-of-cushion height
rpm, the variable warning seg-
(cushion angle)
ment first seen in the M5 also
• Backrest angle
appears here. When the engine
• Thigh support.
is cold, illuminated orange LEDs
begin at 4000 rpm, reminding These seats share their “differen-
the driver to take it easy. As the tiated contours” with the sport
engine warms up – the display is seats of other 3 Series models;
based on oil temperature – these the backrests have prominent
LEDs phase out in increments of side bolsters toward the bottom,
500 rpm until the warning segment then a delineated upper backrest
reaches its normal 7500/8000- section without side bolsters.
rpm range, which always remains This provides the desired lateral
illuminated. (The actual engine support, but without possible
redline is 8000.) Even though the constriction around the shoulders.
speedometer and tachometer The cushions are also prominently
share the 3 Series’ advanced bolstered at the sides for lateral
servo-motor operation, the support – something the M3,
tachometer drive has been revised with its high cornering capability,
to keep pace with the M3 engine’s puts to good use.
rapid climb up the rpm curve. An easy-entry feature allows the
Also in the tachometer face is an seat to be moved forward for
analog oil-temperature gauge: rear-seat access or exit after its
Oil temperature is the most backrest is folded over.
important indicator of a high-
performance engine’s readiness.

M3 Coupe & Convertible key features
Based on the 330Ci Coupe and Convertible respectively, the M3 Coupe
and Convertible differ from those models in the following key features:
The next step up for the Coupe angle, and the thoughtfully con-
is power sport seats, with 8-way figured 3 Series fold-up center
power adjustment and manual armrest (with contoured storage
thigh support. Sharing the compartment inside) is standard.
contours of the standard seats, Upholstery and trim
these are available in the Standard M3 Coupe upholstery
Premium Package or as a stand- is an, attractive ribbed fabric
alone option, and include the called M Cloth, combined with
memory system for driver’s seat Nappa leather trim and available
and outside mirrors as well as in Black only.
the thoughtful auto tilt-down of
Most U.S. M3 Coupe buyers
the right mirror for backing up.
choose the optional Nappa Leather
M Cars

Standard in the M3 Convertible interior, available in a choice of

are power sport seats that add four colors (see color chart, pages
integrated safety belts and a 320-321). This premium grade is
power adjustment of the head- applied in an Extended Leather
restraint and shoulder-belt height; treatment with unique stitching
this gives them 10-way power to –
adjustment in addition to the • Seats
manual thigh support. As in • Door panels (complete except
3 Series Convertibles, the M3 upper ledges and outer surfaces
Convertible also adds a power of storage pockets at bottom;
easy-entry feature. leather does extend down into
Top-of-the-line M3 seating inner walls of pockets)
(available in the Coupe only) is • Rear-compartment side panels.
provided by optional power- The leather interior is standard in
adjustable side bolsters. An the Convertible.
additional power control on the
With all upholstery combinations,
seat’s outer edge allows the
the Coupe headliner is in
occupant to “pump up” the
Anthracite color, and high-tech
bolsters for increased lateral
Titan Shadow interior trim
support, or deflate them to reduce
appears across the instrument
it; this effectively adjusts the
panel and on the door and rear
backrest width to various statures.
side armrests. This trim has a
Included in this option is 4-way
graphite-like color that is appro-
power lumbar support, familiar
priate to the M3’s high-technology
from other BMW models; thus
nature. Aluminum trim, an even
this option offers a total of 14-way
finer material, is available in both
power adjustment in the Coupe.
The power lumbar support is
available separately in the As on the ’04 3 Series Coupes
Convertible. For availability, see and Convertibles, rain-sensing
options & accessories. windshield wipers and automatic
headlight control are standard
The front head restraints are
on both M3 models.
adjustable for both height (Coupe
manual, Convertible power) and

Safety & security Cold Weather Package
Available to complement the M3s’
Paralleling the 3 Series, M3s are
excellent winter capabilities, this
standard-equipped with an
Package includes:
exemplary range of safety
• High-intensity headlight
equipment, including –
cleaning system, with retracted
• 2-stage front-impact Smart
jets emerging from under the
lighting units to spray them.
• Height-adjustable front safety
• Heated front seats
belts with automatic tensioners
• Ski bag, for carrying skis
and force limiters (convertible:
“indoors” without soiling the
front safety belts are seat-
integrated, and the height

M Cars
adjustment is powered). Stand-alone options
• Interlocking door anchoring (cannot be ordered in combina-
system for side impacts tion with Packages that include
• Front-seat Head Protection these features)
System (Coupe only)
Sequential Manual Gearbox
• Rollover Protection System
(both models)
Given the M3’s performance
• Front-seat side-impact
nature, it does not seem logical
airbags, door-mounted
to offer a conventional automatic
• Battery Safety Terminal
transmission as such; no matter
• Central locking system with
how good – BMW’s 5- and
selective unlocking
6-speed automatics are among
• Coded Driveaway Protection
the best – an automatic trans-
• Optional rear side airbags.
mission incurs some performance
Options & accessories loss. On the other hand, today’s
capabilities in electronics and
Factory-installed options hydraulics make it possible to
improve on the M3’s 6-speed
Premium Package
manual transmission by offering
(Coupe only)
automated operation and racing-
This Package is ordered by a
style manual shifting without
large proportion of Coupe
incurring any performance loss.
customers. It includes:
• Leather upholstery. Extended For some years, racing drivers, in
Nappa Leather in a choice of particular in the world’s premier
four colors. class, Formula 1, have used
• Power sport seats with “power shifting” of manual trans-
memory. 8-way power plus missions via an electrohydraulic
2-way manual (thigh-support) system. BMW M pioneered in
adjustment. These include a applying this concept to road cars,
memory system that captures introducing its first Sequential
three positions of the driver’s Manual Gearbox in M3s for the
seat and outside mirrors, plus European market in 1996. BMW
BMW’s thoughtful auto tilt-down M decided to develop the SMG
feature for the right outside concept to a 2nd generation
mirror for parking near curbs. before offering it in the U.S.
• 2-way power moonroof with
1-touch operation and opening
from the remote.

M3 Coupe & Convertible key features
Based on the 330Ci Coupe and Convertible respectively, the M3 Coupe
and Convertible differ from those models in the following key features:
Thus the SMG now offered in M3s The vehicle may be parked in R
is in reality SMG II, evolved to a or S/A, not 0. To start the engine,
higher state of perfection than the the selector must be in N and
original system; in the U.S. it is the brake pedal applied. Then
referred to simply as SMG. The the driver selects R or A (again
system consists of – with the brakes applied); A is the
• The same 6-speed manual default mode when the engine is
transmission as is standard in first started and the lever is moved
M3 models. to the S/A position. Moving off
• An electrohydraulic mechanism from rest in A, the system auto-
that shifts gears and operates matically selects 1st gear, and
the clutch. upshifts as road speed increases.
M Cars

• Electronic controls that regulate In this sense, the A mode

the electrohydraulic mechanism, resembles the operation of an
called DRIVELOGIC. automatic transmission – but
• The driver interface, which only resembles it.
includes a shift lever on the Sequential (S) mode. The driver
console and shift “paddles” on has full control over shifting.
the steering wheel. Pulling the shift lever rearward in
There is no clutch pedal. On the the “+” direction, or actuating
console is a short, sporty shift the right-hand “paddle” on the
lever with R (Reverse), 0 (Neutral) steering wheel, effects upshifts;
and S/A (Sequential/Automated) pushing the shifter forward (“–”)
positions, plus “–” and “+” or actuating the left-hand paddle
directions. The shift pattern effects downshifts. It’s that simple:
appears on the knob and in a • S1-5: Selected by the console
display under the tachometer. switch, the programs range
Behind the shift lever is a from “softest” to “firmest” –
program selector, with which the that is, in 1 the shifting is
driver may select – accomplished at a relatively
• In the Sequential mode, 6 leisurely pace, in 5 much more
programs ranging from “softest quickly. The driver’s criterion
and slowest” shifts to “firmest here is how sportily he or she
and quickest” shifts; i.e. from wants to drive; in any of the
most leisurely to sportiest. programs, the higher the engine
• In the Automated mode, 5 speed the quicker the shift.
programs of similar gradation. • S6: To select this most race-like
In the dash display, the selected program, the driver must switch
program is shown in a bar graph off Dynamic Stability Control.
that repeats the graphic of the Minimum shift time in S6 is 80
program selector switch. The milliseconds; under equal
gear currently engaged is shown conditions, the “slowest” shift
as a numeral at the left of the program (1) takes 2-4 times as
indicator; in A, an “A” appears long to complete a shift.
next to the gear indication. At “Sequential” means “one gear at
the right side of the shift pattern, a time” – each tip of the shift
“S” is shown if the Automated lever or shift paddle moves the
mode is currently engaged, and transmission up or down one
vice versa; this indicates which gear. However, the driver can
mode will be obtained if the lever effectively skip gears by simply
is moved in that direction. hitting more than one shift in

quick succession. Whenever and • Slip detection: In S and A
however the driver calls for a modes, helps keep the vehicle
shift, the response of SMG is stable during downshifts,
immediate and satisfying. particularly when traction is
Automated (A) mode. The word low. Every 10 milliseconds, the
“automated” is key, as this rear wheels are checked by
DRIVELOGIC mode is not meant DSC for slippage. If there is
to substitute for a conventional too much decelerative torque
automatic transmission. Here on the wheels, clutch engage-
there are 5 programs. As with S, ment and engine speed are
the higher the program number automatically adjusted to
the faster the shift; in A, howev- prevent too abrupt a downshift.

M Cars
er, the speeds at which shifts • Double-clutching. Also in both
occur (both up- and down- modes, DRIVELOGIC coordinates
shifts) also increase. For example, clutch disengagement, shifting,
in A1 with 35% throttle opening, engine speed and clutch
the upshift to 6th gear occurs at engagement to accomplish
about 40 mph; in A5, not until smooth downshifts – just as a
about 80 mph. Decelerating skilled driver would. Switzerland’s
moderately, DRIVELOGIC would Automobil Revue (November
shift down from 6th to 4th at 15, 2001) commented, “To
around 30 mph in A1, or from the passenger, these shift
6th to 5th at about 106 mph in sequences seem like the work
A5. A2 though A4 of course give of a really skillful driver.”
shift points in between. • Hill detection: Depending on
gradient, down- or uphill, the
Additional capabilities and safe-
A shift programs are modified
guards. DRIVELOGIC incorporates
to ensure optimum gear selec-
many fine points:
tion. In S mode, shift times are
• 1st-gear start in S: If the vehicle
shortened so that the engine
comes to a stop in S mode,
is always “on point” for best
DRIVELOGIC automatically
acceleration uphill, or engine
selects 1st gear for starting off
braking downhill.
again; the driver will then
• Intuitive shifts: In the A mode
make upshifts as desired.
under certain circumstances,
• 2nd-gear start: A1 can be used
DRIVELOGIC modifies downshifts.
as a winter-driving program; it
In cornering, uphill driving or
starts the vehicle from rest in
braking, for instance, a down-
2nd gear to move off gently.
shift occurs sooner than in
(Dynamic Stability Control’s
steady driving on level ground.
traction function also guards
This feature can seem almost
against wheelspin.)
supernatural in vigorous driving
• Overspeed protection: If the
on a winding, hilly road: SMG
driver calls for a downshift (S
seems to read the driver’s
mode) that would overspeed
mind, magically getting into the
the engine, the downshift
right gear before accelerating
command is ignored.
out of a corner.
• In any A mode, a floored
• Grade assist: Active in both S
accelerator triggers one or two
and A modes. When stopped
downshifts depending on
facing uphill, the driver actuates
the left shift paddle. DRIVELOGIC

M3 Coupe & Convertible key features
Based on the 330Ci Coupe and Convertible respectively, the M3 Coupe
and Convertible differ from those models in the following key features:
“revs” the engine to about tially this same system under the
1500 rpm and slips the clutch name Cambiocorsa. This version
so that the vehicle does not is said to have improvements
roll back. This is available for that make its automatic mode
brief periods only so as not to work better; but with its Sport
overheat the clutch. transmission and suspension
• Illuminated upshift indicator: modes still tied together,
The orange LEDs that, in a AutoWeek (November 19, 2001)
standard 6-speed M3, adjust found that “it will do the job, but
the indicated maximum engine it’s at odds with itself.” Finally,
speed according to engine Toyota brings the concept to a
temperature, help indicate to more popular price class as an
M Cars

the driver when to upshift. option for the MR2 Spyder,

Illuminating in 500-rpm seg- providing only manual sequential
ments, they light progressively operation of that tiny roadster’s
as the engine approaches its 5-speed transmission (no auto-
redline (8000 rpm). When the mated mode). Clearly, a trend
engine does reach 8000 rpm, has begun.
two red LEDs after 8000 rpm Chronicle of an SMG shift. To
indicate that it’s time to upshift. those versed in driving with a
Given the M3’s catapult-like manual transmission, shifting
acceleration, this can be an comes naturally – one is hardly
appreciated assistance. aware of the fact that one is
In its 360 series, Ferrari has been letting up on the accelerator,
offering a similar transmission con- depressing the clutch pedal,
cept in the U.S. Several features moving the shift lever, giving gas
distinguish BMW’s SMG system: again and letting up on the clutch
• BMW’s 11 shift programs, vs. – all in coordinated sequence.
Ferrari’s four. SMG’s electronically controlled,
• Shift paddles on the steering electrohydraulically actuated sys-
wheel, vs. the steering column; tem does all this for the driver:
easier to manage when steering 1. Via a position sensor, the
and shifting at the same time. control system always “knows”
• All shift programs available which gear is currently engaged.
without affecting suspension 2.When the driver signals a shift,
settings. (Ferrari’s Sequential the system selects the appro-
mode puts the electronically priate valves.
controlled shock absorbers in 3.Hydraulic fluid at high pressure
their Sport setting.) (1200 psi or more) disengages
• A5 is a truly sporty yet auto- the clutch.
mated mode, suitable even for 4.The M3’s six individual, elec-
the race track; it is unique to tronically controlled throttles
BMW’s system. are closed.
Currently, other marques are 5.Hydraulic cylinders shift the
introducing similar systems. transmission into the next gear.
Aston Martin’s $200,000-plus 6.If it’s a downshift, the engine is
Vanquish uses essentially the “revved” to the speed it will
same system as does Ferrari. reach when the selected lower
The recently introduced Maserati gear is engaged (the “double-
Coupe and Spyder offer essen- clutch” function). If it’s an
upshift, the throttles and

clutch are also coordinated by wheels), 8 in. wide at the front
SMG for smooth engagement and 9.5 in. wide at the rear,
of the next gear. carrying 225/40ZR-19 front /
7. The clutch is re-engaged. 255/35ZR-19 performance tires.
8.The throttles are opened again. Though the front wheels are the
All this occurs – perfectly coordi- same width as the standard
nated – in an interval that may 18-inchers, the rear ones are a
be leisurely or a mere blink of the half-inch wider and all tires have
eye, depending on the program a lower profile. Thus there should
selected. The driver keeps a firm be a measurable increment in
foot on the accelerator; SMG handling ability. And there’s no
and DRIVELOGIC do all the work. doubt of the visual sportiness of

M Cars
Keen drivers will find it fascinat- this new, ultimate road gear.
ing, satisfying, amazing. Removable hardtop
“As the tachometer’s ‘upshift (Convertible only)
lights’ illuminate,” wrote Automobil With the hardtop installed, the
Revue in May 2001, “a quick pull M3 Convertible takes on its own
on the lever, 2nd gear engages distinctive Coupe appearance
with a vengeance, the car keeps and the winter snugness of a
storming with virtually no power coupe. Made of aluminum, the
interruption, reaches 100 km/h hardtop weighs only 65 lb., and
[62 mph] in 5.2 sec, and now it’s thus can be attached or removed
time for 3rd gear. easily by two persons. It incor-
porates separately switched left
“The same shift system,” contin-
and right reading lights front and
ues this respected publication,
rear, retractable coat hooks, and
“is also perfectly capable of
(like the softtop) an electrically
taking the M3 smoothly through
heated rear window.
the city and overland without the
driver’s having to worry about Xenon low- and high-beam
shifting.” AR summed up SMG: headlights
“The additional advantage, in (both models)
both cases: No power losses The outer lamps provide high-
from torque-converter slip, and intensity-discharge illumination
that treasured direct connection on low and high beams, while
between engine and road speed the inner ones (conventional
of a conventional gearbox is halogen beams) are used for
completely preserved.” flash-to-pass and Daytime
Running Lamps. Auto-leveling of
Park Distance Control (see next
the Xenon lights continues to be
column) is included with the
SMG option. The M3 SMG
concept and system are distinct For an explanation of Xenon
from that offered on Z4 Roadsters; headlights, see BMW features,
see the Z4 section for details on pages 28-29.
that SMG concept. Park Distance Control
19-in. wheels and tires The PDC system operates at the
This option further enhances the rear of the vehicle only (7 and
M3s’ spectacular sportiness. It 5 Series: front and rear). Park
consists of 19-in. M Double Distance Control is described in
Spoke forged/polished wheels detail in BMW features, page 26.
(design #67M, same as standard

M3 Coupe & Convertible key features
Based on the 330Ci Coupe and Convertible respectively, the M3 Coupe
and Convertible differ from those models in the following key features:
Metallic paint Harman Kardon audio system
An appealing selection of metallic Audio power is increased by
colors, some exclusive to M Cars, approximately 40%, components
is offered on both models at are upgraded, and vehicle-speed-
moderate extra cost. dependent equalization helps
Spoiler delete keep sound quality consistent
Customers who prefer a with changing noise levels – a
“spoiler-less” look may specify particularly important feature for
this no-cost option for the the convertible. All speakers are
Coupe. The Convertible does of upgraded quality, and include:
not have a rear spoiler. • Coupe – 12 speakers,
including 2 subwoofers
Nappa Leather upholstery
M Cars

• Convertible – 12 speakers,
(optional Coupe, standard
including dual-coil subwoofer
(counts as 2).
In addition to being part of the
Coupe’s Premium Package, The Harman Kardon logo appears
Extended Nappa Leather on the front-door and (in the
upholstery is available as a stand- Coupe) rear-shelf speakers. For
alone option for the Coupe. It is more details on this system, see
standard in the Convertible. pages 165-166.
Aluminum interior trim Cassette player
(both models) (no-cost option, both models)
This premium trim material is Now that an in-dash single-disc
offered as a stand-alone option CD player is standard, the
in both models. cassette player is offered as a
no-cost substitute for customers
2-way power moonroof
who prefer to play cassettes. As
(Coupe only)
the CD player and Onboard
Includes 1-touch opening and
Navigation System are now
closing, with anti-trapping
compatible, the cassette player
protection for anything that might
is no longer required with the
get in its way during 1-touch
Navigation System.
closing. BMW’s moonroof design
is described fully in BMW
features, page 36.

BMW On-board Navigation Adjustable seatback bolsters
System and 4-way power lumbar
(both models) support
BMW’s On-board Navigation (Coupe only; require power
System, which embodies not front seats)
only GPS navigation but audio, This option adds the two special
trip-computer and (if the vehicle M3 features to the 8-way power
is so equipped) phone functions, + 2-way manual seats that are
got a new user interface for ’02 included in the Premium Package
with – or available as a stand-alone
• An enlarged, easier-to-read option (above).
color monitor in 16:9 format Heated front seats

M Cars
• Rearranged controls for easier (both models)
operation Features include 3-stage heat-
• A panel that pivots outward to ing, high heating capacity and
reveal the cassette or CD player. thermostatic control, which
The concealed cassette or CD automatically regulates seat
player frees up more space on temperature even though
the unit’s face panel, allowing the surrounding interior temperature
larger monitor and an improved is changing. Also available in the
arrangement of controls within Cold Weather Package for both
the same overall panel size as models.
before. For ’03, the system is Rear-seat side-impact airbags
further improved with a new DVD (both models)
database and improved functions. The rear side-impact airbags are
For details, see BMW features, built into the rear-compartment
pages 33-34. side panels.
Power front seats with memory
(Coupe only)
This option is offered for coupes
without the Premium Package;
the seats are 8-way power +
2-way manual sport seats as
included in the Premium Package.
This option allows M3 Coupe
buyers to choose the power
seats without taking the entire

M3 Series specific features by model

M3 Coupe Interior features

• Special BMW M instrumenta-
M3 styling
tion including oil-temperature
Detailed descriptions of the
gauge; tachometer has variable
Coupe’s design features and
warning segment
distinctions from the 330Ci
• M sport steering wheel
Coupe with Sport Package are
• Auto-dimming M oval inside
found on pages 259-260. In
rearview mirror
summary, these are:
• 10-way manual sport seats
• Unique bumper and spoiler
standard; 8-way power + 2-way
manual in Premium Package
• Unique aluminum hood with
or available as stand-alone
“power dome”
M Cars

• Functional side “gills” with new
• Adjustable backrest bolsters
M3 logo inset
and 4-way power lumbar
• Wheel openings more promi-
support available as stand-
nently flared, especially at the
alone option in combination
rear; overall body width greater
with either Premium Package
• M aerodynamic outside mirrors
or stand-alone 8-way power +
• Unique side sills
2-way manual seats; so
• Standard 18-in. wheels and
equipped, the seats have
tires, differentiated front/rear
14-way power + 2-way manual
• Unique rear bumper/apron
ensemble Premium Package
• Standard rear spoiler on The M3 Coupe is available with
trunklid (may be deleted at no a Premium Package, whose
extra cost) contents are described on page
• Exterior color selection includ- 257. Such a Package is not
ing special M colors. available for the Convertible, as
the convertible-relevant features
it includes are standard in the
open-bodied M3.
• Standard Nappa leather and
M Cloth upholstery in Black
only; optional Extended Nappa
Leather in choice of 4 colors
• Standard split folding rear seats

M3 Convertible • Power-adjustable head-
restraint/safety-belt height
In addition to or in place of the
• Seat-integrated front safety
features listed for the M3 Coupe,
belts, for especially easy entry
the M3 Convertible includes:
into and exit from the rear
Different performance and seats
fuel-economy ratings • Power easy-entry feature, with
Because of the Convertible’s a dedicated button control
higher weight, its acceleration near the top of the seat’s outer
and EPA mileage differ somewhat edge that speeds the seat
from those of the Coupe. Please forward to facilitate entry into
see the Specifications, page 281, or exit from the rear seats, and
for actual ratings.

M Cars
returns the seat to its previously
Power softtop adjusted position.
The fully automatic, fully lined Standard leather upholstery
power softtop is fast and quiet in In the Convertible, Extended
operation. Its variable storage Nappa Leather upholstery is
compartment in the trunk, easily standard.
adjusted from the top-up to the
4-passenger seating
top-down position, allows
increased cargo space when
In contrast to the Coupe’s
the top is up.
5-passenger configuration with
Standard power seats with split folding rear seats, the
special features Convertible has a 4-passenger
In place of the Coupe’s standard configuration with fixed rear seats.
10-way manual sport seats, the
Other trunk differences
Convertible comes standard with
In addition to the variable softtop
10-way power + 2-way manual
storage compartment, the
sport seats. Although basic
Convertible’s non-reversible floor
seating contours are identical for
mat is another distinction from
the two models, the Convertible
the Coupe’s trunk.
seats add –
• 8-way power adjustment of
seat cushion and backrest

Standard & optional features
2003 M3 Coupe & Convertible
Bold within table indicates new feature for 2003.

Performance & efficiency M3 Coupe M3 Conv.

3.2-liter DOHC 24-valve inline 6-cylinder
Double high-pressure VANOS steplessly
variable valve timing 1, S S
6 individual throttles, electronically
controlled, with M Dynamic Driving
Control (2 settings) S S
Machined intake ports & combustion
chambers S S
Special BMW MSS 54 electronic engine
management system S S
M Cars

Direct ignition system with pencil coils &

knock control S S
Semi-dry-sump lubrication system S S
High-performance water pump with
3-dimensional vanes S S
6-speed manual transmission with
heavy-duty clutch S S
Sequential Manual Gearbox (option OPT OPT
includes Park Distance Control)
Handling, ride & braking M3 Coupe M3 Conv.
BMW M strut-type front suspension with:
Unique forged lower arms S S
Thrust plate S S
Steel balljoints & rubber bushings for
lower arms S S
Reinforcing braces to strut towers S S
Central Link rear suspension with
cast-aluminum upper transverse links:
Subframe on 4 mounts with V-brace S S
Acoustically decoupled final drive S S
Balljoint links at outer ends of lateral arms S S
M Variable Differential Lock S S
Dynamic Stability Control (DSC), including
all-speed traction control, electronic brake
proportioning, antilock braking (ABS),
Dynamic Brake Control & cornering/
avoidance stability enhancement S S
Special BMW M suspension calibration
(springs, shock absorbers & anti-roll
(stabilizer) bars S S
Engine-speed-sensitive variable-assist
power steering S S
4-wheel ventilated disc brakes S S

Handling, ride & braking M3 Coupe M3 Conv.
M Double Spoke alloy wheels (design #67M)
with Satin Chrome finish, 18 x 8.0 front/
18 x 9.0 rear S S
M Double Spoke forged & polished alloy
wheels (design #67M), 19 x 8.0 front/
19 x 9.5 rear OPT OPT
225/45ZR-18 front / 255/40ZR-18 rear
performance tires S S
225/40ZR-19 front / 255/35ZR-19 rear
performance tires OPT OPT

M Cars
Flat Tire Monitor S S
Exterior & aerodynamics M3 Coupe M3 Conv.
Special BMW M front & rear body-color
bumpers with hydraulic energy absorbers
for low-speed impacts, deformable
elements for more severe impacts S S
Halogen Free Form low-beam headlights S S
Bi-xenon headlights with auto-leveling OPT OPT
Daytime running lamps S2 S2
Halogen Free Form front foglights S S
Adaptive brakelights 3 S S
High-intensity headlight cleaning system ZCW ZCW
Heated windshield-washer jets S S
Rain-sensing windshield wipers S S
Automatic headlight control S S
Park Distance Control OPT 4 OPT 4
Special BMW M body treatment:
Widened wheel-opening flares S S
Aluminum hood with unique contours S S
Side gills with M3 logos S S
Unique side sills S S
Rear spoiler S NA
BMW M exterior paint selection S S
Metallic paint OPT OPT
Chrome grille slats S S
Chrome side-window trim S –
Body-color side moldings S S
Four stainless-steel exhaust outlets S S
1 – VANOS = VAriable NOckenwellen Steuerung = variable camshaft control, or variable
valve timing.
2 – Selectable via Vehicle Memory System (programming by BMW Center).
3 – As of 3/03 production.
4 – Stand-alone option or included with Sequential Manual Gearbox.
S – Standard OPT – Optional C – BMW Center-installed NA – Not available
— – Not applicable
ZCW – Cold Weather Package

Standard & optional features
2003 M3 Coupe & Convertible
Bold within table indicates new feature for 2003.

Ergonomics, luxury & convenience M3 Coupe M3 Conv.

Fully lined, fully automatic power softtop with
heated rear window – S
Convertible wind deflector – C
Removable hardtop – OPT
BMW M door-sill trim plates S S
Vehicle & Key Memory S S
Keyless entry with multi-function remote
Selective unlocking S2 S2
M Cars

Remote trunk release S S

Dual BMW M power/heated outside mirrors S S
BMW Universal Transceiver C C
Courtesy lights with fade-in/fade-out feature,
actuation from remote control, automatic
switch-on when engine is turned off S S
Separately controlled front & rear reading
lights, front footwell lighting & illuminated
visor vanity mirrors S S5
BMW Ambiance Lighting S S
Auto-dimming inside rearview mirror S S
Locking glove compartment with recharging
take-out flashlight S S
Leather-covered tilt/telescopic steering
wheel with fingertip cruise, audio &
phone 6 controls, BMW M 3-spoke design
with M color stitching S S
10-way front sport seats S –
8-way power + 2-way manual front sport
seats with 3-position driver’s-seat &
outside-mirror memory 7 OPT/ZPP –
10-way power + 2-way manual front sport
seats with 3-position driver-seat &
outside-mirror memory 7 NA S
Adjustable-width backrest bolsters & 4-way
power lumbar support OPT 8 NA
4-way power lumbar support – OPT

Ergonomics, luxury & convenience M3 Coupe M3 Conv.
Easy-entry feature for rear seating S S (power)
Fold-up front center armrest with storage
compartment S S
3-stage, thermostatically controlled heated
front seats OPT/ZCW OPT/ZCW
BMW M instrumentation with –
Red pointers S S
Oil-temperature gauge S S
Variable warning segment on tachometer S S

M Cars
LCD main & trip odometers S S
Service Interval Indicator with miles-to-
service readout S S
Check Control monitor system with
pictogram display S S
4-function Onboard Computer S S
BMW Onboard Navigation System with
DVD database OPT OPT
M Cloth/Nappa Leather upholstery S –
Extended Nappa Leather upholstery OPT/ZPP S
Titan Shadow interior trim S S
Aluminum interior trim OPT OPT
Illuminated shift pattern on shift knob S S
Power windows with 1-touch operation 9,
anti-trapping feature, opening from remote,
opening & closing from exterior lock S S
All-window switch with 1-touch open NA S
Automatic climate control with activated-
charcoal microfilter ventilation & automatic
recirculation control S S
2-way power moonroof with sliding interior
shade, wind deflector, 1-touch open/close,
anti-trapping feature, opening from remote,
opening & closing from exterior lock OPT/ZPP –
2 – Selectable via Vehicle Memory System (programming by BMW Center).
5 – Front reading lights only with softtop; front & rear with optional hardtop.
6 – When vehicle is equipped with BMW Cellular Phone System (BMW Center-installed).
7 – Also includes automatic tilt-down of right outside mirror for backing up.
8 – Requires Premium Package or stand-alone power-seats option.
9 – Coupe: door windows 1-touch open/close, rear side windows 1-touch open;
Convertible: driver’s window 1-touch open/close, all other windows 1-touch open.
S – Standard OPT – Optional C – BMW Center-installed NA – Not available
— – Not applicable
ZCW – Cold Weather Package ZPP – Premium Package

Standard & optional features
2003 M3 Coupe & Convertible
Bold within table indicates new feature for 2003.

Ergonomics, luxury & convenience M3 Coupe M3 Conv.

Anti-theft AM/FM/CD audio system with
10 speakers, Radio Data System &
3-channel diversity antenna system S S
Harman Kardon audio system with
upgraded speakers, Radio Data System,
vehicle-speed-sensitive equalization &
Spatial Enhancement 10 OPT OPT
Cassette player instead of in-dash
CD player NC NC
Pre-wiring for CD changer S S
M Cars

6-disc CD changer C C
Pre-wiring for BMW Cellular Phone System S S
BMW Cellular Phone System C C
Dual front cupholders S S
Console storage compartment S S
Seatback storage nets S S
Fold-up center rear armrest S NA
Split folding rear seats S NA
Ski bag ZCW ZCW
Heated rear window S S
Fully finished trunk:
Reversible floormat to keep smaller cargo
from sliding S NA
Drop-down toolkit S S
M Mobility System (2nd generation) S S

Safety & security M3 Coupe M3 Conv.
Dual-airbag Supplementary Restraint System
with 2-stage Smart Airbags S S
Height-adjustable front safety belts with
automatic tensioners & force limiters S S 11
Automatic-locking retractors (ALR) on all
passenger belts (for installation of child
restraint seats) S S
Interlocking door anchoring system for
side impacts S S
Front-seat Head Protection System (HPS) S NA

M Cars
Rollover Protection System – S
Front-seat side-impact airbags S S
Rear-seat side-impact airbags OPT OPT
Integrated deployment logic for safety-belt
tensioners, airbags & post-impact safety
measures S S
Battery Safety Terminal S S
Central locking system with double-lock
anti-theft feature, selective unlocking S S 12
Coded Driveaway Protection S S
Pathway Lighting S2 S2
Pre-wiring for alarm system S S
Alarm system with operation from
keyhead remote C C
2 – Selectable via Vehicle Memory System (programming by BMW Center).
10 – Includes all features of standard audio system. Coupe has 2 subwoofers, Convert-
ible 1 dual-coil subwoofer.
11 – Combined power adjustment of head-restraint & belt height.
12 – Glove compartment included in central locking system.
S – Standard OPT – Optional NC – No extra cost C – BMW Center-installed
NA – Not available — – Not applicable
ZCW – Cold Weather Package

2003 M3 Coupe & Convertible

General M3 Coupe M3 Convertible

Curb weight, lb. 3415 3781
Weight distribution,
front/rear, % 50.3/49.7 49.9/50.1
Wheelbase, in. 107.5 1
Track, front/rear, in. 59.4/60.0 59.4/60.0
Length x width x height, in. 176.9 x70.1x54.0 176.9 x70.1x53.9
Body M3 Coupe M3 Convertible
Type Unitized all-steel structure 1
Aerodynamic drag coefficient 0.33 0.35
M Cars

EPA size classification Sub-compact Mini-compact

Accommodations M3 Coupe M3 Convertible
Seating capacity, persons 5 4
Shoulder room 54.5/52.7 54.5/45.9
Head room, front/rear, in.:
without moonroof 37.5/36.5 38.4/36.9
with moonroof 36.3/36.2 –
Leg room, front/rear, in. 41.7/33.2 41.7/32.0
EPA interior volume, cu ft. 84.4 80.0
EPA cargo volume, cu ft. 9.5 2 7.7 3

Engine & electrical M3 Coupe M3 Convertible
Engine type DOHC 24-valve inline 6-cylinder, high-
pressure Double VANOS 4 steplessly
variable valve timing, 6 individual
electronically controlled throttles
with Normal & Sport settings 1
Bore x stroke, mm/in. 87.0 x 91.0/3.43 x 3.58 1
Displacement, cc/cu in. 3246/198 1
Compression ratio 11.5:1 1
Power @ rpm, hp SAE net 333 @ 7900 1
Torque @ rpm, lb-ft. 262 @ 4900 1

M Cars
Engine-management system BMW MSS 54 with adaptive knock
control; variable valve timing, electronic
throttles, oil-level/temperature sender,
variable tachometer warning segment,
catalyst protection & M Dynamic Driving
Control included in control strategy 1
Fuel requirement Premium unleaded 1
Fuel capacity, U.S. gal. 16.6 1
Battery capacity, amp-hr. 70 1
Alternator output, amp./W 120/1680 1
Drivetrain M3 Coupe M3 Convertible
Drive system Front engine/rear drive 1
Manual transmission Getrag Type D, 6-speed 1
Ratios: 1st 4.23:1 1
2nd 2.53:1 1
3rd 1.67:11
4th 1.23:1 1
5th 1.00:1 1
6th 0.83:1 1
Reverse 3.75:1 1
Final drive ratio 3.64:1 1
Sequential Manual Joint development of BMW M,
Gearbox Getrag, Sachs & Siemens;
electrohydraulic/electronic controls,
same ratios as standard 6-speed
manual transmission 1
1 – Specifications apply to both models.
2 – Can be expanded via folding rear seats.
3 – With softtop lowered. Volume with softtop raised & variable compartment adjusted is
approximately 15% greater.
4 – VANOS = VAriable NOckenwellen Steuerung = variable camshaft control, or variable
valve timing.

2003 M3 Coupe & Convertible

Chassis M3 Coupe M3 Convertible

Body/frame construction Unitized steel 1
Front suspension BMW M sport suspension; thrust plate,
struts, unique forged-aluminum lower
arms, steel balljoints/rubber bushings,
coil springs, twin-tube gas-pressure
shock absorbers, anti-roll bar,
reinforcing braces to strut towers 1
Rear suspension BMW M sport suspension; special
subframe & V-brace, multi-link system
with Central Links, upper & lower
lateral links (upper links of cast
M Cars

aluminum), steel balljoints at outer

ends of lateral links, coil springs, twin-
tube gas-pressure shock absorbers,
anti-roll bar 1
Steering type Rack & pinion, engine-speed-
sensitive power assist 1
Overall ratio 15.4:1 1
Turns lock-to-lock 3.0 1
Turning circle, ft. 36.1 1
Antilock braking system with
4-wheel ventilated discs:
Diameter, front, mm/in. 325/12.8 1
Diameter, rear, mm/in. 328/12.9 1
Assist Vacuum 1
Wheels (standard) Cast alloy, 18 x 8.0 front/18 x 9.0 rear 1
Wheels (optional) Forged alloy,
19 x 8.0 front/19 x 9.5 rear 1
Tires (standard) Performance radials,
225/45ZR-18 front / 255/40ZR-18 rear 1
Tires (optional) Performance radials,
225/40ZR-19 front / 255/35ZR-19
rear 1
Stability-enhancement Dynamic Stability Control (DSC),
system including all-speed traction control,
electronic brake proportioning, antilock
braking (ABS), Dynamic Brake Control
& cornering/avoidance stability
enhancement; plus M Variable
Differential Lock 1

Performance data M3 Coupe M3 Convertible
Acceleration, 0-60 mph, sec.,
manufacturer’s data 5
4.8 5.4
Top speed, mph 155 1, 6
Fuel economy, EPA est. MPG,
Manual transmission 16/24 16/23
Sequential Manual
Gearbox (SMG) 16/23 16/22
1 – Specifications apply to both models.
5 – BMW of North America, LLC test results. Actual acceleration results may vary

M Cars
depending on specification of vehicle; road & environmental conditions; test
procedures and driving style. These results should be used for comparison only,
and verification should not be attempted on public roads. BMW urges you to obey
all posted speed limits and to please wear your safety belt at all times.
6 – Electronically limited.

M5 key features
Based on the 540i Sedan 6-Speed, the M5 differs from that model in the
following key features:
Performance & efficiency has been strengthened to transmit
the S62 engine’s higher torque.
5.0-liter DOHC 32-valve BMW
Motorsport V-8 engine The final drive ratio is 2.81:1, the
The V-8 engine that powers the same as that of the 540i Sedan
M5 is the greatest masterpiece with either transmission; the
of M Power, and an intense “shorter” 3.15:1 ratio of the 540i
focus of the M5’s distinctions Automatic with Sport Package is
from the 540i. Based on the not needed because of the M5’s
already abundant size, power larger-displacement, higher-torque
and technology of the 540i’s engine.
M62 4.4-liter V-8 engine, the M5
Handling, ride & braking
engine (designated S62) takes M
M Cars

Power to its pinnacle, and BMW M suspension

reflects the care with which modifications
BMW M develops an already In its basic structure and suspen-
powerful BMW engine into a full- sion systems, the M5 is based
on sports powerplant. It devel- solidly on the already sporty and
ops 394 hp and 368 lb-ft. of capable 540i Sedan 6-Speed 1;
torque; accelerates the for details on the 5 Series body
luxurious and lavishly equipped structure and suspension system,
4-door sedan to 60 mph in just please see pages 103-105.
4.8 sec., and is far more than As the 540i 6-Speed already has
sufficient for the M5’s electroni- a BMW M sport suspension
cally limited top speed of 155 system, the M5 does not depart
mph. EPA mileage ratings are dramatically from that models’
13 mpg city/21 mpg city – quite suspension. Specific elements
respectable in view of the monu- include:
mental performance this engine • Ride height 55.6 in., 0.1 in.
offers. lower than the 540i Sedan
Relative to the 540i’s M62 engine, 6-Speed
highlights of the S62 include – • Springs and shock absorbers
• Displacement increased from slightly firmer than for 540i
4.4 to nearly 5.0 liters (4941 cc) Sedan 6-Speed
• Special induction system, with • Rear suspension’s rubber
an individual throttle for each bushings replaced by low-
cylinder (8 electronically friction steel balljoints (outer
controlled throttles) ends of both upper arms on
• High-pressure VANOS variable each side; total of four balljoints)
valve timing • Auxiliary springs front and rear,
• Oil-cooled pistons of polyurethane. These have the
• G-sensitive lubrication system function of stiffening the sus-
• Duplex camshaft drive pension near its “jounce limit,”
• Modified cylinder heads. and thus act as jounce limiters
6-speed manual transmission that are more progressive than
with heavy-duty clutch the usual rubber snubbers.
The M5’s Getrag Type D 6-speed Dynamic Stability Control
manual transmission is essentially and limited-slip differential
the same robust, firm-shifting Like all other current BMW
unit used in the 540i Sedan models, the M5 comes standard
6-Speed, except that its clutch with Dynamic Stability Control,

which encompasses traction Larger brakes
control and cornering stabilization Like its 5 Series counterpart, the
functions. (See BMW features, M5 has 4-wheel ventilated disc
pages 21-22.) In addition, the brakes. To match the M5’s even
M5 also includes a limited-slip stronger performance, the brake
differential. This combination helps discs are enlarged, as shown in
optimize handling and traction the table below.
under all road conditions, wet 18-in. wheels and tires
or dry. One expects an M Car to be
Quick-ratio power steering with equipped with the ultimate in
M Servotronic vehicle-speed- wheels and tires, and the M5
sensitive power assist and fully lives up to this expectation. Its

M Cars
M Dynamic Driving Control 18-in. wheels are super-wide –
The M5’s steering system 8.0 in. front, 9.5 in. rear – and are
departs from that of the 540i a unique BMW M Double Spoke
Sedan 6-Speed in four respects: design with 10 sets of double
• Quicker ratio. The M5 has a spokes, alternating in shape and
14.7:1 overall steering ratio 2, spacing. Their Satin Chrome
vs. the 540i’s 17.9; it is thus finish is a subtle M touch,
18% quicker. harmonizing with the glossy
• Larger turning circle – 38.1 ft., Shadowline exterior trim.
vs. 37.4 for the 540i Sedan. These spectacular wheels are
• M Servotronic power assist. shod with super-low-profile
Compared to the engine-speed- performance tires: 245/40ZR-18
sensitive variable power assist front, 275/35ZR-18 rear. Together
of 5 Series models, the M5 with the special M suspension
employs Servotronic, which calibration, these wheels and
varies power assist according tires contribute to dramatic
to vehicle speed. Naturally, cornering ability that has been
BMW M has calibrated the measured at 0.90g by both Car
Servotronic system for extra- and Driver (January 1999) and
firm road feel. For a basic Road & Track (March 2000). For
comparison of the two types a luxurious and roomy sport
of power assist, please see sedan, this is a sensational
BMW features, page 20. capability.
• M Dynamic Driving Control.
Flat Tire Monitor
Via a console button labeled
Whenever tire pressure drops by
Sport, the driver can set
30% or more, the tire’s rolling
power assist at a lower level,
radius changes significantly and
giving even firmer road feel.
the wheel rotates at a different

540i M5
Front discs, diameter x thickness 12.8 x 1.18 in. 13.6 x 1.26 in.
Rear discs, diameter x thickness 11.7 x 0.79 in. 12.9 x 0.79 in.

1 – The 540i Sedan with automatic 2 – The overall steering ratio is the number
transmission and Sport Package of degrees the steering wheel is turned
shares its suspension features with to steer the front wheels 1˚. A lower
the 6-Speed model. numerical ratio means less turning of
the steering wheel and is referred to
as “quicker.”

M5 key features
Based on the 540i Sedan 6-Speed, the M5 differs from that model in the
following key features:
speed from the other tires. Via rubber strip is divided into two
DSC’s wheel-speed sensors, the sections outboard of the
Flat Tire Monitor recognizes any license plate.
such major deviation. Within a • High-intensity headlight clean-
short time of 1-3 minutes, this ing system – standard on the
system triggers a pressure-loss M5, vs. Cold Weather Package
indication in the instrument cluster, on 5 Series models. Like all
plus an audible warning. current 540i models, the M5
M Mobility System has Xenon low-beam headlights
As in the M3s, the M5 exhaust with dynamic auto-leveling.
system precludes space for a • M5 logo in side trim – set into
spare tire. If a tire is punctured – the protective rubber strip on
M Cars

a rare event these days – the M the front doors.

Mobility System provides a way • M aerodynamic mirrors, elec-
to get home. trochromically auto-dimming
and equipped with a power
Details on the M Mobility System,
fold-up feature for parking in
now in its 2nd generation, are
tight places.
found in BMW features, page 36.
• Unique wheels. The 18-in.
Exterior & aerodynamics M Double Spoke wheels are
unique to the M5. Though
Setting the M5 apart: somewhat similar to those
subtle, but unmistakable offered on the 540i Sedan with
accents on performance Sport Package, they have 10
It has always been a BMW M double spokes (vs. five) and a
principle to set its automobiles pattern of alternating spoke
apart from their regular-production depths. The M5 wheels’ Satin
counterparts with subtle, yet Chrome finish enhances their
unmistakable esthetic accents. dramatic effect.
This philosophy has been • Special rear apron/air
applied since the first M5 (debut diffusor. Another subtle, yet
1985, available in the U.S. 1988 significant difference. As at the
only), was just as evident in the front, the protective rubber strip
2nd-generation M5 (debut 1988, is split into left and right portions.
available in the U.S. 1991-93), and A sculpted lower panel frames
sets the tone for the current M5. the four stainless-steel exhaust
Working from front to rear, the outlets. On 540i Sedans with
exterior design distinctions from 6-speed transmission or the
the 540i 6-speed (or automatic- new-for-‘03 Sport Package,
transmission model with Sport the basic rear-apron design is
Package) are as follows: similar, but there is a single
• Special front bumper/spoiler, exhaust outlet on the left as
even more aggressive than the opposed to the M5’s four
new ’03 540i Sport spoiler. The stainless-steel outlets positioned
central air intake, feeding the symmetrically left and right.
powerful engine’s two intake • Discreet upper spoiler, added
points, is especially large and to the trunklid. Can be deleted
is screened with diagonal mesh. if customer desires.
Smaller outboard openings • Special M colors: Imola Red,
contain special oval foglights Carbon Black Metallic and
and supply air to the huge Le Mans Blue Metallic.
front brakes; the protective

Ergonomics & luxury 16-way M power/heated
sport seats
Special doorsill trim
The M5’s sport front seats are
Upon entry into the M5, one is
exclusive to the M5. In addition
welcomed by special doorsill trims
to the 5 Series sport seats’
that include chrome trim, the
usual 12-way power adjustment
BMW M colors and M5 script.
(including thigh support and
BMW M instrumentation vertical head-restraint position),
The BMW M logo accents the these seats also incorporate
speedometer face; at the bottom 4-way power lumbar support.
of the tachometer is an oil- Three-stage seat heating is
temperature gauge. standard.

M Cars
The tachometer also features a Upholstery and trim schemes
high-tech approach to an impor- An unusual variety of upholstery
tant consideration for a high- and trim schemes is offered in
performance engine with a wide the M5, all at no extra cost. Two
rpm range. When the engine is basic themes are offered: Sport
cold, a warning segment of and Luxury; patterns and stitch-
orange LEDs begins at 4000 rpm, ing are unique to the M5 in
reminding the driver not to use either case. Each features
anything approaching maximum leather grades that are upscale
performance. As the engine warms from the already rich Montana
up, the LEDs phase out in leather of 5 Series models.
increments of 500 rpm until the
Sport. This interior theme high-
segment reaches its normal 6500-
lights the M5’s stunningly sporty
rpm starting point; the engine’s
and high-tech nature, and features
normal rpm limit is 7000 rpm.
Nappa Point leather (stamped
M sport steering wheel appearance similar to ostrich
The 3-spoke M sport steering leather) with Extended coverage
wheel appears in the M5 with M (i.e., more extensive than that in
Color stitching on its rim and the the 540i Sedan). Seats are
M logo set into the wheel’s center. cross-pleated at relatively wide
Illuminated shift knob intervals; the standard trim
The shift knob – wood in wood- material is aluminum. Upholstery
trimmed interiors, leather in materials are summarized in the
interiors with aluminum-look trim – table below, which continues
features an illuminated top with onto the next page.
the 6-speed shift pattern and
BMW M logo.

Sport Interior
Area Material
Seat center areas Nappa Point leather
Seat side areas Nappa leather
Back sides of seats
Head-restraint centers and sides
Door-panel inserts Nappa Point leather
Door panels Foam-backed grained material
Continued next page

M5 key features
Based on the 540i Sedan 6-Speed, the M5 differs from that model in the
following key features:
Sport Interior
Area Material
Door armrests/pulls Nappa leather
Door ledges
Main and upper dash areas
Glove-compartment door Shaped skin (leather grain)
Center console and armrest Nappa leather
Rear parcel shelf Velour cloth
Headliner, incl. sun visors &
A-, B upper and C-pillar Alcantara
B-pillar lower Grained plastic
M Cars

The Sport interior is available in pleating is longitudinal, with closely

Black, Imola Red, Silverstone spaced pleats. The upholstery
and Le Mans Blue. Bruyere Club materials are shown in the table
wood trim is available as a at the bottom of the page.
no-cost alternative to the
standard aluminum-look trim. The Luxury interior is available in
Black and Caramel, the latter
Luxury. This interior theme puts
being especially warm in
the accent on luxury. The Nappa
character. Here, Bruyere Club
Heritage leather used here is
wood trim is standard, with Burl
ultra-soft, and is applied even
Walnut as a no-cost alternative.
more extensively than in the
corresponding Sport version. Seat

Luxury Interior
Area Material
Seat center areas Nappa Heritage leather
Seat side areas
Back sides of seats
Head-restraint centers and sides Nappa Heritage leather
Door-panel inserts Nappa Heritage leather
Door panels Nappa Heritage leather
Door armrests/pulls Nappa Heritage leather
Door ledges Nappa Heritage leather
Upper dash areas Nappa leather
Main dash areas Nappa Heritage leather
Glove-compartment door Nappa Heritage leather
Center console and armrest Nappa Heritage leather
Rear parcel shelf Alcantara
Headliner, incl. sun visors &
A-, B upper and C-pillar Alcantara
B-pillar lower Nappa leather

Super-premium audio system Unlike the 5 Series and most
with 6-disc CD changer other ’03 BMW models, the M5’s
Optional in 5 Series models 3, audio system continues with a
standard in M5. This upgrade cassette player as standard
system has a top-quality speaker equipment; thus with its also
system, including two subwoofers. standard 6-disc CD changer and
Each subwoofer has dual voice the cassette player, users can
coils, so each gets 2 amplifica- play CDs or cassettes.
tion channels; thus there are BMW On-board Navigation
14 channels. The subwoofers System
are positioned under the rear Standard in the M5, BMW’s
parcel shelf. Onboard Navigation System

M Cars
Digital Sound Processing (DSP) embodies not only GPS naviga-
gives the user the possibility of tion but audio, trip-computer
selecting from three preset and (if the vehicle is so equipped)
acoustic environments (concert phone functions. The system got
hall, cathedral, jazz club). Or the a new user interface for ’02 with –
user can custom-tailor three • An enlarged, easier-to-read
environments on the basis of color monitor in 16:9 format
acoustic parameters such as • Rearranged controls for easier
room size, reverberation time operation
and equalizer characteristics, and • A panel that pivots outward to
capture them in three memory reveal the cassette player.
settings for future use. There’s The concealed cassette player
also a DEMO function to demon- (standard in the M5, vs. a single-
strate the system’s capabilities. disc CD player in most other
In addition to functions selected models) frees up space on the
by the array of soft-touch controls unit’s face panel, allowing the
in the audio panel itself, various larger monitor and an improved
radio, tape and CD functions as arrangement of controls within
well as the DSP settings can be the same overall panel size as
managed from the Navigation before. For ’03, the system is
System’s color monitor. From further improved with a new
fingertip controls on the steering DVD data base and improved
wheel, the driver can also adjust functions. For details, see BMW
audio volume and select preset features, pages 33-35.
radio stations, cassette titles and Special trunk features
CD tracks. As the M5 does not have a
All in all, this is a class-leading spare tire, available space under
audio system, fully appropriate to the trunk floor is configured as a
the M5’s unique combination of concealed compartment. Also,
performance, sport and luxury. the trunk includes a luggage net
not found in 5 Series models.

3 – Audio system factory-installed, CD

changer BMW Center-installed.

M5 key features
Based on the 540i Sedan 6-Speed, the M5 differs from that model in the
following key features:
Options & accessories • Special tweeters (2 speakers,
2 amplification channels) in
Factory-installed options “mirror triangles” of front doors
Park Distance Control • Coaxial speakers (4 x 2, 8
PDC employs four ultrasonic channels) in the doors, with
sensors in the front and four in high-tech membrane rein-
the rear bumper to warn the forced by Kevlar/carbon
driver when the vehicle is • Special subwoofers (2, 4
approaching objects or obstruc- channels) under the rear par-
tions that may not be visible to cel shelf; reinforced hexacone
the driver. For a more detailed membranes with honeycomb
explanation of Park Distance structure.
M Cars

Control, see BMW features, The M Audio System provides

page 26. audiophile sound quality, includ-
M Audio System with ing enhanced bass reproduction.
enhanced bass Split folding rear seats and ski
This unique option for the M5 bag
provides an audio upgrade The backrests are split 1/3–2/3
beyond even the M5’s standard and are lockable. A ski bag is
super-premium audio system, included.
which Motor Trend (March ’00) When the vehicle is equipped
called “spectacular.” Counting the with the folding seats, the front
special coaxial speakers in the seats’ backrests contain internal
doors as two each, the number steel reinforcements to guard
of speakers remains at 12 but against objects that might race
the speakers are upgraded forward in a collision. (With or
throughout. Specific features without the folding rear seats, a
include: fold-down center rear armrest is
standard, and child restraint
seats can be fitted via the tether

Power-operated rear and As no-cost alternatives, BMW M
manual rear side-window sun- offers the following wood trim:
shades • For the Sport Trim interior,
From a switch on the front Bruyere Club wood.
center console, the rear-window • For the Luxury Trim interior,
shade can be raised and lowered Burl walnut wood.
electrically. Rear-seat passengers Thus the M5 customer has
can easily raise or lower the exceptional freedom of choice in
manual shades for their side combining materials.
windows. The shades reduce
Deletion of rear spoiler and
glare and sun heat and enhance
model script
privacy, yet preserve the driver’s
Both these items may be deleted

M Cars
rearward view. This option is
if the customer so desires.
available only with the Sport
interior. BMW Center-installed
Optional genuine wood accessories
interior trim
The selection of Center-installed
As described in the ergonomics
accessories is the same as for
& luxury section, the Sport
5 Series models, except that the
interior comes standard with
CD changer is standard. For
aluminum-look trim, the Luxury
details on the available acces-
interior with Bruyere Club wood
sories, see page 115, page 333
or the latest Original BMW
Accessories brochure.

Standard & optional features
2003 M5
Bold in table indicates new feature for 2003.
Performance & efficiency
5.0-liter DOHC (4-cam) V-8 engine with Double
VANOS 1 steplessly variable valve timing S
Aluminum block & cylinder heads S
8 individual throttles, electronically controlled,
with M Dynamic Driving Control (2 settings) S
Special Motronic MS S52 electronic control system S
G-sensitive semi-dry-sump lubrication system S
Oil-coolant heat exchanger S
6-speed manual transmission with heavy-duty clutch S
M Cars

Handling ride & braking

Aluminum double-pivot strut-type front suspension S
Aluminum 4-link integral rear suspension S
Front & rear anti-roll (stabilizer) bars S
Twin-tube gas-pressure shock absorbers S
Special BMW M suspension calibration
with auxiliary springs S
Vehicle-speed-sensitive variable-assist power steering
with M Dynamic Driving Control (2 settings) S
BMW M 4-wheel ventilated disc brakes S
Antilock braking system (ABS) S
Dynamic Stability Control (DSC), including all-speed
traction control, electronic brake proportioning, antilock
braking (ABS), Dynamic Brake Control & cornering/
avoidance-stability enhancement S
M Double Spoke wheels, Satin Chrome finish,
18 x 8.0 front/18 x 9.5 rear, with Asymmetrical
Hump/Safe Stop rim design S
245/40ZR-18 front / 275/35ZR-18 rear performance tires S
Flat Tire Monitor S
Exterior & aerodynamics
Body-color bumpers with hydraulic energy absorbers
for lower-speed impacts, front deformable elements
for more severe impacts S
BMW M front spoiler S
Xenon low-beam headlights with dynamic auto-leveling S
Automatic headlight control S
High-intensity liquid headlight cleaning system S
Daytime Running Lamps 2 S2
Halogen Free Form foglights (BMW M oval shape) S
Clear turn-signal lenses front & rear S
Park Distance Control (front & rear) OPT
Rain-sensing windshield wipers S

Exterior & aerodynamics (cont.)
Choice of standard or metallic paint, including
special BMW M colors S
High-gloss Shadowline exterior trim S
Special BMW rear apron/air diffusor S
Trunklid spoiler S3
Four stainless-steel exhaust outlets S
Ergonomics, luxury & convenience
Vehicle & Key Memory S
Keyless entry with multi-function remote control

M Cars
(no periodic battery replacement required) S
Selective unlocking S
Remote trunk release S
Dual M aerodynamic power/heated mirrors with –
Electrochromic auto-dimming S
Power fold-up feature S
Automatic tilt-down of right outside mirror for visibility
of curb when backing up S
BMW M doorsill trims S
Auto-dimming inside rearview mirror S
BMW Universal Transceiver (garage-door opener) S
Courtesy lights with fade-in/fade-out feature, actuation
from remote control, automatic switch-on when
engine is turned off S
BMW Ambiance Lighting S
Front & rear reading lights, separately controllable left/right S
Lockable glove compartment with
rechargeable take-out flashlight S
Power tilt/telescopic steering wheel with fingertip
cruise, audio & phone 4 controls, BMW M 3-spoke
design with M color stitching S
16-way BMW M power/heated front sport seats with
adjustable thigh support, 4-way power lumbar support S
Memory system for driver’s seat & safety-belt height,
steering wheel & outside mirrors (3 settings) S
Illuminated shift pattern on shift knob S
Front center armrest with provision for phone installation S
Special BMW M instrumentation with –
Red pointers S
Oil-temperature gauge S
Variable warning segment on tachometer S
S – Standard 2 – Selectable via Vehicle Memory System
OPT – Optional (programming by BMW Center).
1 – VANOS = VAriable NOckenwellen 3 – May be deleted at no extra cost.
Steuerung = variable camshaft control, 4 – When vehicle is equipped with BMW
or variable valve timing. Cellular Phone System (BMW Center-

Standard & optional features
2003 M5
Bold in table indicates new feature for 2003.
Ergonomics, luxury & convenience (cont.)
LCD main & trip odometers S
Service Interval Indicator S
Check Control vehicle monitor system S
Outside-temperature display S
BMW Onboard Navigation System with DVD database S
Choice of interior appointments:
Sport, with Extended Nappa Point leather, aluminum trim S
Luxury, with Full Nappa Heritage leather, Bruyere Club
genuine wood trim S
M Cars

Bruyere Club wood trim with Sport Trim interior NC

Burl walnut trim with Luxury Trim interior NC
Alcantara headliner, sun visors & A-, B upper and C-pillar S
Power windows with key-off operation; 1-touch opening &
closing of all windows, anti-trapping feature, opening
from remote, closing & opening from exterior door lock S
Automatic climate control with separate left/right
temperature settings, automatic recirculation control,
solar sensor S
Activated-charcoal microfilter ventilation S
Automatic ventilation system (can be programmed to
ventilate interior while car is standing) S
2-way power moonroof with key-off & 1-touch opening &
closing, anti-trapping feature, opening from remote,
opening & closing from exterior door lock, sliding
interior sunshade S
Anti-theft AM/FM/cassette/CD audio system with 12
speakers (incl. 2 subwoofers), Radio Data System (RDS),
Digital Sound Processing (DSP), 6-disc CD changer &
4-channel FM diversity antenna system S
M Audio System with upgraded speakers & enhanced bass
(includes all features of standard system) OPT
Pre-wiring for BMW Cellular Phone System S
BMW Cellular Phone System C
Dual cupholders front & rear (total of 4-cup capacity) S
Coinholder S
Dual front sun visors with illuminated mirrors S

Ergonomics, luxury & convenience (cont.)
Open storage compartments in front & rear doors S
Rear center armrest S
Split folding rear seats & ski bag OPT
Power-operated rear-window sunshade & manual rear
side-window sunshades OPT 5
Rear-window defroster S
Interior trunk release, electrically operated S
Fully finished trunk with luggage straps, luggage net,
concealed storage & drop-down toolkit S

M Cars
M Mobility System (2nd generation) S
Safety & security
Dual front-impact airbag Supplementary Restraint System
(SRS) with dual-threshold deployment & 2-stage Smart
Airbags S
Front safety belts with automatic height adjustment,
automatic tensioners & force limiters S
Front-seat Head Protection System (HPS) S
Front-seat side-impact airbags S
Rear-seat side-impact airbags & head protection S
Integrated deployment logic for safety-belt tensioners,
airbags & post-impact safety measures S
Battery Safety Terminal S
Central locking system with double-lock anti-theft feature,
selective unlocking 2 S
Coded Driveaway Protection S
Pathway Lighting 2 S
Alarm system with operation from keyhead remote, interior
motion detector S

S – Standard 2 – Selectable via Vehicle Memory System

OPT – Optional (programming by BMW Center).
NC – No charge 5 – Available with Sport interior only.
C – BMW Center-installed

2003 M5
Curb weight, lb. 4024
Weight distribution, front/rear, % 52.1/47.9
Wheelbase, in. 111.4
Track, front/rear, in. 59.6/60.1
Length x width x height, in. 188.3 x 70.9 x 55.6
Type Unitized all-steel structure
Aerodynamic drag coefficient 0.31
EPA size classification Compact
M Cars

Seating capacity, persons 5
Shoulder room 56.8/55.9
Head room, front/rear, in. 37.4/37.2
Leg room, front/rear, in. 41.7/34.2
EPA interior volume, cu ft. 92.5
EPA cargo volume, cu ft. 11.1 1

Engine & electrical
Engine type DOHC 32-valve (4-cam) V-8,
Double VANOS 2 steplessly
variable valve timing, 8 individual
electronically controlled throttles
with Normal & Sport settings
Bore x stroke, mm/in. 94.0 x 89.0 /3.70 x 3.50
Displacement, cc/cu in. 4941/302
Compression ratio 11.0:1
Power @ rpm, hp SAE net 394 @ 6600
Torque @ rpm, lb-ft. 368 @ 3800

M Cars
Engine-management system Siemens MS S52 with adaptive
knock control; variable valve timing,
electronic throttles, g-sensitive
lubrication system, oil-level/
temperature sender, variable
tachometer warning segment,
catalyst protection & M Dynamic
Driving Control included in
control strategy
Fuel requirement Premium unleaded
Fuel capacity, U.S. gal. 18.5
Battery capacity, amp-hr. 110
Alternator output, amp./W 120/1680
1 – Can be expanded by available folding
rear seats.
2 – VANOS = VAriable NOckenwellen
Steuerung = variable camshaft control,
or variable valve timing.

2003 M5
Drive system Front engine/rear drive
Manual transmission Getrag Type D, 6-speed
Ratios:1st 4.23:1
2nd 2.53:1
3rd 1.67:1
4th 1.23:1
5th 1.00:1
6th 0.83:1
Reverse 3.75:1
M Cars

Final drive ratio 2.81:1

Body/frame construction Unitized steel
Front suspension BMW M sport suspension in
aluminum; struts, double-pivot
lower arms, coil springs plus
polyurethane auxiliary springs,
twin-tube gas-pressure shock
absorbers, anti-roll bar
Rear suspension BMW M sport suspension in
aluminum; 4-link integral system,
coil springs plus polyurethane
auxiliary springs, twin-tube
gas-pressure shock absorbers,
anti-roll bar; includes aluminum
Steering type Recirculating ball, vehicle-speed-
sensitive power assist with M
Dynamic Driving Control (Normal
& Sport settings)
Overall ratio 14.7:1
Turns lock-to-lock 3.0
Turning circle, ft. 38.1

Chassis (cont.)
Antilock braking system with
4-wheel ventilated discs:
Front discs,
diameter x thickness 13.6 x 1.18 in.
Rear discs,
diameter x thickness 12.9 x 0.79 in.
Assist Vacuum
Wheels Cast alloy,
18 x 8.0 front/18 x 9.5 rear
Tires Performance radials,
245/40ZR-18 front /

M Cars
275/35ZR-18 rear
Stability-enhancement system Dynamic Stability Control (DSC),
including all-speed traction control,
electronic brake proportioning,
antilock braking (ABS), Dynamic
Brake Control & cornering/
avoidance-stability enhancement
Performance data
Acceleration, 0-60 mph, sec.,
manufacturer’s data 3 4.8
Top speed, mph 155 4
Fuel economy, EPA est. MPG,
city/highway 13/21
3 – BMW of North America, LLC test results.
Actual acceleration results may vary
depending on specification of vehicle;
road & environmental conditions; test
procedures and driving style. These
results should be used for comparison
only, and verification should not be
attempted on public roads. BMW
urges you to obey all posted speed
limits and to please wear your safety
belt at all times.
4 – Electronically limited.

Germany’s renowned BMW performance
specialists create a second edition of the
classic Z8
Upon its debut in late ’02, this ALPINA: a unique and long-
new edition of BMW’s contem- standing synergy with BMW
porary classic roadster raised Burkard Bovensiepen modified
quite a few eyebrows. A Z8 with his first BMW – a 1500 sedan, the
automatic transmission? A Z8 “granddaddy of the 5 Series” –
powered not by the BMW M soon after its debut in 1962,
engine, but by a specially installing dual carburetors to
developed, higher-performance make it go faster. In 1964, he
version of BMW’s “regular” V-8 obtained warranty approval from
engine? A Z8 with 20-inch BMW, which effectively made
wheels and tires in place of the him BMW’s “house tuner.” (This
original model’s 18-inchers? was long before BMW M was
Yes, it’s all true, and there’s quite established.) Bovensiepen then
a story here. For starters, this officially founded the ALPINA
new Z8 is not only from BMW, company on January 1, 1965.
but also from ALPINA – it is a Over the decades since, ALPINA
joint effort based on a long tradi- has been – except for BMW M –
tion of cooperation. At home in the performance and racing
specialist most consistently and

the Upper Bavarian town of

Buchloe, ALPINA was estab- durably associated with BMW.
lished in 1964 as an official and ALPINA’s logo depicts the intake
approved “ennobler” of BMW pipes of a Kugelfischer mechani-
automobiles. The word is chosen cal fuel-injection system in its red
carefully, for ALPINA’s tradition is field, a 4-cylinder crankshaft in
not merely to make BMWs go its blue field – recalling the
even faster and look even sportier, ALPINA version one of BMW’s
but also to make them even all-time greats, the 2002tii.
more appealing to connoisseurs The BMW ALPINA ROADSTER
of automotive finery. Performance V8 (all-capital spelling is a con-
finery, we might add, as ALPINA tractual requirement) marks the
treatments include not just cos- company’s official entry into the
metic modifications but also a U.S. market with its automobiles.
range of powertrain and chassis Mr. Bovensiepen himself is an
refinements that consistently automotive gourmet, but not just
enhance BMW models’ already that: his wine business imports
formidable road capabilities within to Germany good and great
a context of thorough engineering wines from France and Italy to
and mature character. At the Germany. Himself an excellent
same time, ALPINA’s philosophy chef, Bovensiepen declares that
of performance is differentiated ALPINA builds automobiles “as
from that of BMW M, notably 3-star restaurants cook.” Other
through the application of engines Bovensiepen family members,
with an accent on low-speed sons Andreas and Florian, are
torque (vs. ultimate rpm capability) part of today’s ALPINA
and automatic transmissions (vs. management.
manual and SMG). With this latest creation, an
The character of ALPINA is the ALPINA re-interpretation of the
character of founder Burkard Z8 Roadster, Bovensiepen’s
Bovensiepen. team of automotive ennoblers

has added its unique touch with Z8 quickly is akin to wielding a
the skill and maturity of the high-grade surgical tool;
seasoned automotive gourmet. exquisitely balanced, stunningly
The BMW ALPINA ROADSTER effective, but with a cold, sterile
V8 incorporates change not just edge. The chassis sacrifices
for the sake of change and nothing to the open roof, a good
exclusivity – although of course thing for imprecise human beings
it offers exclusivity in great mea- seeking warm breezes.”
sure – but rather as a specific, The new BMW ALPINA
targeted refinement in the ROADSTER V8 maintains this
direction of greater comfort. wonderful character. Yet, as
The Z8: a recap reports by the enthusiast media
Created as a high-technology, have discovered, the new edition
high-performance 2-seater is nevertheless a hearty transfor-
roadster of classic design, the mation of the Z8 in the direction
Z8 entered limited production in of greater everyday usability:
2000. Designed to recall the great • Automobile Magazine, March
classic BMW 507 of 1956-59, 2003: “This limited edition is
the Z8’s body is of aluminum, its the last, and best, Z8.”
structural foundation being an • Road & Track, March ’03:
aluminum space frame of amaz- “While I expected the car to


ing rigidity, yet moderate weight. handle well, its astonishingly
The Z8 also employs aluminum good comfort for such a fast
for its suspension system, which and sporting car was a real
includes BMW’s unique double- surprise.”
pivot front and Integral Link rear • Car and Driver, February ‘03:
suspension concepts. Its rack- “Our introductory drive in the
and-pinion steering system BMW ALPINA ROADSTER V8
includes variable power assist was on streaming wet roads
and variable ratio; massive with the factory-supplied
ventilated disc brakes provide hardtop in place. That didn’t
stopping power to match the stop us from appreciating the
dazzling performance. engine sound, which is like the
sweetest of traditional American
Inside the Z8, the classic theme
V-8s, enjoying the SWITCH-
is carried over into a centered
TRONIC feature, and feeling that
instrument panel of unique, retro
the more gentle suspension
character. Color-keyed painted
was beneficial.”
areas and elegant metal trim and
• AutoWeek, January 6, ’03: “Z8
components combine with ele-
one better.”
gant leather to give the cockpit
• auto motor und sport,
an aura of exuberant quality.
Germany, September 18, ‘02:
In its November 13, 2000 issue, ““The smart way the engine
AutoWeek described the Z8 this delivers its power is under-
way: “The design speaks to scored by a concert of sounds
exactitude and precision that – especially driving through
machinery. Its slick and metallic a tunnel with the top down –
surfaces, finely rendered details makes the driver’s heart
and crisp curves forecast the rejoice. Whatever one’s musi-
wonderful shifter, well-weighted cal taste, be it Anastacia,
steering and the rev-it-hard V-8 Herbert Grönemeyer or
cranking out 394 hp. Driving a

Rachmaninoff, the ALPINA “Not just the Americans,
music touches every heart… accustomed as they are to
“ALPINA driving has its price, automatics, will be thankful for
of course – no matter how high this car. The driving pleasure
the power rating. Yet here, a remains; the Z8 has not been
surprisingly comfortable sports softened, but rather made
car has come into being, one more harmonious, more
for which Bovensiepen has big relaxed, more confident. It’s a
plans in his golden years: For nice gesture between friends
the first time, ALPINA automo- that BMW has allowed ALPINA
biles will be officially offered in to move into this niche.”
the U.S. market.” Production of the original Z8 for
• Automobil Revue, Switzerland, the U.S. concluded at the end of
August 8, ’02: “The [market] November ’02. Immediately
potential for such vehicles is thereafter, BMW and ALPINA
soon exhausted; these days, began building 550 BMW ALPINA
few people in this elite price ROADSTER V8s, of which some
category want a manual 450 are for U.S. sale.
transmission. What’s new
“Burkard Bovensiepen and his As of 12/03 production:
team have allowed themselves

• A totally different engine,

the luxury of ‘altering the Z8’s developed by ALPINA: based
character a bit.’ Because there on the M62 4.4-liter V-8 of
must be people who want to 540i models
enjoy the fascination of this • A specially developed 5-speed
wonderful automobile not just automatic with SWITCH-TRONIC
Sunday mornings on back driver-controlled shifting
roads, but also in the • Unique BMW ALPINA 20-in.
city…often even in traffic jams. wheels with Y-rated perfor-
“The 19-hp loss compared to mance tires, replacing the Z8’s
the original is not missed in 18-in. W-rated run-flat
everyday driving, but the performance tires
increased torque is there to • New calibration of the
behold – even though the suspension system that takes
SWITCH-TRONIC automatic advantage of the new tires to
operates very sportily and lets achieve a somewhat more
the engine extend itself almost comfortable ride with no
fully without kickdown. compromise in handling
“More important is the won- • New steering wheel, with three
derful change in character. leather-and-metal spokes in
ALPINA really has been able to place of the Z8’s “banjo”
transform the Z8 subtly into a spokes and an ALPINA logo
different car, without spoiling on its center hub
its purist character. • Instrument dials in the
“ALPINA’s composition traditional ALPINA blue color
smoothes the mighty flow of • A transmission display directly
power, and makes the act of in front of the driver
traveling a bit calmer, especially • Soft Nappa leather upholstery,
for the passenger. with special piping
• Limited exterior and interior
color selection

The BMW ALPINA ROADSTER V8 offers the following features:

Performance & efficiency exhaust ports are polished by a

team of six associates. A single
BMW ALPINA 4.8-liter V-8
master technician assembles the
entire engine by hand; it differs
The ALPINA engine is quite
from the existing M62 V-8
different in character from the
engine as follows:
BMW M engine that powers the
• The cylinder block, as cast by
original Z8 (and M5). That engine
BMW in Alusil (aluminum-silicon
(described on page 282) is of
alloy), has 93.0-mm cylinder
course a great masterpiece; but
bores, 1.0 mm greater than
as the BMW ALPINA engine
those of the 4.4-liter engine.
shows, there’s more than one
• The crankshaft, with 89.0-mm
approach to stellar performance.
stroke, is almost identical to
It may surprise some that the that of the M5/Z8 engine; this
ALPINA engine is based on an stroke is 6.3 mm greater than
engine that does not possess that of the 4.4 engine. The
the technology of the 7 Series’ combination of 93.0-mm bore
4.4-liter V-8: Valvetronic, Double and 89.0-mm stroke produces
VANOS variable valve timing, fully a displacement of 4837 cc, vs.
variable intake manifold. In fact, the 4.4’s 4396.
this engine has “single” VANOS, • ALPINA-specific lightweight


varying intake-valve timing only, aluminum pistons from Mahle,
and does not have the M engine’s the famous German producer
eight individual throttles. Larger of pistons and other internal
displacement and ALPINA’s engine components.
meticulous handwork are primary • ALPINA-specific connecting
contributors to this engine’s ability rods, camshafts and valves.
to attain a similar level of perfor- • ALPINA-specific intake mani-
mance, though with a different fold, with increased volume
performance character. and more sensitive air-mass
Remarkably, the 4.8-liter ALPINA sensors.
engine comes to within 19 hp of After assembly at Buchloe, the
the BMW M unit (375 hp, vs. 394), engine goes to Munich, where it
does so at lower rpm levels, and is mated to the automatic
(this is key) is thus suited to transmission from ZF and the
teaming with an automatic trans- aluminum chassis/body structure
mission. Its power peak comes from BMW’s dedicated aluminum
at 5800 rpm, vs. 6600; its torque facility at Dingolfing 1; suspension,
peak occurs at the same 3800 steering and brake systems,
rpm but is actually higher – 383 paint, glass and safety systems
lb-ft. vs. 368. Put another way, the are also installed in Munich.
ALPINA engine delivers at least
368 lb-ft. all the way from 3100 1 – This is where BMW’s expertise in
to 5000 rpm – and catapults the aluminum is also employed in the
classic roadster to 60 mph in just development of the Z8/ALPINA
5.0 sec., according to official data. ROADSTER body/chassis structure;
the 7 Series’ aluminum hood and front
One could say that these cars fenders; the M3s’ aluminum hood;
begin life in Buchloe, as ALPINA various aluminum chassis and suspen-
sion components found in various
receives about 1100 parts from
BMW models; and the new Rolls-Royce.
which to build the engine. At Additional developments from this
ALPINA, the cast-aluminum facility will appear in the upcoming ’04
cylinder heads’ intake and 5 Series.

The BMW ALPINA ROADSTER V8 offers the following features:

A special automatic Handling, ride & braking

transmission from ALPINA
Aluminum space frame
Based on the 5-speed ZF
The structural foundation is the
STEPTRONIC unit employed in
first aluminum space frame
540i models, the ALPINA version
BMW has ever produced. It was
differs in several major aspects:
chosen for a number of reasons:
• In addition to up- and down-
• A space frame, with a backbone-
shifting by “tipping” the shift
like central structural tunnel
lever rearward or forward, the
element, is especially suitable
driver can also shift by pressing
for an open-bodied car
“+” and “-“ buttons near the
because it gives optimum
steering-wheel rim.
structural rigidity. (auto motor
• 1st and 2nd gears are
und sport magazine likened
strengthened to handle the
the car’s rigidity to concrete.)
engine’s higher torque.
• Aluminum construction saves
• The torque converter is “tighter,”
significant weight compared to
with a lower stall speed and
thus less slip.
• Careful, targeted design of the
• Directly in front of the driver, a
space frame helped BMW
transmission display instrument
engineers achieve not only
indicates the range (P, R, N, D),

high rigidity for precise handling

mode (Automatic or Manual)
and a quality driving feel, but
and the gear currently engaged.
also the energy management
• There is no Sport mode as
that promotes crash safety.
such, but the shift program-
• This construction, which involves
ming is more like a Sport
a relatively high proportion of
mode than the typical BMW
handwork, is ideally suited to
Drive mode.
the limited production.
• Transmission software is
unique to this unit. Full aluminum construction is
rare among today’s production
Under wide-open throttle in its
automobiles. Among the few
Automatic mode (D), the unit
models with it are the Acura
upshifts at 5800 rpm, the engine’s
NSX, Audi A8 and Ferrari F 360.
power peak. In its Manual mode
(M), shifting is under the driver’s Of these, the NSX structure is the
control but it will upshift at 6500 most conventional, and probably
rpm to prevent engine overspeed. least advanced, because it was
On this last point, Germany’s introduced more than a decade
auto motor und sport noted in its ago. It is essentially an aluminum
September 18, 2002 issue that version of the steel unit chassis/
“after the first phase of experi- body structures of most modern
mentation [with driving technique] cars. The A8 (including the new
is over, there’s no need to shift generation just introduced in
for yourself. With its outstanding Europe) and F 360 structures
ratios, the automatic has the are closer to the V8’s, with space
monumental power of this engine frames of extruded structural
so totally in its grip that you don’t members and mostly riveted-on
even need to kick down.” That’s exterior panels. In both of these,
a nice compliment, but we’re sure it is the frame that carries most
some drivers will want to take of the loads; in a unit structure,
the shifting reins now and then. whether steel or aluminum, the

body panels share more or less Production. The space frame and
equally in the load-bearing. body shell are constructed by a
Whereas the Ferrari F 360 Spider team of skilled BMW craftspeople
(roadster) has essentially the at the company’s Dingolfing,
same lower frame structure as Germany plant, which has been
its coupe counterpart with recognized internationally for its
additional reinforcement in the exceptional quality standards.
floor/tunnel area, this vehicle has For a year before production
been conceived from the begin- actually began, this team of
ning as a roadster. This is an about 50 had been schooling
important distinction. and working on pre-production
structures and bodies.
It is the central tunnel or “spine”
that is, in effect, the car’s roof. It The Dingolfing factory also has
can serve this function because special qualifications, in that
of its large depth. The tunnel’s there was already an aluminum
two sides (each fabricated as an center there for production of the
individual member) spread 3 Series convertible’s aluminum
gradually apart toward the front, hardtop, 7 Series hood and
then at the engine bulkhead flare fenders, suspension components
out sharply. At the point where for the 7, 5 and 3 Series, and the
M3 hood. Because the convert-


the front members straighten out
toward the front of the vehicle, ible top, hoods and fenders are
other elements flare outward painted components, the Dingolf-
toward the rear, forming a “Y” at ing paint shop is also versed in
each side of the vehicle that help finishing aluminum panels.
provide both rigidity and crash- Final assembly is at the Munich
energy absorption. factory, with relatively little automa-
Behind the seats are integral tion. Approximately 100 team
rollover tubes; the windshield members work here; each of them
frame also contributes significantly applied for this special assignment
to rollover strength. All principal and, once chosen for their skills
structural elements are made of and teamwork aptitude, went
so-called extrusion-pressed through a specific Z8 training
profiles; they and the stamped course lasting several weeks.
panels are connected by about The team is international,
1000 rivets and 187 feet of MIG consisting of members who
(metal–inert gas) arc welds. speak various languages. BMW
Another important distinction of expects that many of this car’s
this body is that nearly all its clients will be interested in the
exterior body panels are bolted car’s production and come to
on, and therefore can be witness their own car being
replaced easily when damaged. assembled; the workers will be
able to speak to many of them in
Production and repair of the
their own language.
frame and body
Production processes and repair In all, there are 31 steps to the
arrangements for the structure assembly process, beginning with
and body are also important and the complete, painted body shell
fascinating aspects of the from Dingolfing and taking approx-
Z8/ALPINA ROADSTER V8 story. imately 10 times as long as does
assembly of a 3 Series vehicle.

The BMW ALPINA ROADSTER V8 offers the following features:

Repair. BMW’s body engineers And what capabilities! Writing in

have provided for expert repair Road & Track’s March ’03 issue,
in case of accident damage. The legendary racing driver and auto
front and rear bumpers have 5- journalist Paul Frère, referring to
mph impact-absorption capability. the electronically controlled top
Structural damage at impact speed of 161 mph, commented
speeds up to approximately 15 that “With rainy weather and
mph can be repaired by means traffic, those speeds could not
of “cold” joining technologies. be explored on the short stretch
The entire front end is bolted on, of Autobahn on the test route.
as are the rear fenders. On winding country roads with
Repairs of damaged vehicles are good visibility, however, the
classified in three levels: ALPINA ROADSTER felt
• Level 1 – “light duty” repairs. If extremely stable and well bal-
necessary repairs are confined anced, the excellent grip in the
to the replacement of external wet making it possible to use all
panels and trim, and/or paint- the power available…”
work, they will be carried out In their May ’00 issues in tests of
locally in the usual manner by the original Z8, Road & Track
a competent BMW or BMW- measured 0.92g in its skidpad

approved sublet repair facility. cornering trial, Car and Driver

• Level 2 – “medium-duty” 0.90g; there is no expectation
repairs, including replacement that the ALPINA version would
of frame sections, epoxy be any less competent.
bonding and riveting, and any This car’s accomplishments are
work requiring frame/body by no means limited to amazing
fixtures or dimensioning tools. handling. BMW’s top roadster
The vehicle will be transported also offers its occupants a
by BMW to and from the relatively comfortable ride –
closest of three special repair thanks to the combination of its
centers: in Montvale, New highly rigid structure, the precise
Jersey; Spartanburg, South geometry of its suspension, and
Carolina; or Oxnard, California. the extensive use of aluminum
• Level 3 – “heavy-duty” repairs, for suspension components.
including replacement of major
Aluminum front suspension
frame sections or structural
panels, welding, and/or any of
The front suspension system
the work steps of Level 2; also
follows BMW’s established
carried out at BMW’s special
principle of strut-type front
repair centers.
suspension with double lower
The suspension concept arms; it is an evolution of the
The suspension is based on the system employed in 5 Series
best of established BMW con- models with rack-and-pinion
cepts, specially adapted for the steering, with an entirely new
roadster’s aluminum space-frame subframe and other components
structure and low center of gravity either new or modified from their
and equipped with massive 20-in. 5 Series counterparts.
wheels and tires that deliver its
Though the system’s design is a
spectacular capabilities to the road.
major factor in the V8’s amazing
handling capabilities, the materials

of which it is made are also bushings. Thus with two stages
important. Specifically, the use of of vibration and noise absorption
aluminum in the system’s moving between it and the vehicle struc-
parts (the lower arms and steer- ture, the differential is acoustically
ing knuckle) is beneficial to the decoupled from the body, reduc-
customer in terms of: ing any gear noise from it to a
• Riding comfort, particularly on minimum inside the car.
rough surfaces. Rack-and-pinion steering with
• Handling, also particularly on variable assist and variable ratio
rough roads. This is no “ordinary” rack-and-
• Fuel economy and perfor- pinion system; rather, it is a type
mance. used in BMW’s highest-
These components are unsprung performance models in recent
weight, and are the ideal place years. One of its distinctive
to reduce weight because lighter features is variable ratio (not to
unsprung components improve be confused with variable assist,
the suspension’s ability to which is found in all current BMW
respond to bumps and other power-steering systems). The
road irregularities. steering rack’s teeth are profiled
The use of aluminum for fixed in such a way that the steering
ratio becomes “quicker” (that is,


components, such as the sub-
frame and steering-rack housing, more steering effect for a given
benefits fuel economy and steering-wheel motion) as the
performance. wheel is turned outward from its
center position. The result is a
Safety is not compromised in any
fine-tuning of steering response
way by the weight reductions in
according to the situation one is
these areas; on the contrary, it
in, be it on a fast straightaway or
benefits active safety because of
maneuvering into a parking
its positive effects on handling.
4-link Integral rear suspension
Aside from this specific variable-
The rear suspension is a multi-link
ratio feature, found in few rack-and-
system, with four links per side,
pinion systems, the fundamental
designed to control rear-wheel
argument for rack-and-pinion
angles precisely for stable, yet
steering is that it virtually eliminates
highly responsive handling with-
any slack or “free play” at the
out unwanted effects under load
steering’s center position. This
changes (such as when lifting off
enhances steering precision –
the accelerator while cornering)
especially appropriate in a
and with riding comfort that is
sports car and the overriding
remarkable for a high-performance
characteristic of the Z8/ALPINA
sports car.
ROADSTER V8 steering system.
A steel subframe carries the
Powerful brake system
entire rear suspension system
With hefty ventilated disc brakes
and the final drive (differential). It
all around – 13.1-in. diameter at
is mounted to the main space
the front with dual-piston
frame via four large rubber
calipers, 12.9-in. at the rear –
bushings which help absorb
road shocks. In turn, the final
has stopping power to match its
drive unit is mounted to the
subframe through its own rubber

The BMW ALPINA ROADSTER V8 offers the following features:

Car and Driver stopped the Z8 (also performance) tires; the

from 70 mph in a remarkable ALPINA’s tires balance their lower
164 ft. in testing for its April ’01 profile (which implies firm side-
issue; in this comparison test, walls) against the Z8’s higher-
both the Aston Martin DB7 profile, but still relatively stiff
Vantage Volante and Ferrari 360 run-flat sidewalls. (20-in. run-flat
Spider F1 took 175 ft. Other tires would have been unaccept-
issues of the same magazine ably harsh-riding.) At the bottom
reported 179 ft. for the Porsche line, sensitive drivers will find that
Boxster and 170 ft. for the the ALPINA ROADSTER V8
Porsche 911 Carrera. Motor delivers increased riding comfort
Trend tested the Z8’s brakes with at least comparable handling.
another way: from 100 mph in Should a flat tire occur, the
just 318 ft., taking only 4.3 sec. ALPINA model retains the Flat
“Do the math,” added MT, “and Tire Monitor (see page 23) and
you’ll learn that it takes only 14.5 adds the M Mobility System,
seconds to run the famous familiar from BMW M models. M
0-100-0 test, placing it fifth on Mobility consists of a container
our list of cars we’ve tested in of rapid sealant, an integrated
this way – behind a McLaren F1 microcompressor, and a hose to
LM (11.5 sec.), the Dodge Viper

connect the compressor to the

GTS and Porsche 911 Turbo S damaged tire. All this is carried
(both 13.7 sec.), and a Ferrari in a trunk recess near the right
550 Maranello (13.9 sec.). These rear wheel, designed into the Z8
are the Z8’s supercar peers, the right from the start. The system
pack with which it hunts lesser, can seal punctures up to
mere sports cars.” approximately 1/4 in. across.
In braking, too, there is no rea-
son to expect less stellar capa- Exterior & aerodynamics
bility for the ALPINA model; the The look:
brakes are unchanged, and the a contemporary classic
wheels and tires are one size Is this a retro-styled car? “Of
wider both front and rear. course,” says Christopher Bangle,
20-in. wheels and performance BMW’s Chief Designer, expressing
tires in differentiated front/rear a clear view on this unique sports
sizes car from BMW. “The classic BMW
Special BMW ALPINA 20-inch 507 [the great BMW roadster of
wheels, with five clusters of four the Fifties that the Z8/ALPINA
spokes each, are a new feature. ROADSTER V8 recalls] was our
With 8.5-in. width at the front reference car, a very special car
and 9.0 at the rear, these wheels by all means. And since there is
are a half-inch wider at the front only one 507 in the history of the
and carry Y-rated performance automobile, this is most definitely
tires of dimensions 255/35R-20 a retro design. A retro design full
at the front and 285/30R-20 at of romantic passion.”
the rear. Z8 wheels and tires were BMW has invested a lot in
18-inchers, with 245/45 tires at creating pure emotion, focusing
the front / 275/40 at the rear. deliberately on a classic line. In
Y-rated performance tires are a Bangle’s words, “Only a carmaker
departure from Z8 practice too. with genuine history can create
The Z8 wears W-rated run-flat such an homage to a classic

heritage model.” Clearly, BMW is ance, neon has a convincing
such a carmaker, and the BMW functional advantage: it illumi-
507 is amply deserving of nates approximately 10 times as
homage. At the same time, the quickly as conventional bulbs for
Z8/ALPINA ROADSTER V8 an earlier signal of the driver’s
design incorporates a full range intentions. These lighting units
of contemporary elements that also serve as side markers,
not only keep it from being a mere operating at lower wattage than
copy of the 507, but also help they do as turn signals.
give it thoroughly contemporary In profile
capabilities. This is perhaps the most classic
The front end view. Particularly notable are the
The front end is a masterpiece side “gills,” which recall those of
of classic and contemporary the BMW 507 roadster.
themes. Its dual horizontal grilles The gills’ contemporary functional
– in contrast to the established, element is their fiber-optic turn-
essentially vertical BMW “kidneys” signal indicators: As on all recent
dual grilles of all other BMW BMW models, the side indicators
models – decisively recall the flash with the front and rear turn
BMW 507. The openings include signals to help give motorists
an “eggcrate” grid in black, just


driving alongside an early
as those of the 507 did. indication of the BMW driver’s
Yet these grilles also introduce maneuvering intention.
contemporary design and Located on the right side (also
functional elements. For one, as on all BMW models) is the
they incorporate the halogen fuel-filler door. It is electrically
high-beam headlights; for another, released via the same cockpit
they are part of the fully integrated, button that releases the trunklid:
deformable front bumper unit, Press one half of the button to
which provides damage protec- open the trunk, the other half to
tion in 5-mph impacts. open the filler door.
The main lighting units, behind Classic decorative elements
aerodynamic covers, include seen in the side view include the
Xenon low beams with dynamic chrome door handles and chrome
auto-leveling. (Dynamic auto- exterior mirrors. With the lined
leveling keeps the lights aimed softtop up, the Z8/ALPINA
correctly not just with changing ROADSTER V8 loses none of its
vehicle loading, but also as classic roadster look.
vehicle attitude changes with
At the rear
acceleration and braking.) The
The rear view is unabashedly
low beams are outboard; the
classic, with rounded, low lines
inboard lamps are the parking
that pay no tribute to modern
lights. High-intensity liquid jets
wedge shapes.
pop up from the covers’ lower
edges to clean these lighting As at the front, 5-mph bumper
units. protection is smoothly integrated
into the overall shape. The license
The most futuristic element of
plate is flanked by two red lenses:
the front end is its neon turn
at left a rear foglight, at right one
signals, the first ever on a pro-
that illuminates white as the
duction automobile. Aside from
backup light.
their slender, distinctive appear-

The BMW ALPINA ROADSTER V8 offers the following features:

Also as at the front, neon lighting roadster top up, its interior lining
units are the most futuristic helps keep wind noise down to
element here. They are used for a moderate level.
the turn signals and both outer Finally, the Z8’s aerodynamics
brakelights, as well as the high- have been carefully developed to
mounted center brakelight. ensure stability at all speeds.
The faster illumination of neon
means that a driver following a Ergonomics & luxury
Z8/ALPINA ROADSTER V8 at 80 The cockpit concept
mph would see the brakelights This cockpit truly breaks new
about 21 feet sooner than with ground for BMW – yet does so
conventional lights – a potentially by paying unflinching tribute to
decisive factor in reacting quickly classic values.
enough to avoid being rear-ended. Don’t look here for every last
The wraparound form of the luxury feature found in BMW
tail/turn-signal/brakelight units Sedans, Coupes and Sport
also helps ensure visibility from a Wagons. Instead, BMW designers
wide range of angles. and planners have carefully culti-
Large, polished exhaust outlets, vated a feeling – and reality – of
emerging through the lower the classic sports-car cockpit.

apron/aerodynamic diffusor, make There are, of course, many of

a powerful statement about the the contemporary conveniences:
car’s performance potential. power seats and steering-wheel
Under the smooth trunklid, opened adjustment, 1-touch windows, a
electrically from an interior switch premium audio system. Yet in the
or the remote, is a beautifully spirit of re-creating the classic
finished trunk large enough to sports-car experience, BMW has
accommodate two golf bags. been careful not to go too far
See ergonomics & luxury for with these: the seats are 6-way,
details on the trunk’s features. for example, the steering-wheel
Aerodynamics adjustment is telescopic only, the
A classic roadster does not climate-control system manual
achieve a very low coefficient of (and without labeling or numbers
aerodynamic drag (CD); however, on its rotary knobs). A GPS
it does have a relatively small Navigation system and state-
frontal area, so its overall aero- of-the-art phone system are
dynamic drag (wind resistance) standard, but both are normally
is not high. hidden from view and the
The CD, measured with its top navigation system is in compact
up, is 0.43; with the hardtop the form, without color monitor.
CD becomes 0.39. These are The steering wheel, while incor-
excellent numbers for a roadster. porating BMW’s latest airbag
In ALPINA ROADSTER V8, the technology, appears in a delightful
driver and passenger will notice variation on the vintage “banjo”
moderate wind effects with the wheel. Main areas of the dash
top down; with the standard are painted. The instrument
wind deflector in place, there is cluster is centrally positioned.
even less buffeting around the Genuine aluminum graces
occupants’ heads. With the surfaces, handles and knobs.
The array of controls has been

kept to a minimum, and many of along the bottom of the cluster.
them are intentionally not labeled. Appropriately, the fuel and
Of course, all materials are of the temperature gauges contain their
very highest qualities. All in all, own warning lamps.
the Z8/ALPINA ROADSTER’s Power telescopic steering
approach to ergonomics, luxury wheel in evolved ALPINA style
and convenience is at once new Where the Z8 had a thoroughly
and nostalgic. classic wheel with metal “banjo”
Instrument cluster: spokes recalling Thirties-era
classically centered cars, the ALPINA ROADSTER
While remaining true to BMW’s V8 evolves this steering-wheel
tradition of easily readable analog design with a combination of
main instrumentation, the Z8’s upholstered and metal spokes;
instrument cluster has a unique, the wheel’s hub incorporates an
retro graphic look. Even bolder is ALPINA logo.
the cluster’s position in the center Power telescopic adjustment of
of the dash, with the dials angled the wheel is controlled by a
toward the driver. switch on the underside of the
Here, BMW designers wanted to steering column.
create a special vintage feel – Leather/aluminum shift knob


and to give the driver a direct In aluminum and color-keyed
view of the road as in no other leather, the shift knob is the
contemporary vehicle. The perfect control for the responsive
cluster’s contents are as in other automatic transmission.
BMWs, with a large speedometer 6-way power sport seats
and tachometer and smaller dials The seats are contoured and
for fuel level and engine temper- padded for the exceptional
ature. A special Z8 touch is the support needed in a sports car
black-on-white analog clock in of the such dramatic capabilities.
the tachometer face. At night, all In particular, the cushions’ and
four dials are illuminated in a backrests’ side bolsters are
unique way, from their dial centers prominent for a high degree of
outward. As one of the ALPINA lateral support.
ROADSTER’s distinguishing
Six-way power adjustment is
esthetic elements, all instrument
controlled by two ergonomic
dial faces (except that of the
switches on the outboard side of
clock) are in the traditional ALPINA
each seat, in zinc with matte-
blue; an additional blue display,
chrome finish.
directly in front of the driver,
indicates the range (P, R, N, D), Power windows & outside
mode (Automatic or Manual) and mirrors
gear currently engaged. Power-window and -mirror
controls are combined in a switch
BMW’s Service Interval Indicator,
group on the driver’s door. The
with miles-to-service readout as
window control is at the front of
in the 3 Series, appears along
the switch escutcheon, the mirror
with main and trip odometers in
control at the rear; a vertically
the speedometer face. Warning
sliding switch between the two
and indicator lamps are posi-
selects left, right or both as follows:
tioned in the speedometer and
• Left (up) position – left window
tachometer faces, as well as
and mirror

The BMW ALPINA ROADSTER V8 offers the following features:

• Center position – both windows, handbrake boots, and center

no mirrors console are all leather-trimmed;
• Right (down) position – right the seats themselves are in Soft
window and mirror. Nappa leather, which is somewhat
1-touch open and close operation more pliant than the Z8’s already
is provided for the left window, luxurious Nappa leather.
1-touch open for the right window. Special climate-control system
With the selector switch in the The manual climate-control
center position, both windows system meets contemporary
have 1-touch open operation. expectations for heating,
The windows have BMW’s power ventilation and air-conditioning
door-window sealing system; for performance, yet also harmonizes
an explanation, see BMW with the classic esthetic values.
features, page 36. Minimally labeled controls are
The inside rearview mirror is auto- grouped in an attractive aluminum
dimming and includes separately panel at dash center, which also
switched left/right reading lights. includes center air outlets for
individually controlled face-level
Colors and trim
air distribution. From left, the
A striking aspect of the cockpit
main rotary knobs are:
is its use of color-keyed painted

• Blower, with marks indicating

areas and elegant metal trim and
five speeds.
• Temperature, with clockwise
The ALPINA is available in two progression from cold to maxi-
exterior colors: Jet Black and the mum heat.
metallic Titanium Silver. Its avail- • Air distribution –
able interior color schemes • maximum counterclockwise
correspond to three of the Z8’s = dash vents
available four: Crema/Black, • vertical = defrost
Sport Red/Black and Black. In a • maximum clockwise =
specific design connection with footwells
the BMW 507 roadster, the • progressive adjustment of
sweeping upper dash panel is air flaps between settings, so
painted in a color that either that users can choose any
matches the exterior color or is intermediate distribution mix.
coordinated with it, as are the • Program selector, with four
console panel with radio cover, settings –
seat side trim, back of seat • left = recirculating air, air
backrests, and a center panel conditioning off
behind the seats. • vertical = fresh air, a/c off
With the exterior, these panels • 1st step right = fresh air, a/c
exactly match the exterior. With on
the Titanium Silver exterior, they • right = recirculating air, a/c
are finished in Titanium Silver on.
Dark for a subtle contrast. Two pushbuttons, placed
Soft Nappa leather upholstery between the two pairs of rotary
The seats, head restraints, knobs, are used to select
rollover-protection bars, doors, defroster settings and rear-
upper and lower dash, steering window heating (hardtop only).
wheel, shift knob, shifter and

The system includes microfilters Multi Information Radio
to cleanse incoming air of dust, BMW has taken a novel approach
pollen and odors. These are to audio and information systems
located under the hood near the with the Multi Information Radio
windshield and easily replaced, as (MIR). All systems are commanded
required periodically by the BMW from a compact control panel,
maintenance schedule. normally hidden from view by a
It is recommended that the panel at the top of the center
BMW Client Advisor explain the console. When pressed inward,
climate-control system thoroughly this panel glides smoothly
to the client, and call his or her upward to reveal the controls.
attention to the section of the At the center of the panel is a
Owner’s Manual covering it. compact liquid-crystal display
Power lined softtop (LCD). A main menu here lets
An electrohydraulic mechanism users select the audio system,
provides convenient lowering GPS Navigation, phone functions
and raising of the softtop, which or outside-temperature display
is lined for neat interior appear- via a turn-and-push button.
ance and low wind noise when it Preselect buttons under the
is raised. display serve various purposes
according to which system has


Lowering the top is fully automatic.
been selected for control at the
With the ignition switched on
and the vehicle stationary, all
one has to do is press and hold Harman Kardon audio system.
the console switch until the top The audiophile-quality
is folded into its space behind AM/FM/CD audio system
the seats. If the windows are up, includes a Harman Kardon
they lower automatically; the speaker network consisting of –
audio system is automatically set • Wide-band speakers beneath
for top-down operation. the seats (2)
• Woofers in the footwells (2)
Raising the top is semi-automatic.
• Tweeters and subwoofers in
Once the top reaches a certain
the doors (2+2)
point on the way up, it stops. At
• Subwoofers behind the seats
this point, reach up to the head-
er, pull forward gently, and press
the switch there; then the header With the four subwoofers, much
locks automatically into the emphasis has been placed on
windshield frame. bass capability – especially
important in an open-bodied
A molded cover, made of fine
vehicle. Wattage is more than
leather, covers the folded top. It
adequate for demanding audio
must of course be removed
tastes and the open-air driving
before the top can be raised.
Wind deflector
A 6-disc CD changer and the
Carried in its own bag in the
Navigation System’s CD player
trunk, the wind deflector attaches
are in left/right compartments
easily to the rollbars and hooks
behind the seats for convenient
under the molded cover to
changing of discs. Locked for
reduce turbulence around the
security, they are accessible only
occupants’ heads.

The BMW ALPINA ROADSTER V8 offers the following features:

with the vehicle key; specific Trunk features

lighting is provided to facilitate Thanks to the omission of a spare
CD changing by night. wheel and tire, the Z8/ALPINA
GPS Navigation. As in the ROADSTER V8 has a surprisingly
On-board Navigation System of large trunk for a trim sport
other BMW models, the push- roadster. Germany’s auto motor
and-turn knob controls GPS und sport magazine (February
Navigation functions. The GPS 23, 2000) found the trunk
Navigation system operates just adequate for “the weekend
like the monitor-based system of luggage for two persons,” and it
other models, but does not offer can also carry two golf bags.
map displays. Turn-by-turn route True to this car’s character (and
guidance is shown on the screen BMW tradition), the trunk is also
and given verbally as well. beautifully and fully finished in
BMW Cellular Phone System. black or cream according to the
The CPT 8000 system continues cockpit color scheme. A toolkit
as standard equipment. Its is carried there in a traditional
handset is carried in the compart- soft bag, as is the wind deflector.
ment at the rear of the center
Safety & security
console. It is of course hands-free,

and certain dialing functions can Safety features

be controlled from the MIR panel. BMW’s customary emphasis on
Outside-temperature display. active safety – steering,
Selectable at any time, no matter suspension, brakes and stability-
which system is in use. enhancement systems that can
help the driver avoid accidents –
The Dynamic Stability Control endows the ALPINA with an
(DSC) de-activation switch is uncanny ability to obey the
also in this area. driver’s commands. For details
on these aspects, please refer to
handling, ride & braking, begin-
ning on page 302.

In terms of passive-safety and is controlled by a multi-
features, the Z8/ALPINA function remote in the head of
ROADSTER V8 incorporates a the master key. For built-in theft
range of contemporary BMW deterrence, BMW’s much-
concepts, including automatic appreciated central locking is
safety-belt tensioners and force also standard, and BMW has
limiters, a dual-airbag Supple- thoughtfully included both the
mentary Restraint System with glove and phone compartments
2-stage Smart Airbags and in the system. The proven, highly
occupant detection (the effective Coded Driveaway
Differentiated Deployment Protection guards against
system described on pages unauthorized starting of the
41-42), body sides and doors engine or unlocking of the
designed to meet current U.S. steering column.
standards for side impacts, and Removable hardtop
side-impact airbags in the doors. Besides enhancing comfort in
Rollover Protection severe weather, the standard-
Occupant safety in a rollover is equipment hardtop also
enhanced by two fixed structural enhances security from theft
hoops behind the seats. The when installed.
hoops’ internal construction is


strong tubular steel; they are Options & accessories
padded, and covered in color- Factory-installed options
coordinated leather. Adjustable There are no factory options for
head restraints are positioned the BMW ALPINA ROADSTER V8.
just ahead of the hoops. BMW Center-installed
Security features accessories
The Z8/ALPINA ROADSTER V8 Attachable cupholders are avail-
includes a wide range of standard able for fitting to the cockpit.
security features. The alarm
system includes a tilt sensor,

Standard & optional features
Bold in table indicates new feature relative to 2003 Z8.
Performance & efficiency
BMW ALPINA 4.8-liter DOHC 32-valve V-8 engine with –
VANOS 1 steplessly variable intake-valve timing S
Aluminum block & cylinder heads S
Special Motronic ME 7.2 electronic control system S
Special pistons & connecting rods S
Polished intake & exhaust ports S
5-speed SWITCH-TRONIC automatic transmission with
shift-lever & steering-wheel up- & downshift controls S

Handling, ride & braking

Aluminum double-pivot strut-type front suspension with
low-friction balljoints at lateral arms S
4-link integral rear suspension with low-friction balljoints at
upper & lower lateral arms S
Front & rear anti-roll (stabilizer) bars S
Twin-tube gas-pressure shock absorbers S
Engine-speed-sensitive variable-assist, variable-ratio

rack-&-pinion power steering S

4-wheel ventilated disc brakes with 2-piston front calipers S
Dynamic Stability Control (DSC), including all-speed traction
control, electronic brake proportioning, antilock braking
(ABS), Dynamic Brake Control & cornering/avoidance-
stability enhancement S
ALPINA 20-spoke alloy wheels, 20 x 8.5 front/20 x 9.0 rear S
255/35R-20 front / 285/30R-20 rear Y-rated performance tires S
Flat Tire Monitor S

Exterior & aerodynamics
Choice of standard or metallic paint S
Body-color bumpers with hydraulic energy absorbers
(5-mph impact absorption) S
Xenon low-beam headlights with dynamic auto-leveling
(ellipsoid beams with aerodynamic covers) S
High-intensity liquid headlight cleaning system S
Fast-reacting neon exterior lighting: front & rear turn signals,
taillights & brakelights S
Fiber-optic side turn indicators (in “gills”) S
Rear foglight S
Vehicle-speed-sensitive windshield wipers S
Dual power/heated exterior mirrors S
Chrome exterior mirror shells S
Heated driver’s door lock, windshield-washer jets &
windshield-wiper parking area S
Polished stainless-steel exhaust outlets S
Ergonomics, luxury & convenience


Keyless entry with multi-function remote control
(battery charges from vehicle electrical system, requires no
periodic replacement) – S
Selective unlocking S
Remote trunk release S
Doorsill trims with brushed stainless-steel inserts S
Auto-dimming inside rearview mirror S
Courtesy lights with fade-in/fade-out feature, actuation from
remote control, automatic switch-on when engine is turned off;
include footwell lighting S
Exit/entry lights in doors S
Reading lights integrated in inside rearview mirror, separately
controllable left/right S
Lockable glove compartment with rechargeable take-out
flashlight S
Lockable, lighted compartments for 6-disc CD changer &
Navigation System CD player behind seats S
Power telescopic steering wheel with ALPINA design and
logo, SWITCH-TRONIC shift buttons, color-keyed center,
leather-wrapped rim S
Starter button S
S – Standard
1 – VANOS = VAriable NOckenwellen Steuerung = variable camshaft control, or
variable valve timing.

Standard & optional features
Bold in table indicates new feature relative to 2003 Z8.
Ergonomics, luxury & convenience (cont.)
6-way power/heated sport seats (2-stage heating) S
Front center armrest with dual storage compartments &
concealed phone installation S
Closeable storage compartments in doors S
Special ALPINA instrumentation with –
ALPINA blue dial faces S
Satin Chrome trim S
Analog clock in tachometer face S
Night illumination from dial centers S
LCD main & trip odometers S
Service Interval Indicator with miles-to-service readout S
Transmission range, mode & gear indicator S
Multi Information Radio system including –
GPS Navigation S
AM/FM/CD audio system with 10 speakers (incl. 2 subwoofers),
diversity antenna system S
Digital/portable BMW Cellular Phone System S

Outside-temperature display S
Extensive Nappa-leather upholstery & trim in solid or
2-tone colors S
Interior panels color-keyed to exterior S
Coordinated metal trim finishes & components throughout interior S
Heating/ventilation/air-conditioning system with center dash
vents integrated into control panel S
Activated-charcoal microfilter ventilation (dual filters) S
Power windows with 1-touch open/close driver’s window
(anti-trapping feature), 1-touch open passenger’s window;
key-off operation
Power side-window sealing system S
Lined power roadster softtop with fully automatic opening,
semi-automatic closing S
Leather molded cover for folded softtop S
Wind deflector, attachable to Rollover Protection bars S
Removable hardtop with heated rear window S
Attachable cupholders C
Fully finished trunk with color-keyed trim, toolkit & storage
space under carpeted floor S

Safety & security
Dual front-impact airbag Supplementary Restraint System (SRS)
with dual-threshold deployment & 2-stage Smart Airbags S
Safety belts with automatic tensioners & force limiters S
Side-impact airbags S
Integrated deployment logic for safety-belt tensioners, airbags
& post-impact safety measures S
Rollover Protection with leather-covered bars S
Battery Safety Terminal S
Central locking system with double-lock anti-theft feature &
selective unlocking; glove compartment & phone compartment
included in system for security with softtop down S
Locking compartments for CD changer & Navigation System
CD player S
Coded Driveaway Protection S
Alarm system with operation from keyhead remote S
S – Standard
C – Available from BMW Center


Bold in table indicates new specification relative to 2003 Z8.
Curb weight, lb.:
Without hardtop 3571
With hardtop 3630
Weight distribution, front/rear, % 49.9/50.1
Wheelbase, in. 98.6
Track, front/rear, in. 61.1/61.7
Length x width x height, in. 173.2 x 72.0 x 51.9
Type Aluminum space frame,
aluminum body panels
Aerodynamic drag coefficient 0.43 (softtop raised)
0.39 (hardtop installed)
EPA size classification 2-Seater
Seating capacity, persons 2
Shoulder room, in. 55.2

Head room, in. (softtop up) 37.2

Leg room, in. 42.8
EPA interior volume, cu ft. 51.1
EPA cargo volume, cu ft. 5.1
Engine & electrical
Engine type DOHC 32-valve (4-cam) V-8,
VANOS 1 steplessly variable
intake-valve timing
Bore x stroke, mm/in. 93.0 x 89.0/3.66 x 3.50
Displacement, cu in./cc 4837/295

Engine & electrical (cont.)
Compression ratio 10.5:1
Power @ rpm, hp SAE net 375 @ 5800
Torque @ rpm, lb-ft. 383 @ 3800
Engine-management system BOSCH Motronic ME 7.2 with
knock control; variable valve
timing, engine cooling & other
functions included in control
Fuel requirement Premium unleaded
Fuel capacity, U.S. gal. 19.3
Battery capacity, amp-hr. 90
Alternator output, amp./W 120/1680
Drive system Front engine/rear drive
Automatic transmission ZF 5HP24EH, 5-speed
SWITCH-TRONIC with Adaptive
Transmission Control &


selectable Manual mode
Ratios: 1st 3.57:1
2nd 2.20:1
3rd 1.51:1
4th 1.00:1
5th 0.83:1
Reverse 4.10:1
Final drive ratio 3.38:1
1 – VANOS = VAriable NOckenwellen Steuerung = variable camshaft control, or variable
valve timing.

Bold in table indicates new specification relative to 2003 Z8.
Front suspension Sport suspension in aluminum;
struts, double-pivot lower arms
with low-friction balljoints at pivot
points, coil springs, twin-tube
gas-pressure shock absorbers,
anti-roll bar; aluminum subframe
Rear suspension Sport suspension; 4-link integral
system with low-friction balljoints
at pivots of upper lateral arms,
lower lateral arm, twin-tube
gas-pressure shock absorbers,
anti-roll bar
Steering type Variable-ratio rack & pinion, engine-
speed-sensitive power assist
Overall ratio Variable; mean ratio 20.5:1
Turns lock-to-lock 3.0
Turning circle, ft. 38.7
Antilock braking system with
4-wheel ventilated discs &

electronic brake proportioning:

Diameter, front/rear, in. 13.1/12.9
Assist Vacuum
Wheels Cast alloy, 20 x 8.5H2 front /
20 x 9.0H2 rear
Tires Performance radials,
255/35R-20 Y-rated front /
285/30R-20 Y-rated rear
Stability-enhancement system Dynamic Stability Control (DSC),
including all-speed traction control,
electronic brake proportioning,
antilock braking (ABS), Dynamic
Brake Control & cornering/
avoidance-stability enhancement

Performance data
Acceleration, 0-60 mph, sec.,
manufacturer’s data 2 5.0
Top speed, mph 161 3
Fuel economy, EPA est. MPG,
city/highway 14/21
2 – BMW AG test results. Actual acceleration results may vary depending on specification
of vehicle; road & environmental conditions; test procedures and driving style. These
results should be used for comparison only, and verification should not be attempted
on public roads. BMW urges you to obey all posted speed limits and to please wear
your safety belt at all times.
3 – Electronically limited.


Exterior/interior color combinations

2003 7 Series
Exterior colors
Interior colors Standard colors Metallic colors
Alpine Jet Orient Titanium
White Black Blue Silver
300 668 317 354
Nasca leather 1
Black/Black U6SW   
Basalt Gray/Flannel Gray U6FA    
Dark Blue/Natural Brown U6NG 
Dark Beige/Beige III U6BA   
Basalt Gray/Stone Green U6GN

Pearl leather 1 (Sport Package)

Black/Black V7SW   
Basalt Gray/Flannel Gray V7FA    
Dark Beige/Beige II V7GE   
Basalt Gray/Stone Green V7GN
1 – First & second colors are trim colors; Optional 745i/Li high-gloss Ash wood
second color is leather color. interior trim:
Standard 745i/Li matte-finish Black Cherry  – light
wood interior trim:  – dark
 – light
 – dark

2003 5 Series
Exterior colors
Interior colors Standard colors Metallic colors
Alpine Jet Orient Titanium
White Black Blue Silver

300 668 317 1 354

Sand K4SN   
Black K4SW    

Montana leather
Sand N6SN   
Black N6SW    
Gray N6TT    
Stone Green/Black 07GN 2 
 – Combination available 2 – Stone Green on seats & door inserts;
Blank space – Combination not available Black on dash, console, carpeting,
1 – Available as of 3/03 production. door ledges & rear package shelf.

Metallic colors
Oxford Slate Sterling Black Kalahari Toledo Titanium Chiaretto
Green Green Gray Sapphire Beige Blue Gray Red
430 449 472 475 481 482 892 894


All 760Li interiors have the same high-gloss
Ash wood interior trim with two color tones
& inlays; exterior/interior paint & upholstery
color combinations same as for 745i/Li.
Blank space – Combination not available

Metallic colors
Topaz Oxford Slate Sterling Black Kalahari Blue
Blue Green Green Gray Sapphire Beige Water

364 430 449 472 475 481 896



Exterior/interior color combinations

2003 3 Series Sedans & Sport Wagons

2004 3 Series Coupes & Convertibles
Exterior colors
Interior colors Standard colors
Alpine Imola Electric Jet
White Red Red Black
300 405 1 438 2 668
Sand K4HC   
Black K4SW   
Anthracite/Black G7AT   
Montana leather
Sand N6HC    
Black N6SW    
Gray N6TT    
Natural Brown N6NG    
All models:
 – Combination available
Blank space – Combination not available
Convertibles available with:
 – Black softtop
 – Dark Blue softtop
1 – Available only on 330i Sedan with Performance Package.
2 – Not available in combination with 330i Sedan Performance Package.

Metallic colors
Orient Titanium Steel Oxford Gray Black Mystic Silver
Blue Silver Blue Green Green Sapphire Blue Gray
317 354 372 2 430 442 2 475 A07 A08





Exterior/interior color combinations

2003 Z4 roadster
Exterior colors
Interior color/trim Standard colors
Alpine Bright Jet Urban
White Red Black Green
300 314 668 A04
(2.5i only)
(2.5i only)
Active Sport
Pearl Gray/Black
Maldives Blue/Gray
High Performance
Dream Red
(3.0i only)
Extended High

Dream Red
 – Black top
 – Beige top (power top only)
 – Gray top (power top only)

Metallic colors
Maldives Titanium Sterling Black Toledo Merlot
Blue Silver Gray Sapphire Blue Red
290 354 472 475 482 A02










Exterior/interior color combinations

2003 M3 coupe & convertible

Exterior colors
Interior colors Standard colors
Alpine Imola Laguna Jet
White Red Seca Blue Black
300 405 448 668
coupe only
Nappa leather/
M Cloth
Black G8AT    
coupe & convertible
Extended Nappa
Black N5SW    
Imola Red N5IM   
Cinnamon N5ZM  
Gray N5TT    
 – Combination available  – Dark Blue softtop
Convertible available with: Blank space – Combination not available
 – Black softtop

2003 M5
Exterior colors
Interior colors Standard colors Metallic colors
Alpine Imola Jet Titanium Le Mans
White Red Black Silver Blue
300 405 668 354 381
Sport Interior
(Nappa Point
Extended Leather)

Black 05SW     
Imola Red 05IM   
Silverstone 05SS   
Le Mans Blue 05LB   
Luxury Interior
(Nappa Heritage
All Leather)
Black M1SW     
Caramel M1CR     
 – Combination available
Blank space – Combination not available

Metallic colors
Titanium Carbon Oxford Phoenix Mystic Silver
Silver Black Green Yellow Blue Gray
354 416 430 445 A07 A08



Metallic colors
Carbon Oxford Sterling Chiaretto Blue
Black Green Gray Red Water
416 430 472 894 896



Exterior/interior color combinations


Exterior colors
Interior colors 1 Standard colors Metallic colors
Jet Titanium
Black Silver
668 354
Soft Nappa leather
Crema/Black P1CS  
Sport Red/Black
Black P1SW  2
 – Black softtop
 – Beige softtop
Blank space – Combination not available
1 – Color of painted trim inside cockpit
matches exterior color, except that trim
is Titanium Silver Dark with Titanium
Silver exterior.
2 – Black trim may be ordered with this
exterior/exterior combination.

BMW Certified Pre-Owned Vehicles

One of the 1990s’ most important at a BMW Center. Both the

developments in the U.S. auto inspecting Technician and the
market is the rise of the market BMW Center’s Service Manager
for premium pre-owned vehicles. must sign the Certified Inspection
This market’s growth is a result of Checklist. The completed check-
several key industry and societal list should be available for the
trends: prospect to inspect during the
• The durability, quality and relia- sales process.
bility of new cars has improved As part of the CPO BMW Vehicle
dramatically. Cars are not only Program, a vehicle will be covered
better; they also last longer. by BMW NA’s Certified Pre-Owned
• Baby Boomers need to put BMW Protection Plan, which is
money aside for their retirement, similar to the BMW New Vehicle
to pay for their children’s college Limited Warranty though not as
education, and to help care for comprehensive. This Plan takes
their aging parents. They are effect immediately upon the
thus forced to be more prudent expiration of the new-car warranty,
and value-oriented in their and covers the vehicle for up to
spending decisions. 2 additional years or 50,000
• New-car price escalation has miles (whichever comes first).
forced manufacturers to turn to Under the Protection Plan (which
leasing to make their products covers defects in workmanship or
affordable. Cars that come off materials in most of the vehicle’s
lease (typically after 30-36 major electrical, powertrain and
months) enter the pre-owned mechanical systems), covered
market and offer a more afford- repairs are handled by a BMW
able alternative to a new car. Center much as they would be
These factors have led several under the new-car warranty. The
makers of high-end vehicles to CPO plan also includes BMW
institute programs for Certified Roadside Assistance for the
Pre-Owned Vehicles. Typically, additional 2-year/50,000-mile
Certified Pre-Owned (CPO) Vehicles period.
have undergone inspection and BMW NA launched its CPO BMW
reconditioning to varying degrees, Vehicle Program in 1996. Vehicle
depending upon the manufacturer sales have grown steadily ever
and program, and carry some since; BMW now leads the
kind of warranty or protection luxury/performance segment in
plan. Studies have shown that CPO sales. Since its inception, the
customers in the market for a CPO program has been further
pre-owned vehicle overwhelmingly developed to respond to buyers’
prefer to purchase it from a new- increasing tendency to use the
car dealer with a manufacturer’s Internet for their shopping.
CPO program.
Many new-car purchases now
To qualify as a Certified Pre- begin with information-gathering
Owned BMW, a pre-owned on the Internet; now BMW is
Other BMW products

BMW must have no more than moving to facilitate online shop-

60,000 miles on it and be no ping for CPO vehicles as well.
more than five years old from its The new Certified Pre-Owned
in-service date. A car becomes section of BMW’s “Virtual Center”
Certified only after it passes a website ( helps
thorough Certification Inspection consumers find accurate

BMW Certified Pre-Owned Vehicles

information about pre-owned BMW’s CPO program also wins

BMWs, search for a particular in that it is the most successful
BMW model, and locate a CPO in the industry; in the first three
BMW in their area. To learn about months of 2003, am impressive
availability of desired vehicles, the 15,203 BMW CPO vehicles were
user enters his or her zip code sold – a 22.5% increase over the
and some basic information about same period in 2002. Recently,
the vehicle desired (such as BMW of North America launched
Series, body style, price range a comprehensive ad campaign
and transmission type). A search designed to build on this
mechanism then matches the impressive record.
customer’s preferences with The new television ads, for
vehicles in a database of all CPO example, were shot specifically
BMWs available at the time. for the Pre-Owned program
If the desired vehicle is not instead of utilizing footage created
available nearby (within 25 miles for new-vehicle advertising as
of the customer’s zip code), one had been done in the past. Four
can expand the search up to a 30-second TV commercials
500-mile radius. If it still isn’t began airing in late April in major
available, the customer can ask markets such as Atlanta, Boston,
to be placed on a waitlist and be Los Angeles, New York and San
notified by e-mail when the vehicle Francisco. BMW NA is paying
becomes available. The program is 50% of the media costs for BMW
a “win-win” proposition for cus- Center groups that want to run
tomers and BMW Centers alike: the ads.
• Customers win because they New CPO print ads made their
now have access to a large debut in June, appearing in the
supply of affordable, exciting, Wall Street Journal, USA Today
high-quality BMW automobiles. and national magazines such as
• BMW Centers win because Business Week, Kiplinger’s
they can offer a premium class Personal Finance, Money,
of pre-owned vehicles that will National Geographic Adventure
increase their profits and and Time. Further elements of
attract new customers to the the advertising strategy include
BMW brand. radio commercials on a regional
• BMW wins because we extend basis plus banners on AOL,
our brand to new customers, Google and the Kelley Blue Book
protect our residuals, and build website.
a broader base of satisfied
For further information on the CPO
customers for the future.
BMW Vehicle Program, contact
Bill Bates at 201-307-4067.
Other BMW products

BMW Accessories

BMW offers an extensive, • License-plate frames

enticing line of Accessories and • Lockable wheel nuts
Boutique items. For the latest • Mud flaps
information, see the Original • Nose masks
BMW Accessories brochures. • Rollover Protection bars (Z3
(To order, call 609-409-2737 only)
and ask for the newest edition.) • Roof-rack systems
Various brochures covering items • Sheepskin seat covers
for specific models or alloy • Speedster cover (Z3 only)
wheels for example, are also • Sunshade for windshield
available. • Sun/wind deflectors
Here’s a sampling of current • Tire-pressure gauge
products: • Trailer-hitch kit (5 Series Sport
BMW Accessories Wagon only)
• Aerodynamic body kits • Trunk mats
• Alarm systems • Trunk storage systems
• Alloy wheels • Wood & leather steering
• Aluminum pedals wheels
• Bicycles that fold: • Wood interior trim
• Mountain Boutique items include:
• Tandem • Books
• BMW Universal Transceiver • Caps & visors
• Car-care products • Clocks
• Car covers • Coffee mugs
• Cassette holders • Golf accessories
• CD changers • Golf balls
• CD travel cases • Jackets
• Cellular phones • Key chains
• Chrome exhaust trim • Leather articles
• Clear lenses for exterior lamps • Luggage
• Clear protective coatings • Luggage nets
• Coat hangers • Model cars
• Convertible/Roadster hardtop • Money clips
& storage kit • Polo shirts
• Convertible wind deflector • Shift knobs
• Cotton-poly seat covers • Sunglasses
• Cupholders • Sweaters
• Decklid spoilers • Sweatshirts
• First-aid kit • T-shirts
• Floor mats • Trunk mats
• Foglights • Umbrellas
• Gearshift knobs • Watches
Other BMW products

BMW Motorcycles

Only three of the world’s carmakers In 1998, BMW entered the largest
also build motorcycles: BMW, and fastest-growing market
Suzuki and Honda. Of these, segment with its first cruiser: the
BMW has by far the longest and R 1200 C, which quickly became
richest history and heritage. In BMW’s best-selling model. The
fact, BMW has been making editors of Popular Science picked
motorcycles longer than cars. the BMW cruiser as one of their
The tradition dates back to 1923, Best of What’s New for 1998.
when a talented engineer named And for 2000, BMW introduced
Max Friz created the first BMW its first Boxer for the millennium,
motorcycle: the R 32. Its 2-cylinder the R 1150 GS. This on-/offroad
horizontally opposed engine (flat Adventure Tourer’s roots extend
twin or “Boxer”) nestled in a back to the early 1980s, when
frame made from two loops of BMW won what is widely consid-
oval tubing. The engine’s cylinders, ered the most difficult race on
projecting to the sides, were the planet (the Paris-Dakar rally)
efficiently cooled by the airstream. four times in a row. With a
A shaft drove the rear wheel. specially prepared example of
its newest motorcycle line, the
So brilliant was this Boxer concept
F Series, BMW returned to this
that BMW still builds it, as one of
competition and won once again
three distinct motorcycle Series.
in 1999. This F Series, powered
In the early Nineties, BMW intro-
by a single-cylinder, 650-cc engine,
duced a new-generation Boxer,
is ideal for on- and offroad, urban
ensuring a place for this classic
commuting, and entry-level riders.
at the vanguard of motorcycling
For 2003, it comes in three models,
well into the 21st century. Called
the top one (F 650 GS Dakar)
the R Series, the Boxer line has
named for its racing heritage.
been expanded step-by-step to
arrive at today’s line of six models. In 1988, BMW introduced the
The fully equipped R 1100 RT tourer, world’s first motorcycle antilock
now evolved into the R 1150 RT, braking system (ABS) on the
has received numerous accolades. 4-cylinder K Series. In 1993, this
Over four straight years, it has system was followed by the
won awards from top motorcycle enhanced 2nd-generation ABS.
magazines: Cycle World named And as of the 2001 model year,
it Best Touring Bike, Rider rated the ABS was again updated, to a
it Top Liter-Class Sport-Tourer, revolutionary 3rd-generation
and Motorcyclist proclaimed it motorcycle system called Integral
Best Sport-Tourer. ABS that sets new standards in
brake technology and active
riding safety. Integral ABS is now
standard on several BMW motor-
cycle models, optional on others.
Other BMW products

Over the years the K line has Just as with BMW automobiles,
evolved, maintaining its position BMW’s environmental conscious-
as a technological leader in the ness is reflected in BMW motor-
motorcycle industry. Powered by cycles. All current models have
a liquid-cooled inline 4-cylinder electronic engine management,
engine, the K 1200 RS produces which not only reduces exhaust
130 horsepower and is perhaps emissions but improves fuel
the finest sport-touring motorcycle economy as well. Every model
in the world. Its stablemate, the also has a 3-way catalytic
K 1200 LT Luxury Tourer, was converter with closed-loop
introduced in 1999 and has emission control, even though
garnered several Motorcycle of this is not required by regulations.
the Year awards from top The current line consists of:
publications such as Rider and F Series
Motorcycle Consumer News. It (single-cylinder, liquid-cooled)
was also named Best Touring F 650 GS 652 cc, 50 hp
Bike in Cycle World’s Ten Best F 650 CS 652 cc, 50 hp
for 1999, and the Robb Report F 650 GS Dakar 652 cc, 50 hp
accorded the K 1200 LT its Best
R Series
of the Best honor.
(twin-cylinder Boxer, air-cooled)
More recently, Bill Stermer wrote R 1150 R 1130 cc, 85 hp
a glowing review of the K 1200 LT R 1150 GS 1130 cc, 85 hp
in the May ’03 issue of the Robb R 1150 RS 1130 cc, 95 hp
Report. Among Stermer’s R 1150 RT 1130 cc, 95 hp
comments: R 1100 S 1085 cc, 98 hp
• “To call BMW’s K 1200 LT a R 1200 C 1170 cc, 61 hp
two-wheeled equivalent of the K Series
company’s four-wheeled (inline 4-cylinder, liquid-cooled)
7 Series would be an accurate K 1200 RS 1171 cc, 130 hp
comparison. In addition to K 1200 LT 1171 cc, 100 hp
having a wide taillight and
For more information on BMW
BMW’s trademark kidney grille,
motorcycles, call 800-345-4BMW.
the LT also swathes you in
Or visit our website at
comfort and surrounds you
with technology. You are
cosseted with heated seats,
cruise control, and a CD
• “For all the luxuries that the
7 Series shares with the LT, the
top-of-the-line $115,000 760Li
cannot provide the pure,
visceral, open-air exhilaration
experienced by twisting the
throttle on the $22,500 Exodus
Other BMW products

model of the LT line and

leading into a corner. That
sensation is priceless.”

Backing the product:
the BMW Warranty

All 2003 and 2004 BMWs sold Rust-Perforation

by BMW of North America, Inc. Limited Warranty
are covered by several compre- BMW NA warrants a new vehicle
hensive warranties, as follows: to be free of defects in materials
New-Vehicle Limited Warranty or workmanship which will result
BMW of North America, LLC in rust perforation of the vehicle
(BMW NA) warrants vehicles body for a period of six years,
distributed by BMW NA, or sold without mileage limitation,
through the BMW NA European commencing with the date the
Delivery program, to be free of vehicle is first licensed or placed
defects in material or workman- in service as a demonstrator or
ship for a period of four years or company vehicle. To obtain
50,000 miles, whichever comes service under this warranty, the
first. This Limited Warranty vehicle must be brought to the
begins on the date of the first service department of any
retail sale or the date the vehicle authorized BMW Center upon
is first placed in service as a discovery of any rust perforation.
demonstrator or company vehicle, In order to keep this warranty in
whichever is earlier. effect, the vehicle must be inspect-
ed at every BMW Inspection II
Items subject to wear and tear,
(at least every two years).
or deterioration due to driving
habits or conditions, are specifi- Emissions-System
cally limited to defects in material Defect Warranty
or workmanship. BMW NA warrants to the first retail
purchaser, and each subsequent
purchaser, that the vehicle (a) was
Tires are warranted by their
designed, built and equipped so
manufacturers as detailed in the
as to conform, at the time of sale,
applicable tire manufacturer’s
with all regulations of the U.S.
warranty statement. Should a
Environmental Protection Agency
customer experience difficulty in
applicable at the time of manu-
obtaining warranty service from
facture and (b) is free from defects
a tire manufacturer, his or her
in materials and workmanship
BMW Center will assist.
which would cause it to fail to
Towing & other owner benefits: conform with applicable regulations
A 24-hour Roadside Assistance for a period of 2 years or 24,000
Program is available to every BMW miles, whichever occurs first,
owner during the new-vehicle except for specific emission-
warranty period. Roadside control components, for which
Assistance and other owner the warranty period is 8 years
benefits are available by calling or 80,000 miles, whichever
800-332-4269 (800-332-4BMW). occurs first.

Emissions Performance Repair
Warranty To obtain service under any of
BMW NA warrants that if the car these warranties, the vehicle
is eligible for coverage under this must be brought to the service
warranty, any non-conformities in department of any authorized
the car which cause it to fail an BMW Center.
EPA-approved emissions test For more information
will, without charge for parts or For details on these warranties,
labor (including diagnosis), be refer to the Service and Warranty
adjusted, repaired, or replaced, Information Statement for the
at the option of BMW NA, to appropriate model and year.
proper specifications, in order
to make the vehicle comply with
applicable emissions standards.
California Emission-Control-
System Limited Warranty
Vehicles registered and operated
primarily in California are warranted
by a specific California Emissions

BMW NA telephone numbers

National headquarters Technical Assistance hotline
201-307-4000 (for BMW Retail Center service
Western region technicians only)
909-975-7300 800-472-7222
Central region BMW Customer Assistance Center
847-310-2700 800-831-1117
Eastern region
Southern region



New-Vehicle Warranty 48 4 years/50,000 miles
Rust-Perforation Warranty 72 6 years/unlimited mileage

Federal Emission Warranty

• All Emission-
Related Parts 24 2 yrs/24,000 mi
• Specific Control Devices 60 8 years/80,000 miles
California Emission-Control
Warranty *
• All Emission-Related Parts 36 3 years/50,000 miles
• Specific Control Devices 84 7 years/70,000 miles

* The California Emissions Control System 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000
Limited Warranty applies to all 2003-2004
U.S.-specification BMW vehicles sold, Mileage
leased and/or registered in California,
Summary of BMW Limited Warranties

Massachusetts or Vermont.
BMW Maintenance Programs

All 2003 and 2004 BMW models In addition, the program covers
are covered by the Full Mainte- items which need replacement
nance Program for 4 years or because of normal wear and tear
50,000 miles, whichever occurs and which are not covered by
first. Coverage begins on the date the Original New Vehicle Limited
of first retail sale or the date the Warranty, such as brake pads,
vehicle is first placed in service brake rotors, battery, wiper
as a demonstrator or company blades, external engine belts and
vehicle, whichever is earlier. clutch; these are included provid-
Any authorized BMW Center in ed wear and tear exceeds BMW
the United States or Puerto Rico specifications. Any adjustment
will perform the scheduled or required by normal operating
additional maintenance services conditions is also included.
covered by the Program in effect Maintenance intervals
for the vehicle at no expense to Intervals are determined by the
the customer. The maintenance BMW Service Interval Indicator,
intervals are based on normal which appears in two forms in
driving conditions and operation. the various current models:
Should the customer request either as a sequence of LEDs
more frequent maintenance that indicate how much mileage
service, the cost of the services or time remains before service is
will not be covered by the required, or as a direct miles-to-
Maintenance Program. service readout. For information
Coverage on the 7 Series’ more extensive
Full Maintenance includes service indications, see page 65.
Scheduled Maintenance and The BMW Service and Warranty
more. The Scheduled Mainte- Information Statement should be
nance is as follows (for particu- presented to the BMW Center
lars, refer to the current when maintenance is required.
Maintenance Booklet): The BMW Center will stamp this
• Oil Service book to document the services
• Inspections I & II or maintenance performed.
• Brake Fluid Service
• Cooling System Service.

BMW Maintenance Programs

Exclusions • Altered or unreadable Vehicle

• Items reimbursable to the Identification Number, or
customer under the New Vehicle odometer irregularities, or
Limited Warranty vehicles on which the true
• Gasoline and gasoline additives mileage cannot be determined
• Windshield-washer additive, • Maintenance or repair after the
except when in conjunction vehicle is deemed a total loss
with scheduled maintenance • Maintenance or repairs
• Tires, wheel alignment, tire performed by other than an
balance and rotation authorized BMW Center
• Wear and tear of soft trim within the United States or
items, such as seats, carpets, Puerto Rico
moldings, headliner and door • Vehicles used in competitive
panels; and all chrome trim events
• Damage detected when • Oil changes performed outside
performing the rust-perforation the recommended maintenance
inspection intervals as indicated by the
• Damage due to poor fuel Service Interval Indicator.
quality, abuse, misuse, neglect, Please note that a BMW
alteration, fire, accident, flood, Maintenance Program is not a
improper repair or negligence, warranty and can not be referred
and installation of non-BMW to as such for legal reasons.

Care for the BMW driver:
BMW Roadside Assistance

Even the most reliable and durable
vehicle may someday need road-
side attention. Should this happen,
BMW Roadside Assistance is
ready to help. Here is a summary
of the services and benefits offered
by BMW Roadside Assistance.
Service/Benefit Notes/Limitations
• Emergency towing and/or Towing to nearest BMW Center,
wrecker service for mechanical or to Center of choice if located
breakdowns and accidents within 50 miles of disablement
is provided free of charge site.
• On-site assistance for: Limited to $100 per incident
– Changing flat tires
– Jump-starting
– Out of gasoline
• Emergency locked-out Up to $100 per locksmith
service, or towing to incident, or towing as
authorized BMW Center described above
• Trip-interruption protection for For mechanical breakdowns
reimbursement of lodging, meals, covered under warranty when
substitute transportation, and 100 miles or more from home.
travel to bring car and driver Limit $750 per incident up to
together after repairs by 5 days.
BMW Center.
• Multi-driver protection At no extra cost
• Car-rental discounts According to current offers
• Renewable beyond warranty Available for $69.90 per year
period with additional
coverage included
Owners of Certified Pre-Owned
BMW vehicles can find full details
about BMW Roadside Assistance
in the Consumer Information
Statement provided by their BMW
Center at the time of delivery.
The toll-free Roadside Assistance
number is:
800-332-4BMW (800-332-4269)

BMW Assist

Through model year 2002, BMW Roadside Assistance. If the

Assist services have been avail- driver needs assistance (events
able to customers using vehicles such as flat tire, out of fuel, etc.),
equipped with the Onboard he or she may activate the Assist
Navigation System and the CPT or Roadside Assistance button
8000 BMW Cellular Phone System on the monitor under Main Menu
(pre-2002 7 Series; 3 and 5 Series selection Assist, or (in the 7 Series)
including M versions) or the via BMW Assist in the iDrive
iDrive system (2002 7 Series). monitor. The hardware will transmit
Customers received BMW Assist the location and relevant vehicle
services for 3 years from the information to the Response
original vehicle in-service date, Center; a qualified representative
and paid the airtime charges via will coordinate dispatch of assis-
their own service provider. tance to the vehicle location.
Beginning with 2003 models, Customer Relations/Your BMW
BMW enhances this program Center. Users of 2002 and later
with the addition of Concierge 7 Series models can place a
Services, and will pay for just the voice call to BMW Customer
initial year of BMW Assist services. Relations or their preferred BMW
The BMW Assist services include: Center by selecting the appropri-
Automatic collision notification. ate button on the iDrive monitor
In the event of airbag deployment, under Main Menu selection BMW
the in-vehicle hardware will auto- Assist. The BMW Center
matically transmit the location programs these numbers into
and relevant information to the the vehicle as part of the pre-
BMW Assist Response Center. delivery preparation.
A qualified representative will try New as of 2003: Concierge
to contact the driver, and will Services. Around the clock,
coordinate dispatch of police, fire BMW users can now call upon
and/or medical emergency BMW for just about anything on
services to the location, even if their personal or business task
unable to communicate with the list. From travel planning/trip
driver. routing to dining reservations,
Emergency service. Vehicle errand running to household
occupants may also request services, shopping assistance
police, fire and/or emergency and event tickets – one call to a
medical services by activating toll-free number from any phone
the Emergency button on the gets BMW owners help when
onboard monitor under Main they need it.
Menu selection Emergency, or (in After the initial year’s BMW Assist
the 7 Series) pressing the SOS services, the annual fee will be
button in the overhead console. $199. This is a change from the
The hardware will then transmit previous offering, for which
the location and relevant vehicle owner fees did not begin until the
information to the Response 4th year but which did not
Center; a qualified representative include the Concierge Services.
will contact the occupants,
coordinate dispatch, notify any
emergency contacts on file, and
link BMW Roadside Assistance
as needed and requested.

Warranty & Roadside Assistance
BMW vs. the competition

(Data as of May 1, 2003)
Basic Powertrain Corrosion Roadside Other
(yr./mi.) /major (yr./mi.) Assistance features
component w/ 24-hour
(yr./mi.) 800 number 1
BMW 4/50,000 4/50,000 6/unlimited YES 2, 3, 4
Acura 4/50,000 4/50,000 5/unlimited YES
Audi 4/50,000 4/50,000 12/unlimited YES 5
Cadillac 4/50,000 4/50,000 6/100,000 YES 6
Chevrolet 3/36,000 /
Truck/GMC 3/36,000 3/36,000 6/100,000 YES 6
Ford 3/36,000 3/36,000 7 5/unlimited YES
Honda 3/36,000 3/36,000 5/unlimited OPT 8
Infiniti 4/60,000 6/70,000 7/unlimited YES 9
Jaguar 4/50,000 4/50,000 6/unlimited YES
Jeep/Chrysler 3/36,000 3/36,000 5/100,000 YES
Land Rover 4/50,000 4/50,000 6/unlimited YES
Lexus 4/50,000 6/70,000 6/unlimited YES 9
Lincoln 4/50,000 4/50,000 5/unlimited YES 10
Mazda 3/50,000 3/50,000 5/unlimited YES
Mercedes-Benz 4/50,000 4/50,000 4/50,000 YES 11
Mitsubishi 3/36,000 5/60,000 7/100,000 12 Towing only
Nissan 3/36,000 5/60,000 5/unlimited OPT 8
Porsche 4/50,000 4/50,000 10/unlimited YES 13
Saab 4/50,000 4/50,000 6/unlimited 14 YES 15
Toyota 3/36,000 5/60,000 5/unlimited NO 16
Volkswagen 4/50,000 5/60,000 12/unlimited 17 YES 18
Volvo 4/50,000 4/50,000 8/unlimited YES 9, 19, 20

1 – For duration of basic warranty unless 11 – Includes scheduled maintenance for

noted under “other features.” 4 years/50,000 miles; basic warranty
2 – Can be extended by BMW Service Card. coverage includes battery, tires, wheel
3 – Includes Full Maintenance Program for alignment & other wear-and-tear items.
4 years/50,000 miles. Roadside Assistance includes all
4 – See pages 340-342 for details on BMW covered services during warranty, then
Maintenance Programs, Roadside “get-started” services for remainder of
Assistance & BMW Assist. life of car.
5 – Includes scheduled maintenance (only) 12 – Corrosion (as opposed to perforation)
for 4 years/50,000 miles. Roadside covered for only 5 years/60,000 miles.
Assistance for 3 years/unlimited 13 – Paint finish guaranteed for 3 years/
mileage. unlimited mileage.
6 – No coverage for tire-change, jump-start 14 – 9-3 sedan 10 years/unlimited mileage.
or out-of-gasoline service. BMW provides 15 – Adjustment and wear-item coverage
this service and imposes no cost limit. for 1 year/16,000 miles.
7 – Ford Focus powertrain warranty is 16 – Roadside assistance for duration of
5 years/100,000 miles. basic warranty with Prius only; this
8 – Roadside Assistance provided only model also carries a 90-month/100,000-
with available Extended Service Plan. mile warranty on its hybrid powertrain
9 – Roadside Assistance for 4 years/ components.
unlimited miles. 17 – EuroVan 8/unlimited, Cabrio 6/unlimited.
10 – Includes full maintenance (only) for 3 18 – Adjustment and wear-item coverage
years/36,000 miles. for 1 year/12,000 miles.
19 – Purchaser also receives a life-insurance
policy for 4 years.
20 – Includes full maintenance for 4 years/
50,000 miles.

Europe’s most exciting attraction:
the BMW European Delivery Program

BMW’s European Delivery program BMW European Delivery cus-

means exploring Europe at your tomers can now enjoy an
own pace – savoring the perfor- exclusive European driving tour
mance of your BMW on the developed by Conde Nast Traveler
Autobahn...the excitement of in conjunction with Valerie Wilson
climbing an Alpine pass...a leisurely Travel, Inc. Choose from three
drive through lovely villages on custom-designed 6-day/5-night
cobblestone streets. Your itineraries that begin behind the
customers can wave goodbye to wheel of a new BMW. The
the timetables of trains and tour itineraries are:
buses; explore Europe at their • The Lakes – Munich to Milan
own speed and on their own via Lucerne and Lake Como
terms; and save up to 7% off the • The Swiss Alps – Munich to
base retail price. The maximum Lausanne via Zürich and
stay is 6 months; there are 19 Interlaken
convenient drop-off locations • Epicurean Delight – Munich to
around Europe. Paris via Baden-Baden and
Customers can pick up their new Reims.
cars at BMW’s Delivery Center, Your customers can now lease
just a few minutes from downtown their European Delivery BMW
Munich. The purchase price through BMW Financial Services
includes: at the same rates as for vehicles
• Tourist registration of vehicle delivered in the U.S.
• Insurance for 30 days
Product literature, both Center
• Inland transportation to European
materials and consumer materials,
port for shipment home
is available by order through the
• Ocean freight
website “” or
• Marine insurance and port
by calling Sales Support
Services at 609-409-2737.
• Customs duty and clearance
• Wharfage and handling fees. In the near future, the European
To be eligible for the program, Delivery experience will become
the customer must: even more appealing as the new
• Be a resident of the United and exciting BMW Event and
States Delivery Center opens in Munich.
• Be 18 years of age or older
• Have a valid driver’s license.

2003-04 Price Comparison
BMW vs. the competition
Base prices are listed. They include destination charge, and are for 2003 models with automatic transmission
unless otherwise noted. (Where optional, the price of the automatic transmission is included.) Gas Guzzler tax,
if applicable and known, is included and so noted.

$25,000 $30,000 (cont.)

Mazda RX-8 Coupe $25,700 1 Audi A4 3.0 Sedan $32,400
Nissan 350Z Coupe (base model) $26,809 2 Lincoln LS V6 $32,495
Audi A4 1.8T Sedan $26,910 Volvo S60 2.5T AWD Sedan $32,860
Mercedes-Benz C230 Sport Volkswagen Passat GLX 4Motion
Coupe $26,940 Wagon $32,950
Acura TSX $26,990 1 Honda S2000 $33,060 2

2003-2004 Price comparison

Land Rover Freelander SE3 Audi TT Coupe $33,145
(convertible) $26,995 Volvo V70 2.5T AWD Wagon $33,305
Mazda MX-5 SE $27,350 Mercedes-Benz C240 Wagon $33,390
Nissan Maxima SE $27,490 1 Volvo XC90 2.5T AWD $34,035
Volkswagen Jetta GLX Sedan $27,515 BMW 325xi Sport Wagon $34,120
Infiniti G35 Sedan (cloth interior) $27,645 Audi A4 3.0 quattro AWD Sedan $34,150
Saab 9-3 Linear Sport Sedan $27,775 Saab 9-3 Vector Sport Sedan $34,470
Volvo S60 2.4 Sedan $28,055 Volvo XC70 2.5T AWD Wagon $34,555
Audi A4 1.8T quattro AWD Sedan $28,660 Nissan 350Z Track Coupe $34,619 2
Acura 3.2CL $28,700 Volvo S60 T5 Sedan $34,710
Mercedes-Benz C320 Sport Infiniti FX35 2WD $34,745
Coupe $29,290
Land Rover Discovery S $34,995
Acura 3.2TL $29,480
Infiniti I35 Luxury Sedan $29,495
Volvo V70 2.4 Wagon $29,555 BMW Z4 Roadster 2.5i $35,070
Infiniti G35 Coupe (cloth interior) $29,645 Audi TT Roadster $35,145
Audi A4 1.8T Avant quattro AWD Audi A4 3.0 Avant quattro
Wagon $29,660 Wagon $35,150
Nissan 350Z Enthusiast Coupe $29,759 Lexus RX 330 2WD $35,600 1
BMW 325i Sedan $29,770 Audi A4 1.8T Cabriolet $35,610
Jaguar X-Type AWD 2.5 $29,950 Volvo V70 T5 Wagon $35,755
Mercedes-Benz C230 Sport Saab 9-5 Linear 2.3t Sedan $35,970
Sedan $29,980 Acura MDX $36,200
$30,000 Infiniti FX45 AWD $36,245
Audi A6 Sedan $36,510
Cadillac CTS $30,345
Saab 9-5 Linear 2.3t Wagon $36,670
Volkswagen Passat GLX Sedan $30,400
BMW 330i Sedan $36,770
Nissan 350Z Performance Coupe $30,969
Audi TT quattro AWD Coupe $36,845 2
Acura 3.2CL Type S $31,050
Jaguar X-Type AWD 3.0 $36,950
Volvo S60 2.4T Sedan $31,110
Lexus RX 330 4WD $37,000 1
Volkswagen Passat GLX Wagon $31,200
Volvo S80 2.9 Sedan $37,140
Lexus IS 300 Sport Sedan $31,380
Mercedes-Benz C320 Sedan $37,190
Lexus IS 300 Sport Cross $31,380
Mercedes-Benz C320 Sport
BMW 325xi Sedan $31,520
Sedan $37,190
Volvo V70 2.4T Wagon $31,555
Volvo S60 R AWD $37,510 1
Acura 3.2TL Type S $31,830
Mercedes-Benz ML350 $37,615
Saab 9-3 Arc Sport Sedan $31,870
Lincoln LS V6 Premium $37,895
Mercedes-Benz C240 Sedan $31,890
Audi A6 quattro AWD Sedan $38,260
BMW 325Ci Coupe $32,070 1
BMW 330Ci Coupe $38,270 1
Nissan 350Z Touring Coupe $32,129
Volkswagen Passat W8 4Motion
Volkswagen Passat GLX 4Motion Sedan $38,475
Sedan $32,150
BMW 330xi Sedan $38,520
Lexus ES 300 $32,200
Land Rover Freelander HSE $32,200 1 – 2004 model.
2 – 6-speed manual transmission; automatic not
BMW 325i Sport Wagon $32,370 available.

2003-04 Price Comparison
BMW vs. the competition
Base prices are listed. They include destination charge, and are for 2003 models with automatic transmission
unless otherwise noted. (Where optional, the price of the automatic transmission is included.) Gas Guzzler tax,
if applicable and known, is included and so noted.

$35,000 (cont.) $45,000 (cont.)

Mercedes-Benz C320 Wagon $38,690 Volvo S80 T6 Elite Sedan $47,680
Land Rover Discovery SE $38,995 Volvo C70 HT Convertible $47,810
Volvo V70 R AWD $39,010 1,2 BMW M3 Coupe $48,195 3,5
Jeep Grand Cherokee Overland Lexus GS 430 $48,400
4WD $39,240 1 Audi A6 4.2 quattro AWD Sedan $48,610
BMW 325Ci Convertible $39,270 1 Jaguar S-Type V8 $49,975
2003-2004 Price comparison

Volkswagen Passat W8 4Motion

Wagon $39,275
Lexus GS 300 $39,300 Mercedes-Benz CLK320
Cabriolet $50,615
Saab 9-5 Arc 3.0t Sedan $39,325
Mercedes-Benz C32 AMG Sport
Audi A6 Avant quattro AWD Sedan $51,065
Wagon $39,460
Chevrolet Corvette Convertible $51,195
BMW 525i Sedan $39,570
Cadillac Escalade 2WD $51,245
Audi TT quattro AWD Roadster $39,645 2
Lincoln Navigator Ultimate 2WD $51,570
$40,000 Cadillac Seville STS $51,820
Saab 9-5 Arc 3.0t Wagon $40,025 Corvette Z06 Hardtop $52,095 2
Saab 9-5 Aero 2.3t Sedan $40,625 BMW 540i Sedan $52,495 4
Volvo XC90 T6 AWD $40,660 Infiniti Q45 Luxury $52,545
Lincoln LS V8 Sport $40,695 Mercedes-Benz CLK500 $52,865
Land Rover Discovery HSE $40,995 Toyota Land Cruiser $53,915
Acura MDX Touring $41,000 Cadillac Escalade 4WD $54,145
BMW 525i Sport Wagon $41,270
Saab 9-5 Aero 2.3t Wagon $41,325
Lincoln Navigator Ultimate 4WD $55,120
Mercedes-Benz SLK230 $41,590
Lexus LS 430 $55,500
Audi A6 2.7T quattro AWD Sedan $41,660
Mercedes-Benz E500 Sedan $55,515
Audi Allroad quattro AWD $41,660
Porsche Boxster S $55,575
Saab 9-3 SE Convertible $41,870
BMW 540i Sport Wagon $55,795 5
Audi A4 3.0 Cabriolet $42,160
Mercedes-Benz SLK32 AMG $56,115
BMW Z4 Roadster 3.0i $42,220
BMW M3 Convertible $56,195 3,5,6
Infiniti M45 $42,845
Porsche Cayenne S $56,665
BMW 530i Sedan $43,070
BMW 540i Sedan 6-Speed $57,795 5
Jaguar S-Type V6 $43,875
Mercedes-Benz CLK430
Lincoln LS V8 Premium Sport $43,995 Cabriolet $58,315
Cadillac SRX (SUV) $44,000 e Audi S6 Avant quattro AWD
Toyota Sequoia Limited 4WD $44,030 Wagon $59,360
Chevrolet Corvette Coupe $44,295 Jaguar XJ Sport $59,975
Mercedes-Benz CLK320 Coupe $44,565 Jaguar XJ8 (base model) $59,995 1
Volvo S80 T6 Sedan $44,620 $60,000
Volvo C70 LT Convertible $44,810
Infiniti Q45 Premium $62,145
$45,000 Jaguar S-Type R $62,400
Audi S4 Sedan $45,000 e Lexus SC 430 $62,600
Lexus GX 470 $45,500 Audi A8 quattro AWD $62,860
BMW 330Ci Convertible $45,570 1 Lexus LX 470 $63,700
Lincoln Aviator Premium AWD $45,865 Mercedes-Benz ML55 AMG $66,565
Mercedes-Benz ML500 $46,015 Jaguar Vanden Plas $68,995 1
Acura 3.5RL $46,100 1 Audi A8 L quattro AWD $69,160 1
Porsche Boxster $46,575 BMW 745i $69,195
Mercedes-Benz SLK320 $47,040 Mercedes-Benz CLK55 AMG $69,415
Mercedes-Benz E320 Sedan $47,615 Jaguar XK8 Coupe $69,975

$70,000 $100,000
Porsche 911 Carrera Coupe $72,785 Mercedes-Benz S55 AMG $107,165
BMW 745Li $73,195 Mercedes-Benz CL55 AMG $115,265
BMW M5 $73,195 2,5 Mercedes-Benz SL55 AMG $116,015 5
Mercedes-Benz S430 $73,265 BMW 760Li $117,795 5
Mercedes-Benz G500 $74,265 Porsche 911 Turbo AWD Coupe $120,385
Audi S8 quattro AWD $74,460 5 Mercedes-Benz S600 $122,905
Jaguar XK8 Convertible $74,975 Mercedes-Benz SL600 $125,000 1,e
Jaguar XJR $74,995 1 Mercedes-Benz CL600 $127,265 5

2003-2004 Price comparison

Cadillac XLR $76,200 1 BMW ALPINA ROADSTER V8 $139,295 5
Jaguar XJ Super $79,975 Bentley Continental Coupe $147,000 1,e
$80,000 Porsche 911 GT2 Coupe $182,465 2
Porsche 911 Targa $80,185 $200,000
Jaguar XKR Coupe $81,975 Bentley Arnage R $219,160 5
Porsche 911 Carrera Cabriolet $82,585 Rolls-Royce Phantom $325,000 1,5,e
Mercedes-Benz S500 $82,665 5 1 – 2004 model.
2 – 6-speed manual transmission; automatic not
Audi RS 6 $83,360 available.
Porsche 911 Carrera 4S AWD 3 – 6-speed manual transmission; automatic not
Coupe $85,985 available, Sequential Manual Transmission
optional at $2,400.
Jaguar XKR Convertible $86,975 4 – $1,000 Gas Guzzler tax applies if equipped with
Mercedes-Benz SL500 $87,955 5 Sport Package.
5 – Includes Gas Guzzler tax.
Porsche 911 Carrera 4 AWD 6 – Additional $300 Gas Guzzler tax applies if
Cabriolet $88,185 equipped with SMG.
e – Estimated
Porsche Cayenne Turbo $89,665
Acura NSX-T $89,765
Mercedes-Benz G55 AMG $90,565
Mercedes-Benz CL500 $93,315 5
Porsche 911 GT3 $99,900 1


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