Our Experience With Operative Treatment of Intra-Articular Calcaneal Fractures With Calcaneal Plates
Our Experience With Operative Treatment of Intra-Articular Calcaneal Fractures With Calcaneal Plates
Our Experience With Operative Treatment of Intra-Articular Calcaneal Fractures With Calcaneal Plates
ISSN: 2395-1958
IJOS 2016; 2(4): 381-384
© 2016 IJOS Our Experience with Operative Treatment of intra-
Received: 01-09-2016 articular calcaneal fractures with calcaneal plates
Accepted: 04-10-2016
Dr. Channabasava Patil Dr. Channabasava Patil and Dr. Chandrakanth PN Shetty
Associate Professor, Department
Of Orthopedics, Oxford Medical
College, Hospital and Research DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22271/ortho.2016.v2.i4f.60
Center, Bangalore, Karnataka,
India Abstract
Background: Surgical treatment using open reduction and stable osteosynthesis of displaced calcaneal
Dr. Chandrakanth PN Shetty fractures has become a standard method of treatment in recent times. The purpose of this study was to
Assistant Professor, Department determine whether open reduction and internal fixation of displaced intra-articular fractures results in
Of Orthopedics, Oxford Medical better general and disease specific outcomes at 1 year after injury.
College, Hospital and Research Materials and Methods: Between Febraury 2012 and December 2015, 28 Patients with intra-articular
Center, Bangalore, Karnataka, calcaneal fractures were treated with calcaneal plates (locking and non-locking) using standard extended
India lateral approach to calcaneum. Patients were evaluated by history, physical examination and radiography.
Fractures were assessed by preoperative CT Scans in selected complex fracture patterns. Bone grafts
were not added when a locking plate was used. Treatment results were evaluated by AOFAS Ankle-
Hindfoot Scale at different follow-up periods ranging from 6months to 3years.
Results: Wound healing complications were noted in 4 patients (~14%), which was the most frequent
complication. Implants were removed in a total of 4 patients, in one case because of severe swelling,
where the patient had early implant removal after 3months of surgery. All fractures united eventually and
no patient had deep osseous infection or foot compartment syndrome. Overall results according to the
AOFAS Ankle-Hindfoot Scale were Good to Excellent in 23(~83%) Cases.
Conclusion: Open reduction and internal plate fixation of intra-articular fractures is associated with low
complication rates and gives better quality of life after the surgery. The method has been improved by
implanting locking compression plates, osteosynthesis is more stable, enables early weight bearing, and
bone-grafing is rarely necessary. Outcome scores in this study tend to support ORIF for calcaneal
fractures when there is a clear indication.
Calcaneal fractres are relatively rare injuries, with reported occurence of 2% of all fractures.
The intr-articular types constitute to 75% of calcaneal fractures and historically have been
associated with poor functional outcome.
These fractures mostly occur due to an axial load such as a fall from a height or a motor
vehicle accident or sometimes by fall of a heavy object over the heel. These fractures occur as
an axial load force is applied to the posterior facet of the calcaneus through the talus, shear
forces are directed through the posterior facet toward the medial wall of the calcaneus. These
injuries may be associated with other axial load injuries such as lumbar spinal, pelvic and
tibial plateau injuries and these injuries are more common in higher-energy injuries.
Approximatey 10% of injuries are bilateral and less than 5% are open injuries. Many calcaneal
fractures are work related, as they result from a fall from height, especially in males age 35-45
years. These fractures frequently result in long-term disability with potentially severe
economic impact on the patients and their family.
Historically, treatment of displaced intra-articular fractures has varied from non-operative
Correspondence management with or without closed reduction, to open reduction with internal fixation by
Dr. Channabasava Patil various surgical approaches, to primary arthrodesis. The non-surgical treatment was popular
Associate Professor, Department might be related to the potential for wound complications in many and possibly osteomyelitis
Of Orthopedics, Oxford Medical
College, Hospital and Research
in some of the surgically treated patients. However, over the past two decades the interest has
Center, Bangalore, Karnataka, swung back towards surgical management due to improved surgical techniques and less soft
India tissue stripping.
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International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences
Although many pioneers in the field introduced screw or plate edema decreased and there were positive wrinkles on hind foot
fixation of the broken calcaneus, surgical treatment using open soft tissues. The surgery was performed under tourniquet, with
anatomical reduction and stable internal osteosynthesis is only the patient placed in lateral decubitus position, under
commenced at the start of the 1980s. The treatment was made intraoperative fluoroscopy control (Broden's views). The
possible by the introduction of new imaging methods such as standard extended lateral approach with L-shaped incision
CT which allowed better detection of the fracture pathology (Seattle Type) were used. Posterior and calcaneal facet
and provided the basis for new surgical strategies. The Foot reconstruction including the Gissane's angle, Böhler's angle
and Ankle Expert group of the AO Foundation together with with calcaneal height, width, length restoration, and no varus–
Synthes USA developed an anatomically an shaped valgus deviation were main goals of open reduction. Calcaneal
interlocking calcaneal plate, which has been available since plates (both locking and non-locking) were used to stabilise
2002. the fractures. Bone Grafting was not performed in any Cases.
Plate osteosynthesis of the intra-articular fractures is a
standard treatment method, but it has potential complications
such as poor wound healing and infection. The complications
of wound healing may occur because of not enough precisely
performed incisions. Calcaneal shape restoration by means of
open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) or primary subtalar
arthrodesis if needed helps in prevention of late complications
such as malposition, flattening of the longitudinal arch,
anterior ankle impingement syndrome, lateral impingement
syndrome, and axial malalignment of the hind foot. The
locking compression plate (LCP) has improved the functional
results, limited the indications for bone grafting, and shortened
the treatment.
The purpose of this study was to determine whether open
reduction and internal fixation of displaced intra-articular
fractures using calcaneal plates results in better general and
disease specific outcomes at 1 year after injury.
metatarsal angle (TFMA), and calcaneal inclination angle Overal Treatment results were evaluated by AOFAS Ankle-
(CIA) were measured and evaluated. Hindfoot Scale at different follow-up periods ranging from
6months to 3years.
Twenty four of all 28 wounds (~86%) healed with primary
intention. Superficial healing defects (wound edge necrosis,
skin edema blisters, superficial wound infections) occured in 4
(~14%) cases. Most of the wounds eventually healed with no
patient having deep osseous infection. In one patient the plate
had to be removed for subsequent successful healing process.
Implants were removed in a total of 4 patients, in one case
because of severe swelling, where the patient had early
implant removal after 3months of surgery. Time of hardware
removal varied from 3 months to 2 years after the surgery.
Fig 3: Post Op Heel Rise with Ankle Plantar flexion in a Patient, One
year after injury.
Open reduction and internal plate fixation of intra-articular
fractures is associated with low complication rates and gives
better quality of life after the surgery. The method has been
improved by implanting locking compression plates,
osteosynthesis is more stable, enables early weight bearing,
and bone-grafing is rarely necessary. Outcome scores in this
study tend to support ORIF for calcaneal fractures when there
is a clear indication.
In the Last Decade, Open reduction and internal plate fixation
of displaced intra-articular fractures has become a standard
surgical method with low complication rate and better quality
of life after the surgery.
Rates of wound complications that achieved~14% in our study
is comparable with the results published in literature of the last
Fig 2: Preoperative, Postoperative and follow-up (at 3 months) Xrays decade. Many of the wound complications may be avoided by
of a patient showing intra-articular fracture of calcaneum, treated with proper planned incisions and taking extreme care of soft
ORIF using a locking calcaneal plate and showing signs of bony tissues during exposure and closing the flaps. We may finally
union at follow up.
conclude that, properly timed open reduction and internal
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