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Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Musculoskeletal Unit, Strasbourg Academic Hospital Group,
Hautepierre Hospital, 1, avenue Molière, 67098 Strasbourg, France
Tibial shaft fracture;
Objectives: Intramedullary nailing is a common method of treating tibial shaft fractures. How-
Locking plate;
ever, precise control of reduction at the proximal and distal quarters is difficult to achieve. The
purpose of this study was to assess the results of plating using locking screws and the feasibility
of a minimally-invasive approach.
Patients/participants: All patients with tibial shaft fracture treated by means of locking plates
Internal fixation
from January 2004 to October 2006. Thirty-two fractures were treated in 32 patients with a
mean age of 43.8 years.
Intervention: Internal fixation with a locking plate and screw construct, using a minimally-
invasive or standard approach.
Main outcome measurements: Surgical approach, time to weight bearing, complications and
their type, time to bone union, alignment in the frontal and sagittal planes on anteroposterior
and lateral radiographs.
Results: The minimally-invasive approach was performed in 28 cases and immediate full weight
bearing allowed in 25 cases. At a mean follow-up of 27 months, two patients had died and two
patients were lost to follow-up. The mean time to bone union was 9.1 weeks. Four cases had
a complicated course: one infection, one compartment syndrome, one hardware breakage and
one pseudarthrosis. Six cases ended up with valgus malunion exceeding 5◦ in the frontal plane,
already present at the time of surgery.
Conclusion: Where a minimally-invasive approach can be performed, immediate pain-free
weight bearing can be allowed without further displacement at follow-up. The observed rate of
∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: philippe.adam@chru-strasbourg.fr, phradam@gmail.com (P. Adam).
malunion underlines the need for adequate reduction and shows that the rationale for success
does not solely depend on the plate anatomic design but also on the skills of the operating
Setting: Level I university regional hospital Cohort study.
© 2012 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.
Introduction from titanium alloy. Two types of plates were used: proxi-
mal, lateral tibial plates to treat proximal or middle third
Locked intramedullary nailing is the gold standard for treat- fractures and distal, medial tibial plates to treat middle
ing fractures of the tibial shaft [1]. This technique is known third or distal fractures.
to be difficult when treating fractures that involve either Surgery was performed as an emergency procedure in the
the proximal or the distal quarter of the tibia, although case of open fracture and all the other cases were operated
Nork’s work proved that intramedullary nailing is an effec- within 3 days following trauma (median 1 day).
tive alternative for the treatment of distal tibial fractures Patient positioning for surgery depended on the fracture
[2,3]. In proximal and distal fractures, adequate reduc- type and operating surgeon. Positioning was either per-
tion is difficult to obtain and difficult to maintain with an formed using a traction table, with the reduction obtained
intramedullary nail, due to metaphyseal widening of the using transcalcaneal skeletal traction, or on a standard
tibia associated with a long lever arm. Therefore, some table, with the reduction obtained using a temporary exter-
authors advocate the use of plates in order to treat frac- nal fixator (tibiotibial for proximal or middle third fractures,
tures involving the proximal [4,5] or the distal [6,7] quarters tibiocalcaneal for distal fractures) (Fig. 1A and B) or a trac-
of the tibia. The purpose of this study was to assess the tion manually applied by the attending surgeon. In the cases
results of plating when treating fractures of the tibial where a simple fracture of the distal fibula was associated
shaft. We report the results of a consecutive retrospective with the tibial fracture, osteosynthesis of the fibula was
series of fractures of the tibial shaft treated with locking performed first. The control of length and rotation of the
plates mainly through a minimal-invasive approach, and with fibula provided an indirect partial reduction of the tibia
immediate, full weight bearing allowed in the postoperative with an indication of its appropriate length [8] (Fig. 2A and
course. B). Reduction was obtained using a traction table in seven
cases. A standard table was used in 25 cases and reduc-
tion obtained using an extemporaneous external fixator in 22
Material and methods cases and with the help of manually applied traction in three
The series The ‘‘minimal-invasive approach’’ performed depended
on the type of plate being used. A proximal anterolate-
This series includes all fractures of the tibial shaft, according ral approach was performed when using proximal tibial
to the AO Classification, and treated with a locking plate in plates and a distal medial paramalleolar approach was per-
a level I academic regional hospital, from March 2004 until formed when using distal tibial plates. Osteosynthesis was
October 2006. performed through a minimal-invasive approach, the plate
We reviewed 32 consecutive fractures retrospectively. being slid subcutaneously and outside of the periosteum.
There were 32 patients, 14 women and 18 men, with a mean The Less Invasive Stabilization System (LISS) instrument was
age of 43.8 years (16—90) at the time of surgery. All were used when inserting a proximal lateral tibial plate, allowing
closed fractures with the exception of one Gustilo I frac- for percutaneous insertion of distal screws. In order to bet-
ture. According to AO Classification, diaphyseal fractures ter distribute and absorb strains, it was advocated to use
involved the proximal third in five cases, the mid-third in one a long construct, with at least five holes beyond the frac-
case and the distal-third in 26 cases. Among the fractures ture and to leave one hole unfilled between two consecutive
located in the distal third, eight had an extension down to screws [9]. All screws were fixed bicortically. According to
the tibial plafond, without articular involvement. They were previously published data, when using this kind of construct,
classified as 43C1, according to AO Classification, because of pain-free weight bearing was allowed postoperatively for
the fracture extending down to the tibial plafond, without patients with a Body Mass Index less than 30 [9].
displacement at articular level, although the main com-
ponent of the fracture was located in the diaphysis. The
remaining fractures were mainly A Type and were comprised
Evaluation criteria
of 21 cases of 42A1, txo cases of 42B1 and one case of
At follow-up, clinical and radiographic data were recorded.
To document bony consolidation, bridging callus on three
Surgical technique cortices was sought on anteroposterior and lateral views,
combined with pain-free full weight bearing. Malunion was
The hardware consisted exclusively of anatomical locking defined as a deformation exceeding 5◦ in frontal, sagittal
plates (LCP, Synthes GmbH, Solothurn, Switzerland) made and transversal plans [6].
566 P. Adam et al.
Figure 1 Compound proximal tibial fracture. Reduction using temporary external fixation. A. Standard X-ray, anteroposterior and
lateral view. B. Peroperative X-ray showing quality of reduction.
Figure 2 Spiral fracture of the leg. Reduction and primary osteosynthesis of the fibula. A. Standard X-ray of the fracture,
anteroposterior view. B. Standard X-ray at consolidation. Long construct and spaced screws beyond the fracture line.
Figure 3 Mechanical failure, due to breakage of the plate at six weeks postop after an open mid-diaphyseal fracture. A. Pre-
operative anteroposterior and lateral view. B. Anteroposterior and lateral view at consolidation, after treatment using anatomical
distal tibial LCP plate.
corresponding to the earliest cases. Partial weight bearing [10], for the proximal part, and by Refdern et al. [6] and
up to 20 kilograms was recommended three times for Helfet et al. [7], for the distal part; but in all these cases,
compound fractures. the fracture line was metaphyseo-epiphyseal or diaphyseo-
Four cases had a complicated evolution. We found: metaphyseal. It is, therefore, difficult to compare their
1 postoperative infection of the operative site, due to results to our series of diaphyseal fractures. Treatment of
meticillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus; infection was a few cases of diaphyseal fracture of the tibia using locking
treated with hardware removal, lavage and antibiotherapy. plates combined with a minimal-invasive approach was pre-
One compartment syndrome. One non-union, with no sign viously published by Hasenboehler et al. [11]. These authors
of infection. One hardware breakage 6 weeks after surgery reported a series of 32 cases not exclusively diaphyseal
(Fig. 3). in their location, also comprising distal metaphyseal tibial
Radiologically, the mean time to consolidation was 9 fractures.
weeks (from 6 to 12 weeks). Excluding the patient died Our series is original, when considering the postoperative
4 days after surgery, 31 cases of tibial shaft fracture rehabilitation regimen in use. Weight bearing up to pain
were treated with locking plates. Out of these, 29 frac- threshold was allowed in 27 cases out of 32 (80%). Weight
tures united (93,5%) without any further intervention to bearing was allowed because the locking plate system that
promote bone healing. No malrotation was diagnosed on was used acts as a monobloc construct, ending up in a
clinical examination at follow-up. Radiographic examination true internal fixator with three anchorages per screw (two
at consolidation showed a valgus deviation of more than cortices and the plate), as described by Perren [12]. The
5◦ in six cases out of 29 (5 to 12◦ ). Malunion occurred in long constructs, with well-spaced bicortical locking screws
one proximal tibial shaft fracture and in five distal tibial that were used, allowed for the spreading and absorption
shaft fractures. Deformations observed at consolidation of the strain under application of load (Fig. 2) as stated by
were already present immediately postoperatively and did Ehlinger et al. [9]. These constructs corresponded to the
not increase despite weight bearing. No cases out of these so-called ‘‘bridging effect’’ of the fracture (Fig. 4). True
with minimal-invasive approach, showed postoperative dis- anatomical reduction, as with nailing, was not necessary,
placement, despite immediate weight bearing. All the four only alignment at the length of the whole bony segment
cases united uneventfully. No malunion in the sagittal plan was targeted [12,13].
were found at follow-up. In the whole of the series, there was one mechanical
failure, with breakage of the plate six weeks postopera-
tively, weight bearing having been allowed immediately
Discussion after surgery. This breakage was caused by a fatigue fracture
of the hardware, due to imbalance of the strain applied to
The cases of plating osteosynthesis of the tibial shaft the plate. Indeed, this was a compound, mid-shaft fracture
reported in this series involved mostly particular indications, with a fragmented wedge (42B3). The construct obtained
namely proximal or distal diaphyseal fractures known to be in this case was not mechanically satisfactory: a notable
difficult to treat with the standard nailing technique. Plating gap between the fracture line and the nearest screws on
was used only once as a first choice, when treating mid-shaft each side of the fracture left a weakness zone at the level
fractures: in one open fracture (choice of the operating sur- of the fracture (Fig. 3). Stoffel et al. [14] have recom-
geon). The experience of treating complex tibial fracture mended locking screws to be positioned the nearest possible
has been reported by Phisitkul et al. [4], and Schutz et al. to a compound fracture in order to better stabilize it and
568 P. Adam et al.
Figure 4 Least displaced tibial fracture with distal articular irradiation. A. Standard X-ray, anteroposterior view. B. Standard
X-ray, anteroposterior and lateral view after breakage of the plate.
to leave one to two holes unfilled on each side of the formation was 9 weeks (7 to 12 weeks), according to Red-
fracture, in the case of a simple fracture, to allow the fern et al. [6], in a series of 22l fractures of the distal
elasticity of the titanium to come into play, made possible tibia treated using a minimal-invasive approach, 15 weeks
with weight bearing. Hasenboehler et al. [11], in a series (8 to 24 weeks), according to Phisitkul et al. [4], in a
of 32 leg fractures, observed one mechanical complication series of 21 distal metaphyseal fractures treated percuta-
with bending of the plate following early weight bearing, neously, and 12 weeks (6 to 20 weeks), according to Phisitkul
in the case of a 42C3 fracture according to AO Classifica- et al. [4] in a series of 37 complex proximal epiphysiometa-
tion. physal fractures. Comparison with other series was difficult,
The minimal-invasive approach allowed in theory to com- because they consider consolidation as the time of pain-free
bine the principles of a stable construct to a closed reduction full weight bearing. Hasenboehler et al. [11] reported 27
with conservation of the haematoma. However, we report patients out of 30 (two lost to follow-up) healed at 9 months
1 nonunion in our series (3,6%). Hasenboehler et al. [11] (walking with pain free full weight bearing and bony callus).
also reported two non-unions out of a series of 32 frac- The association we recommend, between weight bearing
tures. Zelle et al. [15] found similar figures in a systematic and a minimal-invasive approach conserving the haematoma
review of 1125 extra-articular fractures of the distal tibia might explain the shortening time before the appearance of
treated with plating or nailing: a 5,2% nonunion rate when good quality endosteal callus. In no other series reported
using plates and 5,5% when using nails. The CECOP study was free weight bearing allowed. This might have been of
[16] that gathers the largest series of intramedullary nai- benefit—stimulation of the fracture site owing to the elasti-
ling of the tibia reports 3,2% rate of nonunion. The time to city of the plate. The minimal-invasive approach might play
consolidation reported in our series was slightly reduced, a protective part by preserving the local biology of bone and
when compared to the data known from the literature con- soft tissues as stated by Helfet et al. [7], Hasenboehler et al.
cerning plating osteosynthesis. The mean time for callus [11], Perren [12], Oh et al. [17].
Tibial shaft fractures treated with locking plates 569