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Journal of Environmental Management 318 (2022) 115450

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Insect pollination services in actively and spontaneously restored quarries

converge differently to natural reference ecosystem
Carolina Carvalho a, *, Amália Oliveira a, b, c, Elsa Caeiro b, d, Otília Miralto a, b, c, Marta Parrinha a,
Ana Sampaio a, b, c, Carmo Silva a, b, c, António Mira a, b, c, Pedro A. Salgueiro a, b, c
UBC – Conservation Biology Lab, Portugal
MED – Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture, Environment and Development, Institute for Advanced Studies and Research, University of Évora, Mitra, 7002-554,
Évora, Portugal
Department of Biology, University of Évora, Mitra, 7002-554, Évora, Portugal
SPAIC - Portuguese Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Lisbon, Portugal


Keywords: Ecological restoration has the potential to accelerate the recovery of biodiversity and ecosystem services in
Ecological networks degraded ecosystems. However, current research queries whether active restoration is necessary. We evaluated
Ecological restoration plant-pollinator networks during spring at replicated sites within an actively restored quarry, at abandoned
Ecosystem services
quarries undergoing spontaneous restoration, and within a natural reference area, to compare pollinator com­
Insect pollinators
Spontaneous succession
munity composition and function. Overall, we aimed to assess which approach is more effective in rehabilitating
Vegetation structure pollination networks. We found that while both approaches allowed for the restoration of pollination function,
active restoration provided faster recovery: pollination network structure was more similar to the reference
ecosystem after 20–30 years of active restoration, than 40 years of natural succession in spontaneously restored
areas. Different restoration approaches sustained distinct pollinator communities providing a similar service in
different areas: honey bees played an important role in the natural area, bumblebees in the abandoned quarries
and wild bees in the restored sites, suggesting a possible conflict between diverse wild bee communities and
honey bee homogenized pollinator communities. In quarries, flower resource availability and diversity influ­
enced networks’ structural properties by constraining species interactions and composition. In spontaneously
restored areas a rich herbaceous layer of ruderal species from early successional stages buffered against the
shortage of flower resources at critical periods. Active restoration, though effective, should include practices that
consider wild bee communities and mitigate flower resource scarcity. The use of “bridging” plants that flower in
different periods, should be considered in active restoration programs to enhance the pollinator community.

1. Introduction damaged, transformed or entirely destroyed as a direct or indirect

consequence of human activities (SER, 2004). However, the issue of
Extractive industry is amongst the most harmful human activities, whether assisting restoration is always necessary is still a subject of
with long-lasting impacts on local ecosystems (Palmer et al., 2010). Yet, considerable debate (Holl and Aide, 2011; Prach and Tolvanen, 2016).
the growth of the industry steadily increases (IRP, 2019) and damaged Active restoration often involves the application of costly reclamation
ecosystems are left abandoned and devoid of vegetation. Restoring these techniques, while spontaneous succession (‘passive restoration’) relies
highly degraded areas is essential to reverse biodiversity loss and the on ecological succession (Prach and Hobbs, 2008). Although the latter
depletion of ecosystem services (Benayas et al., 2009). However, this approach takes longer to resemble natural reference systems, especially
task is challenged by demanding conditions imposed by landform con­ in highly damaged sites (e.g., quarries), it often provides early succes­
straints and environmental degradation (Salgueiro et al., 2020). sional heterogeneous surfaces with extreme abiotic conditions (dry,
Active (‘assisted’) ecological restoration provides an opportunity to acidic and nutrient poor soils; Tropek et al., 2010). As a consequence,
accelerate the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded, spontaneous succession can create refugia for distinct species of

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: carolina_maria_carvalho@protonmail.com (C. Carvalho).

Received 6 September 2021; Received in revised form 26 May 2022; Accepted 28 May 2022
Available online 20 June 2022
0301-4797/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Carvalho et al. Journal of Environmental Management 318 (2022) 115450

conservation concern that may thrive in these conditions (Tropek et al., 2010). Pollination is among the most well-studied mutualistic in­
2010; Williams, 2011), while enhancing α (local species diversity) and β teractions (Goldstein and Zych, 2016), since it is vital for the mainte­
diversities (species turnover between sites) over large areas (Holl and nance of both wild plant communities and agricultural productivity
Aide, 2011). (Potts et al., 2010). It is estimated that close to 90% of flowering plant
The effectiveness of these approaches and how they converge to species benefit from pollinators, and it has been demonstrated that
attain restoration goals has usually been evaluated using the composi­ pollination influences seed viability, fruit production and genetic vari­
tion of communities (Ruiz-Jaen and Aide, 2005). Compositional ap­ ability of plant populations through cross-fertilization (Cusser and
proaches traditionally focus on measuring the presence and/or Goodell, 2013; Forup et al., 2008; Menz et al., 2011). As pollinator
abundance of species (Cadotte et al., 2011). However, these approaches communities decline (Christmann, 2019), failure to promote and
have been known to provide limited insight into ecosystem attributes manage this service could lead to the collapse of plant communities in
and restoration success. For instance, there is evidence that although restored areas (Menz et al., 2011). Therefore, in order to improve the
post-restoration species assemblages can be quite distinct from natural long-term success of restoration it is pivotal to effectively reinstate
undisturbed communities in similar conditions, they can still provide pollination services by ensuring these areas have the necessary resources
ecosystem services with as much efficiency (Denning and Foster, 2018; for pollinators to thrive (Cusser and Goodell, 2013).
Forup and Memmott, 2005; Williams, 2011). In this study, we compared plant-pollinator networks in actively
Considering functional goals instead of compositional ones may be a restored quarries and quarries subjected to spontaneous ecological
more appropriate approach in some contexts, such as restoration after succession to evaluate which approach is more effective in rehabilitating
mineral exploration and mining (Shackelford et al., 2013). In fact, this ecological process. We assessed both community composition and
ecological interactions might be lost at a higher rate than species functioning in actively and passively restored quarries and compared
become extinct, as species’ functional role may lose its expression before them with a natural area representing the reference ecosystem. Since
the disappearance of the species itself (Valiente-Banuet et al., 2015). active restoration aims at accelerating the process of recovery, we ex­
However, most restoration projects fail to take species interactions into pected to find higher similarity between pollinator community compo­
consideration in planning, implementation and evaluation of restoration sition and network structure of actively restored quarries and natural
actions (Kaiser-Bunbury et al., 2010; Montoya et al., 2012), often areas throughout the flowering period. However, in a highly seasonal
explicitly assuming that if vegetation is re-established animal commu­ environment such as Mediterranean landscapes, we envision that flower
nities and the processes they mediate will naturally appear (Cross et al., resource availability will mediate the composition of pollinator com­
2019). munities, thus producing changes in network structure through time and
Mutualistic interactions, in particular, have been pointed out as good between areas.
candidates for evaluation of restoration success (Kaiser-Bunbury et al.,

Fig. 1. Map of the study area, representing sampling area types and location of surveyed sites and surrounding land uses.

C. Carvalho et al. Journal of Environmental Management 318 (2022) 115450

2. Methods and frozen until handling at the laboratory.

We sampled floral availability and vegetation cover in a total of 10
2.1. Study area quadrats (50 × 50 cm) along each transect, on alternate sides, 15 m
apart from each other. Floral availability was assessed in each survey by
Our study was carried out in Arrábida Natural Park (PNA), Setúbal, counting floral units within each quadrat. Floral units were either
Portugal (centroid: 38◦ 29′ N 8◦ 57′ W; Fig. 1), where the Mediterranean flowers or compact inflorescences defined as being different entities by
maquis – a dense sclerophyllous shrubland – dominates the landscape forcing a pollinator to fly in order to move from one unit to the next
along with very sparse herbaceous vegetation and rocky limestone (Timóteo et al., 2018). Flower samples (2 or 3 per species) were also
outcrops. Perennial hard-leaved shrub species, such as Cistus albidus, collected in each survey and kept in individual paper bags for pollen
C. ladanifer, Rosmarinus offinallis and Erica arborea are among the most harvesting. Percentage cover of bare soil and of all layers of vegetation
dominant species (Freire et al., 1996). was estimated visually in a single survey, using a sampling area of 100 ×
Due to its limestone rich substrate, extractive industry has a strong 100 cm centered in each quadrat point.
presence in the area, and 300 ha are authorized for exploitation (Freire
et al., 1996). Since the 1980’s, legislation requires restoration of 2.3. Laboratory methods
quarries no longer under exploitation. Several quarries deactivated prior
to this legislation remained abandoned and exposed to spontaneous Pollen from each plant species was collected from mature anthers,
ecological succession. stained with a solution of glycerin gelatin with basic fuchsine gel, and
We defined three areas that comprised: (1) a natural reference mounted on a microscope slide (Forup and Memmott, 2005). Micro­
ecosystem (natural area), (2) an actively restored quarry (restored area) scope slides were sealed and all the samples compiled into a reference
and (3) quarries where spontaneous revegetation processes were collection.
allowed (abandoned area). The natural reference ecosystem comprised Pollen was extracted from individual insects into a coverslip-sized
the typical Mediterranean dense shrub maquis (2817 ha, 24.6% of the area of a microscope slide lightly covered in vaseline. The insect body
area of the PNA). The restored area was located within an active quarry was then rubbed on this surface, avoiding specialized pollen transport
(SECIL, Companhia Geral de Cal e Cimento, S.A.) encompassing 44 ha of structures since this pollen is unlikely to be available for pollination
a 99 ha area licensed for quarrying. Limestone extraction was performed (Alarcón, 2010; Forup and Memmott, 2005). Tweezers used to handle
from top to bottom leaving a series of 10 m large terraces separated the insects were sterilized with alcohol in between handling each indi­
about 20 m apart in height. Restoration practices in the sampled areas vidual to avoid pollen contamination. Microscope slides were stained
have been under way since early 1990, involving the reintroduction of with a drop of a solution of glycerin gelatin with basic fuchsine gel for
substrate and planting of native shrub species and the naturalized 24 h, and examined under light microscopy (40x or 100x magnification).
Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis). This fast growing species has resulted in a Grains were identified through comparison to the reference collection
dense 6–8 m arboreal layer absent from natural and abandoned areas, and counted in each slide. Only species containing five or more occur­
and constrains the growth of shrub and herbaceous layer (Nunes et al., rences per slide were considered for network analyses, in order to pre­
2014). The abandoned area consisted of three closely located, smaller vent possible contamination bias (Forup et al., 2008; Forup and
quarries (about 2.8 ha each) which were deactivated in 1982 (Esteves, Memmott, 2005). Insects and pollen grains were identified to the lowest
2015). No subsequent actions were undertaken except for the removal of possible taxonomic level. Most pollen grains were identified to species
the extractive activity and infrastructure. Consequently, soil formation level, with exception of genera Allium and Carduus, as well as some
and vegetation establishment has occurred gradually without human grains belonging to unidentified species of Asteraceae and Poaceae. Of
intervention, following ecological succession. Vegetation structure was all Cistus species found on site, only Cistus crispus was readily distin­
in general sparse, representing an early successional stage after distur­ guishable and considered separately, while grains belonging to other
bance. Both the abandoned and restored areas are surrounded by the Cistus species (C. albidus, C. monspeliensis, C. salviifolius, and C. ladanifer)
same type of Mediterranean maquis found in the natural area. were pooled together into a species complex. Insects were grouped ac­
cording to the lowest taxonomic level to which they were identified
2.2. Field sampling (discriminated in Sup. Materials B).

We established three sampling sites (spatial replicates) in each area 2.4. Data analysis
(Fig. 1). Adjacent sites were separated by a minimum of 250 m to assure
independence, well above the mean distance (130 m) for successful 2.4.1. Community composition
pollen transfer in urban habitats (Martins et al., 2017; Van Geert et al., We compared the composition of pollinator communities by calcu­
2010). lating Bray-Curtis dissimilarity between sites. We performed a con­
At each site, a 150 m transect was walked by two researchers during strained correspondence analysis (CCA) in order to assess compositional
30 min to sample the insect pollinator community. Each transect was differences between space (sites) and time (months). The CCA was
visited twice a day (once in the morning and once in the afternoon) in performed using a species matrix representing the pollinator commu­
order to avoid bias from pollinators’ daily activity patterns. Each survey nities for each site and month, constrained by a matrix of vegetation
took place once per month from February to May 2019, with an interval structure variables. The model variables were chosen considering the
of at least three weeks between sampling sessions, in a total of 36 sur­ structural characteristics that most differentiated the distinct areas (bare
veys across all sites. Each transect was thus sampled for a total of 4 h soil, herbaceous, shrub and tree cover, and number of floral units). Since
during the whole study. This period covered the majority of the flow­ communities are expected to vary between months, the effect of time
ering season for most dominant species present in the region (Sup. was partialled out before ordination.
Materials A). Surveys only took place on days with favorable conditions
for pollinator activity, such as dry weather, low cloud cover and low to 2.4.2. Community function
moderate wind speed (Cusser and Goodell, 2013; Forup and Memmott, We used the pollen transport data to build quantitative pollination
2005). Diurnal insects were collected using entomological nets and networks. Pollen-based networks provide a more extended record of
collection jars while visiting or hovering over flowers. We tried to cap­ visitation history than the generalized visitation networks, which are
ture all insect diversity in each area, only avoiding the capture of all restricted to a snapshot of a single interaction (Alarcón, 2010; Ballan­
individuals of very abundant species (e.g., honey bees). All captured tyne et al., 2015; Bosch et al., 2009). Using this type of pollination
insects were stored in individual tubes to avoid pollen contamination, network, while still not a measure of effective pollination, is a proxy as it

C. Carvalho et al. Journal of Environmental Management 318 (2022) 115450

ratifies that a pollinator is able to collect and transport pollen from a 167 taxonomic groups (Sup. Materials B), of which 93 were found car­
given flower. The measure used to quantify each interaction between a rying pollen on at least one occasion. Number of pollinator taxa and
plant and a pollinator was the total number of pollen grains of that given interactions were evenly balanced between restored (Npollinators = 51;
plant carried by all individuals of a pollinator taxon. A network was Ninteractions = 126) and abandoned areas (Npollinators = 54; Ninteractions =
constructed for each site at each sampling session, totaling 36 networks. 133), but slightly lower in natural areas (Npollinators = 32; Ninteractions =
Ecological networks allow the calculation of several metrics, which 81 (Table 1). Overall, we obtained 269 distinct interactions between
characterize different aspects of network structure and species behavior pairs of plant and pollinator taxa.
(Kaiser-Bunbury and Blüthgen, 2015). These metrics were used to The pollinators with the largest number of pollen grains belonged to
compare the structure of network interactions at sites with different Hymenoptera, Diptera and Coleoptera. Among hymenopterans, Apoidea
restoration approach, and identify critical species providing pollination (bees) carried 86% of all pollen grains transported. In addition, the
services as well (see also Cagua et al., 2019; Kaiser-Bunbury et al., 2017; proportion of individuals found carrying pollen in Apoidea was gener­
Olesen et al., 2007). We computed the following network-level metrics: ally higher than in the other groups (Sup. Materials B). Diptera (Empis
interaction strength asymmetry (ISA), linkage density (LD), interaction tessellata) and Coleoptera pollinators (Oedemeridae and Melyridae)
evenness (IE), specialization asymmetry (SA), Shannon diversity of carried less than 5% of all pollen grains altogether (Sup. Materials B).
interaction (ID), H2 (a measure of specialization for the whole network), The remaining pollinators were even less relevant, each of them carrying
number of pollinator taxa, number of plant taxa, robustness of the less than 1% of all pollen grains (e.g. species of Lepidoptera).
pollinator community to plant extinction, robustness of the plant com­ Since Apoidea was responsible for the majority of pollen transport
munity to pollinator extinction, and modularity (metric descriptions are we considered three groups within this superfamily: (1) honey bees (Apis
provided in Sup. Material C). These metrics were calculated for each of mellifera, responsible for 40% of pollen transport), (2) bumblebees
the 36 networks and then compared using linear mixed models with two (Bombus terrestris and B. ruderatus, 26% of pollen transport), (3) and wild
fixed factors – area type (natural, restored and abandoned) and month –, bees (23 taxa, 20% of pollen transport). Since single species of wild bees
and their interaction. The natural area values were set as reference for were found in much lower abundance when compared to honey bees
comparison. Since the structure of our data consisted of a repeated and bumblebees, the last group included all solitary bee taxa captured
measures approach, site was considered a random factor in the models, (Sup. Materials B). Bumblebees were significantly more abundant in the
thus controlling for possible site-related effects. In addition, due to a abandoned area. Number of honey bees was significantly higher in the
high spatial clustering of sites that could cause issues of natural area especially earlier in the season (February) when they were
pseudo-replication, we validated the mixed model results through ran­ most abundant, while wild bee abundance was higher in restored areas
domizations. Samples were randomized 1000 times, and mixed models only in a specific month (March) (Fig. 2, Sup. Material E).
were run each time with randomized samples. Statistical t-values were The plant taxa benefitting from largest pollen transport were Ros­
retrieved from each randomization model for each variable and 95% marinus officinalis, the Cistus species complex and Rubus ulmifolius
confidence intervals (CI95%) were calculated, and afterwards compared (Fig. 2). While Rosmarinus officinalis and Cistus spp. were common in all
with true model t-values. If true model t-values fell over the CI95% of the areas, Rubus ulmifolius appeared mostly in the abandoned area.
randomized samples, we sustained evidence for statistical inference.
We also assessed the importance of specific pollinators in the net­ 3.2. Community composition
works. The most important pollinators were determined based on
abundance and amount of pollen transported, by measuring them in Despite explaining only 23% of variance, CCA managed to clearly
each of the 36 networks. Species level metrics for each relevant polli­ separate the different areas according to vegetation structure (Fig. 3).
nator taxon identified were calculated from overall area networks The first axis was mostly explained by tree cover, which correlates with
combining data of the four months for each site, totaling nine global the restored area where the non-native Aleppo pine was planted. The
networks. This approach intended to account for all interactions of the second axis generally describes a gradient from open areas (dominated
same pollinator with different plants, thus weighting pollinator impor­ by either bare soil or herbaceous cover) to dense shrub cover. While the
tance for the entire array of pollinated plants. We calculated the abandoned area was strongly associated with bare soil and herbaceous
following species-level metrics for each pollinator taxon: species cover lacking shrub cover, the natural area was mostly associated with
strength (SS), pollination service index (PSI), partner diversity and the high shrub cover and reduced herbaceous cover. Neither of these areas
specialization metric Blüthgen’s D (Sup. Material C). The values were show any correlation with tree cover, since trees are mostly absent in
then compared using a generalized linear model (Gaussian family, link: them.
identity) including only area type as a fixed factor. Regarding pollinator species, neither bumblebees nor honey bees
Finally, we investigated possible relationships between the abun­ were related to any particular area, but wild bees overlapped with the
dances of the most important pollinator taxa by calculating Pianka’s restored area polygon (Fig. 3). Bray-Curtis dissimilarity index showed
measure of niche overlap (Krebs, 2014). A linear regression was applied that the composition of pollinator communities appeared to be most
relating the abundance of each pair of pollinator taxa to determine distinct between restored sites and the other areas (average dissimilarity
possible relations between them. values = 0.60 ± 0.12), while both natural and abandoned locations
All the analyses were performed in R 4.0.2. (R Core Team, 2018). showed higher similarity (average dissimilarity values = 0.47 ± 0.04)
Package bipartite (Dormann et al., 2008) was used to build networks and (Sup. Material F). Pollinator communities of the restored area also
compute network and species level metrics; package nlme (Pinheiro
et al., 2019) was used to analyze linear mixed-effects models; CCA and Table 1
Bray-Curtis dissimilarity were performed with vegan package (Oksanen Summary table of number of insect taxa captured, number of insect taxa that
et al., 2018); spaa package (Zhang, 2016) was used to calculate niche carried pollen (pollinator) and plant taxa for which pollen was found in polli­
overlap. nators, and the number of individual interactions between a pollinator and a
plant observed in each area.
3. Results Number of Number of Number of Number of
insect taxa pollinator taxa plant taxa Interactions
3.1. General results Natural 85 32 19 81
Restored 96 51 25 126
A total of 1513 insects were captured, of which 679 (44.35%) carried Abandoned 94 54 27 133
Total 167 93 35 269
pollen from 35 plant taxa (Sup. Materials D). The insects belonged to

C. Carvalho et al. Journal of Environmental Management 318 (2022) 115450

Fig. 2. Overall pollination networks pooling all pollen transport data collected for each area (all months and sites). Line width represents the strength of interactions,
and bar width represents total amount of pollen grains carried by each pollinator taxa (upper level) and total amount of pollen transported for each plant taxa (lower
level). Only the most representative groups of pollinators and plants are identified.

seemed to hold higher within-dissimilarity, consistent with the higher trends (ISA, modularity) or peaking values opposite to those observed in
variability found in the CCA for that area (Fig. 3). the other two areas (ID, SA). Significant differences detected in this
study were therefore attributable to either month or interaction effects
between area and month.
3.3. Community function Independent monthly effects were observed in Interaction Evenness
(IE significantly lower in February), Linkage Density (LD, significantly
In general, we found no significant differences on network-level higher in March), and plant community robustness (significantly lower
metrics attributable to independent effects of the area (Sup. Materials in April and May).
G Table G.1). In fact, the temporal trends of restored and natural areas In many cases, the interaction between area and month was signifi­
were similar throughout the months, with maximum and minimum cant (ISA, SA, ID, number of pollinator taxa, number of plant taxa and
values agreeing concurrently (ISA, ID, SA, and modularity, Fig. 4). The modularity), showing that metrics varied inconsistently between areas
abandoned area metrics differed from this pattern, showing different

C. Carvalho et al. Journal of Environmental Management 318 (2022) 115450

Fig. 3. Results of CCA (first and second components) plotting the variables characterizing local vegetation structure: bare soil (bare_soil), herbaceous (herb_cov),
shrub (shrub_cov) and tree cover (tree_cov), and number of floral units (floral_units). Colored polygons enclose the sampled sites for each area constrained by
vegetation structure variables. Pollinator species are also plotted highlighting the three most relevant Apoidea groups: honeybees (triangle), bumblebees (squares)
and wild bee species (filled circles). The dotted ellipse represents 75% of wild bee groups, weighted by their abundance.

over time. The number of pollinator and plant taxa presented the larger higher relevance for the plant communities in the restored area (SS,
variation among all analyzed metrics, despite being very similar for all Fig. 5).
areas in February. In the abandoned area, the number of pollinator and Niche analysis showed high overlap (between 84.3% and 92.2%)
plant taxa increased consistently over time. Between the restored and between all bee groups. Further exploring these relations, we found a
natural areas, the restored sites had significantly higher values of significantly inverse relationship between honey bee and wild bee
pollinator taxa in March, and of plant taxa in March and May. abundance (r2 = 0.453, p-value = 0.047), i.e., the combined abundance
Significant values were validated through the randomization pro­ of wild solitary bee species decreased with increasing abundance of
cedure (see Supplementary Material H). No differences were detected social honey bees. Relationships between bumblebees and honey bees
for specialization metric H2 and robustness of the pollinator community (r2 = 0.007, p-value = 0.831) as well as bumblebees and wild bees (r2 =
to plant extinctions. 0.011, p-value = 0.788) were not significant.
Species level metrics calculated for the overall area networks showed
significant differences for honey bees and bumblebees (Fig. 5, Sup. 4. Discussion
Materials G Table G.2). For honey bees species strength was higher in
natural areas, indicating a higher importance for the plant community, Our results show functionally similar network structures between
though the difference was most significant when compared to the areas, but network metrics in the actively restored area more closely
restored area. Pollination service (PSI) and specialization indices were followed the patterns found in the natural area, as expected. Differences
also significantly higher for honey bees in natural areas compared to the between the abandoned area and the other two areas occurred sporad­
other areas, indicating a better pollination service provision and a more ically within a few periods, which can be associated with intrinsic local
specialized behavior, respectively. Contrastingly, partner diversity was conditions, such as flower resource availability. Since independent ef­
significantly higher in abandoned locations, demonstrating more fects of area type were not identified, our results also support that
generalized behavior in this area. For bumblebees, only species strength pollination service is being provided similarly in all areas, though pro­
(the dependence of the plant community on a given pollinator) was visioned by different species. Therefore, communities associated with
significantly different, being much higher in the abandoned area. No each area, though different, are not significantly less proficient
differences were detected for wild bees, though there was a tendency for pollinators.

C. Carvalho et al. Journal of Environmental Management 318 (2022) 115450

Fig. 4. Temporal trends of each network metric for the different area. Trend lines link mean values for each metric and error bars represent standard error. Asterisks
signal significant differences.

C. Carvalho et al. Journal of Environmental Management 318 (2022) 115450

Fig. 5. Summary of species level metrics

calculated for each bee group in each area
type (natural area in green, restored area in
blue, and abandoned area in orange). Bars
represent mean values and error bars repre­
sent standard error. For metrics and groups
where significant differences were found,
letters in bars are used to represent how the
different areas are grouped together. (For
interpretation of the references to colour in
this figure legend, the reader is referred to
the Web version of this article.)

4.1. Effects of quarry restoration on pollinator services restored sites pollinators become very dependent on the few plant spe­
cies available, the more diverse plant community in the abandoned area
Monthly effects had, as expected, a significant impact on network buffered against the shortage of flower resources supporting an
structure, with differences found mainly in February and April. These increasingly diverse and specialized pollinator community (reflected by
differences may relate to uneven flower resource availability, both in a higher specialization asymmetry and modularity, characteristic of
number and diversity (Sup. Materials H), as suggested in other studies larger networks (Olesen et al., 2007)).
(e.g., for bacteria-bacteriophage: Poisot et al., 2011; plant-frugivore Overall, metrics obtained in the restored area follow the same pat­
networks: Carnicer et al., 2009; Ramos-Robles et al., 2016). Flower terns of the natural area, which indicates a similar state of the pollina­
resource availability and diversity mediate the structural properties of tion service. Although metrics in the abandoned area tended to differ in
networks by constraining species interactions. For instance, in February, specific months, there was no evidence for area independent effects. The
networks were dominated by the interactions between Apoidea (namely, abandoned area is still evolving from early successional stages and its
Apis mellifera and Bombus terrestris) and Rosmarinus officinalis. Since distinctive pattern can be explained by local conditions that operate in
February is the coldest of the analyzed months, with an average tem­ specific periods of the flowering season, namely driven by the presence
perature of 11.3 ◦ C (4.9 ◦ C lower than the annual average; information of ruderal species which are absent in other areas. In this regard, our
retrieved from www.ipma.pt in February 2022), early blooming plants results support that active restoration may speed-up the recovery of an
and large-bodied social pollinators able to resist the lower temperatures ecological process in quarried areas, while in ecological succession this
(McCabe et al., 2019) interact intensively. Consequently, as this rela­ process takes longer to achieve similar functioning as in natural refer­
tionship unbalances the network, interaction evenness and diversity are ence ecosystem.
Over the course of the season, as both pollinators and plants diver­
4.2. Pollinator community: composition and function
sified, differences in vegetation composition between areas become
more obvious. Between the sampling sessions of March and April, flower
Our results demonstrate that pollination, despite showing relatively
availability sharply declined in all areas (Sup. Materials H Fig. H.2).
similar network structures between areas, is provisioned by different
However, in abandoned sites, a richer herbaceous layer composed of
species in the different areas. This result is also reported in other polli­
ruderal species from early successional stages likely maintained a high
nation studies, where changes in species composition and interactions
floral diversity throughout the study period. While in natural and
can occur without major alterations of the overall network structure

C. Carvalho et al. Journal of Environmental Management 318 (2022) 115450

(Alarcón, 2010; Forup and Memmott, 2005; Forup et al., 2008; Nielsen (Menz et al., 2011). This should promote floral heterogeneity,
and Totland, 2014; Petanidou et al., 2008). In our study, compositional strengthening the pollinator community and consequently increasing
analyses showed distinct communities occurring in each area, signaling the robustness of the plant community.
the restored area as the most dissimilar. These compositional differences Our results also highlight the importance of considering ecosystem
likely correspond to differences in vegetation structure, that can influ­ function as well as compositional assessments in restoration planning
ence the availability and suitability of floral resources. For instance, and evaluation as both are attributes of restored ecosystems (SER,
restoration practices have supplied the restored areas with non-native 2004). In our study, though pollinator composition differed significantly
conifer species, thus changing the structure of the habitat. Mexia et al. between areas, restored areas showed more similar functioning to the
(2020) has found for the same restored area that these practices have led natural reference ecosystem. Although ecosystem functioning has been
to further changes on native vegetation, with further effects on the restored, the system has evolved into an alternative state of recovery
composition and structure of epigean beetle communities. because plant and pollinator communities differ from the natural
On the other hand, both natural and abandoned areas share higher reference areas. Nevertheless, our findings are in line with previous
similarity of pollinator species, but agree less in their ecological func­ research demonstrating that restoration can be achieved with distinct
tion. This result implies that some pollinators may have different roles biological communities providing function and ecosystem services as
within the networks depending on the area. Honey bees, for example, effectively as the communities found in natural ecosystems (Denning
acted differently across all areas, being more important pollinators in and Foster, 2018; Forup and Memmott, 2005; Williams, 2011). In this
the natural area where they were common and specialized (see also regard, species composition assessments alone may fail to reflect
Dormann, 2011). In contrast, bumblebees were more important for the restoration success, diverting the allocation of limited resources into
plant community of the abandoned quarries where they assumed a unnecessary actions.
generalist and opportunistic foraging behavior (see also Fontaine et al., Finally, the relationship between wild and honey bee species needs
2008). Wild bees showed a more consistent role across all areas, but further clarification, especially considering the implications for resto­
seemed to be more important in restored sites. These wild bee species ration. Although honey bees are widely acknowledged to promote
may benefit from bare soil cover and presence of stone piles, which are pollination, their effects on the local and diverse community of wild
appealing conditions for many ground-nesting and cavity-nesting spe­ bees, and on plant reproductive success, are of concern (Forup et al.,
cies, respectively (Tiedeken and FitzPatrick, 2016). In conclusion, 2008; Herrera, 2020; Lomov et al., 2010). The provision of suitable
different pollinator communities show different importance in the pro­ habitat conditions and varied flower resources as well as nesting sub­
vision of pollination services in each area: honey bees play the most strates (creation of sand pits, log piles, bee hotels) can be easily un­
important role in the natural area, bumblebees in the abandoned dertaken in active restoration plans to promote wild bee occurrence and
quarries and wild bees in the restored sites. abundance.
The inverse relationship between honey bee and wild bee abun­
dance, coupled with their high niche overlap, suggests a possible conflict Data accessibility statement
between both. There are growing concerns reported in the Mediterra­
nean basin signaling the replacement of wild bees by increasing honey Data available on Figshare 10.6084/m9.figshare.20072396.
bee abundance, which may be leading the former to decline (Herrera,
2020). Consequently, high dominance of honey bees contributes to the Author contributions
homogenization of pollinator communities. It is possible that the lower
abundance of honey bees in restored sites is favoring higher abundance Carolina Carvalho: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation,
of wild bees. Formal analysis, Writing – original draft Pedro A. Salgueiro: Concep­
tualization, Methodology, Investigation, Formal analysis, Writing –
4.3. Caveats and implications for restoration management and assessment original draft Amália Oliveira: Conceptualization, Methodology,
Investigation, Writing – review & editing Carmo Silva: Conceptualiza­
One of the main limitations of this study was the location of spatial tion, Methodology, Resources, Writing – review & editing Ana Sam­
replicates which was constrained by the number of quarried sites with paio: Investigation, Writing – review & editing Marta Parrinha:
particular restoration approaches. This resulted in a high spatial clus­ Investigation, Writing – review & editing Elsa Caeiro: Investigation,
tering of sites of the different area types analyzed. We tried to overcome Resources, Writing – review & editing Otília Miralto: Investigation,
this issue by selecting statistical methods that accounted for within site Writing – review & editing António Mira: Resources, Writing – review
random effects to control for possible bias, and by testing our results & editing.
through a randomization procedure. Our results suggest that active
restoration allowed for faster recovery of ecosystem function. After Declaration of competing interest
20–30 years of active restoration, the pollination process in restored
areas was more similar to natural areas than 40 years of natural suc­ The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
cession in spontaneously restored areas. Despite the slower rate, natural interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
succession also appeared to allow for function recovery, even showing the work reported in this paper.
greater diversity and higher levels of specialization. However, aban­
doned areas were located at much smaller quarry sites, lessening the Acknowledgements
effects of habitat degradation by being closer to remnant natural habi­
tats (Cusser and Goodell, 2013). Nevertheless, the ongoing natural We are thankful to Alexandra Silva for her valuable assistance in the
process of succession in the abandoned areas has allowed for the experiment. Fieldwork and logistics were supported by SECIL — Com­
establishment of ruderal opportunistic plants (e.g. Rubus ulmifolius, panhia Geral de Cal e Cimento, S.A., in the scope of the project “Estudo e
Echium plantagineum) likely contributing to the maintenance of overall Valorização da Biodiversidade – Componente da Fauna – na Propriedade
complex networks. This outcome can support future restoration-assisted SECIL-Outão, 5a Fase”. We are also grateful to Dr. Sean Tomlinson and
approaches. For instance, the lower robustness of the plant community four other reviewers for their important contributes to improving the
in recently restored sites could be circumvented through the use of manuscript.
native “bridging” plants that flower in different periods, such as her­
baceous plants (species of Allium, Carduus and Malva), providing nectar
and pollen resources when their availability from other plants is lower

C. Carvalho et al. Journal of Environmental Management 318 (2022) 115450

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