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Below-ground - Chap 01 21/4/04 10:14 Page 1

1 Ecological Interactions in Multispecies

Agroecosystems: Concepts and Rules

Chin K. Ong, Rhamun M. Kho, Simone Radersma

Key questions

1. Can agriculture mimic the beneficial functions associated with natural ecosystems?
2. What are some of the drawbacks of multispecies agroecosystems?
3. How can we know whether below-ground interactions are important?
4. How can we develop a predictive understanding of multispecies systems?
5. What are the basic rules we need to know?

1.1 Introduction culture that is completely dependent on fos-

sil energy and chemical inputs is unafford-
1.1.1 Agriculture as a mimic of nature? able, unsustainable or no longer acceptable
to our quality of life (Lefroy et al., 1999). But
The idea of designing a multispecies agro- natural systems are much more complex
ecosystem as a structural and functional than any form of agriculture used today,
mimic of natural ecosystems is appealing, where the trend is still one of reducing com-
because it offers a simple integrated principle plexity. In a recent review, Vandermeer and
for working towards sustainable agriculture. his co-workers (1998) argue that multi-
The hypothesis that diversity is associated species agroecosystems are more depend-
with higher productivity is not new; as early able, in terms of production, and more
as 1859 Charles Darwin asserted that sustainable, in terms of resource conserva-
it has been experimentally proved that if a plot tion, than simple ones. However, despite
of ground be sown with one species of grass, efforts made to prove this during the cen-
and a similar plot be sown with several distinct tury and a half following Darwin’s assertion,
genera of grasses, a greater number of plants the evidence is not yet conclusive.
and a greater weight of dry herbage can be In his review of the issue in the context
raised in the latter than in the former.
of the humid tropics, Ewel (1999) also con-
The search for new models for agriculture is cluded that it pays to imitate natural sys-
particularly attractive where modern agri- tems, especially with regard to the use of
© CAB International 2004. Below-ground Interactions in Tropical Agroecosystems
(M. van Noordwijk, G. Cadisch and C.K. Ong) 1
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2 C.K. Ong et al.

perennial plants to maintain soil fertility, Existing trees can be used for their beneficial
protect against erosion and make full use of effect, just as they have by millions of farm-
light, water and nutrients. However, there is ers in the parkland systems of West Africa.
a trade-off between maintaining full vegeta- However, the idea that this beneficial effect
tive cover and promoting the growth of can be emulated and further improved upon
desirable plants. It may therefore be neces- in ‘designed’ agroforestry is one that has led
sary to accept a lower ‘crop’ yield, because to much disillusionment.
an intrinsic feature of natural systems is a How can we confidently relate the func-
high investment in structure. On the other tion of a mimic system to its structure when
hand, reducing the complexity of agricul- we know so little of the underlying
tural systems to promote ‘short-term’ pro- processes that confer persistence and
ductivity, by substituting external inputs for resilience on the natural ecosystems on
biological functions, tends to further which a mimic system is based? Perennial
increase dependence on such inputs. High vegetation has considerable benefits in terms
levels of fertilizer tend to switch off special- of maintaining such ecosystem functions as
ized mechanisms of nutrient input and ‘catchment hydrology’ (Chapters 6 and 18,
cycling, such as biological nitrogen fixation this volume), ‘nutrient cycling’ (Chapter 10,
(Chapter 13, this volume) and proteoid roots this volume), ‘nitrogen fixation’ (Chapter
(Chapter 7, this volume). 13, this volume) and ‘reduction of trace
Ong and Leakey (1999) attempted to rec- gases’. Such benefits encourage the use of
oncile differences between recent agro- agroforestry as a technique that allows
forestry research and interactions between sustainable land and water management in
savannah trees and understorey vegetation areas where high-energy-input or large-
in the semiarid tropics. Whilst the productiv- scale agriculture are impractical (Kidd and
ity of natural vegetation under savannah Pimental, 1992). Thus, information on the
trees is generally higher than that of vegeta- underlying processes in less complex sys-
tion between the trees, the expectation tems (such as agroforestry) may provide
derived from this observation – that growing important clues about the same processes in
trees among crops (‘agroforestry’) will boost multispecies agroecosystems.
crop yields – has generally not been con-
firmed in experiments. Van Noordwijk and
Ong (1999) explained that because a high 1.1.2 Multispecies agroecosystems
proportion of the above-ground part of
mature savannah trees consists of a woody Multispecies agroecosystems (associations of
structure, rather than foliage, they provide two or more species growing together on the
shade and microclimatic improvement same piece of land in a certain temporal and
whilst incurring only a low water-use ‘cost’. spatial arrangement) are widespread
This means that the amount of water ‘saved’ throughout the tropics. In comparison with
by the resultant reduction in soil evapora- monocrops, such systems promise the fol-
tion may more than offset the water ‘lost’ lowing three benefits to farmers: increased
through tree transpiration. In recently productivity, increased stability and
planted trees (‘new agroforestry’) the increased sustainability. The first potential
amount of water used for transpiration benefit concerns total productivity, which can
exceeds the reduction in soil evaporation, so be higher, i.e. output of valuable products
decreasing the amount of water available for per unit of land and labour is increased,
crops. A basic problem is that savannah through reduced damage by pests and dis-
trees’ investments in woody structure eases (Chapter 15, this volume) and through
require time and energy, thereby reducing better use of resources. A multispecies sys-
returns to farmers. Thus there is a penalty, tem often has a green canopy that is denser
which takes the form of a long wait before for longer than that of a monoculture,
trees mature and before any benefit is seen allowing it to capture light that would be
in terms of understorey productivity. lost in a monoculture. The mixed canopy
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Ecological Interactions in Multispecies Agroecosystems 3

may also reduce weed competition and can be controlled/manipulated by appropri-

reduce water loss by evaporation directly ate management (Chapter 17, this volume).
from the bare soil, leaving more water for Van Noordwijk and Ong (1999) commented
productive transpiration. A deeper and on the different ways ecologists and farmers
denser rooting system in a multispecies sys- perceive ‘competition’. To the first, the term
tem may exploit the soil more completely, often refers to ‘use of and dependence on
increasing the potential for water and nutri- common resources’; and, competition
ent uptake (Chapters 4, 5, 6 and 10, this vol- between individuals of the same species is
ume). Better soil physical properties and the generally stronger than that between indi-
reduction of runoff (Chapters 9 and 18, this viduals of different species. To the farmer,
volume) may conserve water, whereas however, the yardstick against which com-
enhanced soil biological activity and nutrient petition is ‘measured’ is the ‘value’ derived
cycling may increase the availability of from the growth of the different plants. If all
nutrients (Chapters 11 and 14, this volume). plants have an equal value per unit biomass
The second potential benefit of multi- produced, as happens in a monoculture,
species systems is increased stability, i.e. sen- there is no perception of the occurrence of
sitivity to short-term fluctuations is reduced competition. Competition becomes a prob-
by decreasing the risk of pests and diseases lem if the difference in value increases.
(Chapter 15, this volume) and by spreading Companion plants of lower use/value can
those risks through species diversity then become ‘weeds’ and competition is
(Chapter 16, this volume). If one plant com- seen to increase, even though the resource
ponent fails to produce, the production of base (in space and time) of these plants can
the other plant components may compen- partially differ from that of the crops.
sate for it. In agroforestry systems, trees may In this chapter we introduce concepts and
increase the microscale variability in soil and models that can be used to explore how and
in crop growth, which increases the proba- where multispecies agroecosystems may be
bility that at least part of the crop will yield able to improve the use of plant growth
successfully. resources, using experience gained from
The third potential benefit of multispecies recent agroforestry research. We will begin
systems is increased sustainability, i.e. long- by unravelling the complex interactions that
term productivity is maintained by the pro- occur between trees and crops. We will then
tection of the resource base. This may be the examine how resource availability influ-
result of, for example, reduced erosion, ences competition between plants and,
input of nitrogen through biological N2-fixa- finally, we will define simple rules governing
tion (Chapter 13, this volume), retrieval of success or failure when mixing trees and
subsoil nutrients and/or reduction of nutri- crops. A list of the models and their applica-
ent losses through reduced leaching tion for above- and below-ground interac-
(Chapter 6, this volume). Productivity and tions are discussed elsewhere in this book
sustainability are interrelated and have the (Chapter 3).
potential to conflict, especially in nutrient- In the past, sweeping generalizations
limiting environments. Increased productiv- have been made, which suggested that any
ity may imply an increased exploitation of multispecies system was better than any
the environment and a mining of nutrient monoculture. However, because we can
resources. As a consequence, on infertile now acknowledge that sufficient evidence
soils a productive system with high outputs exists to prove such supposition false, the
will most probably not be sustainable with- current goal of interaction research is to
out external inputs. determine which particular multispecies sys-
A potential drawback of multispecies sys- tem will realize and maximize the potential
tems is that plant components of a lower benefits in any given environment. Before
value to the farmer may compete too heav- such systems can be promoted, however, we
ily with those of a high value. However, by need to take into account the needs and
species choice and arrangement, competition constraints imposed by the socioeconomic
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4 C.K. Ong et al.

and policy context. However, a number of tions can be made, depending on the context
recent books (Franzel et al., 2001; Otsuka and upon one’s view. Besides an ecological
and Place, 2001) discuss these more applied classification, based on the net effect (posi-
issues, allowing this book to focus on the tive, nil or negative) of each component
biophysical aspects of interactions in tropical (Anderson and Sinclair, 1993) and the agro-
agroecosystems, and especially their more nomic partition between above-ground and
elusive below-ground aspects. below-ground interactions, more mechanistic
classifications can be made. In terms of time,
a distinction can be made between direct (i.e.
1.1.3 Land Equivalence Ratio (LER) instantaneous) and indirect interactions.
In the case of indirect interactions, a
Farmers’ direct interests lie, particularly, in time period exists between the cause (e.g.
the ‘production benefit’. The benefit of inter- depletion of soil water whilst that water
cropping is most frequently (Vandermeer, supply is ample) and the result. So, the
1989) quantified by the LER, which is effect only becomes apparent later in the
defined as the relative land area in pure season when there is a shortage of water.
stands that is required to produce the yields According to the number of components
of all products from the mixture. If the LER involved, a distinction can be made in
>1, then the mixture is more advantageous terms of two-way, three-way, etc. interac-
than separate monocultures. Of course, the tions. A two-way interaction involves two
amount of land used is only one of the pro- components (e.g. in a specific ecozone, the
duction factors, which include labour, energy presence and the characteristics of one
and total cost. However, multispecies systems plant component may influence the pro-
that do not provide a gain in efficiency in duction of another plant component). A
terms of land use have little chance of being three-way interaction involves three com-
more efficient in these other aspects. ponents, in which a two-way interaction in
In tree–crop systems (agroforestry), one its turn interacts with a third component
component is dominant and perennial. (e.g. in a broader context, in several eco-
However, farmers are often not concerned zones, the influence of one plant compo-
with maximizing both tree and crop compo- nent on another plant component may in
nents; rather, they are concerned with maxi- turn be influenced by the environment).
mizing the annual crop’s production whilst
maintaining an acceptable level of growth in
the tree component. Therefore, the produc- 1.3 Assessing Plant–Environment–Plant
tion benefit can be expressed by I, the yield Interactions
advantage of the annual crop component
only (Sanchez, 1995; Ong, 1996; Rao et al., Insight into plant–environment–plant inter-
1998). It is defined as the increase in crop actions can be obtained using different
yield relative to the yield in monoculture. If approaches. This section describes: (i) the
I > 0, then the agroforestry system is, in separation of simple effects; (ii) the use of
terms of crop production, more advanta- resource capture concepts; and (iii) the use
geous than the monoculture. of a resource balance concept.

1.2 Separating Positive and Negative 1.3.1 Separating simple effects

The net effect of one plant component on
‘Interaction’ refers to the influence that one another plant component must be the result
or more components of a system has on the of positive (i.e. ‘fertility’) effects and nega-
performance both of another component of tive (i.e. ‘competition’) effects. So, one
the system and of the overall system itself approach by which we may obtain insight
(Nair, 1993). Several classifications of interac- into this area is to separate and quantify
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these effects. This idea was formalized in the dictive understanding applicable to other
following equation (Ong, 1995): ecozones it would be preferable if I were to
be approached as a three-way interaction,
I=F+C (1.1)
making the influence of the environment
where I is the ‘overall interaction’ (i.e. the explicit.
percentage net increase in production of one Cannell et al. (1996) attempted to clarify
component attributable to the presence of the resource base of this equation. They
the other component); F is the fertility effect argued that part of the ‘mulch’ effect of a
(i.e. the percentage production increase tree is derived from light, water and nutrient
attributable to favourable effects of the other resources, which the tree acquired in com-
component on soil fertility and microcli- petition with the crop (Fcomp). Another part
mate); and C is the competition effect (i.e. of the mulch effect may result from the fact
the percentage production decrease attribut- that the tree can exploit resources that the
able to competition with the other compo- crop cannot (Fnoncomp). Similarly, a propor-
nent for light, water and nutrients). tion of the resources acquired by the tree in
However, positive and negative compo- competition with the crop is recycled within
nent effects are highly site specific, and the system, and may thus be used by a
change with the environment (see Sanchez, future crop (Crecycl). If Fcomp were based on
1995). Therefore, the insight gained with the same resources as Crecycl, then in the long
this approach does not contribute greatly to run the two terms would cancel each other
a predictive understanding applicable to a out. The question of whether or not a
broad context, and thus to other situations. tree–crop combination gives yield benefits
After a modification by Ong (1996), the therefore depends on: (i) the complementar-
equation evolved (Rao et al., 1998) to give ity of resource use; (ii) the value of direct
the following: tree products – specifically those obtained in
competition (Cnonrecycl) relative to the value
I=F+C+M+P+L+A (1.2)
of crop products that could have been pro-
where F refers to effects on chemical, physi- duced with these resources; and (iii) the effi-
cal and biological soil fertility, C to competi- ciency with which tree resources are
tion for light, water and nutrients, M to recycled into crop products, a point specifi-
effects on microclimate, P to effects on pests, cally true for those resources obtained in
diseases and weeds, L to soil conservation competition with the crop (Crecycl).
and A to allelopathic effects. The main advantage of Ong’s method is
The advantage of Equation 1.2 is that it its simplicity with regard to quantifying sys-
provides a comprehensive overview of the tem performance as the result of a few main
possible effects involved. However, as effects, which can be directly measured with
emphasized by those authors, many of these a relatively simple experimental setup. But,
effects are interdependent and cannot be there are disadvantages. The first is the lack
experimentally estimated independently of of a timeframe. The assumption of Cannell et
one another. Such interdependence is a seri- al. (1996) that Fcomp = Crecycl may be true
ous drawback because, as a result of the once the system has reached equilibrium in
overlap, quantification of the individual the long term. However, before that stage,
terms will most probably give a sum that the fertility effect is more prone to delays
exceeds I. Therefore, the equation cannot than the competition effect, because of slow
help one determine the relative importance or low liberation of available nutrients from
of each term for a given system. Another recycled material. Thus in the first few years,
drawback is that the interaction with the which are important for the assessment of
environment is not explicitly stated in the the technology by the farmer, Fcomp < Crecycl,
equation, but is rather implicitly contained and there is a strong possibility that I will be
in each term. In other words, Equation 1.2 negative. The equation does not allow for
approaches I as a two-way interaction delayed effects, although it can be modified
between two plant components. For a pre- to include a short-term and long-term fertil-
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6 C.K. Ong et al.

ity effect. Van Noordwijk et al. (1998a) esti- give the right result. An example of this is
mated the terms of such a modified equa- water–P interaction in P-fixing soils, in
tion, by including a treatment based on the which P-transport to roots is decreased by
removal of the tree and quantification of decreases in soil water content. Decreases in
‘residual fertility’ effects. Under such condi- soil water content by trees affects the envi-
tions, these long-term fertility effects were ronmental factor p, thus necessitating a W*p
substantial, but so was the competition term. term in Kho’s equation.
Another disadvantage of the direct In cases where long-term performance
empirical approach is that the agroforestry and interaction of tree factors and environ-
system performance results of this equation mental factors are important, mechanistic
cannot be transferred from one environment research may be necessary to explain the
to another. Kho (2000a) developed a functioning of the system, in order to under-
method to overcome the latter disadvantage stand its performance and be able to extrap-
of Ong’s equation (see Section 1.3.3 below, olate that performance to longer time
‘The resource balance concept’). His method periods or to other environments. However,
allows for the transfer of the performance mechanistic research suffers from its own
results of a specified system from one envi- pitfalls. An important one is a loss of overall
ronment to another, and is based on the understanding as a result of focusing on one
sum of positive and negative factors similar or two factors. Another related pitfall is the
to that used by Ong. risk of getting lost in a multitude of detailed
However, Kho’s method can be used processes, without realizing that only a few
quite easily in a qualitative way, and com- factors may really play an important role in
plements Ong’s method in terms of the determining 80–90% of a system’s perfor-
transfer of performance results from one mance in a certain environment.
environment to another. The use of both These pitfalls of mechanistic research
methods together may give a reasonable may, in turn, be (partly) overcome by start-
idea of why systems involving tree–crop ing to look at the system from the perspec-
interactions perform as they do. However, tive of Kho’s method. The first question we
even if the two methods are used to comple- should ask is ‘what are the main limiting
ment each other, there are still limitations to factors in a certain environment (including
their usefulness. Kho (2000a) noted that his pests and diseases)?’ The second question is
method focuses on resource–use interactions ‘how do trees and crops influence each
and is not applicable if pests, diseases or other in general (including influences
allelopathy (caused by the tree component through mechanisms like allelopathy) and
of the system) are important factors deter- particularly via limitation of the main
mining the system’s performance. resource?’ Using Kho’s method to look at
Neither Ong’s nor Kho’s method has a the main environmental resource limitations
timeframe, and a timeframe is necessary to and the effects trees have on the different
take into account delayed effects (such as resources, it is possible to prioritize the
those mentioned above) and long-term mechanisms that need to be looked at in
trends. Thus, an important aim of agro- more detail. In this way, the use of system-
forestry in general is not addressed: the performance analysis methods can be a first
methods may show that a certain agro- step in determining the priorities for mecha-
forestry system works better in certain envi- nistic research.
ronments than does a sole crop, but this
does not mean that such a system is really
sustainable over a longer period. 1.3.2 Use of resource capture concepts
Another feature not covered by these
methods is the performance of a tree–crop One plant component may influence
system that is highly dependent on interac- another by changing its capture of the most
tions between factors; thus, a simple sum of limiting resource. Another approach by
positive and negative factors is not going to which we may gain insight is, therefore, by
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Ecological Interactions in Multispecies Agroecosystems 7

modelling the capture of the limiting times the minimum concentration (Van
resource in a multispecies system. Biomass Duivenbooden, 1995), which shows that
production (W) is the product of such cap- conversion efficiencies are not at all conserv-
ture, and the efficiency with which the cap- ative. In a dataset of radiation conversion
tured resource is converted into biomass efficiencies (Azam-Ali et al., 1994), 72% of
(Monteith et al., 1994; Ong et al., 1996): the total variance was found to be attributed
to the environment and only 10% to species,
W = εconversion  Capture (1.3)
which indicates that conversion efficiencies
where εconversion is the conversion efficiency are determined more by environment than
and Capture the capture of the specific by species. Secondly, increased capture of
resource. one resource will always be accompanied by
Two assumptions are usually made when increased capture of other resources. If sev-
using this approach. First, the conversion eral resources are limiting, increased capture
efficiency is usually considered to be species- of other resources must also contribute to
specific and conservative, which justifies the production, and it is not clear whether, or to
use of empirically determined efficiencies. what extent, increased capture of the
Secondly, because biomass production W is resource under consideration is the cause or
calculated from Capture it is regarded as the the effect of increased biomass production.
‘dependent’ variable responding to Capture, Therefore, Kho (2000a) argued that the rela-
which is the ‘independent’ variable. These tion between production and capture is a
assumptions rely on the premise that the correlation, not a causal relation.
resource under consideration is the only An approach that uses Equation 1.3 is
limiting resource and that all other growth thus methodologically sound only if a strict
resources are in ample supply. In this spe- ‘law of the minimum’ is applicable.
cific case, the conversion efficiency is con- However, this is a theoretical idealization
stant at its maximum value (Kho, 2000a), that is, in reality, seldom true. In most envi-
and the response of the plant can be entirely ronments, a crop responds to the increased
attributed to the increased capture of the availability of several resources, having for
resource being considered. each resource a smooth response curve
If other resources are also limiting (i.e. if gradually reaching a plateau (de Wit, 1992)
the response curve is a smooth curve reach- (Box 1.1). Limitation is thus indicated more
ing a plateau gradually), the assumptions are by a point on a gradual, continuous scale
no longer valid. First, theoretical as well as rather than by a discrete yes/no variable (see
empirical evidence shows that increased limi- Kho, 2000a, and the next section). One rea-
tation of other resources will decrease the son for this is that plants have a certain plas-
conversion efficiency of the resource in ques- ticity, which allows them to adapt their
tion (Kho, 2000a). The conversion efficiency architecture in order to acquire the most
of nutrients equals (in the absence of nutri- limiting resource (Chapter 4), thereby mak-
ent losses from the plant) the reciprocal of ing that resource less limiting. Another rea-
the nutrient concentration in the plant. For son why a strict ‘law of the minimum’
nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, the occurs so seldom is that, with an increasing
maximum concentration can be two to three timescale (from hours to seasons and

Box 1.1. General principles on limiting resources and capture.

1. Limitation does not involve only one resource that, if saturated, is replaced by another resource.
Usually several resources are limiting, in which case the relationship between biomass production
and the capture of a single resource should be viewed as a correlation, not a causal relation.
2. The variation in conversion efficiencies between environments is larger than that between species,
which shows that conversion efficiencies are determined more by the environment than by species.
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8 C.K. Ong et al.

beyond) and/or space (from a single plant replaced by a more realistic model (involv-
organ to a field and beyond), the response ing the capture of several resources). This is
curve is the sum of several individual an enormous challenge. Until it is accom-
response curves. Even if the latter are plished, however, the present models can
Blackman-type curves, this composite curve give a mechanistic insight into the resource
is, because of temporal and spatial hetero- flows in a system and may be helpful in
geneity, smooth (Kho, 2000a). terms of evaluating the relative influence of
For the study of plant–environment– alternative multispecies designs (species
plant interactions, de Wit’s approach is quite combinations, temporal and spatial arrange-
relevant, because plants alter the availability ments, etc.) on resource flows.
of several resources simultaneously and
will, therefore, alter conversion efficiencies
by changing resource limitations. Moreover, 1.3.3 The resource balance concept
the ‘most limiting’ resource for a plant in
monoculture is not necessarily the ‘most One plant influences another by changing
limiting’ resource for a plant in a multi- the availability of several resources in the
species system. environment of the other. The effect on pro-
The above methodological weakness for duction depends on the degree to which the
predicting biomass production in multi- resources concerned are limiting (Fig. 1.1).
species systems may be avoided in two dif- In an environment where the resource is
ferent ways. First, empirically obtained not limiting (right in Fig. 1.1), a change in
efficiencies should not be used as parameters availability does not have much of an influ-
(constants) in process-based models. Instead, ence on production (all other factors being
efficiencies should be studied and modelled constant). The more a resource is limiting
in relation to availabilities of the other (to the left in Fig. 1.1), the greater its influ-
resources, and treated as a variable in ence. Limitation of a resource can be defined
process-based models. Secondly, dynamic as the ratio between the slope of the
simulation models for different resources response curve and the use efficiency of the
can be linked. These models should operate resource (Kho, 2000a):
at such a small (detailed) scale that, in the ∂W / ∂A
L= (1.4)
integration step, Equation 1.3 can be W /A



0 A
Resource availability

Fig. 1.1. Response curve of biomass production in relation to availability of a certain resource (all other
factors equal) with slope (∂W/∂A) and use efficiency (W/A) for a specific environment (●).
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Ecological Interactions in Multispecies Agroecosystems 9

where L = limiting factor, W = biomass, and Within the temperature range at which a
A = availability. crop species can grow and reproduce
On the plateau, the slope equals zero; thus, (roughly from 0°C to 35°C for temperate
the minimum value of limitation L equals species and from 10°C to 45°C for tropical
zero. Near the origin, the slope equals the species; Ong and Monteith, 1985), crop dry
use efficiency, so that the maximum value of matter production (W) in a specific environ-
limitation L equals one. By rearranging ment is a function of resource availability:
Equation 1.4 it is clear that, for small
W = f ( A1 , A2 , ... , An ) (1.6)
changes, the relative change in production
(∆W/W) equals the relative change in avail- where Ai is the availability of resource i and
ability (∆A/A) multiplied by the limitation L n is the number of all resources. Let z denote
(all other factors being equal). an arbitrary management option that alters
Each specific environment has, for a resource availabilities (some resources may
particular species, its own balance of avail- be altered positively, others negatively, some
able resources, and can be characterized by by much, others less or not at all).
a set of response curves (Fig. 1.1; one For the sake of argument, we will tem-
curve for each resource) on which the porarily assume that the management
environment concerned occupies a certain option used can be applied gradually, using
point. Therefore, for a particular species, many small steps; but in practice this is not
each specific environment can be charac- essential. The effect of the management
terized by the set of limitations Li for each option on production can be found by differ-
resource i. Kho (2000a) showed that the entiating Equation 1.6 with respect to z.
limitations of all resources (CO2, radiation, According to the chain rule:
water and all nutrients) most probably n

∑ ∂∂AW ⋅
dW = dAi
total one: dz dz (1.7)
n i =1

i =1
i =1 (1.5) Multiplying both sides by dz, and expressing
the differentials relative to their original
That is, if for a particular species in a specific value (i.e. dividing both sides by production
environment the limitations of some W and multiplying the right-hand side by
resources are known and add up to one, it Ai/Ai) gives:
can be inferred that all other resources are n

∑ ∂∂AW
dW = Ai dA
not limiting. Alternatively, if the sum is less × i (1.8)
W i W Ai
than one, it can be inferred that other i =1

resources are still limiting. A rough approxi- Substitution of Equation 1.4 yields:
mation of limitations can be obtained by n

dW dAi
analysing publications reporting use efficien- = i × (1.9)
W Ai
cies and response to changed availability i =1
(see Kho, 2000a). which shows that, for small changes, the rel-
In general, a plant component does not ative change in production (∆W/W) equals
change the availability of only one resource simply the sum of the relative changes in
in the environment of another plant compo- availability (∆Ai/Ai) multiplied by their limi-
nent; rather, it changes the availability of tation Li.
several resources (light, water, nitrogen, Biomass production is not determined by
phosphorus, etc.). How does this influence the (change in) availability of only one
production? If the availability of several resource (e.g. the most limiting) but by all
resources changes simultaneously (e.g. lead- the limiting resources. The contribution each
ing to increases and/or decreases in avail- resource makes to the relative change in pro-
ability), is biomass production then duction is proportional to both its degree of
determined only by the (change in) avail- limitation and its relative change in availabil-
ability of the most limiting resource? Or, by ity. This result is the basis for the framework
that of all limiting resources? considered in the next section of this chapter.
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10 C.K. Ong et al.

1.4 A Framework for a Predictive determine the relative ability of each plant
Understanding of Multispecies Systems component to acquire resources from their
shared environment. For each plant compo-
With regard to growth resources, one plant nent, this ultimately results in net effects on
component can have many effects on the availability of resources. For one plant
another plant component in a multispecies component, the relative net change in the
system (upper half of Fig. 1.2). A given availability of resource i equals:
multispecies system with a given manage- ∆Ai Ai ;multi − Ai ;mono
Ti = = (1.10)
ment system has a particular canopy and Ai Ai ;mono
root architecture in time and space. The where Ti is the relative net change in avail-
mixed canopy architecture (leaf area index ability of resource i because of the other
and extinction coefficients of each plant plant component, Ai;multi is the availability of
component in different layers) and root resource i to the plant component concerned
architecture (root length densities of each in the multispecies system and Ai;mono is that
plant component in different soil layers) in the monoculture.

Simple + shade − temperature + mulch/litter + N2-fixation

tree effects − PAR + RH + SOM + root decay
− weeds − windspeed − soil bulk density + deep capture
+ rain interception − vapour pressure deficit + dry deposition
+ microbiological activity − runoff ± erosion
+ water holding capacity + mineralization + root competition

+ +
− −

Altering (the balance of)
resource availabilities
to the crop
light water N P .

Tree effect on crop production

Fig. 1.2. Trees influence crop production by altering the balance of resources available to the crop (light,
water, N and P). The height of each shaded area relative to the height of the rectangle represents the relative
change in the availability of the resource (Ti). The width of each shaded area relative to the total width
represents the limitation of the resource in the tree–crop interface (Li). The sum of positive and negative
shaded surfaces relative to the total surface of the rectangle represents the overall tree effect I expressed as a
fraction of sole crop production. PAR, photosynthetically active radiation; RH, relative humidity; SOM soil
organic matter. (Adapted from Kho et al., 2001.)
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Ecological Interactions in Multispecies Agroecosystems 11

Because these coefficients are determined established simultaneous agroforestry sys-

by the mixed canopy and root architectures tem, competition for light may be relatively
they are probably ‘conservative’ when applied low, resulting in a negative effect close to
to a particular multispecies system, soil depth zero. However, the rooting system of the
and slope. They most probably serve as key trees is still superficial, resulting in low (neg-
characteristics of the particular multispecies ative) net effects on water and nutrient avail-
system (with one for each plant component ability. As the system matures, the canopy
set), but this is a subject for further study. and the rooting system of the trees develop.
When a particular multispecies technol- The amount of light available to the crop
ogy is placed in a specific environment (in decreases (the net effect becomes more nega-
terms of soil, climate and topography), it tive). The net effects on water availability
interacts with that environment. If we may become either less negative (as a result
approximate the differentials in Equation of less competition) or positive (if the bene-
1.9 by differences and substitute the defini- fits offered by a more favourable microcli-
tion of I and Equation 1.11 into it we may mate and soil physical properties outweigh
expect for I (Kho, 2000b; Kho et al., 2001): competition). The net effect on nutrient
n availability may also become less negative or
I= ∑L
i =1
i × Ti (1.11) positive (as a result of less competition and
increased nutrient cycling). On sloping lands,
Equation 1.11 is represented graphically in the potential benefit of water and soil con-
the lower half of Fig. 1.2. Note that Equation servation is greater than on a flat surface. So,
1.11 only considers interactions related to the increase with maturity of the net effects
growth resources. Allelopathy and effects on water and nutrient availability may be
caused by damage by pests and diseases fall stronger on sloping lands.
outside its scope. Therefore, Equation 1.11 The more a resource becomes available in
may be extended to: the environment of a multispecies system,
 n  the smaller its limitation (see Equation 1.4,
I =
 ∑
 i =1
Li × Ti  +P+ A

(1.12) Fig. 1.1 and Box 1.2). The more other limit-
ing resources become available in the envi-
where A is the relative change in production ronment of that multispecies system, the
because of allelopathic effects (A≤0) and P is smaller their limitation (see Equation 1.5).
the relative change in production (positively Combined with Equation 1.11 this leads to
or negatively) because of the influence of the two rules (see Box 1.2) that can be viewed
multispecies system on pests and diseases. P is as counterparts to classic principles of crop
also a function of technology and of the envi- production (Kho, 2000b).
ronment. If there are no sources of pathogens These rules are helpful both for predicting
in the environment, P will be zero. the performance of a multispecies technology
Equations 1.11 and 1.12 explain the pro- when it is extended to another environment
duction benefit associated with a multi- and for developing a multispecies technology
species system at a certain state (time and (Kho, 2002). For example, Kho (2000b)
maturity). The relative net effects on showed that, with regard to alley cropping
resource availability (Ti) may change when technology, the net effect that trees have on
the system grows to maturity. In a newly the availability (to the crop) of light, water

Box 1.2. Simple rules for predicting the performance of multispecies systems.

Rule 1. The greater the availability of a resource in the environment of a multispecies system, the
smaller its relative importance in the overall interaction.
Rule 2. The greater the availability of other limiting resources in the environment of the multispecies
system, the greater the relative importance of a resource in the overall interaction.
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12 C.K. Ong et al.

and phosphorus is most probably negative, When designing and developing a multi-
whereas for nitrogen it is most probably posi- species technology, we want to increase the
tive. Consequently, in a (sub-)humid climate share of positive net effects and decrease the
on nitrogen-deficient soils, the overall effect negative net effects. This may be done in
of alley cropping will most probably be posi- one of two ways. First, in the design phase,
tive, because of the positive nitrogen effect we can try to make the net effects on
and the negative net effects on other resource availability (Ti) both positive and as
resources (Fig. 1.3a). In the same climate, large as possible. This can be done by choos-
but on acid soils, phosphorus is relatively less ing the right species combinations, the right
available; this will increase the negative temporal and spatial arrangements and the
phosphorus effect (Rule 1) and decrease the right management techniques, which are a
positive nitrogen effect (Rule 2), resulting in unique part of the technology (e.g. prun-
a negative overall effect (Fig. 1.3b). ing). Herewith, process-based models may

(a) N-deficient soil (b) Acid (P-deficient) soil

+ +

− −
− − − −


I = +23% I = −17%

(c) N-deficient soil + N fertilizer (d) Acid (P-deficient) soil + P fertilizer

+ +

− −
− − − −


I = −27% I = +13%

Fig. 1.3. Possible tree effect balances of alley cropping technology in a humid climate (a) on nitrogen-
deficient soils; (b) on acid (phosphorus-deficient) soils; (c) on nitrogen-deficient soils with nitrogen fertilizer
being provided to the alley crop and the sole crop; and (d) on acid soils with phosphorus fertilizer being
provided to the alley crop and the sole crop. The relative net tree effects on availability of each resource (Ti)
are equal in (a)–(d); only the environment (i.e. resource limitations, Li) changes explain the different overall
effects (I ). R, radiation; W, water; N, nitrogen; P, phosphorus resources. (Source: Kho, 2002.)
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Ecological Interactions in Multispecies Agroecosystems 13

be very helpful. These models should thus availability of resources) on another, spe-
be built in such a way that the effect these cific, plant component (TI) can be very use-
factors have on (relative changes in) ful. In this sense, even very limited
resource availability can be evaluated easily. knowledge can be helpful for the prediction
Note that relative changes in availability are of overall interaction and the development
sufficient to explain a relative change in pro- of multispecies systems, in a qualitative
duction (Equations 1.9 and 1.11). Therefore, sense. Fortunately, much of this information
absolute values of availability are not neces- is already available, hidden in the literature
sary, and the models are allowed to give pre- on this subject. Kho (2000b) developed rules
dictions of availability that are based on one (see Box 1.2) to ‘reveal’ this information. By
or more constant multiplication factors. analysing the direction of the change of I, in
With the calculation of the relative net response to a change in the availability of a
change (Equation 1.10) the multiplication resource (when all other factors remain con-
factors appear in the numerator and denom- stant), the sign of the net effect on this
inator and vanish from the equation. This resource can be derived (Fig. 1.4).
property may thus reduce the effort neces- For example, suppose that a particular
sary to produce such a model. agroforestry system has an I equal to +5% in
The second way to increase positive net a season with good rains, but an I equal to
effects and decrease negative effects involves 25% in a season with poor rains. So, with
the following. In the development phase, we decreased water availability, the overall
can increase the limitations (Li) of the posi- interaction decreased. According to Fig. 1.4,
tive net effects and decrease those of the neg- the net effect that trees have on water avail-
ative net effects by choosing appropriate ability is probably negative (TA < 0), while
management options that are not unique to the net effect trees have on another resource
the technology, but that can be applied to is probably positive (TB > 0). Because I was
both a multispecies system and a monocul- positive, the last statement (e.g. that there is
ture. Management options can be translated a positive net effect on the availability of
into effects on the availability of resources, another resource) is most probably true.
which allows one to manipulate the share of However, I changed its sign, so we can be
the different resources in the overall interac- sure that the net tree effect on water avail-
tion. For example, with regard to alley-crop- ability in this particular system is negative.
ping technology, options such as phosphorus The net effects that plant components
fertilization, water-conserving tillage and/or have on resource availability (Ti) can easily
weeding of superficially rooting weeds are be empirically quantified. The availability of
probably appropriate. These management a resource to a crop in a multispecies system
options will increase the availability of phos- and to a crop in monoculture are estimated
phorus and water, and thus will reduce the and Equation 1.11 applied. Our interest lies
negative phosphorus and water effects (Rule not in absolute values of availability, but in
1) and increase the positive nitrogen effect relative changes in availability; hence, it is
(Rule 2). To illustrate this, compare Fig. 1.3b immaterial if the estimations of availability
and 1.3d in terms of the effect that phospho- are biased with constant multiplication fac-
rus fertilizer has when applied to both an tors (Kho et al., 2001).
alley-cropping system and a monoculture. On When quantifying the limitations (Li) we
the other hand, external inputs of organic or have to consider certain factors.
inorganic nitrogen are probably inappropriate Approximation of the differentials of
in such systems, because they will reduce the Equation 1.9 resulted in Equation 1.11. This
positive nitrogen effect (Rule 1) and increase approximation is justified for small reductions
the share of the negative effects (Rule 2; cf. in availability. However, especially in agro-
Fig. 1.3a and 1.3c). forestry systems, one plant component (the
Simply being able to identify as positive tree) may greatly influence resource availabil-
or negative (+ or ) the net effects that ity to the other plant component (the crop).
plant components have (in terms of the The limitations for the crop in the agro-
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14 C.K. Ong et al.

The availability of resource A

decreases increases

If I decreases I increases I decreases I increases

(more neg.) (more neg.)

TA < 0 TA > 0 TA > 0 TA < 0
TB > 0 TB < 0 TB < 0 TB > 0
If I changes in sign

If a positive I a negative I a positive I a negative I

becomes becomes becomes becomes
negative positive negative positive

TA < 0 TA > 0 TB < 0 TB > 0

TA refers to the net effect on changed resource; TB to that of another limiting resource.
‡ Both statements may be true. However, if I is negative, the statement with the negative T value is

most meaningful; if I is positive, the one with the positive T value is most meaningful.
If the overall interaction I changes in sign, then certainty about the net effects is given.
Fig. 1.4. Diagram used to derive the sign of the net effect on availability of a resource (other factors being
equal). (Adapted from Kho, 2000b, with permission from Elsevier.)

forestry system may thus differ from the limi- species technology. For more subtle interac-
tations for the monoculture, and the appro- tions, however, it will be necessary to use a
priate limitations for use in Equations 1.11 combination of simple rules and a process-
and 1.12 must be somewhere in between the based model. For example, Radersma (2002)
values in the two systems. To be consistent, demonstrated, on a P-fixing Oxisol in west-
the partial derivatives in the limitation ern Kenya, that a 2–3% decrease in soil
(Equation 1.4) should also be approximated water content as a result of the influence of
with the right variations of the same order. associated trees may cause a 30–40%
For details and an example of the quantifica- decrease in maize production. In such situa-
tion of Equation 1.12, see Kho et al. (2001). tions, trees are likely to affect crop growth
by inducing P deficiency through drying the
soil. Further understanding of the processes
1.5 Conclusions underlying multispecies ecosystems are
needed in order to evaluate their relative
In this chapter, using experience gained in importance at the ecosystem and landscape
agroforestry research, we have used specific levels (which are described in other chapters
concepts and simple rules to explore how of this book).
and where multispecies agroecosystems may It should also be pointed out that we
be able to improve the use of growth have drawn our evidence from the limited
resources. It is clear that simple rules (Box number of species (usually two or three)
1.2) are helpful both for predicting the gen- currently used in agroforestry research.
eral performance of a multispecies technol- More progress is needed in the development
ogy when it is extended to another of the theory and concepts dealing with how
environment and for developing a multi- the number and composition of plant species
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Ecological Interactions in Multispecies Agroecosystems 15

influence ecosystem processes before we can exploiting and competing for limited
extrapolate them to more complex systems. resources do not automatically give rise to
Recent advances in theoretical models based greater productivity or stability (because
on simple but well-known mechanisms of these interactions are also highly dependent
interspecific competition may provide on species composition). See Chapter 4 for
important new insights. For example, the more discussions of the importance of
models developed by Tilman and Lehman species diversity and ecosystem perfor-
(2001) support the long-standing hypothesis mance. Finally, our current understanding of
that the number of species in a community how multispecies agroecosystems function
may increase overall productivity, resource should be integrated into the enormous
use and stability. However, they pointed out wealth of local ecological knowledge known
that traits that allow species to coexist when to exist (see Chapter 2, this volume).


1. Well-chosen multispecies agroecosystems are probably more productive and sustainable than the
best-performing monocultures. However, the evidence for this is not yet conclusive.
2. The drawbacks of multispecies systems include lower yields in annual crops (because of higher
investments in vegetation structure) and a long wait for trees to mature and yield products.
3. Simple rules for predicting the general performance of multispecies systems exist, including rules
for predicting the balance between above-ground and below-ground resource-use limitations.
4. For the prediction of a more specific level of performance, it is necessary to combine simple rules
with process models.

Future research needs

1. How important are the number of species and species composition in determining overall produc-
tivity and stability?
2. How important is ecosystem structure in determining multispecies-agroecosystem function?
3. How can we incorporate local ecological knowledge into the scientific rules and concepts associ-
ated with modellers’ ecological knowledge?

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