8 - Over Current Relay - 2
8 - Over Current Relay - 2
8 - Over Current Relay - 2
Overcurrent relay_2
Coverage of instantaneous units protecting lines between substations
The percentage of coverage of an
instantaneous unit which protects a line, X,
For example, if Ki =1.25, and Ks =1, The effect of reducing the source
then X =0.6, i.e. the protection impedance, Zs (Ki= 1.25)
covers 60 % of the line
Setting the parameters of time delay overcurrent relays
Overcurrent inverse-time relay curves associated with two breakers on the same feeder
1- The pick-up setting Pick-up setting = (OLF× Inom) ÷ CTR
The pick-up setting, or plug setting, is
used to define the pick-up current of the where: OLF=overload factor that depends on
relay, and fault currents seen by the relay the element being protected;
are expressed as multiples of this value. Inom =nominal circuit current rating;
CTR=CT ratio.
6- For earth-fault relays, the pick-up setting is determined taking account of the maximum
unbalance that would exist in the system under normal operating conditions.
From Figure 5.15, with a plug setting multiplier of 9.75 and a time dial setting at 1,
t1b =0.1 s
Relay 2
With PSM at 3.66 times, and top at least 0.5 s, time dial =2 is chosen
With 9.25 PSM and time dial setting =2⇒ from curve t2b =0.18 s
Relay 3
To discriminate with relay 2, take Iinst.prim2=5920A
Require operation of t3a in at least = t2a + discrimination time= 0.18+0.4=0.58 s
PSMa =5920A×5/ 1100×1/ 8=3.36 times
With 3.36 PSM and top=0.58 sec., ⇒ time dial setting=2
Therefore, the instantaneous element covers 68 per cent of the line BC.
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