1 - Ana Liza Gruspe-Taberdo
1 - Ana Liza Gruspe-Taberdo
1 - Ana Liza Gruspe-Taberdo
IASPER Interdisciplinary Research Journal
Research Design
The study utilized the quantitative-descriptive research design.
Babbie (2010) describes that quantitative methods emphasize objective
measurements and the statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of
data using computational techniques. Quantitative research focuses on
gathering numerical data and generalizing it across groups of people or
to explain a particular phenomenon. It suggests that descriptive studies
can answer questions such as “what is” or “what was. Since this study
was focused on the description and level of satisfaction of students on
the library, dormitory mess, guidance and counseling and medical services
offered by the Philippine Merchant Marine Academy, the described method
was the most appropriate method to use.
This study utilized convenience sampling. Respondents were selected
based on having at least three visit and received any of the services of the
library, medical, guidance and counselling, mess and dormitory units in the
second semester of SY 2017-2018. Respondents were 134 currently enrolled
BSMT and BSMarE students.
Hampton and Viela (2014) suggest that a survey is used for collecting
information that should be representative of the views of the whole
community or group whom you are interested in. The student satisfaction
survey-questionnaires were provided by the different service providers-
the Librarian, Academy Physician, Guidance Coordinator, Mess officer and
the Dormitory Manager. Further adjustments were made after a pilot
application was conducted. The final version of the instrument was resolved
after the approval of the PMMA Assistant Superintendent for Academics,
Research and Extension.
IASPER Interdisciplinary Research Journal
After the approval of the questionnaire, it was distributed to one
hundred thirty- four (134) respondents. The content of the questionnaire
was explained first to the respondents before answering. Accomplished
questionnaires were collected; answers to the questionnaire were tallied
and interpreted. To verify the result of the survey, a focus group discussion
was conducted to 10 student leaders with a semi-structured interview with
the interview guide.
Data Analysis
The data gathered were presented in tabular form to interpret the
results and descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution and weighted
mean will be used. Frequency distribution and weighted mean were utilized
to evaluate the Level of Satisfaction on the student services. The ranking
was used to determine the order of the items. The given scale was used
to interpret the result of the data gathered: 4.20-5.00 extremely satisfied;
3.40-4.19 very satisfied; 2.60-3.38 satisfied; 1.80-2.59 dissatisfied and 1.00-
1.79 very dissatisfied.
Volume 9 · March 2019
residents a “home away from home” that is safe and conducive to learning.
There are 4 dormitories (quarters) in the academy- cadettes’ quarters, first
battalion, second battalion and the Crossworld quarters.
The Office of the Dormitory Services provide activities that foster
unity and harmony among residents/cadets so as to enable them to build a
meaningful community life together. There are assigned quarter commanders
in each battalion arranged in a regimental system. The Dormitory Manager
is responsible for ensuring the maintenance and sanitation, and the
observance of rules and regulations in the dormitory. She is also responsible
for providing various administrative and housekeeping services to residents
and visitors of the school.
Table 1 shows that the respondents were very satisfied with the services
of the dormitory unit with an over-all mean of 3.56. The items registered
an adjacent range of 3.46 to 3.64 and interpreted as very satisfied. The
table showed that the students were very satisfied with the courtesy
and attentiveness, knowledge of service and policy, responsiveness and
friendliness of the personnel, accomplishment of job orders and the
berthing gears issued by the dormitory manager. In effect, the students
ranked courtesy and attentiveness as #1 and accomplishment of job orders
as #6. This implies that intangible aspects of service such as attentiveness
and courtesy showed the greatest power to classify satisfaction of students
on the dormitory services.
IASPER Interdisciplinary Research Journal
Volume 9 · March 2019
Table 3 shows that the respondents are very satisfied with Mess services
with an over-all mean of 3.40. The items range from 3.25 satisfied to 3.57
very satisfied. This shows that the students are satisfied with the taste
IASPER Interdisciplinary Research Journal
Volume 9 · March 2019
IASPER Interdisciplinary Research Journal
Table 5 shows that the respondents are extremely satisfied on all criteria
of evaluation with an over-all WM of 4.4.5. The items ranged from WM of
4.32 to 4.59. This means that the medical facility and staff are all provided
with quality to the students.
Volume 9 · March 2019
The data indicates that the students are extremely satisfied with
the services the academy provides with library ranked #1, medical #2 and
guidance and counseling #3. Consequently, the students are very satisfied
with dormitory ranked #4 and Mess ranked #5. This implies that the quality
services are provided to the students which yields an important impact on
PMMA’s standing in maritime education rakings.
Areas of Improvement
During the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) the respondents made the
following comments and suggestions:
Extend the library hours during study call period
Install printer/copier/scanner for students to print and reproduce
projects etc.
Produce more personal computer
There must be other aides in education such as gadgets for practical
Additional wi-fi access
Our laundry must be cleaned well-Some of the shirts have bad smell
and still have stains on it
all the shower heads should be fixed and usable
Install new electric fans
provide cleaner water supply
change the mattress and repair the destroyed ones
Change beddings every week.
Allow us to decorate the quarters during special occasions
Provide new lockers
Provide more water jags
IASPER Interdisciplinary Research Journal
Provide more ventilation
install new air conditioning units
Provide new bed, locker and beddings
Have more rooms-don’t mix patients who are suffering from
different illness
Personnel should wear hairnets
Maintain cleanliness in the dining area
Utensils should be well cleaned or buy new utensils
Food should be properly prepared
Provide chuckie chocolate drink or coffee in the morning
Volume 9 · March 2019
Babbie, Earl R. (2010) The Practice of Social Research. 12th ed. Belmont,
CA: Wadsworth Cengage, Muijs, Daniel. Doing Quantitative Research in
Education with SPSS. 2nd edition. London: SAGE Publications. Retrieved
on from