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School of Education

Course Outline

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EDUC 4004
Humanities and Social Sciences 2
Semester 1, 2024

University Prayer

Notre Dame, Mother of Jesus and our Mother, We ask you to guide our University. Mary, as you cared for Jesus, Show a loving care for us, As we expand our minds in study and
research, As we open our hearts to future possibilities, And extend our hands to those who are in need. Mary, Seat of Wisdom, Teach us to care for the land and the people Of this
country of the Southern Cross. In this academic community dedicated to you, Help us find new yet faithful ways Of bringing the message of Jesus to Australia And to those who share
this region of the earth with us. Amen

Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge and pay our respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, who are the traditional owners of Australia. We acknowledge Elders, past and present, as well as the emerging
leaders of tomorrow, and thank them for their wisdom and guidance as we share, collaborate, and learn together.

The University of Notre Dame Australia • • ABN: 69 330 643 210 • CRICOS PROVIDER CODE: 01032F

Date of Publication to Students: <<insert date>>

EDUC4004, 2024, Semester 1

1. INTRODUCTION TO COURSE.....................................................................................................................3
2. COURSE DESCRIPTION..............................................................................................................................4
3. COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES...............................................................................................................4
4. GRADUATE STATEMENT...........................................................................................................................4
5. COURSE CONTENT....................................................................................................................................4
6. CHANGES MADE TO THE COURSE IN RESPONSE TO FEEDBACK AND REVIEW..........................................5
7. WEEKLY LEARNING SCHEDULE.................................................................................................................5
8. ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW..........................................................................................................................7
9. WORK INTEGRATED LEARNING................................................................................................................7
10. INDIVIDUAL ASSESSMENT DETAILS.......................................................................................................7
ASSESSMENT 1:........................................................................................................................................7
ASSESSMENT 2:........................................................................................................................................8
ASSESSMENT 3:........................................................................................................................................9
11. TO PASS THIS COURSE YOU MUST:.....................................................................................................10
12. ADDITIONAL LEARNING RESOURCES..................................................................................................11
13. REFERENCING STYLE...........................................................................................................................11
14. ASSESSMENT FORMATTING...............................................................................................................11
15. ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS...........................................................................................................12
16. INFORMATION AND RESOURCES TO SUPPORT YOUR STUDIES..........................................................12

EDUC4004, 2024, Semester 1

Course code and name EDUC 4004 Humanities and Social Sciences 2

Units of credit 10

Attendance mode Blended

Assumed prior
knowledge and/or EDUC2627

Prerequisites that
must have be
successfully completed EDUC2627 NIL
in order to undertake
this course

AQF level Seven (7)

You are expected to study, on average, between 10-12 hours per week in this course,
including all guided and self-directed work.

Learning 3 hour workshop per

Estimated student 20 hours
opportunities week delivery Assessment tasks
-Workshop 39 hours

Practical learning
25 hours
Class preparation opportunities (if N/A


Times available
Office (if
Role Phone Email to talk with

Program coordinator

Primary Education
Program Coordinator:
Anisah Dickson. 94330150 By appointment

Contact for matters

related to your

Course coordinator:
Lisa Vinci By appointment,
please contact
Contact Lisa for matters via email.
related to the course

School administration 9433 0150 ND36 Please email or

support: au Upstairs phone during
reception business hours
Fremantle School of
EDUC4004, 2024, Semester 1


Contact admin for

matters such as
enrolment issues


Renae Nahajski

Kate Thomas
Please email
Shane Landers

Contact tutors for

matters related to

This is the second of two Humanities courses that students will undertake. In this course students
will encounter and develop the skills of planning, scope and sequence programming and teaching
within Humanities. Building upon students’ existing knowledge gained in the first Humanities unit.
The focus in the course will be on applying planning skills in the development of a sequence of
lessons and developing a unit overview for years K-6 in all strands of Humanities. The course will
cover the content in the Western Australian Curriculum, with a particular focus on understanding
the requirements of geography, history, civics and citizenship and economics and business
including literacy, numeracy and the integration of information and communication technologies.
There will also be an emphasis on incorporating the cross-curriculum priorities in their planning.
Students will develop proficiency in understanding humanities and the teaching of Humanities
through specific pedagogical skills. They will be introduced to inquiry-based learning with a focus
on Humanities understandings.


At the completion of this course you should be able to:

Identify key aspects of the approved Australian Curriculum, (Geography and Economics
and business) and apply them to lesson and unit preparation
Devise learning experiences based appropriate pedagogies concentrating on structuring
3.2 learning sequences, motivation, student outcomes and resourcing demands, based on the
Geography curriculum
Incorporate the cross curricular priorities and the inquiry approach in all planning

3.4 Establish the importance of literacy, numeracy and ICT skills in all aspects of Humanities.

3.5 Engage students in the general critical thinking with regard to Humanities

The course invites you to integrate your learning from across your studies through self-directed and
collaborative enquiry. You will exercise your research abilities, your imagination and intellectual curiosity to
assess a student work sample providing effective feedback which will in turn increase student achievement.
EDUC4004, 2024, Semester 1

By the end you will have developed an independent expression of your unique achievements and
capabilities and found new insight into your future professional life.

These experiences support you to develop the following graduate attributes in this course:

1. communication, 2. critical and reflective thinking, 3. technical competence and interdisciplinary, 4. life-
long learning, 5. ethical responsibility, 7. teamwork, 8. research and information retrieval skills.

Key topics in this course:

 Designing a WebQuest
 Economic and Business Strand
 History Strand
 Civics and Citizenship Strand
 Geography Strand
 Integration of HASS with other learning areas
 Assessment in HASS
 Resources in HASS


Various sources of information are used including student feedback, academic self-reflection, and academic
peer review into the design of the course.

 Linking HASS curriculum to the EYLF

 Changes in the presentation of WebQuest assessment


Students are expected to engage with the learning activities and resources provided for the course.

Preparation for
Wk Workshop content. Please note there may be some
Workshop Readings
changes to the content for each week
Complete Introduction to the unit. Chapter 1
readings This workshop will incorporate. Gilbert,R.(2014).
 A general explanation of the changes in the HASS Teaching humanities
Download curriculum, including background information into and social sciences.
(5th ed). Australia:
course outline its origins and implementation.
1 Cengage
 A review of the year that was and how this affects
Read through the teaching of HASS
assignment  An exploration of the aims and definition of HASS. Chapter 1
expectations You will also examine the skills employed in HASS Reynolds,R.(2019)
and the connection to each strand. Teaching humanities
 An investigation in the EYLF and how it connects to and social sciences in
the HASS curriculum will also be completed. the primary school.
(4 ed). Australia:
2 Complete WebQuests Chapter 12
26 reading A workshop on how to design a WebQuest. Reynolds,R.(2019)
Feb This workshop will provide you with a step-by-step plan on Teaching humanities
how to design a web quest. There will be an opportunity to and social sciences in
the primary school.
Choose a analyse the effectiveness of existing WebQuests to
(4th ed). Australia:
partner for evaluate their efficiency. Oxford
EDUC4004, 2024, Semester 1

Assignment In this tutorial you will be given time to work on your

WebQuest with your partner/ group members. Your tutor
will be available to offer support and assistance.
Assignment One
An in-depth discussion on assignment one.
Become familiar with creating a WebQuest and begin to
design your WebQuest in your group.

Suggested resources to creating a WebQuest:

Economics and Business Strand Chapter 5

An investigation into the strand Economics and Business, Reynolds,R.(2019)
outlining the rationale and organisation in the Western Teaching humanities
Complete Australian Curriculum. and social sciences in
the primary school.
reading Economics and Business explores the ways individuals,
(4th ed). Australia:
families, the community, businesses and governments Oxford
3 Note: Monday make decisions in relation to the allocation of resources. It
4th p/hol aims to enable students to understand the process of
Mar economic and business decision-making and its effects on
themselves and others, now and in the future.
A comprehensive look at the content covered in Economics
and Business through outlining the years 5 and 6
You will Investigate the knowledge and skills students will
learn in this strand and outline the objectives and lesson
content for each content descriptor.

Complete History Chapter 7 Reynolds,R.

reading An examination of the History curriculum. In this workshop (2019)
you will explore the updated version of the History strand Teaching humanities
Prepare to give of the Western Australian curriculum. You will share stories and social sciences in
the primary school.
a snapshot of of your own histories and why it is important to teach
(4th ed). Australia:
your history (2 History through stories. Oxford
mins). You can
use photos or A discussion on the importance and relevance of history in
artefacts to the primary and early childhood classroom. You will be
assist you. provided with a wide range of activities, strategies and
4 resources to effectively implement the history curriculum
11 Assignment into your classrooms.
ensure you have
chosen the:
 Level
 Content
 Topic
 Websites
 Tasks

Completed the
teacher tab
5 Complete Civics and Citizenship Chapter 4

EDUC4004, 2024, Semester 1

reading In this workshop you will review the content and concepts Reynolds,R.(2019)
existing in the Civics and Citizenship strand of Humanities Teaching humanities
Assignment Focus Questions of the workshop and social sciences in
the primary school.
preparation:  How can we encourage students to be active citizens?
(4th ed). Australia:
 Plan all tasks  Defining what civics and citizenship is. Oxford
 What does it mean to be an Australian citizen?
 How can we encourage Global citizenship in young Reynolds, R. (2015).
students? Technology for
teaching civics and
A presentation of the main concepts covered in the Civics citizenship : Insights
and Citizenship strand in The Western Australian from teacher
Curriculum and a review of a variety resources that can be education. Social
Educator, 33(1), 26-
used to teach this strand.
Students will have the opportunity to receive Formative
feedback on their WebQuest.

Complete Geography Chapter 6

reading Geography is the study of places and the interconnection Reynolds,R.(2019)
with humans, flora and fauna. Teaching humanities
Assignment In this workshop we will discover the wonder and awe of and social sciences in
the primary school.
preparation, geography and how you can encourage curiosity in your
(4th ed). Australia:
ensure you classroom. Oxford
complete: You will explore the organisation, knowledge,
6  Planning your understanding and skills in the geography strand of HASS
tasks by examining one year level.
 Assessment A wide variety of IT resources will be presented.
tab Complete the planning grid for geography.

All WebQuest
tasks completed

Note: Good
Friday p/hol

1st Non-teaching week

Integration Chapter 8
HASS is a learning area that can be easily integrated with Reynolds,R.(2019)
most other learning areas. Teaching humanities
In this workshop you will explore the definition of and social sciences in
the primary school.
8 Apr integration and investigate how it can assist in achieving
(4th ed). Australia:
the content descriptors in other learning areas. Oxford
You will have the opportunity to design a concept map
integrating a HASS concept into HASS subjects and other
learning areas.

8 Complete Your WebQuest link must be placed on the google doc Chapter 3
15 reading your tutor has provided for you on Blackboard BEFORE Reynolds,R.(2019)
Apr 11.59pm on Monday 15th April. Teaching humanities
Preparation for and social sciences in
the primary school.
FPD assignment: Planning in HASS
(4th ed). Australia:
 Decide on A discussion on how to integrate the four strands of HASS. Oxford
your year An investigation of the planning model for teaching HASS
level, topic including a variety of strategies to employ the classroom
and content application.

EDUC4004, 2024, Semester 1

descriptor/s Reflect on the steps in the planning process and design the
for your FPD planning cycle.

Examine effective group and questioning strategies to

implement into your lessons to ensure your activities are
engaging and motivating.
Decide on the big ideas presented in each strand of the
HASS curriculum. Use this as the basis of your FPD
Assignment Two
An explanation of your FPD
Choose your topic and year level and complete a planning
grid for your 5 lessons.
Complete Assessment in HASS Chapter 10
reading This workshop will present practical ways of assessing Reynolds,R.(2019)
learning in HASS. You will engage in a discussion on the Teaching humanities
Preparation for challenges and benefits of assessing in this learning area. and social sciences in
the primary school.
9 assignment: This workshop will present practical ways of assessing
(4th ed). Australia:
22 Ensure your last learning in HASS. Oxford
Apr three lessons You will also review the new resources placed on SCSA for
are planned assessing HASS.

Note: Thursday Review WebQuests



Complete STUDENTS Reynolds,R.(2019)
reading Teaching humanities
Formative Assessment FPD and social sciences in
the primary school.
Preparation for This will be an opportunity for you to gain formative
(4th ed). Australia:
assignment: feedback on your FPD. Oxford
Ensure your first
two lessons are Chapter 5
planned Gilbert,R.(2014).
Apr Teaching humanities
Bring your and social sciences.
completed (6th ed). Australia:
planning grid to Cengage
class for peer
and tutor

11 Complete WA Museum Boola Bardip Excursion

6 reading A few things to note to gain the most from the excursion:
May  Meet your tutor at the front of the museum at the time
Preparation for of your tutorial.
assignment:  The excursion will be about two hours in duration, this
 Plan your will give you plenty of time to get back for any classes
assessment you may have after the excursion.
tasks and  Please download the Gogo - WA Museum Boola Bardip
review your App from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. This
FPD App provides guided audio tours of each gallery in the
 All of the resources you require for the excursion are in
the week 11 folder in Learning Materials. Download
these resources and bring them with you to the

EDUC4004, 2024, Semester 1

museum. These will guide your visit and highlight the

links to the HASS curriculum.
 Please visit the website to familiarise yourself with the
educational programs offered.
Ensure you Bringing it all together
have access to Complete a year planner for a nominated year level
all google slides including how to incorporate all the content descriptors
12 and resources into lessons.
13 that have been
May presented in Review WebQuests
this course.

Review Teaching and/or

A review of the content covered in the unit and an outline Course Evaluations
of the exam structure.
May Review WebQuests

Teaching and/or Course Evaluations

Study Week
Exam Week 1
Exam Week 2

EDUC4004, 2024, Semester 1

All assessments need to be completed in order to pass this course.
Item Assessment Type & Weighting Due Date Related to Related to
No Description % Learning Graduate
Outcome No. Attribute No.
Week 5: students will be
Formative feedback able to receive formative
on Assessment 1. feedback on Assessment 1.

Week 10: students will be

Formative feedback able to receive formative
on Assessment 2. feedback on Assessment 2.

Monday 15th April, 11.59pm 3.1, 3.2 1,2,3,7,8

Your webquest link must be

1. WebQuest 30 placed on the google doc for
your class by 15th April,

Forward Planning Friday 17th May, 11.59pm 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,
2. Document 30 via Turnitin. 9

Students are responsible for 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 2,4,8,1

checking formal
3. Exam 40
examination timetables for
all examination periods.
This is a fully graded course.


Academic Integrity

The work submitted for each assessment task is to be your own work i.e. your ideas, words, writing,
creation, with the work of others (including the use of software and artificial intelligence where permitted)
acknowledged. The use of artificial intelligence (AI), including generative predictive text is generally not
permitted in assessments, unless explicitly allowed/required in an assessment task. This will be stated in
writing in the information about the assessment task. If used AI must be acknowledged using the required
style guide.

Design a WebQuest 30%

Information about this task: For this assessment you will be working in pairs to develop and plan a
WebQuest to be used in your classroom. Your WebQuest can be planned to cover any or all of the strands
of the Humanities curriculum. WebQuests will be reviewed by your peers and you will receive feedback.

Type of assessment: This assessment will be completed in pairs.

Task description:

 Visit the SCSA website - HASS

 Choose a year level and a strand that you would like to cover.
 Decide on a concept or topic to base your WebQuest on.

EDUC4004, 2024, Semester 1

 Create a WIX website to display your WebQuest.

Develop a WebQuest that will engage students in critical thinking, based on your selected programme.
The web quest will require children to:
- Work on authentic, challenging tasks
- Work in cooperative groups
- Produce a creative end product.

The WebQuest should:

- Have a minimum of 5 external links (live links).
- Have a minimum of 4 authentic tasks.

Your WebQuest will be reviewed by your peers who will provide you with written feedback.

Submission: Please submit the link to your WIX site to your classes Google doc, on Blackboard.

Marking criteria for this task

Please refer to the marking rubric at the end of the Course outline.

Assessment feedback

Feedback on this task will be available usually within two weeks of the due date.

Forward Planning Document 30%


Information about this task

Type of assessment: Individual

Length: 5 lessons, approx. 40mins per lesson. Each FPD lesson should be approximately 1 page.

Rationale: You are to design a detailed five-week Forward Planning Document (FPD) based on a concept
that is taught in one strand of the HASS curriculum.

Task description:

You are to design a detailed five-week Forward Planning Document (FPD) based on a concept that is taught
in one strand of the HASS curriculum. You may choose a year level from Foundation to Year 6 and you
must refer to the SCSA curriculum. Your FPD you must show integration of other strands in the HASS
Your FPD must contain a total of five (5) lessons that can be taught over a five-week period. Each lesson
should be approximately 40 minutes in length.
The Notre Dame Forward Planning Document format must be used.

Aim to be inventive and creative whilst displaying a sound understanding of the HASS Western Australian
Curriculum. The essential elements for your unit of work are:

 You will need to demonstrate your understanding of quality teaching pedagogy and development
of strategies leading up to an assessment task.
 Consider content knowledge, skill attainment and the development of attitudes and understandings
needed in Humanities.
 The content in the FPD must reflect the outcomes the children need to achieve, specifically with
regard to the assessment tasks.
 The content in the FPD should also reflect the general competencies and cross-curriculum priorities
of the approved curriculum.

EDUC4004, 2024, Semester 1

The learning experiences in the FPD should develop in sophistication and offer extension exercises
for talented children and opportunities for using and developing skills in ICT, in accordance with the
relevant syllabus outcomes and the assessment tasks.
You are to submit:
 A planning grid.
 Five lessons presented on the Notre Dame FPD, with all resources included.
 Five assessment strategies which clearly link to your objectives.
 A reference page.

Submission: Submit your work as a single document via Turnitin in Blackboard

When submitting via Turnitin do not use the University cover sheet as Turnitin similarity checking will
interpret the cover sheet text as possibly plagiarised. Instead check the box in the Turnitin submission
portal confirming that the work is your own.

Marking criteria for this task

Please refer to the marking rubric at the end of the Course Outline.

Assessment feedback

Feedback on this task will be available through Grade centre usually within two weeks of the due date.

Exam 40%

Information about this task

Type of assessment: individual

Length: approximately 800 words per essay response and approximately 500 words per short answer

Task description: Part A: Students will answer 2 compulsory essay questions. Part B: students will choose 1
short answer to respond to.

Format: this exam will be a closed book, on campus exam


Complete all assessment tasks AND achieve at least 50% when all assessment marks are totalled.

If you anticipate having difficulty meeting the due date for submitting an assessment task, speak with your
lecturer or tutor as soon as possible.


The University Library provides guidance on referencing, including style manuals, principles and examples.

The guides include advice on how to acknowledge the use of artificial intelligence (AI) software in the
preparation of an assessment – AI software, including generative predictive text (GPT), may only be used in
your assessments where the Course Coordinator explicitly permits this usage.

For this course, students must us the referencing style:

EDUC4004, 2024, Semester 1

 for author-date style: American Psychological Association Manual of Style (APA) 7th edition for
author-date style


Your work should be presented as follows:

Arial or Calibri font in 11pt

Portrait orientation in A4 with margins of at least 2cm
1.5-line spacing
Word counts are strictly within a +/- 10% range, including in-text references. The word count does
not include footnotes or reference lists/bibliographies.


 This course requires attendance at all on-campus and/or online classes and students may be
awarded a Failure for Non-completion (FN) if they miss more than 15% of such classes.


Information on the following can be found on this page:

 Checking your Notre Dame email

 Course fees, financial and academic penalty dates
 Academic integrity
 Learning support
 Access and inclusion support and student wellbeing
 Assessment policies
 How to submit your assessment
 Querying or appealing assessment results
 Graduate attributes and professional outcomes

EDUC4004, 2024, Semester 1

EDUC4004: HASS 2
Assessment One: WebQuest
Student names: ___________________________
High distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail

Explanation of
-Links to curriculum
clearly state the
understandings and
-A brief audio
summary of how to
navigate the
-An explanation of
how the WebQuest
will be
implemented in the

Demonstrates a
thoughtful and
understanding of
how students best
learn HASS.

content descriptors
outlining skills and
achieved from the
West Australian

Evidence the
WebQuest is a
coherent, relevant,
quality teaching
and learning

Visual appeal
including graphics,
layout and

The WebQuest is
easy to navigate,
directions and
information is clear
and easily

EDUC4004, 2024, Semester 1

All required tabs

are included and
easily accessed.

Academic literacy
• sentences are clear
and concise
• grammar used is
appropriate and
• standard Australian
spelling is used
• punctuation is
appropriate and
• School of
Education’s APA
format of
is followed
• adheres to format
NOTE: The overall
grade awarded for
the assignment
cannot be greater
than that awarded
for the Academic
Overall grade:
General comment:

EDUC4004: HASS 2
Assessment Two: Forward Planning Document

Student name: _________________________________________

High Distinction Credit Pass Fail

Planning Grid
Planning Grid displays a clear
outline of lesson sequence.

Identify appropriate content
descriptors including skills,
knowledge and
understandings and relevant
year level description from
the West Australian
EDUC4004, 2024, Semester 1


Learning Experiences
 curriculum links to
integration and EYLF
where appropriate
 SMART objectives
 a detailed introduction,
procedure and
 a variety of relevant
teaching strategies
 evidence of catering for
a range of learning styles
and abilities
implementation of a wide
variety/range of relevant and
current resources.

 assessment tool is linked
to objectives
 five different assessment
strategies submitted
Academic literacy
• Standard Australian English is
used to communicate key
ideas clearly and concisely.
• The School of Education’s APA
referencing style is followed
consistently and precisely.
• Format requirements for
presentation and length are
closely followed.
The overall grade awarded
for the assignment cannot be
greater than that awarded
for the Academic Literacy
Overall grade

General comment


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