Gynaecology Textbook
Gynaecology Textbook
Gynaecology Textbook
Infertility: is generally defined as the inability to conceive after 1 year of regular sexual intercourse
without contraception. Classification: Infertility is classified as primary Infertility and secondary
Secondary infertility: is defined that married couples living together for a year, with normal sexual
life, had been pregnant. Now never take any contraceptive measures, failed to conceive
Dystocia is defined as difficult labor Associated with various abnormalities that prevent or
deviate from the normal course of labor and delivery
Postpartum hemorrhage: Be defined as a blood loss exceeding 500ml after delivery of the infant.
Abortion: delivery occurring before the 20th completed week of gestation. It implies
delivery of all or any part of the products of conception, with or without a fetus weighing less
than 500 grams
Spontaneous abortion: It is defined as delivery occurring before the 20th completed week
of gestation. It implies delivery of all or any part of the products of conception, with or without
a fetus weighing less than 500 grams. (The most common complication of pregnancy)
Complete abortion: the expulsion of all of the products of conception; bleeding with cervical
dilatation and closure.
Inevitable abortion: bleeding with dilatation of the cervix without expulsion of the
products of conception with or without rupture of the membranes
Menopause: The human ovary gradually becomes unresponsive to gonadotropins with advancing
age, and its function declines, so that sexual cycles and menstruation disappear.
Fertilization: the process of the capacitated sperms meets the ovum
Ectopic pregnancy: A fertilized ovum implants in an area other than the endometrial lining of the
Generally contracted pelvic: Each pelvic plane is 2 cm less than normal value or more, which is
called generally contracted pelvic.
Primary amenorrhea: Failure of menarche to occur when expected in relation to the onset of
pubertal development. No menarche by age 16 years with signs of pubertal development. No onset of
pubertal development by age 14 years
secondary amenorrhea: Secondary amenorrhea is the absence of menses for more than 6
months or for the equivalent of three menstrual cycles in a woman who previously had
menstrual cycles.
Polymenorrhea: frequent regular bleeding that occurs at interval of less than 21 days.
Pregnancy (gestation): is the maternal condition of having a developing fetus in the body.
Embryo: The human conceptus from fertilization through the eighth week of pregnancy is
termed an embryo.
Puberty: Puberty is the period when the endocrine and gametogenic functions of the gonads
first develop to the point where reproduction is possible.
Endometriosis: is usually defined as the presence of functioning endometrial glands and stroma
outside their usual location in the uterine cavity
Pelvic floor: The (muscles and fasciae) tissue closing down the pelvic outlet
Placenta previa: it is defined as abnormal implantation of the placenta over the internal
cervical os. Previa denotes the position of the placenta in relation to the presenting part.
Meigs syndrome: The triad of an ovarian Fibroma, ascites and hydrothorax is known as
Meigs syndrome.
≥1hr in multipara
Placenta abruption: after 20 weeks of gestation or during the course of delivery, the
separation of the placenta from its site of implantation before the baby is delivered resulting in
hemorrhage→ fetal distress/death.
Short Question:
1.Complication of endometriosis
Obstructive feature
Malignancy is rare
2. How many ligaments of uterus are there? What are they?
round ligament
broad ligament(ovarian ligament, infundibulopelvic ligament)
cardinal ligament
Uterosacral ligament
3. Ligaments of ovary
Infundibulopelvic ligament
Ovarian ligament
4. Etiology (cause) of postpartum hemorrhage
Uterine atony (50%)
Obstetric lacerations (20%)
Retained placental tissue (5~10%)
Coagulation defects
5. Etiology/causes of post-partum hemorrhage
6. The primary function of the placenta is the transport of oxygen and nutrients
to the fetus and the reverse transfer of C02, Urea, and other catabolites back to
the mother. The ways of transfer contains?
①simple diffusion ②facilitated diffusion ③active transport④Others—pinocytosis
1:endocrine function
2: metabolic function
3:protective function
8. The degree of the perineal and vaginal laceration?
The first degree tear: involves only skin and a minor part of the perineal body
the second degree tear: involves the perineal body and vagina
the third degree tear: involves the anal sphincter and anal canal
9. Complications of ovarian tumor?
B. During pregnancy and puerperium, due to uterine position change, or patients change position
C. When acute torsion happens,the venous return from the cyst is occluded→ hemorrhage and
hemotoma in tumors→the tumors will enlarge quickly.
if the arterial return from the cyst is occluded → necrosis, rupture and secondary infection of the
2. Symptoms:
3. Signs:
--unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy(benign)
B. Rupture of tumor:
spontaneous rupture: malignant tumor
traumatic rupture:
abdominal pain
intra-abdominal hemorrhage
surgery if suspected
C. Infection:
symptoms like those of the ordinary type of acute pelvic inflammatory disease.
D. Malignant change:
1. Ovarian tumor like condition: in general ovarian masses can be divided into functional
cysts and neoplastic growths
≤8cm may disappear in 2-3 months.
Follicular cyst
Corpus luteum cyst
Polycystic ovarian disease
2. Tubo-ovarian cyst
3. Myoma of uterus
4. Ascites
Malignant Tumor:
1. Endometriosis
2. Tuberculosis peritonitis
3. Metastatic tumor
11. Diagnosis of ovarian tumor
1. Imaging test
Ultrasound examination: especially transvaginal, is the best method to diagnose
the ovarian tumor
X-ray, CT, MRI, PET
2. Tumor Marker
CA125, HE4, CA199, AFP, HCG, Sex hormone
3. Laparoscopy
4. Cytologic examination: Ascites
tubal abortion
tubal rupture
tubal mole
Secondary Abdominal Pregnancy
Ovary pregnancy
Abdominal pregnancy
Cervical pregnancy
Broad ligament pregnancy
4, >40Y or recur
Suspected metastasis:
MTX, Dactinomycin, single drug one course
Surveillance toxicity
• delivery stage
• delivery stage
gestational period
During delivery
Returned blood volume increased in 3 days in postpartum and return to normal after 2~6
22. How many types of pelvis are there? What are they?
Gynecoid pelvis
Android pelvis
Anthropoid pelvis
Platypelloid pelvis
-- laparotomy:
-- salpingectomy/ salpingo-oophorectomy
Genitial tract
24. Natural defence function of female genital tract
• Vulvar--bilateral labium majus closed
• Vaginal is a potential cavity with posterior and anterior walls sticking tightly, Estrogen
thickens the vaginal epithelium and results in large quantities of glycogen which results
in the production of lactic acid. This acid environment (pH of 3.5-4.0) promotes the
growth of normal vaginal flora, chiefly lactobacillus--------self-cleaning
• Cervical canals closed and mucus plug
• Endometrium: menstruation (reproductive age female)
• Fallopian tube---peristalsis
• Immune system
25. Normal menstruation (periodic):
The origin of menstrual blood: Predominantly arterial.
Composition: tissue debris, prostaglandins, fibrinolysin (unclot)
Duration of the menstrual cycle: 1to 8 days (3-5days).
The amount of lost blood: Less than 80ml (30ml).
Physical examination
Cervical diagnosis can be diagnosis only with a tissue biopsy
Pap test
Electrocoagulation uses temperature over 700°C and destroys the tissue up to 8–10 mm
deep. Since the procedure is painful, it is done under general anesthesia. Recurrence, bleeding,
sepsis and cervical stenosis are its complications. Squamocolumnar junction gets indrawn
within the cervical canal.
• CIN Ⅱ:
• CIN Ⅲ:
Direct extension
Lymphatic spread- It is the main way of spread
Hematogenous spread
Stage II
Stage II a G123 Endocervical glandular involvement only
Stage II b G123 Cervical stromal invasion
Stage III
Stage III a G123 Tumor invades serosa and/or adnexa, and/ or positive peritoneal
Stage IV
Stage IV a G123 Tumor invades bladder and/or bowel mucosa
Stage IVb Distant metastases including intra-abdominal and/or
inguinal lymph nodes
Multiple gestations
Ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome (OHSS);
Premature birth
Low birth weight
Long term emotional, social and psychological impact
37. Complications of Premature separation of the placenta
②Hypovolemic shock
③Amniotic fluid embolism
④Acute renal failure
38. Signs of Placental Separation?
(1) a fresh show of blood from vagina,
(2) the umbilical cord lengthens outside the vagina,
(3) the fundus of the uterus rises up
(4) the uterus becomes firm and globular.
The placenta completely covers the internal OS of cervix at the time of termination of
pregnancy is called complete placenta previa.
Frequency- more
fetal death
postpartum hemorrhage
Acute renal failure
Amniotic fluid embolism
41. The attention of using Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4)?
The patient should be checked every 4 hours to be sure that deep tendon reflexes are
Respirations are at least 12/min.
Urine output has been at least 100 mL during the preceding 4 hours.
The antidote for magnesium sulfate overdose is 10 mL of 10% calcium chloride or
calcium gluconate given intravenously. The remedial effect occurs within seconds.
42. What are the characteristics of uterine contractility?
o Symmetrical,
o Polarity,
o Retraction
3 scar uterus
cephalopelvic disproportion,
fetal distress,
scar uterus,
mal match uterine contraction,
Excess extend of uterus body
45. Types of spontaneous abortion
• Threatened abortion: bleeding with or without uterine contractions, no cervical
dilatation and no expulsion of the products of conception.
• Inevitable abortion: bleeding with dilatation of the cervix without expulsion of the
products of conception. with or without rupture of the membranes
• Complete abortion: the expulsion of all of the products of conception; bleeding with
cervical dilatation and closure.
• Incomplete abortion: the expulsion of some, but not all of the products of conception.
Generally, bleeding is persistent and is often severe; prolonged cramps are usually
present. The fetus and placenta are usually passed together <10 weeks' duration. >10
weeks, they may be passed separately with a portion of the products retained in the
uterine cavity.
• Missed abortion: the embryo or fetus dies and is retained in utero(no heart motion)
• Recurrent abortion: 3 or more consecutive pregnancy losses each with a fetus weighing
<500 g.
• Blighted Ovum: a failed development of the embryo only a gestational sac, with or
without a yolk sac
48. Labor mechanism of occipital presentation OR mechanism of Labor
Engagement -> Descent-> Flexion-> Internal rotation-> Extension-> Restitution& External
rotation-> Fetus delivery
Engagement: This occurs at various times before the forces of labor begin.
Descent: This occurs as a result of active forces of labor.
Flexion :the fetus neck vertebra further flexed, and the chin approach the chest
Internal Rotation: This occurs as a result of impingement of the presenting part on the
bony and soft tissues of the pelvis.
Extension: This is the mechanism by which the head normally negotiates the pelvic
External Rotation (Restitution): This is the spontaneous realignment of the head with
the shoulders.
Expulsion: This is anterior and then posterior shoulders, followed by trunk and lower
extremities in rapid succession
(iii) Intensity and duration of contractions increase progressively rhythm and gradually increase
the uterine contraction, and lasted for 30 seconds or more, intermittent 5 to 6 minutes;
Primipara <1.2cm/hr
Multipara <1.5cm/hr
54. Implantation favoring conditions
Essential condition of Implantation
2. Treatment:
induction of ovulation
medication or surgery
immune inhibition
if failure of the above treatments ART (Assisted Reproductive Technologies)
-Endometriosis (15%)
58. Categories of uterine bleeding are divided into and what are they
bleeding associated with ovulation: little,15%.
bleeding associated with anovulation: more , 85%.
o spontaneous rupture
o Injured rupture
By time :
By level of rupture :
o complete rupture
o incomplete rupture
0r pathological classification
1. Endometrial hyperplasia
o Simple hyperplasia
o Complex hyperplasia
o Atypical hyperplasia
3. Atrophic endometrium
o Simple hyperplasia
o Complex hyperplasia
o Atypical hyperplasia
6. Atrophic endometrium
Regulating bleeding cycle
Reducing bleeding (usu. By accelerating the arrival of menopause)
Preventing cancer
Myoma (leiomyoma)
62. Surgical indications of uterine myoma/uterine leiomyoma
65. Types of degeneration
Hyaline degeneration
Cystic degeneration
Red degeneration
Sarcomatous change (malignant transformation)
Degeneration with calcification
66. Characteristics of Primary Amenorrhea
68. Classification/types of breech, which is common
Frank breech presentation
- It is commonly present in primigravidae
Complete breech presentation
-it is commonly present in multiparae
Incomplete breech presentation
** so, frank beech presentation is more common.
69. What is the compose of torsion of ovary
-Adnexal mass. abnormal location adnexal mass
-Enlarged ovary. peripheral follicles enlarge ovary. uterine deviation
-Pelvic fat infiltration
-Lack of exhaled sign
-Thicken fallopian tube
-Mature cystic teratoma, cytostome. theca cell tumor
1. 26-year-old, married woman. Amenorrhea for 60 days. A small amount of vaginal bleeding
for 2 days, complicated with mild intermittent abdominal pain. Pelvic examination: the cervical
os is closed; the size of uterus is as large as that of 2months pregnant. Previous abortion one
time at 2 months of pregnancy.
A.threatened abortion
a. Biopsy
b. cancer of the cervix stageⅠB1
c. Radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy
3. Female,58-year-old, menopause for 5 years. Abnormal vaginal discharge for six months,
Continuous vaginal bleeding for two weeks. Short stature, Fat, Hypertension. Examination:
old-type Vulva, Cervical atrophy, Uterus is in normal size, adnexal structures are normal.
b. endometrial cancer
a. endometrial cancer
b. according: vaginal bleeding after menopause, uterus slightly
enlarged, endometrial curettage samples looks like Bean dregs.
C. method of treatment: surgical treatment
6. 18-year-old girl, sudden right lower abdominal pain 3 hours ago, complicated with nausea
and vomiting for several times.T:37.4 ℃. rectal examination: a fist-sized Cystic and solid mass is
palpable at the upper and right side of the uterus. Tension of the mass is great, activity of mass
is small. Ultrasonography: the right lower quadrant mass, the size of uterus is normal.
a. Ectopic Pregnancy
b. Emergency surgery
10. A 28-year-old woman, 4-5/27-28, amenorrhea for 50 days, complains of vaginal bleeding for about 6
b. What kind of other investigation should be done to help you make the definite diagnosis.
c. During the examination the patient feel abdominal pain and the cervix has already
dilatated, how to treat?
a. Threatened abortion.
b. pregnancy test, ultrasonography, vaginal examination
c. If the diagnosis of inevitable or incomplete abortion is made,
evacuation of the uterus by suction D and C should be promptly performed.
11. Zhang Ping, female, 36 years old. Hospital chief complaint: "stop menses for 38 weeks, feeling fetal
movement for five months, two weeks of lower limbs edema, dizziness and blurred vision for one
hour.". Response and fetal movement pregnancy occurs as scheduled, two weeks ago, no obvious
incentive to both lower extremities edema, no improvement after the break. An hour ago appeared
dazed and confused. Past without hypertension, history of chronic nephritis. Palpation: T36.7 ℃, P78
beats / min, BP175/110mmHg, no abnormal heart and lung auscultation, abdominal bulging, full-term
abdominal, LOA, edema + + +. Laboratory examination: routine blood test showed HGB108g / L,
HCT0.45. Urinalysis showed protein + + +. Auxiliary examination: Ultrasound examination BPD9.0cm,
FL7.2cm, placental calcification Ⅱ. There reactive NST.
b). lower limbs edema, dizziness and blurred vision, dazed and
confused, history of chronic nephritis, BP175/110mmHg. protein + + +.
12. A 52-year-old woman attends the clinic for contacting bleeding. She had vaginal bleeding after sex in
the last 2 month ago, amount is not much, colour in red occasionally with rice water like discharge.
natural menopause for two years, G1P1, vaginal delivery. by vaginal examination we can see vulvar and
vaginal wall developed normally. cauliflower like neoplasm, on surface of cervix,2.5 cm in diameter,
easily haemorrhage, the uterine body is normal size, no tenderness, accessories are normal. ultrasonic
examination does not show abnormalmalities.
a.What is the reliable method to make diagnosis?
a. biopsy of cervix
b. Cervical cancer
13. 26-year-old, married woman. Amenorrhea for 60 days. a small amount of vaginal bleeding for 2
days, complicated with mild intermittent abdominal pain. Pelvic examination: the cervical os is closed,
the size of uterus is as large as that of 2months pregnant. Previous abortion one time at 2 months of
a. Threatened abortion
b. Protect fetus, Bed rest and pelvic rest
14. A 26-year-old G1 P0 woman at 39 weeks’ gestation in labour is admitted to the hospital. She is noted
to have uterine contractions every 7 to 10 min. On examination, her blood pressure is 110/70 and heart
rate is 80 bpm. The estimated foetal weight is 3.5kg. On pelvic examination, she is noted to have a
change in cervical dilation from 4 to 7 cm over the last 2hr. The pelvis is assessed to be adequate on
digital examination.