Dr. Ahlam Al-Kharabsheh: Assistant Professor, OBS & GYN Department Mu'tah University
Dr. Ahlam Al-Kharabsheh: Assistant Professor, OBS & GYN Department Mu'tah University
Dr. Ahlam Al-Kharabsheh: Assistant Professor, OBS & GYN Department Mu'tah University
Ahlam Al-Kharabsheh
Assistant Professor, OBS & GYN department
Mu’tah University
A prolapse is a protrusion of an organ or structure
beyond its normal anatomical site.
2- Childbirth:
Prolonged labor.
Difficult vaginal delivery.
3- After hysterectomy.
Vaginal examination:
On dorsal position, the prolapse could be seen
protruding through the introitus. If not, the patient
should be asked to push down or cough.
Any ulceration should be detected.
Attempt should be made to correct obesity, chronic
cough and constipation.
If decubitus ulcer is found, then local estrogen for 7
Support Pessary: Ring Pessary:
A silicon rubber-based ring pessaries are most popular for
conservative therapy.
Space- Filling Pessary: Donut, Gellhorn.
They are inserted in the vagina, but should be
changed at regular intervals.
The use of ring pessaries my be complicated by
vaginal ulceration and infection.
Indications of pessaries:
1. As a therapeutic test.
2. Medically unfit for surgery or refused surgery.
3. During and after pregnancy.
4. While awaiting for surgery.
Cystourethrocele: Anterior colporrhaphy operation.
Rectocele: Posterior colpo-perinorrhaphy.
Enterocele: Posterior colporrhaphy with excision of the
peritoneal sac.
Uterine Prolapse:
Vaginal hysterectomy: in elderly patients and those
who completed the family or with other uterine or
cervical pathology. Adequate vault support of the utero-
sacral ligement or the sacrospinous ligament (SSL
fixation) is needed.
Manchester operation: amputation of the cervix,
bringing of the cardinal ligaments and uterosacral
ligaments anterior to the lower uterine segment followed
by vaginal repair.
Vaginal procedures:
Sacrospinous ligament fixation (SSLF), Uteroscaral ligament
suspension, ileococcygeous suspension, Vaginal mesh kits,