Nuclear 1 Unsolved (2014 22) 1
Nuclear 1 Unsolved (2014 22) 1
Nuclear 1 Unsolved (2014 22) 1
Q2 .Give Short Answer of the following questions . (2*10 = 20 )
a) Why solid state detector is more suitable for the detection of low energy particles?
b) Define magnetic dipole moment.
c) Define nuclear the spin.
d) What are the basic differences between linear and orbital accelerators ?
e) Write at least two properties of nuclear forces ?
f) Write down the two postulates of Fermi theory of Beta decay ?
g) Write basic principle of betatron .
h) Write at least the basic two evidences of shell structure in nucleus ?
i) What are basic assumption of liquid drop model ?
j) Define nuclear parity ?
(b) process Show that would 𝑼𝟐𝟑𝟖 became spontaneously emit an alpha particle, the decay
process would be
Q 3 (a) Explain the concept of nuclear electric quadrupole moment. (7)
(b) Write in detail the principle, construction and working of bubble chamber. (5)
Q 4 (a) By using semi empirical mass formula, find an expression for the atomic number of
the stable nuclei after β-decay. (5)
(b) Which nucleus is more stable 𝑳𝒊𝟕𝟑 𝒐𝒓 𝑳𝒊𝟖𝟑 ?. Give 𝑚𝑝 = 1.007825 amu, 𝑚𝑛 =1.008665
amu, 𝑴𝑳𝒊𝟕 (2- 7.016003 amu and 𝑴𝑳𝒊𝟖 = 8.022486 amu. (3)
Q 5 (a) Bricily describe the theory of spontaneous alpha emission . (6)
(b) Discuss multipolarities of ϒ rays. (4)
Seventh Semester 2018
Examination : B.S 4 Year Program SHOAIB AMIN
Q. 3:- (a)-Give the main assumptions of liquid drop model of nucleus. Justify the name liquid
drop model. 04
(b)-Obtain the expression for binding energy of a nucleus based on liquid drop model. 06
Q. 4:- (a)-The laws of conservation of energy and momentum are not obeyed in beta decay.
How neutrino hypothesis explains this discrepancy and accounts for continuous beta
Q. 5:- Explain principle, construction and working of a proportional counter. Give its
applications and explain how it can be used for neutron detection. 10
Seventh Semester 2021
Examination : B.S 4 Year Program SHOAIB AMIN
Q. 3: (a)-What is mass spectrograph? Describe its principle, construction and working. How
isotopes of an element are identified with it. 06 + 04
(b)-Show that the maximum radius of curvature of the path of a particle inside the dees of a
cyclotron is proportional to the square root of the number of times it crosses the gap
between the dees.
Q. 4: (a)-What is β-decay? Discuss the energy spectrum curve from β-decay of a radioactive
nuclide. What is end point energy? Is β-spectrum discrete or continuous? 06 + 04
(b)-Show that the law of conservation of energy and momentum are not obeyed in β-decay.
Show how neutrino hypothesis explains this discrepancy and accounts for continuous β-ray
Q. 5: (a)- Explain proton-proton scattering at low energies. Write down the formula for
differential cross-section by explaining all the terms . In which limit this formula for
differential cross-section reduce to neutron proton scattering differential cross-section
.Explain 07 + 03