Nuclear 1 Unsolved (2014 22) 1

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Seventh Semester 2014

Examination : B.S 4 Year Program SHOAIB AMIN
PAPER : Nuclear Physics - I TIME ALLOWED : 2hrs. & 30 mins
Course Code : 403 Max . Marks : 50

Attempt this paper on seprate Answer sheet provided .

Q2 .Give Short Answer of the following questions . (2*10 = 20 )
a) Why solid state detector is more suitable for the detection of low energy particles?
b) Define magnetic dipole moment.
c) Define nuclear the spin.
d) What are the basic differences between linear and orbital accelerators ?
e) Write at least two properties of nuclear forces ?
f) Write down the two postulates of Fermi theory of Beta decay ?
g) Write basic principle of betatron .
h) Write at least the basic two evidences of shell structure in nucleus ?
i) What are basic assumption of liquid drop model ?
j) Define nuclear parity ?

Q3. (a) Describe principle, construction and working of mass spectrometer ?

(B): Explain nuclear binding energy and binding fraction. (7+3=10)
Q4: (a) Describe basic principle and construction of cyclotron. Derive expression for
maximum kinetic energy acquired by the ions in cyclotron.
(b) A particular cyclotron is designed with dees of radius R =76cm and with magnets that
can provide magnetic field of 1.5 Tesla. What should be the frequency of oscillator if the
deuteron are to be accelerated? (6+4=10)
Q5: (a) Briefly describe theory of spontaneous alpha emission.

(b) process Show that would 𝑼𝟐𝟑𝟖 became spontaneously emit an alpha particle, the decay
process would be

𝑼𝟐𝟑𝟖 → 𝑻𝒉𝟐𝟑𝟒 + 𝑯𝒆𝟒

And the needed atomic masses are

(i) m(𝑼𝟐𝟑𝟖 ) = 𝟐𝟑𝟖. 𝟎𝟓𝟎𝟕𝟎𝟑𝟒 (ii) m(𝑯𝒆𝟒 ) = 𝟒. 𝟎𝟎𝟐𝟔𝟎𝟑𝑼

Seventh Semester 2015
Examination : B.S 4 Year Program SHOAIB AMIN

PAPER : Nuclear Physics – I Course Code : PHY-403

Q.2: Give short answers to the following questions (2x10=20)
I. Define nuclear binding energy. Also draw binding energy per nucleon curve as a
function of mass number A .
II. Write the names of nonvanishing static multipole moments for nuclear charge
III. Define nuclear spin.
IV. Describe the basic principle of Betatron.
V. Why do nuclei tend to have more neutrons than protons at large mass number ?
VI. Write some achievements of shell model .
VII. Write down basic achievements assumption of liquid drop model .
VIII. Write any two properties of nuclear force.
IX. What is the basic difference between linear and orbital accelerator?
X. Write the basic operating principle of ionization chamber .
03: (a) Write the names of essential parts of a typical mass spectrogram ,draw a schematic
diagram clearly showing each part .
(b) How is the mass spectrograph used to determine the nuclear masses and relative
abundances in a sample of ordinary matter .
( c ) Define mass defect and compute binding energy per nucleon for 𝑵𝒆𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟎 where the
required masses are 𝒎𝒂 = 1.0086654u , 𝒎𝝁 = 1.007825u,m (𝑵𝒆 ) = 19.992436 (3 + 4 +3 )
Q4: (2) Draw a schematic diagram of cyclotron accelerator by clearly labeling each part. Also
write its operating principle
(b) Describe working steps of cyclotron accelerator and derive an expression for the energy
of accelerated particle in terms of magnetic field B.
(c) A cyclotron with dees of diameter 1.9m has a magnetic field of 0.9 Tesla. Calculate the
energy to which a proton is accelerated. (3+4+3)
Q.5- (a) Why do nuclei undergo beta decay? (2+5+3)
(b) A typical inverse beta decay process in a nucleus can be represented a

𝒁 𝑿𝑵 → 𝒁−𝟏 𝑿 + 𝝈
Find the condition under which this process is energetically possible.
(c) Find the Q-value for the following 𝜷∗ decay process where C=10.016856u , B =
𝟔 → 𝑩𝟓
Seventh Semester 2016
Examination : B.S 4 Year Program SHOAIB AMIN

PAPER : Nuclear Physics - I TIME ALLOWED : 2hrs. & 30 mins

Course Code : PHY-403 Max . Marks : 50

Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided.

Q2 . Write down short answers of the following: (2*10=20)
1. What is electric quadruple moment? Differentiate between prolate and oblate shape
of nucleus.
2. Write down the working principle of solid semiconductor detector.
3. A particle which produces ionization is less penetrating. Why?
4. Write any two properties of nuclei with magic numbers .
5. Discuss the spin dependence of nuclear forces.
6. Define nuclear parity.
7. Why do heavy nuclei tend to emit a particle?
8. Define scattering length.
9. Differentiate between linear and orbital accelerators.
10. Define binding energy. Draw binding energy per nucleon curve as a function of mass
Q3 .( a) Write down the main assumptions of Collective Mode . (3)
b) State Yukawa theory of nuclear forces. How does it explain the interaction between
identical and non-identical nucleons? (7)
04 (a) Semi empirical binding energy formula derived using liquid drop model is given below
𝟐 𝒛𝟐 (𝑨 − 𝟐𝒁)𝟐
𝐸 𝒃 (𝑴𝒆𝒗) = 𝑨𝒂𝑽 − 𝒂𝒔 𝑨 − 𝒂𝒔 𝑨𝒔 − 𝒂𝒄 𝟐 − 𝒂𝑨 ± 𝜹(𝑨, 𝒁)
Explain the contribution of 1st and 2nd term in the above formula. (4)
b) What is Betatron? Write its basic principle, construction and working. (6)
Q5 ( a) What are an different expression modes of Beta decay ?.Explain with the help of
nuclear equations. (6)
(b) Derive an Express for barrier penetration probability of a particle with the help of
Gamaow theory of a decay. (4)
Seventh Semester 2017
Examination : B.S 4 Year Program SHOAIB AMIN

PAPER : Nuclear Physics - I TIME ALLOWED : 2hrs. & 30 mins

Course Code : 403 Max . Marks : 50

Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided.

(Section I)
Q2. Write down short answers of the following:
I. Draw a schematic diagram of mass spectrograph clearly showing each part.
II. Write down the assumptions of Collective Model.
III. Write down the two postulates of Neutrino hypotheses.
IV. Define nuclear spin .
V. Write any two achievements of Liquid drop model.
VI. Define magnetic dipole moment.
VII. Write at least two evidences of shell structure in nuclei.
VIII. Why solid state detector is more suitable for the detection of low energy particles?
IX. Why does energy of a-particles emitted in a decay process have line spectrum and
energy of β -particles have continuous distribution?
X. What is the Q value for the radioactive disintegration?
𝑹𝒂𝟐𝟐𝟔 𝟐𝟐𝟔 𝟒
𝟖𝟖 → 𝑹𝒂𝟖𝟖 + 𝑯𝒆𝟐

Q 3 (a) Explain the concept of nuclear electric quadrupole moment. (7)
(b) Write in detail the principle, construction and working of bubble chamber. (5)
Q 4 (a) By using semi empirical mass formula, find an expression for the atomic number of
the stable nuclei after β-decay. (5)
(b) Which nucleus is more stable 𝑳𝒊𝟕𝟑 𝒐𝒓 𝑳𝒊𝟖𝟑 ?. Give 𝑚𝑝 = 1.007825 amu, 𝑚𝑛 =1.008665
amu, 𝑴𝑳𝒊𝟕 (2- 7.016003 amu and 𝑴𝑳𝒊𝟖 = 8.022486 amu. (3)
Q 5 (a) Bricily describe the theory of spontaneous alpha emission . (6)
(b) Discuss multipolarities of ϒ rays. (4)
Seventh Semester 2018
Examination : B.S 4 Year Program SHOAIB AMIN

PAPER : Nuclear Physics - I TIME ALLOWED : 2hrs. & 30 mins

Course Code : 403 Max . Marks : 50

Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided.

(Subjective Type)
Q. 2: Write short answers of following questions (10*2=20)
I. Can we accelerate a neutron by cyclotron?
II. Explain in few lines the concept that the working of a betatron is like that of a
III. Give two properties of nuclear radiation used in detection instruments
IV. Give differences between ionization chamber and proportional counter
V. Give at least two reasons for acceptance of proton neutron hypothesis for the
constitution of nucleus.
VI. Why neutron number tends to exceed prolon number in stable nuclei?
VII. The nucleons constantly emit and absorb pions. Why the neutrons and protons are
never found with other than their usual masses?
VIII. State similarities between nucleus and Liquid drop model (at least four).
IX. What is meant by range of alpha particles? On what factors it depend upon?
X. The law of conservation of energy and momentum are not obeyed in beta decay.
How neutrino hypothesis explain this discrepancy?

Q. 3: (a)-What is principle of van de Graaff accelerator? Explain its construction and

working. Also give its uses . 01+ 05 + 01
(b)-What is meant by magnetic dipole moment? By giving an example show that magnetic
moments are not additive. 01 + 02
Q. 4 (a)-How limitations of nuclear shell model were rectified by collective nuclear model.
Also give achievements of collective nuclear model.
(b)- How charge particles passes through matter? Explain. 06
Q. 5 (a)-Explain theory of gamma decay in detail by explaining multi-polarity of gamma rays
(b)- State basic properties of nuclear forces. 03
Seventh Semester 2019
Examination : B.S 4 Year Program SHOAIB AMIN

PAPER : Nuclear Physics - I TIME ALLOWED : 2hrs. & 30 mins

Course Code : 403 Max . Marks : 50


Q. 2: Write short answers of following questions. (10 x 2 = 20)
I. The nucleons constantly emit and absorb pions. Why the neutrons and protons are
never found with other than their usual masses?
II. Explain why the sum of masses of two protons and two neutrons is not equal to the
mass of alpha particle.
III. Give a comparison of proportional and ionization chambers.
IV. What are the limitations of nuclear emulsion technique?
V. Why neutron number tends to exceed proton number in stable nuclei?
VI. The observed spin of is . Show that it cannot be explained on electron-proton model
of nucleus.
VII. What are achievements and failures of shell nuclear model?
VIII. What is meant by range of alpha particles? On what factors it depend upon?
IX. ' Electrons as such do not exist in the nucleus. What then is the cause of beta decay?
X. Can a cyclotron be used to accelerate electrons? If not, why?
Q. 3: (a)-What is meant by magnetic dipole moment? By giving an example show that
magnetic moments are not additive. 01 + 02
(b)-Give principle, construction and working of synchro-cyclotron. 01 + 03+ 03
Q. 4: (a)-Discuss Fermi theory of beta decay and calculate momentum and energy
distributions of emitted electrons. Draw the expected shape of these distributions and also
draw Fermi-Kurie plot. 06
(b)-Highlight the achievements and failures of liquid drop model. Also give similarities
between nucleus and liquid drop model. 04
Q. 5: (a)-How Gamow-Gurney-Condon theory explains the problems of alpha decay raised
by classical theory? 05
(b)- What is proton-proton scattering? What does information it give about nuclear forces?
Also differentiate between proton-proton and neutron-proton scattering. 05
Seventh Semester 2020
Examination : B.S 4 Year Program SHOAIB AMIN

PAPER : Nuclear Physics - I TIME ALLOWED : 2hrs. & 45 mins

Course Code : 403 Max . Marks : 50


Q.2. Give short answers of the following: (10*2=20)

I. What are limitations of liquid drop model?

II. State two reasons of acceptance of proton-neutron hypothesis.
III. What are Isobars? Give one example.
IV. The observed spin of 7 𝑁14 is h. Show that it cannot be explained on basis of
electron-proton model.
V. What are limitations of cyclotron? State any two.
VI. What is a linear accelerator? Give its principle.
VII. The nucleons constantly emit and absorb pions. Why are neutrons and protons
never found with other than their usual masses?
VIII. Differentiate between ionization chamber and proportional counter.
IX. State any two properties of nuclear forces.
X. Can a cyclotron accelerate neutrons? If yes, explain. If not, why?

Answers the following questions. (3*10=30)

Q. 3:- (a)-Give the main assumptions of liquid drop model of nucleus. Justify the name liquid
drop model. 04

(b)-Obtain the expression for binding energy of a nucleus based on liquid drop model. 06

Q. 4:- (a)-The laws of conservation of energy and momentum are not obeyed in beta decay.
How neutrino hypothesis explains this discrepancy and accounts for continuous beta

(b)-Nuclear forces are spin dependent. Explain. 06 + 04

Q. 5:- Explain principle, construction and working of a proportional counter. Give its
applications and explain how it can be used for neutron detection. 10
Seventh Semester 2021
Examination : B.S 4 Year Program SHOAIB AMIN

PAPER : Nuclear Physics - I Course Code : 403 Max.Marks : 60

Answer following Questions (2*10 = 20)
I. What are isotopes? What do they have in common and what are their differences?
II. Comment on the following properties of 𝑃𝑏82 nucleus (i) charge (ii) spin (iii) size.
III. What are main problems of synchrotron? How synchrotrons are different from linear
IV. A cyclotron is a so-called resonance device. Does Betatron also depend upon
V. In radiation detectors, describe specific ionization, and gas multiplication factor.
VI. Why are alpha and beta rays deflected in opposite directions in a magnetic field?
Why aren't gamma rays deflected?
VII. How is it possible for an element to decay forward in the periodic table-that is, to
decay to an element of higher atomic number?
VIII. It is said that nuclear forces are short range force. Give evidence in support of this
IX. What are the properties that identify a system of nucleons in its lowest energy state?
discuss the non-classical properties.
X. What is the basic point of difference between the liquid drop model and shell model
of the nucleus?

Q. 3: (a)-What is mass spectrograph? Describe its principle, construction and working. How
isotopes of an element are identified with it. 06 + 04

(b)-Show that the maximum radius of curvature of the path of a particle inside the dees of a
cyclotron is proportional to the square root of the number of times it crosses the gap
between the dees.

Q. 4: (a)-What is β-decay? Discuss the energy spectrum curve from β-decay of a radioactive
nuclide. What is end point energy? Is β-spectrum discrete or continuous? 06 + 04

(b)-Show that the law of conservation of energy and momentum are not obeyed in β-decay.
Show how neutrino hypothesis explains this discrepancy and accounts for continuous β-ray

Q. 5: (a)- Explain proton-proton scattering at low energies. Write down the formula for
differential cross-section by explaining all the terms . In which limit this formula for
differential cross-section reduce to neutron proton scattering differential cross-section
.Explain 07 + 03

(b)-What are differences between liquid drop and nucleus?

Seventh Semester 2022
Examination : B.S 4 Year Programme SHOAIB AMIN

PAPER : Nuclear Physics - I Course Code : 403 Max.Marks : 60

Q.1. Give short answers of the following: (10x3=30)
I. Give the following properties of nucleus: charge, mass and radius.
II. All matter is nothing but atoms and molecules. Why do we have substances with
density very low as compared to nuclear density?
III. -A cyclotron is a so-called resonance device. Explain.
IV. What is the basic difference between the interaction of charged particles and
radiation with matter?
V. Name the detectors which depend upon the fluorescence property and
photographic effect of particles to be detected.
VI. What is evidence for the existence of neutrinos? Why was their existence
VII. The alpha particle has twice the electric charge of the beta particle but, for the same
velocity, accelerates less than the beta in a magnetic field. Why?
VIII. If the nuclear force is charge independent and a neutron and a proton form a bound
state, then why is there no bound state for two neutrons? What information does
this provide on the nucleon-nucleon force?
IX. Why number of neutrons tends to exceed number of protons in stable nuclei?
X. Show that the energy associated with the Coulomb force between protons in a
nucleus is proportional to Z(Z - 1).
Answer the following questions.
Q. 2: (a)-Discuss the variation of binding energy per nucleon with mass number and state
the results obtained from graph. 05 + 05
(b)-What are semiconductor detectors? State its types. Explain any one semiconductor
detector in detail.
Q. 3: In β-decay process, in the allowed approximation, the partial decay rate for electrons
and neutrinos with proper momenta is 𝒅𝝀 = 𝑨𝒑𝟐 𝒒𝟐 𝒅𝒑 10
where p and q are momenta of emitted electron (positron) and anti-neutrino (neutrino)
respectively and A is constant including all factors independent of p and q. Use this
expression to calculate momentum, N(p) and N(𝑇𝑐 ), the distribution of emitted electrons.
Draw the expected shapes these distributions and also draw Fermi-Kurie plot.
Q. 4:- (a)-Discuss neutron-proton scattering at low energies and hence derive relations for
differential cross-section and total cross-section. What informations are obtained from this
scattering? 05 + 05
(b)-What are magic number nuclei? How does the shell model explain the existence of
magic numbers? Give experimental evidence of nuclear magic numbers.

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