DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY 2011 Second Year Physics Paper VI NUCLEAR PHYSICS, MOLECULAR AND RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks Answer any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1. (a) Distinguish between Dipolemoment and quadrupole moment. Describe a method for determination of electric moment of the nucleus. (b) What is meant by binding energy? How it is dependent on mass number? Explain it with suitable example. 2. (a) Discuss in detail about the change independence and spin dependence of nuclear forces. (b) Describe the meson theory of Nuclear forces. 3. (a) Discuss the following Internal conversion and nuclear isomerism. (b) Describe the Gamow's theory of alpha decay. 4. (a) Write a note on nuclear kinematics. (b) Explain the need of classification of elementary particles and its properties. 5. (a) What are the relaxation mechanisms observed in NMR? Explain in detail. (b) State and explain the block equation. Mention its solution. 6. (a) Discuss the characteristics of A and g values. (b) Describe the construction and working of NQR spectrometer. 7. (a) Explain the fundamental requirement of NQR spectroscopy. (b) Give a details of top and spherical top molecules with examples. 8. (a) How to differentiate the rotational, vibrational from electronic spectra of diatomic molecules? Explain.
(b) Explain the spectra of non rigid rotator of diatomic molecule. M.Sc. (Final) DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2010. Second Year Physics Paper VI NUCLEAR PHYSICS, MOLECULAR AND RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks Answer any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. (a) Explain how do you determine magnetic moment and quardpole moment of deuteron. (b) Explain how binding energy various with mass number. 2. (a) Discuss neutron-proton scattering at low energies. (b) Arrive at an expression for zero energy scattering cross section. 3. (a) Explain the conservation laws obeyed by nuclear reactions. (b) Discuss various types of nuclear reactions. 4. (a) Explain the Fermi theory of -decay. (b) What are three forms of -decay? 5. (a) Distinguish between spin-spin and spinlattice relaxation. (b) Explain how do you record NMR spectrum continuously. 6. (a) Explain the characteristics of a g tensor. (b) How do you determine bond angles in molecules using ESR technique? 7. (a) Explain the principle of nuclear quadruple
resonance. (b) Explain NQR transitions with half integral spins. 8. (a) How does the bond distance change with isotope substitution? (b) Explain from the para rotational spectrum, how do you calculate the bond lengths of a unsymmetrical linear triatomic molecule. 9. Write notes on any TWO of the following : (a) Semi-empirical mass formula (b) Nuclear isomerism (c) Hyperfine structure (d) Spectrum of non-rigid rotator.
M.Sc. (Final) DEGREE EXAMINATION, JUNE 2010. Second Year Physics Paper VI NUCLEAR PHYSICS, MOLECULAR AND RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY 1. (a) Describe a method to determine the magnetic dipole moment. (b) Explain the binding energy of a nucleus and dependence on mass number with suitable example. 2. (a) What are the characteristics of nuclear forces? (b) Discuss Yukawas theory of meson exchange. 3. (a) Explain threshold energy and cross section for nuclear reactions. (b) Discuss Fermis theory of f-decay. 4. (a) Write a note on nuclear isomerism. (b) Discuss in detail the interaction between the elementary particles. 5. (a) Describe the experimental set-up for NMR to note resonance absorption of proton.
(b) Mention the different relaxation mechanisms observed in NMR. 6. (a) What are Block equations? Find the solutions of Bloch equations. (b) Describe the construction and working of ESR spectrometer. 7. (a) Write a note on spherical top molecules. (b) Describe the construction and working of IR spectrometer. 8. (a) Distinguish between rotational, vibrational and electronic spectra of diatomic molecules. (b) Describe the theory of diatomic molecule as a non rigid rotator. 9. Write notes on any TWO of the following : (a) Semi emphirical mass formula. (b) Nuclear reactors. (c) NQR spectrometer. (d) Diatomic liner symmetric top.
1. (a) Explain the theory of the deuteron. (b) Describe the proton-proton and neutron-proton scattering giving their important features. 2. (a) Discuss in detail the liquid drop model of the nucleus. (b) What do you understand by parity and symmetry? 3. (a) Derive the Q-value of a nuclear reaction. Explain its significance.
(b) Write a note on nuclear reactors. 4. (a) Explain the Gamow's theory of -decay. (b) Discuss conservation laws among the elementary particles. 5. (a) Describe the construction and operation of NMR spectrometer. (b) Discuss the characteristics of 'A' and 'g' values. 6. (a) Explain the concept of integral spin and half integral spin. (b) Explain the working of NQR spectrometer with neat sketch. 7. (a) Describe the theory of diatomic molecule as a rigid rotator. (b) Obtain the energy levels and transition of molecular rotational spectrum. 8. (a) Derive an expression for vibration of energy of diatomic molecule. (b) Give relevant theory for a vibrating diatomic molecule as a harmonic oscillator. 9. Write notes on any TWO of the following: (a) Bohr-wheeler theory (b) Radioactivity (c) ESR spectrometer (d) IR spectroscopy.
M.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY 2011. Second Year Physics Paper VII SOLID STATE PHYSICS I . 1. Explain the terms unit cell, crystal lattice and crystal structure. Describe briefly the five systems of crystals. 2. What is meant by reciprocal lattice? Explain its
importance in structural determination. state and explain the Bragg's law? 3. Discuss the importance and role of primary and secondary bons in atomic cohesion. 4. Explain the elastic constants of crystal. Discuss in detail about the general theory of Harmonic approximation. 5. Distinguish between classical lattice heat capacity and quantum theory of heat capacity. Explain the an harmonic interaction in solids. 6. Describe the knonig-penny model and explain its importance in the band theory of solids. 7. Explain the free electron model zone schemes for energy bonds. Bring out the expression for density of electrons and holes in an intrinsic semi conductors. 8. What is meant by hall effect? Explain briefly the physical origin and uses of hall effect. 9. Write note on any TWO of the following: (a) Crystal point groups and space groups. (b) In elastic neturon scattering. (c) Electron energy bands (d) p n junction devices.
1. Explain point group symmetry elements exhibited by crystals. Show that five fold rotation axis is not permissible in crystal lattice.
2. Distinguish between reciprocal lattice and direct lattice. Obtain the reciprocal lattice vectors in terms of direct lattice vectors. Prove that fcc lattice is reciprocal to bcc lattice. 3. What are primary and secondary bonds? Give examples. Obtain an expression for binding energy of an ionic crystal. 4. Deduce vibrational modes of a finite one dimensional monoatomic lattice. How does this knowledge help in calculating the specific heat? 5. Prove that the motion of electrons through the periodic potential in solids gives rise to the band structure. 6. How an harmonic effects explain heat capacity more effectively than harmonic approximation. Discuss. 7. Derive expression for density of electrons and holes in an intrinsic semiconductor. Show that the Fermi level lies halfway between the valence band and conduction band. 8. What is Hall effect? Explain the measurement of Hall coefficient. Mention the uses of Hall effect. 9. Write note on any TWO of the following : (a) Quanitization of lattice vibrational energies. (b) Classification of solids using band diagram
(c) Phonon collision processes. (d) Relative merits and demerits of Xray, electron and neutron diffraction techniques in the study of crystal structures.
M.Sc. (Final) DEGREE EXAMINATION, JUNE 2010. Second Year Physics Paper VII SOLID STATE PHYSICS I Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks Answer any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Define crystal lattice, basis and crystal structure. Describe briefly the seven systems of crystals. 2. Explain the concept of reciprocal lattice. Discuss its importance in structure determination. 3. Explain atomic cohesion and give a brief account of elastic constants in crystals. 4. What is reststrahlen band? Explain give a brief account of general theory of Harmonic approximation. 5. Explain the classical lattice heat capacity and discuss the anharmonic interaction in solids. 2 (DPHY 23) 6. Discuss kronig-penny model and its importance in the band theory of solids. 7. Write down the expression for density of electrons and holes in an intrinsic semiconductor. 8. What is Hall effect? Briefly discuss the physical origin of Hall effect. What are the uses of this effect?
9. Write notes on any TWO of the following : (a) Index system for crystal planes. (b) Ball are spring model. (c) Zone schemes for energy bards. (d) Thermoelectric effect.
1. What is meant by symmetry operations in crystals? Explain the different point group symmetry elements in a crystal lattice. 2. State and prove Braggs law of Xray diffraction using reciprocal lattice. Explain Xray powder diffraction method for determining crystal structure. 3. Obtain the expression for the total cohesive energy of an ionic crystal in terms of modelling constant and other parameters. 4. Discuss the quantization of lattice vibration and explain the measurement of phonon dispersion by inelastic neutron scattering. 5. Distinguish between normal and Umklapp processes. Derive an expression for thermal expansion based on an harmonic interactions. 6. Explain how allowed and forbidden energy levels of a solid are explained by Kronig-Penny model.
7. Distinguish between intrinsic and impurity semiconductors with suitable examples. Discuss the theory of intrinsic conductivity of a semiconductor. 8. Explain the working of a p-n junction. Discuss forward and reverse biasing of p-n junction diode. 9. Write notes on any TWO of the following : (a) Laues method of crystal structure analysis. (b) Normal modes of real crystals. (c) Distinguish insulators, semiconductors and metals based on band theory of solids. (d) Magneto resistance.
M.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY 2011. Second Year Paper VIII SOLID STATE PHYSICS II 1. What is polarization? Derive the expression for local field responsible for the polarizing molecules or atoms of a solid. 2. What are the chief characteristics of ferroelectric materials? How does dielectric constant of a ferroelectric crystal vary with temperature? Mention the uses of ferroelectric crystals. 3. What is Frenkel defect? Derive the expression for the equilibrium concentration of Frenkel defects. 4. Describe edge and screw dislocations with suitable diagrams. What is Burgers vector? 5. Describe the nature of diamagnetic solids and derive an expression for their susceptibility.
6. Give an account of Neels theory of antiferromagnetism and show how ferromagnetic behaviour of ferrites can be explained from Neels theory. 7. Explain Heisenbergs theory of ferromagnetism and derive relation between exchange integral and exchange field constant. 8. Define superconductivity and mention few applications. Describe the effects of : (a) Magnetic field, (b) Frequency and (c) Isotopes on super conductors. 9. What are Cooper pairs? Give qualitative ideas of BCS theory of superconductivity. 10. Write a short note on any two of the following : (a) Ferroelectric domains and antiferroelectricity (b) Grain boundaries (c) Ferromagnetic, anti-ferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic materials with examples. (d) High temperature superconductors. M.Sc. (Final) DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2010. Paper VIII SOLID STATE PHYSICS II
1. Explain the various sources of polarizability. Discuss the temperature and frequency dependence of polarizability. 2. Discuss the thermodynamics of ferroelectric phase transitions. Explain the ferroelectric properties of BaTiO3. 3. What are line imperfections? Distinguish between screw and edge dislocations. Describe a method of estimating the dislocation density. 4. Give the quantum theory of diamagnetism. What are the merits of this over the classical theory?
5. Discuss the Weiss theory of ferromagnetism. Explain the temperature dependence of saturation magnetization. 6. What are spin waves? Obtain the dispersion relation for spin waves in a ferromagnet. 7. Discuss the Ginzburg-Landau theory of superconductivity. Derive the London equation and explain London penetration depth. 8. Explain the concept of zero resistance. Discuss in detail the thermodynamics of superconducting transitions. 9. Write notes on any TWO of the following (a) Piezo electricity and its applications (b) Vanvleck paramagnetism (c) Origin of ferromagnetic domains and their experimental observation (d) High Ti superconductors.
M.Sc. (Final) DEGREE EXAMINATION, JUNE 2010. Second Year Physics Paper VIII SOLID STATE PHYSICS II 1. Explain the terms dielectric constant and polarizbility. Explain the experimental determination of dielectric constants. Discuss the classical theory of electronic polarizability. 2. What are the salient features of ferroelectric materials? Discuss the classification of various ferroelectric materials with suitable examples.
Distinguish between ferroelectric and ferromagnetic domains. 3. What are point defects? Derive an expression for Schottky defect concentration in ionic crystals. In NaCl crystal, the energy required to create a vacancy is 1.01 eV. Calculate the ration of vacancies at 300 K and 500 K. 4. Distinguish between edge and screw dislocations. Derive an expression for stress field around screw dislocation. Discuss the importance of Burgers vector in dislocations. 5. Obtain an expression for paramagnetic susceptibility of conduction electron. How do you achieve cooling by nuclear demagnetization? 6. Discuss Weiss theory of ferromagnetism. What are ferrites? Discuss their structure and properties. 7. What are magnons? Explain the thermal excitation of magnons. Explain Curie temperature in ferrimagnets and obtain an expression for their susceptibility. 8. Outline the salient features of BCS theory of superconductivity and explain how the BCS theory explain most of the fundamental properties of superconductors. 9. What are the peculiar properties of high Tc superconductors? Discuss the preparation and characterization of high Tc superconductors. 10. Write a note on any TWO of the following : (a) Thermodynamic theory of ferroelectric transitions (b) Role of dislocations in crystal growth (c) GMR-CMR materials (d) Applications of piezoelectric crystals. M.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2009. Second Year Physics
Paper VIII SOLID STATE PHYSICS II Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks Answer any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Explain what is meant by polarization in dielectrics. Discuss the different polarization mechanisms in dielectrics. 2. Discuss the classification of ferroelectric materials in detail with suitable examples. 3. What is meant by crystal imperfections? Classify them in the order of their geometry. 4. What are paramagnetic and diamagnetic materials? Explain discuss the quantum theory of magnetic susceptibility. 5. Differentiate between Ferromagnetism and Anti ferromagnetism on the basis of variation of susceptibility with temperature. 6. Discuss the origin of spontaneous magnetism. What are spin waves? Discuss their properties. 7. What is superconductivity? Explain Meissner effect. What are the possible applications of superconductivity? 8. Explain the BCS theory of superconductivity. Give an account of high Tc superconductors. 9. Write notes on any TWO of the following : (a) Dielectric losses (b) Vanvlek paramagnetism (c) Novel magnetic materials (d) SQUID.