Environmental Risk Assessment

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Environmental risk assessment is a systematic approach for

identification, evaluation, mitigation and control of hazards that could occur as
a result of failures in process, procedures, or equipment. Increasing industrial
accidents, loss of life & property, public scrutiny, statutory requirements and
intense industrial processes, all contribute to a growing need to ensure that
risk management is conducted and implemented.

Industries are endeavoring progressively to prevent hazardous

events, avoid production & manpower losses and other fallouts associated with
industrial accidents by conducting risk assessment, onsite & off site
management plan and adopting the safety measures. This also assists
industries to enhance employee knowledge of operations, improve technical
procedures, maintain accurate process safety information and increase overall
productivity. This Chapter gives an outline of the associated environmental and
other risks, their assessment and remedial measures. It also describes an
approach for emergency planning to be adopted by the Plant management.

1.1.1 Objectives
The objectives of environmental risk assessment are governed by
the following, which excludes natural calamities:

a) Identification of potential hazardous areas so that adequate

safety measures can be adopted to reduce the likelihood of
accidental events.

b) Identification of the stakeholders and evaluation of their risk

along with proposing adequate control techniques.

c) Managing the emergency situation or a disastrous event, if any,

during the plant operation.

1.1.2 Definition of Environmental Risks

The following terms related to environmental risks are defined
before reviewing the environmental risks:

● Harm .. Damage to person, property or environment.

● Hazard .. Situation that poses a level of threat to life,
health, property, or environment. A
hazardous situation that has come to pass
is called an incident. Hazard and possibility
interact together to create risk. An
environmental hazard is thus going to be a
set of circumstances, which leads to direct
or indirect degradation of environment and
damage to the life and property.

● Risk .. The probability of harm or likelihood of

harmful occurrence and its severity.
Environmental risk is a measure of the
potential threats to the environment, life
and property.

● Consequence .. Effect due to occurrence of the event, which

may endanger the environment permanently
or temporarily and, or, loss of life and
● Environmental .. The consequence can extensively
Disaster damage any one or all the four components
of the environment, namely, (i) physico-
chemical, (ii) biological, (iii) human and (iv)

1.1.3 Environmental Risk Evaluation

Environmental Risk Evaluation acts as a scrutinizing vehicle for
establishing the priority in risk management that concerns human health, loss
of productivity and environmental quality in general. The proposed facility
would have installations, such as, storage and handling of fuel oil and fuel
gases which would be under the purview of Manufacture, Storage and Import of
Hazardous Chemicals (MSIHC) Rules, 1989 and its amendments thereof.

Risk is the determination of likelihood and severity of the credible

accident/event sequences in order to determine magnitude and to priorities
identified hazards. The likelihood of occurrence & Severity of consequence are
described as follows:

Likelihood (L) Description Rating

Most Likely Expected in normal circumstances 5
Likely Likely to occur in normal circumstances 4
Possible May occur in normal circumstances 3
Unlikely Remote chance of occurrence but conceivable 2
Inconceivable Not conceivable even in future 1
Severity (S) Description Rating
Catastrophic Casualties, Disastrous Environmental 5
damage, Financial loss (>1000 crore)
Major Major injuries & Environmental damage, 4
Financial loss (>100 crore)
Moderate Moderate injuries & Environmental damage, 3
Financial loss (> 10 crore)
Minor Minor injuries & Environmental damage, 2
Financial loss (>1 crore)
Insignificant No injuries & Environmental damage, 1
Financial loss (>0.1 crore)

For conducting qualitative Risk assessment using qualitative

likelihood & severity as indicators, Risk Potential is calculated using the
following formula and presented in form of a matrix below.
L x S = Risk Potential (R)

Likelihood Severity (S)

(L) 1 2 3 4 5
5 5 10 15 20 25
4 4 8 12 16 20
3 3 6 9 12 15
2 2 4 6 8 10
1 1 2 3 4 5

The relative risk potential can be used to prioritize necessary

actions to effectively manage hazards as per the risk value defined below:

Risk Risk priority Action

15-25 High Requires Immediate action
5-12 Medium Requires planned approach for mitigation the risk
1-4 Low No requirement of Immediate action but requires
attention for attenuation to avoid future events

“High Risk” events must have immediate actions, to resolve risk to

life and/or the environment. Department/Personnel responsible for actions
must be clearly identified including demarcation of proper follow -up procedure.
A further detail risk assessment method such as quantitative risk assessment
may be required to determine suitable controls measures.

A summarized list of environmental risk potential for the likely

events is presented in Table 7-1 as per the above stated Risk rating.



Nature of Risk Ranking

Event hazard L S RP Mitigation Measures
Fire at coal Fire 4 3 12 - Fire fighting system with alarm
stockyard - Awareness/training of personnel
with emergency preparedness plan
- Assembly points with adequate
By product gas Fire 3 4 12
- Fire fighting system with alarm -
leaks from the Toxic
- CO detector with hooter
pipe line/valves
Leakage/spillage Corrosive 2 3 6 - Dyke/embankment around Bulk
of acids/alkalis storage area
- Concrete flooring
- Provision of acid resistant PPE to
Personnel working around the area
Leakage/rupture Toxic 2 4 8 - Dyke/embankment around Bulk
in the various Fire storage area
product storage - Emergency Collection tanks
tanks in Coal provided to minimize potential
Tar & Benzol impacts of leaks/spills
Refining Units - Provision of spill management kits
- Hazards signage along with MSDS at
convenient location
Failure of Health 1 3 3 - Alarm system
Fume/Dust hazards - Automatic tripping
Emission of Toxic 3 2 6 - Adoption of Control measures to
VOC, dioxin & (Health keep emission within norms
furan hazards)
Handling & Fire 3 4 12 - Fire fighting system with alarm
leakage of fuel - Isolated storage location & strict
gases like adherence to guidelines around the
propane, LPG location
Catastrophic Fire 3 5 15 - Proper emergency preparedness plan
rupture of Toxic and awareness/training of personnel
gas storage
Release of Toxic 3 3 9 - Provision of catch pit to arrest the
untreated accidental release
Contamination Toxic 2 3 6 - Strict adherence to management
by hazardous measures
Nature of Risk Ranking
Event hazard L S RP Mitigation Measures
waste - Hazardous waste storage location to
be lined by suitable liner to avoid
contamination of soil/groundwater
- Monitoring to check seepage of
wastes into soil/groundwater
Occurrence of Fire 2 3 6 - Fire alarm & Foam based Fire
fire due to static fighting system
ic spark

Accidental Fire 2 4 8 - PPE’s for personnel working in the

discharge of area
hydraulic oil - Pit to be provided to contain the oil
under pressure leakage
Splashing of Corrosive 2 5 10 - Administrative controls to prevent
molten metal presence of personnel inside liquid
and slag steel/slag handling area
- Fire fighting system in the
concerned area
- Heat resistant jackets/apron for
personnel working near the
concerned area
Workplace Health 3 3 9 - Proper workplace maintenance with
hazards like hazards respect to illumination, ventilation
confined space, etc in adherence with latest norms.
working with - Strict adherence to safe work
improper tools, practices
poor illumine-
tion, poor
ventilation, etc
Non Health 3 4 12 - Strict adherence to safe work
conformance to hazards practices
safe working
including usage
of PPEs

Note: This assessment is based from the past experience in the operation of similar
installations and best practicable designs for the proposed Project. The present risk
potential evaluation is primarily based on human errors or faulty operation or failure of
the control systems.)

From the Table 7-1, it is seen that most of the events have low to
moderate risk potential except the catastrophic rupture gas holders which has
higher risk potential. Therefore consequence modeling for catas trophic failure
of Gas holders has been carried out using DNV Phast Lite 7.1 to quantify the
radial extent of the impact from this potential event.

For BF and LD gas holders, toxic exposure due to catastrophic

failure of gas holders has been considered due to relatively high concentration
of Carbon monoxide gas in BF and LD gas. For Coke oven gas holder, heat
radiation from ignition of leaked gas from failure scenario has been considered
due to its relatively high concentration of hydrogen and methane.
Fig. 7-1 shows the maximum concentration footprint of leaked gas
from catastrophic rupture of the BF gas holder. The concentration of interest
(151.5 ppm) corresponding to the STEL value of BF gas extends up to a
maximum distance of around 154 m downwind.



Fig. 7-2 shows the maximum concentration footprint of leaked gas

from catastrophic rupture of the LD gas holder. The concentration of interest
(555 ppm) corresponding to the STEL value of LD gas extends up to a
maximum distance of around 103 m downwind.
Fig. 7-3 shows the intensity radius for fireball arising due to
catastrophic rupture of the CO gas holder. Two radiation levels of interest have
been plotted and as observed, the 4 kW/m 2 (pain threshold) radiation level
extends up to about 290 m distance and the 12.5 kW/m 2 (first degree burns)
radiation level extends up to about 100 m distance.



A HAZOP Study for the selected units/areas needs to be

undertaken at the ‘design-freeze’ stage, when P&I diagrams, shop layout
drawings, control logic diagrams, technical specifications etc are made ready.
For these areas, ‘Fault Tree Analysis’ of the failure of equipment/valve
component or due to human error can be carried out to assess more
realistically the risk involved and draw up final management measures. It is
also suggested to conduct HAZOP Study for the fuel gas distribution network to
incorporate last minute corrections in the design of the system from fail -safe
angle, prior to commissioning. JSWUSL would implement OHSAS 18001 and
DuPONT Safety practices to improve safe working conditions and achieve zero
harm status.
Emergency planning is an integral part of the overall loss control
program and is important for effective management of an accident to minimize
the losses to the people and property, both in and around the facility.

The main aspect in emergency management planning is prevention

by technical and organizational measures and minimization of accidents and
demonstrates the organizational commitment to the safety of employees and
populace in & around the plant. JSWUSL shall have an Emergency Plan for
their proposed facilities as per the provision stipulated under Section -41 B (4)
of the Factories Act, 1948 (as amended), Rule 13 (1) of MSIHC Rules, 1989 (as
amended)and other applicable regulations.

JSWUSL would implement an On-site Emergency plan approved by

Director (Factories and Boiler), Bhubaneswar.The objectives of the On-site
Emergency Plan are:

i) Rapid control and containment of possible hazardous

ii) Minimizing the risk and the impact of accident.
iii) Effective rehabilitation of affected persons.

The considerations in an emergency planning include the following:

i) Identification and assessment of hazards and risks

ii) Hazard, consequence analysis
iii) Implementation and compliance of the regulatory provisions
as per regulatory requirements
iv) Pre-emergency planning
v) Emergency preparedness measures
vi) Emergency response procedures and measures, steps to be
taken before during and after emergency.
vii) Emergency organization and responsibilities
viii) Alarm and communication procedures
ix) Equipping Emergency control centre, Identifying Assembly,
x) Rescue points, Medical facilities.
xi) Emergency recovery procedures
xii) Training rehearsal, evaluation and updating the plan
xiii) Consequences of defaults or non-compliance of regulations
The Plant Head who would also act as Works Main Controller
(WMC) would assume the overall responsibility for implementation of
emergency planning at the time of crisis on the site. He would be assisted at
next level by Head Environment, Head OHS and Heads of various plant units
who would act as Site Incident Controllers (SIC), coordinating with a Combat
Team Leader (CTL), a Rescue Team Leader (RTL) and an Auxiliary Team Leader
(ATL) to mitigate the emergency situation. The Emergency command structure
of the plant is shown in Fig. 7-1.











The action plan for on -site emergency plan is presented below in

Table 7-2.



No. Initiator Responsibilities
1 The person  Inform Security Gate, CTL & the concerned Shift -in–charge
noticing the immediately.
2 CTL  Inform SIC and rush to spot and organize his team.
 Take charge of the situation, arrange for fire fighting and
medical first-aid available at site.
 To start combating, shut-down equipments, arrest the
No. Initiator Responsibilities
leakage of gas/fire.
3 SIC  Inform WMC and rush to emergency site.
 Discuss with CTL, assesses the situation and call the RTL &
 Organize the Rescue Team and Auxiliary Team and send the
rescue Team to site.
 Arrange to evacuate the unwanted persons and call for
additional help.
 Pass information to the WMC periodically about the position
at site.
4 WMC  Rush to emergency site and observe the ongoing activities.
 Take stock of the situation in consultation with the SIC.
 Move to Emergency Control Room.
 Take decision on declaration of emergency.
 Advise ATL to inform the statutory authorities and seek
help of mutual aid from partners as required.
 Decide on declaration of cessation of emergency.
 Ensure that the emergency operations are recorded
5 RTL  Consult with SIC and organize his team with amenities to
arrest fire fighting and medical treatment.
 Rush to Emergency Site through safe route along with the
team members.
 Arrange to set off the fire by fire fighting equipments and
hydrant points to arrest the fire or to evacuate the area.
 Shift the injured persons to hospital by ambulance after
providing necessary first aid.
 To inform the ATL for necessary help from mutual aid
6 ATL  On being directed by WMC, inform about the emergency to
statutory authorities.
 Seek help of Mutual Aid partners and Coordinate with
Mutual Aid partners to render their services.
 Arrange to inform the relatives of casualties.
 Take care of visit of the authorities to the Emergency site.
7 Team members  Each of the team members to follow the instruction of
concerned team leader to mitigate the emergency.

The emergency control center would be located strategically in an

area of minimum risk with easy access to concerned personnel. Emergency
control centers would be stocked with the following infrastructural support

i) An adequate number of external & internal telephones

ii) Radio equipment/Public adresssal system
iii) Safety gears
iv) First aid facilities, Stretchers, gas masks, etc
v) Fire-fighting system with additional sources of water
vi) Additional work and layout plans detailing alternate
routes and affected areas, during an emergency.
vii) Note pads, pens and pencils.
viii) List of key personnel, with addresses, telephone numbers,

The off-site emergency plan would be an integral part of any major

hazard control system. This particular plan relates to only those accidenta l
events, which could affect people and the environment outside the plant
boundary. Incidents, which would have very severe consequences, yet have a
small probability of occurrence, would be in this category.

The implementing authority of the off-site plan would be the local

authority and not the plant authority. Plant Head in consultation with the
Safety, Admin & other concerned department would be coordinating with the
district administration/ local authority for safeguarding nearby settlements
during off-site emergency situation.

The basic structure of the off-site emergency procedure would

cover the following:

i) Identification of local authorities like police, district

collector’s office, their names, addresses and communication
ii) Details of availability and location of heavy duty equipment
like bull dozers, fire-fighting equipment etc.

iii) Details of specialist agencies, firms and people upon whom it

may be necessary to call.

iv) Details of voluntary organisations.

v) Meteorological information.

vi) Humanitarian arrangements like transport, evacuation

centres, first aid, ambulance, community kitchen etc.

vii) Public information through media, informing relatives, public

address system etc.
A disaster is a catastrophic event that causes serious injuries, loss
of life & extensive damage to Plant & its surroundings. The types of possible
disaster would be due to i) Disaster due to emergencies on account of fire,
spillages, etc. ii) Disaster due to natural calamity on account of flood,
earthquake, cyclone, storm, cloud burst, lightning and iii) Disaster due to
external factors on account of food poisoning, sabotage etc.

The objective of the DMP is to make use of the combined resources

of the plant and the outside services to achieve the following:

i) Effective rescue and medical treatment of casualties

ii) Safeguard other people
iii) Minimize damage to property and the environment
iv) Initially contain and ultimately bring the incident under
v) Identify any casualties
vi) Provide for the needs of relatives
vii) Provide authoritative information to the news media
viii) Secure the safe rehabilitation of affected area
ix) Preserve relevant records and equipment for the subsequent
inquiry into the cause and circumstances of the emergency.

In effect, DMP helps to optimize operational efficiency to rescue

rehabilitation and render medical help and to restore normalcy.

Few elementary disaster management measures undertaken to

prevent disaster due to the above mentioned hazards are as follows:

i) Design, manufacture, operation and maintenance of all plant

machineries/structures as per applicable national and
international standards as laid down by statutory authority

ii) Preparation of layout to provide ‘Assembly Point’ and safe

evacuation route for personnel in case of a hazardous
event/disaster, as can be inferred from Risk & Consequence

iii) Adherance to emergency (both on site & off-site)

preparedness plan, emergency response team, emergency
communication, emergency responsibilities, emergency
facilities, and emergency actions

iv) Proper Alarm system and training the personnel for

appropriate response during disastrous situation.

v) Complete fire protection coverage for the entire plant as per

regulatory stipulations

vi) Creation and maintenance of Disaster Control Room (DCR)

with adequately trained personnel who can handle all sorts
of emergency situation

vii) Provision of funds for prevention of disaster, mi tigation,

capacity-building and preparedness.

During contingency, an officer will be manning the DCR having

links with all plant control rooms. On getting information about any accident,
the officer will verify from the affected plant control room and inform
the Disaster Controller (DC) and/or other
co-ordinators immediately.

The responsible officers of Disaster Control Group will

assemble in the DCR and formulate control procedures as per the
contingency plans and execute their responsibilities as per the plan. The
functions of the various officers of the Disaster Control Group will be as

Disaster Controller
i) To declare "Disaster Emergency" after consulting senior
officers available and inform Fire Station Control Room
to sound the sirens accordingly and arrange to convey
the message in public address system
ii) To report to DCR immediately

iii) To receive messages from the communication centre

iv) To take decisions in consultation with the Commanding

Officers of different services and convey them to the disaster

v) To be responsible for planning and provisions of assistance

from township and from local authorities
vi) To keep higher authorities informed about the situation

Officer In-charge
Disaster Controller will nominate an officer whose functions
will be as follows:

i) To be responsible for the operation of DCR and for the

dispatch of messages

ii) To keep liaison with all activities and give up to date

and accurate appreciation of the situation

iii) To be responsible for the efficient organisation of the DCR

The Commanding Officers of various services are designated

Coordinator (services), Coordinator (Operation) and Coordinator
(external services). The following are their functions:

i) To report to the Control Post immediately on hearing

"Disaster Siren"

ii) To keep Disaster Controller posted with the up-to-date

information regarding manpower and material available
concerning their respective services

iii) To assist Disaster Controller for provision of material and

man power concerning his service

iv) To convey message to his service teams through

communication centre after consulting Disaster Controller

The WMC would be in communication with the District Disaster

Management Authority (DDMA) regarding pre-disaster activities in alignment
with the overall plan developed by the DDMA or the Collector. JS WUSL would
adhere to the relevant rules regarding prevention of disasters, as stipulated by
relevant local authorities.

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