Week 5 & Week 6 - Mechanical Transportation

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Course Outcomes
Course Outcome 1
• Explain the types of mechanical transportation system in building services
Course Outcome 2
• Distinguish the process of installation and operation of mechanical
transportation system in building services engineering.
Course Outcome 3
• Report verbally the relation of the system accordance to relevant legislation
and regulations in building services engineering
Types of Elevator
Operation System
Control System
Installation On site
 Is the system for transporting or conveying
people and goods etc. within a buildings
 The mechanical transportation of people and
goods is an energy-using service that requires
designer‟s attention at the earliest stage of
building design.
 System includes: Lifts (elevators), escalators
and travelators/walkalators
 A transport device used to move goods or
people vertically.

 Elderly / Old Folks

 Disabled
 Heavy goods
 Children
 Publics
 Meant for modern buildings
 Public Buildings
 etc.
 Necessary in all buildings over
three storey high.
 Minimum standard of service: one
lift per four storey. Indoors
 Minimum walking distance to
access a lift - 45 m Outdoors
 Floor space estimates and car
capacity can be based on an area
of 0.2 m² per person.
Goods lifts Stair lifts

Passenger Lifts
Cars lifts

Panoramic Platform
lifts lifts

Fire Fighting lifts Dumbwaiter Paternoster

 Position
 Positioning of lift should be at locations
which provide easy means of access for all
building users – central entrance lobby of
offices, hotels, apartments, etc.
 Why??

Location of building entrances ---should be located in the central area, or if not,

should be centralized
Grouping ---better group than spread, reduces installation cost, essential for
user convenience.
Staircase location ---demand of lift reduced if passengers pass stairs first
before lift
Departmental stores ---easily seen & accessible to encourage visits to upper
Hospitals ---bed lifts required near operating theatres
Lobbies ---desirable & large enough to allow traffic visible from entrance hall
Various Speed of Lifts / elevators
 Peak demand for lift service is assessed from the building size, shape, height and
 25% of the population require transportation during a 5 min peak period.
 Congestion at peak travel times is minimized by arranging the lifts lobbies in a cul-de-sac
of 2 lift doors on either side of a walkway, rather than in a line of four doors along one
 Construction specifications of lifts are given in BS 5655: 1989 and BS Code of Practice
 Car speed for various travel distance
 Door-less lift cars in one shaft.
 Lift cars – attached to a hoisting chain which
turns around sprockets at the top and
bottom of the shaft.
 Continuous moving and provide upward and
downward transportation.
 Passenger enter or leave the car while it is
 Minimal waiting time.
 Once the car reach the travel limits in one
direction, it moves across to serve another
 Speed must not exceed 0.4 m/s.
 Suitable for agile people.
 Not suitable for elderly / disable people.
 Able to convey about 600 people per hour.
 Lower maintenance costs due to continuous
running of motor and the absence of control
gears and doors.
 Less waiting.
 Lower capital cost.
Plan of lift at top

Vertical Cross Section

of Paternoster
 To facilitate movement of handicapped
person in two storey building.
 Used in hospital, homes for elderly.
 Placed on the flight of stairs.
 A platform or a chair moves on the
track fixed to the side of the stair
 Movement – by chain drive or traction
 Power – located at the top or bottom
 Uses 240V single phase and needs
minimal maintenance.
Typical stair lift dimensions
 Used for materials
handling only.
 Lift car is small (approx.
3m X 1m).
 Uses either traction with
counterweight or by
winding cable drum to
move lift car.
 Used by firemen in the event of fire.
 Should have direct access from the street
and the electricity supply should be separate
to that provided for other lifts.
 Escape hatch in the car roof.
 Manufactured from non-combustible material
 Incorporated with 2-ways communication
 2 power supply – mains and emergency
 Operation : look for yourself…

Fire Fighting Lift – Shared Shaft

 As the most suitable building transport for
conveying wheelchair occupants between
 Powered lifting platform used by disable
 Used if access for only 2 levels.
 Platform Lift requirement and operations
???Used your surfing skills and find from
the net…
 Designed such that two
elevator cars are attached one
on top of the other.
 This allows passengers on two
consecutive floors to be able
to use the elevator
simultaneously, significantly
increasing the passenger
capacity of an elevator shaft.
 Example: Lifts at Menara
Telekom, Taipei 101, Petronas
Twin Tower, Burj Khalifa, etc
 The fundamental design:

 Began as a simple rope or chain hoist.

 It is a platform, either pulled or pushed by a mechanical means.
 Cab (lift car); mounted on platform within an enclosed space called
a shaft (lift pit) or hoist way.
 Weight of the car is balanced with a counterweight.

 Two basic types:

 Traction-Electric lifts, cars are pulled by means of rolling steel

ropes over a deeply grooved pulley also known as sheave.

 Hydraulic-Lifting platform is pushed upward/downward by plunges

 Lifting platform is pushed upward/downward by
plunges (ram)
 Liquid (oil/high pressure water) is forced into or
withdrawn to create movement.
 A pump is used to control the liquid
 Suitable for moderate car speed and fairly short
travel (e.g. hospital, old folks house etc.)
 Speed range between 0.12m/s and 1m/s with
maximum height 21m.
 Machine room are usually located at the lowest level.
 Types: Direct acting (holed)
Suspended (hole less)
Indirect Side Acting
Direct Side Acting
Direct Acting- single cylinder that Suspended- required one or two rams
bored into the ground with the to suit the load and located in the
cylinder having a depth that shaft (not in the ground hole).
reaches the height of the plunger. Utilizing the telescopic format to
extend the plunges upward.
Direct Acting- single cylinder that Advantages
bored into the ground with the
cylinder having a depth that Eliminating rooftop structure ( power
reaches the height of the plunger. pack at low level)
Small machine room & can be located
at some distance from the shaft
Load imposed on the shaft is far more
less ----offering structural cost
No brake or gear necessary
No pulleys of driving sheave
No counterweight and a larger lift car
can sometime be used for a given well
Extremely accurate floor levelling can
be achieved
Acceleration and travel is very smooth
Simplification of shaft‟s structural
Principle components-
lifting platform, lifting machinery, counterweight cables.
Geared Gearless
 ascend (upward movement) heights
 location of gear between motor & for gearless are limited by technology
drive sheave
feasibility & cost limitation
 small motor provide gear reduction
ratio (efficient & comfort)  the net ascent distance will be limited
 employed for medium speed & by factors of mechanical performance
medium height application capabilities
 used in buildings with greater  some commercially available gearless
height & greater 8m lifting
capacity; elevators can move up at rates more
than the speed suggested in the table


Ft(m) (m/s) Lbs (kg)

Geared To 300 (90) 30 300-500 2000-4000

(1.5-2.5) (900-1800)
Gearless To 500-750+ 30-80 500-1200+ 2000-4000
(150-230+) (2.5-6.0+) (900-1800)
 Size depends on the size & speed of car,
type of door
 Pit must permits over travel & water tight
with proper drainage
 Buffer sits to the base (spring /oil) to
reduce impact
 Allowing air to escape below & above moving
car to prevent air pressure building +
smoke vent with unobstructed openings
 No other services should accommodate
 Constructed of reinforced concrete /
brickwork ---sufficient strength to carry
load & superimposed loads
 Fire resistant ---< one hour
Details of Motor Room

Cross Section of Motor Room

Normally located above the well, containing: winding gear, traction sheave, control panel,
overspeed governor, and other components
Noise from motors and winding gear must be contained with adequate insulation and
absorbent bedding for machinery
An overhead universal beam for raising and lowering equipment and parts during
maintenance is essential
Adequate day-lighting and supplementary artificial light
Fan assisted ventilation to remove excess heat from electric plant
A locked door (key with security staff) provides the only access to the machine room,
except for a trap-door over the landing area – this is specifically for raising and lowering
items of machinery

Located below the lowest landing level, containing buffers. For slower lifts – spring-type
buffers For higher-speed lifts – oil loaded buffers. Depth of pit varies from 1.4 to 2.8 m,
depending on lift specification
 The traction sheave drive shaft is fitted with an electromechanical brake
 When the lift is moving, the electrically operated brakes are lifted clear of the brake
drum, but as the electricity switches off to disengage the motor, spring retainers
activate the brake
 In addition to the overspeed governor, this provides another safety feature which
would activate if the electricity supply failed

A lift shaft should incorporate the following features:

Water tightness
Means of drainage
Plumb, vertical sides
Smooth painted finish
Ventilation void for emission of smoke
Permanent inspection lights
Have no other services except those necessary for operation of lift
 High tensile steel ropes driven through traction sheaves
attached to the motor shaft, a system of pulleys and a

 Available in various combinations to suit different occupancy


 Single Wrap 1:1 roped

 Single Wrap 1:1 roped with diverter pulley
 Single Wrap 2:1 roped
 Double Wrap 2:1 roped
(For High Speed and Medium to Heavy duty Loads)
 Double Wrap 1:1 roped with Compensating Rope
 Single Wrap 3:1 roping
 Drum Drive
1. Single wrap 1 : 1 roped
The most economical and efficient of
roping systems but is limited in use to
small capacity cars.

2. Single wrap 1 : 1 with diverter pulley

Required for larger capacity cars.
Diverts the c/weight away from the

3. Single wrap 2 : 1 roped

Alternative for use with larger cars.
This system doubles the load carrying
capacity of the machinery but requires
more rope and also reduces the car
speed by 50%.
4. Double wrap 2 : 1 roped
Used to improve traction between the
c/weight, driving sheave and steel

5. Single wrap 3 : 1 roping

Used for heavy goods lifts where it is
necessary to reduce the force acting
upon the machinery bearings and

6. Drum drive
A system with one set of ropes wound
clockwise around the drum and another
set anti-clockwise.
 Overspeed Governor

A steel rope passes

round the pulley in the
pit and a governor pulley
in the machine room and
also attaches to the lift
 Car Guide car‟s emergency braking
While moving, the car is system.
retained upright and
carried smoothly by guides Overspeed locks the
and channel each side. governor as it responds
to spring loaded fly-
weight inertia from the
centrifugal force in its
accelerating pulley
while switching of
power to the lift. Overspeed Governor

 Safety Gear

Hardened steel wedges

arranged in pairs each side
Car Guide – plan view of the lift car to slowdown
and stop the car by
frictional contact with the
Safety Gear car guide rail.
 Two sets of doors are required at lift
 Car doors fitted to the lift car.
 Landing doors fitted to the lift shaft
 open metalwork enclosures are no longer
 Landing doors must be incombustible – reduce
fire risk & ensure safety of passenger,
 preferably of steel sheet construction over a
light steel framework of about 30 mm overall
 Landing doors must have no means by which an
authorized person can open them from a
 They usually slide sideways (although vertical
movement is used for some industrial
1. Single-leaf side opening

2. Two-leaf side opening

3. Single- speed central opening

4. Triple speed side opening

5. Two speed central opening

 Single Automatic
 Down Collective
 Directional Collective
 Group Supervisory
 Attendant
 Dual Control System
 Simplest, least sophisticated, and the
cheapest form of control.
 Only capable of accepting a single call at a
 Response to one call from either lift car
or landing. No further calls are accepted
until the car is at rest.
 Only suited to light occupancy and low-
rise buildings up to five floors.
 Can be call and used by only one person or
a group at one time
 “In use” light illuminated when lift car is
called and will not respond to any call.
 The car is under complete control of the
occupants until it reach the required floor
 “In used”
switched off,

 The car
available to
respond to
any call from
the landing /
 UP and DOWN push-buttons are fitted
 Stores call made by passenger on each landing and the car also has a
from landing or cars set of buttons for each landing served.
 Only one call button available in  The landing push-buttons register the
direction the passenger wishes to
the landings. travel, and when all car and landing
 Travelling downward direction; doors are closed the car will respond to
all car and landing calls in floor
it will stop for calls in order of sequence.
floor landings and not in the  When the car at ground floor; any call
from the car or landing will cause the
order they are received car to travel with the control system
 Travelling upwards directions, set in the upwards direction.
it responds to the calls made  During upward journey; the car will not
answer DOWN calls, but these will be
inside the car in floor registered, however the car will answer
sequence, all UP calls within the car or from
landings, in floor order.
 After satisfying the highest  After dealing with the highest floor, it
call, it will move downward and may also reverse at an intermediate
answer call from landing  If no further calls are registered, the
according to floor sequence. car is „free‟; passenger on entering can
 Suitable for small hotels and register a call.
 It has greater flexibility then down
flats where traffic is between collective system.
entrance lobby and specific  Appropriate for offices and
departmental stores when there is
floors more movement in the intermediate
 When the cars are at rest, one
is stationed at the main
entrance lobby and the other,
which has call priority, at a mid
 Applied for groups of lift in large point within the building or at
buildings, by a central processor to another convenient floor level.
optimize efficiency of the lifts.  The priority car will answer
landing calls from any floor
except the entrance lobby.
 If the priority car is unable to
answer all call demands in a
specific time, the other car (if
available) will respond.
 Instead of having to make full
round trip (as normally happen
in collective control), this
control system can reverse at
any floor if there is no demand
beyond that floor.
 Example ;
car can travel down to answer an UP
call and travel up to answer DOWN
Control System for two cars

Control System for three cars

 2 cars station at the

entrance , and one car
available at the mid
point or the top floor
 Each car operates
on full collective
 Respond to call
within dedicated
 A micro-processor
determines traffic
demand and locates
cars accordingly to
each operating

Supervisory Control for three or

more cars
Normally used in prestige buildings and hotels for
the benefit of special guests.

The movement of car is by means of a handle-

operated switch which has UP, DOWN, and STOP
 Essentially a directional-collective control system.
 May be operated by either passengers or an attendant.
 Attendant operated; a NON-STOP or PASS button in the car becomes operative
by use of a key-operated switch.
 Button permits the car to bypass landing calls and so give priority service to
floors requiring special service.
 Contract for installing lift system usually given to Nominated Sub-
Contractor (NSC)
 Main Contractor (MC) usually has to provide facilities for Nominated
Sub-Contractor; lift shaft structure, storage space for lift
components, anchorages for lifting equipments, electricity.
 NSC– survey and inspect lift shaft and general site layout and will
inform MC of any defects to the lift shaft that needs to be
 NSC - will conduct an adjustment test (on its own) on the lift system
before undergo testing and commissioning (T&C)
 T&C to be witness by Nominated Sub Contractor, Department of
Operational Safety and Health (factories and machineries section),
BOMBA, client representative (usually architect).
 Testing will be done by NSC under the supervision of Department of
Operational Safety and Health and BOMBA.
 Test will look into the workmanship, safety features, and operational
performance of the lift system.
 Lift system is commissioned by Department of Operational Safety
and Health and BOMBA.
 Certificate of Fitness for the Lifting Machine will be issued by
Department of Operational Safety and Health.
WHAT??? WHY???

o Is a conveyor transport device for o Supporting lift services. For example;

transporting people. basement to ground floor where traffic
is light; to avoid the need for lift to
o Consisting of a staircase whose steps serve low demand.
move up or down on tracks that keep the o Designed for moving large numbers of
surfaces of the individual steps people quickly and efficiently from one
horizontal, which operate continuously floor to another.
during hours of occupancy.
o Where large numbers of people are
o Usually arranged in pairs for opposing anticipated, such as airports and
directional. railway terminals, department stores
and shopping malls, several escalators
o The angle of inclination is normally 30˚, will be required and can be grouped in a
but may increase to 35˚ if the vertical number of ways to suit the building
rise does not exceed 6 m and the speed functions
is limited to 0.5 ms-1

o Could be reversible to suit traffic

at peak times

o Not like lift ----no waiting time

o Continuous operation---moves
people more

o A device to communicate/highlight
what is present at the next floor


o Travel between floors occur much rapidly in lifts,

o Traveling vertically in medium / high-rise building

are more practical in elevators

o Elevator assemblies occupy less space

o Enable movement by wheelchair-bound, stretcher

(in case of an emergency)
o Easily seen area to maximize usage
o Estimating how many escalators may be
needed. Speed & width (human buffer o Example; in departmental stores,
zone) -----speed----Capacity escalators are located to be possible
to see over a wide area of the floors
o Placement locations for escalators. so as to encourage sales
Building use-----function
o Placement format for escalators o Many arrangements may be used
o Ways to organize and stack depending upon the standard of
escalators ----parallel, criss-cross, service required and cost
stacked & in-line
o These are distinguished by their
basic layout of overall system,
pathway between units, traverse
direction, upward / downward

o Sizing issues for placing escalators

o Major dimensions for escalators;
Incline angle (max 30), horizontal
lengths (heights between floors),
overall width, opening in floor,
headroom between units
o Escalator speeds vary from about 90 feet per minute to 180 feet per minute (27
to 55 meters per minute)

o An escalator moving 145 feet (44 m) per minute can carry more than 10,000
people an hour – many more people than a standard elevator

The following formula can be used to ascertain capacity and compare efficiencies and
suitability of escalators at building design stage:

o N = number of persons moved per hour
o P = number of persons per step
o V = escalator speed (ms-1)
o L = length of step (m)
o θ = angle of incline
An escalator of 30˚ incline, one passenger per step, a speed of 0.5 ms-1 and 400 mm
tread or step length.
The void containing escalators could encourage
fire to spread rapidly through building.
Therefore the following precautions could be

o Sprinklers, installed to provide a

continuous curtain of water down the
escalator void

o Fire curtains or shutter mechanism

released by fusible link or smoke relay to
seal the top of the escalator shaft

o Compartmentalization or separation of
escalators into a well or fire-protected
o A moving walkway or moving sidewalk
o Colloquially sometimes
 Travelator
 Horizontal escalator
 Walkalator
 Autowalk
 Movator
o Is a slow moving conveyor mechanism
that transports people, across a
horizontal or inclined plane, over a
short distance.
o Moving walkways can be used by
standing or walking on them. They are
often installed in pairs, one for each
o Widely used in airports, tunnels
o allowing for a large number of
passengers, (up to 10,000 per hour),
whereas the transportation zone was
narrower and fast moving.
o Required additional safety procedure
(holding to the side rail and shopping
cart/baby carriage/suitcase is not

o An inclined moving walkway is used in
airports and supermarkets to move
people to another floor with the
convenience of an elevator (namely,
that people can take along their
suitcase trolley or shopping cart, or
baby carriage) and the capacity of an

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