Week 5 & Week 6 - Mechanical Transportation
Week 5 & Week 6 - Mechanical Transportation
Week 5 & Week 6 - Mechanical Transportation
Course Outcomes
Course Outcome 1
• Explain the types of mechanical transportation system in building services
Course Outcome 2
• Distinguish the process of installation and operation of mechanical
transportation system in building services engineering.
Course Outcome 3
• Report verbally the relation of the system accordance to relevant legislation
and regulations in building services engineering
Types of Elevator
Operation System
Control System
Installation On site
Is the system for transporting or conveying
people and goods etc. within a buildings
The mechanical transportation of people and
goods is an energy-using service that requires
designer‟s attention at the earliest stage of
building design.
System includes: Lifts (elevators), escalators
and travelators/walkalators
A transport device used to move goods or
people vertically.
Passenger Lifts
Cars lifts
Panoramic Platform
lifts lifts
Located below the lowest landing level, containing buffers. For slower lifts – spring-type
buffers For higher-speed lifts – oil loaded buffers. Depth of pit varies from 1.4 to 2.8 m,
depending on lift specification
The traction sheave drive shaft is fitted with an electromechanical brake
When the lift is moving, the electrically operated brakes are lifted clear of the brake
drum, but as the electricity switches off to disengage the motor, spring retainers
activate the brake
In addition to the overspeed governor, this provides another safety feature which
would activate if the electricity supply failed
6. Drum drive
A system with one set of ropes wound
clockwise around the drum and another
set anti-clockwise.
Overspeed Governor
Safety Gear
The car
available to
respond to
any call from
the landing /
UP and DOWN push-buttons are fitted
Stores call made by passenger on each landing and the car also has a
from landing or cars set of buttons for each landing served.
Only one call button available in The landing push-buttons register the
direction the passenger wishes to
the landings. travel, and when all car and landing
Travelling downward direction; doors are closed the car will respond to
all car and landing calls in floor
it will stop for calls in order of sequence.
floor landings and not in the When the car at ground floor; any call
from the car or landing will cause the
order they are received car to travel with the control system
Travelling upwards directions, set in the upwards direction.
it responds to the calls made During upward journey; the car will not
answer DOWN calls, but these will be
inside the car in floor registered, however the car will answer
sequence, all UP calls within the car or from
landings, in floor order.
After satisfying the highest After dealing with the highest floor, it
call, it will move downward and may also reverse at an intermediate
answer call from landing If no further calls are registered, the
according to floor sequence. car is „free‟; passenger on entering can
Suitable for small hotels and register a call.
It has greater flexibility then down
flats where traffic is between collective system.
entrance lobby and specific Appropriate for offices and
departmental stores when there is
floors more movement in the intermediate
When the cars are at rest, one
is stationed at the main
entrance lobby and the other,
which has call priority, at a mid
Applied for groups of lift in large point within the building or at
buildings, by a central processor to another convenient floor level.
optimize efficiency of the lifts. The priority car will answer
landing calls from any floor
except the entrance lobby.
If the priority car is unable to
answer all call demands in a
specific time, the other car (if
available) will respond.
Instead of having to make full
round trip (as normally happen
in collective control), this
control system can reverse at
any floor if there is no demand
beyond that floor.
Example ;
car can travel down to answer an UP
call and travel up to answer DOWN
Control System for two cars
o Continuous operation---moves
people more
o A device to communicate/highlight
what is present at the next floor
o An escalator moving 145 feet (44 m) per minute can carry more than 10,000
people an hour – many more people than a standard elevator
The following formula can be used to ascertain capacity and compare efficiencies and
suitability of escalators at building design stage:
o N = number of persons moved per hour
o P = number of persons per step
o V = escalator speed (ms-1)
o L = length of step (m)
o θ = angle of incline
An escalator of 30˚ incline, one passenger per step, a speed of 0.5 ms-1 and 400 mm
tread or step length.
The void containing escalators could encourage
fire to spread rapidly through building.
Therefore the following precautions could be
o Compartmentalization or separation of
escalators into a well or fire-protected
o A moving walkway or moving sidewalk
o Colloquially sometimes
Horizontal escalator
o Is a slow moving conveyor mechanism
that transports people, across a
horizontal or inclined plane, over a
short distance.
o Moving walkways can be used by
standing or walking on them. They are
often installed in pairs, one for each
o Widely used in airports, tunnels
o allowing for a large number of
passengers, (up to 10,000 per hour),
whereas the transportation zone was
narrower and fast moving.
o Required additional safety procedure
(holding to the side rail and shopping
cart/baby carriage/suitcase is not
o An inclined moving walkway is used in
airports and supermarkets to move
people to another floor with the
convenience of an elevator (namely,
that people can take along their
suitcase trolley or shopping cart, or
baby carriage) and the capacity of an