4567-Article Text-21393-2-10-20200419
4567-Article Text-21393-2-10-20200419
4567-Article Text-21393-2-10-20200419
Short Communication:
First record of Hirschmanniella mucronata (Nematoda: Pratylenchidae)
in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Abstract. Indarti S, Soffan A, Andrasmara MMF. 2020. Short Communication: First record of Hirschmanniella mucronata (Nematoda:
Pratylenchidae) in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 21: 2068-2073. Hirschmanniella spp. is one of the worldwide plant-parasitic
nematodes affecting major losses in rice production and impact up to 25% yield losses especially on irrigated rice. Infection of
Hirschmanniella spp. on the root system leading to the typical symptom of red color in the rice rooting system. In order to identify the
species variation of Hirschmanniella spp. from the collected samples in Yogyakarta Province of Indonesia, a molecular-based
identification using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method was conducted, complemented by morphological identification
technique. PCR based identification was carried out by amplifying the area of 28S rRNA using universal nematode primer (D2A / D3B)
which resulting about 766 bp of amplicon. Blastx analysis from Genbank showed that Cangkringan sample confirmed to be H.
mucronata species, while other samples from Banguntapan and Imogiri were H. oryzae species. The Cangkringan samples of H.
mucronata have 97.5 % similarities with Belgium sample, forming separate clades with other samples. While both Banguntapan and
Imogiri samples have the 99 % similarity with H. oryzae and were located in the same clade, but separated from Cangkringan sample.
Morphological identification confirmed both species were distinctly based on the unique characters of the tail tips. H. mucronata
therefor is the first report nematode species in Indonesian rice field. Precaution should be designed to prevent the potential distribution
of H. mucronata to other areas.
Yogyakarta, Indonesia, namely Cangkringan, Banguntapan, and aquabidest 2.5 µL, 2.5 µL and 5 µL, respectively. PCR
dan Imogiri. Soil samples were extracted for nematode program was performed with annealing, denaturation and
presence using the modified Whitehead Tray method extension temperature were 95°C, 54°C, and 72°C,
(Southey, 1986). Before the nematode analysis, the root respectively, with the time period of 30, 30, and 15 sec.,
samples were scored to categorize the root necrotic respectively. The final extension was performed at 72oC for
damage. Modified scoring of root damaged was grouped 10min, followed by 4oC. The PCR products were run on
into 10 classes according to the percentage of root cortex 2% agarose gels and visualized on UV transilluminator.
surface covered by necrotic surface, 0: no necrotic on the The amplified PCR products within the expected size range
root cortex, 1: 1-10 % root cortex covered by necrotic, 2: were gel purified and sequenced on ABI 3500 genetic
11-20 % root cortex covered by necrotic, 3: 21-30% root analyzer (Life Technologies). Sequences were analyzed
cortex covered by necrotic, 4: 31-40 % root cortex covered using Bioedit ver. 7.1.9 followed by BLASTx searches
by necrotic, 5: 41-50 % root cortex covered by necrotic, 6: conducted in the NCBI database, to confirm the species
51-60% root cortex covered by necrotic, 7: 61-70%’ 8: 71- name. Finally, the phylogenetic tree of the 28S rRNA was
80%, 9: 81-90%, and 10: 91-100% (Coyne et al., 2007). constructed using the maximum likelihood statistics with
Nematode extractions from root samples were done by the LG+G best fit model to look at the relationship with the
cutting the root samples into 1 mm pieces then were laid on available database.
the filter paper on the nylon screen supported by the
modified bucket allowing the water to attach the root Morphological identification
samples. The dipping was at room temperature for 24 h. The morphological characters of Hirschmanniella spp.
This method referred to Whitehead Tray Technique were evaluated using light microscope Olympus CX 31
(Southey 1986) with modification. The nematode which with magnification 40-1000×. The identification of
was swimming out to the water was collected on the tubes specimens was based on the related literature, i.e., Ebsary
for further both morphological and molecular-based and Anderson (1982) and Loof (1991). The main characters
identification. Morphometric measurement was for morphological identification are a general shape of
incorporated to support identification in species level. nematode and their body length, cephalic framework, type
and position of esophagus to intestine (Berliner et al.,
DNA extraction 2017). According to available literature, the identification
Modified CTAB methods were used to extract the DNA up to species level can be distinguished from one species to
from the nematode samples (Zhou et al., 2007). In brief, the another by the shape of the tail as in Figure 1.
four adults Hirschmanniella spp. were picked up and each
nematode than chopped into 4-5 pieces by using tips of Morphometric measurement
needle followed by the addition of 25µL buffer CTAB in a Morphometric characters were analyzed using De Mann
1.5 mL tube. The samples were incubated in 65oC formula (Southey 1986). Drawing and measurement of
temperature for 30 min with every 10 mins samples were each specimen were conducted using a camera lucida
up and down prior to centrifuge for 5min with 5000 rpm. which was connected to microscope Olympus BH2. Main
Chloroform: Isoamylalkohol (CIAA) with ratio 24:1 were notation of De Mann formulae includes n (number of
added to the sample followed by gentle shaking and 15 min specimens), L (total body length in nm or µm), a (body
centrifuge at 10.000 rpm, room temperature. Finally, the length: greatest body width), b (body length: distance from
supernatant was collected and mixed with cold absolute anterior end to junction of esophagus and intestine), V
alcohol with a ratio of 1:2 followed by 24 hours incubation (distance of vulva from anterior end X 100: body length),
at-20oC. Sample washing was done by using 70% cold and length of female tail (distance from anus to tip tail).
alcohol after 10.000 rpm for 15min after previous
incubation. The final template of DNA was obtained by
10.000 rpm for 15min centrifuge followed by TE dilution RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
for 20 µL. The DNA concentration was measured using
Nanodrop spectrophotometer (Thermos, USA), and the Hirschmanniella spp. infect and multiply in the root
samples were maintained at -20oC until PCR and system, through the air space across the radial lamella. An
sequencing. infected root system becomes necrotic, followed by a
change in color to red and brown, indicating the decay
Amplification and sequencing process. This typical symptom is due to the injury of the
The D2A-D3B primers (D2A: 5’ACAAGTACCGTGA cortex of the root system (Bridge and Starr 2007). The rice
GGGAAAGTTG 3’; D3B:5’TCGGAAGGAACCAGCT root systems (Figure 2) infected by Hirschmaniella spp.
ACTA 3’) with 766 bp expected product were used to were stunted in growth, which could lead to rice production
amplify 28S rRNA of nematodes which previously had failure (Figure 3). Details of the Hirschmaniella spp.
been reported to distinguish until species level (Nunn infestation is presented in Figure 4.
1992). PCR Kit (Redmix BioLine) was utilized with a total
volume of 12.5 µL, including the DNA template, primers,
2070 B I O D I V E R S I T A S 21 (5): 2068-2073, May 2020
Figure 1. Tail shape of Hirschmanniella spp. A. H. gracilis, B. H. spinicaudata, C. H. oryzae, D. H. caudacrena, E. H. miticausa, F. H.
shamim G. H. mucronata (Loof 1991)
Root Hirschmanniella
Local rice
Location damaged spp. population
index (per gram root)
Cangkringan, IR64 2 14
Sleman Ciherang, 6 134
Mentik wangi 6 126
Banguntapan, Ciherang 4 45
Imogiri, IR64 5 69
Bantul Figure 3. Field symptom of the Hirschmnniella spp. infestation.
The rice plants in inside the circle with stunted growth and
flowering were delayed
INDARTI et al. – First record of Hirschmaniella mucronata in Yogyakarta 2071
Figure 4. Root infected symptom by Hirschmanniella spp. in Imogiri (A), Banguntapan, (B), and Cangkringan (C)
Figure 6. Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree of 28 srRNA from nematode samples collected from rice fields in Cangkringan,
Banguntapan, and Imogiri. The best-fit Kimura 2 parameter model with 1,000 bootstraps was used to construct the tree with other
available Hirschmanniella spp. from the Genbank NCBI database
Figure 7. Female tail end of Hirschmaniella mucronata (from Cangkringan). (A) and H. oryzae from Imogiri (B) and Banguntapan (C)
Figure 8. Anterior part showing lip, knob stylet, and female tail of Hirschmanniella. A-B. H. mucronata (from Cangkringan), C-D. H.
oryzae (from Banguntapan)
INDARTI et al. – First record of Hirschmaniella mucronata in Yogyakarta 2073
Table 2. Morphometric data of the Hirschmanniella spp. females from Yogyakarta Indonesia (n = 5)