Autonomic NS
Autonomic NS
Autonomic NS
The nervous system is one of the most compli
cated systems in the human body. Along with the
endocrine system, it controls many bodily activ
ities. The nervous system senses changes both in
the internal and external environments, inter
prets these changes, and then coordinates appro
priate responses in order to maintain homeosta-
sis. 1 In response to changing conditions, the
autonomic nervous system (ANS) shunts blood
to more needy areas, speeds or slows heart and
respiratory rates, adjusts blood pressure and
body temperature, and increases or decreases
stomach secretions.2 Most of this fine-tuning
occurs without our conscious awareness or
attention, implying a certain amount of func
tional independence. Hence the term autonomic
(auto=self; nom=govern).
Cell body
Myelin sheath
Nerve impulse
Synaptic cleft
Direction of impulse
midbrain, medulla and sacral portion of the 2
spinal cord. Neurons of the PaNS emerge from 3
4 Anal sphincter
the brainstem and pass through as part of the III, Bladder
VII, IX, and X cranial nerves, and 2nd, 3rd, and Detrusor
4th sacral nerves from the sacral region.4 They Trigone
synapse with postganglionic neurons located in
receptor sites in the effector gland, organ or
muscle causing the desired effect (eg release of
Eye hormones, muscular contraction, etc). (Table 1)
The action of acetylcholine is relatively brief
and usually lasts for only a fraction of a second. It
Pilo-erector muscle B is rapidly broken down by the enzyme
Heart cholinesterase, which is present both in the ter
T-1 minal nerve ending and on the surface of the
Sweat gland receptor organ. Acetylcholine (cholinergic)
receptor sites are classified as either nicotinic or
muscarinic. Nicotinic receptor sites for ACh
occur at the junction between the preganglionic
I2 Bronchi
fibers and postganglionic fibers in both the SyNS
Blood vessel and the PaNS divisions of the ANS. Muscarinic
Celiac ganglion receptor sites for ACh occur at the junction
between the postganglionic fibers and effector
Pylorus sites in the PaNS division of the ANS.
Sympathetic nervous system
5 The SyNS is the thoracolumbar division of the
ANS (Figure 2). Preganglionic fibers originate
Kidney from cell bodies in the lateral gray horn of all
Ureter thoracic and the first two or three lumbar seg
5 ments of the spinal cord and leave the cord by
way of the of the anterior (ventral) spinal nerve
Pearson Education Inc. © 2001
sweat glands,
preganglionic postganglionic
blood vessels (some),
fibers fibers
external genitalia
preganglionic postganglionic
blood vessels (most),
fibers fibers
smooth muscle in GI tract
To effector
Dorsal ramus of spinal nerve Blood vessels
nervous system 3. The autonomic nervous system (ANS) pri- 8. Which of the following branches of the
marily innervates all of the following except aorta does not have a collateral ganglion
____. (plexus) located next to it?
Earn CE credit at home
A. glands A. celiac
You will be awarded one continuing education (CE) credit for
B. skeletal muscle B. renal
recertification after reading the designated article and complet-
C. smooth muscle C. superior mesenteric
ing the exam with a score of 70% or better.
D. cardiac muscle D. inferior mesenteric
If you are a current AST member and are certified, credit
earned through completion of the CE exam will automatically
4. The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is acti- 9. Preganglionic fibers originate from cell bod
be recorded in your file—you do not have to submit a CE report-
vated mainly by centers located in all of the ies in the ____ gray horn of all the thoracic
ing form. A printout of all the CE credits you have earned, includ-
following except ____. and first two or three lumbar segments of
ing Journal CE credits, will be mailed to you in the first quarter
A. Cerebellum the spinal cord.
following the end of the calendar year. You may check the status
B. Hypothalamus A. anterior B. lateral
of your CE record with AST at any time.
C. Brain stem C. medial D. posterior
If you are not an AST member or not certified, you will be
D. Spinal cord
notified by mail when Journal credits are submitted, but your
10. ____ receptor sites for acetylcholine
credits will not be recorded in AST’s files.
5. Which of the following is not a response to (cholinergic) occur at the junction between
Detach or photocopy the answer block, include your check or
sympathetic nervous system (SyNS) impulses? preganglionic and postganglionic fibers of
money order made payable to AST and send it to the Accounting
A. increase blood pressure both the sympathetic and parasympathetic
Department, AST, 6 West Dry Creek Circle, Suite 200, Littleton, CO
B. speed up force/rate of heart beat divisions of the ANS.
C. increase blood sugar concentration A. nicotinic B. muscarinic
Members: $6 per CE, nonmembers: $10 per CE D. constrict bronchioles C. adrenergic D. oxidase
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