Thesis Megogo Haben
Thesis Megogo Haben
Thesis Megogo Haben
Design and development of Semi-automatic injera making machine
This thesis presents the understand the energy needed and loss on mitad ,design and development of a
semi-automatic injera making machine. Injera, a primary food in Ethiopia, is traditionally made by hand,
and use wood, coal,and electrical energy and also is a process that is labor-intensive and time-
consuming. The semi-automatic injera making machine aims to automate this process, increasing power
efficiency by using automatic temperature and reducing the physical strain on the cook.
3. Acknowledgement (optional)
4. Table of contents
3.1 hardware and software requirements the hardware required to develop our system include:
Two resisters ,clay, some sand soils ,metal stand and plates,thermostate,relay,breakers,temrature
measurement tool, voltage and current measurement tool, Tanker ,conveyor ,mixer and plate valve
We were not able to get the hardware devices needed for the the system has only been
simulated in Arduino or mat lab and by taking many measurements on real megogo sites especially at
mit ayider and midre genet.
1) The maximum and minimum temperature on the plate surfaces among the 10 megogos are 230 and
2) The maximum and minimum temperature on the on the side of mitad surface among the 10 megogos
are 150 and79.
3) The maximum and minimum temperature on the bottom of mitad surfaces among the 10 megogos
are 320and 85.
4) The maximum and minimum temperature on the cover surfaces among the 10 megogos are 108 and
From the above observed measurements we were tried to solve energy consuming by component(parts)
of the megogo using temperature sensor
Table of content
Hard ware
Temperature sensor
The mechanical part of the baking mitad has a huge contribution in the low energy
Efficiency. Therefore, a careful design and selection of materials should be considered in the
Mechanical system.
The existing Electric mitad technology is believed to be in the market for over 40 years. Its
Performance efficiency is very low and the product has not been standardized so far. The Electric
Mitad is made from steel or Aluminum sheet frame having a conical shaped lifting cover, short
Cylindrical enclosure (body), clay plate, an electric heating element (Resistor), heat insulator and a
Support stand. The clay plate of the mitad is made either as a single or double, circular plate having
Diameter ranging from 40 to 60 cm diameter and thickness of 0.8 to 2 cm. Clay plate having 58 cm
Diameter is the most common. The difference between the single and double clay plate type is the
Method of placing the heating element and clay plate support mechanism. Electrical heating element
(Resistance) is placed in a groove made in a helical fashion at the bottom of the single clay plate type
And sealed with Gypsum material whereas it is kept in between the upper and lower clay plates in the
Case of the double clay type. The single plate type is the more common of the two.
Yield strength=151.68mpa
Tensile strength=165.47mpa
Therefore, the mass of the plate can vary from 2.75 to 6.1 kg.
Mitad cover is a cone shaped material used to protect heat loss from Injera during baking. It can be
Manufactured from aluminum or metal sheet with the following dimensions. Diameter of cover pan
Can range from 60-63 cm and height of the cover pan 13-15 cm.
To carry the whole weight of the mitad, four supporting legs can be welded to the supporting ring.
The tanker should be cylindrical shape with maximum volume 20L πr2h=0.02m3
then r=0.25m
This by conversion unit 1m3 =1000L
Then 20L=0.02m3
Formula of Volume of cylinder is: V=πr2h
V is the volume of the cylinder,
r is the radius of the base of the
h is the height of the cylinder
The electrical part of the baking mitad has a huge contribution in the low energy
Efficiency. Therefore, a careful design and selection of materials should be considered in the
Electrical system.
Two pieces of the 0.9 mm diameter electrical heating element (resistor) connected in parallel are
Commonly used per mitad for sizes from 56 to 60 Cm diameter. Based on the survey made, many
Of the locally produced responded that they use the 0.9 mm resistor type. However, the resistance
Measurements on their products during the survey made revealed that the resistance values differ
Significantly. Different length and resistance values are supplied by various suppliers. Eg. For 1x 0.9mm
Type, resistance values are like 22.9 Ω, 23.1 Ω, 26 Ω, 28 Ω. Resistances are mostly wound locally and
the value per resistor depends on the length and diameter winded. As electrical power equals the
square of voltage divided by resistance (P = /R), slight change in the value of resistance changes the
power demand. Hence, the electrical Mogogos currently produced do not have equal and uniform
power rating, even within the products of the same producer. Therefore, the resistance of a given
Mogogo can vary from 11.45 Ω to 14 Ω. As a result, the power demand of the Mogogo varies from
3,400 watts to 4,200 watts. And the current rating of the switch that is used in Mogogos shall be 25 A
Output of LM35 is connected to Pin 3 of Op-amp LM358. And as we have set the reference voltage
(voltage at Pin 2 of LM358) to 0.5 volt, so now voltage at Pin 3 (non-inverting input) becomes higher
than voltage at Pin 2 (inverting input) and output of op amp LM358 (PIN 1) becomes HIGH.
void setup() {
void loop() {
int temp_adc_val;
float temp_val;
Serial.print("Temperature = ");
void setup() {
pinMode(sensor,INPUT); // Configuring sensor pin as input
void loop() {
Serial.print("in DegreeC=");
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print("in Fahrenheit=");
This is my code:
int RMotor_1 = 2;
int RMotor_2 = 3;
int LMotor_1 = 4;
int LMotor_2 = 5;
int SPEED = 1;
Void setup () {
pinMode(RMotor_1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(RMotor_2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LMotor_1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LMotor_2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(REnable, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LEnable, OUTPUT);
analogWrite(11, SPEED);
analogWrite(10, SPEED);
void loop() {
void move_forward() {
digitalWrite(RMotor_1, LOW);
digitalWrite(RMotor_2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LMotor_1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LMotor_2, LOW);
void turn_right() {
digitalWrite(RMotor_1, LOW);
digitalWrite(RMotor_2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LMotor_1, LOW);
digitalWrite(LMotor_2, HIGH);
void turn_left() {
digitalWrite(RMotor_1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RMotor_2, LOW);
digitalWrite(LMotor_1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LMotor_2, LOW);
void move_stop() {
digitalWrite(RMotor_1, LOW);
digitalWrite(RMotor_2, LOW);
digitalWrite(LMotor_1, LOW);
digitalWrite(LMotor_2, LOW);
The motor speed is the same even if i change the SPEED value to 1 or 255
L298N H-Bridge motor driver module. This module is commonly used in robotics and electronics projects
to control the direction and speed of motors. Here are some details about the module from the image:
A black IC (integrated circuit) labeled “L298N H-Bridge” is prominently displayed in the center.
There are multiple connectors on the sides for power and motor connections, labeled with their
respective voltages and purposes (+5V, GND, +12V).
Four mounting holes are at the corners of the module for securing it to other surfaces or enclosures.
On the right side, there appears to be a small green terminal block for making electrical connections.
This module is a key component in many DIY electronics and robotics projects. It allows for precise
control of motors, which can be crucial in applications like robotic arms, drones, or automated systems.