lis question paper contains 4 printed pages.)
Your Roll N
No. of Question Paper : 4240 HC
lique Paper Code : 12031601
(me of the Paper : Modern European Drama
ime of the Course : B.A. (Hons.) English - CBCS
mester OVE.
iration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75
structions for Candidates
Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of
this question paper.
jswer the following questions : (10*3=30)
simply to be alive in the world is held for
a kind of miraculous bliss. Mother, have you noticed
how everything I’ve painted is involved with this joy of
life? Always and invariably, the joy of life.”
(i) Identify the speaker and ‘explain the context.
(ii) Comment on the two different worlds suggested
by the speaker. @)
4240 2
(ii) Analyse the idea of “joy of life”.
(b) Critically comment on the symbolic si
2, (a) Ladies and gentlemen, don’t feel let down:
We know the ending makes some people frown.
We had in mind a sort of golden myth
‘Then found the finish had been tampered with,
Indeed it is a curious way of coping:
‘To close the play, leaving the issue open.
(i) Identify the speaker and explain the conte:
(ii) Why do you think the people will frown at
Gii) Comment on the significance of the stateme
“To close the play, leaving the issue open”
(b) What are the implications of the change in Li
and Pozzo as the play progresses from Act I to
1?240 3
| (a) Those are the real people. They look happy. They're
content to be what they are. They don’t look insane.
‘They look very natural. They were right to do what
| they did,
(i) Identify the speaker and explain the context.
(ii) Who are referred to as “the real people"? (3)
(ii) Examine the terms “natural” and “right” in the
context of these lines. (5)
(b) Briefly comment on the juxtaposition of naturalistic and
non-naturalistic elements in Ionesco’s Rhinoceros.
PART - B (3*15=45)
(0) “By relegating Captain Alving’s dissolute behaviour to
the symbolic realm as a rebellion against an oppressive
provincial society, Ibsen replaces the figure of the
woman- as-victim to woman as a vehicle of social
oppression.” Discuss Ibsen's representation of Mrs
Alving in the light of the above statement. qs)
4240 4
(b) By not having a clear political point of critique, Iones
Rhinoceros compromises its relevance in the tradi
of radical theatre. Do you agree? Give a care!
reasoned answer.
5, (a) Brecht's The Good Person of Szechwan is not so
about asserting what constitutes goodness, as a
ways to improve our society and make it “good,”
you agrée? Illustrate your answer with precise exam
from the text.
(b) A meaningful performance of Brecht's The G
Person of Szechwan, relies on the audience b
constantly aware that Shen Teh and Shui Ta are
same person. How, in your view, does this impact is:
such as class & gender in the play? ¢
6. (a) How does Beckett’s Waiting for Godot deal with
social predicament of life in the twentieth century’
(b) Waiting for Godot is a play without any wo
characters. How do you think the play would transi
in terms of structure and content with the inclusior
at least one woman character?(This question paper contains 4 printed pages]
Your Roll No, :
Sl. No. of Q. Paper 14434 HC
Unique Paper Code + 12031602
Name of the Course : B.A.(Hons.) English-
Name of the Paper + Postcolonial literatures
Semester : VI
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75
Instructions for Candidates :
(a) Write your Roll No. on the top immediately
on receipt of this question paper.
(b) Attempt all questions.
Note : All questions are for 10 marks each.
1, Write shorts notes on :
(a) The week of Peace
OR ,
The Pacification of the tribes of the Lower Niger
2. Critically analyse the following lines with
reference to the context ;
How in the depths of me
grows the lost flower of your villages,
timeless, impossible to budge.
your tracts of minerals
bulging like oldsters under the moon,
devoured by an imbecile god.
A shrine of happy pictures
marks the days of childhood.
Small towns grow with anxiety
for the future.
The dead are placed pointing west.
When the soul rises
it will walk into the golden east.
into the house of the sun.4434
3. Write short notes on :
The Bishop's visit in Chronicle ofa Death Foretold
Bessie Head's worldview
lote : All questions are for 15 marks each.
} Discuss how the juxtaposition of characters is.
reflective of their differing ideologies and
worldviews in Things Fall Apart.
Memory and remembrance enable the
postcolonial poet to rewrite their official
history. Critically discuss with reference to any
two poets in your course.
» "Women writers in Africa write with the
intention of giving voice and agency to their
comrades across the continent.” Discuss this
Statement referring to any two short stories
from your course.
Critically comment on the role of the
grandmother in ‘The Girl Who Can.’
3 P.T.O.
‘ ral
6. The desultory character of the town! 's comm
nity is as guilty of Santiago Nasar’s murder af
the knife wielding Vicario twins. Do you agree’
Give a reasoned answer.
"Any man will be happy with them because
they've been raised to suffer’. In the light of
this statement, interrogate the lives of the
women that inhabit Chronicle of a Deat
Foretold.question paper contains 4 printed pages.)
Your Roll No..
. of Question Paper : 4504 ;. Be
jue Paper Code : 12037610
of the Paper + Partition Literature
of the Course : B.A, (Hons.) English-CBSE-DSE
ster 20V1
Maximum Marks : 75
Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of
this question paper.
All questions are compulsory.
Section A
Each Question carries 10 marks.
(a) This is how people fight oppression,
‘Their ritual isn’t new, nor are my ways new.
This is how we always grew flowers in fire,
‘Their defeat isn't new, our victory isn’t new,
4504 2
(i) Identify the poem and the poet,
(ii) According to the poet, how do people
(i) Explain the symbolism of ‘flowers in fire.”
(b) 1
all return to this Bengal, to the Dhansiri’s bi
Perhaps not as a man, but myna or fishing-kite;
Or dawn crow, floating on the mist’s bosom to ali
In the shade of this jackfruit tree, in this autumn
(i) Identify the poem and the poet.
(ii) Why does the poem mention specific birds
(ili) Discuss the idea of ‘return’ to Bengal
expressed in these lines.
2. (a) Identify, contextualize and discuss the following li
“When will those who can speak fall silent, and
will shoelaces speak?
When the rulers grow cruel, and the people lick
dust.”men Mae raters grow cruel, and the people “@
4504 3
(b) Write a short essay about Zakir and his friends.
3. (a) Explain the significance of the game of houses played
by Ia and Tridib in The Shadow Lines. (10)
(b) Comment on the significance of memory in The Shadow
Lines. (10)
Section B
Each Question carries 18 Marks
4. (a) Critically examine Intizar’s Husain's depiction of pre-
Partition and post-Partition life in Basti. (as)
(b) Intizar Husain's Basti is a narrative journeying through
multiple spaces and times documenting the partitions of
memory. Discuss. (15)
5. (a) The upside down house of Tha’mma’s memory is a
potent metaphor for the chaos and confusion wrought
by partition in The Shadow Lines. Discuss. (as)
4504 4
(b) In The Shadow Lines, Calcutta is constructed as a
space that is remembered and lived at the same time.
Discuss. sa qs)
6. (a) In the story ‘Alam’s Own House’ by Dibyendu Palit,
explain the metaphor of the ‘house.’ sy
(b) In Manto’s
of the parti
‘Toba Tek Singh’ the madhouse is a symbol
joned nation. Do you agree? as)(This question paper contains 4 printed pages.]
Your Roll No...
Sr. No. of Question Paper: 4508 HC
Unique Paper Code : 12037614
Name of the Paper : Literature and Cinema
Name of the Course : B.A. (Hons.) English-CBSC-DSE
bemester t VA
Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75
1, Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of
this question paper.
2. All questions are compulsory.
(a) Write a short essay on montage in cinema, (10)
(b) Discuss the role of Tatiana Romanova
fatale in From Russia with Love ~ the novel and the
film. (0)
4508 2
2, (a) Critically examine the depiction of Ayah al
her admirers in Jee Candy Man and 1947-Earth,
(b) Analyse the characters of Kammo, Taro ai
the Madwoman in Pinjar — the novel and
film. a
3. (a) Critically examine the “Tomb Scene” (S.iii)
Romeo and Juliet and its a laptation by Fram
Zeffirelli, a
(b) Write a short essay on masculinities in Baz Luhrmant
Romeo + Juliet, a
4. (a) Elaborate the key elements of mise-en-scene
described in “The Language of Film: Signs and Synta:
by James Monaco. a
ORby James Monaco. a
08 3
(b) From Russia with Love as a Hollywood film, is an
ideological piece of cold war propaganda in an even
more blatant way than the novel by Ian Fleming.
Discuss. (15)
(a) Pinjar’s cinematic mediation of historical trauma can
be seen as an attempt to exorcise the residual negativity
of Partition. How far does the film succeed in your
opinion? ., (1s)
(b) Deepa Mehta’s decision to leave out multiple scenes
and characters from /ce Candy Man in her
film adaptation /947-Earth makes the cinematic
experience more powerful. Do you agree? Give a
reasoned answer, (1s)
(a) Examine the portrayal of love and violence in the theatre
and film texts of Romeo and Juliet. (1s)
(b) Adaptation analysis needs to move beyond an obsession
4508 4
with fidelity and pay close attention to va
aspects of the language of film. Do you a
Discuss with reference to any two films in
course.js question paper contains 2 printed pages.)
Your Roll No..
No. of Question Paper : 5977 G
que Paper Code : 203606
me of the Paper English Paper 22 Option D
(Modern European Drama ii)
of the Course » BA (H) English
Maximum Marks : 75
Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of
this question paper.
The Uprising in Genet’s The Balcony
The Bishop in Genet's The Balcony. (10)
The role of the Logician, in lonesco’s Rhinoceros.
The significance of Daisy and Berenger's —
5977 2
3. The gods in Brecht’s The Good Person 4
The ‘profession’ of Shen Te in Brecht's The
of Szechwan.
4, Analyze the Chief of Police's control over the
the way in which it reflects the working of th
Discuss the role of the photographers in
1 stay,
Seen alternately as a critique of contemporary Fascin)
& sellout against Communism, where do you place los
Rhinoceros and why ?
Do you think Rhinoceros
the traditions of the Abs:
is an absurd play ? Analy
“rd, state why you agtet
6. Assess Brecht’s use of Songs
TI so!
Szechwan, Do they work > Suppo 0204 Pe" ;
detailed analysis of at least OnE your answer ¥!
Critically examine Brecht", .,
for his The Good Person oy a rp zeehan as the?
ec) Wan,‘my champagne in society ye, just see if I don't”
“Regina's decision in the context of this10 Things Fall Apart.rm
“wit se site he sie on he a
aie ‘5 grandmother desoribes in The Shadow Lines ?SETB
SNo. of Question Paper
Unique Paper Code: 12037610
Name of the Paper: DSE-Partition Literature
Name of the Course: B.A. (Hons.) English
Semester: VI
Maximum Marks: 75
Duration: 2 Hours+ 1Hour (One hour is reserved for downloading question
paper, and scanning and uploading of answer sheets)
Answer any THREE questions. All questions carry equal marks. Each
answer should be within 750 to 1000 words.
1. Intizar Husain's Basti is not so much about the partitions of 1947
and 1971 as about memory, both personal and civilizational
2. Discuss the central idea in Gulzat’s poem Toba Tek Singh
3. Manik Bandopadhyay’s story The Final Solution presents a
gendered experience of the Partition, Discuss.
4, Elaborate on the Tridib-May Price relationship in The Shadow Lines
5. Write a short note on the theme of exile with reference to any text in
your course.
6, The trauma of the Partition ean only be represented through a broken
language, Do you agree? Elaborate with reference to any text in your
Unique Paper Code: 12037614
Namie of the Course: CBCS, Discipline Specific Elective for BA English hons,
Name of the Paper: Eng-DSE: Literature and Cinema
Semester: VI
Maximum Marks: 75 marks
Time Limit: 2+1 hours (one hour reserved for downloading of question paper, scanning
and uploading of answer papers)
Answer any three of the following (25 marks*3=75 marks),
All answers must be within 750-1000 words,
QI) Discuss the use of Montage in cinema as described by James Monaco in "The Language of
Film: Signs and Syntax,”
Q2) Romeo and Julie shows love depends on poetry and music to Wark. Explore with respect to
the play and any one film adaptation.
Q3) Analyse the representation of motherhood and mothers in any of the partition texts (one
noveltits film?) that you have studied.
Q4) Is From Russia with Love a product of the Cold War? Discuss with reference to the
prescribed texts.
Q5) Describe the various theories of Adapiation.
Q6) Film may end up looking at women in specifically objectifying ways. Is this the case in texts
in your course? Compare the literary and the cinematic adaptation in any specific instances to
make your case4, Critically comment on the title page of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.
5. Natu s Ritual leas isnot simply descriptive. nalysclN getter Rati ich Whelace
to any of the texts in your course.
6. Lyric poetry emerged as the dominant poetic form during the Romantic period . Discuss the
distinctive aspects of Romantic lyric poetry with reference to any poet or poems in your course
UPC: 12031602
Title of the paper: Postcolonial Literatures
Course: B.A, (H) English
Semester: VI
Marks: 75
‘Time limit; 3+1 hours (One hour reserved for downloading of question paper, scanning and uploading of
answer sheet)
1, Answer any THREE questions,
2. All questions carry equal marks (25 x 3).
3. Bach answer is to be written within 750-1000 words
1, Comment on the friendship between Nwoye and Ikemefuna, and the impact of the latter's death on
the former in the context of the events in Things Fall Apart
2. Discuss the significance of memory as a tool in rewriting official history with reference to any 1wo
postcolonial poets in your course,
3. Do you think the foreknowledge of the murder presents an impediment in its prevention in Chronicle
of a Death Foretold? Give a reasoned answer,
4. With reference to the texts prescribed in your course, discuss how postcolonial literatures address the
questions of literary forms in the colonial language.
5. Analyse the use of the child narrator and the symbol of the legs as effective tropes to address the
larger thematic concerns in “The Girl Who Can’.
6. Discuss how Neruda oscillates between love and despair in his poem ‘Tonight I can write’<
18:59 Mm WY 036 &
fe all
S. No. of Question Paper:
Unique Paper Code: 12037610
Name of the Paper: DSE-Partition Literature
Name of the Course: B.A. (Hons.) English
Semester: VI
Duration: 3+1 Hours Maximum Marks: 75
Instructions for Candidates:
1, Answer any THREE questions in about 750 to 1000 words.
2. All questions carry equal marks, (25x3=75)
1 Discuss the signifi
\ce of Ila’s story featuring Magda in The Shadow Lines.
2 “Signs always come at just these times, when all around—" he paused in the middle of
his speech, Then he said in a whisper, “This is the time for a sign—".
Examine Basti as a narrative of hope struggling against despair in light of the above
a Dist
lost home.
$s Jibanananda Das’s ‘I Shall Return to this Bengal’ as a wishful longing for a
4 Manto’s Toba Tek Singh plays on its canvas the madness of both polities and religion
during the Partition of India, Comment
s Discuss how partition literature is about the darker side of India's Independence.
6 “An intense process of remembering actually becomes an act of re-membering, of
healing and putting together the fragmented bruised self in order to recover the dignity
‘of human living.” Explore the role of memory in Partition Literature with reference to
the above statement.SETD
[This question paper contains one page]
Unique Paper Code: 12037614
Name of the Course: English CBCS, Discipline Specific Elective for BA English hons.
Name of the Paper: Eng-DSE: Literature and Cinema
Semester: vi
‘Maximum Marks: 75
Time Limit: 341 hours (one hour reserved for downloading of question
paper, scanning and uploading of answer sheets)
Instructions for Candidates
Attempt any THREE questions
All questions carry equal marks (25x 3 = 75)
Answers to be written in 750-1000 words each
1, With close reference to James Monaco’s prescribed text, discuss the importance of shot composition
in cinema.
2. Critically analyse the Tomb Scene in the two prescribed cinematic adaptations of Shakespeare's
Romeo and Juliet
3. Explore the representation of motherhood and mothers in any one Partition literary text and its
cinematic adaptation prescribed in your course.
4, Critically explore the prescribed cinematic adaptation of From Russia with love asa spy thriller.
5. Analyse representations of love, intrigue and deception in any two films prescribed in your course.
6. With close reference to any one prescribed literary text and its cinematic adaptation, compare and
contrast language of literature and language of cinema,SETB
[This question paper contains one page]
Unique Paper Code: 12037614
Name of the Course: English CBCS, Discipline Specific Elective for BA English hons.
Name of the Paper Eng-DSE: Literature and Cinema
Semester: vi
Maximum Marks: 7s
Time Limit: 3+1 hours (one hour reserved for downloading of question
paper, scanning and uploading of answer sheets)
Instructions for Candidates
Attempt any THREE questions
All questions carry equal marks (25x 3 = 75)
‘Answers to be written in 750-1000 words each
1, With close reference to James Monaco’s prescribed text, discuss the importance af mise en scene in
2. Critically analyse any particular scene that has impressed you in Franco Zeffirelli’s Romeo and Juliet.
3. Explore the relationship between women’s bodies and violence in any prescribed Partition literary
text and its cinematic adaptation,
4. Discuss the importance of chase and escape in the prescribed cinematic adaptation of To Russia with
5. Discuss the significance of sound and music with reference to any one film from your syllabus.
6. “For usin the audience, part of the very real pleasure of watching adaptations lies in recognition and
remembrance.” Critically comment on this statement with reference to any one film prescribed in your
syllabus,St. No. of Question Paper: 337% A
Unique Paper Gode 12037621
Name of the 7 DSE Twentieth Century European
Name of the Course : BA (Hons) English
Semester : 5 9 VE
Duration : 3 Hours 30 minutes Maximum Marks 7°
Instructions for Candidates
1. Write your Roll No, on the top immediately 0 rece!
of this question paper.
2. This question paper contains two parts: Both parts
are to be attempted.
Answer any 3 questions (3*10=30)
1. Briefly comment on how Okonkwo’s participation in
the murder of Ikemefuna is the first step in the process
of his downfall in Things Fall Apart,
2, Write a short note on the Bishop's visit in Chronicle
of a Death Foretold.
3479 2
1 Bnefly comment OM he stereaty ne,
women in the AMCAN Short storie sociated with
* Prescribed in your
4 What does Amimal mean when he gy
a 8 that he “use
to be human once” in Ind ed
® Sinha’s Animat'y People?
$ Write a short note on the concept of Orientalimy as
articulated by Said in his essay,
Answer any 3 questions (315948)
6. Comment on the construction of gender roles and
identities in Things Fall Apart.
“The Vicario brothers apparently do not act, but are
acted upon.’ In the light of this statement examine
the notion of communal guilt in Chronicie of a Death
8. The Trial of Dedan Kimathi accentuates the role of
women in revolutionizing the society, Critically
comment with reference to the play.
9% The personal and the political voices are
simultaneously heard in postcolonial poetry. Discuss
with reference to any two poets in your course
10, What is the significance of language in posteolonial
expression? Discuss with reference to the essays
Prescribed in the course,
(3500){This question p per contains 2 printed payes.|
__ Your Roll No.
Sr. No. of Question Paper : 3005 A
Unique Paper Code |: 12031601
Name of the Paper Modern European Drama
Name of the Course B.A. (Hons,)
Semester a¥E 5
Duration : 3 hours 30 minutes Maximum Marks § 75
Instructions for € andidates
1 Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt
of this question paper,
Write short notes on any three of the following :
I. The ending of Ghosts
The gods in The Good Person of Szechwan
3. Contrast between Jean and Berenger in Rhinoceros
4, The ending of “Rape”
5. fonesco and avant-garde theatre
3005 2
Answer any three questions.
“Regina's act of walking out of the Alving household
is the only subversive gesture in Ibsen's Ghosts.
Critically analyse ‘radical gestures’ in the rama of
Ibsen in the light of the aforesaid statemeni.
“Brecht’s deployment of the social aititudes of altruism
vs' selfishness in gendered terms precludes the
possibility of a critique of a nexus between patriarchy
“and capitalism,” Discuss ia the context of The Good
Person of Szechwan.
Discuss the significance of a want of consensus
among people about the phenomenon of *Rhinoceritis”
in Tonesco’s Rhinoceros.
“The working class is not true to its own revolutionary
slogans”, Comment on the ‘centrality’ of the slogan
Can't Pay Won't ‘Pay in Fo's play.
Discuss any one background reading you have studied
as part of your course and that you comsider has
changed your understanding of modern theatre.[This question paper contains 2 printed pages.)
Your Roll No.
Sr. No. of Question Paper: 3505
Unique Paper Code 12031601
Name of the Paper Modern European Drama
Name of the Course : B.A(Hons)
Semester Vi
Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75
instructions for
Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt
of this question paper.
This question paper contains 2 parts. Both Part A
Part B are compulsory
Part A: Answer any three questions (10x3=30 marks)
Write short notes on any three of the following.
1. Education in Ghosts
2. The function of the songs in The Good Person of
3. Jean's transformation in Rhinoceros
3505 2
4 Franea Rame'y use of theatre ay a weapon of
5, Stanislavski's idea of truth in theatre
Part B: Answer any three questions (1Sx3=45 marks)
6. "Ibsen's Ghosty inaugurated an era of social and moral
despair which remained central to the political and
ideological parameters of naturalist drama of the late
19th century." Discuss,
7 Do you think the ending of The Good Person of
Szechwan resolves the "problem of goodness" explored
in the play? What in your view is Brecht trying in this
play and with what degree of success?
8. "All the characters of lonesco's Rhinoceros are based
on the political cliches of the 20th century." Do you
agree? Give a reasoned answer.
9. "Dario Fo's Can't Pay Won't Pay is deeply critical of
social collectivity which doesn't allow spontaneous
action to grow and proliferate.” Do you
agree? Give a reasoned answer,
10. "Fo's Nobel Prize speech maintains a delicate balance
between the contemporary relevance of his comic art
and the universal relevance of comedy in debunking
authority throughout human history". Discuss.
(7000)[This question paper contains 2 printed pages.|
Your Roll No.
Sr. No. of Question Paper : 3659 E
Unique Paper Code : 12031602
Name of the Paper : Postcolonial Literatures
Name of the Course : BA Hons
‘Semester t VE
Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75
Instructions for Candidates
1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt
of this question paper.
2, This question paper contains two parts..Both parts
are to be attempted.
Part A
3. 10 = 30 marks
Answer any 3 questio
1. Comment on how the use of proverbs gives Things
Fall Apart a distinctly local feel even though written
in English.
2. Write a short note on the Vicario twins as victims of
machismo in Chronicle of a Death Foretold.
3, Discuss the over-wrought condition of the lover in
Neruda's "Tonight 1 Can Write." eR;
3059 2
4 Discuss the narrative technique used by Indra Sinha
in Animal ‘x People
5. Write a short note on Language as a form of imperialist
Part B
Answer any 3 questions: 3 x 18 = 45 marks
6. Things Fall Apart is the story of the downfall, not
just of an individual but of an entire community and
their way of life. Comment.
7. Bayardo San Roman and Santiago Nasar are both
‘outsiders’ in a way. What role does their ‘otherness’
play in determining the events of their lives in
Chronicle afa Death Foretold.
8. The Trial of Dedan Kimathi is a strong critique of
the corruption and neo-colonialism that has percolated
into post-colonial African society. Discuss
9. Women writers portray the subaltern voice and agency.
Discuss with reference to Vinodini's "The Parable of
the Lost Daughter’.
10. Critically comment on Ngugi wa Thiong’o's distinction
between the use of language as a means of
communication and language as a carrier of culture.
(7000)[This question paper contains 4 printed pages.)
Your Roll No...
Sr. No. of Question Paper: 3734 E
Unique Paper Code : 12037615
Name of the Paper
: African Literatures
Name of the Course » B.A. (Hons.)
Semester vi
Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75
Instructions for Candidates
Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt
of this question paper.
This question contains two parts. Both parts are to be
Answer any 3 questions : (31030)
3734 2
Write a short note on the dialogic narration in Flora
Nwapa's Efurw
Write a short note on Yoruba culture in Wole Soyinka’ s
A Dance of the Forests.
Comment on El Hadji’s third wedding and the reception
in Ousmane Sembéne's Yala.
Analyse the following lines with reference (0 the
“But now they only laugh with their teeth,
while their ice-block-cold eyes
search behind my shadow
Men are stronger than women, Do you agree with
‘Adichie that this led to the stereotype that_ men
are more fit to rule? Discuss this with reference to
Chimamanda Adichie’s "We Should All Be Feminists5, Men are stronger than women. Do you agree with
Adichie that this led to the stereotype that men
are more fit to rule? Discuss this with reference to
Chimamanda Adichie’s "We Should All Be Feminists.”
3734 3
Answer any 3 questions : (3*15=45)
6. Marriage and procreation are the central themes of
Flora Nwapa’s Efuru, Discuss.
7. The “spitting scene” in Ousmane Sambene’s Yala may
be interpreted as a small revolution by the
dispossessed class of the society. Discuss this
statement with reference to the text.
8. Wole Soyinka’s 4 Dance of the Forests is
a play about history and culture of Africa.
9, Discuss the various ways in which the themes
of religious and ethnic conflict are highlighted
in Chimamanda Adichie’s “A Private Experience.”
3734 4
10. “Who is so stupid as to deny the historical fact of
negritude as both a protest and a positive assertion of
African cultural values?” How does Ezekiel Mphahlele
go on to critique this view in his essay “What Price
Negritude?”Sr. No. of Question Paper : 3881 E
Unique Paper Code + 12037610
Name of the Paper : DSE Partition Literature
Name of the Course: BA (H) English LOCF
Semester : VI
Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75
Instructions for Candidates
1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt
of this question paper.
2. Answer both parts
Part A
Attempt any three. All questions carry 10 marks
1. Critically comment on the recurring motif of the train
in Basti.
2. Comment on the title of Arjun
3. Comment on the following lines: ‘One lunatic got so
embroiled in this Hindustan-Pakistan rigmarole that
he became all the more insane.”
3881 2
Comment critically on the following lines: ‘Radcliff
announced his award. Bengal’s culture, art, dance
and music were divided. Punjab’s plough, farming,
songs and romance were split.’
According to Ritu Menon and Kamla Bhasin,
Partition’s political history is equalled by the paucity
of social histories about it. Elaborate.
Attempt any three. All questions carry 15 marks
Basti is a novel that fuses Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist,
Judaic and Christian elements in its narrative. Critically
Sunil Gangodhyay’s Arjun is a novel that delves into
locality as an important element of refugee
experiences. Discuss.
Discuss ‘The Story of a Tulsi Plant’ as a comment on
the affective fallout of the Partition on communities.
Discuss Kaloi Bibi as a figure of anti-colonial struggle.
Why is she such an important figure?
Discuss Ashis Nandy’s ideas in his essay ‘The
Invisible Holocaust and the Journey as an Exodus’
that is in your course.
(1000)Sr. No. of Question Paper :
Unique Paper Code
Name of the Paper
Name of the Course
3 Hours
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3883 E
Literature and Cinema
English LOCF, Discipline
Specific Elective (DSE) for
B.A. (H) English
: VI
Maximum Marks : 75
Duration :
Instructions for Candidates
1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt
of this question paper.
2. This question paper contains two parts, Both parts
are to be attempted.
3. Attempt any THREE questions from Part A and any
THREE Questions from Part B.
PART A (Attempt any 3 Questions, Total marks =
1. Write a short note on montage in cinema.
Write a short note on Modern Times as a critique of
(8) An
3883 2
3. Compare and contrast the setting and background of
the play Macbeth with its cinematic adaptations
Throne of Blood and Magqbool,
4. Write a brief note on Laura Mulvey’s discussion of
the male gaze in cinema,
5. Briefly discuss the representation of crime and
violence in Ram Gopal Varma’s Satya (1998) and
Company (2002)
PART B (Attempt any 3 Questions. Total marks -
6, Discuss the importance of image and sound in cinema
with close reference to James Monaco’s prescribed
7. How does Benjamin critically look at the work of art
that has been mechanically reproduced?
8. Compare and contrast the roles of Taketoki Washizu
in Throne of Blood and Miyan Maqbool in Maqbool
with Macbeth in Shakespeare’s play.
9. Compare and contrast the treatment of gender and
sexuality in Margarita with a Straw and Thelma and
10, Discuss how M, Madhava Prasad views the Hindi
film melodrama as the “feudal family romance.”