English Intro To Fish Culture in Ponds
English Intro To Fish Culture in Ponds
English Intro To Fish Culture in Ponds
- water - protein
- land - profit
- labor
- capital
- management
In most cases, pond size is limited by topography, availability of inputs and construction
costs. Construction costs for ponds less than 100 m 2 in surface area are high relative to the
weight of fish harvested, and their construction is not recommended. Ponds larger than
one hectare are hard to manage and expensive to build.
The site selected for pond construction should be free from flooding and close enough to
other farm activities so that the stored pond water is available for multiple uses such as
stock watering and supplemental garden irrigation. Common pond sites are small valleys
with gradually sloping sides, and flat areas on hillsides or plains (Figure 2). Rainfall,
springs and streams are often sources of water for ponds. Water should be free of pesticides
and chemicals that can kill fish or harm humans and livestock, and should be available
Ponds may be constructed without expensive machinery using animal power and / or hand
labor. This does, however, greatly increase construction time. Pond dikes should be firmly
compacted during construction to avoid seepage problems and possible collapse while the
pond is full (Figure 3).
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Figure 2: Small valleys like this contain good potential pond sites. Ponds may be built on
lower, flatter parts of the valley slope and filled by diverting stream water.
Figure 3: Mule or oxen teams may be used to haul earth for dike construction. Each 10 cm
thick layer of soil placed on the dike is compacted.
The most frequently cultured fish are oreochromis and common carp. These fish are
characteristically hardy, disease resistant, easy to reproduce and fast growing under proper
conditions. Oreochromis are native to Africa and grow best in warm water (30° C to 35° C),
but have been introduced into many countries around the world. Five tilapia species are
commonly cultured. Oreochromis niloticus (Figure 4) is the most widely cultured.
black bars
The common carp, Cyprin11s carpio, was probably the first fish cultured in ponds
approximately 2000 years ago in China. Common carp are temperate climate fish and live
in a wider range of water temperatures (1 ° C to 35° C) than tilapia. Since that time, several
different varieties of common carp have been developed which have different scale
patterns and body shapes. The normal and mirror scale patterns are most prevalent
(Figures 5 and 6).
Fish ponds require management and maintenance. Some basic practices should be
Carnivorous fish can eat fingerlings stocked into a pond (Figure 7) . Other wild fish will
compete with stocked fingerlings for food causing slow growth. Wild fish should be
removed from fingerlings being stocked into a pond. Pond water inlets should be covered
w ith a fine mesh screen or similar materials to prevent entry of wild fish. Screens should
be inspected daily and cleaned if necessary to prevent clogging. The pond should be
completely drained and dried (preferably until cracks appear in the mud) before refilling
and stocking new fish. Any fish remaining in undrainable areas may be killed with
poisons which are not dangerous to humans. A booklet available in this series describes
these poisons.
Figure 7: Carnivorous fish will eat fingerlings and should be kept out of a pond.
Natural fish food organisms are usually not abundant in clear pond water, but are
abundant in ponds having greenish colored water. The green color indicates the presence
of phytoplankton and other natural food organisms. Liming (Figure 8) and fertilization
help increase the abundance of these organisms. Lime is not available in many areas and
may not be necessary if the pond soils and/ or water are not acidic. Soil and water may be
tested in a laboratory or w ith a kit to determine whether liming is required. Testing for
acidity can save a farmer time, labor and expense. An agricultural extension agent should
be contacted for information on soil and water tes ting and lime requirements.
Figure 8: Spread lime evenly over the pond bottom.
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Figure 10: Inspect pond water for plankton abundance using the upturned palm of hand
and elbow as guides. Visibility of the palm to a depth between 20 to 30 cm (elbow depth)
indicates abundant plankton.
A common misconception about growing fish in ponds is that fish require continuously
flowing water. Fresh water is added to a pond only as needed to correct poor water quality,
as will be mentioned later, or to replace evaporation and seepage. Excess water flow washes
out fertilizer nutrients and inhibits plankton growth. Diversion canals channel excess
water away from ponds and prevent fertilizer nutrients and natural food from being
flushed out of the ponds.
The proper number of fish should be stocked into ponds to ensure good fish growth and
yield (Figure 11). Overstocking results in crowding and slow growth. Understocking results
in poor utilization of natural food organisms in the pond and low fish yield. Proper
stocking rates for tilapia range from 1 to 2 fish per m2 of pond surface area. Common carp
are stocked at 1 to 2 fish per 10 m2 of pond surface area. The higher stocking rate is used for
both tilapia and carp when fish are given supplemental feed. Stocking more than 2 carp
per 10 m 2 will cause the water to become muddy as a result of bottom feeding activity.
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Overstocking results in: Proper stocking results in: Understocking results in:
Figure 11: Stocking rates affect the growth of fish, their utilization of natural food and their
final size at harvest.
Fish in fertilized ponds will grow faster when they are provided with supplemental feed.
Tilapia and carp will consume a wide variety of feeds, many of which are available to rural
farmers. Examples of supplemental feeds are rice bran, wheat bran, corn gluten, African
palm seed meal, dried and ground leaves from mullberry and ipil-ipil trees and manioc
plants, dried blood, chopped earth worms, termites, chopped snails and insects. Two daily
feedings (morning and mid-afternoon) are suitable under most situations. The amount fed
depends on the number of fish stocked and their average weight. Fingerlings are generally
fed 10 to 12 % of their body weight. The feeding rate is gradually reduced to 2 to 3 % of body
weight by the time fish reach market size.
Low oxygen can kill fish. The decay of excess feed and organic fertilizer consumes oxygen
from pond water. Fish will die of asphyxiation if too much oxygen is consumed. Ponds
receiving large applications of fertilizer and/ or feed must be closely monitored to
determine if oxygen levels in the pond are satisfactory for fish. Low oxygen occurs most
frequently just before sunrise. Farmers should visit their ponds early in the mmning to see
if fish are suffering from low oxygen. Fish will come to the water surface seeking higher
oxygen levels from water in contact with the atmosphere. The fish appear to be "drinking"
the surface water (Figure 12).
Fresh water with high oxygen
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Figure 12: Pond with low oxygen and fish gasping at the surface.
Almost all fish in the pond will be evenly dispersed over the pond surface and gasping for
air. When scared, they will make a splash and dive for deeper water, but will quickly
return to the surface. This behavior is sometimes confused with feeding. However, feeding
fish will not return to the surface quickly if scared. Fish suffering from low oxygen will
usually not eat. Take immediate action to remedy low oxygen using the following steps.
1) Add fresh water to the pond to replace water with low oxygen until fish stop gasping at
the surface. More oxygen may be added to the fresh water by letting it run over a terraced
structure before it enters the pond (Figure 13).
2) Stop fertilization and feeding for several days. Observe fish behav ior closely during this
time. If low oxygen has been corrected, fish will resume their normal feeding habits. When
plankton abundance decreases and a submerged object (Figure 10) is visible at a depth of 30
cm, fertilization may be resumed.
3) If low oxygen becomes a chronic problem, reduce the amount of fertilizer and / or feed
placed in the pond.
Fresh water supply
Figure 13: Adding new, aerated water to a pond with low oxygen.
Harvesting may be partial (using nets) or complete (draining) and is part of the
management cycle of ponds. Pond management and harvesting are made easier if a drain
is installed. Many different types of drains are used. In small ponds, a portion of the dike
may be cut out to allow drainage during harvest (Figure 14). The dike must be rebuilt prior
to refilling the pond for the next production cycle. Other drainage structures are more
permanent and require special construction and installation (Figure 15). Large ponds are
typically harvested with nets (Figure 16).
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Figure 14: Small ponds may be drained and harvested by cutting out a section of the dike.
Removable wooden boards Earth fill
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Sluice gate
Earth fill
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Drain pipe
Figure 15: Cross sections of three structures used for draining ponds.
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1) Stop feeding fish 48 hours prior to harvest. This allows them to clean out their
intestines and promotes higher survival.
2) Harvest during the coolest part of the day. When doing a complete harvest, water
should be lowered the night before the harvest. Fish should then be harvested in the early
morning before temperatures rise above 28° C.
anti-seep collar - a plate, usually constructed of cement or steel, which is attached around a
drain pipe and extends about two feet outward from it. It is buried in the pond dike to
retard the seepage of water through the dike along the drain pipe.
fertilizer - a substance added to water to increase the production of natural fish food
manure/ organic fertilizer - animal or plant matter used as fertilizer in ponds.
natural fish food organisms - plankton, insects and other aquatic organisms that fish eat.
plankton - the various, mostly microscopic, aquatic organisms (plants and animals) that
serve as food for larger aquatic animals.
pond dike - the wall of a pond which is constructed to hold in the water.
supplemental/incomplete feed - a feed that does not contain all the vitamins and
nutrients essential for growth, and which is produced outside of the pond.
Funding for this series was provided by the United States Agency for International
Development. Communications regarding this and other technical brochures on water
harvesting and aquaculture should be addressed to:
Information contained herein is available to all persons regardless of race, color, sex or
national origin.