Or Short
Or Short
Or Short
b/ Feasible Region
A region in which all the constraints are satisfied simultaneously is called a feasible region.
c/ Forms of LPP
There are two forms dealt with LPP. They are ; Canonical form & Standard form
-It allows modification of mathematical solutions before they are put to use.
-It suggests all the alternatives course of action for the same management.
-It aids inpreparation of future managers improving their knowledge and skills.
e/ Canonical Form:
Subject to
x1,x2, … , xn ≥0
f/ Optimal Solution:
Any feasible solution which optimizes (minimizes or maximizes) the objective function is
called its optimal solution.
Surplus Variable:
The positive variable which is subtracted from the left-hand side of the ‘≥’ constraint,
to convert the constraint into equality is called a ‘surplus variable’. The value of this
variable can usually be interpreted as the amount over and above the required
minimum level.
b/Dual of LPP:
In operations research, the dual of a Linear Programming Problem (LPP) is another LPP derived
from the original (primal) problem. The dual interchanges the roles of the objective function
coefficients and the right-hand side constants of the constraints, with the constraints of the
primal becoming the variables of the dual, and vice versa. The primal maximization problem
corresponds to a dual minimization problem, and the optimal values of their objective
functions are equal under certain conditions.
c/Key column & how its selected:
The column with the largest negative Zj – Cj values the maximization problem. It
indicates which variable will enter the solution next.
d/ Artificial Variable:
A variable that has no meaning in a physical sense, but acts as a tool to help generate
an initial linear program solution.
Two methods are generally employed for the solution of LPP having artificial
3/a/ How do you convert the unbalanced T.P. into a balanced one?
The unbalanced TP can be converted into a balanced one by adding a dummy row
(source) with cost zero and the excess demand is entered as a rim requirement if total
supply < total demand. On the other hand if the total supply > total demand, we
introduce a dummy column (destination) with cost 0 and the excess supply is entered
as a rim requirement for the dummy destination.
b/ Assignment Problem:
It is a special type of linear programming problem where the objective is to minimize
the cost or time of completing a number of jobs(activities) by a number of persons
(resources) in such a way that only one resource is assigned to one activity.
2 applications;
Job Assignment: Allocating a set of tasks to a set of workers in such a way that the
total cost or time is minimized, ensuring that each task is assigned to one worker and
each worker is assigned exactly one task.
c/ Degeneracy in a T.P.
A condition that occurs when the number of allocations in basic feasible solution are
less than m+n – 1, it is called degenerate BFS( otherwise, non-degenerate BFS).
This degeneracy in a T.P. can be resolved by adding one (more) empty cell having the least
cost and is of independent position with a non-negative allocation.
d/ List the approaches used with T.P. for determining the starting solution:
i. North west corner rule
ii. Least cost method (Matrix Minima)
iii. Row or Column minima method.
iv. Vogel’s approximation method
e/Optimal sol in T.P
A feasible solution is said to be optimal if it minimizes the total transportation cost.
f/ How do you convert the maximization assignment problem into a minimization one?
The maximization AP can be converted into minimization assignment problem by
subtracting all the elements in the given profit matrix from the highest element in that
The saddle point is the solution or value of the game. Once saddle point exists for a
game, the optimal strategy for two players can be identified. Solution of games with
no saddle point is possible only through the use of mixed strategies. Saddle point is
the equilibrium point of a payoff matrix.
We can sometimes reduce the size of a game’s pay-off matrix by eliminating a course
of action which is so inferior to another as never to be used. Such a course of action is
said to be dominated by the other. The concept of dominance is especially useful for
the evaluation of two person zero-sum games where a saddle point does not exist.
1. If all elements in a row are less than or equal to the corresponding elements in
another row, then that row is dominated and be deleted from the matrix.
2. If all elements in a column are greater than or equal to the corresponding elements
in another column, then that column is dominated and can be deleted from the
3. A pure strategy may be dominated if it is inferior to average of two or more other
pure strategies.
c/ Distinguish between Pure and Mixed strategies.
1. A strategy is called pure, if one knows in advance of the play that it is certain
to be adopted irrespective of the strategy the other may choose. The optimal
strategy mixture for each player may be determined by assigning to each
strategy its probability of being chosen. These strategies are called mixed
2. A pure strategy is a special case of mixed strategy. A player may be able to
choose only n pure strategies, whereas he had infinite number of mixed
d/ Pay off:
It is the outcome of playing the game or the net gain the strategy brings to the firm for any
given counter strategy of the competitor. It is measured in terms of the objectives of the firm
like increase in profits, expansion in actual market share etc.
e/ Game:
A competitive situation is called a game if it has the following properties:
a) There are finite number of participants called players.
b) Each participant has finite number of possible courses of action
c) All the courses of action must be known to each participant but must not know
which of these will be chosen.
d) A play is said to be played when each of the players chooses a single course of
action from the list of courses of action available to him. Here it is assumed that
the choices are simultaneous so that no player knows his opponent’s choice
until he has decided his own course of action
e) After all participants have chosen a course of action, their respective gains are
f) The gains of the participants depend on their own actions and those of others.
g) Every game results in an outcome.
f/ When do you say a game is stable?
A game is stable when there is a saddle point.
The expected duration (𝜇μ) and variance (𝜎2σ2) of an activity in a project can be
expressed in terms of three time estimates: optimistic time (𝑡𝑜to), most likely time
(𝑡𝑚tm), and pessimistic time (𝑡𝑝tp).
These formulas provide estimates of the expected time and variability of an activity,
which are crucial for project scheduling and risk analysis in operations research.
• Slack:
• Missing Activities:
• Circular Dependencies:
• Missing Activities:
• Circular Dependencies: