Coexistence Mechanism Between eMBB and uRLLC in 5G Wireless Networks
Coexistence Mechanism Between eMBB and uRLLC in 5G Wireless Networks
Coexistence Mechanism Between eMBB and uRLLC in 5G Wireless Networks
3, MARCH 2021
Abstract— Ultra-reliable low-latency communication (uRLLC) first sub-problem with lower complexity. Finally, the significance
and enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB) are two influential of the proposed approach over other baseline approaches is
services of the emerging 5G cellular network. Latency and relia- established through numerical analysis in terms of the MEAR
bility are major concerns for uRLLC applications, whereas eMBB and fairness scores of the eMBB UEs.
services claim for the maximum data rates. Owing to the trade-
off among latency, reliability and spectral efficiency, sharing of Index Terms— Ultra-reliable low latency communications
radio resources between eMBB and uRLLC services, heads to (uRLLC), enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), coexis-
a challenging scheduling dilemma. In this paper, we study the tence, penalty successive upper bound minimization (PSUM),
co-scheduling problem of eMBB and uRLLC traffic based upon transportation model (TM), resource scheduling.
the puncturing technique. Precisely, we formulate an optimization
problem aiming to maximize the minimum expected achieved rate I. I NTRODUCTION
(MEAR) of eMBB user equipment (UE) while fulfilling the provi-
sions of the uRLLC traffic. We decompose the original problem
into two sub-problems, namely scheduling problem of eMBB UEs
and uRLLC UEs while prevailing objective unchanged. Radio
T HE wireless industries are going through different kinds
of emerging applications and services along with the
explosive trends of mobile traffic [1]. High-resolution video
resources are scheduled among the eMBB UEs on a time slot
basis, whereas it is handled for uRLLC UEs on a mini-slot streaming, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR),
basis. Moreover, for resolving the scheduling issue of eMBB UEs, autonomous cars, smart cities and factories, artificial intelli-
we use penalty successive upper bound minimization (PSUM) gence (AI) based services are some of these categories. It is
based algorithm, whereas the optimal transportation model foreseen that the mobile application market will flourish in
(TM) is adopted for solving the same problem of uRLLC UEs. a cumulative average growth rate (CAGR) of 29.1% dur-
Furthermore, a heuristic algorithm is also provided to solve the
ing 2015 − 2020 [2]. Energy efficiency, latency, reliability,
Manuscript received February 4, 2020; revised June 18, 2020 and data rate, etc are distinct for separate applications and ser-
November 5, 2020; accepted November 14, 2020. Date of publication vices. To handle these diversified requirements, International
November 24, 2020; date of current version March 17, 2021. This work was
partially supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) Telecommunication Union (ITU) has already classified 5G ser-
grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No. 2020R1A4A1018607) vices into Ultra-reliable low-latency communication (uRLLC),
and by the MSIT(Ministry of Science and ICT), Korea, under the Grand massive machine-type communication (mMTC), and enhanced
Information Technology Research Center support program(IITP-2020-2015-
0-00742) supervised by the IITP(Institute for Information & communications mobile broadband (eMBB) categories [3]. Gigabit per second
Technology Planning & Evaluation). The associate editor coordinating the (Gbps) level data rates are required for eMBB users, whereas
review of this article and approving it for publication was D. Marabissi. connection density and energy efficiency are the major con-
(Corresponding author: Choong Seon Hong.)
Anupam Kumar Bairagi is with the Discipline of Computer Science and cern for mMTC, and uRLLC traffic focuses on extremely
Engineering, Khulna University, Khulna 9208, Bangladesh, and also with the high reliability (99.999%) and remarkably low latency
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kyung Hee University, (0.25 ∼ 0.30 ms/packet) [4].
Seoul 446-701, South Korea (e-mail:
Md. Shirajum Munir, Madyan Alsenwi, and Choong Seon Hong are with Generally, the lions’ share of wireless traffic is produced by
the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kyung Hee University, eMBB UEs. uRLLC traffic is naturally infrequent and needs
Seoul 446-701, South Korea (e-mail:;; to be addressed spontaneously. The easiest way to settle this
Nguyen H. Tran is with the School of Computer Science, The University of matter is to reserve some resources for uRLLC. However,
Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia (e-mail: under-utilization of radio resources may emerge from this
Sultan S. Alshamrani is with the Department of Information Technology, approach, and generally, effective multiplexing of traffics is
Taif University, Taif 21944, Saudi Arabia (e-mail:
Mehedi Masud is with the Department of Computer Science, College of required. For efficient multiplexing of eMBB and uRLLC
Computers and Information Technology, Taif University, Taif 21944, Saudi traffics, 3GPP has recommended a superposition/puncturing
Arabia (e-mail: skeleton [4] and the short-TTI/puncturing approaches [5] in 5G
Zhu Han is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Houston, Houston, TX 77004 USA, and also with the Depart- cellular systems. Though the short-TTI mechanism is straight-
ment of Computer Science and Engineering, Kyung Hee University, Seoul forward for implementation, it degrades spectral efficiency
446-701, South Korea (e-mail: because of the massive overhead in the control channel.
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at On the contrary, the puncturing strategy decreases the above
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCOMM.2020.3040307 overhead, although it necessitates an adequate mechanism for
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
recognizing and healing the punctured case. Slot (1 ms) and • Finally, we perform a comprehensive experimental analy-
mini-slot (0.125 ms) are proposed as time units for meeting sis for the proposed scheduling approach and compare
the latency requirement of uRLLC traffic in the 5G new radio the results, minimum expected achieved rate (MEAR)
(NR). At the outset of a slot, eMBB traffic is scheduled and and fairness [43] of the eMBB UEs, with the punctured
continues unchanged throughout the slot. If the same physical scheduler (PS) [21], multi-user preemptive scheduler
resources are used, uRLLC traffic is overridden upon the (MUPS) [25], random scheduler (RS), equally distributed
scheduled eMBB transmission. scheduler (EDS), and matching based scheduler (MBS)
Currently, much attention has been paid to resource sharing approaches.
for offering quality-of-service(QoS) or quality-of-experience The remainder of the paper is systematized as follows.
(QoE) to the users. Studies [6] and [7] investigate the sharing In Section II, we present the literature review. We explain
of an unlicensed spectrum between LTE and WiFi networks, the system model and present the problem formulation in
however, the study [8] con sider LTE-A and NB-IoT ser- Section III. The proposed solution approach of the above-
vices for sharing the same resources. Study [9] solves user mentioned problem is addressed in Section IV. In Section V,
association and resource allocation problems. The study [9] we provide experimental investigation, discussion, and com-
consider the downlink of fog network to support QoS provi- parison concerning the proposed solution. Finally, we conclude
sions of the uRLLC and eMBB. Some other studies, however, the paper in Section VI. A list of acronyms is provided
investigates and/or analyzes the influence of uRLLC traffic on in Table I.
eMBB [10]–[15] or presents architecture and/or framework
for co-scheduling of eMBB and uRLLC traffic [16]–[19]. II. L ITERATURE R EVIEW
Moreover, some authors consider eMBB and uRLLC traffic in Recently, both industry and academia focus on the study
their coexisting/multiplexing proposals [20]–[27] where they of multiplexing between eMBB traffic and uRLLC traffic on
apply puncturing technique. the same physical resources. Information-theoretic arguments-
As per our knowledge, concrete mathematical models and based performance analysis for eMBB and uRLLC traffic
solutions, however, are lacking in most of these coexistence has performed in [10]. The authors consider both orthogonal
mechanisms. Most of the studies mainly focus on analysis, multiple access (OMA) and non-orthogonal multiple access
system-level design or framework. Thus, efficient coexistence (NOMA) for uplink in cloud radio access network (C-RAN)
proposals between eMBB and uRLLC traffic are needed in framework. An insight into the performance trade-offs among
the literature. So, to enable eMBB and uRLLC services in the eMBB and uRLLC traffic is explained in [10]. In [11],
5G wireless networks, we propose an effective coexistence authors have introduced eMBB influenced minimization prob-
mechanism in this paper. Our preliminary work has been lem to protect the uRLLC traffic from the dominant eMBB
published in [23] where we have used a one-sided matching services. This paper explores their proposal for the mobile
and heuristic algorithm, respectively, for resolving resource front-haul environment. In [12], the authors present an effec-
allocation problems of eMBB and uRLLC users. The major tive solution for multiplexing different traffics on a shared
difference between [23] and current work is the involvement resource. Particularly, they propose an effective radio resource
of penalty successive upper bound minimization (PSUM) and distribution method between the uRLLC and eMBB service
transportation model (TM) for solving similar problems. This classes following trade-offs among the reliability, latency and
paper mainly focuses on the followings: spectral efficiency. Moreover, they investigate the uRLLC and
• First, we formulate an optimization problem for eMBB eMBB performance adopting different conditions.
UEs with some constraints, where the objective is to In order to achieve 5G service provisioning (i.e., eMBB,
maximize the minimum expected rate of eMBB UEs over mMTC and uRLLC services), the authors of [13] have studied
time. radio resources slicing mechanism, where the performance of
• Second, to solve the optimization problem effectively, both orthogonal and non-orthogonal are analyzed. They have
we decompose it into two sub-problems: resource proposed a communication-theoretic model by considering the
scheduling for eMBB UEs, and resource scheduling of heterogeneity of 5G services. They also found that the non-
uRLLC UEs. PSUM is used to solve the first sub- orthogonal slicing is significantly better to perform instead of
problem, whereas the TM is employed to solve the second orthogonal slicing for those 5G service multiplexing. Recently,
one. for 5G NR physical layer challenges and solution mechanisms
• Third, we redefine the first sub-problem into a minimiza- of uRLLC traffic communications has been presented in [14],
tion problem for each slot and provide an algorithm based where they pay attention to the structure of packet and frame.
upon PSUM to obtain near-optimal solutions. Additionally, they focus on the improvement of scheduling
• Fourth, we redefine the second sub-problem as a min- and reliability mechanism for uRLLC traffic communication
imization problem for each mini-slot within every slot such that the coexistence of uRLLC with eMBB is established.
and present the algorithm based upon minimum cell cost In [15], the authors have been analyzed the designing principle
(MCC) and modified distribution (MODI) methods of of the 5G wireless network by employing low-latency and
the transportation model to find an optimal solution of high-reliability for uRLLC traffic. To do this, they consider
the second sub-problem. varying requirements of uRLLC services such as variation of
• Fifth, we also present a cost-effective heuristic algorithm delay, packet size, and reliability. To an extent, they explore
for resolving the first sub-problem. different topology network architecture under the uncertainty.
Fig. 1. System model for coexisting eMBB and uRLLC services in 5G. e1 is
sharing RBs with u1 and u2 , and hence, creating capacity loss for e1 . e2 is
sharing RBs with u3 , and hence, creating capacity loss for e2 .
s.t. P φm,t
u <U ≤ , ∀m, t, (18a)
u Lu
≤ δrum,t , ∀u, m, t, (18b)
αte,k ≤ 1, ∀k, t, (18c)
βu,k ≤ 1, ∀k, m, t, (18d)
αte,k ≥ 1, ∀e, t, (18e)
Fig. 3. Overview of the solution process for (18).
u βu,k ≥ 1, ∀u, m, t,
φm,t (18f)
k∈K s.t. αte,k ≤ 1, ∀k, t, (19a)
m,t e∈E
αte,k + φm,t
u βu,k ≤ |K|, ∀t, (18g)
e∈E k∈K u∈U k∈K αte,k ≥ 1, ∀e, t, (19b)
αte,k , βu,k , φm,t ∈ {0, 1}, ∀e, u, k, m, t. (18h) k∈K
In (18), the reliability and latency constraints of the uRLLC αte,k ≤ |K|, ∀t, (19c)
UEs are preserved by (18a) and (18b). Constraints (18c) e∈E k∈K
and (18d) are used to show the orthogonality of RBs among αte,k ∈ {0, 1}, ∀e, k, t. (19d)
eMBB and uRLLC UEs, respectively. At least one RB is
posed by every active UE and is encapsulated by both (18e) On the other hand, the second sub-problem (with αt , ∀t as
and (18f). Resource restriction is presented by constraint (18g). the solution of 19) is manifested as follows:
⎛ ⎞
Constraint (18h) shows that every item of α, β and φ are |T |
binary. The formulation (18) is a Combinatorial Program- max min E ⎝ t
re,actual ⎠ (20)
β e∈E
ming (CP) problem having chance constraint, and NP-hard t=1
due to its nature.
u <U ≤ , ∀m, t, (20a)
We assume that eMBB UEs are data-hungry over the con- φm,t
u Lu
≤ δrum,t , ∀u, m, t, (20b)
sidered period. Thus, at the commencement of a time slot βu,k ≤ 1, ∀k, m, t, (20c)
t ∈ T , gNB schedules all of its’ RBs among the eMBB UEs u∈U
and stay unchanged over t. If uRLLC traffic requests come m,t
in any m of t, the scheduler tries to serve the requests in u βu,k ≥ 1, ∀u, m, t,
φm,t (20d)
the next m + 1. Hence, the overlapping of uRLLC traffic over k∈K
eMBB traffic happens as shown in Fig. 2. Usually, a portion of m,t
u βu,k ≤ |K|, ∀m, t,
φm,t (20e)
all RBs is required for serving such uRLLC traffic. However, u∈U k∈K
the challenge is to find the victimized eMBB UE(s) following m,t
the aspiration of the problem (18). βu,k , φm,t
u ∈ {0, 1}, ∀u, k, m, t. (20f)
For getting an effective solution to the problem (18), we can Fig. 3 shows the solution overview of the optimization
utilize the concept of a divide-and-conquer strategy. Here, problem (18). We can better understand the philosophy of
we divide (18) into two resource allocation sub-problems, the problem and the solution approach with an illustrative
namely, for eMBB UEs on time slot basis and uRLLC UEs example in Fig. 2. At the beginning of the time slot, t − 1,
on a mini-slot basis. The first sub-problem is as follows: let us assume that there are 3 eMBB UEs, each of whom
⎛ ⎞
|T | owns 4 RBs. Within t − 1, the service request for uRLLC
max min E ⎝ re,actual ⎠
(19) UEs came abruptly and the allocation of RBs for that UEs is
α e∈E
t=1 shown in Fig. 2, as overlapped uRLLC traffic in the mini-slots.
During this time, eMBB users 1, 2 and 3 waste throughput Algorithm 1 Solution of (19) for Each t Based on PSUM
equivalent to 4RBs × 1 mini-slot, 7RBs × 1 mini-slot, and 1: Initialization: ε1 , σ1 , Imax and let i = 0
2RBs × 1 mini-slot, respectively. At the start of the next 2: Solve problem (21) and obtain solution αt,0
time slot, t, gNB acknowledges the resource scheduling of 3: while i < Imax do
uRLLC UEs of t − 1 to allocate and compensate eMBB 4: Set ε = εi+1 and σ = σi+1
UEs. gNB allocates more RBs to eMBB user 2 and less to 5: Solve problem (26) with the initial point being αt,i , and
eMBB user 3 as they lose more and less, respectively, in the obtain a new solution αt,i+1
time slot t − 1. Moreover, EgNB tries to serve uRLLC users 6: if αt,i+1 is binary then
such that the loss of throughput of eMBB users are almost 7: Stop
similar in the time slot t. Therefore, gNB makes a balance 8: else
among the throughput of eMBB users in each time slot, which 9: Set i = i + 1
ultimately serves to reach the goal of (18) on a long-run 10: Update εi+1 = ηε, and σi+1 = ζσ
basis. 11: end if
12: end while
A. PSUM as a Solution of the Sub-Problem (19) It is not easy to solve (22) directly. However, by utilizing the
Problem (19) is still is computationally expensive to reach successive upper bound minimization (SUM) technique [35],
a globally optimal solution due to its’ NP-hardness. In this [36], we can efficiently resolve (22). This method tries to
sub-section, we propose the PSUM algorithm to solve (19) secure the lower bound of the actual objective function by
approximately with low complexity. Relaxation of the binary determining a sequence of approximation of the objective
variable and the addition of a penalty term to the objective functions. As Pε (αt ) is concave in nature and hence,
function is the main philosophy of our proposed PSUM
algorithm. We redefine (19) as follows: Pε (αt ) ≤ Pε (αt,i ) + ∇Pε (αt,i )T (αt − αt,i ), (25)
where αt,i is the value of current allocation of iteration i.
min Wet (αt ), ∀t, (21)
αt At the (i+1)-th iteration of t, we solve the following problem:
Here, FU is the cumulative distribution function (CDF) and (30c), respectively, which convert them into equality,
of random variable U . Thus, from constraint (20a), we can we have:
rewrite as follows:
χue + χ|U |+1,e = se , ∀e ∈ E, (31)
P r{g(φ, U ) ≤ 0} ≥ , (28) u∈U
du + d|U |+1 = se . (32)
1 − FU φum,t
≤ , (28a)
u∈U e∈E
Now the modified problem in (30) is a balanced trans-
φm,t ≥1− ,
(BTM). Moreover, we have to add d|U |+1 =
FU (28b) portation model
e∈E s e − u∈U du to the demand vector d as d =
d ∪ {d|U |+1 } and a row [0]1×|E| to cost matrix C as
φm,t ≥ F 1 − , (28c)
u U
C = C ∪ {[0]1×|E| }. BTM can be solved by the simplex
method [38]. The solution matrix χ will be in the form of
u − FU−1 (1 − ) ≥ 0. (28d)
Z(|U |+1)×|E| . Northwest corner (NWC) [39], MCC [39], and
Vogel’s approximation method (VAM) [39], [40] are some
Now, (28d) and (20a) are identical. Hence, the renewed form of the popular methods for obtaining initial feasible solution
of (20) looks like as follows: of BTM. We can use the stepping-stone [41] or MODI [42]
method to get an optimal solution of the BTM. In the following
min Vet (αt , βt ), ∀t (29)
βt sub-section, we use the combination of the MCC and MODI
for acquaring the optimal result from the BTM.
s.t. φm,t
u − FU−1 (1 − ) ≥ 0, ∀m, (29a) 1) Determining Initial Feasible Solution by MCC Method:
MCC method allots to those cells of χ considering the
(20b), (20c), (20d), (20e), (20f ), ∀u, m, (29b) lowest cost from C. Firstly, the method allows the maximum
1 permissible to the cell with the lowest per RB cost. Secondly,
Vet (αt , βt ) = ret ,loss − re,loss
, ∀e. (29c)
|E| the amount of quantity and need is synthesized while crossing
e ∈E
out the satisfied row(s) or column(s). Either row or column is
Problem (29) is still NP-hard due to the appearance of ruled out if both of them are satisfied concurrently. Thirdly,
combinatorial variable. In (29), (29a) holds for a particular we inquire into the uncrossed-out cells which have the least
value of when gNB serves a certain portion of uRLLC UE unit cost and continue it till there is specifically one row
U ≤ U . For a m of t, let us assume U = {1, 2, . . . ., U } or column is left uncrossed. The primary steps of the MCC
and φm,tu = 1, ∀u ∈ U . We can determine the requisite method are compiled as follows:
RBs, ∀u ∈ U holding δ as the upper-bound in (20b) and let Step 1: Distribute maximum permissible to the worth-
d = [d1 , d2 , · · · , d|U | ]. As gNB engages OFDMA for uRLLC while cell of χ which have the minimum cost found from
UEs, constraint (20c) holds. Moreover, depending on U , C, and update the supply (s) and demand (d).
constraints (20d), (20e), and (20f) also hold. Constraint (29c) Step 2: Continue Step 1 till there is any demand that
can be used as a basic block to build a cost matrix C = needs to be satisfied.
(cu,e ), u ∈ U , e ∈ E. As K are held by eMBB UEs E in any 2) MODI Method for Finding an Optimal Solution: The
time slot t ∈ T , we can find a vector s = [s1 , s2 , · · · , s|E| ]. initial solution found from section IV-B.1 is used as input in
Now redefine problem (29) as follows: the MODI method for finding an optimal solution. We need to
augment an extra left-hand column and the top row (indicated
min cue χue (30)
χ by xu and ye respectively) with C whose values require to be
u∈U e∈E
calculated. The values are measured for all cells which have
s.t. χue = du , ∀u ∈ U , (30a) the corresponding allocation in χ and shown as follows:
xu + ye = cu,e , ∀χu,e = ∅. (33)
χue ≤ se , ∀e ∈ E, (30b)
u∈U Now we solve (33) to obtain all xu and ye . If necessary
du ≤ se , (30c) then assign zero to one of the unknowns toward finding the
u∈U e∈E solution. Next, evaluate for all the empty cells of χ as follows:
se = |K|, (30d) ku,e = cu,e − xu − ye , ∀χu,e = ∅. (34)
χue ≥ 0, ∀u ∈ U , e ∈ E. (30e) Now select ku,e corresponding to the most negative value
and determine the stepping-stone path for that cell to know the
The goal of (30) is to find a matrix χ ∈ Z|U |×|E| = (χue ), reallocation amount to the cell. Next, allocate the maximum
∀u ∈ U , e ∈ E that will minimize the cost/loss of eMBB permissible to the empty cell of χ corresponding to the
UEs. This is a linear programming problem equivalent to the selected ku,e . xu and ye values for C and χ must be recom-
Hitchcock problem [37] with inequities, which contributed puted with the help of (33) and a cost change for the empty
to unbalanced transportation model. Introducing slack vari- cells of χ need to be figured out using (34). A corresponding
ables χ|U |+1,e , ∀e ∈ E and d|U |+1 in the constraints (30b) reallocation takes place just like the previous step and the
process continues till there is a negative ku,e . At the end of Algorithm 2 Heuristic Algorithm for Solving (19)
this repetitive process, we get the optimal allocation (χ). The 1: Initialization: ε1 , σ1 , Imax and let i = 0
MODI method described above can be summed as follows: 2: Solve problem (21) and obtain solution αt,0
Step 1: Develop a preliminary solution (χ) applying the 3: for each t ∈ T do
MCC method. 4: if t = 1 then
Step 2: For every row and column of C, measure xu 5: Calculate NRB = |K| |E|
and ye by applying (33) to each cell of χ that has an 6: for each e ∈ E do
allocation. 7: for each k = 1 · · · NRB do
Step 3: For every corresponding empty cell of χ, calcu- 8: αte,(e−1)∗NRB +k = 1
late ku,e by applying (34). 9: end for
Step 4: Determine the stepping-stone path [41] from χ 10: end for
corresponding to minimum ku,e that found in Step 3. 11: else
Step 5: Based on the stepping-stone path found in Step 12:
Determine re,loss t−1
and re,actual for all e ∈ E by using
4, allocate the highest possible to the free cell of χ. (10) and (11) respectively
Step 6: Reiterate Step 2 to 5 until all ku,e ≥ 0. 13: Set loc = 0
14: for each e ∈ E do
C. Low-Complexity Heuristic Algorithm for Solving 15: Calculate NRB e
= |K|
r t−1
e ∈E e ,loss
Sub-Problem (19)
16: for each k = 1 · · · NRB
Though Algorithm 1 can solve the sub-problem (19) opti- 17: αe,loc+k = 1
mally, but computation time requires to solve it grows much 18: end for
faster as the size of the problem increase. Besides, the number 19: Set loc = loc + NRB t
of eMBB UEs is large in reality, and we have a short period to 20: end for
resolve this kind of problem. Therefore, we need a faster and 21: end if
efficient heuristic algorithm, which may sacrifice optimality, 22: end for
to solve (19). Thus, we propose Algorithm 2 for solving (19). 23: t
Determine re,actual for all e ∈E by using (11)
At t = 1, Algorithm 2 allocate resources equally to the eMBB
|T | t
UEs. But, it allocates resources to eMBB UEs in the rest 24: Determine E t=1 re,actual for all e ∈ E
of the time slots depending on the proportional loss of the
previous time slot. In this way, Algorithm 2 can accommodate
the MEAR of eMBB UEs in the long-run. The complexity of 2
|T |
e∈E E
Algorithm 2 depends on T and E. t=1 re,actual
Fairness = 2 . (36)
|T |
t=1 re,actual
EDS, and MUPS can produce less than 18 Mbps for sure.
Moreover, the MEAR value decreases with the growing rate of
σ for all the methods because of the requirement of more RBs
for the uRLLC UEs as shown in Fig. 6. But, the increasing
arrivals of uRLLC traffic affect the MUPS method more as
they require extra RBs from the distant eMBB UEs. However,
the performance gap between the proposed and PS method
reduces with the increased arrival of uRLLC traffic, as the PS Fig. 9. Comparison of fairness score with varying value of σ and
scheme gets more chance to adjust the users with the higher L = 32 Bytes.
expected achieved rate.
We compare the fairness scores among various methods
with different values of σ which is shown in Fig. 7. The scores the case of average MEAR. The figure also explicates that the
originating from the proposed method are greater than or average MEAR is declining with the growing value of σ due
similar to that of others as indicated in Fig. 7. Fig. 7(a) reveals to the additional requirement of PRBs for extra uRLLC traffic.
that the median of the scores for the proposed, RS, EDS, Particularly, our method results 10.20%, 10.87%, 5.77%,
MBS, PS, and MUPS methods are 0.9977, 0.9897, 0.9897, 5.77%, and 18.55% higher on average MEAR than those of
0.9975, 0.9972, and 0.9789, respectively. The similar scores RS, EDS, MBS, PS, and MUPS, respectively, for σ = 1.
are 0.9998, 0.9902, 0.9902, 0.9987, 0.9995, 0.9488, and 1.00, Moreover, similar values are 15.22%, 16.43%, 6.22%, 3.75%,
0.9891, 0.9891, 0.9985, 0.9998, 0.8784 for the corresponding and 70.20% for σ = 10. The average fairness score emerging
methods and are presented in Fig. 7(b) and 7(c), respectively. from our method is bigger than or similar to other comparing
Moreover, the fairness scores increase for the Proposed, MBS methods for different values of σ and shown in Fig. 9. Fig. 9
and PS methods with the increasing value of σ as it gets more also reveals that the σ value has a negligible impact on the
chance to maximize the minimum achieved rate, whereas the average score of the fairness in the Proposed, RS, EDS, MBS,
same scores decrease with the increasing value of σ for RS, PS methods, but it impacts inversely to the MUPS method
EDS and MUPS as eMBB UEs have more opportunity to be more and more uRLLC traffic choose same eMBB UE for the
affected by the uRLLC UEs. PRBs. Moreover, the average fairness scores of the proposed
Fig. 8 and 9, respectively, show the average MEAR and method are similar to both MBS and PS methods. However,
fairness score for varying value of σ. In Fig. 8, we find that the proposed method treats eMBB UEs 0.92%, 0.92%, and
our method overpasses other schemes for different rates of σ in 1.92% fairly than RS, EDS, and MUPS methods, respectively,
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Anupam Kumar Bairagi (Member, IEEE) received Mehedi Masud (Senior Member, IEEE) received
the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in computer science the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the
and engineering from Khulna University (KU), University of Ottawa, Canada. He is currently a
Bangladesh, and the Ph.D. degree in computer engi- Professor with the Department of Computer Science,
neering from Kyung Hee University, South Korea. Taif University, Taif, Saudi Arabia. He has authored
He is currently an Associate Professor with the and coauthored around 70 publications, including
Discipline of Computer Science and Engineering, refereed IEEE/ACM/Springer/Elsevier journals, con-
Khulna University. He has authored and coau- ference papers, books, and book chapters. He has
thored around 40 publications, including refereed served as a Technical Program Committee member
IEEE/ACM journals and conference papers. He has for different international conferences. His research
served as a Technical Program Committee member interests include machine learning, distributed algo-
for different international conferences. His research interests include wire- rithms, data security, formal methods, and health analytics. He was a recipient
less resource management in 5G and beyond, healthcare, IIoT, cooperative of a number of awards, including the Research in Excellence Award from Taif
communication, and game theory. University. He is on the Associate Editorial Board of IEEE A CCESS , Inter-
national Journal of Knowledge Society Research (IJKSR), and an Editorial
Board member of Journal of Software. He has also served as a Guest Editor
Md. Shirajum Munir (Graduate Student Member, for Computer Science and Information Systems (ComSIS) Journal and Journal
IEEE) received the B.S. degree in computer science of Universal Computer Science (JUCS). He is also a member of ACM.
and engineering from Khulna University, Khulna,
Bangladesh, in 2010. He is currently pursuing the
Ph.D. degree in computer science and engineering
with Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea. Zhu Han (Fellow, IEEE) received the B.S. degree
He has served as a Lead Engineer for the Solution in electronic engineering from Tsinghua University,
Laboratory, Samsung Research and Development in 1997, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical
Institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh, from 2010 to 2016. and computer engineering from the University of
His current research interests include IoT network Maryland, College Park, in 1999 and 2003, respec-
management, fog computing, mobile edge comput- tively. From 2000 to 2002, he was a Research and
ing, software-defined networking, smart grid, and machine learning. Development Engineer with JDSU, Germantown,
MD, USA. From 2003 to 2006, he was a Research
Associate with the University of Maryland. From
Madyan Alsenwi received the B.E. and M.Sc. 2006 to 2008, he was an Assistant Professor with
degrees in electronics and communications engineer- Boise State University, Idaho. He is currently a John
ing from Cairo University, Egypt, in 2011 and 2016, and Rebecca Moores Professor with the Department of Electrical and Com-
respectively. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. puter Engineering, and the Department of Computer Science, University of
degree in computer science and engineering with Houston, Houston, TX, USA. His research interests include wireless resource
Kyung Hee University, South Korea. He is also allocation and management, wireless communications and networking, game
working as a Leading Researcher with the Intelli- theory, big data analysis, security, and smart grid. He received an NSF Career
gent Networking Laboratory under a project jointly Award in 2010, the Fred W. Ellersick Prize of the IEEE Communication
funded by the prestigious Brain Korea 21st Century Society in 2011, the EURASIP Best Paper Award for the Journal on Advances
Plus and Ministry of Science and ICT, South Korea. in Signal Processing in 2015, IEEE Leonard G. Abraham Prize in the field
Prior to this, he worked as a Research Assistant of Communications Systems [Best Paper Award in IEEE J OURNAL ON
under several research projects funded by the Egyptian Government. His S ELECTED A REAS IN C OMMUNICATIONS (JSAC)] in 2016, and several best
research interests include wireless communications and networking, resource paper awards in IEEE conferences. He was has been an IEEE Communications
slicing in 5G wireless networks, ultra reliable low latency communications Society Distinguished Lecturer from 2015 to 2018, the AAAS Fellow since
(URLLC), UAV-assisted wireless networks, and machine learning. 2019, and the ACM distinguished Member since 2019. He has also been 1%
highly cited researcher since 2017 according to Web of Science. He is also
the winner of 2021 IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award, for outstanding early to
Nguyen H. Tran (Senior Member, IEEE) received mid-career contributions to technologies holding the promise of innovative
the B.S. degree in electrical and computer engineer- applications, with the following citation: “for contributions to game theory
ing from the Hochiminh City University of Technol- and distributed management of autonomous communication networks.”
ogy in 2005 and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and
computer engineering from Kyung Hee University
in 2011. He was an Assistant Professor with the
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Choong Seon Hong (Senior Member, IEEE)
Kyung Hee University, from 2012 to 2017. Since received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electronic
2018, he has been with the School of Computer engineering from Kyung Hee University, Seoul,
Science, The University of Sydney, where he is South Korea, in 1983 and 1985, respectively, and the
currently a Senior Lecturer. His research interests Ph.D. degree from Keio University, Japan, in 1997.
include distributed computing and learning over networks. He received the In 1988, he joined KT, where he was involved
Best KHU Thesis Award in engineering in 2011, and several best paper in broadband networks as a Member of Technical
awards, including the IEEE ICC 2016, APNOMS 2016, and IEEE ICCS 2016. Staff. Since 1993, he has been with Keio Univer-
He receives the Korea NRF Funding for Basic Science and Research from sity. He was with the Telecommunications Network
2016 to 2023. He has been an Editor of IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON G REEN Laboratory, KT, as a Senior Member of Technical
C OMMUNICATIONS AND N ETWORKING since 2016. Staff and as the Director of the Networking Research
Team until 1999. Since 1999, he has also been a Professor with the Department
of Computer Science and Engineering, Kyung Hee University. His research
Sultan S. Alshamrani received the bachelor’s interests include future Internet, ad hoc networks, network management,
degree (Hons.) in computer science from Taif Uni- and network security. He is also a member of ACM, the IEICE, the IPSJ,
versity, Saudi Arabia, in 2007, the master’s degree the KIISE, the KICS, the KIPS, and the OSIA. He has served as the General
in information technology (computer networks) from Chair, the TPC Chair/Member, or an Organizing Committee member for
The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia, international conferences, such as NOMS, IM, APNOMS, E2EMON, CCNC,
and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Liver- ADSN, ICPP, DIM, WISA, BcN, TINA, SAINT, and ICOIN. He was an
pool, U.K. He is currently working as an Associate Associate Editor of IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON N ETWORK AND S ERVICE
Professor with Taif University. He is also the Head M ANAGEMENT and IEEE Journal of Communications and Networks. He cur-
of the Department of Information Technology. rently serves as an Associate Editor for International Journal of Network
Management and an Associate Technical Editor for IEEE Communications