Farxaan A
Farxaan A
Farxaan A
Yellowish discoloration of eyes of one month duration
The patient was last relatively healthy 04 weeks back at which time he started to
experience dark
colored urine & clay colored stool associated with itching sensation which began from his
hands & later progressed to include all of his body. The itching worsens during night time.
weeks prior to admission his father began to notice persistent yellowish discoloration of his
eyes. In addition to this he started to experience steady epigastric pain without radiation
which was aggravated by eating heavy foods and relieving by using analgesics . He has also
low grade intermittent fever but no chills
or rigor. 03 days prior to admission he started to experience nausea & non blood tingled,
bilious vomiting of ingested matter about 6 times /day.
Has anorexia, easily fatigability & unquantified weight loss for the past 4 weeks to
the extent his trousers become loose
He Has history of tinnitus, blurring of vision & light headedness
No history of cigarette smoking or chronic alcohol consumption
His regular dietary habit is rice, spaghetti.
No history of similar illness in the family
No history of previous abdominal surgery
No history of multiple sexual partner, contact with jaundiced patient or blood
No history of medication
No history of chronic cough, contact with chronic cougher or previous TB
Head: No hx of headache or head injury
Eyes: No hx of blurring of vision, pain in the eyes, eye itching, or sontaneous
No hx of Earache, deafness, ear discharge, vertigo or tinnitus
No hx of nasal bleeding or discharge
Mouth and throat:
No hx gum bleeding, tooth extraction
Lymphoglandular system (LGS):
Hx of swelling in the neck,
No hx of heat or cold intolerance.
Respiratory System (RS):
No hx of cough, chest pain or fast breathing
Cardiovascular system (cvs):
No hx dyspnea, orthonea or PND
Gastrointestinal system (GIS):
No hx of diarrhea or constipation
Genitourinary system (GUS):
No hx of flank pain, see HPI
Integumentary system (IGS):
No hx of skin rash or ulcers
Muskuloskeletal system (MSS):
No hx of loss of limb function or joint pain.
Central nervous system (CNS):
No forgetfulness,abnormal body mov’t or insomnia.
Personal History
He was born and raised in hodlay, where he lived all his life. He had a healthy
childhood and was an active boy who liked helping his father around the farm.
There was no school near his village and like his parents, he never went to
school. But he is able to read and write numbers.
He is a farmer and also raises cattle, sheep and goat.
He usually eats ‘injera’ made of ‘teff & ‘shiro’ made of ’atter’ basta,rice
He has two sisters and four brothers. All are alive & well.
Family Diseases:
No family history of DM, hypertension, Asthma, tuberculosis, allergy or sudden
Physical Examination
General Appearance
Chronic sick looking,
Vital signs
BP: 110/70mmHg, right arm, sitting position
PR: 95bpm, Rt radial artery, regular & full volume
RR: 18 breath/min, shallow & regular
T0: 35.20c, axillary, @10 AM
Weight: 65kg
Height: 160cms
Head: Normal size, shape and hair distribution.No scar or tenderness
Ears: Normal contour of pinna.Clear external ear canal.
Eyes: No periorbital edema, ptosis, exophthalmoses or strabismus.
Pile conjunctivae, icteric sclera
Nose: The nasal septum is central. There is no polyp or active discharge
Mouse and throat: The lips show no fissure or ulceration
The gums are intact with no ulceration. There are no carious teeth,
extraction, dentures or filling.
Tongue – no atrophied papillae, The buccal mucosa is pink & wet.
Lymphoglandular system
There is no significantly enlarged..
Supraclavicular, periumbilical,axillary, inguinal lymph nodes, testis
Respiratory System
Trachea is central
No subcutaneous emphysema
No chest wall tenderness
Tactile fremitus is comparable on both sides
Chest expansion is symmetrical
Resonant all over lung fields
Vesicular breat
Cardiovascular system
All peripherally accessible arteries are palpable
No thickening of vessels wall
No radio-femoral delay
JVP is not raised
No distended neck vein
Negative Hepato-jugular reflex
Precordial examination
No precordial bulging
Quite precordium
The apical impulse is not visible
No palpable heart sound
The PMI is at the 5th ICS lateral to MCL, localized & tapping.
S1 & S2 are well heard
No murmur or gallop
Abdominal examination
The abdomen is flat & symmetrical
It moves with respiration.
The flanks are not full
No distended abdominal vein
No surgical scar
Normo-active bowel sound (8/min)
No bruit over renal artery, abdominal aorta or liver area
Superficial palpation:
o There is tenderness
o No superficially palpable mass
Deep palpation:
o No organomegally
No sign of fluid collection(shifting dullness/fluid thrill)
Total vertical liver span (TVLS) along the right mid-clavicular line =6cms
o No ulceration or visible mass
o Normal anal sphincter tone
o There is a mass which has smooth surface, regular border, firm consistency, not fixed
to rectal mucosa & palpable medial sulcus but the upper border isn’t reachable
o No blood on the examining finger
Liver function test/LFT
o Serum bilirubin (Total & Direct), ALP, SGOT, SGPT, GGT
Predominant rise in ALP in relation to SGOT & SGPT reflects
cholestasis(intra/exra-hepatic) .
o PT PT prolongation with Vitamin K administration is compatible with
obstructive jaundice
Viral markers