The document provides guidelines for etiquette and best practices when interacting online, commonly referred to as netiquette. It outlines rules such as being respectful, avoiding offensive language, thinking before posting comments, and being mindful of one's online presence. The document also discusses maintaining privacy and security online.
The document provides guidelines for etiquette and best practices when interacting online, commonly referred to as netiquette. It outlines rules such as being respectful, avoiding offensive language, thinking before posting comments, and being mindful of one's online presence. The document also discusses maintaining privacy and security online.
The document provides guidelines for etiquette and best practices when interacting online, commonly referred to as netiquette. It outlines rules such as being respectful, avoiding offensive language, thinking before posting comments, and being mindful of one's online presence. The document also discusses maintaining privacy and security online.
The document provides guidelines for etiquette and best practices when interacting online, commonly referred to as netiquette. It outlines rules such as being respectful, avoiding offensive language, thinking before posting comments, and being mindful of one's online presence. The document also discusses maintaining privacy and security online.
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