IBE Question and Answers

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> Globalisation - ts tthe wad wed to destr be the growing inkeadepedere

G thu wods econoies, wltuse S, and pcplllaton, brought about by
gp wwestmtht,
iross- bordes tade in goode seryi ces, telhnology k plo
peaple ad injematien
concesned wt thu
>Poitical Environmnt t
deyine how govemned
culal owty k
poli tical cendi tien n a pasticulad stabiuty leace tu th
and it pob cies et husinek ims includa
speoically ttiades g elceted Aqpjes entatire D ompnee oy nta
ingtitutigr Ute ugie latust, goenmnt ard ydicy

limi totons y sustainable Duelepmunt irited auaiihitay

OCultuhal tloaal Base

oveALome tedinolagita isks - (a Ondstoling

OSoategs by MNC's to iski
tode to aves
Dhppót a isk bo
witl tiy itatieu
Word Bank: tlbition. income
Arancal Ins & mible
Dheenaticnal govtylow
’ the
grae to
To proyde loans
’ countrie. rtesnational Derelopmnt
collecti ve Name fo DED
’ socatlon]
[Zascsnaional Bark or
fundl at Brelton
with elonal
-’ Bablishd along with Ertes
cooods Conkence '

’ ts tis t loan was

’fou ’ To provide Loans bo deelopug
dbategy e inunad by buibairabe leelopnent bsale
Headauastens at Lsastbingto Dc,uSA.
’ Am To edue poverty
cümae Change
) clean Ais Tnitiatiwes

measus bos t ntesnatianal :

Houo does Envromenta o t e n Contrel

Accers:-ewionmenta Kegulatione- May cantie ha

their emronmenta
import etictiens n produets hat don't met
s tandad y inpleentbng pellution on brol measuaes buinesk1 can entw
their praducs meet thule stadasde k gai'n acecys bo neo matt.
Dhtainability Certijicatlone- Éo-label and leatticatlon for uban
produetien aae beeming incaeartgy iyotant Jer consu Conpanie
Hat can demons brat e tuy met tw emnonmutal tandard
Can gain a compitive edge b athact envhonmutlly cancic4
Resouce consevatln Poltutlen control maakse yten hvolre
w'ng o
resousCA mn eypienty Tis can dnclude hgy conunptlen,
minimizing oate e aa doon on hao natiale Tae
fiienie translate to lowes
poouct moe compettue u o
(pits ,
ternatlenally matingoJ
wate eductlen- Bltlen contl tnal ayeen fouses minimieiny waste
geneietuon This not only beneyis thu envionmut, but alto Save mony
n waste
disposal fees. Reduced watte Can alk o Sometme be coelteel
unto aypduct, rcatirg cdditloval verene tbcan

Braro Reputatlen i
foiti ve Lmage Conumers as
ineiatingly atoiatig tumsehe
Can erlhan a ponibte oard. Soang enironmn~al pacie
attaoting cuutomes wo valueputatlan in tu global maetplas
Reducad Risk - Eniemerte
nolatlone can ad to hofey tine,
Produotlan stoppages, and daaged band
pelution (onbol meatuae hetpr comyanis am
Snmoofae intesnatenal bade pehatlons teJask, rsui ng

manyactuhu that reduceu ais emiseiens turouglcen

Can expest vehicles to Lentrie with tnite palltion

tcotling compay that wses aiganie cottou and

an gain a
CUtyi atien that allous tum
cco-oieue masket. to sell i
Zeaand i alloe
Quota- Neo
Tasilt k Non lanif Basi: wp to 2,3bD tond
sheep andgoan
yeas to tue éy.

duty imposed on impotr &expat

Dt i of
a t k ad
2t pro teet domeu tic indus tn and alto enhane in
and alto in gfiiny ad
rever to tue Genent

Non -Tai! Ba9iel i

y goven munt poia, equlaten oz procede othertun
hau tlu inpact an Jtriting interatlonal bade
oveseas estment d a kasiey
lead bo eeonoic growtth &developmat
bNeces say bo seduee jmpestt >
) Damand affectol ytHailsuentuay aeducing
d) proteoto does tic Moket k(acal nluaties.

Tai Boasni ea Non- 7as Basslc

)Related to tare k dutiu. D Nob telated to bane
duty in
Change dh tte pria t inposte
preoliet. No changee te prica of imyoed
Prou ces:
3) Dan ot bring
goveih ment evenue
Ae ceurby-peepc.
5) Undtanding tast batias Non - tarl? basies ae
tinple commpleyo
Dbubject to daw and teme o 9ysedLat fi'ciale lvel
wod Trad eugan's atlen
They an shigid and leng-tcim DThuy

) g- utome bo Dutley Gusta Aystem, Psoduct ltandard

buduct abeling fackaging
Rqwement Rnese ontin
Amalyeis - Cartin,Tan
Characteáistie Riical Sbatery,
Need k -torenment hliis,
A'tl al ao ebc naragment e
foli y, Labeus
monctaay rate, et
- 2e mians enploymint
’ Economic peliy,
Monetaay etc
ifesbyle tbends, levelaf inatlon,
Social -
zmprovement in ealnelesy,
’ 7eehe lagial- Tealnalegcal linate,
analyee tu
At uompany peliil, gete
Enuivonmutal -envionmenta
protetion lau,
Csaal- Diciminathove lao,eg
Lopysiglt k fetentr

exAernal focel
eSTLE Analyis- peelsien making
Ned tor Poactue
3 Miize PpoEnitles.

’ sbategic Planning
ous en ereAno
Charactistes D
DBroad ramewok.
Dualitative avayis

bandard Sxpost Priing onteyy- The ay elemnt ancd asesing yout

maskit jeceirs, prauct velated ats, maskut demand dionetea
Pro tectinism wth reroe ct
nteANatiena buincK
sm tojehi to
govenment pelicies tht eutnict
bt a pcli y sluied olo meutic nteanatial
Heir eeonoy tuot wsed by ndubnits
oy ceutnel to ty otrom oheign competiton
bo0s t catasn
- Prote etio nsm
testntion uwohes any atempt by a cowntny to npose
- Cinds a<
rotecteugm - tauo
DEmpoht Gnotas
) Govesnmnt ugislatElor Rgwaton .

Adnantages for Dorstic Butineae- D eliea fron

Corouotla lompetiten
3) telalo Radud
4) Higls prces r conguhe.

Brpact en Dutenata bin- Dchalengei

a) Maatt acel%

Duesal Dmpaet DRedued 'ieny

Trade wars.
3) imitd onhuw dhoia.
Baton u Dutenatlava
Vasias modu ofas ety tor cagptsc

Déxpanting Rimpostng

icensiny franchiking
4) tot ventusu
whoy one tubsidianis

enty t sgnisatien n Btesnatol

Po cess af variau medes
Pnini 4) fint evtisesi
Export Dnd a localpatn.
DNegotlat nt evtue
DMastet Reseaseh
fd ntenatienal Buy 3cuas cpmmnicatlone
9 hogistlex bocmrtatlen.

Magment k baling
DDevelop icening agrement:
Dnd a lcunee -
Srgpi cammuniatlen &apaiy
cevelop franelise modd
eonit paneie
countny-Rsk Amalysns- Ryes to the uncertircty dssociated with
a paotcula county Thu uncetai nty cowld laod tro Losses ,
TWs uncettainty Can come fom any umoea of actr ineldingpolitial,
conomie, erlhange rak chnges, ttdogia clanges ena eimn
tau cunbis
(awntry is h efes to the degree to wshidh pal'bl ca e economic
unst eet te secuities
oloig business in a patiubs
County sk reprs to tthe economis, politi cal and tusiness isks that are
wwque to a spe oific county, and Hhat igh vesult wnerpect invstrnnt

"ypes y makee
Laye, matndutilesd
- elyd momarket eeoonies

bue preiLeL imgig Maskik.-geneay smalls han bod tionel

<) Fent

ennging makate

Ventical lntegration - Dt u astratcy that alous

Sbeanlins it
Produs by tating di'vect eonehip comgay

Stages ay itt pycess t s than eling ertenal

fotental beneyits f backuwad vetica inteqraton: )loe Lost
b) Bate qa'y
Peduct difientlata

anw bwis oS 6, qual'ty an othes

benejets may not happw
Bactward ntegratien: + cenpay that checes bachu and
lntegration mores te aonelip contre t pductr oa
Pont eaia ntu aue chain ee the rdCter
forward vettical ntegratlon
expavoling into eail.
Cxamale - Brandeol consumegsodd coryaniea
Bengits - ) ncrcase prept agh
toms egpevenee
5) lontol onel
Developmnt neuo kile tue bu&inus
gains cantel e nttu vane
tthat a e uain
Scampi af Backwad Dutearatien
Evampu fiuad Tutsgratlen - ArE

Aduantags VI - ReLiaeility. and

d)) owe pris for Censny

biuadrantage ap VL - Hiyl cost

BManagcment byfiltit

) Redued ferkity

Lntenatienad fnence Caperatlen- L s an intenatlenel

Semces to encouaase prirate sectrs

Corts. i deelopment n

Kuy ane to 'ms uch as
ndalteel wak
i vate s ctoo am y tte ld Bonk
Establsd in |4s6 as t e
Greup to adang ccenomie duelopment by ciwesting nstnictly
jor preie and commilial po<kcts that usoit
ttat puopoit to vedee
promoe derelgmnt
coporatien ohose slaeheldeu a Memoer goveanments
viget bo ote n
that provde pald -in capitd and olich have tu

Relu l funetlenei- ) to incnase sultai nat agiltue ppotuvn

Inpe healttease l edueatlon
) Duenase teees to inanca'ng dor micofnance
) pdvae naetuctue

) Ewey t in nmate hialtt.

debt k equity nandny

Admises govermenu on bulding intahuotue and poutnelige to
aths ppot prvate seto derelopmt

to valu (Aals Taa)

-An ad valeaom ta a Ga aed a t e aseced

Bueh as heal exate e value of an'nte
peayanal pqerty
vasiaus ndusbies
plae to arothe Pt can inpaet
heata cane, educatan aentortainmunt
tor eg - Telemadicine juu a type of tedlnolayy diuton n
patients Semotey
htine eaning pea tforms da cdneatlen
techolagy diyuien

TBRD Dternatienal Bauk fer Reeonstnutlen o Duvelopment

fomned n lq44
- main tayk o nstttien to provide Loans,qrtsfo redtt
~wonds aper dsmeleprnen bank
Pyo vidl Lca, guatanbees k adnemy tviss

pirodnets to middeinonme and
cQuntries law o me
Middle - income ceuntnee
Shapreyent mere tthan G6/.
fuding embu
fust project beig wndetaken fs in Raiay.
-TPRD y a tundingh Zuda
B) oba Oigansatlan
OTntenatienal oganisaton.

MNC - froductien, lalu, aud masketwg ae decentrali zed and

fnanal Moagnn erains tu pasent ampny's

is nvestment compay o an indi idval

made by a Company
cownty into businsu intests lacated in anotley counoy. tt i!
snpestont divet enomie gaut
Any wne tmnt trom ndindual e tirm tat i loCabedin
foreign county into a Coty 4 Called forciga eet iebmunt

Genusty fOC u ohen a

contoing stake in te hu a a compay
cOmpany in a on
git tof peacentoge
n Cahtein oddnga andproduet a
tof tu pnicing aprickg
a JMask-up
Eticalstandasde Alleaene
to 9
Beetles Mauagemeut Bct
Managent, yective
Distrbuten e bstainable
wlaltl. e blevepment
Seaktholdeu. al g oinipsY
Grenana i
guverane cohporase Gred -
bldcempaniu hees
tu uth tust rafitabiliy wnatt it and
ompy's ceapeiate Bad -
on cast can gvenn Q
prinaple baie hu -
goveinena lesperate y
puati. pany com
and us m
hat practcos agpins, cubenen, a
deteimine govenmt
angnnt egulatot
stakelhell, compay's
inslwding enompaty ten The
e, intenal ttu
b eglated
fats eatenas contred.
e combualon The
processes ulls, f inoay Th
by es entcapriset wich
buineseeg oich ase
ae centrllud
Stwtai it is a
tlu paati ulat lewby

Urifcaten s wotd Eononiea i

econeic qrovota
Reduud oveity

indsaniagu - Dlocie- folitioal

nationa contal.
3 Lupet s eeenomies

Btandosalsatleo challwnge.

Thu Eu ha Creabeol a ding la

createo mahkt wth
moket wtt Q caMnor

Strategic AWlance - 4 is an agement betoeen tuoo oa merepastics

topsue of agd pen obicties needed clile rmainng
ingerdet oyaicatiene Asoraegic alan c will wsway al

mee t a u tuo
Mergeh - Th mages means tu
-Tu mutna deicn
compaule voluntasily to form company
corpani es goug tuougl meg fnuakian Aieivnekbr
sben oukins wt itt witial
eg- dea krodate bsand-s-b'eny.
maket han &etabiSh
pie veng Loo to gain
MNC - Ay enteprnse wwh operatee n mone than
e r a n as multinatleal otng eompany. Reodzastey
MNc's a lacated n ee aud t caseg bubinees n
Gthea contnes
lt is alto coon as
A ultiratiene copartion
Aee. to Nl
manaycs bjhnees in too or moe cotee.
featus MNU hahaceaistls y MNCs
Cia nt sie k huye Capitad Ruouesi
2) Centalsed contel DAdvantagee MNCk
Advanad talnelagyi Bloitatlon af local oses
9 Expan sien ey Mankut tar toay Plonopey pewwe
) xptoettlin ef conumes
igaplistc Natuae Qutdabed techolog
foleleal nteeene
Product Dnevatleu:
Marktn4 stategid i
Green eld bevelapmant- bated fem ged
Adiranbagu 4 MNCE


Delp to damutic indusbne

ficny statesy ed by utineses
irilu. Poduct

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