Temperature Block T650 M
Temperature Block T650 M
Temperature Block T650 M
DESCRIPT/ON Temperature calibrator FRACTlONAL D/VISION
SERIAL N° K030 10
. -. . . - ~ _ ..-. . - ~ .- -
La preva é stata eseguit? a temperatura ambiente / The test ;s "Carried out at ambient temperature
Verifica dello scostamento tra il valore indicato dal display ed il campione di riferimento con verifica della stabilitá in quattro punti del
campo operativo.
Verification of the instrument between the value indicated by the display and the one indicated by the standard and verification of
the stability at tour points of the range.
Microcal T650M
DryBlock Temperature Calibrator
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Microcal T650M series
Users Manual
Probe Positioning 7
Command List 10
Calibration Type 13
Temperature Controller 18
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Microcal T650M series
Users Manual
Electrical and electronic equipments with this symbol can not be thrown away in public dump
sites . According to the EU directive 2002/96/EC, the European users of electrical and .
electronic equipment have the opportunity to return to the distributor or manufacturer used
equipment purchasing a new equipment. The illegal disposal of electrical and electronic
equipments is punished by pecuniary administrative sanction.
In this manual: where not specified, the numbers in parentheses make reference to the annexed
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Microcal T6S0M series
Users Manual
This manual contains the use and maintenance instructions val id for the following equipment:
Portable Temperature Calibrator model: MICROCAL T650M
The instructions reported in this manual, for the above-mentioned equipment, are those relevant to:
• Start-up preparation
• Operation description
• Using of the equipment
• Re-calibration procedure
• Preventive maintenance
• Typical faults and their remedies
Users must observe al! the usual safety rules out in this manual for own security and to avoid equipment
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Microcal T650M series
Users Manual
1 - Name:
2 - Technical data:
NOTE: The data marked with ** has been recorded at an ambient temperature of 20 0 C±3, power
supply 230V±10%, with PUOO 04.5mm inserted in the block.
The technical dates are valid one year after the emission of the test report; after this period
proceed to calibration of the overo
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Microcal T650M series
Users Manual
3 - Porpuse:
The portable temperature calibrator MICROCAL T650M has been designed for:
Control and calibration of temperature sensors, in the laboratory, on board and in the field, in
conformity with ISO 9000 standard.
Calibration of thermostats with light indication when electric contact clase.
• Thermal test on materials.
The calibrator has been designed to reduce the EMC effect in accordance with the harmonised regulation
for residential, commercial, light industry and heavy industry.
4 - Quantity:
• 1 piece.
5- Manufacturer:
for Eurotron Instruments UK Itd
Unit 8 the Centre, Holywell Business Park
Northfield Road, 50utham, CV47 OFP
T:+44 (O) 1926810472
www.eurotronuk .com
sales@eu ro t ron uk .com
6 - Data sheet:
• MicroCal T650 M
• Certification: al! the instruments are supplied with final testing, stability and accuracy certificatian
traceable to 5IT standards .
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Microcal T650M series
Users Manual
The configuration of the instrument is protected by a password and by the protection codeo To accede at
the configuration parameters reset the password & the protection code: contact our technical office.
Don't change these parameters to avoid malfunction or breaking of the calibrator with risks of serious
personal injury.
- -
~~ §~
> 8 .5 CA LIBRATl ON
Fig .1 Fig.2 Fig .3
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Microcal T650M series
Users Manual
- Advises:
• The time the pro bes takes to reach the Set point is much more higher as the difference in diameter
from the probes and the holes is bigger.
• Do not insert the probe when the instrument has already reached the set temperature; thermal shock
causes instability and breakage of the sensitive element.
• For the calibration of temperature transducer with special execution, call our technical office and ask
for equaliser block with special drillings .
Due to the fact that the calibrator is a portable instrument to be used in the field, it is very
important to ensure that the socket has been earthen correctly when connecting it to the
electricity supply .
Carry out the maintenance and repair operation only with the equipment at ambient
temperature and disconnect the electrical cable.
• Ouring the use of the calibrator, the upper protection grid may overheat.
& •
Don 't touch the probe to calibrate when it's in the block.
After using wait for the stabilisation at ambient temperature before returning the calibrator to
its carrying case. Don't switch off the calibrator when it works at high temperature beca use
the protection grid and the carpentry may overheat.
The eguipment adopt the following devices to protect operation from hazard:
• The Temperature Controller recognizes an eventual break of the temperature sensor (9) and
disconnect the heating.
• Max. temperature safety thermostat (11) to disconnect the heating system .
Protection grid to avoid any contact with the internal oven.
• Protection fuses (3)
• Ground conductor.
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Microcal T650M series
Users Manual
Remove the calibrator from the packaging and place it on a flat surface.
Make sure that the instrument has been correctly earthen.
Supply the oven with line 230V, 50Hz (3,15A) or 115 V (6,3A) + earth.
Before start the calibration read with attention the instruction manual, specially the paragraph
3: - General recommendation -.
5.1 - Installation
The calibrator is equipped with packaging suitable for transport and traditional shipping systems. Any
damage caused during transport must be notified immediately to the carrier and a claim must be made.
Position the calibrator in a safe clean place; leave enough space around the calibrator to allow the air to
circulate well.
**DANGER: The calibrator is suitable for operating at high temperatures with the consequent danger of
fire. Keep it away from any type of inflammable materials and never put any type of
liquid inside the block (reference to paragraph 4).
*WARNING: To avoid any smell in the room it is better to switch on the calibrator outside the room
for the first time
A 2.Smt. cable is supplied with the calibrator fitted with 2 conductors plus earth (lmm 2 ). Make
...... sure that the plant is earthen correctly befare switching the instrument on.
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Microcal T650M series
Users Manual
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Microcal T650M series
Users Manual
The MICROCAL T650M calibrator consist of a metal dry well with one hole of 26x 150mm into which, the
inserts available for almost any sensor size to be ca/ibrated, are inserted.
A heater element heats the block and an electronic /-lcontro/ler with static relay output checks and
regulates the temperature.
A fan mounted in the central side generates a constant airflow that reduces the temperature of the case.
The Temperature Control/er (6) is a PID microprocessor, which can be set from O to 650°C. The display
indicates the temperature and the Set point (ref to item 10.1).
• DISPLAY: indication of the temperature measured inside the block, set point selected and setting
parameters .
........ KEY: used to increment (decrement) any numerical parameter. The increment (decrement) speed
is proportional to the time the key remains depressed.
• P KEY: al/ow access to the various parameters (repeatedly press), access to the various phases of
configuration .
The main switch (2) is on the rear of the instrument; it is fitted with a socket for the voltage cable, a
main switch and two fuses as for the fol/owing table:
Note: use only fuses F. 5x20mm. AII the electrical part is found below the main switch.
The resistance is stainless steel made; the max. power is 600W. and it can reach temperatures
approaching 650°C.
Bear in mind, however, that constant use at extreme temperatures reduces the life of the resistance
itself. Limit the number of hours at which the resistance is used at maximum temperatures to the time
required by the calibrator in order to prolong the life of the resistance.
The metal equalising block has an hole of 26mm where introduce the inserts far almost any sensor size.
The function of this block is to make uniform the temperature on calibration zone.
If you want to fit the calibrator with an insert with different holes we recommend to read the item 3. This
wil/ avoid any unfortunate problems, which might arise if the wrong tolerances are used
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Microcal T6S0M series
Users Manual
6.2.6 - Temperature sensors
The temperature sensor used for the reading and thermoregulation is a Thermocouple probe; the probe ís
inserted directly into the equalising block so as to supply a temperature value close to the real value in
the block.
The calibrator is supplied with a max. temperature safety thermostat with manual reset (11) that
disconnect the heating system.
In case the thermostat intervenes:
O Waiting the cooling of calibrator : the temperature must decrease at least 60+80 0 C respect to
ma ximum set point (standard position).
O Switch off the calibrator then switch on again a few second later on.
O If the problem pers ists: disconnect the electrical cable to the oven and proceeding to repaír of
eventual faults (reference to paragraph 4). Consulting chapter 9 - typical faults - for any
problems on the thermostat.
N. B: the thermostat mounted on standard ovens has been calibrated in factory to intervene at
665°C± 10°C.
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Microcal T650M series
Users Manual
6.3 - Start-up instructions
• The calibrator can only be used correctly if the user has a good knowledge of its basics.
• Befare starting with the calibration following the installation procedures (paragraph 5); read the
instruction on paragraph 3 & 4.
To calibrate the probe it is possible to follow two ways: calibration with internal indicator (6), or
calibration with external reference.
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Microcal T6S0M series
Users Manual
Before any calibration follow the general recommendation:
• Switch on the calibration with the main switch (2); waiting for the end of self-test procedure.
• Put the probe to check into the equaliser block: reference to chapter 3 . (fig 1-2-3).
Set the required temperature value on the Temperature Controller (reference to paragraph 10.1):
O Push on P again .
• If the temperature is lower then the Set Point the two red leds are on.
• Wait for the stabilisation of the oven before start with the calibration.
• For different calibration point, regulate the set point at the new temperature and wait for the
sta bi Iisation.
• The temperature indicated by the display must not be considered as a reference temperature but only
as a general indication of the temperature inside the block.
We suggest to insert one primary standard with SIT certificate in the block; compare the measure with
the values indicated by the standard. Don't ever use the primary standard: it's possible to calibrate
the instrument to more significant points, comparing the displayed temperature with that temperature
of standard.
• At the end of the calibration DO NOT remove the probe if it is still at high temperature.
Always allow the calibrator to cool off with the probe still inserted in order to avoid thermal
shock to the probe itself and harm to people or things.
• Before returning the calibrator to its case make sure that the temperature of the
block is almost the same as ambient temperature.
- Cooling
To reduce the oven's temperature, change the set point and wait for the natural cooling.
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Microcal T6S0M series
Users Manual
6.4 - Use of the function
- Switch test
You can test the operating point of the thermostats by the 'SWITCH TEST' function (4).
• Put the thermostat in the most suitable hole of the block (see the note in paragraph 3).
• Connect the terminals of the thermostat to the socket (4).
• Switch on the calibrator.
• Set the test temperature S% lower to the operating temperature of the thermostat then increase the
Set Point one or two oC each time in order to switch Off/on the thermostat, the lamp (S) will come on
or Off when the thermostat electric contact works.
• Set the test temperature lower to the operating temperature + the differential of the thermostat, the
lamp (5) will come Off/on when the thermostat electric contact works.
• Press and hold the "P" button for about 2 seconds to open the main menu. The arrows allow you
to scroll through.
• Select "ConF" then press the "P" button. "O" appears on the display. Enter the number '381' using
the arrows and press the "P" button again (if the password is entered correctly, the code is
displayed that identifies the first set of parameters ("]SP"); if not, the instrument returns to the
condition it was in previously).
• Use the arrows to find the "lrEG" set of parameters. Select this and press "P".
Select "SLor". To obtain a variation of 0.1 oC Der minute, configure the parameter SLor=O.1.
Save by pressing "P" and wait; in about 20/30" the instrument automatically returns to the main
page indicating the temperature. TH1S RAMP 15 NOW CONF1GURED FOR ALL THE SETPOINTS.
• If you wish to disable this ramp, repeat this procedure from the start to re-access configuration of
the SLor parameter. Access this and then press the UP arrow; immediately after the value
Slor=99.99 is the "1nF" value (ramp disabled). Select it and press "P" to confirmo Wait for a few
seconds to return automatically to the initial page.
6 .5 - Re-calibration methods
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Microcal T650M series
Users Manual
• Not applicable
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Microcal T650M series
Users Manual
Before carrying out these operations the instrument must be disconnect from the electricity supply
and the equaliser block must be at ambient temperature.
1 The calibrator does not work - The fuse (3) is cut off. - Replace the fuses.
when the power cable is - The power cable is cut off. - Replace the power cable with a
connected and the main similar one.
switch is turned on. - The main switch is faulty . - Replace the cup socket (1-3)
3 The control panel is working - The static relay (10) is faulty. - Replace the static relay.
properly but the temperature
does not increase. - The safety thermostat (11) - Wait the cooling; the
has been triggered. temperature must decrease at
least 60-;.-SO°C and switch off to
reset the alarm
Ref 6.2 .6 .
- The thermo-regular is faulty
- Replace the thermo-regulator.
4 The display indicates a - The probe (9) is faulty . - Replace the probe.
different temperature from
the one measured in the
5 The temperature does not - The static relay (10) is faulty. - Replace the static relay .
stop at the value of the
point, which has been set.
6 The temperature does not - The thermo-regu lator (6) is - Replace the thermo-regulator.
decrease to the set value as faulty .
quickly as it should. - The cool ing fan (7) is fau Ity . - Replace the fancoi!.
7 The display indicates '-ErEP' - Eprom faulty - Push the P button of the
Temperature Controller
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Users Manual
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Microcal T6S0M series
Users Manual
12 RESISTOR 3D2906
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Microcal T650M series
Users Manual
"Declaration of conformity"
and that it has been designed in accordance with the following harmonized regulation:
EN 50081-1 light industrial emission .
• EN 50082-1 industry immunity .
• EN 6101-1 safety requirements for electrical equipment
The conformity with the above-mentioned requirements is certified by affixing the CE Mark on the
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Microcal T650M series
Users Manual
Limited Warranty
Eurotron product are free from defect in material for one year from the date of purchase. This warranty
do not cover fuses or damage from accident, neglect or mísuse or non correct condítíons of operatíon or
handling. For obtaining service during the warranty períod I please send the your defective product to
our nearest authorised service Centre or direct to uso The warranty ís your only remedy, No other
warranties such as fítness for purpose are ímplied. Eurotron Instruments UK Itd are nor liable for any
specíal, índírect, incidental or consquential damages or losses arasíng from any cause or theory
For any technical support, ordeíng accessoríes or assistance please contact your nearest servíce agent or
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