CTL SS4500 Om Ocr
CTL SS4500 Om Ocr
CTL SS4500 Om Ocr
Contents Page
Electrical Ratings:
Description..............0::005 2
Input Voltage ......... 90 to 250 VAC, 50 or 60 Hz
Conduit Entry Mod............ 3 Current Consumption ..... 50 mA at 115 VAC (less load)
Mounting & Wimrng.....4 - 7 25 mA at 230 VAC (less load)
Set Up Mode............... 7-9 Pump Output Rating ...... 5 Amps (90 to 250 VAC)
Safety Panel...........0..000. 10 Line A Output Rating ..... 5 Amps (90 to 250 VAC)
Line B Output Rating ..... 5 Amps (90 to 250 VAC)
Definitions of Terms......11,12
Switch Input Rating ...... 12 VDC at 25mA (nominal)
Sensor Input Rating ...... 12 VDC at 250 mA (max.)
Use: 10 to 30 VDC, NPN, NO
Proximity Switch for Sensor Inputs
Environmental Ratings:
Enclosure Rating ........ NEMA 4X, 12, 13
(IEC 529, IP 66)
It is the responsibility of the Ambient Temp. Range... .. -10 to 55°C (14 to 131°F)
owner/operator of the SS4500
Storage Temp. Range Lean -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)
and the associated lubrication
Vibration (3 axis) Leen 2 G's at resonant
equipment to properly use and
maintain this equipment.
It is the owner/operators Operational Parameters:
responsibility to read and Idle Time Range ......... 1] second to 100 Days
understand this Service Machine Cycle Counts .... 1 to 999,000 Counts
Instruction and any other
(30 counts/second at
materials provided by Farval
50% duty cycle)
related to the lubrication
system prior to utilizing the Watchdog Timer ......... I] second to 60 minutes
SS4500. It is the responsibility Monitor Time ........... 1 second to 24 hours
of the owner/operator to Timing Accuracy ........ 01% (crystal controlled)
follow the instructions Cycle CountsOn ........ 1 to 99 Counts
provided in this manual and to Over Counts ............ 0 to 9
follow any warning and caution
instructions provided in this
manual or on the SS4500 and Physical Characteristics:
associated lubrication Net Weight .............
equipment. Length x Width x Height .. . 10.5" x 9" x 6.5"
worldwide website: http://www.farval.com
e-mail: farval@icomnet.com LubeSite®
SS4500 Description
The $S4500 Multi-Function Controller/Monitor is designed to operate, control and monitor a variety of
lubrications systems. The SS4500 has programs for controlling all types of Dual Line systems including
systems having either an Electric or Hydraulic reversing valve. The SS4500 has programs for controlling
Single Line systems, which have either Injector or Divider type components. The controller operating
mode is programmed by the customer in the controller’s Set Up Mode, where the controller prompts
several questions about the customer’s lubrication system and the customer tailors the SS4500’s
operating mode by entering data relating to the lubrication system they have designed.
The $S4500 indicates the controller’s operating mode and the lubrication system’s status with a 2 x 14
character Liquid Crystal Display and three high intensity, over-sized LEDs. At a distance the customer
can determine the controller’s operating mode and the lubrication system’s status from the LEDs. If more
detailed information is required a quick glance at the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) will provide the
customer with all the necessary information concerning the SS4500’s operating mode and the lubrication
system’s status. Two fault relays are provided to alert the customer to a controller/lubrication system
fault condition (problem) or loss of power to the SS4500. Two relays are provided so that a customer
can connect the contacts of one relay to an AC device such as a warning light or horn and the contacts of
the other relay can be used to signal a DC device such as a PLC or other
computerized machine control which normally utilize 24 VDC signals.
The SS4500’s Nema 4X enclosure is constructed of molded polyester fiberglass and is chemical and
temperature resistant and is water tight to dripping and sprayed water. The SS4500’s status LEDs and
LCD can be viewed thru the iarge, scratch resistant, Lexan window located on the controller door. A
manual lube cycle can be initiated without opening the enclosure by pressing the Manual/Reset Push
Button located on the right side of the enclosure adjacent to the LCD and status LEDs. Faults detected
by the SS4500 may be reset in the same manner. The $S4500’s programmed operating mode and the
parameters selected in the Set Up Mode may also be reviewed without opening the enclosure by using
the Program Review Push Button located just below the Manual/Reset Button on the side of the
enclosure. By pressing and holding the Program Review Button until the SS4500’s display indicates
Program Review Mode, then repeatedly pressing the Program Review Button the customer can step thru
each selection and entry made in the Set Up Mode and determine if the controller’s Set Up 1s correct or
needs to be changed.
The $S4500’s enclosure features a hinged cover with two quick release latches for easy access to the
controller's Key Pad. For security reasons the quick release latches provide a small knock out which
could be used to allow the latch to be pad locked, preventing unauthorized tampering with the
controller’s operating set up.
Page 2
SS4500 Basic Cable/Conduit Entry Modifications
Before the SS4500’s operation can be programmed in the Set Up Mode some simple steps must be taken.
First provisions must be made for making electrical wiring connections to the SS4500. There are two
methods by which this may be performed. One method is to leave the circuit board mounted in the
enclosure and taking note of the boards position (approximately 4 inches from the back of the enclosure)
mark a line 2 inches from the back of the controller on the bottom side of the enclosure along a line
horizontal with he back of the SS4500.
Before drilling thru holes in the enclosure make certain to put on safety glasses and an approved dust
mask to avoid an eye injury or inhaling fiberglass particles created from drilling thru holes in the
enclosure. Drill thru holes of the appropriate size for mounting conduit or liquid tight fittings. Locate the
power entry hole for power connections approximately 1.5 inches from the left side of the enclosure, with
additional entry holes for the various output connections spaced evenly along the same horizontal line.
Electrical connections that will be made thru the base of the enclosure (if applicable) are: the power
connections L1, L2 and Ground; the output connections Lube Pump, Line A (Spray) and Line B; the
Fault Relay contacts for Fault Relay 1 and Fault Relay 2. The same procedure may be followed for
making thru holes for the input sensors/switches and for electrical connections to a remote LED Indicator
Board if applicable. It is important to note that any holes made in the enclosure may lessen the watertight
integrity of the enclosure, so it is important to use liquid tight type connections and install them correctly
After drilling thru holes for all the required electrical connections remove the fiberglass shavings by
opening the enclosure door, turning the controller face down and shaking out the shavings.
The second and prescribed method of making thru holes in the $$4500’s enclosure, is to remove the
$S4500’s controller circuit board and place the circuit board in an Anti-Static Bag for protection of the
controller’s electronic circuitry. Before removing the $S4500’s controller circuit board put on an
electrostatic dissipative wrist strap and connect to ground. This is to prevent any electrostatic damage to
the SS4500 electronic circuitry. Next remove the circuit board by using a Phillips head screwdriver to
remove the (4) screws that hold the circuit board in position. For making the thru holes in the enclosure
follow the directions listed in the previous paragraph. The Safety Panel may be used as a quick reference
for locating the thru holes in appropriate locations. After all the thru holes have been drilled in the
enclosure, turn the enclosure face down and shake out the fiber glass shavings, use a
damp cloth to remove any remaining fiberglass shavings or dust. At this time, it is a good idea to mount
the SS4500’s enclosure in the appropriate position for the application. It is easier to make the necessary
conduit/cable connections with the controller circuit board out of the enclosure.
! Poy a a
2 inches eet TT
Page 3
SS4500 Installation Steps (Mounting and Wiring)
To mount the $S4500’s enclosure in position, use four mounting screws or bolts placed thru the
enclosure mounting feet. It is important to use a washer or fender washer to spread the load evenly over
the mounting feet of the enclosure. The largest mounting screw or bolt to be used with the mounting feet
would be a 1/4 inch in diameter.
Side View
After the enclosure is mounted securely in place, connect the required electrical cables or conduit. Pull
the individual wires out of the front of the enclosure so they are easily accessible for cutting to length and
connecting to the appropriate terminals once the controller circuit board is mounted in the enclosure. At
the time of installing the electrical cables or conduit each wire should be tagged with a label indicating to
what device it is connected. This should help to prevent any accidental miss wiring of the SS4500 when it
is time to connect the electrical wires to the appropriate terminals.
Before replacing the circuit board put on an electrostatic dissipative wrist strap and connect to ground as
instructed by the manufacturer of the wrist strap. Remove the circuit board from the Anti-Static bag and
mount to the metal stand offs in the electrical enclosure using the four Phillips head mounting screws.
If the SS4500 is being installed in a high vibration environment use some Removable Thread Locking
Compound on the threads of the 4 circuit board mounting screws. Next make the electrical power
connections to the $S4500.
Insuring that the power to the electrical wires L1 and L2 is disconnected, tagged and locked out, make
the basic power connections. First connect the ground wire to terminal | (labeled “Ground”). Prior to
connecting the AC power wires (L1 and L2) isolate the two wires and have the power reconnected. Then
using a multi-meter or other voltage measuring device verify the Line Voltage supplied for the SS4500
measures between 90 and 250 VAC, 50 or 60 Hz. Again have the power to the electrical wires
disconnected, tagged and locked out. If the voltage measured was within the specified operating voltage
of 90 to 250 VAC then proceed to connect L2 to terminal 2 and L1 to terminal 3. Terminal 4 is not used.
Page 4
SS4500 Installation Steps (Wiring Connections)
If the voltage across wires L1 and L2 is not within the specified operating voltage of the
controller: stop, disconnect, tag and lock out the power and have an electrician or other certified
maintenance person determine why L! and L2 are not within the specified controller operating voltage.
Note that the SS4500 uses an isolation transformer and fuses both legs of power therefore it is not critical
whether neutral is connected to L2 or L1. However proper wiring principles should be followed and for
circuits that have a neutral wire the neutral wire should be connected to L2 (terminal 2). The live or hot
wire should be connected to L1 (terminal 3).
Once wiring ground and power to the SS4500 is completed insure all other wires and cables are
connected to the appropriate terminals within the controller. Wiring connections for the various systems
the SS4500 can control are:
3. Connect the Common (COM) and the Normally Open (NO) or Normally Closed (NC) of the fault
relays, Fault 2 or Fault 1 as required. During normal operation the Normally Open and Common
contacts will be closed. In event that power is lost or the SS4500 detects a Lube System Fault the
fault relays will de-energize, opening the circuit between the Normally Open and Common Contacts.
4. Connect terminals 21 and 22 (Volume Sensor A input) to the Volume Sensing Switch (Pressure
Switch) at the Hydraulic Reversing Valve. Terminal 22 is connected to the switch common and
terminal 21 is connected to either the normally open or normally closed contacts of the switch.
5. Terminal 20 of the Volume Sensor A input is not connected. Terminals 23, 24 and 25 of the Volume
Sensor B input are not connected.
6. Ifthe Idle Mode of the SS4500 is to be controlled by time then no connections should be made to
terminals 17, 18 and 19. Proceed to step 7. If machine counts are used to control the Idle Mode of
the SS4500, connect terminals 17, 18, and 19 of the Machine Cycle Input. For a simple machine
cycle switch connect terminals 18 & 19 to the switch, one wire to the common contact and one wire
to either the normally open or the normally closed contact of the switch. If an inductive or capacitive
proximity switch is to be used as the Machine Cycle Switch then use a 10 to 30 VDC, NPN,
Normally Open proximity switch. Connect the power connection of the proximity switch to terminal
17 (+12 VDC); connect the signal/load connection of the proximity switch to terminal 18 and connect
the ground (-) connection of the proximity switch to terminal 19.
7. Ifthe Lubricator Reservoir includes a low level switch connect the common contact to terminal 28
and the normally open contact to terminal 27. The low level switch must close
when the reservoir is empty and be open when the level is still satisfactory. Any time the Low Level
Inputs are closed the controller will indicate a low level fault. If a proximity switch is to be used for
low level detection a 10 to 30 VDC, NPN, proximity switch should be used. The switch must close
on low level. Connect the wires of the proximity switch: terminal 26 to the power connection (+ 12
VDC), terminal 27 to the signal/load wire of the proximity switch and terminal 28 to the ground (-)
wire of the proximity switch.
Page 5
SS4500 Installation Steps (Wiring Connections)
Terminals 29 and 30 are for monitoring air pressure. If an air line is used then the connections can be
made to a pressure switch which closes when air pressure is lost or abnormally low. If the air pressure
is O.K the switch should be open. Terminal 29 will connect to one side of the pressure switch
contacts and terminal 30 to the other side. The SS4500 as currently programmed continuously
monitors the Low Pressure input for a switch closure, during both the idle period and the lube period,
therefore the Low Pressure input should be used to monitor supply air only and should be connected
before the air solenoid and not after the air solenoid.
Terminals 31 and 32 are for monitoring an over pressure condition in the lube system. Connections
should be made to a switch which is open during normal conditions and closes whenever an over
pressure condition exists. Terminal 31 should connect to one side of the switch and terminal 32
should connect to the other side of the switch.
10. Terminals 33 and 34 are for monitoring a Lube System Standby request. If the input connections to
the Standby input are closed the S$4500 will go into Standby Mode. The switch used for the Standby
input should be open under normal operating conditions and closed when the SS4500 ts in the
Standby Mode. ;
11. The Last four terminals 35.36.37 and 38 are connection to remote LEDs. Over-sized LEDs like the
LEDs used to indicate Normal, Cycle In Progress and Fault on the SS4500 may be located in a
remote location convenient for viewing by the customer. Each remote LED must have the cathode of
the LED connected to the terminal of the appropriate color. The red LED will connect to terminal 35,
the yellow LED to terminal 36 and the green LED to terminal 37. The anode of each LED must
connect to terminal 38. With the remotely located LEDs connected in this manner they will indicate
Lube System status exactly as the LEDs on the SS4500. Note that the current limiting resistors are
contained on the $$4500 circuit board, so only LEDs without current limiting resistor can be used. A
680 © current limiting resistor is used for each LED and a +12 VDC supply ts provided. The LEDs
used as remote indicators can not require more than 20 mA each to operate.
12. An RS-232 serial communications port is provided but is reserved for future use.
Connect terminals 21 and 22 of the Volume Sensor A input to the End of Line pressure switch for
Line A. Terminal 20 is not used in this application.
Connect terminals 24 and 25 of the Volume Sensor B input to the End of Line pressure switch for
Line B. Terminal 23 is not used in this application.
For the remaining electrical connections refer to steps 2 and 6 thru 12 of the Dual Line System
w/Hydraulic Reversing Valve wiring instructions. (Page 5)
Page 6
SS4500 Wiring Connections & Set Up Mode
Single Line System w/Injectors:
1. Connect terminals 9 & 10 (Lube Pump) to the air solenoid that will operate the Lube Pump or the
electric motor of the Lube Pump.
Connect terminals 7 & 8 (Line A/Spray) to the air Spray solenoid valve if applicable.
Connect terminals 21, 22 of Vol. Sensor A input to lube supply line press. switch. (MANDATORY)
Terminal 20 is not used for this application.
For the remaining electrical connections follow steps 2 and 6 thru 12 of the Dual Line System with
Hydraulic Reversing Valve wiring instructions. (See Page 5)
Connect terminals 21 and 22 of the Volume Sensor A input to the Cycle Switch located on the
divider block (MANDATORY) Connect terminal 21 to the common contact and terminal 22 to
either the normally open or the normally closed contact of the Cycle Switch Ifa proximity switch is
to be used for the Volume Sensing Switch the SS4500 requires that a 10 to 30 VDC, NPN, Normally
Open type proximity switch be used. Connect terminal 20 (+12 VDC) to the power lead of the
proximity switch. Connect terminal 21 to the Signal/Load lead of the of the proximity switch and
connect terminal 22 to the ground (-) lead of the proximity switch.
For the remaining electrical connections follow steps 2 and 6 thru 12 of the Dual Line System with
Hydraulic Reversing Valve wiring instructions.
Set Up Mode:
After completing the wiring connections turn power to the SS4500 on. If the controller displays a red
flashing LED press the Manual/Reset Button. The SS4500 should then display a steadily lit green LED
and a yellow flashing LED. Next perform the following steps to enter the SS4500’s Set Up Mode and
program the SS4500’s operation:
l Press and hold the * Key until the controller displays “Set Up Mode’. Release the * Key and the
controller will display “System Type ””.
Next enter the type of lubrication system you have. Enter either t for a Single Line type system or 2
for a Dual Line system. The controller will automatically proceed to the next step in the Set Up
Continue to enter information in this manner until the SS4500 displays:
Start Lube Cycle = 1
Review Program =2
Press 1 to begin the Lube Cycle. If 1 is entered the controller will begin the Lube Cycle in the Idle
Mode. Press the Manual/Reset Button if you wish to initiate a Manual Lube. Press 2 to Review the
Program entries made in the Set Up mode. Pressing the # key will also allow review of the
program entries made while in the Set Up mode.
If 2 or # is entered the SS4500 will display the first step of the Set Up Mode. The controller will
display “System Type ?”. To review each entry that has been made press the # key. Each time the #
key is pressed the SS4500 will display the next step of the Set Up mode.
Page 7
SS4500 Set Up Mode & Program Review Mode
6. Ifa change is required for one of the entries made in the Set UP mode step thru the Set Up Mode
until the entry that requires changing is displayed. Next simply enter the correct data. The controller
will except the data and automatically advance to the next step in the Set Up Mode.
7. Ifin the process of making an entry, an incorrect entry is made, press the * key. The * key will clear
the entry and allow new data to be entered for that programming step, as long as the last number or
least significant digit has not been entered. Once the last number or least significant digit has been
entered for the programming step the SS4500 will display the value temporarily then advance to the
next step in the Set Up Mode. If the least significant digit has already been entered and the
controller has advanced to the next step in the Set Up Mode, simply press the # key repeatedly until
the SS4500 displays the step where an incorrect entry was made. Use the same procedure where
you have decided to change a value previously entered or a selection previously made, while in the
Set Up Mode.
Page 8
SS4500 Programming Display / Steps
Note: x = numeric entry from previous program
1 2
~< Cycle Counts On = xx
Afterblow Time = —x:xx Spray System (x) (01 - 99) >xx
M:SS >XIXX Yes = | No =2
Cycle Type (x) Afterblow Time = x:xx
Full = | Half= 2 M:SS >XIXX
4 |
NOTE: Watchdog Timer (x)
Idle Time =) -XX:XX:XX:Xx Yes = 1 No =2
D= Days DD:HH aes 7 TC 2 “|
Page 9
Machine | Volume | Volume Low Low | Over | Stand alalale Serial
Cycle SensorA ] SensorB } Level Pres.]| Pres. ] By | a ig 8 Comm. Port
_ a RS-232 c
Clip sGlp s Glp sGlp sas cles 6¢ C
e/sieleis\e} apeeREloslesis Q[sfefo] Cees)
17 1819 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
Manual/Reset +0 4
Fused ) Input Connections Prox Sw. Sw. Contacts Button 0
Circuit | P = Power (+12 VDC) P rogram i
250 mA]
Review +o
S = Signal/Load
—S Ss _— 0 Hj
Max_/ G = Ground (-) G Button
C) Normal
Cycle In
C) Fault
e Press the “Manual/Resct” Button to resct LED Codes :
a Fault or to start a Manual Lube Cycle. Green On Only - Standby Mode ¢ Green Flashing- Idle Mode
Yellow Flashing with Green ON - Lube Cycle In Progress
« Hold the “*” Key to enter Setup Mode. Red Flashing - Fault Detected, Corrective Action Required
When in the Setup Mode “#” accepts the
value and “*” clears the value so a new
number can be entered.
» gf 3 a 10 7 a 8 el cs ee 29 PSI, P
1. Normal - When the Green LED is on or flashing the controller is in a Normal operating mode. This
indicates the SS4500 is operating and no lubrication system faults or controller faults have been
Cycle In Progress - When the Yellow LED is flashing on and off the SS4500 is in the Lube Mode
and is performing task required to lubricate the system. Typically terminals 9 and 10 (Lube Pump)
will be energized at this time and the Lubrication Pump will be operating.
3. Fault - When the Red LED is flashing on and off the $$4500 is in the Fault Mode. The controller has
detected a problem with the lubrication system or the controller itself. Typically when the SS4500 is
in the Fault Mode the controller will display the cause of the problem and a suggested corrective
action on the LCD. In this mode the Fault Relays will be de-energized. The Fault Relays also de-
energize whenever power to the SS4500 is lost or turned off.
4. Standby Mode - The Standby Mode is indicated by a steadily lit Green LED and the $S4500
displaying STANDBY in the LCD. Any time a closed switch input is provided to the Stand By input
the controller will go to Standby Mode. In the Standby Mode the SS4500 controller will de-energize the
Lube Pump, Line A/Spray and Line B outputs if energized and suspend _ (freeze) the operating
program. When the switch contacts across the Stand By input open the SS4500 __ will resume Normal
controller operation from the point in the program when Standby Mode was initiated. Standby Mode is
useful for retaining cycle counts for single line systems and preventing over lubrication or under
lubrication for all types of applications. Generally, when a Standby Interlock device such as switch
contacts or relay contacts are used, the SS4500’s power input terminals are connected to a constant
source of power such as a circuit breaker in a building electrical panel. Power is not routed thru the
contacts of a machine control relay to the SS4500. Instead a spare set of contacts from machine control
relay or a relay controlled by the machine control relay are connected to the Stand By input of the
SS4500. With the electrical connections made in this manner the customer can Review the $$4500’s Set
Up using the Program Review Mode or change the Set Up in the Set Up Mode even when the machine or
equipment is off. In the Standby Mode access to the Program Review Mode and the Set Up Mode is
available. Another valuable feature of the Standby Mode is that if the SS4500 detects a Lubrication
System problem and goes into the Fault Mode the controller will not be shut off by the machine control
relay. Power to the SS4500 will still be on and the controller will be indicating the cause of the fault on
the Liquid Crystal Display. Even though the equipment or machinery being lubricated and monitored by
the SS4500 may be de-energized due to the signal from the SS4500’s fault relays de-energizing upon the
controller detecting a fault. Therefore a maintenance person or service engineer can go to the controller
and determine from the controller’s display what corrective actions are required.
Page 1]
SS4500 Definition of Terms
Injector Pressure operated spring return line parallel type system FL-XX Series
Power to Pump Continuous - air barrel pumps and motor driven stations.
Pulse Pumps - air or hydraulic activated and spring return
(Must pulse a solenoid valve to pressurize and release pump to cycle)
Hydraulic Reversing Type DR4 -- where pressure completes cycle
Electric Reversing Type FR10 -- where signal from a pressure switch signals completion of a lube cycle on each line.
Half Cycle Pump pressurizes one line only and shuts down for idle period before doing second line.
Full Cycle Pump pressurizes one line and transfers to pressurize second line before shutting down for next
lube cycle. With electric reversing valve set full cycle, it is important to determine that the system
design allows for the first line to relieve pressure in time to allow the second line to operate. If this
does not happen, program for half cycle operation.
IM 2/04