10.4103/ajts.ajts_161_20 INTRODUCTION: Autoimmune hemolytic anemia is characterized by increased red cell destruction and/
or decreased red cell survival due to autoantibodies directed against self‑antigens on red cells. Since
autoantibodies react with self and nonself red blood cells (RBCs), they tend to mask the underlying
clinically significant alloantibodies and many a times mimic a specific pattern like alloantibodies.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: We discuss three immune hematological cases of warm autoantibodies.
Antibody screening was performed by solid‑phase red cell adherence (SPRCA) technique on a fully
automated platform NEO Iris (Immucor Inc., USA). In case of a positive antibody screen, antibody
identification was performed using SPRCA, NEO Iris (Immucor Inc., USA). Alloadsorption for adsorbing
the autoantibodies was done using in‑house prepared allogenic packed RBCs – R1R1, R2R2, and rr.
RESULTS: All cases had warm autoantibody with a broad specificity against self‑Rh antigens. Anti
“C” and Anti “e” antibodies were identified in case 1 and autoanti “e” antibody in cases 2 and 3. Case
3 had underlying alloanti “E” along with autoanti “e” which posed a transfusion challenge.
CONCLUSION: Our case series highlights the importance of detecting the nature of the antibody
whether it is alloantibody or autoantibody with antigen specificity. This would help in selecting
appropriate antigen negative blood units for transfusion purpose.
Adsorption, autoantibody, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, Rh antibodies
plasma with R2R2 and rr was found compatible with Autoadsorption was not attempted owing to the limited
PRC units lacking C antigen and e antigen (i.e., R2R2 patient sample volume. Alloadsorptions of the plasma
phenotype). However, the patient was managed were done. Antibody screening with adsorbed plasma
conservatively and transfusion was not needed. was positive. After crossing out all other antigens,
adsorbed plasma from R1R1 and rr cells revealed a
Case 2 pattern confirming the presence of alloantibody against
A 51‑year‑old female was admitted elsewhere with “E” antigen when tested with 11‑cell panel. However,
stroke in the later part of October 2019. Her blood the R2R2 adsorbed plasma showed a pattern suggesting
samples were sent to our department for blood grouping the presence of autoantibody with “anti‑e” specificity
and antibody screening, anticipating blood transfusion. on 11‑cell panel. The antibody reacted only at 37°C and
She was never been transfused previously. She had two in AHG phase.
living children (P2L2). No other lab reports or patient
details were available to us. The baseline hemoglobin level was 6.7 g/dL. He
received 2 units of “E” negative PRC and the
She was typed as group “O” having Rh and Kell posttransfusion hemoglobin was 7.2 g/dL. He was
phenotype of D+, C+, c+, E−, e+, and K−. RBC antibody given dexamethasone and rituximab 600 mg after the
screening was pan positive (3+) in IAT phase on SPRCA PRC transfusion. He was subsequently transfused with
with a positive autocontrol. DAT was positive (3+) with another unit of “E” negative PRC and was discharged
both (CAT and SPRCA) the techniques. with a hemoglobin of 7.8 g/dL. He was advised to
continue the steroid treatment in a tapering dose for
RBC antibody identification was done with a commercial the next 4 days in addition to his regular medications
16‑cell identification panel in IAT phase and was for his underlying disease conditions. All the three
positive with varying strengths (1+, 2+, and 3+) with transfusions were uneventful. Thereafter, he was
all the e + cells except for one which was negative for advised to get admitted after 3 weeks for the second
e antigen, suggesting the presence of autoantibody dose of rituximab.
with anti‑e specificity. To reconfirm, 11‑cell panel on
CAT was also tested with the sample, which revealed Discussion
a clear pattern for the presence of autoantibody with
anti‑e specificity. The antibodies reacted only at 37°C AIHA is a rare clinical disorder characterized by
and in AHG phases. Alloadsorption was performed shortening of red cell survival due to of the presence of
as described previously.[5] The antibody screening was autoimmune antibodies and requires efficient immune
negative with adsorbed plasma on 3‑cell panel on CAT. hematological support.[6] Transfusing AIHA patient is a
The PRC units with R2R2 phenotype were compatible challenge to the immune hematologist.
after AHG cross‑match using the patient’s neat and
adsorbed plasma. Thus, the overall workup confirmed Warm autoantibodies react with self‑antigen optimally
the presence of autoantibody against “e” antigen. The at 37°C and are present in serum of about 80% of
patient was managed conservatively and did not require patients with warm AIHA.[7] In AIHA, most of the
any transfusion. warm antibodies are pan‑agglutinins in nature
and lack any apparent specificity (based on weak/
Case 3 negative reaction with Rh null red cells).[4] However,
A 67‑year‑old male was admitted at our tertiary care it has been observed that a significant proportion
center in November 2019 for chemotherapy for B‑cell of these antibodies are directed against antigens of
chronic lymphocytic leukemia. He was a known Rh system.[8,9] Further, it was established that absent
hypertensive with coronary artery disease and Type II or weak reactivity of autoantibodies with Rh null
diabetes mellitus. His blood samples were sent to our red cells does not indicate specificity to Rh complex
department for blood grouping, antibody screening, because Rh null cells might have other membrane
and identification anticipating future blood transfusion. abnormalities. [6] Race and Sanger in 1954 were
the first to report autoantibodies having a clearly
He had received one unit of PRC a year ago. He was defined Rh specificity, for example, anti “e”. [6,10]
typed Group “O” having Rh and Kell phenotype of D+, The autoantibodies having an apparent and relative
C+, c+, E−, e+, and K−. DAT by CAT and SPRCA was specificity for a single antigen (e.g., anti “e”) along
positive (4+). RBC antibody screening was pan positive with an evidence of hemolysis required compatible
with variable strengths (3 + and 4+) on SPRCA with a antigen negative unit for transfusion.[6]
positive autocontrol (4+). RBC antibody identification
in IAT phase was positive with varying strengths (2+, In the first case, we found autoantibodies mimicking
3+, and 4+). against two Rh antigen specificities, i.e., anti‑“C” and
60 Asian Journal of Transfusion Science - Volume 17, Issue 1, January-June 2023
Agrawal, et al.: Autoantibodies mimicking alloantibodies
anti‑“e.” The prevalence of “C” and “e” antigens is very autoantibodies were completely adsorbed by e‑positive
high in Indian population as reported previously. In an and e‑negative cells equally.
erstwhile study at our center, the Indian donors (n = 3073)
were typed and prevalence of “C” and “e” antigens Blood transfusion for patients with AIHA presents
was found to be 87% and 98% respectively.[11] After a unique set of potential problems because of the
extensive literature search, we did not come across any masking effect of the presence of RBC alloantibodies
autoantibodies with specificity against both anti‑“e” and by autoantibodies, the need for complex pretransfusion
anti‑“C”. In a patient diagnosed with primary sclerosing immune hematological workup, and the challenge to
cholangitis associated with AIHA, autoantibody with find a compatible unit.[15]
anti‑C specificity was identified.[12] The said patient
was transfused with two units negative for C antigen Selecting the red cell unit for transfusion was highly
which were crossmatch compatible. Issitt et al. reported challenging for the third case due to the presence of
specificity of autoantibodies among 87 patients with alloantibody against ‘E’ antigen with concomitant
AIHA warm autoantibodies; only 4 cases were reported presence of autoantibody of anti‑e specificity. This
to have anti‑“e” or anti‑“c” antibodies.[5] posed a dilemma in selecting antigen negative unit
for the patient. In case series report by Yürek et al.,
Procuring “e” and “C” negative unit (R2R2) usually is a there were no cases that definitively demonstrated
difficult task in a country like ours wherein the resources significant exacerbation of hemolysis in patients
are not widely available. The importance becomes high with true AIHA.[16] Since our patient had transfusion
in situations with time constraints. The risk–benefit requirement, appropriate “E” negative PRC units were
ratio needs to be weighed when comparing the time transfused. All the three transfusions went uneventful.
required to search for such antigen negative units and The patient was also started on corticosteroids and
time the patient can sustain without transfusion support. rituximab medication. More recently, rituximab is being
Anticipating such situations and many others, our center used as a second‑line therapeutic approach following
has a set protocol to perform the extended Rh and Kell corticosteroid therapy, instead of the traditional
phenotyping of all the blood donors as a routine to find secondary approach of splenectomy. [15] Patients
compatible antigen negative units during immediate/ demonstrated higher initial clinical response rates and
urgent requirements. relapse‑free survival over a 3‑year time period, when
compared to glucocorticoid therapy alone.[15] Our patient
Although we detected the autoantibody specificity was discharged with a stable hemoglobin of 7.8 g/dL
against Rh, the presence of anti‑Ce (anti‑RH7) could and was advised for admission after 3 weeks for the
not be ruled out. Ce (RH7) is considered to be a cis gene second dose of rituximab.
product. This compound antigen can form antibody
and few reports of this alloantibody causing hemolytic Rh genotyping facilities were not available at our center
disease of the new born and delayed type hemolytic and therefore could not be performed in any of the cases.
transfusion reactions have been mentioned.[13]
The second case which came was for the presence of
autoantibody with anti‑e specificity. A similar case The autoantibodies present in a patient may seldom
was discussed by Pahuja and Verma, in a 2½‑year‑old mimic a specific antibody. It is worthwhile to perform
boy diagnosed of AIHA with anti “e” specificity.[6] In advanced immune‑hematological workup to determine
most patients with warm AIHA, RBC autoantibodies the exact specificity of this antibody. This would not
react with all RBCs (pan‑reactive). Infrequently, these only help in providing antigen negative blood to the
autoantibodies do have apparent specificity (patient’s patient but also help to determine the exact nature of
RBCs may or may not contain the antigen) which the antibody.
disappears following adsorption with antigen positive
or negative cells.[4] Subramaniyan and Veerasamy also Financial support and sponsorship
explained a case where in they had an autoantibody Nil.
mimicking anti‑C specificity.[14] After adsorption with
R1R1 and rr RBCs, the adsorbed plasma was tested for Conflicts of interest
the presence of anti‑C using an RBC antibody screening There are no conflicts of interest.
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