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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume 67 Issue 3- March 2019

Identification of Voltage Level Present in

Blood during Mistransfusion of Blood
Tanvi Patel#1, Gautam Joshi#2& Prof. Dimpal Khambhati#3
B.Tech Biomedical Engineering, Parul Institute of Technology, Vadodara
Assistant Prof., Parul Institute of Technology, Vadodara
Parul University,Gujarat,India

Abstract blood clump, which would lead to serious

As we had observed that determination of blood significances and sudden death as well.
group is very important and it is a basic test among
all the test which are performed. During any Blood typing is a technique to state what
emergency or if we are admitted to hospital, the very type of blood you have. Blood typing is completed
first thing the doctor will do is, determination of so you can safely donate your blood or receive a
blood group. So, at a time of emergency even a blood transfusion. It is also done to observe if you
minute delay may lead to death. Our proposed idea is have a constituent called Rh factor on the surface of
a non-invasive method for identifying blood group. your red blood cell. The blood nature is based on
Light act as a source for optical signals which is whether certain proteins present on your RBC.
allowed to pass through the finger and detector These proteins are called antigens. There are four
detects the varying voltage. Depending on the output major blood type. They are: Type A, Type B, Type
voltage, the blood type is detected. Fortitude of blood AB, Type O.Blood group typing refers to chemical
type is vital before administering a blood transfusion reaction between specific antibodies and blood
in an emergency site. Presently these tests are group antigens to view blood clumping. There is a
performed manually by technicians in the laboratory, wide range of various analytical test and tools for
when the test is handled with large number of blood typing [3], including various test.
samples, it is monotonous to do and it may lead to
The conventional test and further more test.
human errors.
Blood Groups are genetic and composed of RBC,
Keywords- Blood group, Antigen, Antibodies, LED, WBC, Platelets, and Plasma. The fortitude of ABO
OPT 101 Detector Blood is depending up on the inherited properties of
RBC by the presence or absence of Antigen A and
I. INTRODUCTION Antigen B which are expressed on the surface of
Red Blood Cells. In 1901, Austrian immunologist
As we all know blood is the important part and Karl Landsteiner first recognized the human ABO
body fluid in human and different organism that Blood group. The antigens present on the surface of
transport necessary substances such as nutrients and RBCs is also known as agglutinogens and the
oxygen to the cells and exit metabolic waste products antibodies that react against antigens are also called
away from these cells. Identification of blood group agglutinins. Antibodies are found in the plasma of
during transfusion of blood is very necessary for safe blood [4]. Before that blood transfusion and
transfusion. Every individual has different type of transplantation were potentially fatal and risky.
blood group based on antigen present in their blood.
There are four main type,Type A, Type B, Type AB The Rh blood group system is one of thirty-
and Type O. Individual Blood Groups are identified five known human blood group systems.Rh factor is
based on the Antigens are present on the surface of a protein found on the surface of RBCs. If your
RBC. The major blood groups are ABO and Rh type blood has this protein than you are Rh positive and if
[1]. this protein is not found than Rh negative.So now a
days or earlier times the blood group is determined
Serious Injury may can cause high blood through manual process which is time consuming.
loss through bleeding. A healthy adult individual can And a minute delay during the transfusion or
lose almost 20% of blood volume before the first emergency situations may lead risk to patient life.
symptom and restlessness begins and around 40% of Also, manual method or conventional method causes
volume before shock sets in. It was Karl Landsteiner human errors during the procedure or there maybe
who discovered [2] the ABO blood group system in misinterpretation in result during large samples.
1900 and rhesus factor later. For successful and safe There is automated device used for blood group
transfusion, it is important to have information about determination in large hospital, but they are large
the compatibility of donor and recipient blood group. and expensive. The conventional method has
An unequal or mismatched transfusion would make multiple drawbacks, so a new device is implemented
for detection of blood type.

ISSN: 2231 – 5381 http://www.ijettjournal.org Page 96

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume 67 Issue 3- March 2019

A. ABO Blood Group System centrifugation is for proper mixing of blood with
There are 33 system present in blood among antigens.
them ABO system is very important in transfusion
and transplantation.Blood group A contains different Advantage: More sensitive than slide test,
antibody with respect to blood group B and vice- require low amount of reagent and some unexpected
versa. Blood group O does not contain A/B antigen antigens can also be detected.
but both their antibodies in serum. There are two
C. Microplate Technology
antigens mainly present on the surface of red blood
This method is fast with feasibility of
cell and they are known as antigen A and antigen B.
automation for blood typing. In this technique, both
Antigens are sugar or proteins found on the surface of
antibodies in blood, plasma and antigens on RBCs
red blood cells. Antibodies are proteins which are
can be determined. The microplate consists of large
mainly found in plasma (liquid component of blood).
number of small tubes that contain a few microliters
 Blood group A: Have antigen A only of reagent, which are treated against the blood
samples. The centrifugation and incubation the
 Blood group B: Have antigen B only clumping can be examined by an automatic readout
 Blood group AB: Antigens A and B both are device.
Advantage: fast response, low reagent
 Blood Group O: Antigens A and B are volume and high throughput analysis.
If blood group A, then there will be D. Column/Gel Centrifugation
antibodies to antigen B. Column is composed of small microtubes
If blood group B, then there will be that comprises gel medium to trap agglutinates. Blood
antibodies to antigen A. serum or cells are mixed with Anti-A, anti-B and
If blood group AB, then you have antibodies Anti-D reagents in microtubes under controlled
to either A or B incubation and centrifugation. The gel medium traps
the agglutinates and non -agglutinated blood cells are
II. VARIOUS TEST FOR BLOOD TYPING allowed to pass through the column.
In routine clinical examination, there is a wide Advantages: sensitive, straightforward and
range of conventional procedures and practices for relatively easy to operate for less trained personnel.
blood group determination, where nearly all of them
deal with blood clumping. There is wide spread range III.TABLEI
of blood keying procedures, which contrasts from Various Test For Blood Typing
each other in terms of sensitivity, reagents and
equipment required, the time of operation and
throughout analysis. There are several tests with their
advantages and disadvantages.

A. Slide Test
This test is least sensitive method among
other blood group determination. In this method, the
donor or recipient blood is mixed with anti A, anti B
and anti D separately on the slide. The blood
clumping pattern can be visually observed from
which ABO and Rh type blood is determined. The
test complete within 10-15 min and is inexpensive. It
is not reliable enough for completely safe transfusion.

B. Tube Test
This test is more sensitive and reliable in
comparison to slide test. In this method both forward
and reverse grouping is carried out. The forward
grouping suggests the presence or absence of A and B
- antigens in RBCs and reverse grouping indicates the
presence or absence of anti-A and Anti-B in serum.
The blood is added into two test tube and one droplet
of each antigen (ANTI-A and ANTI-B) is added
separately in these samples. These tubes are kept for
centrifugation for few minutes and then shaken to
view clumping of blood. The purpose of

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume 67 Issue 3- March 2019

IV. PROPOSED SYSTEM detector is processed with the help of arduino. And
the processed or resultant output is displayed on
display. As different individual lies in the different
range of voltage, the intermediate range can be
observed for different kind of blood group, after
taking a lot of observation and by performing this
test with different individuals.
It is a microcontroller board based on the
ATmega328 microcontroller. It has 14 input/output
pins which are used for interfacing.The Arduino
board is fortified with collections of digital and
analog input/output pins that may be interfaced to
various expansion boards and other circuits.
It also consists of 16 MHz ceramic resonator, an
ICSP header, a USB connection, 6 analog i/p, a
power jack and reset button.With the help of USB
connector, the processed o/p is easily displayed on
Fig1.Block diagram of proposed system PC by connecting PC and Arduino board.

A. Components PC Display:The obtained output is viewed in the

LED: A light emitting diode is a p-n PC. Through OPT 101 detector the light is converted
junction diode that emits light when energized. When into voltage levels is measured and the detected
current is applied to both of its lead, energy is voltage levels is measured and readout through the
released in the form of photon. So, the LED light is PC.
passed through the finger and the light gets The Light from LED is passes through finger. The
reflect/deflect or pass. The scattered light is detected light will deflect/scatter from the specimen and is
by the detector OPT101. detected by OPT 101 detectors. The OPT 101
detector is a light to voltage device. It will convert the
The first part consists of a sensor. In that light into voltage levels. There are Optical variations
sensor, there are two IR and red LED whereas light in blood and voltage level present in blood. So on the
detector is on other side. A finger is placed between basis of voltage variation, blood type is detected.
the two LEDs and the light detector for sensing blood
voltage in the finger. For example,same kind of probe B. Electrical properties of blood
is used which is used in pulse oximeter. Apart from electrical properties, blood also
possess chemical and mechanical properties. The
OPT101 Detector: The OPT101 is a monolithic research found and determined the pathways of
photodiode with on-chip transimpedance amplifier. It current flow through the body.The electrical
is the combination of photodiode and impedance properties of blood play a vital role in the analysis of
amplifier on single chip. It is used to convert the light biomedical application such as diagnosis and
into voltage. The photodiode collects significant therapeutic treatment of various physiological
amount of light, and thus allows for high sensitivity conditions with weak/low electric currents, radio
measurements. frequency hyperthermia and ecg. The constituents of
electrical properties of blood are alternating current
The integrated combination of and spectroscopy. These properties are viewed over
photodiodeand transimpedance amplifier on a single the range of less than 100 Hz.
chip removes the risk commonly encountered in
discrete designs such as leakage current
errors,noise,pick-ups and gain peaking as a result of
stray capacitance.Resultant voltage increases linearly
with light intensity.The amplifier is designed for
single or dual power supply operation.

The 0.09x0.09-inch photodiode operates in

the photoconductive mode for excellent linearity
and low dark current. The OTP101 operates from
2.7 V to 36V supplies and quiescent current is only
120 microamperes.

Arduino board: Arduino UNO is used for Fig2.Spectral Responsivity

interfacing. The voltage level sensed by the OPT101

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume 67 Issue 3- March 2019


This work is supported by Parul University,

Vadodara. We would like to express our gratitude to
our guide Prof. Dimpal Khambhati, Assistant
Professor at Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Parul Institute of Technology, Vadodara for all her
diligence, guidance, encouragement and help
throughout the period of work. Also, we would like
to express our sincere thanks to each and every
Fig3.Schematic Diagram of proposed system person who supported our project and data collection.


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ISSN: 2231 – 5381 http://www.ijettjournal.org Page 99

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