B 227 - 04 - Qjiynw
B 227 - 04 - Qjiynw
B 227 - 04 - Qjiynw
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
B 227 – 04
TABLE 1 Tensile Requirements
Area at 20°C Tensile Strength, min, psiA
Nominal Diameter,
in. cmil in. Grade 40 Grade 40 Grade 30 Grade 30
0.2043 41 740 0.03278 108 000 ... 120 000 142 500
0.1819 33 090 0.02599 113 000 ... 125 000 150 500
0.1650B 27 230 0.02138 118 000 ... 130 000 157 500
0.1620 26 240 0.02061 118 000 ... 130 000 157 500
0.1443 20 820 0.01635 123 000 ... 135 000 164 000
0.1285 16 510 0.01297 128 000 ... 140 000 170 000
0.1280B 16 380 0.01287 128 000 ... 140 000 170 000
0.1144 13 090 0.01028 133 000 ... 145 000 174 100
0.1040B 10 820 0.008495 138 600 156 000 151 000 175 000
0.1019 10 380 0.008155 138 600 ... 151 000 179 000
0.0808 6 530 0.005129 115 000 ... 120 000 179 000
0.0800B 6 400 0.005027 115 000 ... 120 000 179 000
0.0640B 4 096 0.003217 125 000 ... 130 000 179 000
0.0403 1 624 0.001276 130 000 ... 135 000 179 000
0.0390B 1 521 0.001195 130 000 ... 135 000 179 000
0.0320 1 024 0.000804 135 000 161 000 145 000 179 000
Metric equivalents: 1 in. = 25.4 mm (round to four significant figures); 1 in.2 = 645.16 mm2 (round to four significant figures); 1 psi = 6.9 kPa (round to significant figure
of U.S. customary units).
These diameters are often employed by purchasers for communication lines but are not in the American Wire Gage (B & S Wire Gage) series, as are the other
diameters listed (Note 3).
5.2 Within the range of diameters included in Table 1, the or spools fail to conform to the requirements for diameter as
wire shall not vary from the specified diameter by more than prescribed in 5.2, all coils or spools shall be gaged in the
the following amounts rounded off to the nearest 0.1 mil manner specified.
(0.0001 in.):
Specified Diameter, Permissible Variations in Specified 6. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance
in. (mm) Diameter
6.1 The surface of the wire shall be smooth and free from
0.2043 (5.189) to 0.1000 (2.540), incl 61.5 % imperfections not consistent with good commercial practice.
0.0999 (2.537) to 0.0800 (2.032), incl 60.0015 in. (1.5 mils) (0.038 mm)
0.0799 (2.029) to 0.0600 (1.524), incl +0.0010 in. (1.0 mils) (0.025 mm)
–0.0015 in. (1.5 mils) (0.038 mm)
7. Tensile Properties
0.0599 (1.521) and under 60.0010 in. (1.0 mils) (0.025 mm) 7.1 The wire shall conform to the tensile requirements
5.3 Ten percent, but not less than five coils or spools (or all prescribed in Table 1 (Note 4).
if the lot is less than five) from any lot of wire, shall be gaged NOTE 4—The approximate properties of hard-drawn copper-clad steel
at three places. If accessible, one gaging shall be taken near wire are shown in Table 2 for the information of the user of this
each end and one near the middle. If any of the selected coils specification.
B 227 – 04
7.2 Wire whose nominal diameter is more than 0.001 in. (1 TABLE 3 Maximum Resistance Values
mil) (0.03 mm) greater than a size listed in Table 1 shall Maximum Resistance at 20°C V/1000 ftA
conform to the tensile requirements of the next larger size. Nominal Diameter, in. Grades 40 HS Grades 30 HS
7.3 Tension tests shall be made on representative samples. and 40 EHS and 30 EHS
Unless otherwise agreed upon between the manufacturer and 0.2043 0.6532 0.8707
0.1819 0.8239 1.098
the purchaser, the elongation shall be determined by measure- 0.1650 1.001 1.335
ments made between the jaws of the testing machine. The zero 0.1620 1.039 1.385
length shall be the distance between the jaws when a load equal
0.1443 1.309 1.745
to 10 % of the specified tensile strength shall have been 0.1285 1.651 2.201
applied, and the final length shall be the distance between the 0.1280 1.664 2.218
jaws at the time of rupture. The zero length shall be as near 10 0.1144 2.083 2.777
in. (250 mm) as possible. The fracture shall be between the 0.1040 2.521 3.360
jaws of the testing machine and not closer than 1 in. (25.4 mm) 0.1019 2.625 3.500
to either jaw. The elongation as thus determined shall be not 0.0808 4.206 5.607
0.0800 4.292 5.722
less than 1.0 %.
7.4 When agreed upon by the manufacturer and the pur- 0.0640 6.771 9.027
chaser, measure the elongation by means of an extensometer 0.0403 17.13 22.83
0.0390 18.32 24.42
suitable for measuring elongation in 10 in. (250 mm) and 0.0320 27.52 36.69
having a vernier reading to 0.01 in. (0.25 mm) attached to the A
Metric equivalents: 1 V/1000 ft = 3.281 V/km (round off to four significant
test specimen at a tension load of approximately 10 % of rated figures).
strength. The elongation, as thus determined, shall be not less
than 1.5 %. Tests in which the extensometer reading is less than 9.3 When resistance measurements are made at tempera-
1.5 %, but in which the fracture does not occur between the tures other than 20°C, corrections shall be based on a tempera-
two attachments of the extensometer to the specimen, shall be ture coefficient of resistance of 0.0038/°C.
disregarded. 9.4 Tests to determine conformance to the electrical resis-
7.5 Retests—If upon testing a sample from any coil or spool tance requirements of Table 3 shall be made in accordance with
of wire, the results do not conform to the tensile requirements Test Method B 193.
prescribed in Table 1 and the elongation requirements of 7.4,
two additional samples shall be tested, and the average of the 10. Thickness of Copper
three tests shall determine the acceptance or rejection of the 10.1 The thickness of copper on the wire shall be not less
coil or spool. than the following:
10.1.1 The 30 % conductivity wire shall have a minimum
8. Twist Test thickness of not less than 6 % of the wire radius.
10.1.2 The 40 % conductivity wire shall have a minimum
8.1 The wire shall withstand, without fracture, not less than thickness of not less than 10 % of the wire radius.
20 twists in a length equivalent to 100 times the nominal
diameter of the specimen. In the twist test, the rate of applying 11. Joints
the twists shall be approximately 15/min. 11.1 Necessary joints in the wire and rods prior to final
8.2 Specimens shall be twisted to destruction and shall not drawing shall be made in accordance with good commercial
reveal under test any seams, pits, slivers, or surface imperfec- practice. The finished wire shall contain no joints or splices
tions of sufficient magnitude to indicate inherent defects or made at finished size.
imperfections in the wire. Examination of the wire at the break
shall show no separation of copper from the steel. 12. Density
12.1 For the purpose of calculating mass/unit length, cross
9. Resistance sections, and so forth, the density of Grade 30 wire shall be
9.1 The electrical resistance of the wire (Note 5) shall be taken as 0.2944 lb/in.3 (8.15 g/cm3) at 20°C and Grade 40 as
determined by resistance measurements and maximum resis- 0.2975 lb/in.3 (8.24 g/cm3).
tance shall be based on the minimum diameter of the wire and 13. Inspection
the following resistivity values:
13.1 Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase
Resistivity at 20°C Vcmil/ft
order, the manufacturer shall be responsible for the perfor-
40 HS and 40 EHS 26.45 mance of all inspection and test requirements specified.
30 HS and 30 EHS 35.26 13.2 All inspections and tests shall be made at the place of
NOTE 5—Electrical resistance is calculated by the following equation: manufacture unless otherwise especially agreed upon between
the manufacturer and the purchaser at the time of the purchase.
resistivity, ohm·circular mil/ft
maximum resistance ~ohms/ft! 5 13.3 The manufacturer shall afford the inspector represent-
~minimum diameter, mils!2 ing the purchaser all reasonable manufacturer’s facilities nec-
essary to ensure that the material is being furnished in
9.2 The maximum resistance values are given in Table 3. accordance with this specification.
B 227 – 04
14. Certification 15.2 The wire shall be protected against damage in ordinary
14.1 When specified in the purchase order or contract, a handling and shipping.
producer’s or supplier’s certification shall be furnished to the 15.3 Each coil shall bear a tag showing the manufacturers’
purchaser showing that the material was manufactured, name or trademark, size, and class of material. If additional
sampled, tested, and inspected in accordance with this speci- information is to be required on the tags, it shall be arranged
fication and has been found to meet the requirements. When with the manufacturer at the time of purchase.
specified in the purchase order or contract, a report of the test
results shall be furnished. 16. Keywords
15. Packaging and Package Marking 16.1 clad steel electrical conductor; copper electrical
15.1 Package sizes shall be agreed upon between the manu- conductor-copper-clad steel; copper-clad steel electrical con-
facturer and the purchaser in the placing of individual purchase ductor; electrical conductor; hard drawn copper-clad steel wire;
orders. steel wire-copper-clad
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and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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