Spectra: Computer Code Manuals Volume 4 - Code Structure, Development, Hardware and Software Requirements Version 24-02

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Computer Code Manuals

Volume 4 - Code Structure, Development, Hardware and Software


Version 24-02

M.M. Stempniewicz

Arnhem, February 2024

K6223/24.277594 MSt-2402

author : M.M. Stempniewicz reviewed : E.A.R. de Geus

25 page(s) approved : J.J. Meulenbrugge


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SPECTRA Code Manuals - Volume 4: Code Structure, Development, Hardware ...

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Abstract 5
Explanation of names and abbreviations 6
1 Introduction 7
2 Code Structure 8
2.1 Introduction 8
2.2 Code Structure 8
3 Maintenance and Development of the Code 16
3.1 Bug Fixing Procedure 16
3.2 Code Modification Procedure 17
3.3 Code Development Procedure 17
3.4 Code Compilation and Quality Check Procedure 18
3.5 Code Release Procedure 19
4 Hardware and Software Requirements 21
4.1 Operating Systems 21
4.2 Requirements 21
Literature 22
Appendix A Bug Report Form (QA-SPE-004) 23
Appendix B Code Modification Form (QA-SPE-005) 24
Appendix C Release Notes Form (QA-SPE-006) 25

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SPECTRA (Sophisticated Plant Evaluation Code for Thermal-hydraulic Response Assessment) is a

fully integrated system analysis code, that models thermal-hydraulic behavior of Nuclear Power
Plants, including reactor cooling system, emergency and control systems, containment, reactor
building, etc. of various reactor types, like BWR, PWR, HTR. It can also be used to assess thermal-
hydraulic response of non-nuclear plants, for example cooling systems of chemical reactors.

The full documentation of SPECTRA consists of the following four volumes:

• Volume 1: Program Description

• Volume 2: User’s Guide
• Volume 3: Verification and Validation
• Volume 4: Code Structure, Development, Hardware and Software Requirements

This report presents Volume 4 of the SPECTRA Code Manuals - Code Structure, Development,
Hardware and Software Requirements.

The SPECTRA Manuals are freely available in internet and are also supplied together with the
SPECTRA code. The Volume 4 of the Code Manuals is provided in the file Spectra-Vol4.pdf.

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Explanation of names and abbreviations

CF Control Function
CV Control Volume
DIA Diagnostics file
ICF Initial Condition File
IT Isotope Transformation
JN CV Junction
MP Material Properties
OUT Output file
OX Metal Oxidation
PLT Plot file
RK Reactor Kinetics
RT Radioactive Particle Transport
SC 1-D Solid Heat Conductor
SPECTRA Sophisticated Plant Evaluation Code for Thermal-hydraulic Response
TC 2-D Solid Heat Conductor
TF Tabular Function
TFD Tabular Function Data file
TR Thermal Radiation

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1 Introduction

SPECTRA (Sophisticated Plant Evaluation Code for Thermal-hydraulic Response Assessment) is a

fully integrated system analysis code, that models the thermal-hydraulic behavior of Nuclear Power
Plants, including reactor cooling system, emergency and control systems, containment, reactor
building, etc. of various reactor types, like BWR, PWR, HTR. It can also be used to assess thermal-
hydraulic response of non-nuclear plants, for example cooling systems of chemical reactors. The
SPECTRA Code Manuals consists of the following four volumes:

• Volume 1: Program Description.

• Volume 2: User’s Guide.
• Volume 3: Verification and Validation.
• Volume 4: Code Structure, Development, Hardware and Software Requirements

This report presents Volume 4 of the SPECTRA Code Manuals - Code Structure, Development,
Hardware and Software Requirements. This volume presents information on the:
• code structure,
• maintenance and development of the code, including:
o bug fixing procedure,
o code modification procedure,
o code development procedure,
o code compilation and quality check procedure,
o code release procedure,
• hardware and software requirements, including:
o operating systems,
o information on the hardware and software requirements.

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2 Code Structure

2.1 Introduction

SPECTRA is written in FORTRAN-77 and was developed for the Windows and Linux operating
systems. Depending on the user’s needs, one or both versions may be distributed. The basic approach
taken in developing the models was to obtain a broad scope of modeling and possibly fastest execution,
at the expense (when necessary) of the memory requirement.

2.2 Code Structure

The structure of SPECTRA is shown in Figure 2-1. The structure of the program is described in terms
of Packages, Models and Equations, defined below.

- "Packages"
The total program consists of 20 blocks, referred to as "Packages". Each Package is identified in
Figure 2-1 by a two character symbol enclosed by "=" signs. The Packages are characterized by:

- Each Package resides in a separate subdirectory of the SPECTRA source code directory.
- Description of each Package is given in a separate chapter in Volume 1.

- "Models"
Packages consist of physical or mathematical models, referred to as "Models". An example of a
physical Model is the critical flow model. An example of mathematical Model is a matrix solver
(i.e. set of procedures to solve a set of linear equations). Models available within each Package are
shown below, in Figure 2-2 through Figure 2-6. The Models are characterized by:

- Each Model is written as a separate file (FORTRAN files with extension .FOR).
- Description of each Model is given in a separate section in Volume 1.

- "Equations"
Models consist of one or more procedures, referred to in this report as "Equations". For example
the critical flow Model consists of Equations used for subcooled liquid, superheated steam, perfect
gas, etc. The matrix solution Model consists of Equations to solve full matrices, sparse matrices,
tri-diagonal matrices, etc. The Equations are characterized by:

- Each Equation is written as a separate code segment (subroutine or function).

- Description of each Equation is given in a separate sub-section in Volume 1.

All Packages, except for the Main Program, =SPE=, and the numerical solver, =SL=, are grouped into
five "Groups of Packages" in Figure 2-1. The Groups of Packages are introduced here for descriptive
convenience. They have no meaning for the internal code structure. The first three Groups of Packages
contain physical Models. The next Group contains mathematical Models.

The last Group of Packages contain procedures needed for input processing. It should be noted that
this Group contains only the main I/O procedures. Most of the Packages from the first four Groups
have their own specific routines for input processing and editing data.

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As indicated by the connecting lines in Figure 2-1, the SPECTRA Main Program, =SPE=, interacts
only with I/O procedures and the Numerical Solver. The task of Main Program is to use the I/O
Procedures to read input and to initiate the solution by a call to the Numerical Solver.

The Numerical Solver Package is responsible for solving all Equations, using a stable, implicit
method. As indicated in Figure 2-1, the Numerical Solver interacts with each Package from the first
four Groups of Packages. All Packages are included in the main iteration loop to obtain the implicit
solution. The Solver Package is general enough to find solutions of even complex problems. When
the solution does not converge using the attempted time step, the time step is automatically reduced.

Most of the code segments (Equations) from the first three Groups of Packages reflect the real physical
laws. Subroutines or functions, in which the Equations are coded, contain extensive comments and
references to literature where the equations can be found. This makes verification and eventual future
modifications relatively easy.

Figure 2-1 SPECTRA code structure.

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Figure 2-2 shows Packages from the Thermodynamics and Fluid Flow Group. Models available in
each Package are also shown. The Models are marked by filled bullets (filled squares). The main
assumptions, made to develop the Models, are marked by empty bullets (empty squares). This Group
consists of the following Packages:

=CV= Control Volume Package. The main Models in this Package include: mass end energy
balance, atmosphere stratification and pool stratification.

=FL= Fluid Property Package. The gas Model considers six built-in gases, treated as real gases,
and a number of user-defined gases, treated as ideal gases. Phase change is possible only for
steam, for which the saturation (liquid/gas) properties are built-in. In addition to the built-in
fluids, user-defined gases (e.g. Ne, Ar, Xe) and liquids (e.g.: liquid metals, molten salts)
may be used.

=JN= Junction Package. The Models in this Package are: momentum balance, drift flux, vent
phenomena, critical flow, wall friction, two-phase pressure drop, pump/compressor and
turbine Models, and the Model to influence gas composition in a junction, for conservative

=H2= Hydrogen Burn Package. The Models in this Package are: temperature-dependent
flammability and ignition limits, hydrogen burns including slow deflagrations, fast turbulent
deflagrations and detonations.

Figure 2-2 SPECTRA code structure - Thermodynamics and Fluid Flow Packages.

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Figure 2-3 shows Packages from the Heat Transfer Group. This Group consists of the following

=SC= 1-D Solid Heat Conductor Package. This Package contains one Model: 1-D transient heat
conduction. Multi-dimensional effects may be simulated be connecting several 1-D
structures using the so called direct contact conduction model.

=TC= 2-D Solid Heat Conductor Package. This Package contains one Model: 2-D transient heat
conduction. 3-D effects may be simulated be connecting several 2-D structures using the so
called direct contact conduction model.

=HT= Basic Heat and Mass Transfer Package. This Package contains the main Models for heat
transfer from wall surface and pool surface consisting of wall-to-pool, wall-to-gas and pool-
to-gas sub-models. The above Models use the following individual heat transfer Models:
natural convection, forced convection, boiling, including nucleate, transition and film
boiling, condensation, heat transfer in two-phase flow. The Package includes also the Model
of non-equilibrium vapor generation rate.

=TR= Thermal Radiation Package. This Package contains net enclosure, grey gas approximation
radiative heat exchange Models, Models for gas radiation properties and surface radiation

Figure 2-3 SPECTRA code structure - Heat and Mass Transfer Packages.

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Figure 2-4 shows Packages from the Miscellaneous Group. This Group consists of the following

=RK= Reactor Kinetics Package, includes the point kinetics (space-independent) and nodal point
kinetics, and the circulating fuel Models, with reactivity feedbacks from fuel and moderator
temperature changes, void fraction changes, and changes of isotope concentrations (for
example poisons such as Xe-135). The latter effect is calculated by the Isotope
Transformation Model.

=RT= Radioactive Particle Transport Package, includes aerosol transport, deposition and
resuspension, radioactive isotope chains.

=OX= Metal Oxidation Package, includes Models for Zircaloy and steel oxidation, as well as a
general Model for oxidation of any metal. The general Model uses parabolic reaction rate.
The coefficients for the parabolic reaction rate are defined by the user.

=MP= Material Property Package. Tables used to define properties of materials used for 1-D and
2-D solid heat conductors.

Figure 2-4 SPECTRA code structure - Miscellaneous Packages.

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Figure 2-5 shows Packages from the Math Procedures Group. This Group consists of the following

=ML= Math Library Package. This package contains standard models taken from the Numerical
Recipes in FORTRAN [2].

=TF= Tabular Function Package. Tabular functions allow the user to define time dependent
parameters. All tabular functions are assumed to be functions of time. This allows
eliminating Tabular Functions from the iteration procedure to obtain the implicit solution.
Tabular Functions may be defined interactively during program execution. With the
interactive TF the user or an external code can communicate with SPECTRA during the
execution; thus allowing the use of SPECTRA as a background code in a plant simulator.

=CF= Control Function Package. These are general functions, dependent on arbitrary arguments.
Control Functions are by default included in the main iteration loop to obtain the implicit

=EF= External Data File Package. This package contains functions for writing and reading
information to and from external files.

Figure 2-5 SPECTRA code structure - Math Packages.

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Figure 2-6 shows Packages from the I/O Procedures Group. This Group consists of the following

=IO= SPECTRA I/O Procedures Package. The Package contains the main procedures to read
input files and write output files. This Package is only a "coordinator" of input and output
processing. The following Packages: =CV=, =JN=, =SC=, =TC=, =TR=, =TF=, =CF=,
=H2=, =OX=, =MP=, =SL=, have their own procedures, responsible for reading, checking,
and writing data belonging to the appropriate Package.

=IN= Standard Input Procedures Package. The Package contains standard procedures to perform
preliminary processing of input (remove comments, perform file attachments, etc.).

Figure 2-6 SPECTRA code structure - Input / Output Packages.

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The last two Packages, not belonging to any of the Groups discussed above, are the Numerical Solver
Package (Figure 2-7) and the SPECTRA Main Program.

=SL= The Numerical Solver Package. This Package is responsible for solving the problem using
the implicit scheme (the Control Functions may be excluded, individually or globally, from
the implicit solution by the user).

=SPE= SPECTRA Main Program. The tasks of the Main Program are:
- To initiate reading and processing input. This is done by a call to the main subroutine from
the =IO= Package.
- To initiate problem solution if the input is read properly. This is done by a call to the main
subroutine from the =SL= Package. If errors are detected by =IO= Package then Main
Program terminates the execution and writes an appropriate message.

Figure 2-7 SPECTRA code structure - Numerical Solver Package

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3 Maintenance and Development of the Code

The SPECTRA code has been developed under NRG’s corporate Quality Management System and
satisfies the requirements of ANSI/ANS standards regarding code development, programming and
V&V. This software administration instruction was prepared as a supporting document for NRG’s
corporate QA procedure CS-MA-OD-021456 “Controlled development and maintenance of
software for numerical analysis” [5] and administrative instruction [6]. This chapter describes the
activities related to code maintenance and development, in particular the bug fixing procedure
(section 3.1), the code modification procedure (section 3.2), and the code development procedure
(section 3.3). Next, a description of the code compilation and quality checks is described (section
3.4). Finally the code release procedure is described (section 3.5).

3.1 Bug Fixing Procedure

The bug fixing procedure is based on the SPECTRA Software Administration Instruction [6]. The
SPECTRA Software Administrator is NRG’s single point of contact for reporting errors,
malfunctions, users comment and other SPECTRA software related issues. The bug reports are
stored in the code bug folder Z-BUG. The administrative channels for reporting errors are provided
in the release documentation of the code. The incoming correspondence will be reviewed and, when
needed, the following actions will be taken:

• A solution for the error/malfunction or the mentioned issue is defined as soon as possible.
• Within 5 working days the parties concerned will be informed about the proposed solution
for the reported issue.
• The final solution for the reported issue will be communicated with the party concerned as
soon as possible.
• In case a reported issue and its solution are of importance for all SPECTRA users, they will
be informed about it. The users may request an immediate (unscheduled) release of the new
code version. If such a request is not made, the solution will be available for the users after
the next scheduled release of the new code version.
• The release procedure depends on the priority, that is being assigned by the user:
o Very high: solution needed a.s.a.p., i.e. within days. The bug-fix code version (old
code release with the bug fixed) will be delivered to the user reporting the bug as
soon as the bug is fixed. There will be no new code release - solution will be
available to all other users when the regular new code release takes place.
o High: solution is needed within weeks. The bug is fixed and the new code release
is forced a.s.a.p., typically within 1 month.
o Medium: solution is needed soon but not critical. The bug is fixed and the
originator is informed. The new code release is forced at earliest convenience,
typically within a few months.
o Low: bug is not critical, waiting time of 1 - 2 years is acceptable. The bug is fixed
and the originator is informed but there is no forced new code release. The version
with the bug fix will become available to all users when the new code release is
ready (typically the intervals between the new code releases is between 0.5 year
and 2.0 years).

The bug report form is shown in Appendix A. The first part (problem report) is filled out by the
code user. The second part (problem solution) is filled by the code developer. In case of small
modifications (single file, <10 source code lines), the solution part of the bug report is the

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documentation of the change. In cases when larger modification is needed, the code modification is
recorded and documented separately within in the code modification procedure (section 3.2).

3.2 Code Modification Procedure

Every code modification, whether it originates from a user-supplied bug or request, or from the
regularly scheduled code updates, is documented using the following procedure.

• The modification is registered in the code modification folder Z-MOD, as a sub-folder with
an appropriate date.
• The files are stored in the subfolders OLD and NEW, which allows easy comparison and
identification of all changes that were introduced
• The modification is described in the code modification form, including:
o the old situation (e.g. problem detected by the developer, bug report, etc.)
o the new situation - what was changed, how the bug was fixed, etc.
o list of all source code files that were modified.
o the motivation for the modification, including an example case (if possible), a case
which caused the error (if applicable).

The code modification form is shown in Appendix B.

The activities described above take place after the modification was tested to verify the correctness
of the introduced changes. If the modification involves changes to the text in the Code Manuals,
then those changes are made in the appropriate Volumes of the Code Manuals, simultaneously with
filling the code modification form.

The above described procedure provides an easy way to document all changes that are made to the
code and keep control of the code versions. It has been applied since the code development started.
Recently a second method was added using the software tool GIT. Currently both methods are
applied independently for version control.

3.3 Code Development Procedure

The term code development is used here to mean significant code changes, caused by adding a new
model to the code. The code development is performed following the recommendations set by the
ANS standard on computer programming. ANSI/ANS-10.2-1988 [1], as discussed in [7]. As
described in detail below, the development procedure is simultaneous with the corresponding
updates of the code documentation. The documentation of the computer code SPECTRA is written
following the recommendations set by the ANS standard on documentation of computer software,
ANSI/ANS-10.3-1995 [3], as discussed in [8].

The code development procedure is based on the SPECTRA Software Administration Instruction
[6]. The nodal point kinetics, which was added recently to the code, is used here as an example. The
following procedure is applied.

• The theoretical basis and all governing equations are described in the Volume 1 of the Code
Manuals (the “theory manual”). If applicable, the conversion from the source equation to
the numerical approximation is given, so that the description provides an exact recipe for
the code development. In the considered example, this was written as section 9.5 - “Nodal

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Point Kinetics”. The source equations are converted to the matrix form used in the coding
and the matrix coefficients are derived (see section 9.5.3 in Volume 1).
• Based on the theory manual, the equations are coded in SPECTRA source code in the model
files. The coding related to the required additional input parameters is added in the input
processing files.
• The required additional input parameters are described in the Volume 2 of the Code
Manuals (the “user’s guide”). In the present example these are input records 750XXX,
750990, 750999, 751XXX, 755XXX, and 760XXX.
• The input procedures and input diagnostics are tested by:
o checking if the output of the input values during the input processing stage is
o checking if error diagnostics is displayed correctly (by inserting deliberate input
errors in the tested input file) and if all the warnings are displayed correctly (again
by deliberately inserting inputs that lead to warning).
• When the input procedures are checked and it is certain that the input is read correctly, the
verification and validation (V&V) of the new code commences. V&V of SPECTRA is
performed following the recommendations set by the ANS guidelines for the V&V of
scientific and engineering computer programs for the nuclear industry [4], as discussed in
[9]. Relevant test cases are selected and the calculated results are compared to the available
data. With increasing complexity of the new model, the number of test cases increases. In
the considered example, four test cases were selected, including three verification tests,
where the code results are compared to the exact solution, and one validation case, where
the code results are compared to the results obtained with a 3D neutronics code.
• The results of the test cases are described in the Volume 3 of the Code Manuals (the “V&V
manual”). In the considered example, this was written as section 3.9.4 - “Nodal Point
Kinetics”, including:
o the three verification cases, comparing the nodal kinetics to the theoretical solutions
(see sections through in Volume 3), and
o the validation case, comparing the code results with the results of the 3D neutronic
In the present example the new model is relatively simple and only a few tests were
considered sufficient. In the case of an earlier modification, extension of the point kinetics
for circulating fuel, the model inserted was far more complicated and 147 tests were selected
(see section in Volume 3).

When all the testing is completed, the new code version passes the code modification procedure,
described in section 3.2. The documentation is reviewed by the one of the members of SPECTRA
Support Team [6] and, if needed, by a specialist in the field (for example, the nodal kinetics model
was reviewed by a senior neutronic expert from NRG, Steven van den Marck).

3.4 Code Compilation and Quality Check Procedure

Code compilation is done using two different FORTRAN compilers. Currently the compilers used
• Intel compiler (Intel(R) MPI Library 2019 Update 5 for Windows, Target Build
Environment for Intel(R) 64 applications, Copyright 2007-2019 Intel Corporation.)
• Lahey-Fujitsu compiler (LF Fortran 7.8)

The Intel compiler gives faster running executable code, therefore it is used as a primary tool for
compiling the code. The LF Fortran compiler gives sometimes better diagnostics (more warning

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messages), therefore it is used as an alternative tool for a code quality check. For the Linux version
only the Intel compiler is used.

The code quality checks are conducted as follows

• Perform compilation using two different compilers. All errors and all warning messages
must be eliminated.
• Perform code quality check using dedicated software. The Forcheck program [10] is being
used. The program performs an analysis of Fortran source code or separate Fortran program
units. It detects more anomalies than most compilers do. All error messages must be
eliminated. All warnings must be carefully reviewed and if possible eliminated.

3.5 Code Release Procedure

The code release procedure is based on the SPECTRA Software Administration Instruction [6]. The
following procedure is applied.

• The installation test is run. This is the Establishment of Flow Problem (EFP). The test is
described in Volume 3. The results are compared to the earlier code version results.
• All the qualification tests are run. Results are compared to the earlier code version results.
Currently there are two sets of qualification tests:
o General qualification tests (folder \Z-INPUTS\Qualification-tests\)
o HTR-specific qualification tests (folder \Z-INPUTS\Qualification-tests-HTR\)
An automatic verification procedure, described in Volume 2, is used. The automatic
verification indicates for which tests the results are identical and for which the results are
different. All differences in results are then evaluated manually. The difference may come
o Round-off errors. Those are typically seen in the least significant digits in the output
file and do not show up if the results are plotted as graphs.
o Code modification. For example if a more accurate procedure is implemented in
the code the new results will be different (more accurate) than the old results.
o There may be new input parameters and/or new output parameters, appearing in the
output file.
The above differences are accepted. Other differences must be investigated and solved.
• When all eventual differences are resolved, the code is accepted and the following activities
are performed:
o A new number is assigned and the code is recompiled. Since then the new code
version appears in every output file.
o All the qualification tests are re-run with the new code version (and the new version
identifier). The new output file become the new reference cases for a future version.
o The installation test is run on Windows and Linux. A check is made if the that the
results are different. Usually there are no differences, which means that the only
difference showing up in the output file is the code version identifier, e.g.:

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Sometimes a small differences may be encountered occasionally on less significant

decimals, due to roundoff errors on different systems.

o The release notes are prepared, which contain the following information:
▪ Unique release version number to identify the release.
▪ List of folders and main files that are included in the delivery.
▪ Platform hardware and software requirements.
▪ List with a general overview of new features and fixes that are included.
▪ Contact details of the SPECTRA Software Administrator (name, e-mail
address, phone, postal address).

The code release form is shown in Appendix C.

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4 Hardware and Software Requirements

4.1 Operating Systems

SPECTRA is written in FORTRAN-77 and was developed for the Windows and Linux operating
systems. Two code versions are available and may be distributed to the users:

• Windows version,
• Linux version.

The differences in the source code (which are very limited) are clearly marked:

• In the Windows version, the Linux specific lines are preceded by the text C-LINX in the
source code and thus appear as comment lines.
• In the Linux version, the Windows specific lines are preceded by the text C-WIND in the
source code and thus appear as comment lines.

The post-processing tool, Visor, is available only for the Windows platform.

4.2 Requirements

SPECTRA can be installed on any modern computer. The memory size is not a critical issue for the
present-day computers. A preferred option is to use a computer with a fast processor, to reduce the
running times.

The user obtains the executable code, ready to be run on a Windows or Linux platform. There is no
need for the user to have a FORTRAN compiler. There is no need for any additional software.

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[1] "Recommended Programming Practices to Facilitate the Portability of Scientific and

Engineering Computer Programs", ANSI/ANS-10.2-1988, Revision of ANSI/ANS-10.2-
1982, Prepared by the American Nuclear Society Standards Committee Working Group
10.2, Published by the American Nuclear Society, 555 North Kensington Avenue, La
Grange Park, Illinois 60525 USA, April 1988.

[2] W.H. Press, S.A. Teukolsky, W.T. Wetterling, B.P. Flannery, "Numerical Recipes in FOR-
TRAN. The Art of Scientific Programming", Second edition, ISBN 0-521-43064-X,
Cambridge University Press, 1992.

[3] "Documentation of Computer Software, an American National Standard", ANSI/ANS-10.3-

1995, Prepared by the American Nuclear Society Standards Committee Working Group 10.3,
Published by the American Nuclear Society, 555 North Kensington Avenue, La Grange Park,
Illinois 60525 USA, April 1995.

[4] "Guidelines for the Verification and Validation of Scientific and Engineering Computer
Programs for the Nuclear Industry", ANSI/ANS-10.4-1987, Prepared by the American
Nuclear Society Standards Committee Working Group 10.4, Published by the American
Nuclear Society, 555 North Kensington Avenue, La Grange Park, Illinois 60525 USA, May

[5] D.E.C. Scherpenzeel, “Controlled development and maintenance of software for numerical
analysis”, NRG Management system document CS-MA-OD-021456.

[6] D.E.C. Scherpenzeel, “SPECTRA Software Administration Instruction”, NRG report

K6223/22.249713, November 2022.

[7] D.E.C. Scherpenzeel, M.M. Stempniewicz, “Programming Rules Applied in Development

of SPECTRA - an Overview Report”, NRG-K6223/22.247911, December 2022.

[8] D.E.C. Scherpenzeel, M.M. Stempniewicz, “Documentation of SPECTRA - an Overview

Report”, NRG-K6223/22.247910, December 2022.

[9] D.E.C. Scherpenzeel, M.M. Stempniewicz, “Verification & Validation of SPECTRA - an

Overview Report”, NRG-K6223/22.247912, December 2022.

[10] https://www.cs-software.com/software/forcheck/forcheck_info.html

22 K6223/24.277594 MSt-2402
SPECTRA Code Manuals - Volume 4: Code Structure, Development, Hardware ...

Appendix A Bug Report Form (QA-SPE-004)

Part 1 of the bug report form - problem report - to be filled by the user:

Part 2 of the bug report form - Problem solution - to be filled by the SPECTRA developer

K6223/24.277594 MSt-2402 23
SPECTRA Code Manuals - Volume 4: Code Structure, Development, Hardware ...

Appendix B Code Modification Form (QA-SPE-005)

24 K6223/24.277594 MSt-2402
SPECTRA Code Manuals - Volume 4: Code Structure, Development, Hardware ...

Appendix C Release Notes Form (QA-SPE-006)

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