De Ro: OF C T Council
De Ro: OF C T Council
De Ro: OF C T Council
SECTION I . The Honorable City Mayor Rolando A. Uy, representing the City Government
of Cagayan de Oro, is hereby authorized to enter into and sign the Memorandum of Agreement
(MOA) with the National Housing Authori ty (NHA), represented by its Regional Manager for Region
X, Engr. Alfonso L. Borlagdan, covering the NHA's Resettlement Assistance Program for the
Dansolihon Resettlement Project (for the victims of Typhoon Odette), located in Barangay
Dansolihon, th is City, as part of the Cagayan de Oro City Ba li k Probinsya Bagong Pag-asa (BP2)
Housing Proj ect , under terms and conditions sti pulated therein .
SECTION 2. The aforestated MOA consisting of nine (9) pa ges on fil e with the Office of the
Sa ngguniang Pan lungsod Secretary sha ll form part and parcel of this Ordinance.
Present: 1st District: - Coun cil o r Agapito Eriberto G. Suan - Councilo r George S. Cokin g
- Coun ci lo r Jay R. Pascual - Coun cilo r Jose Pepe S. Abbu, Jr.
- Counci lor lm ee Rose P. Mo reno - Coun cilo r Roger G. Aba day
- Coun cil or Ro meo V. Ca lizo
2"' District: - Coun ci lo r Yevonna Yac ine B. Emano - Coun ci lor Joyleen Mercedes L. Ba laba
- Coun cil or Ma ria Lou rdes S. Gaane - Coun cilo r Christian Rustico M. Achas
- Council or Edga r S. Caba nlas - Coun cilo r Suzette G. Magtajas-Da ba
- Cou nci lor Ian Ma rk 0. Nacaya
Ex-Officio, - Coun ci lo r Ya n Lam S. Li m - Coun cil or Kenn eth Jo hn D. Saca la
On Official Business: - Counci lor Ma lvern A. Espa rcia - Coun cilo r Ja mes K. Judith II
ENACTED this I 5th day of January 2024 in the City of Cagaya n de Oro.
Approved :
8 y. Oan oUt\on, Ca ay n d Oro, l ml Of ntal
This Agreement made and entered into this _ _ _ _ __. in the City of
Cagayan de Oro, by and between:
WHE E , it is the declared policy of the state to provide the peopl witn
adequate and decent housing facilitie and to encourage various takehold to
participate in the housing program of th gov mment;
WHEREA , the Implementing Rules and R ulation of Republic Act No. 11201
recognized that the National Hou ing Authority (NHA) functions a a production and
financing arm in hou ing nd hall exercise all other function ba ed on its existing charter
and its other mandates as provided under existing laws;
WHE , on December 16, 2021, Typhoon Odette trigger d heavy rains. which
con quently caused unprecedented flooding in certain area in the City of Cagayan de
Oro. Thus, the incident left various properties damaged and famlli s displaced:
WHEREA , pursuant to the Local Government Cod (RA 7160) and the Urban
Development and Housing Act of 1992 (RA 7279), Local Govemm nt Units re mandated
to take a principal role in the provision of housing services to its con tituents:
WHEREAS, the NHA has acceded to the request of the CITY, to facilitate and
provide technical assistance in the provision of a resettlemenUrelocation site for the
affected fam'1\ies oi iyp'noon Ooette to be located at the property of the CITY in Brgy.
Dansolihon, Cagayan de Oro City, Misamis Oriental:
WHEREAS, NHA MC No. 2020--035, dated 11 June 2020, authorized its Regional
Manager, ENGR. ALFONSO L. BORLAGOAN, to enter into this Memorandum of
Agreement with the Local Government of Cagayan de Oro City for the construction of 152
Housil'.lg Units (76 Duplex) resettlement/relocation site for the affected families of
Typhoon Odette;
1.1 The Project shalt cover the construction of 152 Housing Units (76 Duplex) on the
172,840 square meters, more or less. property of the CITY located at Brgy.
uansOllhon, <.;agayan de Oro City, Mlsamls Oriental, to be known as
DANSOLIHON HOUSING PROJECT, for an estimated development cost of
FIFTY MILLION PESOS (P50,000,000.00), to be' implemented by
1.2 The Project development shall only include the censtruction of 152 Housing Units
(76 Duplex), within three hundred sixty (360) calendar days.
1.3 The project Implementation/development shall be in accordance with the plans and
specifications, costs, and time frames mutually agreed upon by the Parties and
shall be in accordance with the provisions of Batas Pambansa 220 as a Socialized
Housing Project.
1.4 The Project implementation shall be completed in accordance with the approved
Contract of the Project and the approved Implementation Schedule as specified in
the approved PERT~CPM of the Project. However, the .duration of the project
implementation may be extended or adjusted due to force majeure and other
meritorious reasons, which shall be approved by both parties. subject to ·the
limitations under the existing laws. rules, and regulations.
1.5 The cost of this Project shall be recovered from the project beneficiaries by the
NHA pursuant to the relevant rules and regutations of the NHA. and other re\ated
laws and regulation.
2.1 The Project is primarily Intended to provide housing assistance to families affected
by Typhoon Odette in Cagayan de Oro City, and other urban poor families who
qualify for relocation and resettlement assistance under Republic Act No. 7279.
Should the number of lots to be generated be inadequate to service current
requirements, prioritization of awards shall be mutually agreed upon by both
2.2 Housing Assistance shalt be granted to the Project Beneficiaries through any mode
of conveyance as may be approved by both PARTIES.
2.3 Disposition of home lots and housing units shall be subjected to restrictions in the
disposition under Socialized Hou~ing as prescribed under Article IV, Section 14 of
Republic Act No. 7279 and to such other terms and conditions as may be
prescribed by the PARTIES.
3.1 The Protect shall be jointly supported by both PARTIES. The NHA shall provide
technical assistance in the implementation of the project, and the CITY shall
provide the land and funds for land development of the DANSOLIHON HOUSING
3.2 The cost of this housing project shall be funded by the financial assistance granted
by the Govemment of the Republic of China.
~ .2 Undertake the total land development of the project site. The CfTY must at
least complete the comprehensive survey works, earthworks, clearing and
grubbing, and site grading of the project site within six (6) months from the
notice of NHA that the fund for the _grant is ·readily available.
~ Secure, comply. and submit to NHA at the CITYs expense all the legal
and technical data, permits. clearances. and licenses from other
government agenci~s. and other required documents showing its
readiness to undertake the PROJECT development.
b. Approving the use of the CITY's property as a housing site for the
identified qualified beneficiaries:
c. Authorizing the Mayor to enter into and sign a MOA with NHA for the
development of the project as described above:
I •
4 .1.8 Ensure the aeaUon of the Proi~ \mp\ementat\on Team that will ttaise with
NHA and shall be responsible for overall project operation and
4.1.9 Create and convene the Local Inter-Agency Committee (LIAC) to be headed
by the CITY, with representatives of NHA, Presidential Commission on
Urban Poor (PCUP). the community associations concerned as members,
and other government agencies and participating institutions, as deemed
appropriate, to ensure adequate consultation and participation in project
,mp\ementation and monitoring.
4.1.10 Cause the proper use and maintenance of open spaces within the project
by planting trees and other vegetative covers. The CITY may allow the
construction of community facilities in duly designated areas or sites.
4.1.13 After completion of the project. maintain the fend development works in
good condition at the CITY'S expense.
4 .1.14 Network with NGOs, POs and GOs for the provision of livelihood
opportunities in the Project.
4. 1.16 Perform such acts and deeds necessary to cany out the above
responsibilities. ..,
4.2.1 Assist the CITY in the preparation of land development and housing plans,
including technical specifications, cost estimates, and implementation
4.2.2 Provide technical assistance to the CITY in the preparation of protect plans.
formulation of policies and guidelines In the implementation of resettlement
4.2.3 Evaluate, review, and a9prove the de'le\o~e"\a\ p\ans and technical
specifications, including the final cost estimates of the proposed housing
construction works.
4.2.4 Supervise and monitor the implementation of the Project in accordance with
the approved plans, cost estimates, specifications. and project schedules;
4.2.5 Assist the CITY in the formulation of policies for beneficiary selection.
disposition of housing Units, and cost recovery.
4,2.6 Turnover completed development undertaken to the CITY through a Deed ·
of Donation and Acceptance.
4.2.7 Af. a membef ci \he Local Inter-Agency Committee. monitor ttie progress of
project implementation and upon project completion and joint final
inspection, accept tho completed housing units. A separate group/unit from
the NHA shall be designated for this purpose. ·
· 4.2.8 Advocate for the adoption of its Gender mainstreaming policies and
procedures in all areas of housing development from social preparation,
beneficiary selection, physical construction. relocation of families,
disposition of housing units and post-relocation pro9rams.
5.1 It is understood that failure of the PARTIES to demand st~ct compliance of any or
all of the Terms and Conditions of this Memorandum of Agreement shall not be
construed as a waiver and/or estoppel on their part for the enforcement of their
rights in connection herewith.
5.4. All damages and lqsses of whatever nature that may be suffered by third persons
as a result, directly or indirectly, of a fault ornegligence _of the CiTY in the execution
of its work performance of its undertaking under this Contract shall be the sole
responsibility. of the CITY. The Cl1Y, therefore, shall save and hold the NHA free
and exempt from all claims for damages, losses, penalties and liabilities of
whatever kind or nature. including all causes of action, suits, judgments, arising
from death or injury to persons or damage to property resulting from the CITY's
fault or failure to exercise diligence fE!C\Uiced in the e~~\ion of \\$ "'lotk and ,n the
performance of its undertaking.
5.5. It is the duty of the CITY, in order to minimize, if not eliminate, the incidence of
such damages and losses that may be inflicted upon third persons, to provide all
necessary safeguards including the posting of warning signs at strategic points of
the work area and its vicinity to the end that incidents that may result in injury or
death to persons and damages may be.avoided or prevef)ted.
5 .6 The invalidity or unenforceability of any portion or provision_of this Agreement shall
not affect the validity or enforceability of any other portion or provision. Any invalid
or enforceable portion or provision shall be deemed severed from this Agreement.
5.7 The parties consent and stipulate that the VENUE for any legal action that may
arise from this agreement shall only be in the proper courts of Cagayan de Oro
City. Philippines.
This Agreement shall take effect upon signing by afl parties hereto and shall remain
effective unless otherwise terminated or upon satisfaction of the objectives by which this
Agreement has baen forged.
1N WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands this
_ _ _ _ _ _• in Cagayan de Oro City.
Recommending approval:
BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the City of Cagayan de Oro, Philippines,
this _ _ _ _ _ _• personally appeared, ENGR. ALFONSO L. BORLAGDAN, with
NHA. \0 No. _ _ _ in n"i!> capacny as Regional Manager of the National Housing
Authority - Region X, known to me and known to be the same person who executed the
foregoing Agreement and Acknowtedgment to mo that the same ls his voluntary free act
and deed and th~ entity he represents.
Doc. No.
Page No.
Book No.
Series of 2023.
BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the City of C gayan de Oro, Philippines,
this _ _ _ _ _ _ . personally appeared, HON. ROLANDO "Kl rex" A. UY, with
_ _ _ _ _ _ 10 No. _ _ _ in his capacity as City Mayor of the Cagayan de Oro
City, known to me and known to be the same person who executed the foregoing
Agreement and Acknowledgment to me that the same is his voluntary free act and deed
and the entity he represents.
Doc. No.
Page No.
Book No.
Series of 2023.