Mm&a-L - Unit 2
Mm&a-L - Unit 2
Mm&a-L - Unit 2
UNIT No. 2
1. Customizing Workspaces.
2. File Handling
3. Setting size and resolution parameters.
4. Importing files.
5. Navigating open document
1. Adjusting exposure(brightness)
2. Adjusting color
3. Cropping and adjusting aspect ratio
4. Dodging and burning
5. Retouching
6. Sharpening and Noise Reduction
Learning Outcome:
The GIMP user interface looks like a typical image editing tool. A dedicated design team
designs it. It is presented in two forms
o single-window mode
o multiple window mode
The default view of GIMP is multiple window mode, which has the tools and tool
settings on the left and other utility dialogues on the right. The center screen displays
image being manipulated. The top navigation menu is always on in-display mode.
Consider the below image:
Menu Bar: If you look at the top of the screen you will see the Menu bar (Figure 3),
which contains all the main functions of Photoshop, such as File, Edit, Image, Layer,
Select, Filter, Analysis, 3D, View, Window, and Help.
Toolbox: Most of the major tools are located in the Toolbar for easy access.
Foreground/Background Color: One can change the color as per requirement using this
Tool Options Dialog: GIMP has great flexibility for arranging dialog on your screen. A
“dialog” is a moving window which contains options for a tool or is dedicated to a special
task. A “dock” is a container which can hold a collection of persistent dialogs, such as the
Tool Options dialog, Brushes dialog, Palette dialog, etc. Docks cannot, however, hold
non-persistent dialogs such as the Preferences dialog or an Image window.
The Tool Options dock under the Toolbox in the left panel,
The Layers, Channels, Paths and Undo dock in the upper part of the right panel,
The Brushes, Patterns and Gradients dock in the lower part of the right panel.
1. Customizing Workspaces.
This can be used to alter the workspace according to requirement by changing the
panels or resizing the different panels, change the theme.
- > Go to Windows > Select Single Window Mode (To get all the panels in one
single window and resize them accordingly).
- >Edit > Preferences > Theme (Like this change the theme as per your
2. File Handling
Compression is the way of making files to take up less space.
In multimedia systems, in order to manage large multimedia data objects efficiently,
these data objects need to be compressed to reduce the file size for storage of these
Compression tries to eliminate redundancies in the pattern of data.
Resizing a photo is also a prevalent and useful need for us. Resizing is a straight
forward process. We may require to resize image for several aspects like for the web
image to reduce or enlarge the image. It will not affect the view of the image. But, it is
recommended to keep the enlargement average. Otherwise, it may affect the image
depending upon the image quality.
To resize an image, select the scale option from the Image menu. It will open a
dialog window to specify the image resolution.
Specify the image resolution and click on the Scale button. It will resize the image accordingly.
The Navigation dialog is designed to offer easy movement around the active
image if the zoom is set higher than what the image window can display.
If this is the case, there is a white colored rectangle that shows the location of
the current view area in respect to the image.
In this rectangle, the mouse pointer takes the form of a grabbing hand; outside
this rectangle, it takes the form of a hand with pointing fore-finger.
You can access more quickly to it (but without the zoom functions) by
clicking on the icon at the right bottom corner of the image window:
The Layer submenu allows us to work on layers. We can also access the layer
submenu by right-clicking on the image. We can perform several vital tasks on layers
such as managing transparency, resizing a layer, creating a new layer; delete a layer, and
many more.
o New Layer
o New From Visible
o New Layer Group
o Duplicate Layer
o Merge Down
o Delete Layer
o Stack
o Mask
o Transparency
o Transform
o Layer Boundary Size
o Layer to Image Size
o Scale layer
o Crop to Selection
o Crop to Content
The New Layer tool is used to add a new empty layer to the image layer
stack. It adds the new layer at the top of the layer stack. It will open a window to
define the layer properties such as height, weight, name, etc.
Enter the layer name and other values, then click ok to create a new layer. The
layer name does not have any physical significance.
The color tag is useful if you have multiple layers. Tag a layer with a different color to
identify it among other layers. The color tag can be seen at the eye icon of the layer.
This tool is used to merge the visible layers into a new layer. It will add at the top the
layer stack. It is useful if you want to manipulate the result but want to keep the created
steps. To use this tool, select it from the layer menu.
The New Layer Group tool is used to create a new layer group. The layer group is useful
for managing the layers. To group layers, select this option from the layer menu.
Duplicate Layer
This tool is used to add a new layer to the image, which is identical to the active layer. It
will be named the same as the original layer name but appended the copy with its name.
The background layer that does not have an alpha channel will be provided one by
To duplicate a layer, select the duplicate layer option from the layer menu.
Merge Down
The Merge Down tool is used to merge the currently active layer with just below layer
from the stack. It will observe it's all the properties such as opacity and layer mode. This
option is grayed out if there is no down layer; The resulting layer will be in normal mode.
Generally, it is used to merge down to create a new layer so that you can track what you
are doing and edit it without affecting the original one. It will merge two layers into one
without affecting its look.
To merge the layer with the below layer, select the merge down option from the layer
The Delete Layer tool is used to delete the active layer. To delete the current layer, select
the delete layer option from the layer sub-menu.
The Stack tool is used to manage the layers from the layer stack. It provides options for
selecting a new layer, changes the position of the layer, and more. If the image has a
single layer, many of the stack options will be grayed out.
Select Next Layer: This tool is used to select the layer just underneath the current layer
in the layer stack. It highlights the layer and makes it as active. If there is no selection,
this option will be grayed out.
Select Top Layer: This tool is used to select the topmost layer in the layer stack. It
highlights the layer and makes it as active. If there is no selection, this option will be
grayed out.
Select Bottom Layer: This tool is used to select the bottom layer in the layer stack. It
highlights the layer and makes it as active. If there is no selection, this option will be
grayed out.
Raise Layers: This tool is used to raise the layer one position in the layer stack. It
highlights the layer and makes it as active. If there is no selection, this option will be
grayed out.
Lower Layer: This tool is used to down layer one position in the layer stack. It
highlights the layer and makes it as active. If there is no selection, this option will be
grayed out.
Layer to Top: This tool is used to raise the active layer to the top of the layer stack. It
highlights the layer and makes it as active. If there is no selection, this option will be
grayed out. The layer cannot be raised If it is the lowest layer (bottom layer), and it does
not have an alpha channel.
Layer to Bottom: This tool is used to down the active layer to the bottom of the layer
stack. If there is no selection, this option will be grayed out.
Reverse Layer Order: This tool is used to reverse the layer order.
Layer masks are the essential tool in image manipulations, which is used to modify the
layer's opacity (transparency) selectively.
Add Layer Mask: The Add Layer Mask tool is used to add a layer mask to the
current layer. It opens a dialog window to set the initial properties of the mask. If
the layer already contains a mask, this entry will be grayed out.
Delete Layer Mask: This tool is used to delete an existing layer mask. If there is
no layer mask, this tool will be insensitive and grayed out.
Show Layer Mask: It is used to display the existing layer mask. It will turn the
image invisible. If there is no layer mask, this tool will be insensitive and grayed
Edit Layer Mask: This tool allows us to edit the existing layer mask. If there is
no layer mask, this tool will be insensitive and grayed out.
Disable Layer Mask: This tool is used to disable an applied layer mask. If there
is no layer mask, this tool will be insensitive and grayed out.
Mask to Selection: This tool is used to convert the active layer's layer mask into
a select ion. It replaces the current selection that is active in the image.
Add to Selection: This tool is used to convert the layer mask of the active layer
into a selection that is added to the selection.
Intersect from Selection: This tool is used to convert the active layer's layer
mask into a selection that is intersected from the selection.
The transparency tool is used to manage the transparency (alpha channel) of the image.
The transparency sub-menu contains the following options:
The Transform tool is used to transform, such as flip and rotate the active layer of the
image. The transform sub-menu contains the following entries:
To use these tools, select them from the layer-> Transform sub-menu.
The Layer Boundary Size tool is used to change the dimension of the layer. It will
not scale the image and define the layer's size, offset, transparency, etc.
The Layer to Image Size tool is used to resize the layer boundaries to match the image
boundaries. It resizes the image boundaries without affecting the contents of the layer.
Scale Layers
The Scale Layer tool is used to resize the layer and its contents. It opens a scale layer
dialog to define the scale values.
To scale a layer, select the scale layer option from the layer sub-menu.
Crop to Selection
The Crop to Selection tool is used to crop only the active layer to the selection boundary.
It removes the strips at the edge whose contents are entirely unselected. It will not crop
the partially selected area. If there is no selection, this option will be insensitive and
grayed out.
Crop to Content
The Crop to the content tool is used to crop the active layer automatically. It is different
from the Crop Tool, which lets us manually crop the specific area. It removes the largest
possible area around the outside of the edge, having the same color.
The selection tools are used to select a region from a layer to work on them in a specified
shape. All the selection tools can be accessed and added to toolbox from the Tools-> Selection
o Rectangle Select
o Ellipse Select
o Free Select
o Foreground Select
o Fuzzy Select
o By Color Select
Rectangle Select
The Rectangle select tool is used to select a rectangular region from an active layer. It is the most
common selection tool. Click on the below icon to select the rectangular selection. It is useful for
adding background color, adding text, adding outline (stroke) to a specific region.
Ellipse Select
The Ellipse Selection tool selects the circular and elliptical regions from an active layer or image.
Click on the below icon to select an elliptical region. It is useful for adding background color,
adding text, adding outline (stroke) to a specific region.
Free Select
The Free Selection tool is used to select by drawing it free-hand with the pointer. To free select
hold down the left mouse button, move the cursor according to your drawing. The selection is
closed by connecting the pointer with the starting point of the selection. It is good for rough
drawing but not so good for precise definition.
Foreground Select
The foreground selection tool allows us to extract the foreground from an active layer or image.
It works on the SIOX method (Simple Interaction Object Extraction).
o Roughly select the foreground with a dashed selection line as in free select. As the
selection will be completed, the non selected background will be converted into a dark
blue mask.
o Draw a line on the foreground using a paintbrush for extracting:
The Fuzzy Select is used to select areas of the current layer or image based on color similarity. In
this tool, the starting point is the main point, so it is crucial to pick the right starting point. If you
choose the wrong starting point, you may not get the required part. It is useful for sharpening
By Color Select
The Color Select tool is used to select the region based on color similarity. It is like fuzzy
selection, but the difference is the fuzzy selects contiguous region comparatively the color selects
all pixels that are sufficiently similar in color to the selected pixel.
As I have clicked on the brown color, so it automatically selects all the regions having a brown
Layer Styles are called Layer Effects in GIMP and include: Drop Shadow, Inner Glow, Outer
Glow, Gradient Overlay, Stroke, Bevel and Emboss, etc. These can be used to quickly apply
effects to your layer(s) without having to jump through hoops.
Filters are one of the most used features for photo editing. It is a unique tool that takes an input
layer or image, applies a mathematical algorithm to it, and provides a layer or image in a
modified format. GIMP has various Filters such as Blur, enhances, distorts, light and Shadow,
GIMP Filter menu can be browsed by selecting the Filter option from the menu bar. It contains
the following tools:
o Repeat Last
o Re-Show Last
o Reset all Filters
o Blur
o Enhance
o Distorts
o Light and Shadow
o Noise
o Edge Detect
o Generic
o Combine
o Artistic
o Decor
o Map
o Render
o Web
o Animation
Repeat Last
The Repeat Last tool is used to perform the last executed action with the same configuration. It
will not show any dialog or confirmation message. To execute the last action, select it from the
filter menu or stroke the CTRL+F keys.
Re-Show Last
The Re-Show last tool is also used to perform the last executed action with the same
configuration. It is similar to repeat the last action, the difference between both the tools is it
displays a dialog for configuration.
To perform the re-show last action, select it from the filters menu or
stroke SHIFT+CTRL+F keys.
The Reset All Filters tool generally runs a plug-in and displays a dialog with all of the previously
initialized settings. It is useful for recovering former setting values.
To reset the previous initialized settings, select it from the filter menu.
The Blur tool is used to blur the objects or parts of the image in different ways. It also works on a
selection. There may be some leakage of colors from the unblurred area to the blurred area.
o Focus Blur
o Gaussian Blur
o Lens Blur
o Mean curvature Blur
o Median Blur
o Pixelize
o Selective Gaussian Blur
o Variable Blur
o Circular Motion Blur
o Linear Motion Blur
o Zoom Motion Blur
o Tileable Blur
After Blur:
Like the above blur effect, we can choose the different blur effects from the above list.
The Enhance filters are used to reimburse image defects such as dust particles, noise, interlaced
frames, and insufficient sharpness. It is a comprehensive and useful tool for photo editing.
o Antialias
Each of the filters has an interactive and unique effect on the image. Select the desired enhance
filter from the above menu to use it.
The distorts filter is used to transform the image in different ways. The distort sub-menu contains
the following tools for transforming the image:
o Apply Lens
o Emboss
The Light and Shadow tool is also one of the most used tools in photo editing. In this sub-menu,
you can find the two group of effects
Light effects: The light effects are used to render several illumination effects of the image.
Shadow effects: The Shadow effects are used to create various kinds of shadows.
Light effects:
o Bloom
o Supernova
o Lens Flare
o Gradient Flare
o Lightning effects
o Sparkle
Shadow Effects:
o Drop Shadow
o Long Shadow
o Vignette
o Drop Shadow (legacy)
o Perspective
o Xach effect
Noise filters are used to add noise to the current layer or selection. The noise in the image is the
random variation of brightness or color information. It is a beneficial aspect of the image to
clarify it.
Usually, the noise can be produced by the image sensor, digital camera, or circuitry of a scanner.
The Edge Detect tool is used to search the borders between different colors. It is useful for
making selections and other artistic purposes. This feature is based on gradient calculation
methods. It contains the following edge detection tools:
o Difference of Gaussians
o Edge
o Laplace
o Neon
o Sobel
o Image Gradient
o Difference of Gaussians (legacy)
Each of the above tools is based on some specific algorithms and has a unique behavior.
However, all tools detect the edge of the image.
Sobel effect:
The Generic tool brings all filters together, which can't be placed elsewhere. The generic sub-
menu contains the following tools:
o Convolution Matrix
o Distance Map
o GEGL Graphs
o Normal Map
o Dilate
o Erode
The Distance Map tool allows us to replace each pixel in the image with a gray value dependent
on the nearest obstacle pixel's distance.
The Dilate tool allows us to widen and enhances dark areas of the current layer or selection.
The Combine tool is used to combine the two or more images into one image. It provides two
options for merging:
o Depth Merge
o Filmstrip
The Artistic tool is used to create artistic effects like cubism, oil painting, canvas, and many
more. It contains the following sub-menu:
o Apply Canvas
o Cartoon
o Cubism
o Glass Tile
o Oilify
o Photocopy
o Simple Linear Iterative Clustering
All of the above tools have their unique behavior and feature. To apply any of the above effects
on the image, select it from the filters menu.
The Decor tools have image-dependent Script-Fu scripts used to create decorative borders and
add some special effects to the image.
o Add Bevel
All of the above tools have some unique and special effects on the image. To apply an effect,
select it from the filters menu.
The Map tool is used to map the image to object; it uses an object "map" to modify the image. It
is useful for creating a 3D effect on the image. It can also map a part of the image ( Using
Illusion tool) and bend a text (Displace tool) along the curve.
o Bump Map
o Displace
o Fractal Trace
Each of the above tools has a unique and special effect. To apply any of the above effects, select
it from the Filters-> Map menu.
The render tool is used to create patterns from scratch. Most of the filters and effects work on a
layer or a selection, but they create the effect from scratch.
o Fractal
o Noise
o Pattern
o Circuit
o Gfig
o Lava
o Line Nova
o Sphere Designer
o Spyrogimp
The web tool is used on images mentioned for web sites. It is useful for the ImageMap feature to
add clickable "hot spots" on the image.
o Semi Flattern
o Image Map
o Slice
The Animation tool allows us to view and optimize our animations. The Animation sub-menu
contains the following tools:
o Blend
o Burn-in
o Rippling
o Spinning Globe
o Waves
o Optimize
Each of the above tools has a unique effect. To apply any of the above effects, select it from the
Filters-> Animation menu.
1) Adjusting exposure(brightness)
Exposure is also a useful aspect of the image to make it more attractive. It
reduces the noise of the image. It is useful for making tweaks. Lower the
exposure, the darker the image. And, the higher the exposure, the brighter
the image.
To adjust the exposure, select the exposure tool from the Colors->
Exposure menu. We can define the exposure by selecting the level of the
2) Adjusting color
Color Balances defines the colors of the image. It is also one of the best
tools for editing. We can adjust the colors of the image according to our
choices for the shadows, highlights, and mid-tones. It provides the
ultimate control over the colors of the images. It can be accessed from the
colors menu and let us manage the colors of the current layer or the
To adjust the color balance, navigate to Colors-> Color Balance menu.
Hit ENTER key to crop the selection. It will crop the selected region.
One can crop using aspect ratio as well by selecting right ratio in the status
It is used to lighten or darken the colors on the image. It uses the current brush
and draws the brush to make the dark or light color; The default mode will
determine the type of pixels.
To activate the Dodge/Run tool, click on the below icon or navigate it by the
menu: > Tool>Paint Tool > Dodge/Burn
5) Retouching
One can use filters to smoothen the image or skin of an image by changing or
altering the color through different layer.
Noise Reduction
Increasing Strength lessens noise, and increases blur: find compromise using the
on-canvas preview.
The result of this filter can be larger than the original image. With the default
Adjust option, the layer will be automatically resized as necessary when the filter
is applied. With the Clip option the result will be clipped to the layer boundary.