Photoshop CS6
Photoshop CS6
Photoshop CS6
Table of Contents
Your Workspace...............................................................................................................................3
Opening an Image............................................................................................................................4
Image Size........................................................................................................................................5
Color Mode......................................................................................................................................6
Adding Text....................................................................................................................................12
Adobe Photoshop is a graphics editing program, or image editing software, that allows you to create and
manipulate visual images on the computer. Editing features in the program help in creating and
managing visual images for Internet, print, and other new media disciplines.
Photoshop is a tool for designers, web developers, graphic artists, photographers, and creative
professionals. It is widely used in industries. Web Designer uses photoshop first to make a logo for
website. Application Designer also uses photoshop first to create User Interface for his application.
Even, 3D game developer also uses photoshop to create a digital painting of its character in game.
One can also develop Matte Painting (which is unusual, as the unreal type of scenes) scenes using
these tools.
Your Workspace
Menu Bar
Options Bar
Tool Bar
Photoshop lays out the most important tools that you will need right on the main workspace. This
allows you to easily find the tools that you need without digging through menus. Furthermore,
Photoshop allows users to use simple keyboard shortcuts in order to get to these tools faster.
Tool Bar – Provides access to a variety of tools with multiple image-editing functions.
o These tools typically fall under the categories of drawing; painting; measuring
and navigation; selection; typing; and retouching.
o Some tools contain a small triangle in the bottom right corner of the tool icon; these
tools can be expanded to reveal similar tools.
Options Bar – Works in coordination with your tool bar to provide additional settings for
the tool you’re currently using.
o The options bar changes according to whichever tool you are using.
Menu Bar – Contains menus for performing common tasks
o Consists of eleven menu options: File; Edit; Image; Layer; Type; Select; Filter; 3D;
View; Window; Help
o Menu items containing an ellipsis indicate that a dialogue box will follow that
o Menu items with an arrow indicate a submenu for that particular option.
Panels/Palettes - Helps you monitor and modify your work
o Provides groups of functionality specific to certain tools or tasks.
o You can create a custom workspace by moving and manipulating panels.
Opening an Image
Before you can start manipulating a visual image, you will need to either open an existing document
or create a new one.
Select Open… from the File menu in the top menu bar. (Ctrl + O)
Navigate to image location on your computer. Select the file and click Open.
When you open an existing file, Photoshop will put that file into a new document panel on your
Image Size
When working on an image in Photoshop you must first properly size the image, depending on the
media discipline you are using. This is specifically important due to images varying for Web and
Print use. Larger images on a website will actually slow the site down, making it difficult for your
viewer to see the content. Larger images are used for print in order to ensure that detail of your
visual image is present.
To resize an image, select Image Size... from Image in the top menu. (Ctrl + Alt + I)
*Set your Resolution according to your media discipline*
o For Web set this to 72
o For Print set this to 300
It is important that you understand your media size when setting your height and
width. For web, you always want to ensure that your image will be viewable on any or
most screens.
Color Mode
It is very important to establish your color modes based on the media discipline you are using. Each media
output (computer screen, printer, etc.) interprets colors differently, so it is important to be able to set
your color mode for the output to understand it.
To change the color mode go to Image in the top menu and select Mode.
o RGB stands for “Red, Green, Blue”
These are the three colors on electronic devices (computers, phones, tv, etc.)
and therefore used for anything displayed on the screen
o Additive color mode
Red, Green, and Blue add up to make White
o CMYK stands for “Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key”
Key is black
These are the four inks in a standard printer and therefore used for any
print materials (photographs, papers, posters, etc.)
o Subtractive color mode
Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow add up to make Black (but not the true “Key”
Working with Layers
A Photoshop layer is like a sheet of transparent film, similar to ones used for an overhead projector.
When you stack films (layers) together, you will be able to see through the transparent parts and
not be able to see through the parts with content. You can move, rotate, and manipulate a single
layer without affecting any others. You can also change the opacity, or transparency, of one layer to
make content partially visible.
A. Layer Menu
B. Filter Option
C. Blending Mode
D. Master Opacity
E. Locking Controls
F. Fill Opacity
G. Active Layer
H. Group
I. Layer Thumbnail
J. Layer Name
K. Show/Hide Layer
L. Locked Layer
M. Background Layer
N. Link Layers
O. Layer Styles
P. Add Layer Mask
Q. New Adjustment Layer
R. New Group
S. New Layer
T. Delete Layer
Layer Menu gives you additional commands and options
Filter Option helps you find key layers in complex documents quickly
Blending Mode controls how layers react with one another
Master Opacity controls the opacity of a layer
Locking Controls allows you to lock various parts of a layer to prevent editing
Fill Opacity controls just the fill opacity of a layer (not the stroke)
When you are working on a particular layer, it will become an Active Layer
A folder icon will appear on layers that are in a Group
Layer Thumbnail shows you a smaller view of just that layer
Layer Name can be changed to help organize and maintain your layers
Show/Hide Layer makes a layer visible or invisible
A lock icon will appear on any Locked Layer
Background Layer is the bottommost layer in your panel
Link Layers links multiple layers so you can move the content in them together
Layer Styles adds effects (drop shadow, bevel and emboss, etc.) to your layers
Add Layer Mask allows control of particular pixels that you select within a layer
New Adjustment Layer provides image adjustments to all visible layers under them
New Group groups layers together to help you organize and manage them
Add a New Layer, name your layer, and click “Ok”
If you no longer want a layer, then you can Delete it
Adding In More Images
Photoshop projects can have multiple images by separating them into different layers. To add
another image into your project:
The Crop Tool can be used to select a particular area of an image and discard everything outside
this area. Although cropping an image makes your image smaller, it is not the same as Image Size.
While Image Size allows you to control the size of a document, the Crop Tool sets the focus area of
your document.
To crop an image select the Crop Tool located in your Tool Bar on
the left ( C )
To crop an image, click on the dark arrows in the corners or the dark
lines on the sides, top, and bottom and drag to wherever you’d like
Click Enter on the keyboard when ready to crop
Creating Areas of Solid Colors
By using the Shape Tool, located in your Tool Bar, we will be able to create a solid color on a layer.
This layer will be used as background color for text we will add later.
Click the Shape Tool in your Tool Bar and select the Rectangle Shape Tool
Using your mouse Click and Drag where you would the new solid color to be
Adding Text
You can add text to your Photoshop project by using the Type Tool located in the Tool Bar. Every
time you add text to your document it will automatically be created in a new layer, located in your
Layers Panel on the right.
Saving your Photoshop Image
After you are finished with your document, Photoshop gives you the opportunity to save your
project. You can save your project in various formats, depending on your media discipline.
Photoshop also gives you the option of saving as a Photoshop File (.PSD) so that you can
go back and edit your project whenever you’d like.
o When you reopen a Photoshop File, all of your work will still be available, allowing
you to continue to work.
o To save as .PSD go to File in the top menu and select Save
When saving your project for print, it is recommended to use an Image File Format (.jpg,
.png, .gif, etc.), as a Photoshop File, or a PDF.
o Go to File in the top menu and select Save
o Select the appropriate file format is the Format drop-down menu
When saving your Photoshop project to be used on the Web, it is recommended to use .JPG
or .PNG
o Go to File in the top menu and select Save for the Web…
o Under Preset is the drop-down menu for file format
Click on the drop-down menu and select JPEG or PNG-24 then click Save…