SCR Operation Manual

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MAN Energy Solutions

Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Software Version 1909-1

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MAN Energy Solutions 0220-0100-0005

The Manual

This manual covers the operating instructions for the MAN ES Selective Catalytic
Reduction (SCR) system for electronically controlled diesel engine setups (ME/ME-
B). It will describe the main components, the operation and certain maintenance
aspects of the system. Both high pressure (HP) as well as low pressure(LP) instal-
lations are covered in the present edition.

The HP MAN ES SCR system includes control of both valves and dosing demand
of reducing agent together with interface to several sub-systems such as a soot
blowing system. The control is handled by the SCR Control System (SCR-CS),
which is a part of the Emission Reduction Control System Software (ERCS-SW).
For HP SCR both High Sulfur (HS) and Low Sulfur (LS) fuels can be used, with no
major differences in system setup. Therefore both options are treated under the
general term HP SCR.

In the case of the LP SCR system the SCR-CS handles only the dosing control,
while the valve control is handled by a separate system, which can be the engine
builder or an external supplier. For LP SCR only LS fuels are accepted.

There are many similarities in the HP and LP SCR Setups. This manual describes
the SCR system in general, with suitable distinction in places where there is a dif-
ferentiation between HP and LP installations.

For both HP and LP SCR systems, the actual SCR system consist of several sub-
systems. For details about the operation of the subsystems, please refer to their
specific manuals.

The choices for the reducing agent are described. The choice of which reducing
agent to use does not impact the working or functional aspects of the MAN ES
SCR system. The storage and injection system will however differ, depending on
which reducing agent is used.

Deviations from a MAN Energy Solutions product may be found at a specific plant.
If so, such deviations should be noted when ordering spare parts.

Reliable and economical operation of the MAN Energy Solutions product is condi-
tional upon its correct operation and maintenance in accordance with MAN Energy
Solutions' instructions and recommendations/guides. Consequently, it is essential
that the personnel are fully acquainted with the content of this manual.

Furthermore, to ensure optimum efficiency, reliability and lifetime of the product

and its components, only original spare parts should be used when replacing parts
of the SCR set-up.

The manual structure

This manual is divided into several chapters. Each chapter covers the complete
documentation for its relevant content.
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Each chapter is made up of several document types e.g. 5645-2150-0003. The

documentation type number is the third and fourth digit.

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Examples of document types are as follows.


20 - Preface

45 - Description

55 - Drawings

65 - Maintenance Workcard

The following 5-8 digits are the Identification (ID) number of the document in the
relevant chapter of a certain document type.

The last 4 digits form the edition number.


47 65 1901 0005
Chapter Document Type ID Number Edition

Referring to this manual

When contacting MAN Energy Solutions and referring to this instruction manual,
please include title, edition no., and, if relevant, page no.

Multi purpose controller - 4765-1901-0005 - Page 2

For a specific engine, also specify the name of the vessel or stationary installation,
IMO number (if applicable), engine type or number and engine builder.

Example: for marine installation

Bow Firda - 9250751 - 052024 - MAN Energy Solutions - 2272-0420-0028
Example: for stationary installation
Baja California Sur IV - S50426 - SB12604 - MAN Energy Solutions -

Internet services
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MAN Energy Solutions is always working on new and better ways to provide up-
to-date information and documentation for its customers. Visit our homepage for
further details about the current services offered and how to access these.

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Additional Information

Further details may be found in:

▪ Sub-supplier manuals
▪ Plant Installation drawings
▪ Shop trial report
▪ Sea trial report (or site trial report for stationary installations)
▪ EIAPP Technical File


This manual is subject to copyright protection. The manual must not, whether in
whole or in part, be copied, reproduced, made public, or in any other way made
available to any third party, without the prior written consent of MAN Energy Solu-

Responsible publisher

MAN Energy Solutions

Teglholmsgade 41

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MAN Energy Solutions 5645-2150-0007

Table of Contents
The Manual 3 0220-0100-0005
The Manual Structure 3 0220-0100-0005
Referring to this Manual 4 0220-0100-0005
Internet Services 4 0220-0100-0005
Additional Information 5 0220-0100-0005
Copyrights 5 0220-0100-0005
Responsible Publisher 5 0220-0100-0005
Table of Contents 7 5645-2150-0007
Introduction 9 5645-2150-0007
▪ Why SCR? 9 5645-2150-0007
▪ List of Abbreviations 9 5645-2150-0007
▪ Working Principle - HP and/or LP SCR Process 10 5645-2150-0007
SCR System Main Components 14 5645-2150-0007
▪ Main Components Specifically for HP SCR Install- 15 5645-2150-0007
▪ Main Components Specifically for LP SCR Installa- 17 5645-2150-0007
Components Requiring Special Attention 17 5645-2150-0007
▪ SiPart with Integrated Booster (HP SCR only) 18 5645-2150-0007
▪ PS2 Sipart 23 5645-2150-0007
▪ Pressure Difference Control (HP SCR only) 25 5645-2150-0007
▪ SCR Control Sensor Unit 32 5645-2150-0007
Reducing Agent Supply 38 5645-2150-0007
▪ Characteristics and Properties of the Two Redu- 38 5645-2150-0007
cing Agents
Selective Catalytic Reduction

▪ Set-Ups for Supplying the Reducing Agents 38 5645-2150-0007

Operation 40 5645-2150-0007
▪ Operation of HP SCR 43 5645-2150-0007
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▪ Operation of LP SCR 50 5645-2150-0007

Hardware 54 5645-2150-0007
Human Machine Interface (HMI) 55 5645-2150-0007
▪ Overview of modes and states 55 5645-2150-0007
▪ Overview of other info on SCR screens 58 5645-2150-0007

SCR Failures 60 5645-2150-0007

Main Operation Panel (MOP) 66 5645-2150-0007
▪ ERCS MOP Description 68 5645-2150-0007

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▪ Selections and Indications on the MOP 69 5645-2150-0007

MPC LED Indication 71 4745-1900-0001
Multi Purpose Controller 75 4765-1901-0005
Alarm System 81 6645-0240-0010
Alarm Handling 81 6645-0240-0010
▪ Alarm List 81 6645-0240-0010
▪ Event Log 83 6645-0240-0010
▪ Manual Cut-Out List 88 6645-0240-0010
▪ Channel List 88 6645-0240-0010
Maintenance 89 6645-0270-0015
▪ Maintenance Screens 89 6645-0270-0015
▪ System View I/O Test 90 6645-0270-0015
▪ Invalidated Inputs 92 6645-0270-0015
▪ Network Status 92 6645-0270-0015
SCR Electrical Diagrams 97 5655-2710-0002
Selective Catalytic Reduction

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1 Introduction
The present edition of the SCR Operation manual covers the MAN ES SCR in-
stallations on electronically and partly electronically controlled diesel engines

The manual covers two types of SCR installations, these being:

▪ High Pressure SCR (HP SCR)
▪ Low pressure SCR (LP SCR)

1.1 Why SCR?

Reduction of NOx emissions from a marine diesel engine can be performed
today by two available technologies, these being SCR or EGR (Exhaust Gas
Recirculation). Experience with SCR technology has shown that NOx emis-
sions can successfully be reduced to fulfill the IMO Tier lll NOx levels.

1.1.1 SCR - Performance Requirements

The SCR system must be designed to fulfil the IMO Tier III NOx-regulation
stated in the Revised MARPOL Annex VI and NOx Technical Code 2008. I.e.
the engine must meet an IMO NOx cycle value of 3.4 g/kWh for engines rated
with speeds below 130 RPM (n) and 9•n-0.2 g/kWh for engines rated with
n≥[130;1999] for the applicable load cycle. Moreover, the not to exceed NOx
limit applies (NTE), which means that the specific NOx emission must not ex-
ceed 1.5 times the applicable cycle limit at any of the individual load points in
the load cycle.

1.2 List of Abbreviations

ABS Ammonium BiSulphate
AIG Ammonia Injection Grid
AMS Alarm Monitoring System
CBV Cylinder Bypass Valve
DAU Data Acquisition Unit
Selective Catalytic Reduction
DCS Dosing Control System
DCU Decomposition Unit
EGB Exhaust Gas Bypass
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EMS Engine Management Services

ERCS Emission Reduction Control System
HMI Human Machine Interface
HP High Pressure
HS High Sulfur

LP Low Pressure
LS Low Sulfur
MC Crankshaft controlled engine

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MAN ES MAN Energy Solutions

ME Electronically controlled engine
MOP Main Operating Panel
MPC Multi Purpose Controller
NOx Nitrogen Oxides
PMI Pressure Mean Indication
p-scr Pressure in the SCR line
RBV SCR Reactor Bypass Valve
RSV SCR Reactor Sealing Valve
RTV SCR Reactor Throttle Valve
SCR Selective Catalytic Reduction
SCU Scavenge Air Control Unit
TC Turbo Charger
T-reactor in Exhaust Gas Temperature at Reactor Inlet
T-SCR in Exhaust Gas Temperature at SCR Inlet
T-SCR out Exhaust Gas Temperature at SCR Outlet
T-turbine in Exhaust Gas Temperature at Turbocharger inlet

1.3 Working Principle - HP and/or LP SCR Process

This section briefly describes the basic theory which is the basis for both the
LP and HP SCR processes. In sections 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 the differences
between the two processes will be discussed.
The NOx reduction is obtained by a catalytic process in an SCR reactor. For
HP installations, the reactor is placed before the TC. For LP installations, the
reactor is placed after the TC. In the SCR reactor, the NOx is reduced catalyt-
ically to nitrogen and water by adding ammonia as a reducing agent. The re-
ducing agent used for the SCR process is either:

▪ aqueous urea (40% solution)

▪ aqueous ammonia (25% NH3)
Selective Catalytic Reduction

The catalytic process proceeds in the reactor, which contains catalyst ele-
ments with a large number of channels and thus providing a large catalyst
surface area. See figure 1.
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Figure 1: Image of a catalyst element in SCR reactor with channels for ensur-
ing optimum contact between process gas, reducing agent and catalyst ma-

The employed reducing agent is injected into the vaporiser. In the case of
urea as reducing agent the urea decomposes into ammonia and carbon diox-

An essential parameter of the SCR process is the gas temperature, measured

at several points in the SCR line. A lower temperature limit at each engine load
is established by the sulfur equivalent in the fuel to avoid formation of Am-
monium BiSulfate (ABS) in the SCR reactor. On the other hand, the temperat-
ure must not be too high as this will result in an increased SO3 formation in the

In other words, to ensure an efficient SCR operation, it is crucial to maintain

exhaust gas temperatures within a certain temperature window.

1.3.1 SCR High Pressure Process

Selective Catalytic Reduction

The HP SCR process, illustrated in Fig. 2, takes place in the SCR line, which
consists of three major components: the SCR reactor, combined vaporiser/
mixer unit and the dosing unit. The reducing agent is injected by the dosing
system in the vaporiser/mixer, which will vaporise and mix with the exhaust
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gas. The prepared gas is led to the SCR reactor where the NOx reduction
takes place.

Due to the demand for a relatively high temperature of the SCR process, it is
convenient to place the SCR line on two stroke marine diesel engines on the
high pressure side, i.e. before the turbocharger. Because of this aspect, the
term HP is used. Depending on the engine load, the exhaust gas temperature

on this side is 50-175 °C higher than on the low pressure side.

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Figure 2: HP SCR installation.

When operating in Tier II mode (SCR not yet enabled, reactor bypassed) the
SCR system is cut off by the Reactor Sealing Valve (RSV) and the Reactor
Throttle Valve (RTV). The Reactor Bypass Valve (RBV) is open and exhaust
gas passes directly to the turbocharger. A venting system is running, in order
to keep the SCR line and the reactor clean. The system might also include an
Exhaust Gas Bypass valve (EGB) to provide the engine with low load EGB
tuning when operating in Tier II mode (the EGB is not shown on Fig. 2).

When operating in Tier III mode the SCR system will be engaged if the ex-
haust gas temperature is above the sulfuric acid condensation limit (200°C). If
not, a standby heat system will keep the SCR system above the sulfuric acid
condensation limit, if possible. If the exhaust gas temperature is ok, the SCR
line is opened by the valves, RSV and RTV, and hereafter the RBV will be
closed. As soon as gas flows through the reactor, soot blowing is started, in
order to avoid clogging of the reactor with soot particles.

Even though the reactor is placed before the turbine, the exhaust gas temper-
Selective Catalytic Reduction

ature will still not be sufficiently high at low loads for the SCR process to take
place. To increase the temperature, a cylinder bypass from the scavenge air
receiver to the turbine inlet is installed. The bypass is controlled by the cylinder
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bypass valve, CBV. When opening the bypass, the gas flow through the cylin-
ders will be reduced without losing the scavenge air pressure and, accord-
ingly, the exhaust gas temperature will increase. This system make-up en-
ables maintenance of the sufficiently high temperature for the SCR process to
take place. However, the cylinder bypass will increase the SFOC depending
on the required temperature increase.

When all temperature sensors in the SCR line measure a value within the al-

lowed temperature window, the injection of reducing agent, and hence NOx
reduction, can begin.

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1.3.2 SCR Low Pressure Process

When operational conditions restricts the sulfur equivalent in the fuel during
the SCR operation to 0.1% S or less, it is possible to install a Low Pressure
(LP) SCR system. In this system, the SCR line is placed after the TC which
provides flexibility for arranging the SCR installation. The LP SCR system con-
sists basically of the same major components as the HP SCR system, i.e.
SCR reactor, vaporizer/mixer and dosing system, see figure 3.

Figure 3: LP SCR installation.

However, since the exhaust gas temperature is lower than on the high pres-
sure side, direct injection of urea as reducing agent in the exhaust gas may
not be feasible. Therefore a LP SCR system may utilize systems for dosing
and vaporizing urea separately from the main SCR exhaust gas duct. The
urea is decomposed to ammonia outside of the SCR exhaust gas in a mixer
or AIG (ammonia injection grid). Such separate decomposition system may
consist of additional components such as a burner, blower and vaporizer ves-
sel, see example in figure 4.
Selective Catalytic Reduction
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Figure 4: Example of separate decomposition, LP SCR system.

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When operating in Tier II mode (SCR not yet enabled, reactor bypassed) the
SCR system is cut off by the valve before reactor and the valve after reactor.
The valve in reactor bypass is open and exhaust gas passes directly to stack.
When operating in Tier III mode the SCR system will be engaged by opening
the valve before and after reactor and closing the valve in reactor bypass. The
EGB will open to increase the temperature after the turbocharger.

When all temperature sensors in the SCR line measure a value above a spe-
cified limit, the injection of reducing agent, and hence NOx reduction, can be-

As the LP SCR system has less impact on the engine performance, control of
the soot blowing, standby heat and/or venting processes are not in MAN ES
scope, and these systems will therefore not be treated in this manual for LP

2 SCR System Main Components

In this section, the main components for SCR installations are briefly de-

▪ SCR Reactor: The conversion of NOx into nitrogen and water takes place
here. There are four important things that the reactor must live up to:
1. The reactor volume contains the necessary amount of catalyst material in
order to achieve the desired NOx reduction. The catalyst material must be
kept clean, in order to work as intended.
2. Excessive pressure drop is undesirable. See section 5, Operation.
3. Satisfactory distribution of the exhaust gases. The mass flow profile
through the reactor should be as uniform as possible. This is to ensure
optimum contact between the process gas and the catalyst.
4. The mechanical strength as well as tightness may not be compromised.
▪ Soot Blowing System: To prevent contamination of the reactor elements,
a soot blowing system is installed. The soot blowing process is performed
periodically when the exhaust gas passes through the SCR reactor and
the soot is led out with the exhaust gas after being blown loose from the
elements inside the reactor. The soot blowers installed in the SCR reactor
Selective Catalytic Reduction

are designed in a way that ensures only low permanent increase of the
pressure loss across the SCR system over time i.e. keep the total pres-
sure drop of the SCR system below the maximum pressure losses.
▪ External Dosing Handling System: The external dosing handling system is
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able to supply the reducing agent based on the dosing demand signal
provided by the MAN ES control system. For details about the reducing
agent, see section 4. Furthermore it is able to clean itself after use by a
flushing sequence.

▪ SCR Control Sensor Unit (NOx sensors): The NOx sensors measure the

NOx concentration after the SCR reactor and turbocharger, in order to se-
cure that over- or under-dosing is not taking place.

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2.1 Main Components Specifically for HP SCR Installation

▪ Vaporizer / Mixer: The vaporizer/mixer unit, along with the SCR reactor,
can be regarded as the major components in the HP SCR system config-
uration. In the vaporizer, the catalytic process is prepared by injecting the
reducing agent which will vaporize and mix with the exhaust gas. The pre-
pared gas is led to the SCR reactor where the NOx reduction takes place.

▪ Valves: There are four major functioning valves which control the respect-
ive process flows within the system.

The valves are controlled by the measured temperatures in the system.

The most important functional aspect of the employed valves is to ensure
that the engine does not become damaged as a result of unsuitable oper-
ational conditions, e.g. insufficient energy to the turbocharger. Besides
this, the flow control is to subsequently ensure a suitable temperature, so
that the reduction process can proceed satisfactorily.

Note that the configuration and number of employed valves can vary ac-
cording to the number of turbochargers.

Valve Exercise Function: This function applies to CBV, RTV and RBV(s)
and is used for two different purposes. These two different purposes are
as follows:

1. Making sure that the valves don’t get stuck (Valve Exercise), which is
defined as follows: When the engine is running, this function is activated
once a day, and makes the valves move a little bit in order to make sure
they don't get stuck in a certain position. If a valve is stuck, it will trigger a
Valve Deviation Alarm. When the SCR is disengaged due to Engine Mode
Tier II or SCR Mode Stop or Failure, the RTV is closed and venting air is
used to keep out exhaust gas. If there is a lower pressure in the SCR line
than in the bypass line, the SCR Control System will wait with the exer-
cise of RTV in order to not suck exhaust gas into the SCR line.
2. Verifying that the SCR Control System has control over the valves (Valve
Excitation), which is defined as follows: When starting the engine in a har-
bor, the valves will be moved in order to verify that the SCR Control Sys-
tem has control over the valves. This function is activated when the SCR
Selective Catalytic Reduction

Control System receives the Prepare Engine Start signal from ECS or
when the engine is started.
- Tier II harbor: RBV(s) and RTV open, CBV closed: RBV(s) and CBV are
moved. RTV closes completely in order to start the engine with the SCR
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system disengaged.
-Tier III harbor: RBV(s) open, RTV and CBV closed: All valves are moved.

All valve exercise function activations are logged in the event log on the
▪ RSV: This valve is used to seal the reactor during heat tracing/venting
when the SCR system is not in operation. It is furthermore opened if the

pressure in the SCR line is too high, compared to the pressure in front of
the turbocharger. If the SCR is not used for one month or longer, the RSV
must be manually moved once a month, in order to ensure that the valve
does not get stuck. This can be done from the ERCS MOP, when the en-

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gine and SCR system are not running, and operation is in manual mode. It
is advised that proper opening and closing of the valve is checked visu-
▪ RTV: During heat-up, more flow is gradually fed through the SCR reactor
by control of this particular valve thus ensuring a predefined minimum
temperature for the exhaust gas and a maximum temperature difference
(for proper engine operation) between the exhaust gas temperature at the
SCR inlet (T-SCR in) and the exhaust gas at turbine inlet (T-turbine in).
This valve is furthermore used to equalize the pressure in the SCR line, if it
increases to above the pressure in the bypass line, during operation
without the SCR engaged.
▪ RBV:This valve (one or more) is used to bypass the SCR reactor in Tier II
operation and during fast accelerations, and to regulate the flow of pro-
cess gas during heat-up. When the RTV is fully opened, the RBV valve(s)
will close gradually, ensuring a predefined maximum temperature differ-
ence over the SCR line. This ensures that the flow to the turbocharger has
enough energy for the engine to work properly.
▪ CBV: Regulation of this valve is used to increase the exhaust gas temper-
ature at low load if it is needed by the reactor. This valve is furthermore
used to increase the temperature in the SCR reactor prior to stopping the
auxiliary blowers, for a smooth stop. Additionally, this valve is used to
dampen eventual temperature oscillations.
▪ SiPart with integrated booster: The SIPART PS2 positioner is used in or-
der to ensure safe and reliable regulation of valves in the SCR system. Si-
part with integrated booster, is used in order to ensure a satisfactory and
reliable signal. In set-ups where the valves are relatively small, boosters
are not necessary.
▪ Standby Heat System: A standby heat system for avoidance of sulfuric
acid condensation in the SCR reactor during stand-still and start-up is in-
cluded in the HP SCR system. The standby heat system keeps the tem-
perature of the reactor above 200˚C in Tier III areas, which is the expected
sulfuric acid condensation limit. Furthermore a pre-heated SCR reduces
the heating times of the SCR.
▪ Venting System: A venting system for avoidance of sulfuric acid condens-
ation in the SCR reactor during stand-still and start-up is included in the
HP SCR system. The reactor is vented with fresh air during Tier II opera-
tion, i.e. disengaged SCR. Venting alone cannot prevent condensation of
sulphuric acid during SCR start up. In case of an error on the SCR sys-
tem, the SCR line will close, and the venting system will continue to run in
order to ensure that exhaust gas does not enter the SCR line. It is to keep
exhaust gas back flowing into the reactor causing the sulfuric acid con-
Selective Catalytic Reduction

densation, to make it more clear.

▪ Pressure Control: The HP SCR system is equipped with RTV and RSV
valves in order to allow the SCR system to be cut off in certain circum-
stances. As the SCR line pressure must be kept under the lowest pres-
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sure rating of the SCR pipes, reactor, mixer, gaskets etc. in all conditions
in order to satisfy class rules, an SCR line overpressure control strategy
must be chosen. See the section 3.3. Pressure Difference Control for the
MAN ES proposed solution.
▪ Auxiliary Blowers: These blowers are found on all engines, but they are
larger and have a slightly different function on those which are equipped
with HP SCR. During SCR start-up and also when up-and-running below

a pre-defined engine load, the auxiliary blower must ensure that sufficient
pressure is provided to the scavenge air receiver. When the SCR is
stopped, the auxiliary blower operates in its normal manner, independent
on the SCR process.

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▪ Tank and Compressor: This unit (as shown at the lower left of figure 5-6)
is a buffer unit for ensuring a constant and suitable air supply for the SCR

2.2 Main Components:- Specifically for LP SCR Installations

The LP SCR set-up is fundamentally similar to the HP SCR set-up. Compon-
ents found exclusively within the LP SCR set-up will now be mentioned.

▪ External decomposition system for urea injection: The decomposition unit

can consist of a blower, burner and vaporizer vessel. The decomposition
unit is used to ensure proper vaporization of the reducing agent since the
exhaust gas temperature after the turbocharger is typically too low for dir-
ect injection of the reducing agent in the exhaust gas.

- Burner: The burner takes some of the process gas emitted from the re-
actor and heats it to a suitable temperature for reducing agent decom-
position and vaporization.

- Blower: The blower ensures a sufficient mass-flow for the process.

- Vaporizer: The chosen reducing agent is injected into the vaporizer ves-

Parts of the decomposition unit can also be used to regenerate the SCR
reactor from ABS by raising the temperature to sufficiently high levels in
which the ABS is burned off the SCR reactor (>350°C). This can be per-
formed with the SCR line bypassed and the burner and blower active. Re-
ducing agent is not injected during the regeneration process.

- Ammonia Injection Grid: The heated process gas from the DCU is injec-
ted and mixed with the exhaust gas.

3 Components Requiring Special Attention

In this section the components of the MAN ES part of the SCR system, re-
quiring special attention, are described.

For HP SCR, the following system components can require some adjustments
and attention in order to ensure satisfactory performance of the SCR system.
Selective Catalytic Reduction

Therefore, it is a good idea to be familiar with the method of working with

these, if present on the current set-up:
▪ Siemens PS2 Sipart Valve Positioner and
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▪ Siemens Volume Booster (Only found on set-ups equipped with large

valves) or
▪ Siemens Sipart with integrated booster (only found on set-ups equipped
with large valves - an alternative to the separate Sipart and booster)
▪ SCR overpressure limit valve
The first two components work together in order to ensure a precise and ac-
curate regulation of the various large sized valves. The third component is an

alternative to the two first. The last component is an important part of the SCR
safety system.

For both HP and LP SCR, the SCR Control System requires a list of sensors.

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Most of these are standard sensors, and will not be mentioned here. The NOx
sensors are however realized via the SCR Control Sensor Unit and requires
some special attention. See section 3.4 for details.

3.1 SiPart with Integrated Booster (HP SCR only)

Within some of the manufacturers literature, the item discussed in this

section is, somewhat erroneously, referred to as the Integral Volume
Booster. Regardless of whether the term integral or integrated is en-
countered, reference is made to the same item.

This Section describes guidelines for optimal function of the Siemens PS2 In-
tegrated Volume Booster together with the Siemens PS2 SIPART valve posi-
tioner in a control loop.

Figure 5: Picture of the Siemens PS2 Integrated volume booster.

Selective Catalytic Reduction

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Figure 6: Integrated volume booster seen from different angle and with SiPart
mounted (above).

The device may only be operated with dry and clean compressed air, in
order to avoid damage to the device.

The Integrated Volume Booster is designed for pneumatic actuators that re-
quire high flow for fast stroking times. In addition, it can respond to small or
gradual input changes without jeopardizing steady-state accuracy or stability.

The Booster contains an internal stabilization bypass valve. The bypass open-
ing is controlled by a screwdriver adjustment in the body of the booster which
permits tuning for optimal dynamic response. It is recommended that the by-
pass valve is opened ¼-turn (counter-clockwise) at initial start-up.

Selective Catalytic Reduction

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3.1.1 Installation
Selective Catalytic Reduction

In order to ensure correct assembly of the Siemens PS2 Integrated Volume

Booster and the Siemens PS2 SiPart, follow the procedure given in the “Si-
Part PS2 Integrated volume booster” Installation instructions.
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When the Siemens PS2 Integrated volume booster and Siemens PS2 Si-
Part are assembled together verify that the shaft can be rotated by

hand. If this is not possible, loosen all screws, rotate shaft and re-tighten
all screws.

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3.1.2 Device Setup

The integrated Volume Booster must be setup BEFORE initializing the SiPart
PS2 valve positioner. The “NOINI” (no initialization) mode, see example below,
can be used to perform this setup. The NOINI mode will appear once elec-
trical power is applied to a brand-new SiPart PS2 valve positioner.

In cases where the integrated volume booster is being retrofitted to an initial-

ized SIPART PS2 valve positioner, follow steps 1-6 to activate NOINI mode:

1. Press and hold “HAND” button for approx. 5sec. to enter configuration
2. The configuration parameter number will appear in the lower left corner of
3. Toggle the “HAND” button until parameter “4.INITA” appears on the bottom
4. Press and hold the (-) minus button until “no” appears on the top of the dis-
5. Press and hold “HAND” button for approx. 5sec. to exit configuration
6. Display will be similar to the following (numerical value will vary).

Figure 7: Display for the case of integrated volume booster being retrofitted to
an initialized setting.
Selective Catalytic Reduction

Once all pneumatic connections are made, and the appropriate supply
pressure is applied, moving the valve assembly through the entire valve
stroke can be accomplished using: the Plus (+) and/or Minus (-) but-
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▪ Turn the bypass valve(s) ¼ turn open (counter-clockwise).

▪ Pressing “+” or “-“ button will deliver air slowly to the actuator.
▪ Pressing “+” or “-“ button will deliver air slowly to the actuator.

To move valve assembly in the opposite direction, perform pushbutton pro-

cedure in reverse sequence.
▪ If the valve assembly doesn’t move, it may be possible that the valve as-
sembly is at the actuators end-stop position. Therefore, alternate push-
button sequence to deliver air in the opposite direction.

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Using (+) and (-) buttons, move valve assembly to each end-travel position.
7. Using (+) and (-) buttons, move valve assembly to each end-travel position.

Since the numerical value on the display is an un-calibrated value, use a

mechanical indicator on valve assembly to determine actual valve position.
8. Release pushbuttons to hold valve assembly to some mid-travel position.
Once pushbuttons are released valve assembly should not move.

If valve assembly continues to move, adjust bypass valve/s a ¼ turn counter-

9. Repeat step 8 until valve assembly can be stopped at any travel position.

If step 9 cannot be accomplished check for air leaks in valve assembly.

10. Setup of Integrated volume booster is complete once step 9 can be ob-
11. For finale commissioning of the Siemens PS2 Integrated Volume Booster
and Siemens PS2 SIPART. See the above PS2 SIPART chapter as reference.

3.1.3 Maintenance
These instruments do not normally require any routine maintenance.

Before disassembling the unit, make sure all air pressure to the unit is
turned off


The screens are located in the air supply and output connections. A screen
must be removed from its seat to be cleaned. Screens can be damaged dur-
ing removal, and spare screens should be on hand (P/N A5E35246369)

Procedure for cleaning the screens

Selective Catalytic Reduction

▪ Turn supply air off.

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▪ Remove a screen with a scribe by carefully pulling on and around the

edge of the screen.
▪ Clean the screen by blowing through in reverse direction with compressed
air. Soak the screen in solvent or clean mechanically if necessary.
▪ Insert the screen until it bottoms using an object, such as the eraser end
of a pencil, which will not cause damage.
Shipping and storage

If the Integrated Volume Booster is to be stocked, stored, or shipped to an-

other location prior to piping, make sure that the factory installed plastic plugs
are in the ports to prevent entry of moisture, dirt or other contaminants.

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3.2 PS2 Sipart

The SiPart controls the position of the valve.

To perform auto calibration of the Siemens PS2 SiPart Valve Positioner, follow
the checklist below. During the procedure, the enclosure of the Sipart should
be removed as described below.


NO Normally Open

NC Normally Closed

CW Clock Wise

CCW Counter Clock Wise

Check of the valve’s fail-safe-position and rotation direction

NO CCW is our standard setup. However, we have encountered cases with
both NC CCW, NC CW and NO CW.

To test fail-safe-position and rotation direction, proceed as follows:

Check to see the position of the bevelled portion of the position piece at the
top of the actuator. The flat section indicates an open position. Subsequently,
connect the air supply. The resultant position will disclose CW or CCW direc-

The following instruction is based on the configuration: NO valve with CCW

rotation. The procedure depends upon the system function and safe position.
It will be necessary to adjust the procedure accordingly as to whether the ac-
tuator is NO/NC CW/CCW.

Selective Catalytic Reduction

Whenever magnet position is adjusted, the air supply must be cut off.
This is both due to the safety aspect of sudden valve actuation during
manual adjustment and it is the only reliable way to find out whether the
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valve is set at NO/NC CW/CCW.

SiPart PS2 Commissioning. Preliminary. Connection of cables

1. If not already done, connect all cables according to the supplied draw-

2. If not already done, connect the Position-feedback-cable from NCS-

sensor to EMC filter module. Because of the lack of space in the vicinity
of the SiPart, it is recommended to mount the NCS cable first.

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3. If not already done, connect the Set-Point cable to terminal 6, 7 (SCU CU

4. If not already done, connect the alarm cable to terminal 31, 32 (SCU CU
5. If not already done, connect the Feedback cable to terminal 61, 62 (on Iy-
module) (SCU CU ch.34).

6. Press Hand (bottom mark with a hand) for minimum 5 seconds. The Si-
Part goes in to Configuration-mode for the parameters.
7. Set Parameter 1 (Type of Actuator) to ”-ncSt” by the “+” and “-“. All NO
values must use -ncSt settings.
8. By pressing the hand – change to parameter 2. This is set to the factory
default position to 90°.
9. By pressing hand – go to Parameter 7 and by use of "+" or "-" select
"FALL" for Normally Open valves.
10.By pressing hand – go to Parameter 38 and by use of "+" or "-" select
11.By pressing hand, go to parameter 39 and set to "Up do".
Selective Catalytic Reduction

12.Set parameter 40 to 4.0 and parameter 41 to 96.0.

13.Go to parameter 4 - initialising of SiPart, Press “+”for min 5 seconds for
starting initiation. The SiPart will run the Automatic Initiation Program with
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5 steps.
Failures and Troubleshooting
14.If the initial process stops at “Run 2”: “Run 2” can be stopped due to 2
reasons: “Down violence band violated” and “Up tolerance band viol-
15.If “Down tolerance band” is violated, the magnet must be turned to 4-10

% If “Up tolerance band” is violated, the magnet must be turned to


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16.When the display shows “Finish” – the Initial process is terminated suc-
cessfully. Automatic Initiation Program terminated successfully.
17.By pressing the hand - change to parameter 47. Set parameter 47 (alarm
switch function) to “hnA” (Fault + not automatic). The SiPart is set-up to
send an alarm when it has a fault or is not in Automatic-Mode.
18.Press hand for more than 5 seconds for exit of Configuration Mode. IM-
and parameters saved. Display will show “software version 4.00” – and
system is ready to use.
19.Test valve function local. By a short press on Hand you can toggle
between “Auto” and “Manual”. In Manual-mode – the valve position can
be changed by pressing “+” or “-“. When finished testing – leave the con-
troller in Auto-mode.
Test valve function from MOP. On the “Scavenging Air screen” change SCR
mode to “Manual” (you need to be in “Chief”-mode and the engine needs to
Selective Catalytic Reduction
be stopped).

Test the valve function by changing the set-point to several different positions
between 0% and 100% and check that the position-feedback is following the
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set-point. Check that the valve is closed at 0% and is fully open at 100%.
When finished testing – switch SCR-mode back to “Auto”.

3.3 Pressure Difference Control (HP SCR only)

This section describes guidelines for ensuring the pressure in the reactor
doesn't exceed of the design limit. The pressure level is controlled using a

combination of the SCR overpressure limit valve, two 3/2-way valves and the

Class rules
For safety reasons it must be ensured that the pressure in the SCR line never

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exceeds the pressure rating of the SCR components. Therefore MAN ES re-
quires a control facility for excessive pressure in the SCR line, since the SCR
system can build up pressure in cases, when the RTV and RSV valves are
closed. Inflow to the SCR system can originate from engine exhaust, venting
system, standby heat system (depending on type), soot blowing system and
atomizing air from urea dosing system.

To ensure that the pressure in the SCR line is always kept below the max-
imum allowed pressure a pressure difference control system is introduced
between the SCR line and the exhaust gas receiver, measuring a pressure dif-
ference between the two lines (See Figure 10). The system actuates an open-
ing of the RSV in case of excessive pressure over the RTV from the SCR sys-
tem to the exhaust receiver. When this happens a mass flow of air from the
SCR volume will expand into the exhaust gas receiver. The resulting pressure
buildup in the exhaust receiver must therefore be controlled to avoid inappro-
priate scavenge air back-flow and unwanted TC disturbance. Therefore it is
very important to adjust the pressure difference valve to the appropriate level
as advised in the following.

The maximum pressure in the SCR line is per the SCR requirement specifica-
tion defined to be 5.15 bara. Maximum exhaust receiver pressure can be
found in the engine performance data of the specific engine type and layout.
From these values the maximum allowable pressure difference can be found.
MAN ES recommend a pressure difference valve setting in the range of

A lower pressure difference setting will result in more frequent RSV-openings

during engine load down, which is inconvenient. A higher pressure setting can
compromise the safety function of the system, and it enhances the disturb-
ance of the TC from the RSV opening.
Selective Catalytic Reduction

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Figure 8: HP SCR system with pressure control.


System Diagram
See Figure 11. A pressure difference, from P1 to P2, above the set point will

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trigger the pressure difference valve (A), which then cuts the pilot air to the
3/2-way valves (B, C), hence enforcing the RSV to its failsafe position (open)
regardless of the 5/2-way valve (D). When the pressure difference reaches ap-
proximately 60% of the set point after pressure equalization, the pressure dif-
ference valve (A) goes back to the initial state. The RSV position is now again
controlled by the RSV 5/2-way valve (D).

Figure 9: Pressure difference control pneumatic diagram.

SCR Overpressure Limit Valve

The SCR overpressure limit valve is a vital part of the Pressure Difference
Control system as shown in Figure 11. Port numbers in the symbolic repres-
entation of valve (A) are shown on the valve sketch in Figures 12 and 13. Selective Catalytic Reduction
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Figure 10: SCR overpressure limit valve.

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Setting up the Pressure Difference Control.

Below procedure describes how to adjust the set point for the pressure differ-
ence control system, and how to confirm the system safety function. See Fig-
ure 12 for valve details.

Figure 11: SCR overpressure limit valve - Details.

Step Preconditions and initial Action Expected result


ME-ECS Mode: N/A Locate manual valve

and pressure gauges as
shown below by the
1 RTV.
Engine at standstill Ensure that adjustment
screw is positioned
Selective Catalytic Reduction

10% in as a start set-

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Figure 12: Gauges and valve. Note position of coloured arrows on both dia-
gram and corresponding photo.
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ME-ECS Mode: Slowly close the inlet valve shown Pressure indication in gauge
N/A ERCS above in green while monitoring showing SCR Outlet Pres-
SCR Mode: N/ the difference between the SCR sure will increase and even-
2 A Engine at pressure gauge (shown above in tually reach the wanted set-
standstill blue) and the exhaust pressure ting.
gauge (shown above in red) until
a stable pressure of 0.5-0.8bar is
reached. This pressure will be the
set point of the pressure differ-
ence control system. Note: The
valve is difficult to adjust. The full
effect can be expected app. ¼ to
½ turn before fully closed posi-

ME-ECS Mode: Carefully turn down the adjust- Eventually RSV pneumatic
N/A ERCS ment screw until the pilot air to 5/2-way valve moves to
SCR Mode: N/ the RSV pneumatic 5/2-way valve failsafe position which allows
3 A Engine at is cut, and then stop adjusting control air to flow to RSV
standstill immediately. Now fix the adjust- valve actuator forcing RSV
ment screw by fastening the to 100 % (fully open)
tightening bolt.

ME-ECS Mode: Pressure indication in gauge Pressure indication in gauge

N/A ERCS showing SCR Outlet Pressure will showing SCR Outlet Pres-
SCR Mode: N/ increase and eventually reach the sure drops to 0. Pilot air to
4 A Engine at wanted setting. RSV pneumatic 5/2-way
standstill valve is supplied. RSV pneu-
matic 5/2-way valve moves
to activated position, which
allows normal control of
RSV valve actuator. The
pressure difference set point
is now applied.

Confirmation that safety settings for SCR “RTV safety dP” is correct (regard-
less of Tier mode.)

Step Preconditions and Action Expected result

initial state
Selective Catalytic Reduction

1 ME-ECS Mode: N/ Locate valves and

A pressure gauges as
ERCS SCR Mode: shown below by
N/A the RTV
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Engine at standstill

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Figure 13: Location of valves and pressure gauge.

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ME-ECS Slowly close the inlet valve Pressure indication in gauge

Mode: N/A shown above in green while showing SCR Outlet Pressure will
monitoring the SCR pressure increase and eventually reach the
ERCS SCR gauge (shown above in blue.) set point.
2 Mode: N/A
Note: The valve is difficult to ad- Pilot air to RSV pneumatic 5/2-
Engine at just. The full effect can be expec- way valve is now cut.
standstill ted app. ¼ to ½ turn before fully
closed position. RSV pneumatic 5/2-way valve
moves to failsafe position, which
allows control air to flow to RSV
valve actuator forcing RSV to 100
% (fully open)

ME-ECS Open the inlet valve shown Pressure indication in gauge

Mode: N/A above in green while monitoring showing SCR Outlet Pressure
the SCR pressure gauge (shown drops to 0.
ERCS SCR above in blue.)
3 Mode: N/A Pilot air to RSV pneumatic 5/2-
way valve is supplied.
Engine at
standstill RSV pneumatic 5/2-way valve
moves to activated position which
allows normal control of RSV
valve actuator.

Correct settings for “RTV Safety

dP” settings confirmed.

3.4 SCR Control Sensor Unit

The SCR Control Sensor Unit consists of a NOx Cabinet and a NOx Junction
Box, which houses two NOx sensors.

The NOx sensors original designed for use in heavy truck machinery. They are
though also suitable for two stroke engine application as they comply with
maritime regulations.

The NOx sensors are exposed to exhaust gases or a mixture of scavenge air
Selective Catalytic Reduction

and exhaust gas and their lifespan is rated to approx. 2000h. For this reason,
MAN Energy Solutions uses two sensors for monitoring aging as well as off-
set/drift problems. Therefore, it is advised to always keep spare parts on
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The NOx sensors use CAN bus for data transfer and therefore the MPC con-
troller from MAN Energy Solutions cannot communicate directly with the NOx
sensors. All signal exchange must be hardwired for analogue and digital sig-
nals, see Figure 15.

A Wago PLC is installed in the NOx Cabinet, which converts the CAN telegram

to analogue 4..20mA and provides information about NOx sensor status. Also,
the Wago PLC controls the correct startup sequence for each NOx sensor.
See Figure 15.

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Figure 14: Diagram for signal exchange between the MPC, "NOx Cabinet", "NOx Junction Box" and the
NOx sensors.

3.4.1 NOx sensor trouble shooting

1. “Sensor Not Ready” alarm : If this alarm repeatedly goes off, it is a clear
sign that the sensors need replacement.
2. “NOx sensor deviating” alarm : Change the sensors if they start drifting
3. If the ppm value measured reaches 2,000 ppm on the ERCS-MOP, this
is an indication that the sensor has reached its maximum display value
and that it is no longer displaying the correct value then exchange the

3.4.2 PLC set-up

The PLC is installed in the NOx Cabinet as seen in figure 16.

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Figure 15: The NOx Cabinet including the Wago PLC and I/O modules.

It is important to set the flat grey switch below the WAGO-logo in "RUN" posi-
tion. When the PLC is up and running, and no failures are present in the sys-
tem, the LED must have a green light as per figure 16.

1. SYS
2. RUN
3. I/O
4. CAN
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Figure 16: Front view of Wago 8204 PLC.

3.4.3 SCR Control Unit start-up sequence

The start-up sequence of the SCR Control Sensor Unit is seen in Figure 18. It
is important to notice that the sensors must follow a heating slope prior to
use. First when it is heated, it gives a ready signal, and measures a NOx con-

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Figure 17: Timing diagram for Start -up.

3.4.4 Replacement of NOx sensor

Each NOx sensor head is an integrated part of the signal interface unit. It is not
possible to dismount the NOx sensor head from the signal interface unit, even
though it apparently has a connector connection.
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Figure 18: NOx sensor assembly. The sensor head is an integrated part of the
signal interface unit.

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When a failing NOx sensor head needs replacement, renewal of the signal in-
terface unit is required. Therefore a large squared segment is cut out of the si-
lumin NOx Junction Box for easy NOx sensor and signal interface unit replace-
ment. The Junction Box in Figure 20. is not fully assembled. The CAN bus
cable is pointing outward and the 24V power cable is not mounted yet.

Figure 19: Junction box with NOx sensor and interface unit.

Depending upon the NOx sensor manufacturer, the connector type on the
NOx sensor signal interface unit can change from MCON 1.2 to HDSCS type.
See Figure 21 and Figure 22.

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Figure 20: MCON 1.2 Tyco Electronic

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Figure 21: HDSCS Heavy Duty Sealed Connector


Both connector types have a locking mechanism, that has to be unlocked be-
fore the connector can be removed from the NOx signal interface unit. Unlock-
ing is performed easily with a short screwdriver with a blade width of 2-3 mm.

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3.4.5 Software upgrade

The WAGO PLC is equipped with an SD-card slot, which makes it easier to
upgrade software without using the programming tool. Open the transparent
plastic lid right of the WAGO logo (Figure 17) with a flat head screwdriver and
remove the obsolete SD-card and insert the new SD-card before power "ON".

4 Reducing Agent Supply

As previously mentioned, there are options for choice of reducing agent, each
of which have advantages and disadvantages.

In all cases, it is essential that both the injection and the mixing of the redu-
cing agent are performed effectively. Any ammonia not utilized in the process,
defined as the ammonia slip, is likely to react with the exhaust gas to become
ammonium bisulphate (ABS: NH4HSO4) when the temperature of the gas falls.
This substance can be deposited in the exhaust gas system, e.g. in the ex-
haust gas boiler.

Options for choices of reducing agent are:

▪ aqueous urea (40% solution)
▪ aqueous ammonia: (<25% NH3in solution with H2O)

4.1 Characteristics and Properties of the Two Reducing Agents

▪ Urea: This substance is convenient to use for marine purposes as it has
no significant health hazards. It can be stored as solids and mixed on
board. Using urea requires a more complex vaporizing and mixing pro-
cess than using aqueous ammonia, which influences the complexity of the
layout of the SCR system.

▪ Aqueous Ammonia ( NH3) : Aqueous ammonia (<25% NH3), although cor-

rosive and harmful to the health and environment, could with some pre-
cautions be handled like urea.

Independent of the selected reducing agent, the injection is performed in

combination with compressed air.
Selective Catalytic Reduction

4.2 Set-Ups for Supplying the Reducing Agents

For detailed information about the reducing agent supply system, please con-
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sult the manual from the actual supplier.

▪ Urea: An example of a urea supply system is shown in Fig. 23. From the
storage tank, urea is pumped to the vaporizer/mixer by a urea pump in
the supply unit. The supply unit also has a wash water tank and a pump
for purging the urea injection nozzles. A control unit controls the injection
of urea and compressed air into the vaporizer.

When the SCR process is shutting down, the urea injection nozzles are
purged with wash water and/or air to prevent clogging of the nozzles. This
purging process is employed at various stages and phases of the SCR
process and is within this manual referred to as Flushing.

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Figure 22: Urea supply system and associated components.

▪ Ammonia (aqueous solution): Ammonia supplied as an aqueous solution

of NH3 (<25% solution). The storage tank and the part of the supply sys-
tem that includes an evaporator must be situated in a separate room
away from the machinery room and the accommodations, see Fig. 24.
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Figure 23: Aqueous ammonia supply system and associated components.

5 Operation
This section will go into detail with how the HP and LP SCR systems are op-
erated. For a brief, general description, see section 1.3.

For both HP and LP SCR, the operation is very similar. The general theory
about the operation is described here, while examples of different operation
scenarios for HP and LP SCR are described in section 5.1 and 5.2, respect-
Selective Catalytic Reduction
ively. A matrix of the different use cases can be seen in Table 1. An overview
of the HMI can be found in section 7.

The general operation (start/stop) of the SCR System is handled from the ECS
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MOP, or optionally from the bridge, while the detailed operation and informa-
tion is handled via the ERCS MOP. At the ECS MOP or the bridge, the Engine
Mode is simply selected, and the SCR Control System (SCR-CS) will start or
stop the SCR system while the ME-ECS will choose the corresponding En-
gine Running Mode (The Engine Running Mode is related to the timing of the
fuel injection and is not to be confused with the Engine Mode, which is a se-
lection of Tier II orTier III. One Engine Mode can have several Engine Running


Furthermore a prepare function is added, so that the SCR can be heated

while still being in Engine Mode Tier II. When using this function, the SCR will
be heated up, but injection of reducing agent and hence NOx reduction will

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first start when Engine Mode is switched to Tier III. This function is also found
at the ECS MOP and optionally at the bridge. On the ERCS MOP an indica-
tion called SCR Selection will show the result of the Engine Mode and prepare
selection from the ECS MOP/bridge (see Table 3 for examples).

In order to be able to handle the above operation from the ECS MOP or the
bridge, the SCR System should be in SCR Mode Auto. If the SCR System has
an error, the SCR Control System will change the SCR Mode to Failure, and
when the failure is reset, to Stop. The operator must then manually change
the SCR Mode back to Auto on the ERCS MOP, provided it is confirmed that
the reason for the failure is removed. If the operator fails to do so, the SCR
System will not start, even if the Engine Mode is Tier III. The actual state of the
SCR System is shown on both the ERCS MOP and the ECS MOP and op-
tionally the bridge.

The operator can choose to switch the SCR Mode to Stop if it for some
reason is desired to ensure that the SCR System doesn't start, regardless of
the choices on the ECS MOP or the bridge.

It must be emphasized that if maintenance or other human work is to

take place in or close to the SCR System, further actions than selecting
SCR Mode Stop are necessary.

The operator must always keep the sulfur equivalent of the fuel updated on
the ECS MOP (see manual for ME Engine), since this will cause major affects
on the working temperature of the SCR. The actual fuel sulfur equivalent is
shown on the SCR Main Screen. Also, the reducing agent concentration must
at all times be updated on the ERCS MOP, since it has major impact on the
reducing agent dosing demand. It is found on the SCR Main Screen, and the
operator must be in Chief level to adjust its value (see section 9).

The operator should be aware that for HP SCR the control air to the SCR
valves must not be removed in a Tier III harbour, i.e. when the engine is
stopped and the Engine Mode is Tier III, since the RSV and RTV need control
Selective Catalytic Reduction

air to stay closed, so that the Standby heat system can work properly.
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Please note that the engine is limited to 100% load when running with

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User User in- Result of User Condi- Condition Result of user input
input 1 put 2 user input 1 input 3 tion 1 2 1, 2 and 3 and con-
and 2 dition 1 and 2

Engine SCR SCR Selec- SCR Temper- Failures SCR System reac-
Mode choice tion Mode atures tion
for Pre- and load

Tier II Disabled No SCR Auto OK None SCR disengaged but


Tier II Disabled No SCR Any Any Stop SCR disengaged

and not ready

Tier II Disabled No SCR Any Any Shut Valves in fail safe

down (HP position, SCR not
SCR only) ready

Tier II Disabled No SCR Auto Not OK None SCR disengaged but


Tier II Disabled No SCR Stop Any None SCR disengaged

and not ready

Tier II Enabled Prepare Auto OK None SCR heating but not

SCR dosing

Tier II Enabled Prepare Any Any Stop SCR disengaged

SCR and not ready

Tier II Enabled Prepare Any Any Shut Valves in fail safe

SCR down (HP position, SCR not
SCR only) ready

Tier II Enabled Prepare Auto Not OK None SCR disengaged but

SCR ready

Tier II Enabled Prepare Stop Any None SCR disengaged

SCR and not ready

Tier III Disabled Tier III SCR Auto OK None SCR heating and
eventually dosing

Tier III Disabled Tier III SCR Any Any Stop SCR disengaged
Selective Catalytic Reduction

and not ready

Tier III Disabled Tier III SCR Any Any Shut Valves in fail safe
down (HP position, SCR not
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SCR only) ready

Tier III Disabled Tier III SCR Auto Not OK None SCR disengaged but

Tier III Disabled Tier III SCR Stop Any None SCR disengaged
and not ready
Table 1: SCR mode control logic

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5.1 Operation of HP SCR

In this section detailed examples of the operation of HP SCR is described. It is
very similar to that of LP SCR, described in section 5.2. In fact the role of the
operator is the same - but the two different systems behave slightly different.

5.1.1 Tier II Operation - HP SCR disengaged

When the vessel is not in Tier III regulated waters, it will operate in Tier II
Mode, hence the SCR will be bypassed. On the ECS MOP/bridge the Engine
Mode Tier II will be selected and the SCR prepare function will be disabled.
On the ERCS MOP the SCR Selection will consequently be 'No SCR'. The
SCR State, shown on both the ECS MOP/bridge and the ERCS MOP will be
Standby. The RBV will be open and the RSV, RTV and CBV will be closed, so
that all the exhaust gas is led directly to the turbocharger(s), and the engine is
working as if it had no SCR installed. Please note that if the pressure in the
SCR line exceeds the pressure in the bypass line, e.g. after a fast load down,
then the RTV will temporarily open slightly, to equalize the pressure. If the
pressure in the SCR line is too high, e.g. due to a leakage of air into the SCR
system from a subsystem, and an opening of the RTV cannot equalize the
pressure, the passive Pressure Difference Control described in section 3.3.
will open the RSV fully and thereby equalize the pressure.
Selective Catalytic Reduction

Figure 24: HP SCR system in Tier ll mode.

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While running in Engine Mode Tier ll, the MAN ES SCR Control System (SCR-
CS) will be sending a signal to an external Venting system that it should start,
and keep venting the SCR line during Tier II operation. The venting is keeping
the exhaust gas containing sulfur out of the (cold) SCR system, where it would
be cooled down and condense sulfuric acid, which would harm the SCR sys-


Please note that if the engine is stopped while Engine Mode is Tier II, there will
be no venting, and the Valve State will be Valves in Fail Safe, hence the RSV

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and RTV valves will be ordered open, and it will be safe to remove the control
air to the SCR valves.

5.1.2 Starting the HP SCR System when entering Tier III area
The operator must manually start the SCR system, see box below.

Before approaching a Tier III regulated area, some preparations must be


First of all, before starting the SCR System, it should be verified that the sulfur
content(s) of the fuel(s) is corresponding the specifications of the present SCR
System and is updated to fit the actual fuel used. The actual fuel sulfur equi-
valent is shown on the SCR Main Screen. If this is not the case, fuel must be
changed and/or the value of the fuel sulfur equivalent must be updated. This
is done on the ECS MOP, see the ME Manual for details. If the SCR System is
started (prepare SCR or Tier III SCR) with an actual fuel sulfur equivalent ex-
ceeding its limits, an SCR stop failure is released. Running with a fuel with a
too high content of sulfur will lead to contamination of the reactor, degrada-
tion of the catalyst and is not covered by the warranty.

Furthermore it should be verified that the reducing agent concentration value

shown on the SCR Main Screen is corresponding to the actual reducing agent
used. If not, it should be updated. The operator must be in chief level to adjust
the value.

The SCR System can then be started. Please note that at this point the SCR
System might be cold. While engaging the SCR System it must therefore also
be heated, which might take some time, as the SCR System contains a large
heat capacity. How long time it takes depends on a variety of factors, e.g. the
specific setup and the actual engine load.

The SCR System can be started in two ways - a one-step method or a two-
step method. The one-step method is to change Engine Mode to Tier III dir-
ectly, and then the SCR-CS will - provided that the SCR Mode is Auto, and
the conditions for running the SCR are ok (the load and hence the temperat-
ures are high enough) - start heating, and later, start dosing of reducing agent
hence start the NOx reduction. Aforementioned the heating process is rather
long, and it is difficult to estimate exactly when the actual NOx reduction is
Selective Catalytic Reduction

started by choosing this method.

If more control is desired, the two-step method could be an option: The pre-
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pare SCR function is enabled while still being in Engine Mode Tier II. The
SCR-CS will then start heating the SCR System exactly as before, but it will
stop as the SCR is fully engaged and the temperatures in the SCR line are
satisfying. The SCR State will then be Reactor Ready. When the operator then
chooses Engine Mode Tier III, the SCR System is already warm, and the redu-
cing agent injection will start as soon as the external Dosing handling system
is ready to start actual dosing.

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Start with prepare function Start without prepare function

a) Control fuel sulfur equivalent a) Control fuel sulfur equivalent

b) Control Reducing Agent Concentration b) Control Reducing Agent Concentration
c) Control SCR Mode is Auto c) Control SCR Mode is Auto

1) Select SCR->Enable Prepare on ECS Select Engine Mode Tier III on ECS MOP

2) When Tier III zone is reached: Select

Engine Mode Tier III on ECS MOP
Table 2: Options for start-up.

It is the responsibility of the operator that the SCR is engaged and redu-
cing NOx to Tier III limits as the vessel enters the Tier III area.

No matter which method is used for starting the SCR System, the same steps
will be performed. They will be described in the rest of this section.

As the operator chooses Engine Mode Tier III or enables the prepare function,
the SCR State changes to Heating. This is seen on the ECS MOP/bridge and
the ERCS MOP. A condition for this is that the SCR Mode is Auto and that the
exhaust gas temperature is above the sulfuric acid condensation limit. On the
SCR Main Screen it is seen that venting has stopped, but the soot blowing
has started. Soot blowing is always on when exhaust gas is passing the SCR
reactor, as soot blowing is necessary to keep the reactor catalyst elements
from clogging due to soot particles.

At the same time, on the SCR Valve Info screen it is seen that the Valve State
changes to SCR Line Min Open. In this state the RSV - which is an on/off
valve - is opened, and the controllable RTV is opened to a minimum. This
means a small part of the exhaust gas is flowing through the SCR line and
thereby passing the T-SCR in sensors that can now begin to measure a cor-
rect value of the exhaust gas temperature. Then the Valve State changes to
Automatic, and the valves are controlled automatically based on a temperat-
Selective Catalytic Reduction

ure controller. Valve State will stay in Automatic until the SCR is stopped.
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Figure 25: HP SCR system engaging.

Only one valve is controlled at a time. First RTV is opened fully, and then RBV
is closed. In this way gradually more exhaust gas is led through the SCR line.
The valves are controlled in such a way that the difference between the ex-
haust gas temperature (T-SCR in) and the temperature that the turbine sees
(T-turbine in) never exceeds a predefined value. The maximum acceptable
temperature difference is shown on the Valve Info Screen on the ERCS MOP,
together with the actual temperature difference. This control is to always en-
sure that only an acceptable part of the energy in the exhaust gas is used to
heat up the SCR System instead of being used to power the turbocharger.

Selective Catalytic Reduction

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Figure 26: HP SCR system Tier lll mode.


As the SCR System is being engaged, the exhaust gas temperature will typic-
ally increase. If the exhaust gas temperature is still lower than the acceptable
temperature window for SCR operation, the CBV valve will start to open. The

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CBV valve is regulated so that all temperatures in the SCR line reach the SCR
operation temperature window, but still keeping the temperature difference
below the maximum acceptable. Please note that when CBV is open, the
temperature measurement before the turbine (T-turbine in) is affected by cold
air from the scavenge air receiver. Therefore the temperature measurement
after the SCR reactor (T-SCR out) is used to calculate the actual temperature
difference when CBV is open. On the Valve Info Screen it is shown with a
graphical switch which sensor is used for the calculation of the temperature

Figure 27: HP SCR system Tier lll mode with CBV open.

When the correct temperature has been reached at all measurement points in
the SCR line, the SCR is engaged and heated, and ready for dosing. The SCR
State shown on the ECS MOP/bridge and the ERCS MOP changes to Re-
actor Ready. If the SCR System was started by selecting the enable prepare
function nothing else will happen and the SCR State will continue to be Re-
actor Ready (unless a failure occurs or engine load is changed rapidly leading
to RBV opening) until Engine Mode Tier III is selected. When this is done - or if
the SCR System was started by selecting Engine Mode Tier III - the SCR
State will change to Dosing Enabling. In this state the SCR-CS gives signal to
Selective Catalytic Reduction

the external Dosing handling system to prepare for injection of reducing agent.
When the reducing agent injection is ready, it signals back to the SCR-CS,
which then changes state to Dosing (SCR Active) and gives the Dosing hand-
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ling system a reducing agent set-point that it will follow. NOx reduction is act-

At low loads, the SCR-CS will always request the ECS to keep the blowers
running, but in a predefined engine load window the SCR-CS will stop the
auxiliary blowers run request if the SCR is engaged. When stopping the
blowers, the exhaust gas temperature will increase, which might affect the
valve control so that RBV temporarily opens, and the NOx reduction will be re-

duced. In order to prevent this, and to secure a smooth stop of the blowers,
the CBV is temporarily opened to heat up and prepare the SCR reactor for the
higher exhaust gas temperature. It is returning to its original position simultan-
eously with stopping the blowers. Above a pre-defined engine load the

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blowers will be stopped immediately. Please note that at some loads the tem-
perature in the SCR reactor might start to oscillate, at some plants, due to the
temperature delay caused by the large heat capacity in the SCR reactor. If this
happens, the CBV valve will be used to dampen the oscillations. This will hap-
pen automatically.

5.1.3 Accelerating with HP SCR

The SCR-CS handles this automatically.

In the case where the SCR System is engaged and the engine is accelerating,
the exhaust gas temperature (T-SCR in) will increase fast, while the temperat-
ure out of the SCR (T-SCR out/T-turbine in, depending on CBV opening) will
only increase slowly, due to the large heat capacity of the SCR System. In or-
der to fulfill the requirement of a maximum temperature difference between
those two, it might be necessary for the SCR-CS to temporarily close CBV if it
is open, and even open RBV. If RBV opens, full flow is no longer passing
through the SCR System, and full reducing agent dosing is therefore no
longer possible. In that case a minimum dosing amount is kept, to prevent the
dosing nozzle from clogging (see section 5.1.4), until RBV is again closed and
all temperatures in the SCR line are within the SCR operation temperature
window. Then full flow and hence Tier III NOx reduction is continued.

If the engine is accelerated to above a pre-defined load, the SCR-CS will stop
the request to the ECS of running the auxiliary blowers. See detailed descrip-
tion at the end of section 5.1.2.

5.1.4 Reduced dosing for HP SCR temperatures below full dosing temperature
The SCR-CS handles this automatically.

If the SCR temperature decreases to below the ABS formation limit for full
dosing, but the SCR temperature is still above minimum dosing (and there is
full flow passing through the SCR System), the reducing agent setpoint is var-
ied gradually between full dosing and minimum dosing depending on SCR’s
temperature. Thus a higher NOx reduction is achieved compared to only ap-
plying minimum dosing.
Selective Catalytic Reduction

5.1.5 Sailing into Tier III harbor with HP SCR

The SCR-CS handles this automatically.
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When the vessel is approaching a Tier III harbor, the SCR-CS will automatic-
ally close down the SCR System, as the engine load is so low that the ex-
haust gas temperature (T-SCR in) decreases below the sulfuric acid condens-
ation limit. First the SCR State shown on the ECS MOP/bridge and ERCS
MOP will change to Flushing. The external Dosing handling system will then
start flushing of the reducing agent dosing system and nozzle with water or air

or both, depending on the type of Dosing handling system.

When flushing is finished, the SCR State changes to Standby, and the Valve
State, shown on the Valve Info Screen will change to Open SCR Bypass. The
CBV will close and the RBV will open. When the RBV is fully open, the Valve

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State will change to Close SCR Line and the RTV and the RSV will close. On
the SCR Main Screen it can be seen that the soot blowing will stop, and the
external Standby Heat System will start.

The Standby heat system is meant to keep the SCR reactor above the sulfuric
acid condensation limit, when the engine is stopped or the engine load is so
low that the exhaust gas temperature is below the sulfuric acid condensation
limit, and the Engine Mode is Tier III.

Please note that when the engine is stopped while Engine Mode is Tier III, the
RSV and the RTV need to be closed, in order for the Standby heat system to
work properly. Therefore the control air to the RSV and the RTV must never
be removed while in a Tier III harbour, hence when Engine Mode is Tier III.

5.1.6 Starting from Tier III harbor with HP SCR

The SCR-CS handles this automatically.

The vessel is lying in harbor with stopped engine, Engine Mode Tier III and
disengaged SCR system, but with a Standby heat system keeping the tem-
perature of the SCR above the sulfuric acid condensation limit. As the engine
load reaches a load so high that the exhaust gas temperature (T-turbine in) in-
creases to above the sulfuric acid condensation limit, the SCR will automatic-
ally engage again, as described in section 5.1.2.

Please note that the SCR-CS will try to engage the SCR System, even if the
exhaust gas temperature is so low that it is not possible to reach the temper-
ature window for SCR operation. This is done to always make sure that the
SCR System is as close to the desired state - in this case Dosing - as pos-
sible. If the engine load then increases just so much that full dosing is pos-
sible, the SCR System is ready.

Please note that the variable valves will be excited, as described in section
2.1, within the document 5645-2150.

5.1.7 Stopping HP SCR

The operator must manually stop the SCR system, see box below.

When the vessel is exiting the Tier III zone, the operator can change the En-
Selective Catalytic Reduction

gine Mode to Tier II. When this is done, the SCR-CS will command flushing
and then disengage the SCR System, as described in section 5.1.4. But in-
stead of starting the Standby heat system as the RTV and RSV close, the ex-
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ternal Venting system will be ordered to start, and the SCR System will be
vented until it has to be used again.

Please note that when sailing into a Tier II harbor, the venting will stop as the
engine stops.

Stop SCR

1) Select Engine Mode Tier II on ECS MOP

Table 3: Options for stopping

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5.2 Operation of LP SCR

In this section detailed examples of the operation of LP SCR is described. It is
very similar to that of HP SCR, described in section 5.1. In fact the role of the
operator is the same - but the two different systems behave slightly different.

5.2.1 Tier II Operation - LP SCR disengaged

When the vessel is not in Tier III regulated waters, it will operate in Tier II
Mode, hence the SCR will be bypassed. On the ECS MOP/bridge the Engine
Mode Tier II will be selected and the SCR prepare function will be disabled.
On the ERCS MOP the SCR Selection will consequently be 'No SCR'. The
SCR State, shown on both the ECS MOP/bridge and the ERCS MOP will be
Standby. The valve in reactor bypass will be open and the valve before reactor
and valve after reactor will be closed, so that all the exhaust gas is led directly
to the stack, and the engine is working as if it had no SCR installed.

Figure 28: LP SCR system in Tier ll mode.

5.2.2 Starting the LP SCR System when entering Tier III area
Selective Catalytic Reduction

The operator must manually start the SCR system, see box below.

Before approaching a Tier III regulated area, some preparations must be

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First of all, before starting the SCR System, it should be verified that the sulfur
content of the fuel is corresponding the specifications of the present SCR
System and is updated to fit the actual fuel used. The actual fuel sulfur equi-
valent is shown on the SCR Main Screen. If this is not the case, fuel must be
changed and/or the value of the fuel sulfur equivalent must be updated. This

is done on the ECS MOP, see the ME Manual for details. If the SCR System is
started (prepare SCR or Tier III SCR) with an actual fuel sulfur equivalent ex-
ceeding its limits, an SCR stop failure is released. The limit for a LP SCR sys-
tem is 0.1% S.

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Furthermore it should be verified that the reducing agent concentration value

shown on the SCR Main Screen is corresponding the actual reducing agent
used. If not, it should be updated. The operator must be in chief level to adjust
the value.

The SCR System can then be started. While engaging the SCR System it
must also be heated to the SCR operation temperature window, which might
take some time, as the SCR System contains a large heat capacity. How long
time it takes depends on a variety of factors, e.g. the specific setup and the
actual engine load.

The SCR System can be started in two ways - a one-step method or a two-
step method. The one-step method is to change Engine Mode to Tier III dir-
ectly, and then the SCR-CS will - provided that the SCR Mode is Auto, and
the conditions for running the SCR are ok (the load and hence the temperat-
ures are high enough) - start heating and later dosing of reducing agent hence
start the NOx reduction. Aforementioned the heating process might be long,
and it is difficult to estimate exactly when the actual NOx reduction is started
by choosing this method.

If more control is desired, the two-step method could be an option: The pre-
pare SCR function is enabled while still being in Engine Mode Tier II. The
SCR-CS will then start heating the SCR System exactly as before, but it will
stop as the SCR is fully engaged and the temperatures in the SCR line are
satisfying. The SCR State will then be Reactor Ready. When the operator then
chooses Engine Mode Tier III, the SCR System is already warm, and the redu-
cing agent injection will start immediately (depending on how long time the ex-
ternal Dosing handling system needs to start the actual dosing).

Start with prepare function Start without prepare function

a) Control fuel sulfur equivalent a) Control fuel sulfur equivalent

b) Control Reducing Agent Concentration b) Control Reducing Agent Concentration
c) Control SCR Mode is Auto c) Control SCR Mode is Auto

1) Select SCR->Enable Prepare on ECS 1) Select Engine Mode Tier III on ECS

2) When Tier III zone is reached: Select

Selective Catalytic Reduction

Engine Mode Tier III on ECS MOP

Table 4: Options for start-up.
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It is the responsibility of the operator that the SCR is engaged and redu-
cing NOx to Tier III limits as the vessel enters the Tier III area.

No matter which method is used for starting the SCR System, it will pass
through the same steps, which will be described in the rest of this section.

As the operator chooses Engine Mode Tier III or enables the prepare function,
the SCR State changes to Heating. This is seen on the ECS MOP/bridge and

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the ERCS MOP. A condition for this is that the SCR Mode is Auto and that the
exhaust gas temperature is above the sulfuric acid condensation limit. When
the SCR State changes to Heating, the SCR-CS sends a signal to the external
Valve control system to engage the SCR. When the SCR is engaged and all
the exhaust gas flows through the SCR, the external Valve control system sig-
nals back to the SCR-CS that all flow is through SCR. This can be seen on
the SCR Main Screen.

Figure 29: LP SCR system in Tier lll mode.

When the full exhaust flow passes through the SCR, and the correct temper-
ature has been reached at all measurement points in the SCR line, the SCR is
engaged and heated, and ready for dosing. The SCR State shown on the
ECS MOP/bridge and the ERCS MOP changes to Reactor Ready. If the SCR
System was started by selecting the enable prepare function nothing else will
happen and the SCR State will continue to be Reactor Ready (unless a failure
occurs or engine load is changed) until Engine Mode Tier III is selected. When
this is done - or if the SCR System was started by selecting Engine Mode Tier
III - the SCR State will change to Dosing Enabling. In this state the SCR-CS
gives signal to the external Dosing handling system to start the injection of re-
ducing agent. When the reducing agent injection is ready, it signals back to
Selective Catalytic Reduction

the SCR-CS, which then changes state to Dosing (SCR Active) and gives the
Dosing handling system a reducing agent set-point that it will follow. NOx re-
duction is active.
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5.2.3 Accelerating with LP SCR

The SCR-CS handles this automatically.

Acceleration with a LP SCR System is less complex than accelerating with a

HP SCR System, as the LP SCR System does not affect the performance of

the turbochargers.

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5.2.4 Sailing into Tier III harbour with LP SCR

The SCR-CS handles this automatically.

When the vessel is approaching a Tier III harbor, the SCR-CS will automatic-
ally close down the SCR System, as the engine load is so low that the ex-
haust gas temperature (T-SCR in) decreases below a pre-defined limit. First
the SCR State shown on the ECS MOP/bridge and ERCS MOP will change to
Flushing. The SCR-CS will signal to the external systems that the SCR should
no longer be engaged, and the external Dosing handling system will start
flushing of the reducing agent dosing system and nozzle with water or air or
both, depending on the type of Dosing handling system. If flushing is not per-
formed correctly, the reducing agent might clog the system and injection

The external Valve control system will disengage the SCR, and report back to
the SCR-CS that the flow through the SCR is no longer full.

The external Dosing handling system and the external Valve control sys-
tem might be realized as one single system, depending on the present
setup. If they are realized as different systems, they must have sufficient
interface to perform an acceptable close down session.

After a pre-defined time flushing is expected to be finished, and the SCR

State changes to Standby.

5.2.5 Starting from Tier III harbour with LP SCR

The SCR-CS handles this automatically.

The vessel is lying in harbor with stopped engine, Engine Mode Tier III and
disengaged SCR system. As the engine starts and reaches a load so high that
the exhaust gas temperature increases to above a pre-defined limit, the SCR
Selective Catalytic Reduction

will automatically engage again, as described in section 5.2.2.

Please note that the SCR-CS will try to engage the SCR System, even if the
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exhaust gas temperature is so low that it is not possible to reach the temper-
ature window for SCR operation. This is done to always make sure that the
SCR System is as close to the desired state - in this case Dosing - as pos-
sible. If the engine load then increases just so much that full dosing is pos-
sible, the SCR System is ready.

5.2.6 Stopping LP SCR


The operator must manually stop the SCR system, see box below.

When the vessel is exiting the Tier III zone, the operator can change the En-
gine Mode to Tier II. When this is done, the SCR-CS will give time to flushing

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and disengage the SCR System, as described in section 5.2.4.

Stop SCR

1) Select Engine Mode Tier ll on ECS MOP

Table 5: Options for stopping

6 Hardware
The SCR Control System consists of the following hardware:
▪ MPC(s) (2-3 for HP SCR and 1 for LP SCR)
▪ Sensors and cables
The ERCS MOP is the HMI and includes all the SCR screens. It is described in
section 9, where examples of screen shots are also found. The MPCs are the
controllers, and they are all on the same network, and also the same network
as the MOP. The MPCs are described after the section about the MOP and
then it is described how the MPC and the MOP plays together.

The SCR Control System communicates with the Engine Control System via a
Modbus connection. The Engine Control System consists of several MPCs
and two MOPs, and has its own network, different from the ERCS network.

Selective Catalytic Reduction

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Figure 30: Interface between ME-ECS, ERCS and EMS.

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For installations with ERCS-SW an EMS (Engine Management Services) must

be included. It collects data from both the ERCS and ECS. The EMS is de-
scribed separately in the 'EMS User guide' and 'EMS Software Install and
Setup', found on the EMS-MOP:
1. Select the EMS icon in the bottom of the screen.
2. Select 'Documents'
3. Select the document and click 'open'
Furthermore the SCR Control System consists of cables and several sensors.
These are mainly standard equipment, and will not be described here. Excep-
tion is the SCR Control Sensor Unit, described in section 3.4.

7 Human Machine Interface (HMI)

This section will go into a detailed description of the HMI of the SCR. The HMI
of the SCR System consists mainly of the ERCS MOP, but some interaction
will also be with the ECS MOP and/or the bridge. Some indications/buttons
are optional on the bridge, depending on the configuration.

For HP SCR, the ERCS MOP will have two screens: The SCR Main Screen
and the Valve Info Screen. For LP SCR only an SCR Main Screen is neces-

7.1 Overview of modes and states

The following is an overview of all the Modes and States relevant for the SCR

7.1.1 SCR relevant info on ECS MOP / bridge (optional)

The following buttons/indication on the ECS MOP and optionally on the
bridge, are relevant for the SCR System. This goes for both the HP and LP
SCR Systems.

a) Engine Mode (button and indication):

▪ Tier II: Engine running according to Tier II emission limits.
▪ Tier III: Engine running according to Tier III emission limits if possible. This
requires SCR to be engaged.
Selective Catalytic Reduction

b-1) SCR (button)

▪ Enable Prepare SCR: Can only be selected if Engine Mode is Tier II. SCR
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will be heated, but reducing agent injection will not be started.

▪ Disable Prepare SCR: Stops the pre-heating of SCR.
b-2) SCR (indication) (ECS MOP only)
▪ Not Ready: SCR cannot be engaged due to SCR Mode is Stop or the
system has a failure.
▪ Standby: SCR is disengaged, but ready to engage when ordered so and/

or conditions are ok.

▪ Heating: SCR is in the process of being heated to a suitable level via the
exhaust gas.
▪ Reactor Ready: SCR has reached suitable operation temperature and all
flow is passing through the SCR.

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▪ Dosing Enabling: The Dosing handle system is preparing reducing agent

▪ Dosing (SCR Active): Injection of reducing agent in progress.
▪ Flushing: The Dosing handling system is performing its flushing sequence.
c) Tier III Status (indication) (bridge only)
▪ Not Ready: Reduction of NOx to Tier III limits is not possible due to failure
in Tier III process or Tier III system is not in Auto Mode.
▪ Not Activated: Reduction of NOx to Tier III limits is not requested.
▪ Preparing: The reduction of NOx to Tier III limits is being prepared.
▪ Prepared: The reduction of NOx to Tier III limits is prepared and ready to
start when requested.
▪ Activated: The reduction of NOx to Tier III limits is requested but not
present due to preparing of Tier III process or conditions for the Tier III
process are not OK.
▪ NOx Reduction Active: Reduction of NOx to Tier III limits is active.

7.1.2 ERCS MOP: SCR Main screen information common for HP and LP SCR
The following buttons/indications on the SCR Main Screen are common for
HP and LP SCR.

a) SCR Selection (indication)

▪ No SCR: Engine Mode is Tier II and the prepare function is not enabled,
so the SCR should be in Standby.
▪ Prepare SCR: Engine Mode is Tier II and the prepare function is enabled,
so the SCR should be heated up, but injection of reducing agent is not
▪ Tier III SCR: Engine Mode is Tier III so SCR is heated and injection of re-
ducing agent is started, if conditions are ok for SCR.
b-1) SCR Mode (button)
▪ Auto: The SCR System can be controlled automatically depending on se-
lections on ECS MOP/bridge.
▪ Stop: The SCR System is stopped, and will not start, no matter what is
chosen on ECS MOP/bridge.
▪ Manual:Manual Reducing Agent Flow is possible on the Main screen. For
HP SCR, the valves follow the manual set point given by the operator on
Selective Catalytic Reduction

the HP SCR Valve Info screen on the ERCS MOP. Please note that the
following requirements must be met before being able to select Manual
Mode: The engine and aux blower(s) must be stopped, Chief mode must
be selected and SCR Mode must be Stop. A failure in the system does
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not block the selection of Manual Mode.

b-2) SCR Mode (indication)
▪ Auto: The SCR System is automatically controlled.
▪ Stop: The SCR System is stopped because of manual selection from op-
erator, or because a failure has been reset, without operator manually
changing SCR Mode to Auto.

▪ Failure: The SCR System has a failure and must be closed down.
▪ Manual: The SCR System is manually controlled.
c) SCR State (indication)

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▪ Not Ready: SCR cannot be engaged due to SCR Mode is Stop or the
system has a failure.
▪ Standby: SCR is disengaged, but ready to engage when ordered so and/
or conditions are ok.
▪ Heating: SCR is in the process of being heated to a suitable level via the
exhaust gas.
▪ Reactor Ready: SCR has reached suitable operation temperature and all
flow is passing through the SCR.
▪ Dosing Enabling: The Dosing handle system is preparing reducing agent
▪ Dosing (SCR Active): Injection of reducing agent in progress.
▪ Flushing: The Dosing handling system is performing its flushing sequence.
d) Tier III Status (indication)
▪ Not Ready: Reduction of NOx to Tier III limits is not possible due to failure
in Tier III process or Tier III system is not in Auto Mode.
▪ Not Activated: Reduction of NOx to Tier III limits is not requested.
▪ Preparing: The reduction of NOx to Tier III limits is being prepared.
▪ Prepared: The reduction of NOx to Tier III limits is prepared and ready to
start when requested.
▪ Activated: The reduction of NOx to Tier III limits is requested but not
present due to preparing of Tier III process or conditions for the Tier III
process are not OK.
▪ NOx Reduction Active: Reduction of NOx to Tier III limits is active.

7.1.3 SCR Valve Info screen (HP SCR Only)

The following buttons/indications on the SCR Valve Info screen are relevant
for HP SCR only.

Valve State (indication)

▪ Valves in Fail Safe: The RBV, RTV and RSV are ordered fully open and the
CBV is ordered fully closed. This happens if a failure in the SCR System
might result in risk of flow to the turbocharger, or if the engine is stopped
in a Tier ll harbour.
Selective Catalytic Reduction

▪ Stop: The SCR is stopped, i.e. all flow is bypassed through the open
RBV. RTV, RSV and CBV are closed.
▪ SCR Line Min Open: The RSV is fully open and RTV is open to its min-
imum opening position in order to get a small exhaust gas flow through
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the SCR line to stabilize the T-SCR in measurement during start up of

SCR, or finish flushing during close down of SCR after a Shut Down fail-
▪ Automatic: The valves are controlled automatically via the temperature
control in the SCR-CS.
▪ Open SCR Bypass: The SCR is being closed down: First step is to open
the RBV and close CBV if it was open.

▪ Close SCR Line: The SCR is being closed down: Second step is to close
the RSV and RTV.
▪ Manual: The SCR valves are controlled manually by the operator via the
SCR Valve Info screen on the ERCS MOP.

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7.2 Overview of other info on SCR screens

This section explains the buttons/indications on the ERCS MOP, which are
not states and modes.

7.2.1 Common for HP and LP SCR

a) Estimated Engine Load: The estimated engine load received from the ME-

b) Actual Fuel Sulfur: The actual fuel sulfur equivalent entered on the cylinder
lubrication screen on the ECS MOP.

c) Reducing Agent Flow: The flow of reducing agent requested by the SCR-
CS and dosed by the Dosing handling system.

d) Reducing Agent Concentration: The concentration of the reducing agent.

Must be updated by the operator. Chief level must be present in order to up-
date the value.

e) T-reactor in: Value of the temperature measurement of the sensor placed at

the inlet of the SCR reactor.

f) T-SCR out: Value of the temperature measurement of the sensor placed at

the outlet of the SCR reactor, alternatively on the flange of RTV.

g) NOx concentration: Value of NOx sensor 1 placed downstream the SCR re-
actor and turbocharger. The value of NOx sensor 2 can be seen by selecting
the Details view on the MOP. NOx sensor 2 is used to supervise the value of
NOx sensor 1.

h) Catalyst Diagnostics (option): Indicating if Catalyst Diagnostics function in

the External Dosing Handling System is Stopped or Running.

7.2.2 Special for HP SCR on SCR Main Screen

a) Minimum Dosing Temperature: The minimum temperature that all the
sensors in the SCR line must measure above for full dosing to start.
Selective Catalytic Reduction

b) p-SCR: Monitoring of the pressure in the SCR line.

c) dp-SCR: The pressure difference over the SCR line, used to estimate if de-
posits are building up.
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d) dp-RTV: The pressure differences over the RTV, used to equalize the pres-
sure in the SCR line when SCR is disengaged.

e) T-SCR in: The average of two temperature sensors installed at the inlet to
the SCR line. The value of the individual temperature measurements can be
seen by selecting the Details view on the MOP.

f) T-turbine in: Average of the temperature sensors installed at the turbine in-
let. The value of the individual temperature measurements can be seen by se-
lecting the Details view on the MOP. Please note that these might differ due to
poor mixing between the SCR and the reactor bypass line, or poor mixing

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between the SCR and the cylinder bypass line.

g) Soot Blowing:Shows information about the Soot blowing system actual

state. Can be Not Ready/Deactivated/Activated. When it is Not Ready, it will
not react on the command given by the SCR-CS. When it is Activated, it has
received the run command from the SCR-CS, and when it is Deactivated, it
has not received any run command from SCR-CS. It must be Activated when
exhaust gas flows through the SCR line.

h) Standby Heat: Shows information about the Standby heat system actual
state. Can be Deactivated/Activated. When it is Deactivated, it has received
no run command from the SCR-CS, and when it is Activated it has received a
run command from the SCR-CS. It must be Activated when Engine Mode is
Tier III and load and/or temperature are too low or SCR engagement.

i) Venting System: Shows information about the Venting system actual state.
Can be Deactivated/Activated. When it is Deactivated, it has received no run
command from the SCR-CS, and when it is Activated it has received a run
command from the SCR-CS. It must be Activated when Engine Mode is Tier II
and engine is running.

j) Cat. Diagnostics (option): The status of the catalyst diagnosis function. Can
be Stopped/Running. When it is running reducing agent deviation and high
Nox supervision is disabled.

k) Auxiliary blowers: Shows information about the auxiliary blowers actual

state, received from the ME-ECS. Can be Stopped/Starting/Running/Failed.

7.2.3 Special for HP SCR on Valve Info Screen

a) Temperature difference: Shows the maximum allowed temperature differ-
ence and the actual temperature difference. It is shown by the graphic which
temperature sensors are currently used for measuring the temperature differ-

b) Reactor Sealing Valve: Shows the set point and is indicating the position of
the RSV; 0 or 100% open. For indication of the individual switch positions, se-
lect the Details view on the MOP.

c) Reactor Throttle Valve: Shows the set point and the actual angle position of
Selective Catalytic Reduction

the RTV.

d) Reactor Bypass Valve: Shows the set point and the actual angle position of
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the RBV.

e) Cylinder Bypass Valve: Shows the set point and the actual angle position of
the CBV.

7.2.4 Special for LP SCR on SCR Main Screen


a) T-SCR in: The value of the temperature measurement at the inlet to the
SCR line.

b) Flow Through Reactor: The status of the exhaust gas flow, received from
the Valve control system. Can be Not full/Full.

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c) Regeneration Status: The status of the regeneration of the SCR reactor.

Can be Stopped/Running. When it is running NOx reduction is not possible.

d) Cat. Diagnosis (option): The status of the catalyst diagnosis function. Can
be Stopped/Running. When it is running reducing agent deviation and high
NOx supervision is disabled.

8 SCR Failures
This section describes the various failures which can occur and the actions
taken by the SCR-CS in order to correct the failure and protect the integrity of
the SCR system.

Failure Handling
The SCR-CS monitors the SCR system and depending on the character and
severity of the failure, SCR Stop or SCR Shut Down sequence is activated.

▪ Alarm (and continuous SCR operation) is triggered in situations where the

actual operating conditions do not directly affect the SCR system or its
control. The purpose of this alert is to warn the staff that an abnormal
condition exists and that they are to correct the failure(s).
▪ SCR Stop sequence is activated in cases where a failure/situation arises
that disables the SCR system and/or SCR control. The triggering failure/
situation is not considered to be of a nature that will inflict damage upon
the engine or reactor. Flushing will occur while the valves operate auto-
matically and thereafter SCR operation will cease. RBV will open (if not
already open) and RTV as well as RSV will close. An SCR stop will always
trigger an alarm describing the failure causing the SCR stop.
▪ SCR Shut Down sequence is used if a failure/situation arises which may
directly lead to engine or reactor damage or breakdown. RBV, RTV and
RSV open immediately and flushing will be initiated. When the failure is
corrected, RTV and RSV will close. If the failure is corrected during flush-
ing, RTV will be set at a minimum position so as to ensure a flow through
the reactor during flushing. An SCR shut Down will always trigger an
alarm describing the failure causing the SCR Shut Down. Selective Catalytic Reduction

It is useful to note at this point, the actual difference between SCR Stop
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and SCR Shut Down as these terms seem very similar at first glance.
SCR Stop is considered to be a less drastic occurrence and in such a
case SCR can be resumed following remedial action. SCR Shut Down is
the result of a more serious operating condition and is enacted to pre-
vent damage to the engine. In this case SCR operation must only be re-
sumed when the cause of the failure is pin-pointed, evaluated and cor-

If multiple failures are active at the same time each failure will trigger an indica-
tion and alarm.

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Safe fallback modes are: operating mode Stop and running mode Tier II.

In case of SCR Stop, SCR Shut Down and/or an alarm is released, the SCR-
CS will inform the ship alarm system by means of 'SCR Common Alarm'
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System/sensor/signal Failure SCR SCR Alarm Supervision Disablers Remarks

Shut Stop

External Dosing Handling External Dosing handling system not x x

System ready

Dosing enabling timed out x x

Dosing not available in Dosing State x x

Flushing sequence timed out x x

Catalyst diagnostics timed out x Optional functionality

MAN Energy Solutions

Reducing agent feedback Deviation between set-point and actual x x Catalyst diagnosis active or flushing
dosing amount state

Reducing Agent FB is unstable. (Variance x Catalyst diagnosis active or flushing

between setpoint and actual dosing state
amount is too high)

Signal/cable failure x x

External Soot Blowing Sys- Soot Blowing System not ready x x HP SCR only

Soot blow. run dev. timeout x x HP SCR only

External Standby Heat Sys- Standby heat run deviation timeout x HP SCR only

External Venting System SCR Venting run deviation timeout x HP SCR only

External Valve system External Valve System not ready x x LP SCR only

External Valve System engage timeout x x LP SCR only

Regeneration System Regeneration active while SCR is running x x LP SCR only

Auxiliary Blowers Aux. blowers not started x x HP SCR only

SCR Reactor Sealing Valve No valid detection of valve position x *) x *) x HP SCR only

Unexpected closed x *) x *) x HP SCR only

Unexpected open x HP SCR only

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System/sensor/signal Failure SCR SCR Alarm Supervision Disablers Remarks

Shut Stop

SCR Reactor Throttle Valve Deviation between set-point and actual x *) x *) x HP SCR only

Unexpected closed x *) x *) x HP SCR only

Unexpected open x HP SCR only

Feedback Signal failure (wire break) x *) x *) x HP SCR only

SCR Reactor Bypass Valve Deviation between set-point and actual X X HP SCR only
1/2/3 position

Unexpected closed X X HP SCR only

Unexpected open X X HP SCR only

Feedback Signal failure (wire break) X X HP SCR only

Cylinder Bypass Valve Deviation between setpoint and actual po- X X HP SCR only

Unexpected open/ closed X HP SCR only

Feedback Signal failure (wire break) X X HP SCR only

Exhaust Gas Temperature Exhaust gas temperature too high for X X SCR line closed or SCR Selection is HP SCR only

Exhaust Gas Temperature T-SCR in #1-2 signal/ cable failure X X T-SCR in #2 is HP SCR
sensors only

T-SCR out signal/cable failure X X

T-turbine in #1-4 signal/ cable failure X X HP SCR only

T-reactor in signal/cable failure X X

T-SCR in sensors deviating X X HP SCR only

T-turbine in 1-4 deviating X X SCR engaging or CBV open or en- HP SCR only
gine stopped
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System/sensor/ signal Failure SCR SCR Alarm Supervision Disablers Remarks

Shut Stop

Scavenge air temperature Signal/cable failure X X


Compressor Inlet Temper- Signal/cable failure X X

ature sensor

Compressor Inlet Humid- Signal/cable failure X X

ity sensor

Ambient Pressure Sensor Signal/cable failure X X

MAN Energy Solutions

Pressure sensor in SCR Signal/cable failure X HP SCR only

Pressure difference over Signal/cable failure X HP SCR only

RTV sensor

Pressure difference over Signal/cable failure X X HP SCR only

SCR sensor

Δp SCR too high X HP SCR only

Δp SCR too high for running SCR X X HP SCR only

NOx Sensor NOx concentration after SCR 1 signal/cable X


NOx concentration after SCR 2signal/cable X

NOx sensor 1 not ready X

NOx sensor 2 not ready X

NOx sensors deviating X

NOx measurement not OK X X

SCR process NOx SCR out too high X SCR not running or engine in transient or
temp. too low for full dosing

NOx SCR out too high stop failure X X SCR not running or engine in transient or
temp. too low for full dosing

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System/sensor/ signal Failure SCR Shut SCR Stop Alarm Supervision Disablers Remarks

ABS Limiter saturation timed out X X


High NOx Compensation saturation timed X


Fuel sulfur equivalent too high X X SCR Selection is No


Modbus RCS serial communication fail X X

Modbus Interface version mismatch X X

Modbus Configuration no. mismatch X X

Failure in Modbus signal from ECS X X

EGB EGB not ready X X SCR Selection is No Configurations with EGB

SCR only

SCR Commissioning tool Fuel Oil Only not commissioned X SCR Mode is ECT Mode

Spec. Dual Fuel not commissioned X SCR Mode is ECT Mode Dual fuel only

Second Fuel not commissioned X SCR Mode is ECT Mode Dual fuel only

*) If the SCR Reactor bypass valve(s) are completely open SCR stop failure is released.
If the SCR Reactor bypass valve(s) are not completely open SCR shut down failure is released.
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9 Main Operation Panel (MOP)

The MOP (Main Operating Panel) is the Human Machine Interface (HMI)
through which the SCR control system is operated. The SCR-CS is separate
from the control system for the engine. The MOP as such comprises of a PC,
with the SCR system software installed, a 15" touch screen and a keyboard
with integrated mouse. The MOP unit is basically an integrated marine ap-
proved and certified PC with touch-screen. The touch screen needs bare skin
contact in order to function. An actual installation comprises a MOP unit, and
a standard designed PC with CoCoS EDS (optional).

Within MAN ES literature, reference is made to both MOP and HMI. The
MOP is defined as the actual physical panel and HMI can be regarded
as the functional attributes as contained and made applicable.

The HMI consists of four fixed areas always shown. See figure 32.
1. An Alarm Status Bar showing the oldest non-Acknowledged alarm and
Alarm status at the top of the screen.
2. A Navigation Bar at the right side of the screen.
3. A Toolbar at the bottom of the screen.
4. A Screen area (rest of the Screen)

Selective Catalytic Reduction

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Figure 31: MOP panel showing HMI with four fixed areas as displayed on the


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The HMI operates with two password levels, which are Operator level and
Chief level.

Operator level:
From the Operator level is it not possible to set any parameters. It is for nor-
mal operation and monitoring only.

Chief level:
In addition to the Operator level, this user level has privileges to set paramet-
ers (set-points, SCR modes). A password must be supplied in order to access
Chief level.

SCR modes can also be set at operator level. If, for example it is desired
to cut - out alarms, it is necessary to be at chief level.

There is no limit in the number of unsuccessful attempts to enter the correct

password. The password is hard coded in the system and can therefore not
be changed.

The functional details as found in the HMI of the MOP are shown in figure 33.
Selective Catalytic Reduction

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Figure 32: Functional details as found in the HMI of the MOP.

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9.1 ERCS MOP Description

MOP Components

The operator can touch the graphic elements on the screen in order to inter-
act with the SCR-CS. A USB connection is installed In the front panel, by the
screen. Set-up of the MOP unit at commissioning is performed by use of USB
plugs containing operating system and program software. The service key-
board and USB plugs are, under normal circumstances, only to be used by
MAN Energy Solutions personnel.

MOP Issues
Ethernet connections: The MOP is equipped with an Ethernet card for con-
nection to other systems such as CoCoS-EDS. To avoid virus on the MOP,
special care must be taken when connecting to networks of any kind.

DISCLAIMER: MAN Energy Solutions disclaims responsibility for any

event or condition that originates from installation of unauthorised soft-
ware. This includes, but is not limited to, virus.

To emphasize the disclaimer, yellow stickers are placed at suitable

places on the MOP units.

Control Network
The MOP is connected to the SCR-CS by means of the Control Network that
interconnects the nodes in the system. The Control Network is implemented
as two independent networks for redundancy.

Preparations made by MAN Energy Solutions

The USBs as supplied are a portion of the software as installed on the MOP.
This set of USBs must be kept on site as back-up.
Selective Catalytic Reduction
The installation procedure, in brief is as follows: An engineer from MAN Energy
Solutions or the Licensee installs the software through use of the USBs as fol-
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1. Program USB 1 named: > USB 1 of 2 < Operating System Main Opera-
tion Panel is installed in the MOP.
2. Program USB 2 named: > USB 2 of 2 < Engine Control System Main Op-
eration Panel is the ME system software, installed on the MOP.
3. Data Disc named: > Service Parameter Set < The parameter set is
loaded to the MPCs via the MOP. After installation, a copy of the > Ser-

vice Parameters < are saved in an USB and must be stored on site.

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9.2 Selections and Indications on the MOP

Operation of the SCR-CS is performed at both the ECS MOP as well as the
"stand alone" ERCS MOP. In addition, some of the selection choices can be
performed at the Bridge.

The following sections will briefly state these possibilities.

9.2.1 ECS MOP

The ECS MOP provides the following functions regarding SCR control:

▪ Selection of of Engine Mode (Tier II/Tier III)

▪ Selection of of SCR: Prepare SCR (Enable/Disable)

▪ Indication of: Engine Mode

▪ Indication of: SCR State (Not Ready, Standby, Heating, Reactor Ready,
Dosing Enabling, Dosing, Flushing)

9.2.2 ERCS MOP

The ERCS MOP provides the following facilities for SCR control:
▪ Selection of SCR Mode (Auto/Stop)
▪ Entering of the used reducing agent concentration (wt%)
▪ Manual SCR control of valves (HP SCR only)
Besides these aspects, the ERCS MOP displays indication of the process
parameters and status conditions.
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MAN Energy Solutions 4745-1900-0001

MPC LED Indication

1 MPC LED Indication

The first part of this section describes the syntax of the LED indication and assigns
a short description to each of the used indications. The second part presents a
more detailed description of the different indications.

The MPC LED may be issuing indications by either emitting constant light or by
flashing. The LED indications are uniquely identified by the colour that the MPC
LED emits.

A flashing LED indication consists of two pulse trains separated in time by a 1-sec-
ond pause. Each of these pulse trains represents an integer. All pulses are set
against a yellow background. The first pulse train will alternate between the yellow
background and a red foreground, while the second will use green as foreground.

Figure 1: LED indications - syntax

For identification of the indication the user must therefore note the number of red
and green pulses. The first digit is the number of red pulses and the second digit is
the number of green pulses. In the illustration above, the indication code would
thus be (2,3).
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1 (3)
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MPC LED Indication

Figure 2: LED pulses - identification and descriptions.

ERROR (Red) This code is used primarily for indicating if the MPC has experi-
enced a fatal error. However, the MPC will also use this indication
during early initialisation. Therefore, the user should only take this
code as an indication of error if it persists more than 10 seconds.
INIT (Orange) Generally, this code is used for indicating initialisation, but the MPC
may also use this indication to signal one of the following condi-

No parameters: No valid parameters are available to the application

software. Configuration or test mode: The MPC is in a non-normal
node mode. Generally, if the INIT code is shown longer than 10
seconds this would indicate one of the latter conditions.
NORMAL (Green) Application is up and running.
CTRL_PGM (1,1) One of the on-board micro controllers is being programmed. This
is a part of the MPC initialization process.
APPLOAD_SCAN The application software download program (bootloader) is trying
(2,1) to fi nd a server from which it can download its application pro-
gram. If this code persists it indicates either that no application pro-
gram server is connected to the network or the network is broken.
APPLOAD_DOWN- An application program is being downloaded.
LOAD (2,2)
APPLOAD_DIP (2,3) The yellow DIP-switch on the MPC CPU board can be used for
forcing download of new application software. To avoid looping it is
therefore required that the yellow DIP-switch be reset on comple-
tion of such a forced download. Reset it to ON/down.
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BOOTLOAD_SCAN This indication is analogous to the APPLOAD_SCAN indication


(3,1) except that this code indicates that there is not server available
from which the MPC can download a new bootloader. This code
should only be indicated if attempts are being made to update the
bootloader using the special update program.

2 (3)
MAN Energy Solutions 4745-1900-0001

BOOT- A new bootloader program is being downloaded and programmed.

MPC LED Indication

DONGLE_VERIFY The ID-key is being checked. This should only take a couple of
(4,1) seconds.
DONGLE_ERROR A ID-key error has been identified. Either the ID-key is missing, bro-
(4,2) ken or holds an invalid value. Try to reprogram it.
DONGLE_DIP (4,3) The DIP-switch mounted on the CMI/O board is used for program-
ming the ID key. The programming process requires that this DIP-
switch be reset before completing. This code is used for indicating
this to the user. Reset the CMI/O board DIP switches to OFF/
DONGLE_FORMAT Waiting for confirmation to reformat the records in the Dongle with
(4,4) Start up and Persistent Data Area information.
DONGLE_DIP_CON- ID key not connected, no usable address supplied from DIP or
FLICT (4,5) Service Terminal.
DIP_ILLE- The selected address is outside the defined range 0xC0-0xFF (192
GAL_RANGE (5,1) - 255).
Table 1: Detailed Description of LED Indications
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3 (3)
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Multi Purpose Controller LED Indication
MAN Energy Solutions 4765-1901-0005

Multi Purpose Controller The Multi Purpose Controller provides for communication between the MOP / HMI

Multi Purpose Controller • Dismantling

and the SCR system. Checking of the MPC is continuously performed by the MOP

1. Dismantling of MPC Disconnect the power

board connector.

2. ID-key Disconnect the ID-key.

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Work Card

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3. MPC board Check placement of

connectors according
Multi Purpose Controller • Dismantling

to the table shown on

the metal plate on the
MPC board. If
necessary, note down

4. Connectors Disconnect all connectors on the MPC


5. Remove the MPC Unscrew the MPC board

board and remove it from the

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Work Card

2 (6)
MAN Energy Solutions 4765-1901-0005

Mounting the MPC board If a spare MPC board has been used previously on another engine it is necessary

Multi Purpose Controller • Mounting

to force the MPC to update software from the MOP panel.

This is done in the following way: Set the yellow dip switch No. 4 on the side of the
replacement MPC to OFF.

Mount the MPC as described. Power on the MPC and let the MPC finish down-

When the MPC LED flashes 2 red and 3 green (APPLOAD_DIP see appendix), set
the yellow dip switch No. 4 to ON.

Do not mount an MPC board

unless the backup battery is

1. Backup battery Check that the back-up battery is

mounted and that the DIP switch S1 is
in neutral position. This means
all switches are in the »off« position.
This is also known as binary »0«.

This message is mainly relevant

for marine diesel engines.

Changing the battery of the

Multi Purpose Controller (MPC)
may cause a reset and restart
of the MPC. Therefore, only
change the battery while:

- the ship is in harbour with

engine stopped, or

- when sailing in unrestricted

areas, where a restart of an MPC
does not imply any risk for the ship
or the engine.

The battery only serves as back up

supply for the built in clock of the
MPC, and a low battery level for
several days until entering port is
of no consequence to the safe
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operation of the engine.

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2. DIP switches Check that the

DIP switches 1 and
Multi Purpose Controller • Mounting

8 on the side of
the MPC board
are set to the
»off« position.

3. MPC board Mount the MPC board in the panel.

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4 (6)
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4. Connectors Mount the

connectors according

Multi Purpose Controller • Mounting

to the table shown on
the metal plate on the
MPC board.

5. ID-key Mount the ID-key.

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6. Power connector Mount the power

Multi Purpose Controller • Mounting

7. Start-up process
During the start-up process, the LED will flash and the MPC board will reboot sev-
eral times.

During start-up, the MPC verifies if the ID-key is connected. It reads the ID number
and checks if the key ID is in the correct format and has a valid range, it reads the
DIP-switch S1 value and verifies if it is 0 (Off). A new MPC board will download
software and settings from the MOP panel during this process.

The program completes the ID-key verification and is now ready to continue the
boot sequence. Any deviations will send an error message via the LED. The
startup time of a new MPC board may vary but will take about 15 minutes.

When the LED shows green, the MPC board is running normally. The MPC LED
indications are shown on the appendix in this procedure.

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Work Card

6 (6)
MAN Energy Solutions 6645-0240-0010

Alarm Handling on the MOP

1 Alarm system
The alarms on the MOP are all related to the engine control system (ECS).
The ECS communicates with the ordinary alarm system, and the safety system.
These three systems are able to interact with each other i.e. in case of a shut -

2 Alarm handling

Alarm handling is carried out from one of the following four screens

1. Alarm List
2. Event Log
3. Manual Cut-Out List
4. Channel List

These four alarm handling screens can be accessed via the secondary navigator
by pressing the “Alarms” button in the main navigator. When pressing this button,
the latest selected alarm screen will be shown on the screen. If no screen has pre-
viously been selected, the “Alarm List” is shown. The screen can then be changed
via the secondary navigator.

2.1 Alarm List

The Alarm List contains the central facility of the alarm handling, allowing for dis-
play, acknowledgement and cut-out of raised alarms. Detailed alarm explanation
can be accessed for each of the alarm occurrences.

The alarms are displayed in chronological order, with the latest alarm at the top.

The alarms might be grouped by the ECS if they are related to the same cause in
order to simplify the overview of the alarm list. The group can be expanded by
selecting a group and pressing the -/+ button on the toolbar. Not all alarms are

If there are too many alarms to be displayed at the same time on the screen, the
remaining alarms can be accessed by pressing the page-up/page-down buttons
on the toolbar.

Alarms presented in the alarm list can be found in three states:

1. Alarm unacknowledged
2. Alarm acknowledged
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3. Normal unacknowledged

An alarm can only appear as "one line" in the alarm list. An acknowledged alarm
going into normal or an alarm in the normal state being acknowledged, is immedi-
ately removed from the list.

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Acknowledgement of a single alarm or all alarms is allowed on both levels (opera-

Alarm Handling on the MOP

tor or chief) from the “Ack“/“All” buttons on the toolbar at the bottom of the
screen. (When pressing “Ack“/“All” only the alarms visible on the screen are

To see a detailed alarm explanation, press the relevant alarm line. The alarm line is
then surrounded by a thick blue line showing that it has been selected. By press-
ing the button “Info” on the toolbar, a window will appear just above the toolbar.
This window contains:
▪ Description
▪ Cause
▪ Effect
▪ Action
So the engineer is able to start troubleshooting on this particular alarm (The
detailed alarm explanation is removed by pressing the same “Info” button).

2.1.1 Alarm line fields, colours and symbols

Each alarm line is divided into the following fields:

Ack. The acknowledgement status field of unacknowledged alarms contains an

icon toggling between two states, alerting the operator of a unacknowledged

The status of the alarm can also be identified by the background colour as well as
the graphical identification in the Acknowledgement field on the Screen as shown

Unacknowledged alarm in alarm state

Unacknowledged alarm in normal state

Transition from unacknowledged to acknowledge of an alarm in

alarm state

Acknowledged alarm in alarm state

Unacknowledged alarm is cut out

Alarm was previously unacknowledged in normal state. Now the

state is not available

Alarm was previously unacknowledged in alarm state. Now the

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state is not available


Transition from unacknowledged to acknowledge of an alarm in

normal state

Alarm is acknowledged in normal state, and in the process of being

removed from the alarm list

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Alarm Handling on the MOP

At the upper right corner of the screen four small icons are shown which are (from
left to right):

Number of unacknowledged alarms

Number of active alarms

Number of Manual Cut-out alarms

Number of invalidated channels

From the toolbar at the bottom of the Alarm List screen, alarms can be cut-out.

Description. This field contains the alarm text (e.g. »HCU oil leakage«)

Status. This field shows the status of the alarm as one of the following:

▪ Normal
▪ Alarm
▪ Low
▪ High
▪ Not Available
▪ Auto Cut-out
▪ Manual cut-out

ID. This field contains a unique alarm identity. (e.g. ECUA_010112). This ID must
always be used for reference and reporting.

Time. This field shows the time of the first occurrence of the alarm, no matter the
status changes. The time is shown in hours, minutes, seconds and 1/100 sec.

2.2 Event Log

The event log can be used for viewing the history of events and to support the
operator in troubleshooting. Events stay in the log even after they have been
acknowledged and are no longer active. Alarms are logged with three events in the
Event Log. The events are Alarm, Normal and Acknowledged. There can be up to
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1 million events logged in the event log.


The events are stored in a database on the MOP’s hard disc with both local and
UTC time stamps. If more than 1 million events are logged, the oldest events are

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Each event (with the most recent event on top) is shown as a single line and each
Alarm Handling on the MOP

event line is divided into the following fields:

ID Unit Tag. This field contains a unique event identity.

Date. This field contains the date of the event.

Time. This field shows the time of the event. The time is shown in hours, minutes,
seconds and 1/100 sec.

Description. This field contains the alarm text (e.g. »HCU oil leakage«).

Status. This field shows either Normal or Alarm.

MCo. Shows whether the alarm is Manual Cut-Out or not.

ACo. Automatic Cut-Out.

Ack. The alarm is acknowledged.

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Alarm Handling on the MOP

2.2.1 Search and filter Event Log records
When using the Event Log to help analysing an event, different search and filter
facilities are available to narrow the search. Explaining in brief, the facilities are (one
button for each):

Go to Date/Time:
This feature can be helpful when extracting information to external parties or when
investigating an event.
When pressing the Go to Date/Time button an on-screen keyboard appears with
two button/fields for Date and Time respectively. Press the button to be specified
and enter the value. The Date field is obligatory, while the Time field is optional.
Press Apply to execute the search. The selection will be the first event after the
specified date (and time).

The keyboard scroll buttons can be used afterwards to narrow the search.

Time Span Filter:

This feature can be used if only a part of the list is interesting, e.g. if a certain range
of the event log list is to be printed or exported, e.g. for troubleshooting assistance
at MAN Energy Solutions.

Enter the from/to date and time in the Time Span Filter toolbar by using the
onscreen keyboard. If only the From Date is entered, the To Date is automatically
set to the current date. Also if only the To Date is entered, the From Date is auto-
matically set to 1900-01-01. From Time/To Time is optional. Press Apply to exe-
cute the selection.

The time entered MUST be UTC time.

Unit/Tag Filter:
When an alarm occurs, it is stored in the Event Log by its ID (unit/tag number). It is
possible to filter for a specific cause of event or a group of events by pressing the
Unit/Tag Filter button, e.g. if one wants to see how often a specific event occurs,
or if e.g. only events related to a specific unit, are interesting.

Three criteria buttons (filter buttons) appear in the on-screen keyboard to define
the filter:
▪ Unit: The unit name, e.g. SCU
▪ Index: The unit number, e.g. SCU1 (only available if a unit has been entered)
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▪ Tag: The alarm tag name, e.g. 031220


The fields are all optional. Fields that are not filled in, means ‘any text’. Press Apply
to execute the search and filtering.

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Alarm Handling on the MOP

2.2.2 Saving Event Log records

This button is used when saving the Event Log record displayed to a USB memory
stick, the hard disk drive (HDD) or when printing a hard copy of the data displayed.

If a printer is connected to the MOP hub, printing the displayed data is possible.

1. Press the Export button.

2. Press Print from the pop-up screen .

To limit the amount of line s to be printed, see Time Span Filter

For troubleshooting purposes, MAN Energy Solutions may request an

Event Log record. The Event Log record can be stored as a
compressed file (.zip) on a USB memory stick or on the hard disc drive
(HDD), by the engine crew. The .zip file is then sent by e-mail from the
ship’s ordinary PC to MAN Energy Solutions.

Save to USB memory stick:

MAN Energy Solutions recommends this option to deliver an Event Log record for
troubleshooting purpose.

1. Insert the USB memory stick into the MOP.

2. On the Event Log screen , press the Export button and the Export Event Log
toolbar shows up. Destination field will read USB.
3. On the Export Event Log tool bar, press the Save button.
4. When the saving is finished, the Destination field will read Saved, and the USB
memory stick can be removed.
The data displayed on the Event Log screen , is now stored on the USB memory
stick. The output will be a comma separated file with the name Event Log<date,

To limit the file size to be exported, see Time Span Filter

Save to hard disk:

If a USB memory stick is not available, the Event Log data can be saved to the
hard disk.
1. On the Event Log screen , press the Export button and the Export Event Log
tool bar opens. Destination field will read HDD, as no USB memory stick is
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plugged in.

2. On the Export Even t Log tool bar, press the Save button.
3. When the saving operation is finished the Destination field will read Saved. The
data displayed on the Event Log screen, is now stored on the hard disk drive.
The output will be a comma separated file with the name Event Log<date,

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To limit the file size to be exported, see Time Span Filter

Alarm Handling on the MOP

Dump and Save have the same functionality, except for the actual output. I.e.,
when the Dump button is pressed, the displayed Event Log is saved to the loca-
tion shown in the Destination field. The data, however will be saved as an SQL
script and compressed to a zip file. The file name will be Event LogDump<Date-

<DateTime> is the current UTC time when the files were saved.

2.2.3 Searching for an Event From a Specific Date and Time or by Tag Number.

This feature can be helpful when extracting information to external parties or when
investigating an event.

When scrolling up or down on the Event Log screen is not sufficient, it is possible
to search for a specific event by tag number by pressing the button “Unit/Tag Fil-
ter”. When an alarm occurs, it is given a tag number that is stored together with
the alarm event. By writing this number in the dialog box and pressing “Apply” the
alarm event is shown on the screen.

Similarly, the button “Time Span Filter” sorting can be selected.

Enter the from/to date and time in the toolbar by using the popped up keyboard.
Press “Apply” to execute. Note that the entered time has to be in UTC time. As a
result the events, inside the selected time span to the specified date and time, will
be selected and shown on the screen.

From the button “Go to Time/Date”, events which took place at/on a specific time/
date can be displayed. Note that the entered time has to be in UTC time.

When a filter is no longer needed, remember to remove it (by pressing the button
again), otherwise it might seem like the event log is frozen and does not receive
new events.

2.2.4 Exporting the Event Log

From the toolbar “Export Event Log”, displayed when the “Export” button is
pressed, it is possible to print a copy of the Event Log or make a back-up Dump
used for information to external parties or the engine crew themselves.

Should external parties ask for an Event Log record (for trouble shooting purpo-
ses), the Event Log record can be saved on a USB memory stick (or Hard Disc
Drive if no USB memory stick is available) as a zip file. Be aware of the risk of using
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USB-sticks generally.

The file name will be: EventLog<DateTime>.zip when the file is saved on a USB
memory stick.

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(Is the Event Log dumped to a USB memory stick (or Hard disc Drive) the file name
Alarm Handling on the MOP

will be: EventLogDump<DateTime>.zip).

In both cases the DateTime is the UTC time when the file was saved.

The USB memory stick (containing the zip file) can then be hand carried to the
ships mail PC and the zip file mailed to external parties for evaluation.

2.3 Manual Cut-Out List

Manual cut-out of alarms may be used, for instance, if the engineer has observed
a failure of a sensor that is not detected automatically (see below) or if, for
instance, a tacho pick-up is failing (the engine running on the redundant tacho sys-
tem) and is continuously giving an alarm and cannot be replaced immediately.

Alarms are sometimes cutted-out automatically. Automatic cut-out may be used

by the system to suppress alarms which are unimportant in specific states, e.g.
when a sensor is invalidated by the operator.

The manually cut-out alarms are shown in a separate list, which can be accessed
from the navigation bar. The manual cut-out screen is in functionality equivalent to
the channel list screen. An alarm can be cut-out manually from the screens Alarm
List, Manual cut-out List or Channel list.

All alarm channels that have the status “Manual cut-out” are shown in the manual
cut-out screen.

Removing (“Re-activating”) an entry from the Manual cut-out list is done by high-
lighting the alarm(s) involved on the screen and then pressing the button “Reacti-
vate” in the toolbar.

2.4 Channel List

The channel list screen contains status information of all alarm channels within the
ECS, no matter the status of the individual alarm channel. As default, the alarm
channels are listed in tag-name alphabetic order. From the channel list screen, it is
possible to cut out (and re-activate) alarm channels.

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MAN Energy Solutions 6645-0270-0015

1 Maintenance
If the MPC needs changing of the back-up battery this can be done without turn-
ing of the power to the MPC. However, MAN Energy Solutions recommends stop-
ping the Emission reduction system as a safety precaution. Upon receiving a new
MPC, remember to install a new back-up battery before turning on the power for
the MPC.

Figure 1: Multi Purpose Controller (MPC)

It is of the utmost importance that the MPCs have a constant power source.
Therefore, MAN Energy Solutions recommends that attention be drawn to the
general maintenance of the Un-interruptible Power Supply (UPS) supplying the
MPCs. Mainly, change of batteries according to interval is important. For more
information, refer to the manual as supplied by the manufacturer.

1.1 Maintenance Screens

The maintenance screens give an overall view of the status of the ECS system
seen on the following six screens:
▪ MPC description
▪ System View I/O Test
▪ Invalidated Inputs
▪ Network Status
▪ Function Test
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▪ Troubleshooting

The above-mentioned five maintenance screens can be accessed via the secon-
dary navigator by pressing the “Maintenance” button in the main navigator. They
are mainly used at engine commissioning, during fault finding on I/O cabling /
channels and external connections to sensors and during engine operation. The
use of these screens is therefore relevant for engine crew as well.

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1.2 System View I/O Test

To understand the use of this screen, an explanation of the layout of the Multi Pur-
pose Controller (MPC) is appropriate.

The MPC is a computer unit which has no user interface such as a display or a
keyboard, but has a wide variety of inputs/outputs (I/O) for interfacing to sensors
and actuators of the engine, e.g.: (see drawing next page).

▪ Inputs for e.g. tacho signals, standard (0)4-20mA transducers, ±10V signals,
switches and 24V binary signals.
▪ Outputs such as (0)4-20mA and ±10V signals, contacts and high-speed semi-
conductor switches.
▪ Duplicated Control Network for security.
▪ Serial communication controller for either a Remote I/O Network or point-to
point serial communication.
▪ Service channel to be connected to a laptop PC for service purposes.

Figure 2: MPC and its communication paths with associated components.

The main processor of the Multi Purpose Controller is a Motorola 68332, which is
a 32-bit processor »borrowed« from the automotive industry. It includes an on-chip
timing co-processor for synchronisation with the crankshaft rotation and speed

To ease the production of the Multi Purpose Controller, all programmable compo-
nents are in-circuit programmable, which also allows field update of the controller
by means of relatively simple tools. The MPC contains no harddisk or other sensi-
tive mechanical components, and the software is stored in a non-volatile Flash-
PROM memory, i.e. the application software may be sent to and programmed into
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the Multi Purpose Controller through the network, and thereby restore the func-

tionality after the Multi Purpose Controller has been exchanged with a spare unit
from stock.

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When a new MPC is mounted in the cabinet, the dongle in the cabinet is mounted

in the dongle plug-in, after reconnection of all wires. The dongle tells the “new”
MPC in which cabinet it is mounted and, in that way, which software and parame-
ters it should upload from the MOP harddisk (e.g. CCU1, ACU 3 or EICUA).

The MPC is also equipped with a light diode, capable of showing green, yellow or
red light. This light tells the engineer in what status the MPC is.

During normal running the diode is green. When the diode is yellow, the MPC is
rebooting or is in Test or Configuration Mode. When the diode is red, the MPC is
unavailable. See figure, page 7, Section 4765-1901-0005 for location of diode. If
resetting does not solve the problem with the red diode then replacement of the
MPC might be necessary.
A red light diode is not clearly the situation/status that triggers a replacement of an
MPC, but merely a hint in that direction.

If in doubt, the engineer can use the Maintenance screens to explain the status to
skilled personnel at MAN Energy Solutions. The communication with engineers at
MAN Energy Solutions will be less complicated, and possible misconceptions may
be ruled out when exact descriptions are communicated to MAN Energy Solu-

The idea of the Maintenance screens is to help the engineer run and monitor the
Engine Control System (ECS). The icons shown on the controllers, show the status
of each single controller, e.g. whether it is in mode:

▪ Active
▪ Controlling
▪ Test
▪ Configuration
▪ Blocked
▪ Not accessible

By pressing the single controller on this screen, the actual inputs/ outputs on
the selected controller are shown in a new screen.

The screen shows Info, ID and Descriptions and processes values of each sin-
gle channel on the MPC.

To perform a view of each single channel or manually set the output of a chan-
nel, press the “MPC Mode” field (Chief Level). By doing this, a button named
“Test” appears on the toolbar; Press this button.

Changing to TEST Mode will STOP the MPC from controlling the
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By pressing the channel number to the left on the individual channel, a screen is
shown. Here we see a single channel and the status and values of this channel is

listed on this screen.

From this screen, input channels can be invalidated and validated again (Chief

Changing the status of a channel may cause the system to


It may be relevant to invalidate an input channel on an MPC if the sensor linked to

the channel, for some reason or another, occasionally or continuously is giving

The reason for alarm could for instance be a defective sensor or loose wiring from
the sensor to the MPC.

We recommend that channels only are invalidated in agreement with skilled per-
sonnel from MAN Energy Solutions.

If a channel is invalidated, the channel involved will appear in the invalidated Inputs
screen. At the same time, the ECS will continue to operate in the best possible
way, without the invalidated input sensor value.

1.3 Invalidated Inputs

If an input channel is invalidated, it is listed on the screen “Invalidated Inputs”. ID
number, signal ID and a short description to easily overview and recognise the
channel(s) involved are shown on this screen.

The “Invalidated Inputs” screen is a “Quick View” helping the engineer look through
and control which channels have been invalidated. This could be helpful, for
instance after an MPC change.

Input Channels invalidated can be validated from this screen (Chief Level).

Changing the status of a channel may cause the system to

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1.4 Network Status


This screen gives the engineer an overall view and exact status of the Control Net-
work of the ECS

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From this screen, it is possible to see the status of the Network using the icons

named below: (Icons are visible at drawing 6655-0200, bottom)

• OK

• This MOP

• No Reply Single Channel

• No Communication

• Not Accessible

• On-line But No Information

• Not Relevant

• Reference

• Cross Connection

When all fields are shown with a green √ (check mark) everything is okay.

The use of the screen becomes especially relevant when manual checks for earth
fault is performed.

Engine must be stopped when check for earth fault is performed.

1.4.1 System
All controllers in the ECS, and version numbers, are listed and displayed in the
Admin main navigator, time set, and in table format. The screens are:

▪ Set Time
▪ Version (Software and IMO Check Sum) Set Time

At the Set Time screen, the operator can set the time/ date for UTC (Chief Level
required) or set the time offset for Local Time in intervals down to 5 minutes.
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Pressing either the “UTC Date/Time” or the “Local Date/Time” buttons, will display

the relevant toolbars. From these toolbars, Date and Time can be set.

Pressing the “UTC Time displayed” or “Local Time Displayed” buttons gives the
operator the option to choose between the time that is displayed on the MOP
panel (upper right corner) and in the lists (alarm list, event log etc.).

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Alarms and logs are recorded with both Local Time/Date and UTC Time/Date

regardless of which time/date you set as default. Version
This screen displays the software version and other details about the system. It
also displays, in table format, all the controllers that comprise the system, including
specific information relating to each controller.

Screen Items
In the upper system information line, general information of the system is shown.
The fields are:
▪ Product Name & Version: Software version for the system.
▪ Engine Group No: Engine builders engine number
▪ IMO No: Engine IMO number (former Lloyds number)
▪ Engine Builder: Name of engine builder
▪ Eng. No: Engine Serial number

Controller Unit
In the Controller information pane, data for each Controller in the system is dis-
played. The pane contains the following:
▪ ID: Name of MPC (controller)
▪ Addr: Network Address of MPC
▪ Type: Application group the MPC belongs to SCU

Parameter Checksum
▪ User
▪ Chief
▪ Service
▪ Design
▪ IMO Design
▪ IMO Chief
▪ Data shown, is only for illustrative purpose.

The IMO numbers listed in this table, are unique numbers. The IMO
Design numbers never change, unless the Technical File is updated /
New approved.

The IMO Chief number may change when e.g. changing mode of
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engine operation through the MOP.


For any questions regarding IMO numbering / Technical File, contact

MAN Energy Solutions, Copenhagen.

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MAN Energy Solutions 6645-0270-0015

Using the Screen

When the screen is first displayed, no information appears on the table. Press the
“Refresh” button to retrieve the system information and parameter checksums of
all controllers connected to the ECS.

If at least one controller supplies information on the system that does not agree
with the other controllers, a warning message is displayed in yellow on the tool bar
(screen bottom).

Pressing the Print button generates a hard copy of the information displayed in the
table (if a printer is connected to the MOP).
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MAN Energy Solutions 5655-2710-0002

SCR Electrical Diagrams

1 SCR Electrical Diagrams

Note Regarding Use of the Following Electrical Diagrams

With reference to the individual electrical diagams, the following guidelines are
▪ Refer always to the diagrams as supplied by engine builder.
▪ Electrical diagrams are subject to constant revision and change and can vary
with the actual, individual installations.
For these reasons, we supply here only the Overview drawings as these can be
useful as orientation for where to seek guidance in the installations actual, supplied

Terminology and Abbreviations

EX-ARCS External Ammonium Bisulphate Regeneration Control Ssytem
EX-VS External Valve Ssytem
AMS Alarm and Monitor Ssytem
MOP-SCR Main Operating Panel SCR
ERCS-UPS ERCS Uninterrupted power source
SCR NOx Cabinet SCR NOx Cabinet
SCR-CU SCR Control Unit
EX-DHS External Dsoing Handling Ssytem
ACU-1 Auxiliary Control Unit 1
ECC1 Engine Control Cabinte 1
8612/8819/8802 Ambient Sensor
Table 1: For the LP drawings:
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5655-2710-0002 MAN Energy Solutions

6613 SCR Reactor Throttle Valve

SCR Electrical Diagrams

6619-1 SCR Reactor Bypass Valve 1, RBV-1

6619-2 SCR Reactor Bypass Valve 2, RBV-2
6619-3 SCR Reactor Bypass Valve 3, RBV-3
6635 SCR Cylinder bypass valve
ACU-1 Auxiliary Control Unit 1
AMS Alarm & Monitor System
CP AUX Control Panel Aux. Blower System
ECC1 Engine control cabinet 1
EX-DHS External Dosing Handling System
EX-HCS External Heating Control System
EX-SBCS External Soot Blowing Control System
EX-VCS External Valve Control System
JB 6616 JB-SCR Reactor Sealing Valve
MOP-SCR Main Operating Panel SCR
SCR NOx CB SCR NOx Cabinet
SCR-CU SCR Control Unit
SCR-I1 SCR Interface Unit 1
SCR-I1-CB SCR I1 Cabinet
SCR-I2 SCR Interface Unit 2
SCR-I2-CB SCR I2 Cabinet
UPS Uninterrupted power supply
XT8819-C Humidity sensor
Table 2: For the HP drawings:

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SCR Electrical Diagrams

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Figure 1: Overview SCR-CU installation. HP.

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SCR Electrical Diagrams

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Figure 2: Overview SCR-CU & SCRl1 installation. HP.

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SCR Electrical Diagrams

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Figure 3: Overview SCR l1 installation. HP.

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SCR Electrical Diagrams

Figure 4: Overview. SCRl2 installation. HP.

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SCR Electrical Diagrams

Figure 5: Network overview. HP.

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SCR Electrical Diagrams

Figure 6: Overview Power connections. HP.

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SCR Electrical Diagrams

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Figure 7: Overview SCR installation. LP.

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SCR Electrical Diagrams

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Figure 8: Overview SCR installation. LP

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Service Letter SL2020-695/JSST


Regular operation of the

SCR system to maintain
correct functionality

May 2020

Owners and operators of MAN B&W
two-stroke marine diesel engines.
Dear Sir or Madam Type: MC/MC-C and ME/ME-C

Many vessels do not operate regularly in Tier III areas, and this Summary
means that there are also many SCR systems that are not being It is important to maintain the
operated frequently. Over time, this may lead to sticking valves and/ functionality of the SCR system when it
or malfunctioning parts. This Service Letter underlines the is not used frequently.
importance of maintaining the functionality of the SCR system in
order to minimise the risk of failure when the system is eventually

If you have any questions or inquiries regarding this Service Letter,

contact our Operation Department at

Yours faithfully

Mikael C Jensen Stig B Jakobsen

Vice president, Engineering Senior manager, Operation

Head office (& po. address) PrimeServ Production Forwarding & Receiving MAN Energy Solutions
MAN Energy Solutions Teglholmsgade 41 Teglholmsgade 35 Teglholmsgade 35 Branch of MAN Energy Solutions
Teglholmsgade 41 2450 Copenhagen SV 2450 Copenhagen SV 2450 Copenhagen SV SE, Germany
2450 Copenhagen SV Denmark Denmark Denmark CVR No.: 31611792
Denmark Phone: +45 33 85 11 00 Phone: +45 33 85 11 00 Phone: +45 33 85 11 00 Head office: Teglholmsgade 41
Phone: +45 33 85 11 00 Fax: +45 33 85 10 49 Fax: +45 33 85 10 17 Fax: +45 33 85 10 16 2450 Copenhagen SV, Denmark
Fax: +45 33 85 10 30 German Reg.No.: HRB 22056 Amtsgericht Augsburg
Service Letter SL2020-695/JSST

Recommendation for maintaining SCR functionality with the exemption that there is no need to measure the
urea flow and compare the feedback (FB) flow with the
If it is not possible to start up and run the SCR system for setpoint (SP). However, note that the nozzle must still be
long enough to confirm its proper NOX reduction, we removed from the reactor to prevent the urea from
recommend exersing the SCR valves once a month to clogging or destroying the catalyst elements.
confirm their functionality. Furthermore, the bucket test
described later on this page should be carried out SW version 1811-2.1 and older:
regularly to confirm that the dosing system is in good –– Follow the instructions for the six-monthly bucket test
working order. with the exemption that there is no need to measure the
urea flow and compare the FB flow with the SP.
Testing the SCR valves monthly However, note that the nozzle still needs to be removed
SW version 1909-1.5 and newer: from the reactor to prevent the urea from clogging or
–– Stop the engine and auxiliary blowers. destroying the catalyst elements.
–– Select Chief mode.
–– Select SCR mode Stop/Failure, and then SCR mode Every six months:
Manual. SW version 1909-1.5 and newer:
–– Via the main operating panel (MOP), the Reactor –– Stop the engine and auxiliary blowers and insert the
Bypass Valve (RBV), the Reactor Throttle Valve (RTV), injection nozzle into a waste bucket. Remember to wear
and the Cylinder Bypass Valve (CBV) can now be personal safety epuipment (googles and gloves).
moved between 0-100% (where 100% means fully –– Select Chief mode.
open). The Reactor Sealing Valve (RSV) can only be –– First select SCR mode Stop, then select SCR mode
Opened or Closed as this is not a proportional valve. Manual and use the Manual Reducing Agent Flow SP to
–– Confirm the actual valve position locally. Recommended deliver “X” l/h, where X is chosen by the crew.
fully opening and closing times for the valves are –– Wait until the reducing agent flow on the injection
approximately 10 seconds. nozzle is stable, usually a few minutes.
–– The valve control can also be done locally on the SiPart –– Switch to a measurement bucket or another suitable
during the same preconditions, and the MOP readings container and start counting for “Y” time. The longer the
should then be confirmed with the SiPart value and the test is carried out at each flow, the more precise and
actual valve position. reliable the documented flow will be.
–– Remember to set the SCR mode back to Stop or Auto. –– Switch to a waste bucket and stop counting, and stop
Manual dosing.
SW version 1811-2.1 and older: –– Compare the amount actually delivered to the dosing
–– Stop the engine and auxiliary blowers. system SP using the “Z” volume in the measurement
–– Select Chief mode. bucket.
–– Select valve mode Manual on the valve screen when in –– During the bucket test, it is recommended to monitor
SCR mode Stop or Failure. that the reducing agent FB flow follows the given SP
–– Via the MOP, the RBV, RTV and CBV can now be moved either in CoCoS or on the SCR MOP channel screens.
between 0-100% (where 100% means fully open). The –– The recorded result must be within +/- 3% of the
RSV can only be Opened or Closed as this is not a desired flow.
proportional valve. –– Remember to reset the SCR mode back to Auto.
–– The actual valve position should be confirmed locally.
Recommended fully opening and closing times for the SW version 1811-2.1 and older:
valves are approximately 10 seconds. –– Stop the engine and auxiliary blowers and insert the
–– The valve control can also be done locally on the SiPart injection nozzle into a waste bucket.
during the same preconditions, and the MOP readings –– Select Chief mode.
should then be confirmed with the SiPart value and the –– In the Maintenance System View I/O Test Tab select the
actual valve position. SCRCU and change its mode to Test.
–– Remember to set the valve mode back to Auto. –– Select Ch. No. 70 when the node on the multi-purpose
controller (MPC) has rebooted.
Testing the dosing system by means of monthly –– Set the electrical value to “W” mA corresponding to
bucket test deliver “X” l/h. Use the linear I/O scaling to calculate the
SW version 1909-1.5 and newer: conversion, where 0 l/h is 4 mA and 20 mA is dosing
–– Follow the instructions for the six-monthly bucket test system specific.

Regular operation of the SCR system to maintain correct functionality. Page 2 of 3

Service Letter SL2020-695/JSST

–– W ait until the reducing agent flow on the injection

nozzle is stable, usually a few minutes.
–– Switch to a measurement bucket or another suitable
container and start counting for “Y” time. The longer the
test is carried out at each flow, the more precise and
reliable the documented flow will be.
–– Switch to a waste bucket, stop counting, and finally set
the electrical value to 4 mA to stop dosing.
–– Compare the amount actually delivered to the dosing
system SP using the “Z” volume in the measurement
–– The recorded result must be within +/- 3% of the
desired flow.
–– Remember to reset the SCRCU mode back to normal.

Testing of temperature and dp sensors:

–– The SCR system temperature and NOX sensors are con-
stantly monitored, and action is only needed in the
event of an alarm.
–– Differential pressure (dp) sensors in the SCR system
must have the copper pipes dismantled and cleaned if
the dp-RTV value is different from 0 at engine stop or
from 0.02–0.3 during Tier II running. dp-SCR pipes must
be cleaned if the value exceeds 120 mbar.

Regular operation of the SCR system to maintain correct functionality. Page 3 of 3

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